Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, April 27, 1886, Image 1

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V 0L. XXYI1I -liO 100 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, ABRIL 27 1880 TRICE ITYE CEN1S forty-ninth congress Fprlnjer Inlratftcrs b Bill to Provide for A i bitra ioj 11, 0 ir for s' rtr * « ii.Krtrr It 111 I)!bi obm*«I In thr kb an. Brtiwo U tlie .tlfKMir -IMair Ipridti in gciiporl of III* Antin jL qatir Bill Bp#clftl 1° E’ gntrf-TfcBUT-. Washington, Ai ril £6 — Duun/.f Aikai (-ai-, token leave to r flir a i(>n- C iU'li'I' ft Hu t spurt ti e 12 li o'Mii) for the ct Midi lation ( f n fa-.-ure- re- pt ittd In m He c« n n idee rn tail- rofcde. Ii rei perse to a question, J>it t, stale el il at 'he n es 1 uies which Wi uld l )d ably lie et lie d pp would he the till nqultilg Ihe Nrrlberii F> eific to pf'j the (test of surveying jis lai els, a use let ion pre viding for s general inves pinion of the accounts of i Le Pacific rsUrr ads and a hill pro viding f«r she pay merit of Ihe debts Cif those r' ade. Watntr, ol Ohio, it quired whether the order we u.d include 'he Pac fie railreael fui.d'i g hill, and upon r<- ctiviLg the i Hi mative ai-swir, ob jected to the-piesent consideration of the resolution Dunn eX| 'alned thal !b»bill pro. vide d fi r ti e pay mint of $41 000 COO cfihedttit before it c no eun-ui.di.r theexlstlig law. I did not post- pe in ; ii ait,mi nud the d. bt, snel he isk filial he retolotion he referred, but Cowl's, of North Carolina, oh jeded, aid (he ltsoluiou was not le ceived. Under the call of stales, bills were lniroeiuceel and referred i s fe Hows ; B; Spriugi r, of Illinois- F >r ihe admission nf the whole of Dakota ins to the union u! states. Also, to cs atilt?h a department of labor and a local boaid for the arlna tra iou of controversies between labor and capital The general ilu ies of the de| arm ent provideet by the bill are to acquire and diffuse among the people useful ilife rmutinn nuthestb Jecl ctinuec c-d with lab'ir, In ihe most general amt comprehensive sense of that word, and , s.jeeiailp upon its rela ion to capita), the he urs ol laborli g men and women, and the means of promoting their materia) eccial, Intellectual and moral pr's- perity. In the department then shall be established a commission of labor consisting of three me tubers, Who shall he charged with the cm ■ Eicieration and Beitlen.eut, by means of aibitraHon wfceD possible, e.f all con'rovi s es between labor am! eap- ital. The ce mmissioner in charge of the department shall receive a salary «f $>4000, and he a d two assistant commissioners, to be appointed by the president, shall eoi.siitute the commission of labor. The Cum- in s ion of laber shad have the power to inves ig> t the cause- e.f all Gobtruv. r-ies aud disp utee between labe l tuul capita;, whether such c-onlroversh s and dis putes are submit,ed for arbitration or not.BLd io report thereon to the president who shall transmit the re port to cot press. In bIi controversies and ( which may iuier fere with anil cemme-ice be tween the Gates it s'all be the duty i f ihe ce Djtmssion of atmr to net as a board ol Midiration for a peaceful Eetthmsut of such controversies, whenever ihe ce ncilltte ry olluiso' said ce.mmisslou may he invoked by the punier therete, and In all cem • tre.versies he w ,e u laboring men and their employ, is, the conse quences ef which lit ay ihitaien demebtic vio lence, ihe inierp. shiun ol such c m iLdssion may he lenuered to the pr,s ii'c-it lor she* puipe-se of