Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, March 31, 1886, Image 1

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PRICE FIVE CENTS TOL- XXVIII—*0 77 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA "WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 31 188G FORTY-NINTH C0MJRK6S The House Discussing tlie I’ st Oflic A|> rob 1 Is' ion > i 1, Bfoaut Dofvurt' th* \<bntr|«irv tlow-Two rcuKinsfe slniiVru P»-8 (Aa*- fr'DipHtti. tits of lbo•Sf'uiiow, fpMlttl to Knuuirur-'un. W ASHING'D N March 80 - Ox. of Nor h Cnii ii-in, on i e half f ,oe com minco on civil service reform, called up ihe Lilil io secure an equitable elhBfiflc '* *i and re"renet.sHtioii of certain i lllcere of the U 'led g a'ee, hut the r’-uolv'g of tbe >*n<irt la-'ted ui.t.l Ibe n.oinit g hour i-xp'red The hrn.if then went i„ to a c minutee of the whole on ihe post i flints appro priation bills J M Tavhr, of Ten pi«-< t, d: fended the praitn s er get eraj fren> ciiti- •Isms upi ti him ly Burrow , of M chigati, I't i.ot it.cut ring the salsriesot fourth an. flf't-el'S- p'wa, clerk- ai d quoted fre m .1 e record to slo w ti.a i ip bi lijeo* of incr* tree had been 1 <• rr bv congre ss to the dtecretlou of the postmap'er g-crral. Bingham, of Pennsyivauis, gs;v“ hi*- he-.r y nppre vat to the genet. I provisions of the pending bill hot he erh zed the apr ri pHareon ft r '.he foreign tnall service, naitrsitii'd^ that an additional r-nm of $50 (lOO ehou'd be giver in or er r►. H t: the postmaster geu.r.D n ight l ave the full limit of ti p law for t ay men t to American steamers. D "gley, i f Maine, said that the quealinn involved was not one of subsid z ng American steamship fines, tu giving them fair c mpensn tiou for mail servMV, The bill appropriate ^375 < 00 for the transpori» ! ioii of our foreign wails, bu 1 $300,000 of this wus to gr tr> foreign sham.nips end only 160 000 o American steann-hirs It was uaid that fi reign st'amships were paid by the United H ates five times as much as American steam- shite, because bi-y performed so nai'ch mole set vice. r J 1 a might be so, if by setvice was simply meant pieces UBDyporti (1 withoutregard Ir distance The triuile was that rur baets of payment. winch conpld*reet pimply'he weigh' of mail, was un just snd favored foreign steem- ahlps, which occupied trace- Allartlc rcuiee where th( tnntl was heavy, while the American lines occupied rou'ta on thisc'intluent and on the Pacific, where the was light. W" paid the Canard > n Whi e Star lines 38 cents per mDe tor mul. eervic** on their outward trips last jeer, hut Amer can steamsb'pe "t'« paid only lour cents per miie one way, and even ihe s-n ai d inland posing' maximum which rur laws alh w c d wni'd o”ly give eigt,' cents per mllr. We p'rei the lire tr China and Japan only SJ ■ puts per mde isst year and the Vet ezue-ia Hue oniy 1J cents per mile one way, and the amount prop sal b\ fh'e bill would allow only 8$ cents per nude to this due next year. A the h. same Drue pro posed to pay the Cumd lira 38 in tits pej mile. The last congress ut i ro priatfd s tuttie'ert amount to enable the postmaster genersl to jay irg Anaerlcan steamship lines as much p c r mile as be paid the Cunp.rd line aid to secue the <s'-d>!i: hmem » f e new line tr- Buenos Ayree, ( ut that - Ifloial declined to ex'rmethp law and it was derourerd a? s subsidy If ibis policy war to be cniilicud e would in due time goo (be last American s'e- inship it' 'he f or ;gn trade. Blount, of Georgia, defended the action ot the pets'ip»sD'»-general in refusing (o use l- $400.(tOO vppropri* atid by the hill of 1;-.bI ye.->r to com pensate AmeRc :. vessels f.-r foreigr n all Ff: vice. This ru j cl, he said, had beer- cnrst-V-red at a cabinet meetti g. and whatever of error or Clime title was mu- - t,e attached not only to the i os-mamt r get era! 1 ut to ti e pr t'.dtn'. a u IDs cabine-;. But bo .