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E«pn>mtatiT« l et nett likes Some
Timely end Appropriate R marks.
A mmerfitlc ltrii vy N
tsr atim *or.!r«tl~ %■ iml*r*llon tcliriue
-Co* II au'ttR«ns —To bo B«»0"'ci
Fsiorsbiy, Eie,
Special to Inanirer.'r'un.
Washington, April 6 — Phelps,
cl New Jersey, from the committee
oit itrtigL ijflt.irt, r. por e l a re* lu
line cnUinof on tbe secretary ol s'ate
for copies ofal! correspondence I a ! Le«
tween his deportment and r prtteuUa
fives of Faroe, Germany, Austria
ai d other E urep. ok c un r e , which
bus partially pi euiirely restricted llit
importation ol America'- pork, refer
ring to t! e 'no a of -ucii exclusion or
rtsiiic'i ne, and the reasons given
O motion of M rr's'iD, the report
s bmitted yesterday by tbe conruiit-
tee or ru es, changing tbe rules in
various minor particulars, wa* adopt,
In the morning hour the bouse re
Burned cuisideraticn of the bill to
secure an equiiable cla-Bi filiation ami
cr mpec«ati'.of certalu i (11 ejs cf the
U :tect 8 ntt b
B ocetf, nf North Carolina, crit
ic z d the fl at section of the bill
which authorizes the president to
empICy three persona not in the pub.
Jic h lvice and two persons who are
cfll :ers in the service, not more than
three of whom shell he adhereuts o'
the fame political party, who shall
constitute a commission for the pur*
potes of this act. Why should not
the whole oommli-sinn be of the
flume political party? queried Bsunett.
Were not the dim icrats the bes'
exponents of 1he deaioeraic policy?
W<-re not tbe secre'ary of the trtsas
ury and tbe secretary of slu e -b well
qualified to deal with lips object ub
tuen who were “half alligator and
tbe balance snapping-turth?’’
[Laughter.] Ie it a crime to be u
aim era? ne exclaimed amid an
tfliiniative oboiu^ from the republi
can side. The ih.olrlne ct Jefferson
is waning; of Hamilton is wax
ing Tne great courage of the
dt oiocratlc party in 1884 who
lifted up their voices in
one grand chorus, and pointed to the
standard-bearer of the party us an
ideal democrat, supposed that hie
election meant a democratic victory
and that all the legitimate oonee
quences would fallow [Liughter.]
Continuing, he said that ihe demo
cratic party had been preaching
economy, but the spectacle was dally
preeened here of >hat party hiereuB
leg public burdens. An instameof
this kind of legislation w£S found In
tbe first section of the pending *->111,
which would increase salaries
for tha purpose of giving
some gentlemen who had the
advantage of being political hermath
rndites a place in the public service.
He had no sympathy in the d( cirine
that the spoils were to be divided
amor g the vai quished. “To the
victors belorg the spoils” wbb us true
to day as when uf ere i by Marcey;
and the gentleman who theught in
the south that that was not God’s
gospel truth had set his sighto too
high for the game. [Liughter]
Pending acUoD, the mornii g hour
expired. Then there whb a prospect
of a struggle for the right of way bB-
tween the silver bill ond the post
tfllce appropriation bill, but In the
imerest of a Bpeedy transection of
business, Bland, of Missuri,give way
snd the home went into a committee
of the whole, Hammond, of G'orgia,
in the chair, on the appropriation
Bu gfant, of Pennsylvania, (flared
an smendmen! ircreaslng Ik m $4,
800,000 to $4 890 2(i0 the appropria
tion 'or the pay of ponta! clerks
The amendment was lost- 64 to 87
Burrows, of Michigan, cfbred an
amendment it creasing tuetq propria
tim forth* ti'Tf pi rta'inn of foreign
malls trcim 1375 000 to $425 000
Inis evenn K finntl e political de
base, turning on the action of the
prB'nits'er general in r paid t' the
$400 090 appropriation f r steam-l ip
m> its last. year, wan sis. r j cud— 82
k 106. Thee lumictee io<c end the
bill, was passed. Tue n use then, at
5:15, udj urned.
srsi TK.
Piumb presented a petition of an
association ct colo.ed citizens of Kan-
*aa praying f r assistance toem grate
to Africa wi ha view to tlieir build
ing up another “United 8.a'es” re
public. Piumb said he uudeis.ood
there was a stroi g determination on
the part of the peu i mere to carry
ou< the emigration scheme R farred.
