Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, April 24, 1886, Image 3

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;daily enquirer.sun, columbus, Georgia, Saturday morning, apeil 24, ist>6. 3 THE PRESIDENT OBJECTS. B . U I'jdlSDBBt *> Xenr-p.prr DUaua’ ,1031 of Hl> Aflalr*. The president is indignant at the veif-atllo fre-dom of the press in ills- cussing b'-» alleged approaching ma:- risge 1 I am not going to say a word in til', matter, bin let you goon in y.-ur own way uu-il you get tired cf dragging the name of a poor de- fl-neeli-ss girl into cruel publicity,” said the t resident to an E..quirer ccrreepondetit who asked turn the q'trry abcu- which there is so much information extant: ‘‘P the p"o 'dent engaged?” Mr CievtltT'* rat in (be bow win' dew of bii. ex- cu fve office, clad in a suit cf clothes, a oiaek eiik tie about hie e,..ud up cellar, which was sl;gh f ly f:need on the edges The president -’'-r'olnly did not lock like a happy expectant groom, and he had a gloom;' expression of coume- nance tha. u.e red hues of anger that settled 6i. . j . his n .ck did not tend to Tender more cheerful. The sky was slightly ivt-roast. There were two working pc uiclsne waiting to se. him on b Distant sofa. A ycGt-g woman uu on a chair noi far awav, and a day-before.yesterday bouquo. threw ou' ms.odors ojj the disc iu front of him. “These r .jnrtp,” he resumed, “are ashsme and an outrage upon al! tie privacies ana decencies of lilt-, and the press should find something bet' ter to do t;. to be p ! 'ohir,g into an unprotected girl in this brutal way Lasi week it was a lady stepping in the ht-Uafc. Nrxt week it wili be some other lAior girl Why do you not accord ,o your pn sldent the priv ileges you do to the laborer earning fi"y cents a day? The president should have, tome rights of privacy ycu might reepect. Y~ui clast give me none, a man said the ntnnr week that the barber came here on Sundays. 10 suave me. Why, I have not been ehaveu by a barber for 20 years. Pu.-i.ty soon they wili want to Know wt at sort of a night shirt I west (wi.h a grim laugh) But you were very right to come ar d fttk n e, » nd I will say thatwhea we, I. gt-t ready to announce my marriage (-■ rcaslically) I sbull do so ir my cv n way. But rbe result of it »1! will be that we shall have to shut you people out entirely from getting news heze I have a man, Col La- rcont, who ;s in full sympathy with the press, ;,nd who is willing to give all '.he Information usk'-d, and yet you are no. Daiisfi^d. N ;w, why don’t you Jo something different from all. the reef, and say a word in behalf cf the sacred immunity of pure womanhood from being nmdo tfce common talk of a continent, and write something on the e ther sice of the quesiior ? A man, though a presi dent, fist; seine lights to his private affairs," iiUd > ar ft Eiidv The lee is (.fill nearly three fset thick in L ki Champlain. I: the District of Columbia there are 20 000 more women then men. There »re four wc-skly Chinese newspapers printed in San Francisco. The art ts-relation of Nashville reports a membership of 190 and a small balei ee in tie treasury, $10,000 of the $100,000 needed baa thus fi.