-irgu ,: d that tin pt s n infer gentra! bud c -re :i.i■ ed n err r, but hfdttily *X' rcis-c jos - a-i‘w-t diecie ii n. He it c d -i m- p-re: to Amcticpu s'tt-r sh*p cornin' re s to rbevv tha K snireun-s allowed for eanyit g mails were vast ly in Excess of d ’ onuo per.sat inn Which would be i-quirt d t y mch companies for carrying an tq-pii weight O: frrght or express ma ter. He elinlln'p* d 'it con <* pen - f the s atement that me foreign mail ser vice was paid Lsu Lbau the railroad, CTBptwisr or c-ttn - r r ul>- tervlce, tm'd he quoted from the p'-g'masttrsgEneral’s report to sustain, that challenge. Rtferrirg to t lie proposed re enactment of the compulsory car rying Jaw, he stated that that law had be°n first introduced into the smate by Charles Humuer based upon petitions of oilizws of Boston setting forth that American steamers were refusing to carry mail with a view totxtorting larger rates of pay. This law hud been repealed In the o nference report which had never had any consideration in the house—the conference report upon the shipping bill which, under the rules, shm'd have expressed fully the change proposed in the bill —had been silent in regard to the repeal and tte bouse had had no knowledge as to what was being done. Then fol lowed the $400 000 provision in the last appropriation bill, which, the bouse after vigorously fighting it had finally Lem forced to at ree to l y threa'-e of an ex'ra session The posi- master general, knowing that noth', ing could come of th's provision but bogus bide and waste of time, had used a wise dlsuietion. Ho (Blount) had stood heie for years with th>. anti subsidy men fighting the relate aid the ixcu'ive, but uow be thanked G d there was an admin s .ation which dot not undeis aud this mode o • .hiding up Auteticaa shipping V 1 .s had been denounc' d on the M r'or a failure to propitly uselhi- (i; <i Tne gentlemen might indulge io tins do -u.'ciaLion ou this 11 u..r, in a 1 tied pr -s, on every stumpm d on t v> ry j ot.. 1 . that tin human tar could ca ctr the .human accent, and when their v less bsd giowu i oaree thto would bear 1 u and swelling voice- throughout this land praising Hist potimaster gerEral who had !h. abii- i'y at d c to do tiis duty, h spile of all (bu t Execrations, and m remain true to the great principles « J oh party Honk, of Tennessee, critic z d <b< aduiiuis'.j.iition, and tuat tht pi.sident tu.d as-un e-.: at. a ti udo tie.oit the cc urilrj w :cli would m be tobrotiit in ar y but .W’P ctbu countries in th? world Ru sia or PiU'-sinm gh - toll rate hit-cour e, hu' either th< sultan ( f Turkiy nor tIn queen of E. glai ti c ,utd have . ecu- |..til ,j eii poei ior s twenty-u ru i" urt af .erhavc g akcu the- a ,mui t which the prEiiEient bud assbuit-i He then wn.i on to tre action of tb fiist aei-is tu t pcstmi? ter general i' rtm ving ji h- fHc-.,. .(h* , Tiunesste fp m nt- -luipfe in which thty iiad Deen sitlla.fd fur years and 1 ca ting them in piney regions h ci-u.-e i e coEild tiEif n.-dary tuinoorme ;•> tin villages io tabs chahrge of *th u ffl •»;- Tuts uctiut, he Elti .ujjinaieu as lij, uj. S( ou lugeuus anu iufbuious ao ion which had ever been perje rated upon any community. He (lid u .t k. ow ti< m whiii u iluenee ttds can e unless it ouuie fr< nr the man whe jaid himself aetiiin - > uc of the clil dren’s school fu - td two years after be Went ui of i 13. e M( Milieu-‘ To whom docs the gentleman ref i?” Hnuk—“Yuu know just as well as anybody on earth. I have the record, if ycu come round pri- va'ely. 1 ' McMiUe..