Biair reported favorably, without
amendment, from the committee on
education and labor, the arbitration
bill recently passed by the house of
L gau’s army bill was again taken
up and wbb discussed by L igan,
Hale, Mandereon, Dawes, Hawley
and Teller.
Call gave notice that to-morrow,
after the disposal of the morning
business, he would ask unanimous
consent to address the sena'e on the
aul j ct of the forfeiture of the Florida
laua grant.
The chair laid before tbe senate a
message from tbe president re!a tng
to tbe sub|ect of Chinese immigra
tion. The message was read ana re
ferred to the committee on foreign
Hawley obtained the floor to speak
on the areny bill,
L gan seourid an arrangsmsnt by
Which a vote shall be taken no- later
than 6 o’clock to-morrow on HileV
motion to Btrike out the second sec
tion of the army bill.
The sena'e then, at 4:45 p m, went
int> executive session, and at 5:10
Washington, April 6 — The
senate in executive session to-dsy.
confirmed me nomtna'ions of J dm
D an, of Illinois, and Chss Lyman,
i.f Connecticut, to be civil service
commissioner'-; and 8 M 8 ockslsger,
of Indiana, to be aselsiant commis
sioner of tbe general land ■ (Bee.
Morrill reported from the finance
Oommittec a resolution, declaring
upon authority ot the secretary of the
treasury, 'hat there are un papers In
tbe departure ' afl-e ing the moral
character ore fll dal record of any of
theeueptuded internal revenue col
lectors, about whom the committee
has made ir quires The resolution,
Morrill said, was adop ed by a uuanis
ijuous votf of the commit ee.
The housi com mid ee on warcMius
'n day ordered a favorable report on
R presentatlve H*uphill’s bill to
authorize the secre'ary of the treasury
(odeliv r to the rightful owners any
silveiwire, Jfwelry, por'raiis, watch
es and other a.tides deposited in the
'reaeuiy by the secretary of war in
June, I860 's property c-iptured by
the U .Deu Slates army during the
late war. The hill provides for tbe
sale of any of these articles which
may remain in the treasury two
yiars af'f r the passage of the »c
Dr Hamilton said itils evening Un t
Score.ary Manning was still Im
proving and would, he thought, be
able to sit up in a short time.
<4 Btvert Ftorna Over tb«ff«rth »a4
WT ItKrtphie CoumBBlentloR In
••rr«pta<i-Tlif Pl»oel«<f Dlstrleti. Kt«.
SpPCl^l ’O lb" ENQUIRER-* UN.
Lynchburg, Va , April 8.—A
ternti i tarn B'.omi visited 'his vicinity
last night, the rain potirit g down in
torrenis. Fears are entertained of
another fl ’.id. In the James river
he wa'er is tbirieeu feet and seven
inches above low water mark and
still rising
Richmond, Va, April 6—The
steady rains tbe past three devs have
again oauai’d tbe waters of V.rgthia
streams to rise, and this evening all
the wharves In the lower part of tbe
city ate submerged and the water Is
rising rapidly. A Columbia tbe wa«
ter is 26 feet and rising it is uot
feared, however, that the rise here
will be anything like as great as last
Detroit, Mich, April 6-The
prisem storm is undoubiedly the
worst experienc' d in this s a'e for
many years. E .rly this uiornirg
several attempts were made to run
street cars, but the enew dritted so
tapidly that it became imropslblr to
beep the track clear, and the cars are
snow ed up at vartuus points on nearly
all tne lines iu the city. O le or
i f/n Hues refu-cd to try strength
wirh ihe elements snd their cais are
safely stabled. Treffic is almosten-
irely suspended, It neing extremely
ii'ffliult to navigate tbe streets io
any manner. Huge drifiH are report
ed from all over town and charing
the waiks Is a phee of supeifluous
work seldom indulged iu. A* 10
..’cljck tie signal sluvice leporfed
fourteeu incuts on a level, and at
