Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, April 08, 1886, Image 1
YQlk xxvm—> 0 84 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 8 1886 PRICE FIVE CENTS ftflUTV-NINTU POMPDUkO » edition ofuu old prophecy made in rUKI I 11114 in l/UJNllKEiCD 1878, that even limited coinage would drive out goid ; The present A Ytte Y.ken in tue Logan A 1 BUI. mj Mi irdcaitd bj * mill Wi Oh 11 FiiYoro ihtt I'trfitEure cf tli>> florid* Lau4 Dlirufulan of tfc»t <|il;Uo«»rtie K blft'ib Oni'&ftl luiulf •«, Klft* Bftftoiftl to Knaalre: Bun Washington, April 7 —Willis, cf Kentucky, reported b ok herlv-r and barber, appropriation bill from thee nmiit tee having charge of ihe rulj tel, aid it web referred <o the committee t.f the whole Iu the morning Lou: Duun,r Ar kanees, oo behalf ■ f the cmmittee on Auxtricun shipping, call- ri up Hie refcoiutinu setting ai art the 22 l, 25.h and 28;b of May forllr ouLsiib ra’.iou of the “free ehlp” bill. Adopted. The epeiiki r laid b. foie the house the no s age or the president on ihe nit led of Chinese immigra tion. R ferred to the committee on foreign < Odra. The prisideut calls attention to and recommends legislation to remedy li e serious defect iu 'b“ Cuinete lmmigradon sot of 1884, which has tiie fleet of depriving Chinese merchants visiting this country oi e right to las d that is distil cly guuiaL etd to Hum by the treaty. At the expiration of the morning hour debate on the silver bill was re turned Bland, of Mist ouri, entered a mo tion to reci a mil the bill, which mo tion will not be acted on until the close of the debate. He then pro ceeded With air argument in favor of the free etiuage ofsilver and gCve a retumeoftle circumstances attend ing the demoredBsiton of ellverin 1873 Norwood, t.' Ge rgla, in a d;y, sar castic manner, bore testimony to the wor derfol bn< witdge posset sed by all men on the question of flounce, and then paid his respects a humorous manner to eevera! of Ihe geutlimen who hau preceded him iu the deb ue, especially addrtss- ing bin self to satirizing of tbespetcb of Findlay, c.fMaryland. In t t quaint, discursive way, he diiended tbe atandard dollar from the charge i f dishonesty made by the gold men, and attributed the attacks made on it to tbe Lfluenou of Great Britain, Lombard street said : "The Ameri can dollar is worth only 80 cents,’’md Wall s reel repeated: “The Ameri can dollar is worth only 80 cents” Lombard street said ‘Mue American dollar is a fraud and a lie," and Wall s'reel repeal d the insult and said ‘ the American dollar is a fraud and a He.” Lombard street said “the Atnr-rlcfu; d >!!ar Is nothing but bul lion,” and Wall street likewire r - peated the blunder and said, * Yes, the American dollar is noiuiog out bullion.” A hundred years ago there had been some rebels in tin’ conuiry who had recorded in almost foigo leu mauuscript a decimation .1 at congress should coiu the money of the United 8 mes, and regulate the value there f Prior to that a king hud Coined toe mom y Sht u'd gentlemen be condemned t. r maintaining that the coin of ihe United 8 ates should be regulnted by cougress, and not by Grein Britain and Lomhurd street? While the United States saved the queen the trouble of coining its money, she reg ulated its value The country hud escaped from the tyranny of the Briiish crown, only to fail und, r the despotism of British gold He then d thud his position on ihe pending quesdon, poiu ing out the d.fllcuu.fca and dangers which a • tended an advance or re.ria , and maintaining that the wisest course Was to allow ihe existing law to re main unchaugt d. MiComae, of Maryland, advocated the double siandard aud Bayne, oi Pennsylvania, avured a supci.aiou of silve, coinage. BluLd t-tkeu unanimous cocten 1 , owing to tbe vny isge niinbciol members who dvsrrtu io epeek on tie silver question, that ,Le v.i.'e wnicb is i idcred for to.mmrow a 3 o'clock thouid be pe>.