seiillng such Ci-utioversies by aibitration on ap- plication by the legislature of suet elate, or ol the executive, when the legislature cannot be convened A! questions sunadtled f r arbitration Shull bt in wrun g and signed by ibt p arties lotp tcnveJy, a, el etie els- cision or a warn shall have such iff. ct only as its provided in the ankles ol subrn's ion Ai awards shah he elder, d e u a rece j ai d a copy 'uuiehtu to turbo’sis partiet, and one copy at,oil he lrid s- Djilltdlo any ceuit which m y la authe r z-.d to sake any aedem duetts on. '1 he pre tee diLgc of the comm s eioo shall he public, except ween the ce mmlssioL eiu are In coDsulratioo Mtcniuery is provided t> enable the Ctmmissloners to perform their duty By MeComas, ef Maryland, au ttoiiziig ihe stkci cimmiueetn- ves igain g the in bur trouhleo to e ce- Vtsugale the disputes between mine cwntrs and miners in the hi. umi onus coal regions of Pennsylvania, Mary land sud West Virginia. By Warner, of Ouio, to regulf te in terstate commtice and provide foi boards of arbitration. In the morning hour, on motion of Oates, of Alabama, a bill was passed providing fer the appointment of a district ludge for Ihe southern district of Alabama. The house again went Into a com mittee of the w hole on the rivers and harbors bill. Fair progress was made with the bill until the clame author lzlng the secretary of war to nego tiate for the purchase of works from the Green & Barren River Naviga tion company in Kentucky presented •n opportunity for a fight over tbu Monongahela Navigation company to break oul afresh, Bayne, of Pennsylvania, offered an amendment s.uthor zieg the secretary ol war to also negotiate for the pur chase of the w irks ol the Monouga- bela Navlgaeton company. DfEpite stubborn opposition on ,ho petit of Hepburn of Iowa, and H ;mee>, H.p amendment was adopted by 90 io 45. No other chuDge was made in the l ill »s far as pre gressed, Ae’J urueel, SE N IIS. Iu the senate to»e>ay Mr Hauls presented Hie oredeotlals of W >eh b g on C Whltthori e, atpolti ed by he governor ef Tenrc s e to he [Jotted 8 ate- see a'or from hat stale fill liee vaca'i y caused by the r, s igna’ion of S natnr J a k-on Tiie credentials having hssu re-ul, Whltt- i orne was eeci-rted to ihe d->k by Harris ai d t> e caih of i ill-e wa- aomiLiisiered in due form by the president pro lent of the* senate Whit'lorne then trek a seat on the ihtU'CrahC siele ef ihe chamber on he ex r< me right ('f the elidr and ieceiv> el li e cu g a ulatioe s of many sena ois Whee> he ne w senator h el tuksp his seal Bin r called attention n the h rm of Tit credent a's, not havii g desired, he said, to say a? y li ng which might seem '•ke ol )ect ! on hr the swearing in ol \V::itth> roe The? loiri' e f lie ere (len', H ar the bghi, defective* in asmucti a-> ihe celMficate sla ed ehi, •he at poinment was <ot 8<: a or Jack si i 's ucie xpireel tpem I, should riail"U!i'll the next m* etii g of the legislature ’’ 'llie point was iff no gn at consequence at present, hut in ci s ’ of a ch-se ( ai y division in the senate thequtaion H at ihe.ugiet mightb-come ne^rfgreu i npor ano a d public atteullon ougbi to be eii- tee'ed toil it; oreitr that the d tti ul ey might a lar as possible be bvnieitd. Hines temerbed that Wtiitihori e’s creileutials in using the word "term” made referer ce to the tenn as fixed tiy the law Ho thought this quali fying phrase* c xereel the point. The- credentialn were filed. Hoar re ported from thee mmitlee on judiciary a hill extending the* lime for theccmplelion