-.r bc-en subscribed for the new gymnasium ai Yale college The payroll of BArnum’s eircus is $7000 per < a;- and the highest < a ly receipt? were $17,000 during a B s- ton eiif a. -.ment. The man who ip mean enough to rcbtfcep.i.r hex of a church turns on*: to bt a Jersey men He wad caught in 'fit act at E ’z-:be!h. If a box six feet deep were filled with ?' a water aid allowed to evap- orsteunder the cun, there would be two inches of salt ieft on the bottom. Among the pictures burned at the Pennsylvania academy was a S: Bt- bastian, called a murillo, valued at $30 000 and :\ painting by Washing* ton Allstou A single 1 Uufe In the vicinity of Castle Garden, at.d which is about 125 by 800 Eel, contains no less than thirty.five saloons, or hemes where Pquors can m obtained, John Weight, a noted thief catcher in the kjou... a ins cf east Tennessee, has killed thirty-time men in the last twenty years Am of them w .re killed in p-.i’f-def.s- while he wosi i pursuit of criminals. "W k\wt “'©raeia Ubti r>c*t\Q. By Iv' dsTi : - t.oofco “Take oil y -um roe*!'' I hear s bowl of dismay. “Oh, w° e in’t live without outvels, We should fall to piece? !” 1 I can’; hold myself up an hour without corsets 1" “I always have such e pain in tny side when I lay aside my con el !’’ My dears, do you see what a severe accusation you bring agait s' this ar ticle you - s Ives? Wearing cm sets has so enfeebled your muscles that they are no longer of use to you. If you had never worn them your body, left to the laws of Him who made if, weuld have needed no support. I know one woman about; 60 years old, tall, stout, weli'developed, who has never worn corse's or heels, and Whose flesh is firm and cool, needing no bones to keep it in position except her own. I suppose you cannot undo wholly what the years of idle, foolish fortune have dot e for you, but you can have a better fuluze if you will begin now to live like rational beings Gi and buy seme of wtll made, new- fashioned waists, with buttons to hold up ycur heavy, dragging skim-; buy then, big enough so that you can draw the longest breath your squeezed and disabled lungs will al low, after the waist Is bu s"; so loose that you can lift your arms above your head easily; if your side or your back ccbes, lie down; rub your flabby fitch every day with a rough cloth wrung out in salt and water; draw your breath in ts far as you can, and breathe it out as slowly a* you can, tvuy time the deck strikes j If anc.rcBS b>'. the trne ‘oat of meri- U is a settled 'sc*, that Brow’s Pr n- chial Troches hsv« rn 6qo«. fer .he prompt ’cie! of C'ongbi, Colds, end fr brcr.. Troubles Sold only Inboxes, Price 26 oente, th eat Be tu*w An eRSierri Inventor has Invented a water proof n:»ll bag that Is well apoken cf. The Beuth needs bagB that will get In on time. Above r.I! other earthly Ills, I hate the b'ar, old-fashioned pills; By slow dosircee they down ward wend, And of ec p«n»p. or upward tend ; WBhsunh discomfort ere they fraught, Their good fff.iefn atcouu; to nenght, Nov , Dr Pierce prepares b pill That J oat exactly fill- be bill— A Pods-, rather, that Is all, A Pleasant Purgative, and email; Just trv them as ycu fool their need, Yc u’ll find that I at eak truth, indeed. There are men who go where- duty cal Is Thcroaie otters who are there without being relied. The (pjoiuist ime on record I Neu ralgia. of 'hi wrr-> tyre on rod hv otto d~eo of SMITH'S BILE BEANS In f r r m one to four hc.urs, »i who have tried it ocn teslifv. I: -'oils seem strange the', sensible people will suffer wih this terrible disease when sj eedy Relief can surely be found in this sim ple. ao/e and inexpensive remedy. 