- p i til uu 11: 5 o’clock Sa'urduy, tut s that da> hau been set aside i d the cot aider ation of bills reported by thect inmlt- tec on cooameice, a member ol the* comu.ittee i!j.oied, and a metnbirof the o.uitniuee on c'alms objected to pcs poneUitui uuiil Friday It was agitiu, however, to..! the vuteeuould not be t> ki t: umii 6:30 io morrow. The house thee, a 5 o’clock, took a recess until 7 o’clock. D:bate on the silver bill was con- tic ucd at theevening eision. Seven members on the fljor and aniqual number of spectators in the galleries oomposed the audience tt at was called to order by the speaker. Daniel, of Virginia, tcok the floor against the suspension of silver ouln- age, declaring the siandard ddlar was the odb bulwark^ bstween tbe people and monopoly. The banks held the geld, the government had ita hand upou greenbacks and tbe people were told that silver was not wholes! me for them. It the ooiuage of eiivi-r wus Mopped con traction would follow, and after contraction come bankrup ey andiuin. The sliver dollar was n»t only au honest dollar, hat a dollar that had emanated itoaS the treasury, The tenokihoy of free sliver coinage wonid not-he to carry gold to a pre mium, but IQ put both metals ou the situation oL the country cod trastid with its condition in 1878 showed that tbe United 8 at«s had ao increased votuni** of $306 000 000 of gold aud $212 000 000 of silver; yei the people were told that to coin silver would be to drive out gold Crisp, of Georgia, oppoi-ed any proposition o increase the amount n' s lver iu tbe standard duller, for (ho reason that the bullion value of thsi dollar was greater ’hau that of any like cm i-sutd by any other nation of the world. He nppr sed also tbe proposition to ruspend silver coinage, maintaining that 'h- int re-t of 'he we-t *»■ d sou h were contrary to those of the money lct>di> g r nst, and would l>e greatly irjurrd by contraction of curtency whin! would follow diRt suspension. Skinner, of N >rrh Carolina, pro- tended igalnst iho pieeeit law e "bumpbacktd bi me alism,” and argued that the pr* per remedy was s free coinage provision. A 10:10 the house adjourned. BfHtTE. Af er 'heroutiee morning busine-s, wbicb was. very ligbt, Call, accord ing to notice, proceeded to adilrftft" the senate on his resolution ins'ruct ipg the committee on public land- to report a bill to forfeit atl railroad land grar.'s not earned within the time epee fled iu the granting act or acts extending tbe lime. Ti e get ecal subject of land grants, Cal! said, wns one of great importance Over 150 000,000 actes of public la d had been grained to railroad csnips ■Dies to uid in building thetT road- In Bi'tne iespec's CaU ouid notobjpc to such grants The grin’ public ol jeci had been accomplished, though it might have lien accomplished with perhaps trainer advantage to the people Some portion of the rpceipt- of the property might have been reserved to the government to aid education, or io relieve people tn<m burdens of taxation. I< wan not, however, as to the leueral sub )ect that Cal) particularly wished to address the senate, bat on tht; jMbTiot of land grants in Florida. Call ther gave a history of those land grants and the building of railroads in Flor ida, specially in oonneoHon with tue coi p .ration known as the Florida railroad company. Of the $1 000,000, the nominal capital of that corpora tion, Call said, not one dollar had been paid iu each xoebt tbe amount paid hv tbe ■ ‘a'e ol Florida, which wa» $90,000,, Stockholders had gone the form of makings formal payment of 15 per cent, but bad im- mpdiaely takni back the money. Thegranling act rcqui.ed that ;be land should leveri to the United S atenif >tie r ad was notbuiit in ten