of the :e rile of the clerk if ihe ce m missions re of the* Alabama claims Pa-s, d. Morrill, from the committee on finance, reported, with amei dmeui, Hie bouse bill refilling to the bunds of brewers. The bill as it came from 'he he use modifies section 3336 of the revised statutes so is to requ.renew bonds to he filed by brewers, cot on Ihe first of May, as heretofore, hut -vheuever the collector of inten al revenue s' all re quire* them to do so. The seuate committee amended the bill so as to n q lire iri addition that at least OLce m fe ur years bonds shall ;u ai y event be ret.ewed, whether ihecollec* tor requires it or not. deta'e the senate an eudn.eut was agreed to, ana the bill as amended pasBcd. A bill was reported by Hsrri. making an appropiia i m to complete * he public building at Jxcksou, Tenu On Huns’ nquistLhe bill web al once p,.ssed V;.r> Wyck desired to up the bill fi xiug railroad iauds, but y leld, d io Bltilr, who, according to previous i once, then tsdun u*.*ed )h. s na,e on his prepot ed ct ns itutiouai *.m nd- ment prohibi mg the mat.ufac uru, or sale e.f alcoholic liquors as bt vnages At the* conclusion of Biair’s speech he inter-s ait ouiiutrce bill was laktn up and V-.. Wyck addressed tfie eeuuteno it. Ton ugu rales from .be west, Vju Wyck sud, now near ly amounted to coi lis.a:ion, auciber rise weu d t*** pi-ofiibiiiou. L.,at ycai hnhadsvt 'hat the people tn s mi* r-ecti 5j tf N b.a.-ba were c mpel ed to l u ., c im tr fuel and 'hat il re- 160 bueht s f corn tnpuicba-t ,/oe ton 11 hard coai. This condl- uon eiid e el a j ly to .he entire s ale, yet last wimei to than half her i.icuiiiy 'he p : pie were e.galu ciai* pcbed to iuii.1 corn for fuel oecause of the excessive -•■.'es of tram, porta*ion. The basis o urges who uli that 'he m flic will heui We we;t in the adust ol a e,e; rescion, yet teei pens s must he laid under the contlli U.iot), uu La full eliyhioneib slab It* declared, by the ruilrcaii Ci mpauies on w a.ered stock a, el rsudulei t bofida. Grain, beef ar.d pink might he r*duce*d one* half lu . nc , yet there couhl ho no aba c until in freight Co Ig s A i to the c mix.ii-s'on let*, uro of the bill, ib. i.eop e, V., i Wyck s>d, w -1e ., t d< ui .fidijig a commi-btou, ' u; the c r,tr liens wue becoming I ; ri lot Itlvicaus Of it. Kalirouos ■n el ti'i. g--u h rams west of .be Mi- -o.uri r;v*r were about f ur t:m*-3 srrcaier ihaii rao 9 of tliut river. F r years cvptiul tiad been orgvVzM, um-C‘U, u) i s .-i d i patious, m vuig ,s :ih; uht have m vid accord'rg to uis sworn tes imouy and as Hunt ing mi, aecoroi'ig io his own written • isicry, bad moved on state legtsla- uvec, c uris and eongress, uuhlush* ugy put cl astng judges aud leclslutuies, hut the Cekis wus oi miiig. There was an irrepressible couil ci between right and wrong G >ldd the ristiou be made to h dieve four biiiiou of watered stock aod h-ious were hontst property, dtserv- irg prutaction from thecounsor leg- ts.atuic'S, or that three hundred mil- lirno c>«*med by Vanderbilt and two hundred millions claimed by Gould were hone-tly ,ei ? The own ers of i.tusi* fletious should accord de cent treaement to the remainder of mv.jhxfid from whom they ixpected -o force dividends end iuterts: on the Sjtu’. Teie c-minittce faikd at the pr.clsC point where the monster evb abih'd he grasped by the law. If iu- (iasUtes were only required to pay dividenuo on the real coat of railroads the nail m woulu be prosperous. Stanford, of Olitornia, tnr-n ad dressed the setittfe on the bill. It puriorted, he said, to