Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, April 24, 1886, Image 2

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DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN, COLUMBUS GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 24, 1886. GEORGIA AND ALABAMA lt)fi ffUKB €v&u-iu«A Frum Ntiiiv 11* eh>D|N OKOKOXA. There ore four n.en In Marietta, who are worth over fl00 000 each. Undertaker Sobcelne , of Hawalns- vllle, In s uoici ten c- thus in two we.iks. John W Arnold, of Gwinnet ocunty, baa n cotton row 8585 eieim In lenxti 1 —Jaoksoa Argue! It seems '.bat Banon and SUmoious will about equally divide this county, Editor J A Fouohe of the Henry County Weekly lme u!h to large,y In creaao and improve bla paper. Tha Daw Bon baa oelt brated He third blrtbdsy. It bopee to hu e ruin, road facilities by this dme next year. - The Eastman J urnai alno puts the name ol Bacon at its masthead, Hr,(l wrlus sn sb!o editorial In hln support. — Mr B D E rans la named by the Bandotsville Mercury as a Candida.e for the legislature In Waebltgion county. The E.herton G zitte demands pay ment In adta. color lega. advertia'.ng. This Is an t xsniple which mignt woil loe followed. The Marietta Journal Buys that Mr Joseph M Browt. has bought Konne- saw mt untHin, and will have a railroad surveyed to the summit. A great deal ol bottom land on the Ocrnee river sr.d Its tributaries has been great y improved by the late freshat. It Is said that a sufficient number ol names cannot Du obtained upon the petition praying the ordinary of Oco nee county to hold an election on the prohibition question. Tbs patlt<on to olcseup tha 3iores at Athens e 0 • ’'•look In the venir.g after May 1 is into mg with grem anreess, about all the unercbants having signed the agreement. —The Covington B ar runs up.the Bacrn standerd, end solutes him bh the coming man, "We lee. jhIc,” says the editor, -*tri sayl 'g that New.on is solid for him." W L Norris, living on the fn: id of J TMtatis, n Monroe county, wa., plow ing Wednesday, when the p ow sirlk- lng a rock was e,, wrenufct-u at to cause the the plow-handle to strike und break, his forearm. Griffin la soon to bavo auothor daily paper, Tho prospectus of the Griffin Dally Bun has already appeared, und the paper v ill be issued as soon as tho press and material arrive. It will bo an evening paper. J T Waterman is the publisher and proprietor. An election was held lu Taliaferro county Tuesday for ordinary to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Ordi nary Charles A Beez'ev, winch re sulted In the eieaticn of H H Fiynt by 164 a.rj j) ity. There were only two candidates In the field. H H Fiyutand J M Murdln, At Ellertou Tuctdav night, Just as the services at the Bap 1st church bed oloneti and the congregation beg in to move tow a d the door, a eruchlDg sound was heard, aud for a morn out consternation was depicted on many faces. It wc.a soon discovered that the fl xor on one side of the house bad given away and sunk about one foot Fortunately no panto ensued. The Marietta Journal has this to say of Bacon's canvass: The gubernato rial race bus not taken any definite shape.but everybody stems to bejut sea fxcept, and ho Is uo iveiy lu tho field, visiting every county aud dtvo.