noon blinding sheets it “beautiful
sot w’’ are stlil Interfering with
pedestrianism. Tbe entire southern
part of the state is covered with
snow. It is announced bylhesignal
service that, the pit ten' entertain
ment will continue throughout to-
Toronto, Ontario, April 6—A
heavy wind umisuvw itoim has pre«
Vailed in Ontario sinco emly this
morning A number of but dings
• ave been unroofed, fences, ugLs,
etc, lit vs Leeu blown down and con-
sidirabm otiur vumag lias b-en
done. The roof ol VVm B i) & (J
org.iD luciory at Gmiph, one of the
largist builurugs in mat city, was
bn w.i ill while the hands were at
work and severs! :f taem njjurcd,but
not latuliy
Chattanooga, iknn Aorii 6
Tbe Wi.nK have been slowly its
ceding all day, and at 7 o’clock m-
nigii' rhe river stood foriy and a naif
feet aud wai falling. Most of the
families that, were driven from their
hutmsare now Pack again. J he sup
ply of wa'er amfspis is resumed, sod
manufscurers arepr 'paring to begin
operations by to-morrow. A' least
2500 operatives now idle will teal
work and by 8durdayiue nnlld will
be running. The assccia el charitieo
and cI' zbiis have cared for the mill
fir d sutT. rers aluci last Wednesday
and have declined any outside assist
ance, sending back several hundred
dollar* yesterday which was ten
To-day the news oame that Rome,
Ga, and Helma, Ala, needed assists
anoe, and in ten minutes tbe citlzsns
raised $200 for each city All the
railroads except the E nt Tennes-ee,
Virginia and Ge.rgia, the Mi mpbis
and C iarlesion, and the Nashville
and Chattanooga resumed ruuning
to day alter eigut days blockade, and
trains on all the roads will ruu on
.chedule time to-morrow.
St Louis. April 6.-Tne Pos‘»D:s«.
paten special fro ms O iwensboro, Ky,
says: The steamer Mountain B >y
was turned over in a gale at this
place early this morning. Frank
Asher, wa cbman, Boott Lowery, a
roustabou’, aDd William Biateler, a
passenger, were drowned. O tier
persons aboard tbe boat, fourteeu In
number, we ° saved
Washington. Aimi 6 — A dispatch
from ponds ouvertug the entire state
of P iidhi Ivania. Bouihern and w- s
tein N. w Y ok, O tin, li d a:.a, I i
mils, Mlfihigan and Was! V rg.nta c-
port a three days g . rm of ndnglid
rain and s"ow ai d a rapid ri-n in all
the s'reauis Those in P-nnsy Ivanta
and West V T rgtuia are doiug great
damage to mills, lumb r and limner
and many cilleries an 11 nded.
Chicago. April 6 A heavy snow
Hi* Knights of (• brr 'ppenl to the
v< ork'o. men.
B 'W Uoal4 Ulna ll«»ll €<>lRnblii~Tbe
BliOBtioa on »he KaII* o • d»- Proltht
mill KMiilnf BrtaidlMiy of lh«
IV»u>i 1.4 xy.«itr«r flNn.
St L uis April 6 —The Jciut cx-
eoutlve t‘ aril of itRselliblies 93 and 17,
, , . . , . . , knights <V labor, this evening Is-ued
sto-m, acci by high wimie, ttie foliowng "drtros* :
d In piHCtiosdiy cut11tig i f]
■ eiegiapluo com mu loal.m a: om
time m-day between the wist a 1 il
N-w York. The storm c w a
near Buflaln 'ind ixtir.ifet u rth " t ■
C'luid'i and eouGi o vi rii g C • v-
land. U'l.cincati, Pit sbnrg, t) ’ion
anil iven south ol the O do river
The R'rp re appeared oec'tnple'i
to N w Y'lk U|) to 10 i.’ol' CK 'hi-
niO'nt' g The on'v »'|rp amrldrg
r etwicn Chicago a li New Y iBiiu
to that rime was one carrying
Western U; iou stock quo a mut
A the Wis'i rri Union, Mu ual
U d">p, U'dttd L ; "e-, and Bal.inmte
ar d Ohio, m- s' ■ see fur 'he east wf re
not received i xcept rut jeui m dr b y
which nnant delivery to-dsy, m-
morrow or the nex: day. N n one i f
•Hp wires f ir wITch Hume'hing lik
$400 000 per annum is paid by ih,
orokets, w is working. Al' wore
down. 8 itne of the < ffl ’es not hap
pening nr have We-ceru U iou tick
ers, were even without quotations.