years. The rota was not built the' ami h <1 r. ever been built by tb< company, but was built by means of donations of other public lauds of the Untied States. The com- pavy, L-Wevcr, had sold tne rutht to every tete of the land grant which they bad never carped, the right to some sevt-n hundred 1 thousand acreB of the h s lands in Florida This purpose bad b eo aided by tbe United States court Tue c urtsshould Dot be made he tools of railroad corporations, at d c i.gres- should not permit thel- wn to remaiu iu such a condition as to allow of iha interpretation re ferred to, which tuabled a corporation to perpetrate a fraud ou the peiple, Cali was tbe friend . f associated iff irt, whether of capital or labor, but c/porations bL u'd b- reslraiced by law from accomplish itig frauds. Call cburachr z d tin operations of the Florida railroad company, and the U died S ates c unit' aid of those rpi rations, as thi moat < xtraerdirtary trausac ions evei heard o f iu a free country The resolution, on Call’s request, was n ferred to the com mb lee or public la..da. Dibateot Logau’s bill to inoreae* the numb.r ol cnlistid men in tin aruiy was resumed H-wley spok stror g'.v iu favor id the bill. L >g*i . Tt lei, Van Wjck and ate,. s ,< ke A three o’clock, according to pr- vicus agreemeut, a vote w. s .ak?i. ou Hal 's motion io stx'ke ou stc tiou two of ’he bill which esuib tier es a orce a 30 Out) ruen. The n o tion was lost on a ,ie vo e-22 t 22 The republicans votii g for Halt’s motion wereB-wen, Cose?, Corger. H ile I uralK P limit, Sherman, Tel ler sue Van Wyck. Toe democrats voting against it were B-owu, G r tun, Gray and Waltham. With heue 1 xceptious the vote for the in - lion were demco atlo and the vole tgdr et it republican. Mauderson moved as an amend - uieut, his three battalion org*r zs- tion bill, and it was agreed to. Gibssu moved to add an additional B"C ion, repealing section 1218 of tbe revised siatutes, which now prohibits any person who served the con federate government from appoint ment to the army of the United Slates. After an interesting debate, In which Gtbson, Morgan and Call sup ported this proposed amendment, aud Logan and Conger opposed It, Gib son’s amendment waa lost— yeas 24, nays 25. The oill was then put upon its final passage aud defea’ed—yeas 19,nays31. A. discussion then arose as to the measure upxt to be considered. Tue Washington territory bill has the formal right of way at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, bu. Voorhee-, B'alr, Barr; aud others indicate u desire to call up In tbe morning hour hills in which they are Interested. VoOrhoes same levi'i. The a r gjment that the free coinage of silver wouid drive gold | desired the senate to take up the ii- frem the oouutry waa but the second brary bill after the morning business to morrow B ait wishes the private pension bills taken up, sb whI as other pension measures, and Berry has a railroad right of wav bill which he expressed a desire to have di*posed of. A. 6 o’clock the se”»‘“ m.'i tuned A OH1NFSK COM PI. At 1ST W’asiunuti'N, At". 7—l it Chi nrte mtiiisier at Washington has made a formal complaint to th“ sec retary of stats in regHtd to the 'rest ment (f bin HUCviss t a Han Fran iiiscn at tbs hands nf Uui .ed to ales customs fllosr. H bases bis action on Informaeion received from the Cbiuese consul general a‘ Hat. Frans oi-c*, who, ir t« nudorstoml, ai'eves jai the mw minister and hie -nite were sn jaij^d to omi-uvl a d u"» uec'ssary auur.y-Hnces and Jis ' ntr e sip- on itieir airlval at ,tt»t tort The sioieiary ot sta'-e referred the matter to the tio'intr secrKary nf the reaetiry, who this afiernucu twite vraphea to tht collector i f cis uttual Sm Fa ciioo fur u s atemeui ft tiie r u ucr or his flBc-r« in tiie ntatttr S aie eurpnae t- t-xprepsed at t) e rfet'iiry department ihat ihe Intd irg ol Hie uiihii'.er eliould i ave bsei at;endid by any delay or '-ruhnrrass ment, tu view of tlip fact iliat the c (lector »t San Frenoleco bad been spicallv losiruo ed to ex end to bim rhe usual omirtP'-i s dut to the riprceeuuttive of r. 