- oplng I ts strength to the utmost ex tent. If Industrious sr.d uuartug if forts brings its reward, then Bacon stands a good chance, for ho is not waiting for the ffi ;e tr seek the ma,:, but he is seeking he 1 ffi ia, Dougherty superior court has been In seBelnn two weeks upon the civiidock et. No ease of Into est has been tried except the Jones-Til't ease, ,1 mes suing Tift for damages sustained by fd'Mr g through ms toil bridge ao-oss the F.lut about til.eeu years ago. Jjue3 sustain ed serious Injuries, for which be has demanded compensation. This one,in which tie gets a vetdict I or fill,000, Is the third time he has been given the amount. JP.iui Yapp, an old negro llv!n» sov oral mllee fn n, Dublin, in June of lnsi year oaptured a young purtrldge. Ha took It Lome und placed it lu tho care of an old hou shut had just coma oil with a Lr.n.d of litt.o cb.oks. The hen oared for the Uttle foundling aatendor- ly aa If it wire one ol her own breed, and It seemed to he contented. Too p. r- trtdge iB now grown, cut sin wh no in clination to leave the puiiry yard, ana can be seen any '.lme at ti e home of the old mgro feodit g with tho chick ens. A famous uimrod, in the person of Mr Elljai:. Yuuugblcod, was on C> flee county court ground, narranug sum. marvellous lidvoiuures and f iring ex- plolts with Ids gun. H-. t- Co vtars or sgf, and nay- he lia- kit ed to dn.e tnu deer, The alligators, during two or three ol his hunting excursion*,enught and devoured three ol h s m.-si vs ua bledogHiba had uwarn alter the deer lu the lakoi Ho sworn ve; gusuci- against the gatar tribe, and be tian ,-o fur killed 187 ol the amphibious mons ters. Colonel C W Hancock, In retiring from the Burner Kepublloan, says : And now oornes the saddest pai t of thlB article, To those friends snd a liberal public, who have for so many years aided and.encouraged me, 1 shall ev r oheerish their .memory aud deeds In the warmest corner of my heart, la parting wUh them, I do ao with regie', and for my enemies (11 I have any reai ones) I leave — no re proaches. I Instinctive, y shrink from leaving old friencs and old memories which have c.mitered around us for the past thirty-three years. What is lu store for me iu the future, is known only to tLe great I Am. But, I have said enough, except it he to utter that saedestof words-Farewel ! Farewe. 1 Oa Wednesday a oommlttee of ci.i- zaiis of Muledgevil'e met Mr Henry lCrtu z wuo, it will be remembered, wne made o 'save tba: plam because ofceitaiu utterances alleged to have been made against the prohibition la dles during 'he r cent e eotlou Mi Krcu'z, it Is ur.defB.o. d, emphatically denies having rn-de use of such lan guage us ai r buifcd to him, nut admits having ridden at the head of the negro pri cet-.l i:, He desires to ream to Mlledgeville, ,n order mat he may wind up h.s business, and his friends have brought about thlb co. lerence that he may be heard In his defense The c- mmittee wtl! act a, a poaru oi arlnri'i audgtve him a pa;j<u am fulihsarl. g. In Wilkinson county tb«r«t« a bal ance In tbc treasury ol J3 6B3 68, which moves the Jury to say that: "Believ ing a full treasury to be an obstacle to the economical management ol the public lunds, and rea. z tig under ihe depress'd occdllion of our agreuiture snd other branches of business, the necossTy of’he most rigid economy In ’.be public as weil as private (xpendi turns and believing from the conditio:: In whleh wo find the eounty finances, that an assessment of 100 par oent on tho state ux, witl\ the amounts of cash in and yet due the treasurer, w il raise revenue sufficient to pay the expenses oi tne county until trie «nd ol the fiscal year ot.diug Ootober, 1887, we recom mend the proper authorities to levy an asse'jsmeat of 100 on? oent on ‘.he stun tax tor the year 1880, for county purpotes.” ALAS . MA An Anniston man ke6ps white rats on h.s premises UDd he