Newspaper Page Text
YOk XXYI1I >0 85
forty-ninth congress
Tlie SIIt r Bill Telo t d in 1 be 'Torse
ef Bepreseot iiv.-a.
Ibr Vo 5 VlTrn Ira UrtAll -Thr Ill'l f ir
Tljr Idiulitlou cir 91 uti.ncc Tc»rltnrj
la ttro fount** l*. a F;vrtj» V if®
Bpucfnl to Knun’rer-^mi
Washington April 8 J-muH, of
Kiw Y 'k, mind mi lire t-ilvei bill
Auden-on, of Kau> as iLqiured
W Let tier opportunity would be given
lot i fletit g strict du iiur.
The Bfeeber t.u.'ul li st atconlir g
to tbe order of lit hruti, tire p>t vi us
qu. etion w s to bo c .risideitii a 11 r-
ill m (1 ut 6:3d
A ilfisr n tber pik'd that at 4
o’mciksn oinoitutdty bo given to
nu nbers to r flft-r ameuduit l-(b
It tdt.ll rbjec ed to any change
being mi de 1.- the order of ibt t ouee.
“Let Lt bill Maud r n he (>vru b .(►
tern,” remarked Dutham, of Illinois
1 Is bae no tot'.im to e'pnil on,"
tvggnted L if. <t Muetetl usttls
Many il-cu.hers toe k purlin the
debate which followed, bin a tiit-j ri-
ty rt Ibetptecbea wuu abort.
D bble, cf B-irb Crn litiu wag op
posed to ir e unl.'uii td coinage of sil
ver al this 'irue. H was t ot opposed
to oilvf r lb- w;s in t»vor ot i'-itr-
Latina! bimetalirm if it c uid bt
cb aiotd, and if i. cr-u’il not bo ob
tained bo wee in favor of ualiiisi
biun tabbUi. If we opened i u;
mins now wo wand lire
our god and receive sil
ver at a discount of two pet cent
1 would dirsi. ate fotevtr any hope
of an international agreement. It
wruid Dot be advantegenun 'o the
©run try or to silver iteeil. Attire
game time be d d ot run in fire ro the
idea that thesi'vtrdoilnr na a fraud.
I wa? a bona fi to dollar, tt d ire was
unwilling intake tie brrillioc stanS
dard of tiieL niton naurl: e us a stan
dard if value ol coin wn:ch congress
bad coined and rigulaud ibe valu*
of tit ce Ihe days of our fathers. He
favored ti e f neper eion ol stive, coin
age for a d< finite period of one or two
y< t-r-.
Herbert, of Alabama, premised his
speech with rbt d ciaraiion 'bat in
the president are) in tire Buccesa of
bis aimuinieiratiou ley tire hope of
duu'eiauc etieLdu ey, and be had
no sympathy with those di-moonus
Who stem to think ibe Lope of ihe
dtmoctatio party lay in the d-sttuc
tion efthe present adminis ration
Hefavortii tbe rsbahiliiati-jn ot silver,
but did rot think 'hie governnoeni
by i'self vise (qua! to tbe tt-ek of re
habilitating It. Airy attempt to do
♦ bis by tt e f-sset ge of tbepeielirg
bill would lesolt it. an income ot sil
ver and an ou go of gold.
Tillman, of S .nth Carolina, advo
cated the unlimiied coinage of silver
in a two minu'es s.eech.
F-ndiay, oi M iyland, replied to
tbe crUictems made ou bis speech by
N iwocd,of G orgia, vvbicie be- he-
nominated Er, n e "platnatiou thun
derbolts of -lie tie rg -. Jupiter fotged
in tbe smithy oi IS -e.ou Boggs,"
B iu.d ob aie ed unanimous consent
to whdraw ins motion to recommit
tbe bill.
D tilde < fl red an amendment pro
viding that unless iu tbe meantime,
tbiuugb tbe enncurieut scion of the
nations of Europe with tbe Untied
8;ate*, silv> r be >•( raouetiz -d prior to
tbe first of J ily, 1389; Lieu at d ihere-
eher so much of the act of February
28, 1878, us author zed arid directed
the sicie'aty of the treasury to pur
chase sliver bullion and cuuse the
same to be Coined sbtdi be suspended
tilt further action oy congress
The amendment was defea el-
yeas 84, nays £01.
The question then recurred on tin
it greet me nt ami bud n i,ding of tbe
bill audit was decid' d i t< the nega
tive—yeas 126, buys 103 B lire till Killed.