'oreigi goveri meut, such as all wins the fiee eh'ry of tus b«Rg9gp an l ff'Ca -r.d i-floi-di'g f&cill'iPH forti euiiu terrup ed tiaueii to Wsshii g.ou, or wherever else lie desired to go A i re-s dispat oh recelvid here at 2 o’cl ck Lhiw morning - ays that i.s thn- Chi eie lun.isie , lot lowed by hi' su;,e of a out twei ly ptraoue, W». about to la d at 8 in Frauoieoo frv m ihe steauiel Gat lie he was stopp d by the customs ilfloer, who informed him that he oililp not Jam! until v - be bad shown by properly au.heutiowled dcouments that lie was euliuei !■ laud in the Uaiteo States. Th' Cj 'i- n*4e oo suianii the oonsut general, who weie Waiting Io receive lUeli dia ,, D f 'Uisb.e'Ji O' uotiymen, were in dignan:, but the cush.tua ill mr per 'slstfcd and tbe mli ian r p’-oouotd his credentials, ocoredi i g bim as min ister to tht Untied S.’utee That, was not sufficient, however, and the ministei’a passport was produced, and after a dut licate certified dpy had been made the embassy w s al lowed to puss. A Hit F auclfoo di*pi’ch of !to day, gtvis the following h a.emeiit ly: the affair fr m the Chinese (inrsu! : "Sitxetary Bayaiusent liisituouorfe to U e collector of this port, to permi tbe legation to land freely and ex teud to them every courtt-Hy, Just a' the mouiehv his excellency and utii wore “bout to s-ep ash ;e, tbe suS vi-yor lulormed me tbit the L.,d just s' nt au order not to permi' the legation to laud until his xceN leucy’e credentials wtie set! to the ousLom hou-e for tx aminatton. This was c .mmunfegted to his exctlleucy, who >.Xi’tfiH8y, , much surprise a the notion of Tu collector, riui'iiki.- g that bis govern meat had T t- ucied him io only present his cr. den'ials to the presi dent of the Uuited S a es, eddi; g that they were packed in bus b g.tag und-r seal aud Itiatu would be very incouveuient to get at them at the time, and, ihertfore, prtfemd to re maiu ou the ship until cnmmuuica ion O' uid be iind with Washii gto: 1 Fiually, af er adeluy of art h ut and a half Hie minis er and suite mri permitted to leave 'he »hin. REPORTED BACK. Forney, ot Alabama, iu day m ► ported to the h use, fiom ti,i r. u. tiiiltee on approuria ions, t) < j >,i i rrs tuiion inrroduce.i by H.-ruon. making an anpr p-'atiou f r Hie re liefof tbe m Uriels by the Alauam fluids. The committee ie numeod- td an apt>ri'nrU:ion of $15U,U09 ia stead ’ f $3 0 <>00 as prov.dcd iu in- oiiginal resoiu .oo Jlii manning's condition S c-'tiaiy Mauu.i.g o n i .i"U to iuipiove. He was ptimiLted to get odr ol bed and si', up a sbi i tin e !o day, the first aittmpt since his at- tack. AN OKDEK RcVoKED The teort'.aiy ot 'he ir iriorbh- rtvoktd he. r ( Uonimi-sumer Snaik“, rd he general J»t■ * fii e, oi Apri. 3 1885, su-pending flu .l f .ctlnn anon tt.eeu rica u;on j uboc In bis to the c mmi-piouei ''tispeiiding the onier, Secretary Liamr sa. •: "Whatever . co-.vtity may have existed at tiie time of It piomu gatiou i a. Ctrl to benlfl cient to iomier comiuue au oruer su-peoding al. .clou ai.d io vf.lving io commoii condemuatiou the iuuo cent and the guilty, tiie tioLenand the d.shouest. Wliile I ear es'ly urge the exercise of the s.riot ■ est vigilance to preyeut b> all agttCies within your power the oon-ummation of fraudu lent or wrongful law, and yet where the vigilance of all these agencies shows no substantial evidence of fraud or wrong, honest claims should not be delayed or their cousideiatlon refused in general reports or rumors. Tbe above order as issued by you is therefore revoked, aud you will pro ceed to the regular, orderly and law ful consideration and disposal of the claims suspended by it.” A POST OFFICE ROBBED. The post itfije tt>fe at Clinton, M as, was blowu open and the post (flic robbed last night. THE LABOR SITUATION- flow 1st er* L ot on tke Diflareiit Ballro ids. rrwlfttaf. Trulfti mill MiTlfti^DliKllur Utft Aiaii| tbe ttrlfcluic Elcuoim- F*llnr»- .fib* frla era* tilkoft. Jacm ifttv lip. K*r, Nund Dend New Haven, Conn, April 7.