—“I tnsif,t that when e mangoes to b.SafaS'Uate cliaraciei — and this is ut-uiingaled aeeassina litm—h( sh uld tiave the bolduecs it do it lihr a man.” Hnuk ‘T have the boldness to tell you privately or to get It in any oth er way ” McMtllen—‘'No man ought .to at tempt to do that indirectly which he has uot' the boldness to do directly, I undertake to say that the; mao he is hi encoring to reach is the equal of any man he can boast of knowing, and I w ill not, under he rules of t! b houre, my bow far he rs the superior of this individual (H<ui,)iu aJl tha const it utirs maiihu'.'u ” H uk eugg'.stEri bat tl'ere win plemy of mi n or l’e ;■ sylvania ave nue now wlio were the supenora ot bir calle gue. McMil'.ea would express the opin ion, if it were parliamentary, iha; there were men in the i.euitentiary who were superiors to bis colleague and Ho k 1 ad not a doubt that bn colleague’.; stiptri r had beeu Hanged ltr prs-idb. AI e i -s esc) ar ge of cnnrpliment :ht me .Kioppeo and the commit tee rose. R ndall, of P-mneylvania, asked ui ahim. u- r iuei i to nfl.r the ful- h wing rtr‘ Juii'ii : Rrsclvrd, That a crma ittf.e cf fivi muubers t.' - »; p ir ed, whose dry it shall be to it vestigate tbe eircum stances ai d c usee attend!' g th» kill tr. got - tin 18 ti of March, 1380.1. Carrollton, Mies, o' a number oi coi (reded zeus of said slate, R; i g r,., of Tex-rs, ( i petedon the gn.uuu that cojigtess had no jdii-ibc' '!•••. i.v. r ,l ‘e ni-it’'"' R mtsit htn isktd to hove fh tee ui'i ii r ferreo, bu R a,;an ( b j c-trd in md b’ iu I.(•' a f tint: that 'ion. A 1 j .art T"tt".r,„!|.g It'" liq - ( B itrerti's, «.f M j «*iv : f tbe Mississippi debt tiiE-re. m:gbt 1 e no e! j ed. fcJT.W STJ5. O m'dl" 11 'd L 'g. o tbe bill to ir. cie so rh»: ,e filciencv of tf e o’tny wa- Buer. up sli t res cwi si.>fatif i. pri.* r.eided wirti Logeitttxi.k '• h;' 'll at (I con'inued uis r. ma kn in . up^orr of the bill and in ccjtjnvei.t'iu/.i arg'imen's prese-n'ed t'g'iins t . f'c bit. tiy sena'ors opposing it. , y- Af ; er further cb.bate iy fj i« < '> L"gam and TeHer 1 , tbe bili Aasiaed over , A t Ttie WRfhitigton ’errUnry bur wft- tHken np, 8 j navor Pia:t taking the fl orTiii iiH sfui'po^r; . V iorheeeiintroduced- a bill f. r the adnyissipn.of the uurfitftr^' o't'MHv- tai a tr ploce of the bill originally introduced hv him. The bill sow introduced, Voorbees said, was an enabling act, while the first bill pro vided for the immediate admission of the territory. Varce gave nntioe that after the morning business to-morrow he would call up his bill for tbe repeal of the civil service law for the pur pose of addrefstng the senate upon it An executive session was then held and the senate adjourned. WA^INRTON WAIFS *o Impr Tcnie o in 'll" Cmiditl n of t> c clary Ifauolng. Ill< Plt'SldoM’ NulUlliH iOlli IU t g I hldtr.d>(oir.|i| tint <S»i» the (ticnucf KuftU 1 w HJf'Bkitoun am Mlw$ii Aw»j. w "'■Hml io Fn ••»<*•*♦-Jnn. Wasuingtcn, Morel, 80-“Th-rc i- lio br. y ni w ii> rcp ’it i Heurc aiy M n.ut gV 'a e,” e d Di Li 1 coin a' 11 ’e* ok hiB ui n Ing ‘He i- nl" u 'be nun' rh yes'pvdsiy ” H c. n ir’Ued: "Lit'has P s’no ir»>'u<•«i a■ d ?\! s van ed none His iuq r no- mirj' is very si w am- loti u f.i all l rciintnil y it will be wirn-tune > t b fore any in ek' d impruvemem u b - 1 - nine'' ff; it t o x C l a Icse! ” Neblter of 'he pby^iciaoe .•qe be us cue L'lagi: py as they dh 1 ve- ( relay The Iieh’ 'liat can tv said .j that ho is lie, worse OPPOSING THIS NOMINATIONS Civil 8.4vite C i.m'cssk i c Teen- holm’s i omiii ,u u k ire comptroller ot the cum i or is said in navi giver rise In some d'ycnssiiiii io ilie veuate I'mmitU'E ot; li a ee- to day T c proofoiced nip »•: I >* n ot t :■’() or lir e d-nniratlc members was ufii- e e. i >• kt" p ii Irnin guiM. io tie r.u.'i-c ill r i'.tce in ihe' u tl'ilci Ufse aud ii s tb remains m in li.-1 stage of cot sideration awaiting sour ii - fornrili: I) from tire; sforetb'v f th'- rc'.