The following is the vo'e it) delai :
YeP.s—Auilfcisou of K-nsas, B.u-
lenuie, Brikida'e, B.rnes, Bny,
Bi ni tit, Bland, B r eiy ,Bri ck* mn g
cf Arkansas, B un to, Bruner?,
BjiiUUi, CLbed, C'eldt<efi, Cu.dier,
Cariutn, C ard}, Clements, C bn,
C' matt ck, C> wits, Crisp, Crox
tern, Culberson,, D,
D ..warn, D ckery, Duun, E bridge-,
Elntltr.-y , F id, F im y. 1? rtdetieks,
FunsliD, til-st, ti tl, tiisen of N ?rth
Carolina, H de, HMstl), H.uumuud,
Hanbtck, H’.rns, Haicu, H*atd,
Heudeteon of Illinois, Henley, Hers
man, H;ll, Hoiaiuu, Hulk, Howard,
Irteins, J itinslou of India a J thus
Bton ol Ni-rlb C-rolnm, Jones of
Te-xus, Ku g, K'emer, Luff-on,
Landes, L oham, L iwler, LeFovre,
L'uliU, Lowry, Markiiam, Muison,
May bury, McMtiiaL, Me-Kue, Mills,
M< riow, IN al of Norm Carolina,
O’Ftrrall,O'Hara,O'Neill of Missouri,
OwjU, P.ys'ju, Bee], Peraius, Perry,
Peters, Ptumti, Price, R sgau, K;td
ol Noitb Carolina, R ese, Richard
son, R ggs, R bertson, R gers, Ryan,
Bayers, Bmty, Bcssnius, Bu.gie-
ton, Bkinner, Bnyder, Springer,
B eware of l'exas, Bt Martin, B one uf
Mi-souri, Byrnes, Tarsney, Touloee, J
M Taylorot Tennessee ,Z ich,Taylor of
TeuLes-ee, lhrockmnon, Tinman,
Trigg, Vau Ea OLi, Warner of O ho,
Warner of Missouri, Weaver of No
brs.ska, Weaver ol Irwa, Wellborn,
Wneeler, White of P -uusyi v mia,
Wilauns, Wise, W dford, Wide,
Wiodburu and Worthington—110.
Nays-Adams of Illinois, Alteu of
Mustachustt s, Ande-rson of O do,
Arnot, A kinson, B .Uer, Birb iur,
B-iyne, B ach, Beim iut, B ngham,
B aucUatel, Bliss, B ount, B und,
B imeite, B tie, Breckeurldge of K n-
tucky, Brown ol Ie.dtana, Brown of
P^unsyivacie, Buohuuan, Brnuell,
Burleigh, Burrows, Butferwortb,
, Felix C'etnphell of Ni.w Y-uk, Camp
ti-llof O lo, T J Canubell of New
I Yolk, Cannon, CVohiuKs, Cole, Col«
i line, Ctnger. Cooper, C x, Crain,
Cu cheon. D'vtupori, D>vidson
| of A!ab**ms, I> videon of F orida,*
| D v's, D-bbie, Ddigley, D reey,
I) eg e-'y, D wdrev. Dtohatn,
| E.leu, E y.Ermfintr' u', E -ins,Ever-
I bar', F 'quhar, F-boi-, Findlay,
I Fii bet, F . ege r, F ran, Fuller, G»l-
I linger, G-V- G dd.s, Gibson of
M'it'--land. G' , fl!Un Glover, (iireu
i f N w J-.-s ey, G'oeveuer, tirant,
j tiaeutlii r, Hall, Haruier, Hsynep,
H mpbili, H'-ndersou o; I -wn, H n-
deipon i t N r ’ Carolina, H plunti,
H rbert, Hi w ill, Hiestand,
H- rts, Hit 1 , Holmes. Hopkin s,
J tins, J-'bno'-'i of N w Y rk
K cliani, L F I’ette, Liird. Ij hi
inch. L'prishy, L dc, I, r.g. L -r--,
L - verb g Lyman, M-dou »y, M-r-to,
McAdoo, M'C mas, MiC'ie"ry, M*»-
K ul.8, McKinley. Ms-rnnieu, M l
lard, Mil ikiii, Ms ct ell, Mifl-'t.
Morgen, M-rrison. Mober, M it liy,
N- swor.d O e-i, O I) n- . It, ti’N 'I!
-I P nres} I vutiia.O b iMie.UiJ iiwaite,
P - ’her, P yne, Ptielps, P' endar,
Pu 1 *'z r, R-idtili, Kinney, R 'd of
Maiiio, R ekwtli Runr'is, Rowell,
Baeeyer, Scott, Scranton, Seytmur,
B law, Bt> alls, Bowden, Spoor' r,
Spriggs.8 i bine e-l ' r Bdelo 8 eplien-
son, See wart <> ? V imnnt, S onr r.f
Mioeac use 1 's,-S < rn, B i , Siruble,
Bwis borne, Bwcpe, E B Taylor o!
O do, Thomas ef VViBCoos n, Thun p-
soti, Ticker, Tnr-ir, V ele, Wads
worth, Waiie, Wt k. fi, id, Ward of
Ii inois, W- tier, West, White, Wnn,
Whitney, Wiitisard Wilson —163
The houmlbeti, at 6:3*1, adjourned
RfJi Hi:
The eenate uMiiiimously paneed die
house bill for tbe erection of u bui'd
it.g for the congressional library
without smeudment.
The bill gran itig the rigid of way
tt Kligh ti e I: dian terii nry to Ibe
K n s < and A Kansas tadt'ad c- Ln---
rally was psseer!—yeas 36 naye 8
Tie appri priatioD ce mrotttee re
ported the Indian appropriadon bill
wi h smei dnitnl.
At 2 o’chi ck tire bill for tlie admis
sion of Washington . territory as u
sti/e-'-ame up. The dircus-lon Degun
on Voori-eeb’ amendment, which
consists ef nr> enabling act for the
admi-eion c f M idana territory Ibe
anut enien’ was defeated by a party
vote—19'o 23, be c'emocrats votit g
in tbe iffl-mattve and tbe rejiubii-
cant- in Ibe Dfgarive.