— Thomas A Tnatoner, prolessor of Latin and literature in Yale college, was discovered dead in his bed this morning. Hawse in hi 721 year, '• Unt/uitur-Hmm.. St Li uxs April 7 —A riot broke out i: Kwt S L uls to-duy A large crowd of sinkers, numbering over 1000 men, formed . b ut uoori at the relay depot, and head' d by tbe loud urs of the Btr'Uers iu ihat e tj. iu «rc’e i to th< and Mi-siaeip; i railroad tlepot, where u ntuuber of p utform m-u wereal w< rk. N gmtr.i of police or dem y shei 1L bent' sia io til there aud ihu trupl iyts were easily forerti trim thttr post lions. Theuce the mob al vanmd upon ibn Vuidalla yards. H re a few deputie oi duty who onfeei ths mru b&cfe They rtfna d and made a rush, bear- i g the i Uljtrs d.-wn, aud swaruiei threugli tilw gates into tbe yards tttt r forced all the employes at w.nk ou of the va ds. From this pl'-ce they uiarcbid () tne Chicago, BuTIugto:, at’d Qiiiioy yards, where n Him ilar scene whs euaoied and all he employes forced out. Tbe mti. !heu rushed on to the Chicago and Alton yards, and upon arriving tin re w -'re met by a si rung force of de| u > mursbals armed With Winchester re- pi a ing i flea. They ordered the mob back anti called upon them io dis perse This tbe crowd refused to do, and upon attempting to rn b through tbe gaits, ihe marshals brought their i‘fl.8 totlieir shculders and threat ened to fire if the oriwd advanced, rtiiscookd their ardor some wha ,a.i<l uiev tiirneo back, none less del ei mi; - ed, however, tnai there sbcu ii be no work done in that ciiy while tti*. kutgbts of labor are stilt on a strike The ilt-put lee remained on guard a 'tie Alton yards, fearing a evc.iuo attack upon that point, whil-i ti e s tiRer" prooeedsd ro the Cairo Short Line yards UpoD arrivlig there ihe mob found their way uuob strdeted, and by t ; ht paate meau employe,; a: the other yards, f.irceit the men to leave tbetr po*ltioue Tne mt'b then dispercerl, having accom pjished their o r j cf, but uot before calling a meeting of all he strikers P 'i>ke place at 2:30 at Ftanangan’s hal;, where resolutions will be adqp.ed de claring ,U’A. no one will be ullowed to fill the strlkera’ piacas. Ail the yards ofc now deserted and no busi oess is being done iu any one of them. 1 IN ST LOUIS. St Louts Apri; 7—At the Iron M 'Uu.aiu yard* to-day all t-qu e and 1 'ordetly. Five swi ch eog in are nt work Willi cfawsselected fr.-u rh" lO'itl fores of br«ki'men. Thev are somewhat awk 'aid 1 ri • t.r- nr positions, but no sari u- urfii ul yi . -xpvrivno' , d In getting freigln- «i»r - ed Twenty of tbe switchmen din ployed in these yards returned to work yesterday, but went out again when .*• quested to do so by a com mlttee fr.ui tbe knights of lab r. Tne yar'lmasier sent to D Sr of i new men, twepty of whom arrivnl this mori'L g and ate no u. work. » AT FORT WORTH The Globe Demicia ’» special from F >rr, Worih eay - : Yesterday was a risy of RCtivi'y among Hie civ ffltaere. Systematic aesreit is beicp made for me man *hn attacked tto- r.raiii Si'urrlay by f >ur rquads of sol . ipr", und others »rc »ug g“'l in ptn, ec'i: g the cor piny’s property here, and mill others guarriinv trail.e t< nt Johnson oouuty line s "rii am) Demon cnimy north. Freight moved ou >1 e Mrecouri P.a"ifii! to-d-.y from this point C 'urtwrig'it hnsbee', made oap'aiu of a oorni any of mei sdeo'ed ity h ; m, who are !