-U'V respecting tbe re flu ncee wh'ch s cured the ire miuath.u. The .tuate iu sccrc seeslcn lo-disy discU'Sed the betre yal of • xeeii'ive sictets A copy of tht- N< w York 8im of tins morning. coTsinti g me ■ext of tin report of the finance -om» mcee in he cr.-e of Col.core i Speur, ot Vuimoi t, from winch urerej'jno- tion of seertev w as to ire rem ived, was laid before 'he body ami a propo- sl'iou w'is made ilia 1 it'e ccmrui:tee on privilegis auu elections should make au re.vestiga ion of. u:e taso. Members of that eommi'tee expreis- id liivir distnclinabon to eater upon • he thankless' tw-k, aud sug gested that a ■■hpeclfil commUtie i:ke it up L'gan told an old s ory of iwo i.twspaper men, the fi.u dations i f wirese lurums were laid rt-vtre.l years ago when ih' y were arrested and 1 eked ii[) by order of tbe sei'&ie. The seuaf. u , he said, ritlitr ignobly backed down in tha: instance,"hDd he'was oppu ed to ar v aitfuipi to repeat ihe uu- lees then, could 11* mi uuderstauding all sruut d ihaf. ihe n.alter should be '•arric.d mn ugi v gor us y There upon the proposiiiou was tali! on 'be ■aide Tire nomination of Judge Wiw M Merrick. of ihe tiencti of : ii is divine , Wi»ei c re firm- )ti ttf'CT M. long di CUSsioll by r. vote of i.e-irly i wo to o; e I. il H 1 'iURij rep>r'*d »■! vtr^oly ir m itie committee i r., joi Msry T! e priri* UncondliloaMl Surr»d?r. 9p*olftl to Enqalr«riiBan. Fort Bowie, Arz, March 29- News has been reoeived here treat four Apache chiefs, Geronlmo, Chi- habua, Nana and Natchiz, with 29 bucks and 48 ;quaws,unconditionally surrendered to GeD Crook nrerSsn B rear Ino ranch on the Mexican line Saturday. The captives were placed in charge of Lieutenant Maus, who Is now conducting them to this point, ipai gmuod of m Jvcikxi was the eg. of the-ouiuinee-six y re ighl y; ars it i'eina (let-mi d im xpedic-i'. to put into pub ic p'jni’.tou h man wtio, af er a stiort icin, of s rvice. c 'U'd iciire on u r'Mis'on Judge Merri&lf’s w>»r record wa- ulsO lebearscd. I: was uaidthH.. be ing upon tlie iu uch in a simj!i. r p ist- rlotr to ; • ar. tie now fi 's. be u ei his pow'i r to embarrass < tlHcrs of ihe government to such an extern that gre s iegisia ed him cut of t ot, how. vtr, lack His soundness as milt lies:' as a man upon both sides ot ihe verdict of tlu ■ e Wi'c revere, d. (ffl o H« Ui ■> gor -Ue- defer,;' • a J ms' and nji wn re v uetu d .a : Ho ctiamt)(-1, j: ■ iniiici ry c i mi REPORTED SUHKKNDKH OF GERON1M O it i; uudeiri. d unu rtm war de parted bus rec iv>.ii fflcal ; firma- ii in of 'be surrender of G-ronimo and hi- 1 bund, but f .r uoure u ,ex- i lair.pd >e»so ii' i ht r tin- In u e a i - gene>al nor the xdjuUnt gen rhi wdi !• also e c p- k> d's lilt- Cure I re ( f n re." id. lay, .' ii tti" ad mi: ireac nc said tlllli U.t 1 lured re tree C'bmei met ii, .: c’ i au was j - pon •' S ort- aiy L .iilwr and "tt.r r up ire reiaH he Ca rein", wh W-t- U.iaid* ire he pre-eo: a tin m- e're-e, m r • irMit to t'e iiia -.or ehatl tn,vo U'c . iu d<- km tvr,. ^ -•<► THE RAINS ABROAD. IiQiQd Rrtei iH’fJ WtHhnufs tin <!•« lUtl* r uU- — A i‘ nrmifo 8»j AchHimn.i, Speoial to Frunirtit■-nii Helena, Ark, March 30 —A h i- uad'i ut mu uai velocity sw-pi htough this secllun las. ' Veiling, d >■ u,g ooDtidere.blc d mag luthiscuy quite a number of buildings w re birwu down aud turned over. The Atlau'ic bter garden was blown over on tbe roof of a one-story frame h use adjoining, crushing through ihe roof and selling fire to it from the cocking sieve By agreateflirt the fire was extinguished before it hail time to spread The walls of he H lena opera house aud other lame buildings, remnants of the la'e fire, were mown m he ground A coni il:et was swept rut into ihe river and distress signals ot the boats added to he confusion. Thee unty court house was uuroufed and