Selma, Ala, A rii 6—The river
IssuPriding rapidly, ami many or
ihe resident of East Beimu, who
have been shut out of their homes
for several days by the waters, an
r.ow side to return. Two nr gross
were drowned in the river this utiurur
ing The waves rau high under a
strong wind and fl odea a skiff in
which w- re Charles P nscn, N lenn
Hill and Marion Colins, who were
•ryirg to save some drtftit g lumber.
Collin* escaped to the bank Pinuon
was drowned almost instantly, and
Hill, after swimming to within u few
feet of the shore, whs beaten back bv
tbe waves and went under. The
destitute are b lug cared f ,r a> well
as tbe inadequate m> ans at hand will
Half m Mllllwn Dollvr Worth ol Prop
•rtr Oe.troftKl
8p«oi*l to E'iqulr«r-Hnu
Lacrosse Wis, A >ril 6 - Fire
broke ou' ot 10 o’clock this lou-noou
and wi'B Mill burning and epri ading
at 3 pm, with no go< d protptets of
being u nfilled to any particular iini ■
it. It began tn J ho P-ul’-e w mill
and lumber yard, winch were swept
sway. Cdemm’s mill and lumber
yard nix' disapp'ared, n r, d tbe
llamts spread among tne lumhtr | il-s
and factorifB In ad diK Clone, but 'he
progress was grow e-t to the si u h-
west. The fire department wo.s u a
ble to cope with the coil! gratton,
snd assistance was Kent rrom Bparia
and Winona. The Sparta engines
had wrrivid. Milwaukee sent two
englrei fully manned on a rp^ciu!
'rain, a distance of 2')0 miles Tne
fire was caused by sparks from a mdl
stock on the furnaoe, and fanmd by a
strong north wind, soon got beyond
o .idmI. Tne situation at 8 p m is as
f iiiows : The fire is still ragiug ii rre-
iy and ail iflirts ou the part of trie
fireman to subdue It are'uI
The wind ia still high. A greai many
streams are still piaylug uij it.e fir ■.
The total area alteady bor ed is over
five bli cks long and a block a: d a
half wide. Bisiiies the ix ‘tisiv
lumber mills of Me.-srs Paul & C -le-
man wit'i tin g ■ planing millsard
factories, tbs Li Cros»e snip fao.ory
ami iimtiei so 1 store houses fi nd vuh
ficasonti.t lumber, laths and slungbe,
and eight dwellings were Imrntii.
I’he to'ai his is pr* bnbly I, iti one
half to one million d 1 la:h, only
naif insure'!. O o thuti-a : i men are
: tiro w u out oft m ploy m-id.
Tim fi f o lupin ely ui d r coo-
;roi by 2:30 E igirie- from W.i.ona,
Miuu, huil 8i jr a re dere ' • x 'ell-r t
aid. Theeng n' 0 from H P-ul am
Minneapoli. we e ready to try
special train, but were tehg.upu^J io
atop. A tar fui estiroa e o' 'ho l"S8 !
p aces >t at butwen $S(n) OCO and
$1001)0.10, cd wh'cti as iimividu 1
oeuvy losers C L Co e imo Is the
greatest, his )o -> ueu.g $'4 0 000 with I
no insuranos J >nu T P*ul's iosb, be .
sides 6 000 000 foot of lumber, i- ea- j
tima'ed a $160 00 1; lppurul for $60,s
000 The firs laid was e ten til cks,
which ii eluded two of the 1-rge-t
lumber yards in Wisconsin, aud s< me
eighty small housis, Fully 1000
men are thrown out of employment
and 4U0 persons remleied homeless.
Il was oy far toe most destrucive
tire that ever visited LiCrosse, and
out for the favorab'e wind the entire
southern part of the city would have
been swept away
To the Working Men if the
World : F tends and Brothers—
He tr us, fi r we plead fot our rights
Meet of squlty, U; k upon us, for wu
uruggle g*nmt tueg.untn of wrong,
nia.i wi'li itie frtr.z; of prld.i hih|
self a !ula ion, ft g' tten a* it ie • t ;lie
suooess of outrage aud ltram> T- t-r >
elands be' us the giant of aggre
gated and inorpnrHtr.i wealth, i v ry
dollar of which is
on blood, i> justioH and ou'rage. Tnat
gif.nt of c -ip rile wt"iltb has central*
z i its pow or iu aud is iui personal cl
u the i-Hgei fi.'tid woo gi. a's a--he
grinds out ol >i s Mlow men, and
grimaot-B ami d .ijO'.s i h tliey writhe
on his Inetruoimts of :orture. O, yc
working men of America, who love
vour iitieriy and your native 1 un' I
Y < great creators of weattii,
who stand as the fouo-
a ion of ail nattorial g mil,
lock on your brotters’o d:*.y I G -uld,
the glam fiend I Gould, the money
monarch, is dancing, as he claim-*,
over the grave of our ordei; ovr the
ruins rf cur homes, and 'he blight of
our lives. B-fore httu the w will has
smiled iu beauly, but his wake is t) e
graveyard of hopes; the cyclone’*
ipath of devasta'ion and death Or
Btrongsrms have grown weary in
building mu tower of strong h, and
yet he bids us build on, or die.