claims they d/tve away ml of thu common rodents. A spring on Mr Perkins’ pi geo, near Marten, it is b, l.eved poBsesees m d - cui properties that wli! cure kidney disease, A gentmmau who hauls wood into Anniston claims to have soul over sight hundred dollars worth dating the past year, Tho Huntsville Independent mourns because, for leaf of hydrophobia, “a ernoi watlore’’ is being oarrle.1 on against the dogs In that ony, Tb< E'lwardsvllie Sttndard says "We learn tha. a copper mine baa oeeu discovered on Mr Wllllum Burgess’ farm, ou the Georgia : r .ad, above town. It may turn out to be a gold mmo.” Mr B El.iott chewed us on Mondays number i f pieces o' siivor lound at an India') grave ou the Dawson p »ce ueer the Taliopooaa river. A silver sp r and » : Indian ukui. wero also lound — Wetumpka Time:', Tne Waterman of Anniston, aavs: "Several prominent Annlstonlat-s were overheard tossy tosteiday, that steps would soon be iikon. toorgarizas ooru- pany for tho hut.ding of tholoug ta ked of Anniston and Gadsden railroad," The Enfania fire oomnsalos are pra - ilolrig aaliy for tha grand 'ourusmsnt whicu takes p.a.jonthc l‘J.h or nex-. month. Fifteen to twenfjr companies wilt uku part in this grand uflalr aud wilt contest for threu prizes, aggragat lug {3tXJ. —The largo rcs.dence of Mr* L F Bedell, near Hilliardsvllie, H f r oounty, on what U known us the Dick Knight, p.amadou, wti- destroyed by lire aoout 2 o’olock on Monday morn ing Ian, with a conslderab e lot of rur- r.lture and bedding, eto The loss smoucts to nearly or q i;e 16000, In surance only $2000 —Huntsville Indepet dent: A neigh bor informs ns that while arsenic Is often fatal, it is actually fattening to some dog?, .,ho says that hn k o*suf a cog in cur neighborhood, who haa a wh- z rg and oisoordant bark, with whici, he oli.en vexes the tmia, “drowsy ear of nighl!” tna„ this dog has gotten recently enough arsenic to kill twenty dogs, and to-day he Is ao fat that he Is tbit; to do nothing In the world but oat poisoned men. aud bark with Increased loudness Tuskegiio Newn Hou W C Oates,the able aud faithful representative from the third Alanaiua district iu congress, refuses to sacrifice principle, even to 'ho 6&ko of hie people, aud opposes the bill making an appropriation for the sufferers from the firud in this slate. Ho wil: bo honored aud respected for his firuaness, aud his devotion to his own conviction of duly, »ud besides there arc many people la Alabama who agree with hi in. Tha stockholders of the Sc-ffixld land, iron and ooax oompany author- ;zxd the directorn to sell, use or pledge ail or anv p*.rt, of tha company's assets and credit, either to bulid or to , tract with giving security .o bulid one or more rai'roB is lu the in terest ol the city of Soefilfiid through and beyond the rioh iron ore and coa deposl f- tributary to bk'ffloid, tf ihr Sheffield fi'ol B'rmlugbaai rai’road fs not eomple «d by June 18 and to purchase the rands now or h. r - after under coub ruction. Nine ten : s oi he stock ".as repreacn ed mostly in person The stockholders are very on • tbuaias-lc over tho Improvements made a. aud the preepeom of bheffield. Ilorjdn Fan*. The beach trees in Columbia county are loaded with fruit aud an iuime re yle.d Is promised About $30 was made by the Matlxo diet ladies of Mioanopy at tho s.raw- berry lesiivvi last Saturday, \\ hi Ivos has been elected clerk a lu treasurer of Eiae City sti, ulive times without opposition From twenty-five to fifty barreled ca fire now being shipped from Micam py daily. Most oi it goes to southern ci:ie". The forsus'ton of a rowing club is profi.hed at Or.ando, for the used which two ftur-car wnl be Dut.i a. ones Tht first boat,s weie shipped fn m Mtci-nopy .Monday by Tyler Spe..