Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, April 06, 1886, Image 1

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▼Oli. XXVIII *0 82 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, ABRIL 6 1880 TRICE LTVE CEN1S F0RTY-JS1MTH CONGRESS The 8 n*t» Discus es the Bill t»In' create ih« > rm/ H.» f?*nic Huicb Ptailoi ■lilt- N, luinn'lau* • •.»! Co, n motions - Sir n m tin In a ’a (i* ndltlot, K o Bp-otal tr Er qnl-e - sSun. Washington, April 5 —Under llte call ci ttu.u- u large cumber of Llllw ard iesi lu'iocb vnr- in'reduce I and reiernd, among 0 em the following: By H ruLreon, of North Caro lina—T" reduce It. ei po.-tupp to JJ rents ar d ihe price < f postal curds a i • ni. By O'Hare, of N r b Carolina—• F i ihe Bj i oin meet of a committee (o invest.-gu'e he ailtgi-d homicide at C'."■rollfcn, M is By O'Neill, of Missouri—T.) legal- iz- the Incorporation of national trades* unions. The epesker announc d the unfin ished hueii'e-H to be the motion sub- milieu by E ireiive, ot M rbigan, on tbe first Mm day In March to sus pend the rub s and ibe Mexican pension bill. The mnlion-to euepend the rules ard piles M e bill was t.greed to—yeas 158 nays 68 '1 be f blowing is Ibe -tx of the bill: That the wre'aiy of ibe nierior be, and be is hereby, autlxonz-d and di rected to piece 'be nanus of all 'be surviving i fflcers, soldiers and sad- or* who tr.listed ai d served in tbe war whl: M-'xTo ,r r »iu period dur- ire Hie years of 1845, 1840 1847 aud 1848 ar d wrre hou"ibhty tusebarged, atm tbeir surviving widows on tbe pension roll at the sa e of $8 per month trim any time niter I In- pus- sage of this net i u lug their lives. * Hecdnn 2 That the secretary of the Interior is nereby authorized and di rected o make euch rules end regus latioi s is are recepstry to carry this act into t ff c, provided tbst wbe;e it shall appear that the di ot arge is lost Mcnm'ary evidence may be per* milted; end where I' ebail appear an appltenn Phs recelv-d a la r d war rant that shall be s* fTl ieut evidence of an bonoiablo discharge, unleis evidei ce thows that he scoured it by fraud, aud provided turfhur, ihat this ael shBll not apply to persons uader political dieubtiifies. Singleton, of Mississippi, moved to suspend the rules and pass the con- gretsh oal library bill. Agreed to— yeas 169, nays 62 SAM ITE. Cuuaeron rfitied a resolution,which w»s rgreed to, appointing Hixernxan chairman of the cimmu-ee on for- eigu relations, Hamsun a member oi the same c . d mi. tee, Hponm i a mem ber of the cornnii' on tbe District of Columbia, Sanford a member of tbe civil service reform committee, ■no MitcbiJi oi O ego >, a m in bar oi the committee on a 'di.i.-mal cecum- meda'ions for the binary. Platte forme.'ly submitted his pro poted amentlmeot to 'be resoludon beielofore lruiodueel by him in rela tion to ex-ruuve stsii ne Tot amendment rtei;es tptcifi. ,lly n,e senate ruses effec et by ibe resoin- lion, Plant's obj ct Uuxig to avoid the point of order o:, bis resniuiion that it did noi none the ruies which it pro pose tl to emend Toe amendment lies over under tbe rules, Platt, saying be hoped to address ibe serine on -be sutjo! matter of :be resolution Wednesday or Thursday mx Toe Mirny bi I wa» ihen placed bef m ;h“senate, the leoding qu riuhi belt g on Hde’r motion to s tiket-u etc i..t. 2 vvbtcll provides that be reader ll.e army shall consist of 311,000 enlisted men. Plumb it:t k the tl.: r ill opposition to iba bill Wniie lie whs spiaking F-ya interposed tohii some itiimo-.s on bis resolution ab ut the north Atlantic li h ries. He regained u as v..y important teat toa mt tors.,cold n dtseusatd anil settu d f ir-voiv-. d a matit r, Lt said, that looked o war lie rea l the res iu lone of a fls erg a=,.cia ion a Portland, M'-, i r«ju g .bat ,hc Amer cau governtx e-.i s' j rd »ruxed vei-setr to tbe tl li:i »h u.ids o pro- tcc our tiebi g vi:. -, inasmuch