be an act to regulate commerce betw ;t-n the, he had read it whh a good deal of care, hut did not S oil any thing in it that regulated commerce. Every thing in It was as to the carrier. Commerce had a well eh flu- 1 m -»Dlng. It meant trade, barter, interobaiige of outu mueiiiles, matters with which the oaniei iu (he tra s ictloos of his k- ghimale business Imd no c-incir’i whu'i*ver. Hi-, therefore, though* the ti'k of the bill might to le changed th exurets i’s true in a- ii g It sit till ol It Pig cell d a lull to rt.'gu-s 1 h:e cornmeice i should be a bill to regulate he carrier-. I' it wire u hill io reeuln'e shippers and owners, whose material the carrier moved, lie title* w iiie) be more appropriate H * ni’glit lie* (old, perhaps, that In re wen- j nl clal decisions to the e rtoc 1 'hat tie re gulation ol the on trie r was b.e retru 1 •-*u-n ef commerce, but when 'egisla'inn was propo-ed h. wa* ' ntirely fig’timatp to di-cuss the question a.-i to the orii* itiat n.a ter and ele ermne It upon tin* principles which s Hied to lie Involved Tlteie */. a-* a geeat b. tween ihe t*‘ B-e sslcit of power and i's xere s 0 c urse 'he considu i >n uttiniy g-vecot'gns the nglit toreeuiaie e*i mui-ri-e he ween lire s ans, hu* as 1)0 currier in»U nothii g Io dow tb the* C uiiritl of the- Bhipmeut of go, (is and merciiendi-e, or tfieir ultimate di“p-»al pr de-shn ition, t e ri gulatii g of him or- deieruiioittg ;lt pr ce tie should receiv > for Ins ,-t rvices could have no relation to det* rmmirg commerce between 'he s ates i s a nations! question. Why • h'hjld tiie [irict* fixed for carry tog freight aer* s- a uou-pfiysieal line between tlit* slu'rs he e-.ft tent from what was ch rged for tin-same set- ■'i.'es on either side e.f that line ? Would it no! be making our stale’s ln-es more >*r less obstacles if toier- c:*ur«e ? Would it not be c >t-ve-rtir g ur slate lines Into s meiiting very ut ariy akin to dr o fro .Hei ? W uat did our friends say who had bieu always ao anxious lo claim that wt* w* re prospering wilh free business inler- c-urse between outs Ives, and what did 'he slat s’ rigfi.B iruids say to ihe general government inlt rferrmg and controlling tb*ir local Institu tions Stanford s dJ, that admitting -.he power of congress, il was perti nent to inquire lino the wisdom of ids kind o! legislation. If i: vest ment tn railrou. s were so hi m fi-;al io the public, wiiv Biiouid not tiie in vestors b« permitted io reap the same full rewards of the wisdom of their inves'meut, their io.eiusfry and their utauag'-u e it aud the diriOtion thereof us .hough ihe same capital, wisdom and ludu-lry had been employed iu a buiinee- less important to ihe interi sisi f die s ait anil in wh. se he h'Uf the state o uld not, if solicited, txiucise ihe right of eminent domain. In discussing this question of a right to ugu ate rail* nud fares and fre ghts in a manner which would necrssarily impair the lunnkg oat.acity of ti.ese road.-, v/e -houla not f itcoi that the invest- ill nls were made by indivi luals. If the ruilroads we:e so imoor- t. int to the public, surely the e individual mve-tors ought not to he discouraged by he uptireliebsiou ihul the value of tfic-ir luves me.. s idgnt n Itssoned hy adverse leg.s!-tt>n. Fur her. iu all these efforts a r «u- .auon 8 rd found no ton to the railroad companies. No gu .is a;Hee against the lmpanment of in come. If legislation interfered to decreagc the it c me, the value of property w s fleeted to ihe i xiti.t of a dimit. u tou ol the inc"me. Tins was taking pioperty without, com pensation. Ii was col p.