Mr Eustis moved to amend by con-
fit.i: g ibe light of tuflrego in ibe
pre po?eil new state to quid fi d mtde
electors on tie- fine. The di'cussinn
of thin amendment occupied the re-
mai: dcr of tbe session, and tbe
senate adjourned at 6:50 with it all! 1
p ndl g.
Washington, April 8 — The war
dep-mii ent today received from
General Crook a telegram st'Mirg
ti a * he bail bo: * ci 77 u tl e Apaches
who lately run entered lo him to
F rt Merlon, a*. B Augustine, Fla.
A I'ftlls cnI SUnlKftE® llial Kcdg Iu ID ot».
cpeclftl to ffnfjnlier-SnD.
Galvi-Ston, April 8 —A special to
ibe N- wnfti-m L .ifcdu s y : Tbe in-
unse ex ilement and Jawlesbiicss
which has prevailed here theiast
fortn'gbt cu mulated lest, tvei leg iu
a bloody riot. The immediate cause
is attributed n> muny to me cnculai
wi leh appehieet yesterday morning
announcing that me dtmecjatic par
ty would noiu luneral seivices at 4
o’cl ck in tbe ahernoon over tbe
party known bireaBtnc “Huurches ”
Directly atier ilie appearance cf the
ciicuiar it was annountel that the
"Huarebes” patiy would prevent by
force any such lUtnyiiBira ion
At four i/ch ck ibe streets leading ‘c
the point w In-i ce tbe demociatic pm
cetiiou was to start were blockaded
wiiti armed men. F r half an in u
the tusper se W-.s iniottruble, b n»
htn announced that there wuu:d n.
no >11 rt to bury in > lllry the eie/c >t
cd party, ibis bal a pan-lie >11 o'
and tbe ciowd n-gan to disperse
Buddcnly tbe music of tbe d> mocrattc
llH-ci Btllltk UP, unit t!ia p -CPSHlOr.
moved tut to and down M .in tore.
and turned into tbe ieuui, ^
to tbe mum f liz». Wtiou the Lcu-.i ot
■ he cii.uuin h id rt'acheil the front ol
Martin’- stole, a party of men armed
with W.nobis.ers and revolvers
charged the procesbion. Instantly
over one hundred men became en
gag'd in a diadiy coi.ii ct and for
hu.f an heur u rtgular battle ratpd
along the Bircet n>ar tie river. Dur
ing the height of the a small
cannon, which had been u?eti oy the
‘ HuarchcB’’ party and whicu is said
to l ave been charged with nails ami
stouts, was fired down the ttreet
By 5 o’clock moo spirit was tupr-. me
arid it was feared that me women
and children would be at the meicy
of the rioter-. A this critical monuetu
word was dhpatohed to Colonel Ber
nard, commandant at Fort Mel t-
tosb, that tbe heavy In the
city wis caused by an attack of the-
Mexicans f r om tue oth-r side of the
Ru ti a .de. I. took Lu a few ail
ments to d -uble quick two companies
ol iu 'sntry to town, before whom the
mob quickly d*sp.etstd ana In a short
ttnie . very armed man ou the street
had t. s weapons taken away from
him tind order wus restored. Tire
casualties so far us known are five
killed and thr e wounded. At the
killed wire M-x caus, ex-rept one,
a young Am> noaa named
Becker. The wout.ded are Bmuuo
ti >rci., Mr Pt.ggonpohl and a Lep’tew
ol D trco tionzrles, P .ggenp. hl is a
prominent citizen and was wounded
by astray lull'd, while R'andit o in
front of A ti I) , kt ns< n’s l ew < 111 -s.
Those evbo to k pnr! in tho iD mo-
ora'io procession o'altn that they
were fi e l into, ar il only acii-ti on the
•tef nsivo.
’Ilu? excitement Its t g' w i tl »
♦et i-e, but i- is thoutthi further blood
shed wi.l be svt iiietl
«n t-1
il IVr *keil.
u Me A;
git e Tt
ow u In
g..-.-i,d i. B qi"? i-Ho
— Dorn g a itarfnt
' iglit an 111-1? I own t fl' < oner *
ashore here r.nd lio'oie rtiornltic
ti-dlly wreibeii. [I u? mppoif' 1
vessel wt) die Cham c . or, o'Y
H»v-ti. The lioily of an ut kn
s"1 1 ' r hee been found. »r"
he e‘ 'ire crew or.
res. I is thcuieh
wt re aii attl in- v
ti' 8
-d v
W- i t
t>*p vt
lit known
P t“ eno
L-'O inis of
1 Vl» 05 six
16! /Ml Bid 0*1
:«• Erqoirf
Galveston April 8 —A spicial to
the N w- ft- in VVaou ay : A t.lwmt
1 . ’.d- ek y > 'erdfiy ■ f » moon the Mis-
sourt Pjo'fi. rt-il e -iy KRert to- <- ie.