a* ibe C' i adiun gov--., mem. i,ad forbidden An erisam ft ( vts-.t-le to erne CaLMUiao p.u - / r any nur peso, except the merest puipcs-s of eb'-t tr. _ iviorgan expressed his surprise that the dtstusstou i t ft-beiies should be intetj s-ted tn'o ‘tie uiecusoton of ibe m.iliary bill. list suppo-ed Frye thought tills a good opportunity to express to, bt-i gerent vn wa. T, e question rnvo vtd, Morgan said, wa one of conimerci, and was capable ol belrg bandied without 'he imerven- tion of an army ot n ivy, t i'her. Cockrell nex' ep ka in opposition to tbe srmy bill. He said ao increaso oftheanuy was not necessary on ac count of Ihe Indian troubles, aud that the strength and perpetuity of our icetiluth ns depended not on a standing army, but on tbe re aped of the people A standing army was a danger to any republic, aud was In direct contravention or a reS publican form of government. To day, if ihe occasion demanded, we could put in irorn 5 000 COO :o 8 000,- 030 ol good soldiers as ever marched to tbe music of the ba'titfl Id. Whenever (be people of rue states Wi h tbeir own milit-a, aided by tbe president of tbe Uuiied Hiaies with the militia of other states, could not enforce the rights and repress wrongs lu tue several states, then self govern- meat would be a failure. If English soldiers were to appear on the coast of Maine, in case war, assu.-gssted by tbe senator from Maine (Frye), the patriotic citizens of Maine would <m mediately organize and onuie f<r h as a militia under their state effloors, and would dietroy any force that it would be pusslblc- to land on the toil of that s ate in the next twelve months The people of this republic c-tn succes“fully resist ell the 0 tnbiued nations ol Ihe esrth Cocki -11 asserted tbn* a greater irateruliy of fe ling ' Xisted iD the Uni'ed S'sdee to day from the li kes to the gulf and from (.cean (o * ceat.i than had ever ex a e! 1 n (ur history, and never bad the s-nlloiaiu of peace and gord will among cur people been held in higher r guru ttmn it Was held to day. Tnere might occa-lonally, be aid, be some lronl *urhuleree :s there wt-uld he under si! gover 1 '- a.entF, hut tbe pub'lo sentiment ot the country would suppress It. All 'l a' lie country r,reded in Ibe way o' military organ z -tion was a -m-.l), e- in pact oganization on the I dlan bur.iers. Sewell favored Ibe 'Rcreasr pro posed by the bill. He favored It ur-ui economic grounds. L gau again look tbe floor in renlv to crtiiciFtn" ppen the bill A! 4:40 L gtin yielded fora mo ion that ibe seriate go into executive seFsInn. The mol i n was agreed in, aud at 6:30 he dnori- w re rt p-ned and the senate adjourned. B fore adjournment B-we'l gave notice that on Mondav. 19 ii mat, be would call up tbe F z J >hn Porter bill. WASHINGTON WAIFS TH« Birrfluri’i Con^liIon— n•wnnrva Ins Jrodared luto Cot |re«i ( Kit. tSoroleJ to Enqniror*8nu Washington, April 6.—D: Ham tl lor -aid lo-dey that there is a n.-Blked ifiipn vernent in Store ary Manning’s condition, and tba'. he is better to-day than he has been at any lime since his attack. Hi added, howev8r, that bis rectmry will be stow and tedious, and it may be s- me time before he can bo safely pronounced en’irely out of danger. CON FIRM ATI INS The senate bu-i <v _tii uaed the nom inations of Win L Trenbolm, to be comptroller of currency; Mattie K Corn-man, postmaster, Hamilton,V„; JEN Sheppard, postmaster, Berry- vibe, V *. A BETTER SERVICE Tliesteumuoat mall service between P-ia ka aud E terprlse, Fla, has been ordered to be discontinued on the 16' h inet to be superseded by rail road service NOMINATIONS The president, b »<iay nominated Ciltb H W''«t, ol Kentucky, to be g ,v i nor of U ah, and L J Dupree, f Alabama, coopuI at B-in Salvador. FOR THE RELIEF OF THE SUFFER ER3. R prereotalivi Herbert, to-day, in- tr due! a resolunou to appropriate 1300 000 lu be immediately uvailuble, i. , ot (xpeoded