-ac itHliy. Th s bit) denied ,o the. vanou.- raiir.ied the right of competiduu It precluded shippers from reaping iicir nghiful edvautageof eompe liditu and cat s ,1 to .lotn and the railroad companies absolute lots. If .i low ra a for a longer distance leant a reduction fra sborier. ihr oarne.s t. usloultmit to the Joss from 1 si*sl raus on the sliori diB.ur ce or else abandon the* bu-nness at imply ing points. Piumb, from the appropriations e., repored the p- s fit -e oppropriu. tons hill with t.uu-ud ir.ti.ts. 1, wes ( l .ctd on the eaten- ai, P.umb taying ue w >ulil it u, Wcm.e day morning. due q .e.iiona ..-f u'rtalt involved in Uainikij'.i pending rui-initusni le, t. ii rmcis.a.e c mm tee out as to teo.k and sfi. ri haues were then .uke-p np and iiitCos, ed t.y Caindt n, H u rts, Piatt, Brown, Wilson of Iowa, a el Cell, nr. Brown said that under the* pro v 8,'JUS o; C leijelen’s proposed amend- 1U.J/H it wcutd he imp. s toie f..r the rutiroads to transaCi the hustness o! ue country. If they attempted :t either they would b. driven ln*o bankruptcy or else the produce of me west w,uld he driven trout the markets of the east, aud cf course also from ftreign markets. In other words, the railroads would have lo put their local freights so low that they could nut pay me fixel expenses, or put so high the rates on through freignts as to prohibit all shipments ol produce for a longer running dislattcs Ilian 600 or 600 m l is. N , railroad could C inllous running unless it could pay ihe fixed expense,; it could pay no dividends, nor could it pay any iuterts on the capital invesled As to watering stocks, Brown utterly condemned Ir, but Ire could not see how the rail roads could ke;p out of the ha ids of rcCciv.ra or maintain their tracks aud rolling s ock iu a pre-par or safe condition if they -er- not allowed to make reasonable c'.targrs. If the ra.eis were estahiiehid by the gov ernment umi'.iug the l* a Is to chargee that would pay the fixed txpenaes only, it would be pra-c-.rcal c.,nfi=c«- uuu ou railroad capital for puonc use without compensation. Adjourned, WASHINGTON WAIFS. The Frpnb IfRii f'rngrmlonil Cem pnlgu (Jemmlife innoiinciil. *u Import ii nt 8ii|trriiic (uarl Dt • Irion In Kolrrmew v m ii. oiuIh w. »..*• Clnim — Ifo <ti*rnnti’ Noiu'nNtlnn in II Re© it titdered Otiur I w trrr>«t I tut 5>uirft. Special to RnqnlreraSao Washington April £6 - The im> 'ion lo ne iisnler tfie v.o.e l>y winch It s.cruns’ m m .is'i tn >»- re gis e** of Hie liessury was co. fi. tried, wa m .dt* hy it uiemkr of me sena'e fi Lihi ce tenmiiree *1 h- in noi u io was favireldy rep<ritd by ihe cem* mi tie long eg-, hut I.( fe r * i' wa- ■xcit'd on hy il’e -e. a'e s. ine* qufs*i.ii> as to bis ejiiiliHci.lot s f r tlie e fit -e of lie reci-ier of !it> r., s .ry tir., e aud delayed ectl-.n, and fioeillv cliargi s are sa'ii io have beer 11 id to I lie etli’Ct that he Was in s me way cm-eiecled with pub ic land lee.uds ii Ca'i’crnia The frau s consisted in nri euting th > entry i f claims hy hnais'.eadi-rs and tire emp'ora, aid ihe in uniihde tref t r . I ihe claim- io other partieH. \V at Hie gei.cut’s ,'dig..l conutcUo i wfiti tin matter fi Cttonoi beharued Anallemot will probaitly lie mail** to have 'lie matter further looked into hy the o mmilti e before Hie in mil a ion is re urueil to 'to* r> r esi- ,o nt. BE.PUBLICAN C NORESSPWAI, ('.lit- M ITTKEi Tie following in ihe republican congressional e mputgn con.tniHpe: California-- R -pre Hsnra'ive Felton. Colored — H, nresetitative 