stripped of Its window blinds. Ghis doors and windows were snuaehtd in like egg sheds. The direc tion of the tornado was from the west to east. From parties who have come to the city since tbe tornado, it is learned that west oi the hills, which aot as a barrier to the city it was more violent than here, leveling homes before it, It is impossible tc ’.ravel ‘nd ma-'y of the roads leading from the city west and norihwest except on foot, owing t. the trets blown across them Nine rlous damage to life was done that can lie learned. Owing to tlie losses t e ug scattered, it is itu< eisibte io Es timate them. THE P1TPATION AT CHATTANOOGA CHATTANOOGA, I'KNN, March 3U - UoprtctUei ted ui .s have fttlleii in iIph siction for ihe past for y- (ight hour*., ihetouil red .fall varyii g from eight to ten li cites the ughoui upper T»nneB“ee A' 8 p rn the rtvir in::iked tidry-five u d a half feet si>d is lt-hgat (lie rate of ten li cl re s perlmur. Advices from ulvve indiea •> h -.t tlie rise will .resell forty five it si, ami msy goto Hi y feet. N pith et ger < r trtiglil trains on any of ti e eiglre r»dr< sds in;ve 'eft iI.e- ci’y or tirrivsd since last gilt, and there Is no p r o fee's of'raffle being resumed o- morrow. On the Easr Tennessee. Virginia a d Georgia railroad heavy washouts and slides have occ'irr ii tie weeu here and Loudon, Tenn. There have been heavy slabs on the Gscrim division of the Eas' Tennes see, V 'ginis. slid (ietngiu On the Co cm read K 'tphero a small bridge t R ick c eek has been carried sway The 'nicks on the Nasbvilh aud Cna'iniioi ga, tbe A -.biiiti G eat 8rilthern iu >i Die M* mi Uis aud (Jbsrles’o:. lailr'S' S a f tire- *reov of Lookout incur.tatu are undermined by toueots of wafer, ar il tire' b-idges in tbe vicinity of 11 e moun :ahi are in fl anger. An engine on the Alutisma G.vat Bouihern railway rail into a landslide aud was thrown 'town an embankment. No one wa- seriously hurt O.i the We te»n and A’lari'ic read a culvert waslied out neat Gray ville, and a elide occurred et im mouth of ibe 'Uimtl near Tuiintl Hill, No damage of con*(quei:ce can Ire doro litre unless ihe revur rises over forty-eigti. feet. Ill-patches to the Times fr. m R ick wood, Term, say that SCO feet oi rail road trick is washed. < ut, and tip coke mines of the Robue iron com pauy are badly damaged At Emory G»p, Emory Run in-rks sevep y feel and the bridge on tlie Cincinnati 8'iutheru is in danger. A' Dayton, Ttuu, ihe back waters a e inundat ing the town aud many are driven from their iiomi s At Rising Fawn, Gr, tlie wdur fl lOded tbe Coal nriines and one n hier was drowned. Ttie RJ.irjg F|vi fumaiiE was ctnapelled to shut down and a coal famine is apprehended at Dayton and Rock wood uni -t ti. flic is speedily resumed, and tbo sairee is probably here, which will compel tlie largest iron plants to shift down. A DISASTROUS FIRE lidF IT eat AloaoM Km I f ly Doitrojfil by tfe>n llsoiri, Special *o fc’ionh ftr-SOD Key WfST, Fla, March 30 5 a ui —Fire i-'ur ret in tne Ban Carlos theatre a' 1 o’clock this morning and s lii burn me I is beyond tlie con trolnf 'tie firemen. A fredi wind blow i: g from tr"' smith caused ' I re- fire to npreoit, and s'res ty fl ve Meek" iu the ci n're ot »tie ci'y are dcstr. y ud The fiie will probably go *o lire: Harbor Th'- Ep'“C"!.“! S'.dB.p'is: ehurc''es have pecc burned, tcgetiu-i with thirty ether buildings, store and re 11 uoes. Over fifty bocs'S !hv: already burned, tneiuding the Masonic pm,, itree-.' or four egar factories and bonded warehousi“ and nearly s q'ur'ir ot « million dollars w'>rt|, tobacco. Ortlc-rB from the United H ales fct-rehun rs B , i klyn and 1* w itatlan have been blowing up some of iLms b« u es with povd.r Th"»e h no supply, 'tit e s‘e',na bting in i- iy 'irev, I is m.w ci,led .i. the fire wili noi. stop until it n»c he harour I i 1- now eu eri. g !p usiue-s part of the e.l'y, desiroyii u liipl.lings nontai. im? .