under tbe direcdo i of tb- sen 3'ary of war in the purchase and dis nbutiori of subs inenoe, stores a id other necessary articles to aid in tie relief of destitute pets us lu tbe ' vexfl wed diet.riels of Alabama. Toe rcsolut"’ r also auihorizjs the secre- in.ry uf war to use government boats iu tram por'i. g and distributing food to the sufleiers, unu appropri;tes money stiflioien! to defray any ex- p-nseH so ib-urred. SUPREME COURT DECISION. In the siipteme court to-duy, in tt e case of Turpin & Bro, plaiotlfl in i rror, vs Rush Burgees, collector of iuiemai levutuo for the third me tric of Virginia, in error to tbi cir cuit court of the Ui ited Hiates for ii. ie i-asitro district of Virginia, ihe supreme court of the U cited States, Bindley delivering us opin ion, dt clurr d a revenue stamp should b affixed to every pa bttga ot tobacco tiitfci d d for exportation hefoie re- fr, m ,.ie itclory, boldi* g ihat mu t xc'-e laid on tobacco bi fore i's r iiu v 1 1 hr- fact- ry is not a duly uu “. xpuita” oi “on articles export ed,” within the m-aning of,the cun- s liu'iun, even tb-ugh tbetobscc ’ts inti-: d-d fir exportation, and there f. to g tbe decision of the c i cull couri. MR HENDERSON’S BILE Rep. est-aia .ivc Henderson, ol N-jiil Carolina, to-uey introduced a bit! to unK-iiarato soma of the worn: f- aturos <f thb internal revenue sys tem The bill provides that criminal intent nntji bi set oui in the iudtc: uient in cases ot alliged violations of tne internal revenue laws, aud must be proved an independent fact Cases arising under the interuai revenu.. laws snail be prosecuted only by in dicioieut, a^d warrants shall issue only upon the oath of a reputable prison that tbe facts are within his own knowledge.” THE LABOR ARBITRATION BILL. Tue labor arbitration out pasted by the house was to day received by tne senate aud inferred to the committee on education and labor, Blair saying it should have the very earliest cons sideration by the committee. A lukvllla U«rrar. Special to Knqnlre"Htui. Nashville, April 6 —A dastardly attempt at ou rage was perpetrated about 10 o’oltck last night in the very heart of the city. Cries were heard proceeding from a negro tene ment house on Caerry street, and wbeu the door was bruken by the poltoe a burly negro hack driver named Junes Caleb was caught lu the act oi outraging a twelve year- old white g-rl, B-rtba Franklin. Tne child had beeu inveigled to tbe room by in old negress, whom she asked for a drink of water and afterward in duced to stay all ntgat, as it was then dirk. Af’er the child had fallen asleep • lie utgro fleud crept Into the bed, a d t'-e girl’s cries brought ae- sieturpe beforp he had accorx p'lsbed his;u pise Ca'ebond the old iipgre-«s w-.-re hurried efl to Jail before tbe luo, became public, or they would have beoti hut g Excitement ru n bi.,ti at d lynching will probably iesu!'.. (•niwtiied 4ul«ld0. Siwfftl E (JU vrvuttiv Raleigh NC April 5 --Y- ster da »f ir-,non the body e-f Th'mas R mi, rt young man a lu, had beet-. mVJsIng si'.ce March 23 was found in a I'M-e lli.ckio a mile east of inis coy. Ryan, wbo w s twenty two yeitisof ige, a-a last -een March 23 and tliria'nued to tike Isudatium. I i lib- ppck-'t was found » two-nut cf h-itr'e if hiudanum. hal’ fc-inttoti Toe ti--iiy w..s grea'ly litc -mpised No it quest wes held, aud his rela .Ives ’.uok - he rntuahiB. THE FLOODED DISTRICTS A Unpitr >bl • : ta «• uf All-in au Jk'm- b \r.m ft <d ienwv 1 s{fl ir-icial i• Ptor<%\T*.+ ttvn Montgomery April 5- The beard oi levcuut ot u,ie c.unty, in u c m tr.uuicati'ju lo Governor O’N-.'