8ymes. Cunueciie'ii—Bsnator H . wiey. Illinois— 14 presentative Cannon. Inilianis—R *nre sentalive Hteele. I wa—8-'iaior Wilson. K iis&s— 14 nri s u'ative Ryan. K utucky—R presentative Wads- worh. Maine— R pn-sentativo B'Utelie — R presentative Mo C .enas. M-uSichuseda — R preBen.a.ive R on. Michigan— 8 *nator P.dmer. Minnesota— Represeuiatlve Gilifi * la , Mispouii R- presentative Warner. Nebraska—R present a’ive D >rapy N xviiha— 14 presemative NV md- burn. New Humpsbire—Senator B'alr. N w Jersey— 8 -nator 8ewi it. Nvw York- 14 presentative Bur leigh. N >rih Carolina — R ‘pret-enfailve O' Kara Ooio- R'nresoulaHve Thompson. Oregon—Henator D .loll. P uusylvatna — R presetitaiive B gimui Riiode I-land—Bena'or Aldridge Barth Caroln u — R pieseuiaiive Smalts. TVnnessef—R pree ;tive H uk V roiont—R preseotaHve 8 swart V rginie—Bsnator Maliane. Wist Virginia — Jl reeeutative G if Wisconsin — R presentative Cas well. A r ! z us- R pteseniative B * u. Dikotn- R oieee.Ha'ive G ff r 1. Wyoming— 14 -i-resei ta tve Carey AI)(1* 1 El) A BILL T ;e house o mmiueeou the Pac fi railroads to-day adopted He i ill formnlaied by tiie sub cominit'et providing foi a ex ension of seven ty years of the bonded di bt nf Hie Pacific railri a Is to the govern ment. The bill will lie reio* **! to the boose this afternoon if o| p >riu- ni'y i ff rs. AN IMl'OltTANT SUPIU-JIK COURT DECISION Tiie court ol cl* to day render ed a decision in tie case or P Boll wet z <• i-.guins*. He IJ ,-ited 8 to liee i ff ct Iba* tiie goveromeiil cui’t be held lieh >r a bat d b utd t.y the provisional g v. ri m nt of the state of Georgia in 1869 o aid iu the co. s 'uc.iem e.f the B eniHwit'k and A bui y rstlr >nd. T ie. Uuited 8 at.-s ,upr<me o ur in a, il.cii N 198,>« 8 Ha t, adm'uist'a- ..or o, .hues-a*- nt 8 uiton liar', he c> nse,d, vs ihe U l'eo B'a'es, ei(.p ul ,’r- m ,ho c. ur'. e-f cluima under in- act of cm grt»s of J >ei* £6, 1863 T; e -ecrutaiy uf v.ui iraiiSIii.aeiJ in Hi. c nr* of claims ihe claim ol Hart for $50,391 for eu| fiiks furnistud 'f.i guvernmeut Ir- 1860 und prior to A[>r 1 18, 1861 Hurt enkreel ihe coofideaa e service and of er the- war was granted full psidor, t.y tin presiderH. The c* url of ciaims a| plied to HpI'.’s claim theprnvls- io s of the j dm resi.lui.icn of con- g u-s wtncti mad - li u-naw fill f..r any i Ulcer of the govert ment to pay any ciaim against tiie government which occurred prior to April 13 1681, aud iu favor e.f any prison who in any man ner sustained the rebellion, and held '.hat the pardon granted Had did not operate to set aside the provision cf that law and declined to luke Juris diction further than find the facts. The supreme court affirms thal decision. It is in an opin ion delivered by Ju gs Blatchford. The court eayv: "In approving as we do the re*a-*ou as signed by that court for tiie view It took of theques'ion nt pardon, wedr not d p*rt in the lens from whai was held ou the- sut Ject of | ard >n in the case of ex Jiarie Giilanii Armstrong's foundry vs Padltford e»nd the Uuited Biates vs K eln. If the joint resolution had sai.l nothing on tue subject of pardon, no pardon could have ht-el eft ct t-j author.z the payment of a debt nut of a gen eral approprea'kn which a law of congress had said should not be pad out of it. Par don cannot have such etf-.c; ascribed to it merely because the J tot resolu.ion says that tt shall not have-uoli efle t. It Was eutlrtly within li e competency cfcot.g;e-s to declare H u’, the clain s tueutloueil in ti e j nut resolution should not tie l aid till fnriher order ol congress. I is now within i i s compe'et cy to do- . late that they may he ‘paid in like na .mr as by tlie act of Ma'Ch 3, 1877 I provided thalsic i.