o. ivetl a Hit patch 'r m L ro -•> im
firming him tha' fi ‘y u-askel men
were ot their v.»y to tits r > tin-
tong bridge nine miles south of
L -rena. Tho report was is sttbse-
qre'.i M y i vitienoeci liv 'lie coniHn-'or
>>' a i • lated sou!b b ut d train who
saw 35 of the maskers tr«vollmr in the
dtrec: ton of the bi ibg". B < r fl H tr
rIh w-.'S at onco uo'ified i f ttie’ f-u- and
tie immi (iia'.ely colli c e-d an snn-ti
uosse, boarded tt special train
and proceeded to tie bridge
on the M:s ouri Pacific B'oodsbed
w ill rt stilt if the autboiitie-. and
maskers meet and there Is flip le-».-d
i'esiiBtitfii shown on the part of die
latter to turrerder. The cliy tn»r-.
si a! ties a force a semi 1 d, mu! will
vo to the assistance of the county uu-
thi ritiis tluu ii they here.-is'ed At
12:30 i m ii f;>.matii/U wa- liroiighl In
liy a cait email that tbe hand b>g>n
teariLg up the track immedintely
after tne passengt r train passed
south, ami hove c<n:m red tlu
work cf destruction ou the iiridge
Tills report, however, leek® cm fi:>n-
ation. The sherifi nnsi posse l ave
iiud lint, to reach tbe bridge For-
tber details ate eagerlv awaited, and
are tx >tc ed every moment, T*ie
Waco Light I fanny ate in tl eir
aimoty «wa- ing end ts, tu.d die ex
c-t< meni >s in*ei ue
the situ ation in ea T ST LOUIS.
St. Louis. A.m 8 Tee u,e*u
working icr the Ku* B L u s rolin g
mi! 1 , Tudor iron work ami ttrain e : «-
va'or, 1! dtciiitd to wink today,
deck use the, mills u-u? coal f.-ni ctrs
liantileil by non ut ion switcbmeui,
and these is • hnsbiiients a! 1 shut
>1 iwn. D ;u y slut 11-- and Um eel
Slates n arshetls, at tin it with re-voiv
us and Wiuctiester rifl • , arc- on the
ground, at Ibe several freight eie-po's
in E-est 8: L uis Several ties tie
have already been sent out. No in-
teif rence haB been attempted by the
A Hlf<* Wurt’er r lli r»nr«f
Indianapolis, A, ril 8 R ti»ri
G Pa ilips was nanged ut 12:21 this
atU-rnom for wife? murder. Puiiiip
at tempted suicide at the same time be
killed his wife by cubit g tiis throat.
1’he wound bad tin roughly healed
und he- I »“ breathed through a lute
sue: J it;e21-t, last. His body was
taken down iu twenty minute s
liiu drop fell.
thirty i*Brptn M.
AVflHcm 4
» II h a I ro* «1
<1 Id
io /'neuir/r-tvn.
tiKEEM-IELD, >1 ASS, April 8 I
n eu felit m., s wn ptis. nr. aeoi
kl 1. el amt twenty seriously anti a
ec to ut more e r less it jetred ty
,ue- rbitruad ••> eld' ut,
Gkeeneield, Mass April 8 - Bt
t tile. a. \,.i»us, hi ci.In |-an i>. (!
by acotp-. uf B istcu r. porters, ie el:
• ei Ibe scene of tbe YViM L) eifi il
h-aster at two tnis mori.iug
Tbrnuglinut the- night the tiaiu m.-
workt-d iu retaovmg thb wieek und
■ liey are siiil u.^apd in Hit- tt.-k
U.i to nr.on ten bod -s, nine of which
were removed from beneath tlit- tub-
merged wreck uml tue other horn tl e
c?riu whic > ll.e victirn-i had been
ourt.ed to deutb, hail Deed found. A?
nearly as now cuu be ahcer'uir ed 3 I
persons were wont ded‘ E igineer
Li.tltjorin died this morning. C'f tt-
doctor F.ii-tsr ta nut au Luilty burl as
w-as reported. He escaped with
a few severe cuta. I. i«
tmpoubible to obtain tlie names of
some of tbe still re r , the pbysiciaus
piuiiibulng any t; eationtng The
tx ent cl me d image, to the train
couid not be Rained umil daylight.
I. wes then f.una that the cara that
t.ud been hurl'd down theemhruk
Uieut were wnti ot.e exception humid
eo the’a edge. All were ut-
etr y ruined, and the engine, aN
though it remained ou the bank,
wa-e almost t tupleteiy demoliauad.
Aiailway (fii-'iil tttH morning seta
tire money lees a 138 096
llo Wives to 111® llonse Mis l’rrj cl
ler trel nii s lie I f.
A Hath ft-r Tl*.% it-g" u*) ltl» tin.
IMnti I J>«*y —f3«i Nc»«i fit If-
In Lomlon-.iu I’Tit lou tu lh-
Umnd 01.1 Rl *?u .
A Ur liurgtU,
Chicago, April 8 — Tlte mail oar
reported iruut CMVelaud aa burned ou
.heL.ito b .,e. road was a Bullet
car, not a regular mall car. I. waa
etiveded iu tnree compur menta, beg-
gage, k. ohen aod sin .king oer. Iu
the baggage carpal.meat were e-l- v-u
mull p< u.-jfcB ana t wo corps-a T ie
car and entire c i.Renta were de-
tty ADRlo-Att.erlosn e'nt> r?..