- oer from Xsooma They were of the go,den wax vane.y, Captain Jol.nsou.of Mioanopy,thmk-i he will have 1000 b xaa of oranges true year. H e tteeo a. e fuller of a.tie or anges than ever heiote A Far,as fi'see gentleman expee's that at the t resent late ol profit on si,-awberries tuat his patoli wl : p ,y a; the ra.e of $600 pet acre. is seme talk that Mr Battery, of the Second artillery, now stationed in New Orleans, will shortly ca irans- ferred to su Augustine, Tho new, .crisp bank bill, of usua denoruinations, etc, have arrived for the First national bank of 8t Attgr- tlue, aud during the past week Jonu T Destuuke ax.J Gecrga W Gibbs have been busily engaged In putting ttatr signatures to the bills! Au innovation on the long ard tedi out meUn.d ol ra sing an otauve srove is non ding exper msu id upon by Mr B anchsrd, of t 1 e dm, of Heaid. Hawtej A B anonaru, oi Eciatis He has J Uat ha— shupx.ed to him iroin As 1 or a i uiubsi ol bearing ora_ge ires, which he has set ou. in his yard Ihe trees weie ptuu'.eu a week ego and are looking ihrlvitg and well. J W L-.wls, a leading L nlsvllle banker, and e x capitalists, eouui to Iftckaonvllie, via the Louisvl.le and NaoLvUle roan, and Tuesday, Czpt. Tuti.e started them at 12x30 ’c ock, vis the Florida Railway snd Navigation company, lor a circuitous rente of the s.a e, g.viug them a ehane* to view lards with a view of purchasing. Their trip oocuptes aoont two weeks. ufv COLD NEGLECTED ^ ENDING IN am( cgnsu ia?^ Q Grandest Opening of I WILL OPEN ON Taes^y, ff^nwiay ao«11 today, Iprjl 2'l 21 k 22, ; Home Imm Co. THE LARGEST STOCK OF i:S ITEM II1 IS AS Of 'Nl«»w York CF.stab.ished 1804;, M C pifil, C 1 si tm JlU. $7 613,116 In all tLe latest styles and combinations ever shown in this market, and tit such prices tis wil' astonish every one TOTRIMMED STRAW GOODS DEPARTMENT. Union YOians, jMiltms, China Milans. English Hi’.ans, Satin Straw, Fancy Straw, Leghorns, and an endless variety of School Hats OSTRICH FEATHERS AND POMPONS PARASOLS & FANS And everything appertaining to Millinery, to which the ladies of Colum bus and vicinity are respectfully invited Insures against loss or damans I by Fire, Lightn ng and Tornado, ' at rates guaranteed as low as offer ed by any reliable stock company, The Lightning clause will be in serted in Dwelling policies without extra charge L, H. CH PPELL, AGENT. C-- ;{■• »- , ijpj^A/ COTGHS. CONSIMPTION. NOW, TAKE IN TIME TAYLOR’S CHEROKEE REMEDY Of SWEET EH ini mm i Tho swoet gum, ns gathered from a tree of tho same name, growing along the small streams of Lite Soul hern States, contains a stimulating, expectorant principle that loosens the phlegm producing the early morning cough, and stimu lates the child to throw off the false membrane In croupand whooping-cough. When combined with the healing mucilaginous principle in the mullein plant of the old (k*ULs,pre.sentsinTAY- i.or'hIhehokekP.kmej• voy swki:rfh-u and Mullein the finest known remedy for Coughs, t'roup, Whooping Cough and Consumption? and so palatable, any child is pleased to take it- your druggist for it. 25c. and $1/0 elzes. Ifhe'does not keep it. we will pay, for one time on'y, express charges on large «i/.o bottles to any ptir’t oftlie U. S., on receipt of $1.0.). VVAX.Xt.Il A. TAVLUR,'Atlanta, «i Ifectius of the Bonch/mers of the '. o'ntubue MamilaCtoriug Com- jiauj. 