.l, s a ed ih -t large i umb r^ of i . ople wnuM Slave to lie maintained for no i. definite period atul at the .public • Xpinte, and ri quested iba; be meutorl-rz ootigoss for such relief an may bo uerdid. Th<*. goverm r has re ptied 'hat it is tit ought local r - lief wi uid meet th> issue and be did not beiieve 'lie s ate ol Alabimv should a k ilnis of tl e government If he thought ilie emergency si,flfi ciently great to rtquire it, he would convene '.be legisltuu e aud let ihe' siate succor its needy ciuz f -ns, but he does nor belli ve such a o«CP*tb,y exiets lrsii-8 from Montgomery to Atlanta were resumed this morning Th-.-te v.a- a considerable rainfall Sunday and las night, and to-day add nor hwrs'erly winds have beep blowing, anil tbe pe, pie are elill crowd, d it; houses in exposed plae s They have auff red mtersely. The wind blew so violently tba’ it, wu- iiup< ssible for the small boats here to venture out. O iy tba steam cralt and ferry boat F orence, returning from Wetumpka, went on to Burton and points between here and B-lma. One party ol three startid across the river with provis-, tone, tnit their boat was swamped. They clung io the Iodb of trees for several bourn, and were fi -ally res cued with great d.ffliul'y. As an evidence of high water, the Alabama river here has fallen only ono f>ot U'-low lIis heretofore highest mark Tne cundiuou cf th uiaands of tie grr-ts will r<quire active htlp for Futnc weeks l'he people arc giving liberally, but wi 1 not. ' e able to meet all tbe demands. F P H ac, & Br-'ther, <•( Ciurksvxlle, T un, ntiii a. cone g.inietir of corn here and 'ele- graphtd their ag-tit to -urnthec-r load over lo M'-y ir R es- tor he hem fit of the suiterera. All contrl- bu ions will be promptly distribu'cd. Maiiy cases are urgent. The water c ursijR are still very b'gh aud many p ac o c are rubnerg d fc'KLJiA Ala, A til 5—The Ala- tjatn . f as fallen nine inches at ill's R.-p.n s continue to cf-me in showing great loss of life by drown ing, principally among the colored peu|lx tv d immeas-jraiile o plaut.i'ionii all along the river. R Ih-f committees C'ntinus liard a- work, ruoking rescues and iii» tt'bu.lLg supplies. Tue fun s available are wholly inadequate a id the committees to-day decld* ,1 to tag outside us istatiCrJ aud coinriou- ti-jiia to no sent to the mayor of S' Inn, LU Mailoty, which will ba in-pi it ve j to the relief c muiit'ee and wiii b ; appiisd in aid- ,t,g .i.t' iirll nog- Tue in cuieilly wintry wsaih raiids lo Hie il- ge- • f buntirt-il" who txposei wttitout sbei or nf any ku:d IN TENNESSEE Chattanooga, , enn A rii 5 — Ihe liver a htiiug o-j lUly Heavy reins throughout east i eur.csse. have again re- s-.-o iht rlv-r tb v. uud will ptobabiy h:-,v« ibe it! Ct< f R-oping an l hi- r vet t ere ,,i n M j,re eut ,,--igh.. 4ii f-e , for two or tbr. e Mays Bia's an jurihu-g rvuitily now m r niiic ion wi h the Ei l T tinresee, V igitua ai ii Ge r»M railrot-.d slid with tire Cincinnati B utberu. The first mail fur tveil d^ys will ar,iv- a 3 p tn There will be water and ga., to-t:!glif. Chattanooga, April 5 —The river has faheti eigh: feet from its maxunum lieigut. 1 hash-e i rain- lug und suowii g i-.ll day tbri.ughoul e-st Teunestee. F ur inchos uf -now is lepurted at sLuudou. Tue upper streams are all rising anil bars are enter ilntd that the river here will rise again several feet. TheCmciu* nati Biuthern repairid their track to-day aud were aide to ruu oul and in one tiaiu. The Western aud Atlantic whl be anie to run trams to tnis city to morrow. The East Tennessee, Virginia and Georg a railroad liausters Us passengers and mail-’ from here to Charleston by boat. The Nashville and Coattannoga road has not as ye: aec-rtaiued the condition of tbeir property. Contributions from abroad for suflerers have bean declined by the local relief comml ttee. They say that while they have some live thousand homeless ones to tempor arily provide for, that the oi-.izsns sre able and willing to meet the re quirements of the occasion. To morrow well, able-bodied men ap. plying for rations will be put to work on 'be streets or elsewhere. CHANGE THEIR MINDS. Tbe 8trikir» I* cl o Not to K in n tt Work. All QwIM la »’or» Wonh> Tbv