■ ihi B' rviceof the company, aLd 20h aimed ci z-ns are now orga zri 'tun f iur compMiiiee, provided wm tne best arms and well 1 ffljtred. Ir xridirlon to these forces a milUar. company, forty eight strong, wa tally 'irga. zsii ye-terday liv H e ol ’ ZR s known us lue leegU' for aw. J 1 s ui derstc.d th»' tiie grurnl j iry tin- iudioted Tiaomss Nacc, th* w unded j r.i.e.’, (or miinl-r in t!" fin-' degree F ’cry man iu ti e ambjsumg purtv who is known w»n u kr.igiit of labor a private meeting ft fours Apri, 7 - B .th ilie gen eral and joint Iced i xecutive com rnitu es were In se sum yesterday, amt while little is known cf their doings, it is understood that they have been oonHideticg me.ihurisfor strengthen- icg the strike. Bailey, of lire general committee, spent a part of the day in Fist St Louis, but what he did there is not known, and P P Brown, who came hi re from Nsw York with Hayts, has gone out on the Missouri Pacific r ad, and will visit the principal points on thai line, study the sHua'Ion and confer with the men. P M Arthur, chief of the brotherhood of engineers, was □ot seen by the reporters, bui It is believed that he i» still here. It is understood that he had a conference with tbe engineers iu End St Louis yesterday af.ernoou. Tne men there, it is null, are greatly dts a'.isfied at their situa tion, aud in strong sympathy with the striking knights, They are said to object to working wi:h “scab” firemen, and say that it is a violation of their oontiae: with the companies, and they are anxious to resist it, aud it is asserted that they would not be uuwliliu* to strike. It is aho believed that Ar thur was in consultation last night with engineers Iu this city, among whom there is said to exist much the same feeling rh among those liCrrss ihe river What lias been the result of the cou'ereitc« Is uot known, bu' it is tald that Ar hur may spend two urthree dsyw iu he iTy, THK81R1KK KAILS Jacks nville. Fla,Apri. 7.—Tire sink*.of.l.e printers is still unsettled. The n»-W“pai era are gradually getting n fi ice i f non union meu. N me cf hem litive niis cd an ienuc. There is i o longer ar y doubt that the strike has failed REGARDED WITH DISFAVOR St Louis, April 7. One of tire members <>f tbe ^xll- u’ive ucmmttten cf the dis’rint tie- sem dy No 101 said to-day that the urt t-ice of Chief Arthur uf tiie brothtrhoud oi Iccomotive engineers, is not vi( wod iu a fuv, rxble ligiil by si ms of th; it dlt g ki isliis I l the ah mce ut any positive information ccmeiuug G-.e ei jiot of his visii t ere, they argue that if there wa- any truth iu the reports that tbe eugiceeis conlempltt e I Jolti ng tire stilker-', some of h s pr rmineut lieutcnaota would have iatimaied "a-j much to tiie members of one of the two ex 'tuilve committees now in tession. Sirar nothing of that uaiure has been done. Nee. her Arthur tier any of ills meu have colled on or held any rouvi-rsalicn wtlhBuley, Huyee or oilier committee meu, and love cure'ully refrained fiom iflll a'lrig v* irli hem iu any mar ner The general impres sion appears t*' be that Arthur is eu~ deavoting to stifleu the oackbotie of the local ei g noeis’ assemblies an l in doing his oest to prevail upon ills urea to stand by ihe roads Mai lers have been very quiet at the union depot to-day. Tbrie were a goodly number of s.fikers congregated abr ut the piat form nonvevHiiig among tlmuBelves, but thry had litile to'do or say to ou skiers. Nearly ail the men who had gone to work In the yards of the Missouri Pvc.fic, bridge and tunnel, and tbe uuloa donut companies, quit cguiu the lust few dayH. and this morning snare .ly any body was at wotk at these points. There are four crews, all told, working in the bridge and tunnel yati s. it Ir (lie Intention of (lie bridge aud tunnel and the union depot companies to put