6 .r young lives have grown gray
ton si on beneath the strain of unra
quitea, constant toll Our loved oust,
m h me ere hollow cheeked anil
pale with long and weary waiting for
better drys to come, and tha grave
yard* are hiding his victims from
longing eyes
“Brother W ufemBn : This mon
ster has comp'dl> d us >o toil tn c dd
«nd rain for $2 50 i day. Others may
have been r.ompMled to yield them
reives to tlmo for seventeen and
eighteen working hours for the pit-
taiioa of nine hours rf pay, and others
who have aeserled, th. ir manhood
and rebeltid aiainst him arc bluok-
listed arid boycotted all over rhe land
H« has nif iia the most solemn come
pacts with the highest au'horlty in
our ordar and then has basely re
fused to fu fl i his pledge
He livs urtier a^d e'Jiys
a.I'be b'‘i'fl’B of a republican form
of gov**'loent, and ye: atvoaai'B
and t e'i eu de* ih« most det-astug
form of win « slaver,v He rob* 'he
r ct and p or, th 1 ' Vifgh end low wMl:
rutiilCss hand »»d lien appeal o
' he corrupt and purciia-ed cr urta to
n-lp iiirn 'abe our liiiie homes away.
H oreake .,ur I'nilis and mum- <ur
bodies, and then demands we shall
relesee h m fr< m every claim for
damege or be blacklisted forever. He
goes to our grocers arid persuade*
•hen not to g ve ub credit b eaus
we refuse to be ground in his human
mill. Ho turns upon us a horde of
lawless things, who shoot among cur
wives.and Children wt:h deadly iu-
tent and then howii-s fur government
help when he gets his p*»y In c in
* F-How- woikmsn : G uM irun
tie ovenhrown. His giant p vsei
must be brokfn, or you aud 1 must
be slavei forever, l’/ju ki. glDs of
labor alone h-.v* dared to b'ih>-
D vid to this G >llah. Too ba tie is
not f. r to day The b.-Diie is not f r
to-morrow, but Ir > rouping gm-ra
I lions In 'he comirg r>g<s >1 itie
I world, F r rur cliiniien arid out
c .ildren’p children ’Ti* he gre» :
| q iestion of lh“ age. Bh.'t'l we it
a.nuing ages b> a “'a'lon of fn emen
»- u nation of a? T‘-»- que-'t""
mist be decided now Tn" cnei: s
>•■1" aiteady i
8 .al I w w >
ii' uiiii..?
‘ W rki: gmen
-hs! you sa V“S <
W irklngi/teJ rf
clime, into it
I llu-.t ore Io to(>d u~
l! 1 h> y are v'vi c 1 t '
G .1 doibh .'
of tee w vld net"
)ii tin. tixl'fi field 1
.... . r n,j ■ ... ,j
G <ti'ii at d his
Drnik f'um >l7dru*sabla.
Baltimore, Apni 0 -DrBrinton
H Warner, a yt.uog physician of this
city, died to-day of hyd-ophobia,
O.f C iris mas day he was blt’.ea by
a smail lap dog, which had betn ruu
over on thcs'teet by a vehicip, and
he made an ill irt to take U to his
hr m3 to nur-e it. Ha oauterz d the
wound, but several days ago tie ex
hibited the horrors of tnat fell disease.
Dr Warner wss a *nn cf Dr J E
Warner, of Yarford, Conn, a retired
raj I
Monopolies pins' go down, r-r yon*
i ildiyn mils be si 'V a. Trunk of
*l-e i I' 11 n o.ivr. plan fa srnur.d yu
hearth'Stone* that Will lie blighted by
Ins curse Think if,he iitlla hoay?
he in seeking to mb ye n of Think o'
the wue from who c eyes
he has wrung fl mils of
tears, and from whose heart
he has toriumd drops of blood. W io
cm lock calmly upon his p rii iy,
tits outrage aud his crime? for he ha*
S' ught to incite felony among our
t .uk and flics. H itas bought the
perfidy of vile men to entrap the
unwary that he might s ain our fair
name aud gloat over misfortunes.