25 cents. For sa.e by ail druggists end defiers ir- medicine, or sent anywhere on reoeipi of pric-e in siatnus. -1 21 ood&wlm Atlanta aho bus n fi cal tragedian upon whom may fall the mantle of M- Calloogb, that irw art fl him. Ha ■ ci called Ont Scott Tbointon. trnmwiumvmmimMmami BOSTON AND SAVANNIh STEAMSHIP CO. FOR BOSTON DIRECT THE FAMOUS YfRAND Ol OIP ;SUCOBSS. WJ. Iflf “Ipifdttwjlin WftI Tf '%i ol t T1Q m n- Kwmtiu* fi<t»ftvr-tuir-MmtjutfiwtHi Jab*, , mww i THE GLIN6MAN TOBACCO OINTMENT THE T Ki'FI <'TfVF: PHKJWK.l- TIONon themnxKHl ior Piles. A SI'H F (TKK for itt'Ixiii,. PilfM. Uab rt'vi f tniieii r<i ji-ive prompt relief Wih cure \nr.l Vrers AhndBBH, Fi«tula, Tor tor, Suit Ubwum Barb r’., ltd. R:u,'- worms. Pimples. fturoB had Bv-iin. .'iO <• i*«. THS CUNBMAN TOBAGO SAKS •\v- St n*s Son 1 Eyes, ngif IT lumatisra, Coupbr THE CLING^AN TOBACCO PLASTER Prepared aoctitditi.i iu i m um j riHfipiow, til' iln- PrUilST \ M* KLIMENT'*, c nup * >r tied m Toba B( l*c .1 Mil* — mendMi for Croap^W^d or C'dte r-i thu* Bre*» -t. t*.r that c'oi-b :/ imyn.l or inEamiiiiitory Liuludit-s, Atl'.td uud PfdnF Tthero. ;'r.jvu > »> dniicate a -• of the ?j3T*sm (* p. • - i* is urnb »*G> D»*urrh<*rnr .mr«rhpplic.a:i • 11h, rraluhbk* Aife your (L’^hs-.h lor's Pnt I-> ot« Ac QOS CiMftN TOBACCO CUBE CG. Wiow.^ fl. t) S ft Do you want a pure, bloom* !n,<? Conmlexiou f If so, a few applications of Hagan’s MAGNOLIA HALM Mill grat ify you to your heart’s cou- tent. It does away with Sal lowness, Redness, Pimples, Blotches,and all dTise* sand Imperfections of the siviu. It overcomes the fl ashed appear ance of heat, fatigue and ex citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWEN TY ; anti so natural, gradual, and perfect are ifs effects, that tf is impossible to detect its application. Is the-only hnrmleis ami effective Nerve Food known which leaves no after-effects, »nd is without, stimu lant or alcohol. It is a delicious beverage and will positively recover Brain and Nervous ExLaustion, de stroy thirst for alcoholic drinks resioro the appetite, cure Dyspep sia, give refreshing sleep and im mediate relief to any trouble arising from nervousness. A singlo bottle will prove its virtue. Manufactured by MOXIE COM- PANY T , Ath nta, Ga. For sale by John P Turner & Bro, and G A Bradford, City Drug Store, Colum bus, Ga. 50 cents quart bottle. uwbax> - i n m 1 H*! if "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." The OrigiiKtu! and Only <<«*niainOv Bftfo Ui 1 always Holla'1 . H -w ar< of worthIch»« TmiutlCS*. lndi«;-r,*aMt t LADIES. A-h your I>ru«4rlat for “ChtrheHt-r’M En K Ti.'h7? *1 a>- r„ ih-f nr fiSclM-*c f«arr.j.* to as P.r ;.>erticii ar- in K v rotnrn midi NAME PAPER. rh'.oJicM»ti**- Chemical !'»>., « Al .* tludtMin **«. uiuc, i'liliatdaL, t»*r „ _ . .__W« r Vor’a ErgliaS PA8JSKWCS.R ffCUTF B9lwe«r, SI«W SCr.elacd n&< OwirglB, F.r da, Aiati6iu:i, Ui* Set 'h aim Sonthww. First,-cliss TtASeugL-.r AcceauBfMliitSf «* (. a'.-) n Fanittgr. 'W, H*;oereSc» ftiS tH-*?