London, A; ri! 8 - ti d-t.)nesl»p'
-.veil la■: night He rose early mex
ceilent health a (1 fit e spirits 11!
voice wits flesh, sirorg and evidently
enduring. Iinuieilia ly af-er his
break r a»t, Gtails'one repaired 'o itis
- Ill tai uiorna. Tin r io- (>.nut! »r*-
liarelftir lbs poiusd tin- in * rn i t g
\ a) era, sen tea of leivgr: tn-i hearing
on tlie :u-k of tlie dry, and more
limn one stshd letter from e’nst
per otn.l file via and aeivi et ,
teisrhg c!ie> r Htni co gralubhions
Grtielt-toi ■■ was tu-u ife-' y interee'iil
in eve ty tlui g w 1'tit bI.owi d popular
coticern in the w< tk I efore liim li -
f re the n'glit wfc' trn n in the tum-'i-
were re'ired t r the hpnt < x'ingtti lit .1
a tiumler of nn rubers of t aruinietit.
geotlcm.-n pi b-u! if us u r, «i m|.
mitfance, btgau to arrive jo ttrtk
themselves umbly ctr ain of tlieit
pviv'hgtp by gettit g to thiir seats
11 ht.-ura before (Pauso newt u'tl reach
:he Loir t at tl i. tail i ot il.em ilotiig
■ he long inletvil M Duiu ll B;1
livan.r-Uioaalis' tuenih r from south
west M> tt'h, w is tlie tirsi man
eutrat.c? to the house. He got m as
eitriy as 5:31) o’clock iu the morning
and at once proceeded to rnuk . sure
itis place. I is alleged, however,
that Sullivan s ctirid his arlvuitage
by bribing a ft loudly p iicemuu u
permit bint to hitvu aco- ss b.y w .y of
the heck ntaira.
Toe rule regarding seats is prac
tically the "fist come, the fi >:
served ” Bulliva i, tlietvfore, hmltiia
pick of >hn whole fl or H- cliot's -
the very best ss-at, text to and !m
no’lately below the gangway or
aisde. on the < pposi’.ion or lef aide of
t lie speaker’:? desk A the mi niete-
ria! bench issl'uated just opt>- aite on
t tie 7igh r of the speck- r and the- prim,
inidist' ill » usually occupied its seat
ju-t bet w the gangway ou tlia:
siite, Bullivaii sc?! via a vis
to the crater. I wa not long bef u-
■all the P:.riielli:es w; rt) i.t
the hot s and they pre emptied <),.
b?s‘ place in tlie locality invaded by
Buiiiv'-n anil a'.! got p'.a'os to tl-e
front of G : : ■ detune during hi-, r-pseoh
In the rush the B iiisti memitsis
foliowttl close upon the advent of the
P trneliiles. It was vet early tn tlie-
morning wh u all the s a s w> r
iitken Th« seat chest n, in ord r to
tie? retained, must bo ticketed with
tin- lot of Uid member wh-' tit an
to opeupv it, ar-d be list, mint ti.- t 1 •
ha* tie is wearing that day a. d > - c-ub-
..ti’o i'n it? tnrmittid This ru 1 -- re
tain® « rrn trib r wi'hin a lirni* egree-
.-.tile to r.verse .villi b head ■
The pre ent genera ion rn-vor wit-
nested so It a ioi lit g so‘?no as no
curred in the house of c"tt.imoi s ti.i
riiornitig lot-g before L tdon wa
awake A numle 1- of members were
afraid to trust o tlie honor of tiieir
o- llesgues for ttie main'enauce of ibt-
rubs on »n occasion like ttdo and
they ri tai r e ' pt-eet e- ioi - of f tieir i- e-atH
by p'tliainit g in them bodily all dry
The chamber is swipt, cleaned and
■lusted every morning duth g theses-.
slon To-day it was thoroughly
.-crulibetl as well. D agrei »
aid ? is this was, it <1-1
no: dbn.ay ttie gentlemen who wen
setting lor stcurl'y, and tiny >ti-in-
tail.ed ilieir poei i-. ns throughout, tin
i u-u at d throughout the tfamp.
Wnen they got hungiy or tblre'y.
Utey had food and drink brought lo
lu in H me of them bait t e , up alt
ntgiit slrtiggling to go! in, ami thee*
get e-i ally fix d their,selves c ui'-irtit
tile a« t o-'dhle anil el; p . Tho boldei
nre-emii ere, In wever, r< > rea’eri he
fore the > u t brooms u: <1 w.oh .ul>-
Tht y st r? lied about tlie ioid.iis aid
*p«-v 1:er> tbr- ligti ttie g ea I u-.'ilmg
T ie ilit.i: g room v, as the chief lilac,•
f aftrsedon, however, to ail sbes
and it was g- nerally pretty wed (i he!