‘reavy sleeks f goods, apil Die ioss v ill lie y -: y „ re ret I 1 t:s row as Mtougii 1, note Ru-sell w >d1d succumb elp>i !v Tlie tire Is woiki g To tre-ok (.us in'i'ii sii peculiar that i n •1 ffl ii . • I'’!': Dio result T ludiftt'ions arc Diaf re hut Din - i beach, '..king he wiia vre- a, .1 war » houo-a f.i Phllb.ick it Tif-, Curry’- warehouses Uavil g already been con cj'iud. Tili- wi" bri"g it to Dio U’ i’eii fl'a’cs naval deparimeu’ a d ‘Pisiom house Tree turnip g , w ut exception of the tinee warehnu meuiionbd aliCffc, are ccnutructeii of yellow piiie a d the tie-t is sop- reuse as to drive the fire men back. This, added io the isck of in glues and water supply, wilt probably result ip the total destruc tion of tlit cily. The building- so ar of piomiiieooe ooiiKumsd are: 8»w- yer’s^ Bibcock’s, Gate’s, Perry’s, Bart’s, Patterson’s, U 8 Marshal Wiliiamb’, L'-ster’sand Brown’s pri vate residence-; the Han Carlos the atre, tbe stores of 8 .luillan <fc Har mans, dry goods;, drug-: ritriol, dry greods and groceries; Bartlam, groceries; Brooks, livery stables; me cigar faotorles of Helen berg, Del Pino, Bind, Cauali & Wolfe aud liie Rjesell huu-:e. The fire which started this morn- ing in Carlos theatre was got under control at 3 o’clock to-day. The principal part of tbe town has been burned, aud six wharves and five brick warehouses were destroyed in addition to properly already men tioned. Tueloss cannot be less than a million aud a half dollars, wph lit tie insurance, probably not $100.000 About fifteen persons were injured, of whom six were taken to tbe marine hospital and others on board meu-of- y»ar. No lives lest. WILL ARBITRATE. Uoxtc 'ViHeiifs Trouble to to Submit i li t rut lore. tlie Tho IUkh t of » f'otifetouro Ktiw»tu 44t»iiid uRtd a*uHiivtlj— Ktoors Sent, io K»Mt Ml IikUll-A Triilu l Ifflitd bj I Up Ktc. r ntcial to KnqvIrcr'Hun New York March 30—-At 10:55 c’etiiUB tine lunrnii g I* wd.'rly, ao- comptitibii by Tumi , Brel'y, Hayes slid Mel) well, vilkeil from their liotel ti () rei it’s ( ffl "0, win re Kiev met Jay (4 .uld, (! rg- (J uld iinll Vice Pr* 1 rebut H pkins. i'hey are now in c'iiferc' c, OUDEIIING MIL1TAKV TI) TIIE SCENE Bt Li'ins, MhicIi 30—A speci' i re- ibi !*• rest D i-'i'aich rre m Hpriupfi Id, Uis, says G.ivern'-r Egt'sby lias or- ilerc 1 a seclioo > f artillery at'da Gat ling gun ii'rel 600 men of il e 8:n and 5 k rtginimie of mill'll: to be nlec-i in reailiue-s to pr- creed to E*st 8: L uis. THE CON l.'KRENCE NevYdhk M» 3n—Tlxecon- f ei eiii:e be-wet'I J.y G- u'd, V-ee- Pr - dent H"| kli - and O 'ctg' G uld, aud P -wile-Dy, Hayes, Turner, B i i'-'y ami Mel) wi II in < > • ■ ffl n* of .1 iy Gould in lire \V’-t rt Union build- ir g, hi'j 'll me d at 3 o’c.luek this af" i- in,-in. Nothir’g can lie learned fr, m el'her of the r« pri s oi'h 1 vs of tti Unig'res nf labor -mi: in" much 'hails il. finite at G old's i tllce. Il stt, ’li re said thui G u'd li rel t!'l(-'gr"ptiei) H 'Xie a-kiug lum to make a sta'e uie'it of the situa luu, G iulii hsvtig told ibe iioard of kuigiits he enulo not <1i anything towards a > e: Dement until Jbn knew wiiat H- xte Dnuignt ahem i' ’l he wires are wntking ne- tweeu G uld aid H"Xie constantly, iiut i viiiv ’o the sfcim the deliveiy was slow In the conlerei.