>i, 3-lSO.d the revised sia ute^, which s ilie* joint resolution In questi in, eh. uld not Npnly o a payment to bs made nt ct the general appropriation made by thal act lo pay mall cou- 1 (actors lor mull service pen foi tiled :n ceriuii. s.a.isiii 1859 amt 1861 ami tieforo tliej rest ec iv. y eng .gtd in >he war < k*>mimi ihe- II I'd Hates. THE 1*AU!I.’1U RAIhR'IAIIS. In ihe ic n-e i. d .y llie coinmitiee on tiie Pacific rat I r>ad red Mil tile bill 'ouii end the v- nous P c.tic is i- rottd ue s. to provide for tin- setile meut of llie dt bt growing out of the i-sue of ii nil's o aid In Hie cous'ruc- lou of Hie caul roads and to secure to in U -lltd B.ntes 'he [>a>m.*ni of ail inifi b edness of certain c inpinies Hnreiu tmtHinneii The tud, is u iimim u-ly agreed upon by tin e mini! ee, tick s prov s cm f r tiie piym ntof the Imii-liteiiuess of the P-c lie railroads to ttie g- vcrnmeni afti r tiie fi.Huwi’-g plan: 1' > Ihe pre enl debt is a. d-d t! e ii.tenst that would uc-’iue during ’be life ime i f eleven years of tiie existing bonds, as liming’hat no fur her | ay- ments are mud > by the companies. T-.e id si I- d vule.i into 140 qu-il paj Iilunts whieti are to tin repri sen led tiy > series ; f bonds falling (Iu.. a> tui- annually, llie last bond falli* g cue -evenly yi.*a*s after issue. Toe av en-gs annual payment by the com panies would reach nearly four mill ion dollars, wh*ch it is is ima'ed wcuIm amount to a Bum gr. a'.i-r H a Hie princiialof tiie dibis before i x- ieting w. ofil ma'nre. THE Wool INTEREST Wilkins, of Otno, c flor. d a preatu- lile a d resolution recldug liat one ■ f me propositions com allied iu tiie I ex ri ft' bdl reported lo the house by me ways and means committee is to place on llie free list all unmanufac tured wools, that I tie si usou is ul hand when the product grown dur- ing the pa-*t year Is marketed by the tri.wir, that, tiie pr. posttlou lo pm wool ou the free litl aud the ui.cet minty and doubt g lilt- actum of the house is cau.-.n g un necessary and serious 1. ss lo tiie wool growers without contributing any uenefi. to the people, and declaring dial Ills the sense of the house cliai 'be wool tariff schedule so far us il re ales to unmanufactured wool should not he r*duc. d Grouvenor, of Ohio, < tteieil a reso muon neding mat by the action ol congress in. reducing (he iar-lt on wool mat mdusliy in s lieen reml. red J unremuuera ive, and declaring it lo tie the se." as of tills hf.U-io (hat the | larlfl - ( 1867- h-.tiid lie reslored ASUBSTl'JUTE FUR THE 11LAIK till,I, l ue uou e o.,.mult c. ou, niter a long and very anlrna'ed session wli'cti l*H>e 1 ti tn 7 .’clock lies i ve limit, decided by a vote o 9 t 3. out member tint, to t. port m the Ouuse as a substitute tor the Blair e'iucatinr al bill, a miaou re widelj iu rubaiauce provides that the receipts from tin; ssle of pullic lindsaud other rev-'i-uss <,f Hie geue- rut land i ill ;o sliail be divided among 'lie s.veral stt* e> aid ■eriitories iu proportion of th**U < crioi-1 popula Ion 1< reducational pur poses for me nt xt ten y> an. Twen- :y live p- r cent of the suo? is to be usi.t oriudu rial and tt clinical in struction, und tt>e ruiiaind. r (ur lilt -up ort of cr.irimon sohno.'s. Tiie etmudlke agrei d tliat li divldi u imuiiniB sin.uld not fie h.u..dixy i tie*r volt io committee, el'hi r in support of or against the ir