When tlie iu ■ r> e ami 'lie d.j
became warmer the river terrace eves
sought by a mtjority of ti e p'-ratn
; mature, and here many txp: dient-
vert? rc-or 1 ' >1 to to while away tht
time. The P.rnellites were in a pur
ocularly imppy f ume rf mind, acting
as if, to u?o an expression of one of
them, “they had a .lire thing on ihe
day for Iieiand," N ml e-s of them
borrowed a tricycle and hud great
sport racing up and down
lire terrace with it umil
firstly jt collapsed, throwing
P J O'Brien, Parnelliio member f. i
Tipperary, w to wus riding tt at the
irue, upon ills head on the flagging.
He was picked up bleeding ptofusely
and very badly s tinned id s file-
head was deeply cut over the eye, am)
his face and baods were muon torn
and bruised. He was, it) fact, t-o ■ e
riously injured that he had to tie re
moved to the h> spital, btr he iubirtt-
td on going bareheaded, and offer Ids
wounds were tlres-eti be returned
to Gccuny Ids seat, No less
than 456 of the G7o nrem
burs hud entered and secured
tbeirsea's by “hal , ing"or personal
occupation bsfrre 12 o’c.'nck. T. e
wives, deugiiterMund female relation'
and .'net d of (lie memti. r-i tiir it g- d
the waiting main a)l ttir? morning,
provided wi'li buns, euk.", iiaskcts
and novels on which to sub is: and
pss-i the time during which the tuou
were uneutertatnii g
Boon ufter 3 o’c ock tbe Purr elibe
members begin to take |ir, si'?»'on ot
their s-a s. They arratg 1 'hem
stives iu serried racks on the oppo
sition benches in front of ttie pluce
where Gladstone vv •? lo speak.
Thomas Poweia O'C inner, nation-
alis' tn mbi r for the B-'ollatiii tlivls-
ton ot L - erpool, ixplalued the haste
<x * by ids pa ty to secure si ate
by s tyi- g Hurt the torles bail orgrn-
Iz >1 e. plot to take pnssas-ton nl tie
se'.te In cttcb a way as to tn ko it iu.ts
pi ssiblc f r the P rnelh es to si* to-
gc’f-tier in order to rob Gladstone of
die cl.oitie of cheers which the full-
ilimu'ul I "th an tubers w u’d tie
sure tf) giv him if they wore iu a
t'.idy and the orator w-.-re to their
likn-g O C’t'id: i r saitl tlmt when bit-
colli-'tguee discovered i hta cot.-‘piracy
they at once ter k - i! epe to circumvent
il t.v rendin g tie tee e in time to
get choice of piaci-s. 0'Uout er sen)
lie wa sati- fi i with the rerun anil
added that the I'tsb chotuti wou'il be
out only full-throated, but unani
Tt e to kfr hi'-k tle'c) isir prompt
ly at 4 ’c.oek Tlie ctieaib; r at tlie
line wa-? packtd to Ihe very ix renu
mil ' f in <•' t te'i’y, and evi ry oi or-
ay r!'nu'..| imli ways oruti. mud with
people tid eravi. g to tee and hear
Tlie at 'Ida time tuHenly
ctiftl.ged. A cl> nil lowered ar-.d tbtui
• Ur wa? heard Nivertliecea the
mass of people i u -it'e 1 released and
in ci. me dto in. r (_' it In l u pi e-.'s wen-
consjiicuensly nuinenuiM in fiiecrowd.
ami no hr:-, hat; tiveo ty 11,br.-it.cht s
of Hie L -i.ili n organtz- ion ol the
lr'sh ta i. nul le> gue wete repie ent
ml tiv toll (lepuiaaims, whoso liLriti-
y w s ,-asily es tabh-dio), even a ! a
ilmum-e. by toeir green rtgdias
P d: i 1 -.1 c nun i> were also present to
take part in mu popular demonstr .
tiou. A 4 o’clock di putatioi.s from
thirty-two liberal clubs alone bail
ti on couut> ti in the timing.
() iiis w y to tlie house of com-
tu )tis the police had opened die way
t* r ti ulstone to Parlirmvnt s'net
and >1 w j ‘hat. screen B idgo strict
:o tlie tiouse. To y lo w uk
lo mdtp !);i't pivstige wry. and b'-rdet
yet to kc p it open. (Rail on? went
to an open carriage, and bhi appear
-nice was grte ed with deetleuing
(die :rs. The enthiisiasm ot the peo
ple al! tli • way from the door of his
't .use to tlte commons entrance was
stiontatieous. Ii vented itself :>t the
fi .'ginning of ttie j uirney in a man-
uer of applaust tieurty and grew
enough to make m s* staresmeti
■ I zzy, anti wiieu the whole immem-e
luui.i u lo caught the signal, one
itiuei.idou-j long cheer was
cm uti, tha !iiu> of which >vas never
hsf rt heard in London, and which
•van plainly au llblc it. the li .u e.
t he entering c intinunl until loog
then ti -ds'oue < ntered tlie pardo-
ment huiidnig, and within tlie bui'd
legs the prime mtoisier’s reoau i mi,
h'-tigii le-s deiuoiiatra'i vo, Wi.s
/<! i ■. I * y e-i tltu?ia>l c with >ha: fi j
it id with tit. H ■ was apparently
t... I..