“O'lCe for all, fellow workmen,
aroute! L-t every hand that tolls
be lifted to heave t aDd swear by
Him that fives forever that thesoout-
rugea must oease. L ‘t every heart
and brow be turce I toward our com
mon foe. and le'. no man giow weary
until, like Qjliah, ou* giant la dead
;cutive Boards D A 101, 93,
the unanimous determination of the
hoard to continue the present strike
until an arrarg. ment bad been en
tered into with Boxie restoring all of
the Birik.TA to tluir former posi
tions, with the exception only of
those who participated In acts
of violence anil destruction of props
erty since the strike begun. This is
a decided advance from the position
Uiey held Saturday before the con
ference with H xie They were then
willing to an e it to an agreement
which would restore the strikers to
lh"ee post:ions which were not then
uctuj i d by new msn, but H xle's
refusal to accep' the arreernent, de
prived ihem, tliey say, of 'he !n*t
hope of a rtcoiiii'ia Ion under the
pr"sent clrcumstariora.
TUo rail way . ill : a!s claim that a
continuance cf heir it gtilar tiusineis,
which they sny hes now been fully
r i umed, depends not In thelecten
the aoii.m of any labor org miz ,'lou,
atui that the bright blockade has
bi'in: permanently raised. They also
claim that they have employed a
suttl dent number of m n to render
"'em entirely independent of the
Rights of L mi - , at d that the strike
w II cone o in.ught Mouhcriof the
im neral ex ru ive board, however,
s a'e that tuey ate con fl lent of the
• ueousH of the strike, for, Bays Turner,
“the road* cannot be oner Ud wi'.li
out the K lights if Lab ir The
-killed um! unskilled ialnr iu the
U Died B.ates iBOontrolL-d tiy our or-
ganlza'ioD, and the c mpany of
GoulU has not and could not supply
itself with railroad men or mechanics,
or eveu laboring men, if weaUempt
to prevent i'. If th-y employ any,
they will leave again after being at
work a little while The labor!.ig.
men, too, who sre not K Ighls of
L bor are in syitipaihy with
us, and I think will ulti
mately support us The statement
mat tbe company is now carrying on
i >s business Is not true and reports
ibat they are out so many
'rains daily are mi-deading Tliese
are not trains. Some of tin m are
half trains, some even composed of
ess than that number of cats, aud
orrie are empty oars sent out to make
a show ”
St Louis April 6 —The municipal
oleo'iou iu Eau.St L 'tils today ims
drawn orowds of strikers from the
railroad yards and depots to the polls
and unu-ual quiet prevails there to
day. T ie railroads are hatulliug
freight in large <j lantiiies. Despite
the slack force of m.'u engsged on
the bridge aud al ibo unim , depot,
several freight trair'.s have passed
over the river. At several depots in
EntBtL u's numerou i freigh; trains
liave arrived and have leen nnloadtd
by new men, Ihe number of whom,
the • (il.iiwls claim, 1b 1 ig.> encugh io
imuiio ail vioir hus o a 'i he tipi
csiro, Burn g>ou »o. Qb. t y swi ch
•urg'd) th, w io stru.'-a v " play, re
roe.t id w> rk again to-day, aud
h»v boo:, rauuiug the'.r eiiE’ ib* al!
tb« m-i id g f: e Oh c go. ti iriiug
‘O'l ai.d Qiiiiej sw.tcbuien
also re umed o w tk ibis morning,
bu' by >. qu-Ht of the kb'giits of
iab u- s'ru 'k again soon i f er vanfa.
Everson, I’a, Apr'l 0 —MeOlur*
& O i Liavli g re'used to gr .nt 'he dp-
maudH of thp'r miners for 99 cent*
per day tier 100 bushel*, Hie dis'rtc'.
price for mining, a stiike wrs !:i*
> ugiira'.ed in ull tins works f thu firm
y -sierday morning. Abuu! !0(K) men
went out.