*®* HA. 'i lili iupmlur Si.-.,*«•,;;< -<t :x>u J. Company ar* s-poir w* K anil fr:,u> r-'-. lcn nv?r li;>.r.nt,lay r.t -, r and .Torn .•vur.naZi an fol- iowis. ism..: ard c.w«) ITT OF MACON, TMirv.'.ay, April 1C. at H;M) l> la OATfi CITY, Thursday. April 22. at 9-00 u .11. C.ITY Of MACON, Tbanuthy, April US. >.1 2i3C p id ftAI E CITY. ft l Brartay , Msj' 8, si 7:30 p in CIIYOF WACOM, Thursday, May 13 at 2:U ; m <a T CITY, T.uursday, May 20, at y-gf pm •It V OF MACON, Tcurprlay. Mf.y V7, sit l.i-0 p sn OATS CITY, Tliiirndoy, J-. tie 3, &’ 0:30 p m TTY Of .’.1A.CC'N, Thursday, Juec 10, ei 12i C o tx DATE CITY, Thursday, June 17, at 6i3C p rn CITY OF MACON, Thursday, June 2*. a! 11:00 a n: GATE; CITY, Xhnrmluy. July 1, at 6:dt p ift TUiough bill* ol latuvig giv«h «_■ ri«w .KrU'.uiud tnabciftotarfug polnia and 4c IF'!! *wl. rho Company's vrharv** la bosh Snvsns uafi Mid SuBtusi ere ooraiactad wHh n.U* roads l*adu,s out :u two Mtua, H'ClHAAU.COM A t'AfiNABD. Savsvnmh, (S». Ov W L CLAKK, Agent Central Railroad. ouaKh ia, lit s.»plO>‘ TRIiK IS OUR MOTTO, AND EVER HAS;BEEN. EPCN THIS PRINUI'LE HE HAVE BUILT OUR PBCSPF.ROrS BUSINESS, I OLD MILL PURE OLD RYl 1-vj. mi'l in roi>*:muy i.iiikiM* i., w fnnMlp. ft i by H i' aceiif, T. II. roLi.Y, < Cur loili Street and 1st Awuf.c, Iu H- ) J.VM1 K 4 »’P [ r\ al Don’t be D e c e i v e d By so-colled lew pricts nr r.a! in boast ml r.chcitif-ur.cnts, but sec the goods ts they are priced, and be sure you get wfcnt you buy. On stock was never so complete r.i.d goode were never so cheap, All we nsk cf n cliscrminnting ] tiblic is an exf.minntion of cm stock before buying. All pry Kiivcn’s is a good place to trade. luyif.e dttoLaloD to Lbo attractive pricen at which tbi'i;* ontite hp»}dk ntock is boiLfi cflproQ. AXM JSf-T.ETiS MILTON M< QUETTR8 free, fhf.oo per yard upward frotii I 75 p»r yard upward from 1.8ft per jar'* nr ward from ) '.5-T per yard upward free .DO per yard upward from .«Vi por raid upward per yard upward .10 ^or yard upward RumGtmmanvjnMHMrawMniwamnKwnrrnirCT.iPTitmPzvA'na ■Riannunw C. JLi. TORBETT. Praciical lndtrlsk r ti<d Ifiuwal Fiucior. VK1.VETS \H ItY BRUSSELS TAFESTRY fron INRAINS froir MI1SA MATTINGS fron fcWISS LACK CURTAINS from 04,50 pair upward MADRAS LACE URTAIKS ^2.AO per rairnpward ANTIQUE and FRENCH hS r E 'T! TAINS fri t» <j>3 30 per pair upward NOTTINGHAM LACE«'URT^JNS f:om » or pair onward TUB OMAN B’URTAINS wth hi udaonir Dadoes from 8ft.OO per pair upward T.- PESTRY COVERINGS from $1.00 per yard upward R ET .‘N N B (?0VK > INC P fron: .lift r*er yard upward WINDOW BIJADK? r ade on Hlort notice orma teriale furnlahed. Satnuleo sent when deflired and prompt atteDtion poi ’ • alt mall orders Com»p'>n<t«ncie invited. BfMDWfcV AND 19 5 H STREET, sbw rotxti VMVW, V.Ljf': j; f $§£$&% %'f>| V,: A***» 4 i 11 it-) U i i y h II y L OR c r T maOe t r i. •• r'Tl.Y SATISFACTORY .r. i* -- r t .If i its ; • r-f;.r«dcd by sciHw • - r r v* : -A : -4. P-warfeo. y XTltu j...., I • niiM.j...