-1 m r i
i'i-.I form.ili
t g of ,' ■ r'
'l <v
a.iewe; lug of all
.< tn the i o ice paper-
ft oHy I- d this ben do'io wtiou at
4:30 lit tilad-'iont untereii hie uou-'o
Hi? e'ltrance was followed by a loud
a id prolonged chorus ol cheer.? which
were continued tor several minutes
Among the liberals and Paruelli es
ttie Wilde.-'! eu'.l usiasm prevaile i,
,?nd it is .ufo to u.ay that no such
. ce. e was ever witnessed b fore io
t lie h< u 1 of commons.
As coon as the elieering had 'dosed
G ads'.ouc? arose and moved for per
hub ion to introduce a bill to amend
nr? vioUH l?gi-laU.»i, and to mak"
proviMlotis lot the future goveitiiueu
t I c-: o<i. O.t making this motion
ti'ttdsiout* said :
"Tue 'line has arrived when both
in nor o’ i .il duty iiquirc parliamen
t" i-'.mc to a fteci-ive res' iii'tori. I
ht uhl be ci.ilt avortd to liii-.tati [u -
ament trim Hie iistr-nds unde,
winch dnrit:g hi'?- ytaisi' hud mil
ftcu-Hs i- r litre let!, and lo reslort
he i<. ?■• t t to its ummpMhil
cor. e. i is tint du y t<- e-t(.li s'
i at min n it rthi'i-t r 1; 'W (J :
Britain ai.d Ir-land on af o itig >„
tree? I? m' 1 it ‘on in v *dch E- g 1 '- !-
men, B' i-nuti n anil m.n iiavc
i i l<e in e,phi *’
Tnis fetitiiueut wisgreitid wi'li
i r.dt ugid (:)?-( ro. As mo, a- tpiiei
w h rts oreo ti adstoue cult rt cl upon
a to e f review of 1 fie general fiatums
i f past legihlatioti for Lelatid lit
dwelt on the coercive and repressive
mea.-ures vilnch had bt’co put in
force f uni time to 'irue, rnd depre
cated any fur tier resort to rude rc-mo
die<- of inton'd ation.
“Hit c i tlie year 1833.” he said,
“only two y* urs fuve passed without
coercive Itgi.-lutiou for I e autl, and
iu spi i? of all thii? Hie law continues
to be (Jit-ri gaided bicause i is iuven.s
eil in ti e cuts of the Itisli willi a f .r-
sign a-pt-ct. W re furtlier coercion
to be euecetsful it would rtqulre tw ?
cinditions au curacy ot the govern
ment a/id Bfcricy of public trans
actions. [L-’arnellites cheer ] The
mainsprir g of law in E 'glauit is fell
to lo E glir-h, m H-inland to he
Scotch, ;.u in Ireland Ills not felt to
t.e I id- Tht lir-i condition of civlI-
z "♦ l'fe in I ?el demands that tne
; i” I! have c r filler.os in the la v
ui d Hymn? fiy therewith. The proli-
h m, dt uf'ie, l.i fore i arliauieut a
it-.e present time is lo ricoi.cile the
impeliai unity with the diversity of
i gisiation "
He b lieved that the govert mem fou d a solution of this problem
irr the e• aidtbhiueut of aparliatn' Ot
ut D riilut f r the conduct of hu-int-es,
h-iih It g'idative and adminis’rotlvo?
[L udcheirs hy Parnelltics ] Tue
p dltic'-.l f quality r.f the three c-run-
.tier, said ti aditone, mut t be rcc-uv-
ii.zva Therefore, tier must bean
tqullabl dlslrp ii'lon of the imperial
funds, Tbe peculiar ci.cumstances
i xis'ing in In laud also make it uec-
is?ary to estatdlsti safi guards for file
minori y in tlie oeiinlty. The gov-
roine tf will becbl'Kol to consider
the t'lafis contiected w Uh the land and
the relatlou-i which Utey will sustain
wiih the pru'ustant minority. Aa
Ir.-lHitd i? to have a il ini'“tic legi“la-
ure, i wiil therefore ie impradiot*
tile for I.ish tt't restDlattvis to c. me
lu t e.
Too ntiii'lon of the government
lull, Gladstone h- id, is tiiat tbe par-
liHiuui.t at Dublin shall be a dual
hoiiy. 1 is to he c mpoMpd of two
orders, eiv-h of whicti t-liull have Ihe
power to veto Ihe BO'S of l)u> other.
The fi. >6 r rde- will in etude 163 mem-
tieiM, the hi order 266 Twenty.
,-iglit of tits present Iti-h (i ers will
cuntit tie to i-it m the of lords,
and limy will he g’anted option to
have lf f < seals in tin ti"?' Iti-*h order.
I he < tli ■;? <'f vi’eroy of I ulatitl wiil
no' lie'inu-il Tne bill intends
that tin? viceroy Mliatl remain, and
Hat tl.e i fii:)'.? shall hereafter bo non-
•.•inideal, mat is the encumbent
f tue . tli ■!_? will not lie expected to
r. tiro wtdi tlu 1 downfall of tlu? British
miuistiy Tlte (till empowers the
qiuen to ilt-ltgft e to the vietr iy surh
t tic'-tut r g t.i ves a -site may choose.