FHomt Ttftfll ' Hall* a Hr in mr. 4 — Bit w > troiu ibe old «r4 Hew s r<kft tfpefltl to Rnoolrer>Han. Parsons Kansas April 5 -The situation Is steadily improving. All rams are mnvi-g freely. Tbe t est o: the eld f -ice nre epelyit g u r work and forty m th-rn I ave i esn re-em ployed. The Missouri Pacific lisa a surplus ol apllcatlons frotti new i :en, but is giving the old employes pu-f ererioe. The adj-.raut g'*tiernl ha- ordered tbe citizens to organize for 'lie prcec’.ion of proper'y when the mi'Uia has iipsri withdrawn THE SITUATION AT FORT W KTIT Netv York April 5 - t'oe fell ,w- li'g uispaico was received iliis to Til ing at the - flics of tbe Missouri Pici- fio -ntlwi v company In thi- ci'y : Fort Worth, Texas April 5 Q, nut pr-vails here ton morning S veu companies of suite troops and me cmoiaov of aitPlery b v - ar nved from Gulvestoo. Tiiere were moved yest. rday three trains s u b ou the Missouri Pseifl; and two train on the Texas Pacific N > re sistance was i ttt-red either in the city or country. A g-md msry strikers aie arriving ut Fort Worth 'rirni other places 1 The adju-an' general is in ebwrgiof the troop- , w leb oon- 8'8t of 326 men and two pieces of ar tiilery. a change of programme Bt Louis Apn.5 —It wasgsnsral- ly believed yesterday that ihe freight blockade ou (ids aud the east side i f the river would bs raised and a r>- sumption of irafflu would tie eom- ple'ei. There was but little later ferenoe ltz 1 Saturday with ttm ;u ning of freight trains from Eh S L iu!s, and It was the expeotat ou Hie 'fli rials tl at they would be able to prosi cu'e their regular buslneps to day the same as though there had n«ver beeu any trouble Tl e bridge aud tunnel company a.i nounced .yesterday that they would be. ready to handle all bu-duesa given them. A j out notice agreed upon atag merul mast ing held S I'urday, giving the men until 1 o’clock to-day to return to work, evidently had ibe desired e\ feat, as the superlnte ulouts were no- tifled yes’erday by many of Citir former empl tyea that th.-y wuuld lie ou hand to-day rea-xy for doty in a body at the company’s stables this morning. The striking Missouri Pacific knights, it is understood, also totetid to apply for positions to their former employers A t a very la - hour last night tde genop.l executive coaTmt'eo formally revoked tn ir or ill 11 -tie kaigbs of labor to return to wnK Jins mskeo the uutlode tu- d iy ess hopeful and the s rik may i ol lie so uearlv ended as i- was thought. The Missouri l,a, already employed aeutU -lent nuoi .ei' of new moo *o c-triy on its b'..-slues9, a d tiie 111 lials of that rood ,tnlici pate iii tr ubie in keeping tba roa 1 open, end In spite of the tomwal 'lie stiilu- Ii E m H L uis, how ever, the si'ua'.ioti is <-..11 ,-ei. t, (,r those who have already returned to work, us well mb tlioso vrliu im- ouunced tiietr IntemioLi of returning to-day are knights of labor an.! ar -ul'j-nt to tbe oiders of tiie xccmiv - c in rii ttee. It in exueoted, therefor-, ,1 at those who have gone back t i work, will to-day strike ugai.',, and t 'me ...hers wi 1 1 w i.I.draw t::;r sp pUcations for thoir old o -itio .p, when they r‘)Ot-iVe Hie < 1 Tl • i•*I a.,.- iiouncuxietjt r f the co.nni,uei.'H ,:c tion. Tt.-e Ir n M untal.’s sent ou fiv fr--ghf. tra*rs'his in TUii.g, a-i-i ,h - Missouti P c fla an iqu -.i mi uber, no opposi ion being utlen-u liy iht: sti.k trs. The resumption of fr- ight r (VI- on thise roads m v now b- o mn-ter- i-iI complete, ami th r-tisiug of li • bl ickiiue on that branch perm ineni nothing in the rumor New V okk Af,ri> 5 Toe t-ll- w- tight (Ran was rrce'ved this after n o" ni, ib" - 111 - • of 11 in Miisouri P .c'firi ra'lroad company tn thin city: St Louis A;-r:l5 Till-re is Mil' - t- g in the r im -r from F ,r> W o -b ns iu tin b i ketM uuring up the ruiiw-iy Irt'-k-i The f-hiowi'-g tins bei n lu-i •ic iv~d f.oin Fir:. VV rtb: “At this !11 ur (1 p m) ev- r.y-Ping in (pjie' Two uiuuh tiuve gone south tnis morning, well guarded. No inter ference ,S me me ctippled ingirjs N i 27 on train 164 ta-t night a: Wato while the t’- in men were eating supper. At 11:30 ‘b's morn- i: g a box of dynamite was f .uud in au outhouse near the union dep it, where it had been secreted. Guv. Ireland is now in the city. Ali sa loons aud drinking Pisces have been closed by order of Mayor Bmitb, and a large police force patroled tbe city at night. More freight trains will move south to-day. Notniog au thoritative has been heard from the B'rlkers who were shot last Hitur- dsy ” FREIGHT TRAINS MOVING 8t Louis April 5. —Larger orowda assembled this morning around tbe relay depot In Eist 8: Louis than fur several dxys pas , but they were un demonstrative, and preserved order and oflered no opposition to the making up and starting* u’ of freight trains. The Ohio and Mi«stsslppi and Ihe Indianapolis and Bt L ms sent out large trains loadsd with freight, and the Vuidalia sent nut a train of thirty loaded cars. No in terference by the strikers was at- 1 tempted in either case. The new switchmen and yardmen engag'd sines the strike bsgau were actively engaged making up traius to be sent ou' laur lu the day Contrary to the expectation of tbe knights of labor thirty of the striking Pi/.’es on the V ndalia road applied lo the fort man of the yards of ihat 'oad tor work and ofl.rid to return to tl elr poshlous, provided they should be grunted their demand tor an Increase nf wages of 25 cenis per day. While llit y were diecuselog the situation with tne ( reman they were approached by a delegation of knights, who per-uaded them with little d fib ully to withdraw tbeir ap- plteatioi s, and they are therefore still uu-ef york A number nf the old em- l loyesof the L uisvilleand Nashville, t ie Indianapolis and 8' L "'s, and tiio C 'eg >, Burlit g'onund CJ -incey roads also imulo application for tbe pises b f! by diem when the s tlke wa- c ti-met cr-d, but upon being in formed by a C'mnT'ttee of tbeir brethren of the aTton taken by the g ‘ncri'1 exeou-lve btard, refunt-d to gii back to work. Tbe bridge and tiiunil min who relumed to work Saturday, fail'd to repi rl for duty in ' bedititice to lire order of tbe board. There are liu 1 eeveulys'.wo of these tu mx, und the management exprot to experience bui lit tle d-fllcjlty in filling their places wi-ti t ew men. According to mi unnounccTin-nl a majority efihe H Louis trai.sfer company’s em- liluyes returned to work this morn ing und are ac'uxlly engaged In moving the accumulat'd freightH in East Bi L uis Ho long hh I ties' men remain at their posts no d flii-iiby is aiiiicipa'ttl in making u permanent raise In 'lie freight block ade In iba 1 city. New developments in the strike ou tbe east side of the river, and which occasioned consid- f rable surprbe and uncssinees among the railway effl iitls, occurtetl this morning when tiie C'ltcavo and Alton switch engl- ut.erH struck. They ssy they will ant g > imuk to work until the trouble between the railroads aud tbeir em ployes shall have linen settled, and c -ofident that the brotherhood will support them. Hburifl Ripiquet, of Hi Clair county, III, to-day issued a oucular to tbe indicted knights s a' iug those who desired could to-day appear b-dore him and furnish bail fur their sppearancs In court to an swer tlic charges against them, other wit-e they would bs arrested und taken to Jail G orge Bailey, sgatnst whom seven indictments were found, was the first to respond, aud furnished bull in the mm "f $7060 Many oth era are expected lu tollow ids txaui- pl p - THE TEXT OF THE STATEMENT. Kt Louis, April 5 Tue following ts the ttx uf u statement issued by ibe iXM. utivo bi aid if the knights o> labor “srly 'ills lit r-'iog d rec’it g >he r sump'ion ot 'lie - rike: A* a c-i held iii Now York,(I ubl and mss clans ol tot- H'.'lieral i x -ciitive hoard, tt,e f.