1 1! E und et trust ext :• UBteee uudt r a ce tain deed ol > tin in the Columbus Men- ... . . . o', ti e 1 fi* of Mft-cii t-84. for the pnrpo e cf cur ;rui *he pnyn'cm oltbr. boud* aiic c epenh said C iopriuy haYlug rectlrud writton uoiicH from one */ f. ’uol ’cr« of s»id ben d» that said (7 tup anv las failed to fay tb# lu’erest C'-upons of its <»ai ; bonds when duo ami that said coupenn bitv* comiuued vine and ropuid for th* space o' six ccnaecotiv© mo/ ths heretofore, hereby cal' a me'-tirv. < f he bo'd rs of sai'* bonds aid O'.upous ■ f 3-d Company up rnjniied by tai-i deed which mooting will bo beld attbo i dice of J Rhode# Browne, in ihe Georgia Home buildirn in Colum 1 but. Georgia* cc- Saturday the 2«th day f April. IMA at 11 o’clock e m. At tb^s meeting tbo taruiB and conditio' h of tl.*» su’e >-f the property ”bicb was convo r ed to the trustees by r.eid O.nipan? by •aid e*Kt ol i nit will bo do term 1 nod bv a moj .ri»r iu value of the bouch. lder» present at ftaid meeting as provided in nan-. d©M J RHODES BBOWNK.l Trn .._ g k 1LLGBB, Jtrnsee., olumbus, Gu A'ril2d. 18^6, >p3 20t 3VI. H e’s Line SMiersli J V FAST PASSENGER SCHEDULE OF THE ID Take the A ANNCN BALL ROUTE.’’ TLe ELLIS weni.t fxe hoiiiBfie the fastest ste..mer plying the ChattaLoocLee, I'liut and Apalachicola Rivers. ACCOMMODATIONS FIRST-CLASS IN EACH PARTICULAR Ihe steamer h.LLIn w:.j ran'he :ast aehsduls ever undertaken on theCnaitatioo. efces and Apalootue u, illvtrs. feh» will msk'.- iwc trips '. vre-.k between Oo:umbna red ApaleeUlools, «rjd win :uri’.sh-&plu .rausu to i-tisuanstrii o> :hc trains o acil fc;m ektoi)v!lie, Ptneneol&. i4obi -’odd New Cu-lesns, i alts.- March 87til, 1888. tiu feUw.-i* sobevlute will f>e rnr., rlvar. *cf, s o, SLIPPERS AT 15C PE PAIR SLIPPERS AT 50C " PAIR SLIPPERS AT i'l 00 1 PAIR KID OXFORDS, Lt.ce or Button at ^1 25 All these are fresh go: .1®. We have also the WIGWAM SLIP PER novel, no buy ulu ^omiorta* ble; the Nullifiers. old time favor ites. and lots of seasonable goods, permitting DOWN Laav* CoinmbUR r.m«c.fty . Leave Eai^oie Tauvday.... L -svc- For' (J rn-'ils Leave Co.umoii, Tneeday ... tiisve CtiattHhooehee Wedueuday s 00 a vc Arrive ;Apa!*ctiloo:» Wfdne-ciay l CO p m DP L :67i Apa achloola Wedneedoy 3 (’0 p m L svs ChftUahoovhet Thnrs, ay... 7 :i0 a m I Loave Columbia Tauveday 4 0J p m Lseve Ft Gntnei: Taursday 8 Of, p m Leave Euiatila Tbnr£d«y..._ 12 w) a’gt ! Leuvs Florano? F-'.-lss.— ?t,0 a m 1 Arrlv* CoInmbUh Friday 1060 u m I b 00 a in 3 no p m 1 Leave Kufaula Saturday •13b p w l>«ve F. G.iue-u ‘-’nturday 7 to ii m I 30 p m 3 50 p in fl 20 p u i 7 80 p ib | Le-ive Co.umbta aaiur.'.ay lr-f/9 Cba'tsbnro'T.e B.-'U’-day„..„il 30 p m Arrive Apaiaouloo.e euneay .'.0 00 a m UP Leave Apalachicola Sunday X'00 rc Leave Cfiattahooobee Monday H 00 a n. Leave Columbia Mocday oti a no Leav* Fort Gaines 3 nftj,. 3 00 a. Leave Eufama Mot d»y7 00 n..:i Leave Florccoe Monday ....10 00 p rc Arrive Columbus Tuceday™...™ 6 CO & si- Tho Steamer Bills will ’&se ire'.ght tor Warahouse Lsndlngi only, but will take pas. eangars to and from id I' ndlugn SCHEDULE OF THE STEAMER MILTON H SMITH, as follows 1 Leave Columbus «very Haturdfty at 0 a m for Apalaohioota via Balnbrldge. Leave Apilftoblctla Monday a'- 6pm for Columbus v!n Balnbrlrlge Pi.sseL»bi« '! Sayaunaii end Jack'ouv'.iie can meet thia boat at Cbaitahooobee going down Sunday evening and counlnc up Tuesday evening, Bieemnr Smlih will ; iiDe freight lor &•■ lendings, and will 'ake pasesngorr. only bts twaec Balnbrldge and Au»la.v) fcc.ln and bo’.weea Apo'.achlcols and Co nmbua Arrival and Departure of Trains at Chattahoochee, Florida, Savannah. Florida and Western. Kalin-ad— Amvee from nevarman slid JaokiionvliU a' i 04 p m. Leaves for Savannah anti Juoksonvllie ai U. 10 & in. Florida Rii.way and NaVgatlon O^v—Arrives fr .m Jaoksnivllle at 1 p m Leaves for Jacksonville ftt 11 M a ru Psncaoola and Atl&nifo Kai.r:ad—Arrives from Feossoola. Mobile and Now Orlsvns at 11 « ro Lh’v,- !o- Fensacoia. 