more men to Woik, however, RMd a number of their old hands h'-r" rgreed to go back Oieof th<> 1U> is of the ronri sayr he will employ all the new bauds he can 4-cure and set them to woik as soon possible. The old hands who are going track are not members of the king his of labor. THE WEATHER Charleston, 8 C, News aud Cmrier, vice president, aud Adolph 8 Oo ir, of the Chattanocga, Teun, Times, peeretsry and treasurer. Tbe old ex ecutive board was re-elected wl b tbe exception of C O UCowardin, who resigned Iu favor ot Patrick Wal h. A u.mimlt ee consisting of Adolph P Oitjs, Pa'r ck Walsh, C O BC iw- ardiu anil HC H uisou w rep-ppoint- ed to ioveMiiguie and report on the lirao'iarit'ility of l uyiug Rud selling a southern association. Tne txecu'ive commitu-e were ina etruettd to teleoi < ue uf their number to a'.tc: il tht ant u-u meetings of each of thescvtrul similar taioclatlous for the i iu pete cl tLC uraging fiuttrunl relations. • R'.abiu'iud, V», wus eeleoted rh the next place of meeiing Theaaso- c a ion tlien adjourned sine die The city cuulciI of Augumu lias tendered ibe bn pltali'y uf the city to Ihe assncla'lot.. There will beau excursion out • f tlie oily to-morrow and uti ixcuisiou to Cuur.tBlou, S V, ou Friday DOWN A TRECIPICE. 4 Tralu Tab#* m Imnblfi IIKI.llfUt I'flfl. ? p eial l* r*quir*r MoNiGoMER v, April 7 —Tiie L ut*-vi I*- t oil Niahville r.ia.i tias re 1 -limed pu-Binger i.'usi less nor'h l>> o'skirg'rar s’er by 'be etesmbnat Mary from tliis city twelve miles to On ins station. Tiie road iu all right o Mobile and Njw Orleans. Trains run ibrough ou schedule time to A'- Imta It will be s'me days liefur * the route ts opeii tr S imt Kep T's of r un the ovtiflowei. d:u t'iots continue to o.ime in. Fully two (housaud stiflerers are daily rationed by 'his ci‘y IN MICHIGAN Detroit, Mich . Anrii 7.—The r ow t-torm ooutinui'd uni! six o’clock this nr irrrirrg T i day thr snow )8 being ci arud away, ant it ip exnec'ed that to or rrow wii) mi ;rt ill j gt-neia' iy 11 s imed. I; is warm •uni In snow ih slow ly milling It tilroed I ravid Li - •** en hhek <1, u live trams gstiit'g li.ruugb ih;. Grand I'rurik, ntr ut aba (1 rued bu <iut s b< tween here uod Port Hii"iu. Thi Djtn i . Gccrdbav -n and M iwatikee, aud tin D- roii, Linslng N r.rr em rei.roady have been completely oloukeJ, but l«rgi: g .tg . are a: -,v; ri: aud travel will probably be rusuau’r. o-tiay. The F cnirg J u’.ut”. M-rqu In -pretrt sriyc, t 1 u .» liil. lire snow'8 fuel die,, ppesriog at ti n poiri*, i' is solid « > tar as *1- < yr* can itacb, and two fed th'ck, the ,-.uu liuvirg no rfl ct upon ir. IN ILLINOIS Chicago, April 7 Tire revet" n> rtber.-c ga'c y«»erd \y r nu-erl nuliCh daiu'-ge io U ■ L i colt: p rk et ‘LMrv S " r " d've' li • w* t *. Norih river.uc ut d tlTe-'CLd of th: ,ark ali lire break waters have bit’ rwept away, Ir.avir g tnai portion of the park without piotic iou. I many pb.ce.-r theeutire drive hui dia appeared. -tpentnl lo Eronlrer-Mtin. Greenfield Mass., April 7.— Terrible Ujeirucllon occurred on the F. cliburg railroad to«nlgbt, lul lw y bt !c u B ml wall's ferry and Woun deitl ldata'ion, tiie east bound |;us- scugcr train fr rm North A anas, due at Guru field a: 1:45, going over an embankment 200 feet. Six bedlea tiavo already bteu tukeu out uf the i ulna and it Is not kuuwu bow many othns have been killed The uaiu consisted of abtrgi gHge car, a smoker, a sleeping our R mill car ai d two ordinary passenger o ncties. The point w< ere thecalum- liy occurrtd ia the most du' gTrPua ou the rued. The track runs on the edge of an embankment 200 fee! above DcirfHd river. Tire hunk iu Bleep and ta covered with huge t)' uiders uu J maraes of jrock with wbicu tiie rta' b.d w s fl.l.'l. Wheu the train arrived at thiH point the track oomme: c.'d to bsHIr under it