* w.t!. .it Bull* CHICAGO CORSET CO 23 L..:;ieaard St., ilew York. U4Q C. 2 &**•*>* St. Chicattu til*,- Administrator’s Sale. F 91 HKOWLLh A CO, Awettonenn. C TEORGIA, MU8COGEE COUNTY—By virtue of J an order of the Court ol Ordinary ol Muocok«* county Georgia, w‘11 to Bol iat public outcry ou the firjt Taenday in May next, betwren the IcrhI hour* of tale, in frert of the dtore of F M Knowlea A 0 •, Ht the c:rner r.f Broad ana Tenth streets t.i the city of Colombud. said county and Htate* the valuable city prope^t Unown -te the south part of city lot No one hundred and two t ’01) on th« corner of Front and Hixth (foreierlj Early) Btroota, fronting on Front street 42 Vtt mere or Uhb. a*>d ru'.riing "quarol'. bach'-ast fron Front street H7 foot 10 in* rb«8 more or lesH r with four-room dwelling and in*proT«mi v1k rh«nou- Hold as the property of the estate of FraDdfl A i-miih. deer need, for dlstriha- ti.n, T rrm» caeh. HOMER L SMITH. Admit i trator Estate Fraacia A Smith, doo’ed »p‘. oqw<w Kednctio.i ol Price on VTynntan lirt; itffEC 1 . D R J ttl MASON hayiuc: locat«-d permanently in 'tiaeon Intendi Milica a* ouce his magnificent tw Eton Wynct-in P^>fldencr. aud lb acres of ground. Dwelling ii hand-omwly paperixi and re cent y painted \ »v*-rything i“ thorough order. Dr Mae or wishes to sell while It is so. and will give a purcha^yr i bargfi’o. ff vou are looking fo.- a su« burtan reeioecci end inspect this you will be sure to buy. II *,rn 1 *' rot wish ^ IFsaye the city nu will 1 e :eu. p*.ed to do bo after iookinfc- at thl*» He cant h ome, feoyera' ten* : w ou L« t me show It to t oi JOHN BLACK MAR, ec wd fr tf Real E>~t»U Agent. Columbus, Ga* Ptrliffnn to Id corpora r v “The K T f|w’rc*r Sun J PuDlinbinK f’onipany.’i i STATE OF GEORGIA, MUSCO GEE COUNTY: To iho Hon j Supcnor Court, of saiil County: ' The petition of John King, O Gui by Jordan C E HocliMrasser, i N B Banks, A V Boatrite ai. I j Gc-orgo P Swift, junior, and their 1 nssociates respectfully show they have formed an association and desire a charter to be granted to them ns a corporation under Beelion b ; 7fi uftho Code of Georgia. The object of such corporation is to establish and maintain in tha , city of Columbus a publishing ootu- i pauy, under the name and style of ! the 1 'Enquirer-Sun Publishing Company”; tint they propose U> U «.w «• •« w>ij :««, j- tfTi ’cany on the business of editing s Alt A *8 1 .U J, 1 VA. fjr | printing business in rnrnuction therewith, and also to publish books, pamphlets and other peri odical literature j The capital to be employed in f such business ar.d uci.uiilly paid m * is twenty thousand dollars, which I A.QJ NOW kkttek PHEPAHKD thun evoi- to lteiusb FnoexsiH hi mopi m^'iernt. 1 ^ cliiided into sliaics ol fifty d’ !- price*. I nave xfie largsu tuid men conip.Hie line or (.'otti»n, i ,n» find Ih,lour lr • lot's each, but they desire powe r me city, ironi it* ciionpru; piuo emm u tt>« fii.tet Wcciirr, nr,d Metniic CHre" Mini - authority to increase I Lo CsBkfie wannmomred. A lull line oi Lad eie «eali>’ and U'lidrcs’n Ilnrlal Rohes tr. ra i nn'OUllt of CftViital stock bv vote i f - the stockfiol h rs to not exceeding truin'..'. filty th msand dollars j The business of such corporal' u O. L. TOEBETT, Fo. 65 Bread St i is to bc ^ iu i>h»*B•■•i office to be located in the city f Columbus, in said county, and they ask to be incorporated for a period of twenty yo irs. such corporation may ! a 1 : organized at any time, anti m.