14 ,b 11(-. and New Orleans nt i U r> ra, On and of n Kobruuary 6 'SSfl, the iocs rates of freight ana pt.scagc to all polrue oi the Cur tabooohie end Apalachicola v'.vori will be as follows: Cotton So*d > Mea'. per ton — . 7t Sal* per si gs Other frelchtBli: proportion, Paeinge from Coarann '•' Apel'ichienlt 66 00. Other nointa in proportion. Three, tick., s can hr,- obtained by 'hla ;u.o to Haven nab. Jf-ctcHo;. vine rind a!! poln'a in En‘t Florlaa eheuper than any other rc a a Shipporw will pleane hava their freight at boat by 8 a m on any of leaving as none wil! be received after that hour. Boat reserve* tho righ. of r.o: lauding v. any poin t when considered danger- on* by tbo pilot. will not atop at n-v point r.ot named In the published .let ot landings iuruiBhed snippare for 1888. Onr re-ropBibilUv for iroisrht canaei ai er It hw been l!schart?el at a land ing when uo person is hereto recvlte it. Kates nr"!'"’' 'o ctiane'’ mith iut notice rr iy ivro ^'RrTn, a o-'kost’^ 33 33 C A. MISCHKE, M ill "W" rlglit. OFFICE AND SHOP - Dillingham Street, opposite South ern Plow Works. # «b‘> HawRtk edicine Muscogee Sheriff Sale UiVH KSiOWLCI, AvciUMMr, \I r ILL b* sold on tht first Tuesday in Mar next Vf in front of ti • auction house of F M Know les 4 Go. Hr ad street, city of Columbus. Muscogee county. Georgia onehouseaud lot. to vrlt: Lo*. Nc 3^1 in the citv of Colu , ‘-t'us Georgia known in piau of said city as a pa t ol 101 a mber 3si to wit : 1 strip 60 feet wide ou west of said lot au J running back U feet more or l* s northward cn the north side of Bryan utreet Levied on »' tn« property of R bert Justice to satisfy a fl fa in my Kandi in fever of !tl Joseph va Robert J uetice L- vy made and re turned t\ G l Abney, L C ut6oaw4w J G_DURBC3 Jberi tVyruton Residi iu ,A tuirt 2j cres O NLY S1800 UN YCUBOWN TER v g tiiie plac* is a Residence of five reoms »s lent well Wi'l exchange for city r. al e^tai will be p'.taeed to show this or other prvpert Vaioibb* Up-Tuwu Propeity For ^sIp, Btrei t (jcw First avenue) We*.’, located: meresntile or inannfsctnrinr purposes. i.wi v: iit i ryr Judge Puilum Says “The Effect is Magicil!” ■Judge Thomas Puilum, formerly an old and respected citizen of Union Springs. Ala., and later connected with Ihe Wholesale Drug firm in Atlanta of Pemberton, Puilum & Co., said last week in the presence of a number of gentlemen: "My wife had been for many years a constant sufferer from rheuma tism. Her joints were swollen and distorted, great knots had formed upon her hands, She could only with great difficulty and pain manage to walk, aud was a constant sufferer from this dreadful disease. We tried everything we could read or hear of, and took advice of eminent practitioners without any benefit in the way of permanent relief. I was induced to try Hunnicutt’s Rheumatic Cure a short time ago. although I had lost faith in all patent medicines and nostrums, and considered her case incurable. The effect was magical; the pains have entirely vanished; the swelling and distortion of her joints have disappeared and the disease has been, I verily be.ieve, eradicated from her system. She is still using the medicine, as a precautionary