fora dib auce ouveriug its entire length. The ciwc or broke ^rooi tiieir trucLs and weut latiUng over and over duwu the preci pice. The engine bruk /rom the temler, tearing up »the track fir 200 feet. B.low lolled the D-'crfl-ld river, ou the very edge of which the care wireUinwu Aiaoon as thev btruck llity caught fire Irom the Blovos. The stirhka of wounded aud dying tt.Ld die air and for a time tivt> wufl terribla. Tne Hleepiuguai waa au entire wreck. It waa ocoi.pied iae.s;al passengers, not one of wh m at thiB ftour Is known to have -b aped iojury. ON ’CHANGE. Prl**• lilmaltti a It/ u,|>i>ri> of • P . ol THE FOURTH ESTATE PrMwflifi or las Icathfra Vrtn AoocUiloa al fniiiiB, Htpoolol In Knqalrai-Hun. Augusta, Ga, April 7—The Souibtru Freas taaoc ation met to day in Hie rooms of tiie Commercial club. Owing to the lDterrup:iou of railroad travel In oons; q jence of the fl lulls tbe attendance was not so large a- usual. Hon Patrick WaMr pieuded, Tiie mutliib of bu-.irus* wta Iran-acted, und resolutions were adopted ri que-dir g a renewal of weekly cable letters, a ccnHolidatlon of the euriy and late reports in o, e conllnu us repori aud the u. euf type writers iry the optra'ers in takl g the p*e-’i repoi ta H .n PiiDick Walsh diciln'.ng a re- eltciion, H B Edison, of tne It ch- meri t, V*, D. pa oh, was elected president; T W Dawboii, ot the 9p«uti*.l to KiKjuiror-^aiL New York, April 7 —The’an- iiouncemem that the tiuiik lines liad agreed retpinilng tire pool on and west bound u. fliand that the roads iu the u> nhweat hud made pr gret.B lowaid u reiilfment, stima ulaud pnebs at tiie stick ixchfuge at the oporiiiiK this moiptcg, eh'-wlr g federally a gain * f } t J and wi h only flight reuo- ti ,i -r. Tno m' rk*'t ooniiuu ri stror g until abt.u 1 o’clock, tiie udvunc g in flint t'me rai groe Ir m fractions to ovp, 1 per cent T.' e street war well luppllerl with dispatches from Clii- cagn to th: eflrct !hnt 'he meeting "f the N mbwef enr flin-sls tiad bieti lias Miccr eful than yistorday a. d that tire "ttrltmt'iit rf their diflar- eu: e-r YitHH prac ically impossible. i'.*e f!Ac wi* fjU iu Biick;. mure iii a ro- 'luc lou in toe am uut of bus'. e»* uor.e in the prio s, lliouxii tLiire •vert, fiso ional d dices in the after- mnn, f>ii!owed by a comparatively steady lone, and .lie mark';; fi a ly do ’ a"o'i' r eady s' figures which me fr m su all fractions i | per cent higher I■ un led evening Jmey Ceulral ift u; 3J Northwestert 1 J, Mi-i*' un T " fi.: li It "I'ilrig 'J. l'^- cfijMat.' . J. S.oi 315 38S Dr-irriul <1 o til.jj'ru. li U gills. JiAL'llM RE. April B owa Oil’ in 1..1J C rii|)R’y of Biltimuro, M • >yiind, h: v j id entered h-avy ■ up 1 g 1 i r 1 • I'd;"..crick Stearc & C >, D.troit, M'Ci.igm, fr imlUHing Jiio wi.’h Icg: B.tierj, and ag. i st Mi-jit B ' ctC", the well known wholesale diu^gHta of St Louis, Mo, f: r (Jealir.g iu Brown’s Iron Tonic, winch it ts claimed Is un Imitation of Brown’s Iron Bittern, and against J inns A D okineon, a wealthy Kint cf IS d imore, for selling and recommending a non-secret remedy tailed lion Tonic Botevs, made by Koshlaud, Hollander & Co, of Balti more, which It is also claimed is an imitation of Brown’s Iron Bitters. These'.uits will likely involve very heavy amounts and be watched with interest by all persons dealing in pro prietary mediciLej. Ar nf In Human Ferns. SpucRil to Enantrer-Sna St Francis, Ark April 7—Wm Ell s, a hard drinker, habitually uousu'd hio wife. Last Sunday, after ben g b’tdlv baaten, Mrf E lia took btr child ia her arms and started to u magle'ra t’s ffleo to nrocure a war- ran’ fo. E iis’ arrist. E lis followed a .d ch t at lier with a Winchester r fl;, the ball passing thnugh tbe bodies of mother and child, killing ooth. E lis war hurried to jail at B'jydovnie to save him from lynch ing.