-y 1 elect seven directors to mar-age tli j ’ affairs of the corporation : ml that said directors may elect one f their number President, and m .y * also elt-cl u St-crcfary aau Treusu: - , er, who may be the saint person, j and may or may no1 be one -•! *• i direct- rs. as they may elect. ; That saiil corporation shall li.-n i , the jmuei fo adopt by lows f- c their regulation, and may aequo n by purchase or loan any n-al t ; personal property that mry I u j necessary or dei-ir.iblu for lln- f , purposes, and may also Imrio v • money and issue bonds, notes ui. \ : mortgages t<> stcun- the -aim;. 1 That there shall lie no imlividird liabili x upon any of the stocking I- pjN- ers, except for any buiance that may ■ be due and unpaid on the c-upd 1 stock subscribed for by them ! PEABODY, BRANNON A HU'< | TLE, retitivneis Attorneys. I GEORGIA, iMuscoeee County. .. * Filed ill the eVrk's office- 0 r H c su- J perior court t.f county ndr i- , corded in i«-•■ rd of .vFf.s ’-S-11 I, ! 'c.o, folio :77,1ml'- tl.i dpri! 1 ’a lS-fi. IIKOVlUMf, 814.3 830. All tcoderr. proorsiieH x-.ted In -rrnCBimlne lbn dca<2. F to all i'nornu* )-.lao,d In n.y ciiB-gi-, bs-UsfHotlonfKrnraE'rK; wl.l be Oiled in iBlriy kiUh e«. 1 Knuar'ie till Click work »t notion. Ci-liitH r«ai,or.abie rnousii ntlenlc.ri ('xrttre r-y ‘.e'FFrnpl 'n:ct“ry ir k!v< UND'ERTAriTR, AND DEALER IN ' Patent Metalic Caskets, 'Wood Cases and Caskets, Children's Glosf j White Cases anil Caskets, Children’s Gloss White Metnlie Caskets, BURIAL ROBES, AIL PRICES FROM *1.50 UP - Personal attention given all orders. ¥<•>:, Pi ThO’. fUitbe-LN FrlnV.r# UPtcc T'w'.-litii Street. « I'M ..-isi ■ THEY STAND AT THE HEAD THE BEST SHOES FOR LADIES’ WEAR J- c. ARE MADE HY The best Ladies’ GP- ERA SLIPPERS io’-,ght to Columbus are ) ie by them. They i a only be had at my : tore. I can tit any foot, twfi- JW30B m %gr & I am Solo Agent for these- Goods in 'Columbm NO LADY SHOULD BUY A SHOE TILL SIIE EXAM HTOC K w ivr. if •\;a/, & ,c> ;f-y :e. ^£.'isr Real Kfi'iiLn Air fit I .;( 1 V M Co, G idwfl’ Brc ck Douu j e li.C'Jilty Icwiii Hr p. G •* u TfCi UA iI2jO'i (.toe ^' s rs .o utr '••ytti TOE GK diL80 eod8m Roaalim- KliDkorfUHf, drc<'B5**l. to tha court in hli petition doly iiletl. that he ban fully adtniuiatarod aald ItoHaliut KiiLkcrfueB' eaeate. Thi« la. therefore-, to cite ail persona cooceruKl hiera and era‘itora, to show cuuno, if any tho> cno. why laid adminiitrutor should not bo diicharye-J from hie administration and receira Ifctto/s of dla* minion on the first Monday In Jrao. IdK6. Wltueas mv official siKuature this Februarv :7.1edf F K BROOK8. febi7 oaw.lai Ordinary. ^ OOL’NTY.-WheroAS, application for Witter• of administration ou the estate of Hugh Dover Hite- of said coant-''. docfcased. These are, th«* r tfore, tc cite and a-Jmoclih aP an* gln«n!ar tb« Vin lr ed and c r t*clt<'r8 of said decea«ot to show cbob<*. it any Iter have, within the tirn preicrilKAl by la*, why laid lotter** ihf.uld not granted to naid aprlicant. Wltnoaa my official sl*ria».or«^tLR A jtrll^M, \H% apft okv-t'f Ordtiiarr. p BORGIA, MCSCOO'EK COUNTY —WLar^ia ‘I K L Welle, adunuatrator K V/oils docfa-*a«l. ’epreeents to tne court In his pe’.ltloL duly t'led, that he lias fally admluiiterod IC Wells' "flat't This Is therefore ic clt- t.'