-llow- ..g win c-.u 'i-illy agreed upon: '■ rti 't ti e i ffl.-i »|a weie willing to me t a c mtnlttee of empl lyes v^i h- out d p-i-iiuiinahun w ii > arc uo- tUiliy in ifie employ of the road at the time sucli ciunrii'toi' Is appointed to ad) i-it with them ,’.nv grlcvanc -a the/may i mvo. roe executive board upon ur- riv’iog iiri I, ui-, iiuving lieen ln» fnrm-d ttiat Hoxis had refused to comely with th" ag.vemcnt, us ail the parti-a to c inference utidersiord it, waited on him to ascer’a o his In- < ti'ion- >f carrying out the sum - and rcOFivrd t.tio following repltj That o- Iy 60 pi r ce it of the former orco v u’ I be e yi.d; that he w uld co' - -de- pi r«i. ml applications only, ami ts“ iii- "w i pleasure in uct i g on tl a m w i tin in i - it- die u.iou of «: ys-ci- 'y 'i'iii- b»lrig in direct vi d nlo-i id tiie a:.!iet me,it, tiie gene- 1i o-irt. ii i eii‘-ves ina- he rehi-sl wc fir tiie pm ( ine uf suck j bbio 8 , u-lug .liB'-ig'i z tioijis veil to turther -puir end Wo, tlxcrelois, rt- the * rib-r g'vso to toe men i ic urn ui woik, iliu ruad t.avmg nude i imjios.-ililii hi -i fil. ttie same. I'de iXHi'i'i now elands as It ltd b •• 'ore itie order tc. reKirnc w-rk wus is- -uid.iti irn- bands of Ih-t-e dislrtc s in tits t-d, and ilie geueral tu am will renuer uo a-i-istance to cany rui tin- demand "f h • 'net! fur Ju-itice. SI RUCK AGAIN Hannibal, Nio, April 5 — All ! ht •‘'riKers wiiu reuxined io work on Friday ia-i p tiding tiie at bi la'i-in, - ruck iig-.iQ to-day t>y oid-roflhe general »x cutivelioard. Tlieswi:cb engines were run tuio mo round Pen s and killed. Five freight i rails dun ng the morning for 8 da!i». THE CARPENTERS STRIKE N Y, Ap it 6. - The caipsoiirs’ union of ihli cny, i-m- tiracmg over 9J0 j lurtieymen, struck this ini.rnl g. PRINTERS ON A STRIKE Jacks in.nille Fla, April 6 — T ie printers iu tne Times«.U don, the Evening Hsral.i atni the Murulog Niw« i fli a struck to-night for an Hiivucu to 35 cenis per thousand. The proprietors refused the advance and huvo declared tiietr offlcea non- uuiou. They will publish half sheets to-iuoirow. Tbe Drill. BpeoUl to the ENUCUUCa-1BN, Pensacola, April 5 —The move ments of me naval iquadron were postponed to-day on account of the bad weather. The pro-picts tosnight for gu id woatber are flue and It is re garded as certain time the evolutions of the torpedo practice, tbe sham na val fight and target practice with grext guns will commence to-mor- mw. C p'tiiu Biyd, who will corn nut,Ltd tilt- naval brigade which will f o luto canxp next week, has selec'ed fagnolia, three miles from Pt-nsaoo- la, and scocssible by rail aud water, f >r the encampment. The foroe at this cutup will iuclude the Bine JicketH, the marlines, the artillery aud tbe P.iuiFPre. Ample provis* ions havo been made for witnessing aud following the evolutions at sea. VIRGINIA DEBT. GaTtruor LoeS lf)s»«a n Proclvm'lon io llic Ctoplfi. Special to EB4uUor*^(ia Ricumond, Va, Aprli 5.—Gxv Leo tins evening iseucil a ptouiuma-i tion lu ucc r lance with tberequist contained in the j .iut r.-aolutlon adopted at th u lavt sc -fcion of tbe gen» oral BB’embly, which ris-dir Ions de clare itial the people of Virginia aro determined that a scitltmi ut of tbe stute deb: sbul! never be made upon a'-y basis lcs-i favorable to tbe com monweal'll than that provided for bv ttie act approved F bruary 14, 1882, ( be Rtddliberger bill) no’s ami-Duatory tbenof, and U,cy will curry out in go id faith tbe terms of tbst settlement so fir ns the same have lie' n or niH v b ■ accepted by the creditors nf the state The highest consideration of pairioiism, public policy and te!f interest demand ihat the tax |iy<rs of Ihe state shall not c -operate with the public creditors who are liar, raining the people ot the commons wealth by vix.tlou-j litigation, t>y seeking tu h rue coupons into the treasury in jayteout of tuxes, and the general usi inlay appeals to tbe lux payers of V rgluia not to specu late upon the : e- ssities of the com monwealth or take i-dvanlage of the state aud those 'f her citiz ns who cannot avid! themselves of this means of payit g (exes by seeking to discharge their dues ti tiie statu in depreciated paper ” The governor, in commuidcatitig tlie.