measure, as her gen eral good health is being restored by it I can honestly and fearlessly recommend Hunnicutt’s Rheumatic Cure as the best medicine for rheu matism an- tLe blood u; on the market.” Why do you suffer from Tlhenmafism or anv Blood or Kidney Dis ease wheL HUNNICUTT’S RHEUMATIC CURE will relieve you ! RETAIL PRICE Si.00 PER BOTTLE. Sold by Druggists. Merchant wholesale firms in Collin bus, Ga, , H - m iv mm. FOE SALE. Tie taw You YUH buy Jiow {■ liort a Doubt. iLO'.O Two quarter acre loti (ronlffi* on • be Mi-Land ISSAl Focir I. aore low tits.: ,e Midland I , depo* too-'.. Sii.‘.cin HotUu, J /os:r.: xltcnei, 2 .to iii v.ia finnne ot: Fim avenue 3 0 neie ;o ,3 foom II.. t :u Cooitye 7oo ua, t-cre Unci, i ^uu,.ta. rents tot 8 3. «:r".rd •60 eVor >, Abi-i J...S BJOVlUiVlll* -OtH Acre loteu Ft.ur.t -veune, 1 room H me S5 0 H Acre Ib or. Iw : :r"8d. street, 5 i j.o. H a/e. ;.u LRoom lor i 31...T u-m-.. Teru.c ifity 2230 One V...JBO, .ui ov. F.:st avenue, "or.i'i.glt, eir:«rki: 40W Oi* !Ot. 3 : m E-.k-s, Oth*r cot fivnaee on a vncscl.'ot I'-.wtlui Fif.a avenue «6 fee'., ru-.-u. g b-.toi. 180 t««i, « e.-'i' Unv v Oer-ot 0'1 hi Acre iu . 8 .-..usi and Snap < ut t, T- m a '.r.e’s 16.0 2i: C! '.-e U, -tie— ft grift -ip- fii.-D! In W; r,'ou Unit 2i aorta lard .t Be-Uvr^’x', 3 roja lronse lj- it MW"-,, ou '"'.n .vt 16.0 ^ ./»* .... 4 •o-.u tt*6, neat i;/ : ton twt D, 1- ft fi'.ia c r 1U0 115 iicrai lftmi 4 r.ov tioust »uJ • I'.fce: on non?:-.- full aresk, larttwi-e- ti jju c. v-.v it 60actM inn 1 30; or iiU acres land, • ft o mil-.a rrom city ou Lumpkin r s —fi-,/- lend lor :arm .pg „* cn:- ;>t t. a; i on tee river -lying tr k cu!‘ <•-•.-k and't<« rt»e/. nov, lor •u o-aieS ofooi* ton n«c. 'VII! exec-c,-* lor city property A great ues! ol oihei property tootoilous . . nisalien. O.. : aberge -oiMr c f t trli.s qnesUons of enow- lpg propeny FOB. Sever: i due- -I'weiling- •«« =rt.all louses •.Vott.n .lie ,-o _ lew aors usee to re t r- rooirh- C)U'i -a *« , . 10.ft 3 t .ijL-.t up s !:h, . . ,i.g In oack 7»rd. "her ork" -.«-•■ tv. rent. Fight rooms t: r ren>. (:•> • *or). j Ucvj. I hiiv r s 'ev o”s ' : o loen on fl;3t m.ngsgs city p. -f.r-r .v e syerceat J. C. BEBDY, K*»b. Estftl* Al'-r', Tw .Nth S'. A so whon r.oi .sslitBB or renting won.d laze s few tax re.urua, Mnscoge© i h^rifFSale, By F. M. H»OW».B1 ATo. Anel’rj, W ILL be. eel<) • n the first Tcesd«>- <n M«y next, iu from tf tbe ar. tioit lor.'" / M Knowief A Go, bread oob. Mnacog of ol Columbns. v .n the went talf were. comber H*o io thr l f unc pet-c. l ij Gecrsia. side of OfclftborYe str. er c ...» —----- . more or In ’, with i^rovemn-i- ;b».:eoii. levied on as the prereny f T K yonetr *atfa i| fa my handsin favor of H H EcpiLf?, esfccor o. n > E ward* <,c. Aead v tra:.Rftr» *. - v .ace I-e^o A Go. ol whici firm tbe »;.id »\i r 'int>er ><nd r. ftt revkciihlly This pi per y is »l j ct to favor ot J E App rr * liirh 1 nnc* i*. w --1 be sold tnl j ap3 oav»’4w r-ii iu said acti.c .h!l mortgage m i J yen foreclosed, , w .-n r case J G Bl'tlil'S, Sheria.. G fob<ii\ wrscooKK ' U»::e. •’ '■'f.: e sk- Ml di«D6hip of tiie mi-ior chi.dr vf y — W'hereafi a for tbo so ? r* cl U S Park, do* rst d* coDcermd to tbl.-: ‘he ti.. e pr«** i f jnardienttip : lay ot^ApriU can obtain our “Cure'’ from all rLi. M.UOvl.k CCrKTT-Where, tTj u « M P v.f sinimisThi t p" 1 , “ p. ,1, U. ctur. m ““ J. M. HUNNiOU i'T & OO. Atlanta, (>•:*. mli4 dA worn PropMc'iora R D.v. ’r t-slate Tn.s r tL*refer?. ?r " heira aai cr. '.d ^ t'' vliy iud^y lntjrtfbv r I anis ionoc the ors: .^oci *idminbu:ed r«*-ca concerned*