-ce ttieilis ctission was broad and lengthy. A- liitrareon was :hon uglily dbcusstd, and ti e opinion w".o unanimous ■bat sit et ffloul'l s undEr most ciicutr stances u u d be fairly set'led tiy arbitra'ion, but in lb's rnible Gould said i o elB'emen! ofgrievairee- Eiad b eu made before tho.i-trike, si. a thorough understanding ot tlie cadi nous: Ire Imd bef re 'hey could aibi- ‘rute. Tbe conferee O' did not uot of- iieially, It was siDd, 1’ >wderly being re-eived as a privu e gentlftuau. Wlien tbe met)* ing ad Join tied there wBa n feeling thai tlie matter should remain in s'alli quo for the present. forced to shut down 8t Louis, March 3d I. ggHl & M yreis’ tot uo;:<> (nc ory w„ ' i.bligcu tre si u down In-day for In k ' f c al, aTC 950 men fan. thus fotood into id li? ness. Chicago Jh" 11 3<j — A snemal from iCiii«nB Ci .v sinu s mat a- « fr 'gilt iram of twenty cars was l-Rving G'end avenue depot tilts rueming with p"lioeui‘ii ou board, 11> o tin'll Dirii' t tlre> swi'rih w d twelve cars aril the caboose were ill'c"ed and tmdly wrecked Trie i tlUre rs Arresti d ine o 1.e • if mien*, reamed Martin bemt, bin the ntlmr, John N iini'ii , o' B'daliu, refused to halt. a. d wren sti it in Die hip by a I •-!•(•>- i ffl :<:r Tbe »lr .tiling Iras c u-e.i great excitnnerel Mtuorig toe ui'jk • r- N’iav York March 3d -Manager H xre re. day elegreplied G "ild i a f .-l!( w- : ‘'The mov'emm, of freigli: tr: iu« v--sterility was iarg' ly increased on all ireier. O. e u idled and tl»i•• • t. on rr.,i.. w e iu vmI i.n svateiu T ie I arnaitoribl a: d G,.a* North ern Ire T. xas were tuofouglriy O| «o- nlreck r.f stores which was built last annom' r O c of tbe terrible features of vh*' fire is etie death of Mrs Tim* othy Hurley and her daughter, Mary, ug.'d 15 years, who w re burn'iH Hurley arid tlir-e children, a boy aged 16 another 10 amt a baby about three y «rs old. are terribly burned. Ctiarh .- Straoblcy, a buk,r employp'l l-y Hurley, is badly - u* about th.a face ami head Toe fire company did tll.clive work, paving the hns*- ness portion i f the vit'ur'.. Four stoics were bur cl; loss $16 060. The bodies of M r- Hurley and a daughter have l.- i'ii r.c vered They were burned bey nil recognition. Oo '( iimpgu, I to FSt*uir*r-bun. Ni.w York, M..r"li 30 Owing to .tlie unseilit'ii coi dliion ul u.u labor Voutdis arid the failure of the negr.s nations of tlie coal men, Die inmket hpenid d. cidedly weuk, snowing looses of J *n over 1 The declines, however, from the opening figures were generally only fruotional, and the day’s busmens may lit fully do* ecrlheii by tt:e statement that, Dio market was i x:ri mely dull afier tbo first tbiirey nimu'es and clo-ed dull and strong at or near ttio be*‘t figure s of Die dav for most of •be active list. The extremi fl totua- tions as a nnu did not i xu eel 1 and in many cusp.* were much less Coal* ras are (low n \ t" 1J —Dm IsDer for LackawariDU. Grangers amt North'* era Pte ■ 11 4 were strong all day and are several traciinris higher Th* rest of tlie: ac'tve list shows Puses of J ti ), Bale. 157 dOI) shares, An Aldhrmaa l(Ulf«1« Hpeolftl Eugnirer-Hon Galveston, Texas, Match 39 — A i coal .o Die News from Bur do, sayK A iierman H-nrv'ass was st.ul sod lulled yeslerday morrdtig in Die C'-mmerclal hotel, by APx- amh-r Meuley, of Corpus Cnrimi. Meuiey and a young man i.aiuiil Burbank had spent the nlglit playing pir pool,Dough,bs watctih gibe game. Early In Dm morning Dieyall renaii'- eii to the lio.ei bar, wtiere u <|ii»r’. rel ensued belweeu M.ui.y umi Butt.Hnk. Tlie former drew his revolver and fired, Die bullet gn-Biug Burbank amt paeHed through D ugl.s ’ hesst. Menley wns rirr<'s‘- eel Tire-re Is a gre at deal of i xclte- ruent over Ihe tragedy and tlneala of lynching are made. I) "plans was from Pennsylvania reas oue of the most, popular railroad men in in Is secliou. Wrp'lt h* litah'niof. Ne-v Orleans March 30— ' T ”ie opin see iou ed W v.d’s cotton pres-, corner ,,f Cui.ul arni Vlllern streets, wa- fired tiy lighting dutir.g a s -vera ti-uiiilerstorm '.hi- morning E ght I.ULdreU haler ot coire.n were par-* tlallv destroy'd Ti e loss is esliiuated at $20 Odd; fully i .in d. it rgiuM. Brussels Mud'.’i 30- CJiiet has I'n.i u. > I,, eq ri s'ored at Charier u, but the strikers are generally re'urna mg to w ok Th" only |o':ali'" where disturl at c,-B In*vo increased Is the Ceri'rnl <: al mi'i'-g dis'riot Brussels Match 30. — Alvins fi are L-g. suv tbe.' quiet has b.