-e resolutions to the creditors uf the state and the puldlc generally, aptieala to the peo ple oi V-rgmia to stand steady In de» fierise of tlie po-iliou the e-ate has taken, so as to promoie oruer, peace aud prosperity within her lim its. Thu trouhleeome coupon, says thy governor, is lie oflspriug by direction of tbu fu idiug act of 1871 The ciieuuis aucis under whioh tea bill was purnel are well known lu Virginia, ami of a cba r acter to excite goneiul eoudMuna-i.iu, as was stxown by the ropeul of tiie law at tbe very mx session of the legislature. Tiie governor then details s me of the II) m iocs done tiie stale by that not, and oontitiues: N iwan overwhelming iuuj Kyof tiie people have ordend a sc n nient in accord, anoe with the ao. ot lfc81 ar d 1882, aud tiu abuse of 'lie iuie no denun ciation of her i fli er i or agents, will nave the slignteut - II c in ctiauging our policy, our purpose a'd our mcui-urcs. If ,tie people of V ginta will i e true to themselves and the pledgisof 'heir representa'ives they eeule the di li 1 qu stion uud ter minate fo over tl i 111ch-t.* perplexing •iriri uuliappy coi di inn o' ttie state. The remedy i«, liidi-ed, iu their own hai ds. Le' the people refiaiu from using coupons iu ihu paym nt i f tax s, tor every 8'ici:fle - tbu muds, if indeed i' can he termed u licc, 'bccl'i- z "s will lie inuro tfiau c'iiipens ited by res'orid Itanq iinty as a result of me riux'v.i of me -.1 -ut qioriion iht ate ia of pir y politics, and by tho progress s o »ievi iupmoixt im parted in i.Iimw f/igiveutis in Uie *uyt.fufl a. ei J x- ui ui ot i be detit qu. etimi atu-: li to tbo-c who pir** blot lu p»j lug t .eif taxis wi'hoeup o. I -'.c suppose that all ;ay wi'ti ciupot.-s, it is certain that fur nv: ml ye ns tu c -me coupons wiii absorb the e jtire revalue of the -tale. The ircieu ,y will liecoms bankiup!, tin- cotir m will tie o; s d, the pun!ic -t mo.. and ctiarunhl-in- Htituuoi.M i i V.. gii.ia siPptndfcd aud Uie operation-, of the povurumoot c aso f ir tin: vuui of money subsist ence. Tt e g v, ir:i-r fur'her tl borates his r u .,■. n way j-f.yme t m c uporxs - bcutd l-e bio[ put, and urg<s in i rung laugu .g<- li j o payment of taxes hi met i-y, i.o- a si'pges Ion of pa- triotum, nu' isaiX.ciaeufiiie»cund- est fiubltc pt licy, and c ctu L*■: “Fur these let..- ns, J u.v he the p.uple to m et in be t i.e u h m. d rx.slitter in bit tiio counties, citi»s e.ttd towns of tbe s ale ut their t.uiiis' convenient timetogao euqi).i...'c ix. e i-.n to their sentiu eu.a ht:d [ uiyu - >es that au ou uji'uixi-'i dtclaratiun of pui.l c MLixtiuxent may visit with it u rtbuke upon those who appeal lo the law to e.t,force the. rfceplton of cou[iols The birio and origin of tlis imposition on Virginia was the result of fraud, bribery and corruption.” Du Tlima. to Enqaher-Hna New York, Anri) 5—The stock market continues to pre-eu t a dull and featureless condition. Thireiasimply no disposition to trade until a more settled condition of affairs is Drought about at tbe same time, Tbe prices rallied readily on small deal ings, indicating a very firm under tone. La kawatxna, Lake Shore and Prcifie Mail contriouted fl’’y per c.-ut of the day’s business of 281 0(K> shares Lackawanna shows a use gain of I} O.her coalers -bow gainr of 4 aid less. Other fl xctuationa were slight, grangers being unusual ly quiet and steady, and Vander bilts somewhat heavy. The market closed about steady. The onexpaotid m«st f-equenlly haprens. Tnat Is why eff goes tbe gun that nobody knows is loaded.