Parsons, Kansas April 6 — There
wan no u aterml change tn the s'rlke
situation yesterday. Irons’ circular,
urglug the men to keep up tbe strike,
was train daodhuigfn a conspic
uous place, at ii Ihe sinkers in oolites
q'lenco announced that they would
uot allow any knights of labor to re-
uomewoik I’ is mid, hr w er, Ilia'
.b ut 190 f he me i huv* lei re
e iiploytd, ai d tic rnii' t-r m chatiic
• i*nfiut 1 c*'p hat he hes all :he men
g"d li" warns. 8 vor> k. ip f«
•••ere arres'r-d vesP-rd"y and So ld 'or
tri ' l T .eci' z ih are org«: >z og v
taw a-d order en'ac f.r the pr .'.t:
ti in of pr p-r y.
house of commons this evening that
Mundellaand C dlders had resigned
their seats in the cabinet. It Is ex
pected that Fowler, Henesge and
Br adstreei will secede from me gov-
-rnment Thursday. Opinion iB that
the present government I* doomed
8ir H F P.msonby, private secre-
'ury of the queen, was sent to conf ir
m ner btiiuilf with Laid Hartlngton,
leader of the whigr in tbe house of
nommnnn Tlie Interview les'ed a
log lime Afierwards the Marquis
of Salisbury had a long private cona
f' tence wi'ti L ud Hariiugton. The
lit'pral opponentsof Gladstone’s Irish
poll y ere steadily i;.creu-lug their
Htrerg' 1 ., and ate doing everything
within th'dr power to bri g about a
O’tdi'ion b 'twi en tiiemselves and the
coi.'siirva'ives under a litierat leader.
Haftiugtou is at present the only
..vuilable who would be sc-
c p aide to the tory part of the con-
t- mpla'pii coalition. ,
a temporary quietude
The camnet ft ud Dus temporarily
aLa od. Giadsto ie modifies his pro-
pie-ala regarding customs omirol by
giving lliei English parliament the
rhrht m veto all the fiscal enuctmeuts
of Ireland, providing that an impe
rial receiver shall olbct the customs
ami ixclse, and making imperial
ciulmu ft «t charges on revenues.
The m'deouteuts oonsequpntlv
wi hhold t tn ir r'-slgnatlons. Glad
stone is thoroughly supnorted in
ml Ids pr posals by E<rl Granville,
Earl R e ,rry,:lie Ma.qulsof R pnn
iiud Campbell Biunerman. 8 r
F >rrer H irschsll does not participate
m ti e iispus-ini s ou home rule, but
uphold* ttie p-opnsed land bill aud
has relieved O u Istone of drafting
the la ter tchc me.
Gbidslone In in iobu«t health and
g>oj voice, and is cot fldent ofsuo-
<e fi. Ox Thirsday Chambei-iaia
w'll ppeak after G adstoue, and L rd
Qxriiugtou will m r ve to adj mm.
Li it reported that Saiiebury has per-
s laded. L r d Hariiugton to move
hat the house refuse to consider
Gladstone’s bill.
rlallntl '
lloitltd Thf
A Ml Uf.
until, ilk
at nor jfce
17.’’ T
St Ifiuis, Apill 6 —Aher he de>
parture last night of 8 j c*etary Tur
ner, of the general executive board
oft tie Kdghis of L ibor, for tlie prin
physiomn. and formerly surgeon iu | 0 ipal strike centres on the G mid
the Uoittd 8tates army. Tna deceased j gouihwesteru eystein, the remaining
leaves a widow and three children. members of the coin ml'.tee an aoucoed
By A"gio Ame r l9rtri f o*.
London, Ai rd 6—Tbe cabinet
met tu noon to-di - and rein a uni iu
■ 1 »fsi 1 n until 2 o’clock Gh d*’o'o
,ald before the mlnis ers Lis i >sti
in me rule policy. It is reported that
'.be discussion wnich followed re*
tubed in (O' tinulng ministerial op-
p si'ton to certain fsa'ure* of (he
premier’s proposal*. Earl K bti
secretary for I'dis; Colder.*, hr me
ceoretaty; Mr William Vernon Hur
c ur', cliai cellar cl the exch'rmer,
aud Mr Mundella, t resident of the
hoard of ■, are, it is said, as mucti
opposed ' s ever to that feature which
surrenders the oontrnl of cu-toms In
Ireland. As Gladstone remains firm
these ministers, rumor says, will re
J ilin Burns, H M HvnUman, H
Cuampi m and John E Williams, so-
ciiill*t leaders, who a:e charged with
melting a mob to riot on the occa
sion of tne recent gathering* of wotk-
ing men iu Trufa.'gar square and
Hyde park were placed on trial to
day in the old Bnley court. There
was only a small number of visitors
iu the c r urt r <om. and hut little In
terest was shown in the case. The
evldetc. given in Bow street police
court at the preliminary hearing was
1. was stated in ihe lobby of ihe
A Rtpnkllcai Mr*-|S H.