.i c>-n* ti* concerned, hairs and creditors, to t-h <w cause, if any they con. why •aid adtnlal«trator shonl I not U dihcbatKed from hie ru*‘d administration and re ceG.fl '.otterio! dlsmiwiou on •.ho trs Ic July. F &I JDRCK'KS, a;6oawl2w Ordinary -.ifify li' HlfCv. BouatUt l <'nrnet Ig Horn (j . "t H g‘J keo ’t(Vf t y *f [•< mai tD : >ph street m Kl V*5 ? wo H 101 it.' Ui.f f * ce OI.‘. Moll* tr* r.»r.«t n« yliborMo UfiObO JlemctoDco.' on FortptL v rtv#» in cue of LeUU icchiDD^ 1 1 'nr olt>y #7<j O f Hera ‘.)i Hind aud 5 huneoe ir Girard far di-i p«r zrjoath Kivo room hn>n«p find six acr«b of Iona in Wy/juuin 81^00 187 Ar-rwt of lard 7 nilleH from lumbtiio.: UftfQllioQ road Kantfi for 817U per vo-str Sdf.OO 160 Acres of liuid In Wyonion. UandJiomellOHl de*ncn 76^crwi«cx)U fiot'.om itnd Id » bl^h mate ol colt! vatTon (1500 Two iliraa room Herman In Browne- Viilb 11*4 Acre cut north Og ethorpe Rtrcet cheap for r- ah fc7L0 3X Acres of land in Ldnrwood with Qvg He usee on placa Kenis lor Vi percent oo prioa (HOtO Kocr room Hoo«p on north Vtlu*- voth at rat», y K wore iot WANTED- HDiiding lots in ail parts of the city. A camber of applications on the Can Bftil mem at r/nca W 8 GREEN, e.p!4 Ply Heal K "a’.n Asienl Administrator’s Sale T)Y v'rliie of an order from the Heart • f O r if'iarv 1 iJ of Mnacoge*' c an*', Georgia, will E« =*cli a ' the that Tneadav in May uext, or the < r-'jer o' li oad aud T**ut r j atrevti, Iq the city O' • v tirn’j'ia I be v-Miii tholi-Hal uourn aal-t to the titfiieit h<d* I u*r th - following ibrt»*;rlbed property, to 1 c : Out hundred and Bixtfflvo acron of laud, more or loei. lyir.rf <-ftfct of the city i f Uolmubna ai l kn-jwn alJ I d.-ir itenl ei pan of lole utciety*three, -.Ire /.fi ve | and ntn* ty*>*ix into* ■'o*t-t an:**.- ?. <>r‘ rabl count/ j1« ai the property cf E II Tnorntoa. II lx TiK it.V7ON April t ! h 18^ A 1 mir.ia%raWr ( ap oawtw ETjfiERtfE CGKOOKOsl urvrf? The onl 1 * ,1 ( pile Kit!. k::ou”: Specific ft a 'pafiuiB aud Failin' . Norvoua v.eakri**fl<4 quickly reliev'd und cured. K-joaU'd by none in dells inui of lever. Nentalri*fvj yermi cf diseases ahd hI* kueai. Cnroi ugly hlotc.hea anl stubborn blood sores. risinaeB blood, 'jnlokoua iln^Aiah clrcnlatloa, Klimiaatei Bolls. Carbaucleh and B-'.aidi. I'errjfineutly aud promptly cuioo Piiraljiiii. Y(«. it la a charminp and fcaalthfal Aperient, Killn Bcrofula aud Kius’u Evil, twin brotl sr*. Chan^oe bod brooth to «»cd| removing ciuao. Route BUlonaneos und cloa r « *• ■ mplcxlon. laxative., ind, Contains no drastic cathartics or opiates. Promptly cnro« rh.eun;*4tJ*ro 1 y r. r'-l’ U it. Heitoree life- giving pror-erti- Is guaranteed tc- err * all ner\ Reliable when oli '-pfateH fall Refrtehos th - mind an i iDvige-st n s the l>ody. Uurofl Dyspepsia* or -'-• ne? rvfr.adod, KniiofHiM iwriting 1 t over flf'y thon<M»nd L ‘adlnx rhyucl.nd in V S and Europe. Loading •■lorgyruon in F li a! 1 Enropa* sal * by a.I Ol.arminsf resolvent and matcbteiM I. It driven Sick Headache like th-. 1 wii ; tvxermsk ro-^isy'* r i 'JjPejfaiitwpjijiii NhwW; l ■ i CaG-log . -'ti f' v.riiwirVhMTriWCy t-n.-L r -i. *w r* VH- r--* . : J>*. W,< ..i b* vm***?!**^ I'-tke, Table,. Ch-rr S Book Cases, ioangtj, smiei Letter Frasses.Cul'ixoij ii!|r:i i«g| I allies’ Ftuitr/Desks, .'kj E i.u^t Goods u:.d lx. I rices Gr.arttutwed. Caioitjy tree- Cim-s. 4a. Hu 3*m4K