-eu i, s.ored. The tr" pi which hove tit-i n s’e,’ioned a* C adero and i,re ga "re leaving the«e p’af.f.r T ar ami the- gaverrmr of Li'g“ l'»f pr 'ri med tlie: striking mine s hu’ tie v ill in' "reed for them with 'he pmp'yea with rl.fc i. 1 j .-1:: , i Hiou.ireg for no workmen an ti-cvea.-e of wag.s i > I ed. i xo -:.t AI dd) iron Mi.ure'air P c'-ii ... rend i'leludi' "T P : Mi I s J n • w op. K A 'o • tie eri- Missouri K re -ns ctj i brHpehi’H ■ r.'d Tex a-, a i. 1 i* 'tso- s, A, .ii".: At t it '.or: ii s have '■' I :: ■ b. ni Tnco-. e, two ol tbt w rre id's Iu ve now i i) I 1 .t'llHLil iel ! y 'rue D’al gr-at re'i orev-i oi.-,. un- i.i< wcltisva'i ... sii ut • noe, but by degr- i:; .. d uot ofieu by one person only but by « -L K.e y '*■! (' i to a :: .c eiice ■ f the i re i WH- VO' ■tplrg t■ f- iiur*« of H'e* v. r til ii* - u, < u-V i H'-w n ih ? m lir 'XT-.hi. »*e* v > e «i ! ' LI - jre ' i«r JK XIK TH TO A I New M nc 59 c re.-i n.i,I o i.r'.iitrnii n vf ti e. se.i'.ti-'H.! v,i!l '. wreD, p ^ in 8 I- '-re, X CUD ,e board ' I Do- lunar will rrav-l rmreri ii x m:-. ged ,v*111'"■ r be k flights of K, get t Iim Merino..', U'jrler’e ken were * i,. . i sir O re!' d covire.l tbe cum ut La ms, 1 tbe .( Dr "g* bu i, Io If xpei j"*’*- fill J IM a I) aiiisli c e. pcwi" which ft il fi e it g a rri" A vaucDtH Paksons, Ka HGiig r . (ui fi N wtiH Uifcltfcu li v> i ruin ocfie«l. t. 'dal cl) 30 — Pas- 15 i, north I- urd, ruin s sonil) of lit rre and Dm ereg'ne, mail cal and baggage car were thrown down tin embank ment The mail ear struc k against a tel. graph pole and broke it Tlie only one seiii usly hurt was Mail Agent Mix re, who was tukou to his home a 1 Osage Mission. Tbe track wit! be cleared to-day. The wreck wit) caused by a fl*b plate being removed aud ibe rails spread. The flita plate wuh then spiked down, so that the ruils could not peresibly get to their places, thereby making a wreck in evitable Great indignation Is mani fested by our citizens at the perpe tration of tLie crime, and it is most likely ttiat the guilty ones wili he arrested and punished, ss de'ectivee have obtained some clues as to who the guilty parties are. A Uuirueilt. rir*. bHial I. M«atr*r-SM. Detroit, March 80 — An Evening Journal special from Brons.n, Mioh, says fl-e visited Bronson this m ru- Irg. d*>*traying a floe new brick /. il lib-, N. tang aiiei lb s Arago Cue .vend Dial a s:eel r. d, pl'<c d aiT'D-s a wire carrying a ( uirem , was mngree'iz d. Ampere- iiumeuia ely -iib-tilno-' aliellx for a straight wire, and to 1825Hreirgeem us* d soft iron in, fiie 'piece of s'eel, and the electro* magnet was burn. By tbs*e tmaria Die con version of e'.e jtricity into magnetism w-s shown, but it was noi known tlmi ruagnetiBiii could bo converted into electricity. Faraday, in 1831, was tlie first to demonstrate that this also could be done, and that the two forces were one and the seme. 2 Tha elec'ric telegraph may also he said to be cot ti e invention nf one man, but of many. Experimenters Id Ger« many, France, England, aud tha United 8 ales were testing the possis hility of trrnsmitting messages by Die aid of ei. clricity, for some yeara be’ori Prof Morse achieved hi- great triumph iu the invention of the most simple and practical method. The electro-magnet bos always had a part In telegraph work. In fac', the discovery of electro-magnetism by Ch-rBted led immediately to experts mental telegraphy. The Morse ap paratus uses an eleotrto battery to sup* ply the power for sending the mes-* sage. at,d tlie electro-magnet to re ceive and register it.