SfflOiftil* JhMIMMr-tflHI. J ,
Cimciinna’i i, April 8 —The elec
tion yt-steid y resultei in bd over-
Whelming m-J irity ’or the entire re*
pubMom Hcket, ranging from 4<)00 to
n-aiiy 79(10 The result will make
both boards of the common council
republican, and also the b iard of edu*
cation. I i precinct A or the fourth
war !, whioh has floured so conspic
uously since tait October in InveatK
gallons iuto alleged frauds, the vote
yesierday wa : E bothy ( r op) 203,
Howab (it*m) 292 R nd (prohibition)
33 Ijx«t Or nber the vote waf: Fora-,
ker ('M') 48, Hoadlnv (fern) 920,
L'ouard (prohibition) 22. Tbe total
vote iu tne city fulls considerably
short of last fall’s vote. Toe weather
was c'Id and disagreeable in the
morulng ar d *u the afternoon there
w in a heavy snow storm, whioh con*
linn J all night.
Wuh six precincts out of 165 In
the r'ty not heard ir on the uucjrtity
of E helby, republican, for camp-
troiier, ov r Hohwab, democrat, Is
7095. Tha' of Hess, republican, for
director of city inti mary, over Arm-
s'roi g, democrat, Is 8495. These
represent the ex'remes' B ith
marches of the oo in in on connoll and
he board "f education have a repub
lican m: j >rlty.
A Te«t Ihi.
|M4i<r*< ’0 * a fHfMir*r-&r.>.
RichM'ind Va April 0.-Last
week E U Jones, a commer
cial traveler from Fuiladela
pfila, who offered io pay his il-
censu tux with Biate ooupons, which
wore refused, wns arres'<’d for selling
goods wl'hnut lice's His ca-e oame
up f, r a hea'iug to-day before the
hu* ing* court of this ciiy. C unsel
d minted to the indictment, that
Join* was not liable to prosecu’ion
utc.use he bai lernlered V.rgioia
("tupons under tlie recent decision of
the Ufii’ed K'nlts supreme
court. A'ter argument the
court, sis an el the demurrer,
holding tha'. tin-, aecu-ed had a tight
[ t go on with his business without, a
I cense after the tender of c upons,
i nd that Ihe ( ic.-eeuilon should not
he maintained. J uis v as bailed,
and ihe oa-e wui l<e taken t < lue ell-
oretiie court of . ji ia's of V'giuia
J ips lias see ' alt .ho state etficera
having a hand in tlie amstfi run*
law ul end m»l)"i u arrest, laying
hIH dam igo at $109,1109
All ,» Ui»I.
-purlul to Eu'inlrur. iun
tHruAGo, April 6 - The Diily
N-ws’ Hpripidl Id, Illinois, special
‘ave : ‘ N Georgia bonds have been
i.flered to ai y t filc-rs of I his state as
a donation to the soldiers’ home.
G iv Ogler.hy raid to-day, he had re
ceived no nolifi, a'iori that such a gift
is contemplated. The state auditor
and attorney -general, who are the
only p tsods o .mpeteut to make the
s ale of Idinois plaiuhfl iu a suit, are
also without inlormatiou lu regard to
tlie alleged eolieme to secure the as
sistance of the state to force Georgia
to redeem repudiated bonds.
I'iitfo; Bond* to Erqnlrer*Hnn.
Harrisburg, Va, April 6.—After
two days' preliminary trial cxunsel
far 8 R 8'erliLg, defaulting county
triu.-.urer, waived further ex.mina-
tlou a id the prisoner was to-day
Palled in tlie sum of $10,000 for his
appearances b.fure the grand Jury at
the April term of the county court.
For Tbroat Doieaseo, Coughs, Colds,
etc, i ff o'nat relief Is found In tbeuae
of "Irown’s Bbofouiil TaroaKs.’’
Price 25 cents. Sold uD'y in b; ia<