Tin- I i?li cns'itlnilary wiil remain
unde! the Mine autln'rUy hr at prats
pu*. Toe Hill provides that pallia-
int-ot et all have no uti'h rity to
*-, lahlitii or endow any i> r .cuiar to-
bglotre su'd I will tie t tnpowcretl,
iii'Wi'i r, to deal willi laws efi'Cting
trade and navigi'lon, afleoting
w-'lgh's and lutuisur-s, amt
pi s a' pdiuimstia'iun. Tho bill
w ill pre-ervc? the fi cal unity
if tht; < mplre, lint (he* entire proceeds
iri-iug f r 'tn customs and excise ilu-
“e? in Ir land will lie he'd for the
neni fi o tiiat country. Those funds
are lo li • useil for the tliscp-irge of
lush o 'ligatio. s Any balance
which may remain after 'Itis la to re-
main in the Iri«h excl’fq or.
Ttie provisions of the bill vest in
die Irish legislature ttie power of im-
p uiiig lax -i II is proposed the
maximum duration of itn: Irnh par-
lonueut shall h five yt urs. Ii shall
nave no powi r to interfere vvitli ') e
prer urative Of he ciowu, sucll as the
army, navy, or any other »r ned
forces I shad have n utiing to do
wi ' foreign or col uiial affairs.
O tiostotio re mu d l>i-> si a* amid
nursds of eniliusliis'.ic i he rs, which
were sustained fur fevetul minutes.
G'H l-'tone’H speech was three hours
and twenty li " miuuti s in duration.
Hi II ilshed at 8 - ’clock
Wien the applause had sub tided
U» rgt- O toTri vilyan, who recently
nslHiieil ihe iioxition of secretary for
Bm'Ih il, hp-si, and after t-uiogiz'.tg
til iila'oue’a h. : ech, lievil^uu pro®
.-.ueilid to say he mt.-rpc-B -.1 thus early
!n ilio deliate In order to ex-
lain the reason f r Itis resigoa-
ion Ho rt signed with ex'reiue
cunii.uucti' n and r<-gr"?, although
lie lep w-li.ii li ul,'} Hi cuietf in was
all u net iter with lii-ttb: us to its pro-
ji?ty, nor with 'be leu-1 hieiluti n.
Hi had ) had i i-e cabinet because, as
•it considered ut the time, to have re-
a.-.tmil on tlie outside would have
iieen tuntam'.unt to a confession iliat
hoiib ral par y was a home rule par
ly. Titis votbtt confession which he
u tin u I ei never be willing O make He
u d never c ns.-nt to such a scheme
u< til tils one iitd irropos -d. He
tiitd done his hist to (reveut the
iitJbtai.H ft m identifying themselves
with whAl im rigaidcd as uer her for
the welfare nor the bent fit of ilia
c unlr}. Not lot gt r ago than last
J me it.:- whole? cab net was of the
same iq mton as hlm-elf. What was
-t, lie would 1 k-. to know, mat had
■ rat p •:• tl uiuice tf'.eu to them?
1’Iju i.-L-ly btcuri y, he urged, that
ivuJiiuni'nt w uhl hav?', according to
ti id-r-ji >’s pi in, f r money they
w- it .I bo called upon to vote
i.r dc purchase of f l?h landlord
••-lull— w it' I to the willingness of
in 1 :• ti faro ers to k-j-p up their
pri}m:nts. 11 iw mt.c'r il pt-udunoe
oi uid bo i ! a"tl in fha: ?
Ti e pe Inr at lit!? p int iuteriupt-
il I i v; ly n i - in'-' dt d irtlt hat
•to law I ill hi d yui been su'lui.ttd
■I pa'l umcut.
Trevelyn ai'knowl dguil tlioorren-
ion mnl pucenitil with tils ipeech
‘•y Hgkirrg : ‘ How long w .uid it be
tl Ihe miamre lliut It a- been sulrotit-
tid ah' u!il become a law befor 1 ish
onrr'ribu'toirs to the imperial ex?
ehitp.u r woulti be denounced by tbe
Iii-ti arid r. protiateil as English
rlbu'e. F >r my part, f ijav*3 no Less
itatiou insiymg l '.Link tliecotu-
rdeto separation of 1 eland (rom
Clrtat B.-Uain would be preferable to
tie plan ot the government that has
just heeu proposed. We should then
know the worst at once. As an al-?
'trnative scheme, Trevelyan said he
would prop- se that tlie execution of
■tie Ihw and the maintenancr of or?
tier should bo maintained in the
itands of the government. Then he
wi uid propo-e the creation of certain
loct.1 bodiis, which should hs
composed of nrembe s duly elected,
l'tiese boiiies siiou.d he entruited and
held re ponsible for many of ihe sub?
.>r tina e fu.’.o'.ions of the govern-
tn ?nt, such a? proviiltug for educa-
'i n, Mtp> rintending thu details of
tlie local g .vi-rntnert, providing fir
.lie r. lief r the poor, etc,
iieneage resigns.
K I v irtt Hu' .eage has re?!gne i the
fii -■ r.f chancellor of the duthy of
A dismantled ship is a tvraok, bn it
■ tufa not follow that all dismantle!
wemen to aonleiy, those without
oioake, are social wrecks.
A* eo me of the afteroccn triii there id no "tea”
ikll.uaJ iv plume eu to thiuk cf the plu/of £1*
let ^ ith tho • i aofey L‘uo^ left cut