e-isure when it cm's up lor c>t sidi.ralioti iu iln hou . T It E V 11,LIS BILL Iii (lie bouse commune on labor >o day, r-f hi e full ai d lengthy dis cussion, a w (■■ token on a motion to report the Wiills educu’ional ifiii witimnl m- u moiida'.ion. Th*-mo M..U va carried, but 8 inolion tons cotn l'ter was made, at,d pending ac- i‘m thtieon the hour or 1£ unveil h--(1 the c. mini'.toe took a rue-s. ge s on the steamer C Icassios, who, it Is su'd, wire under contract as masons, s one-cutters and black smiths, i" woik on the new state .•a-itol nt Austin, T.xii-, urrived to day at Css'le Garden, and were re tail e.l by the superintendent on the ground tli at tin > w ere going ou "scab’’ j .l>-*. Thisoharge is made hy tiie Cea- <ral labor union, of misery Tin men denied lieing under any coutract. It in iuiendid to c'uimu lioate witlitlre ills rict attorney of this city, aud Austin, Texas, to have suit brought against ti e Austin c mtrautor-. f >r a vi -la iou of ihe laws of the U lited 8 a es. A DESPERATE FIGHT- It Ki Hvf Ut prtT Slaraliul Till ii. r. in », «i. pHflRl to Euuutrtn-Hun Chattan (oa Tenn, Apri 1 £0— A spicial to (lie Turns fr-un Mau- i-ues or, Tenn, give- the details of a i loudv irag-dy enac, ed there shortly if er midnight ttil-morning, in wl.leh United 8 ales D puty Mais ial Webb I’"idon, of Msi din s er. at d a moon shiner i amt il (J.aik were killed, and .line other moonshiners badly wounded. About ten d *v« ago. I’ni'il >n acjompaided Dcpu y M ir-hal llnglies on a -aid am mg tiie illicit ills illeri*s of G undy county, Tenn, aod cap tired and des'r -yed several stills. B -'ween 1£ aud 1 o’clock this mornii g fi.’eeu moooshiners rode i11(<i M.o cluster, determined to have I’uiiloij’s life. Beven l r -ke into ills house aud llie ' dunce surrounded it. i’urdon mot tin in uh tliey entered with a cocked revolver aud a terrible battle ensued Two moon-hlueis fell to llie 11 >or mortally w luuded aud Hie gang roirea'td, but they ‘iad succ edeil iu fatally wounding Put- don. D.-aided as lie was, he Jumped iroiu bed, seized a double barrel shot gun and find into me re'reaiuig gang sod two men fell mortally wounded. Purdon then fell dead beside i lie body of one of Ids victims The gang ear ned oil three of thuir woumied com panions. A large posse is now lu pUIHUil. FOREIGN FLASHES- COWARDLY CONDUCT. j * Temp rnnr« N|»4*r krr Poi»on**d Ift Od.f i oi End III* Wffilure 4|(-»taia. lv*rtal io Rmnirerr-y**.: 8t I.outs, April 26—A special fri m H uton, Mo, states that R v H J Deerirg, of 8t L uis, liad heeri (or B(.i/;e dsys past holdlrg aserhsof lempsranoe revival meetings which have been wonderfully successful. La t uigtit pome one, us yet un known, placid in a pltoher of water which ihe revivalist had placed upon the desk of the speaker a lurgt quan tity of crotou oil. Several persons drank of tiie water before '.he services began and became deathly sick, hut not knowing the cause of their illness, failed to warn Deering not to drink from the pitch er. Toe latter during his disruurse drank a giass of water and was ini* mediately taken sick. All who tasied the wa'er are to-day In a pre curious condition. Two saloon keep ers Lave been uirested on suspicion ui.d it Is thought they poieoued the wh o; in order to end the service, which were having such a depress lug ifif'.ct on their husineis. attrrl'l ImpgritS Coatraat l.abr, in, to W)M»4r#r-H e ,,. | New York April 26—Egh'y- five muscular looking men, pascen- Eua Iduel, My A.merioi%G Oao London April £6 -The statement th.c. the Greek army Would b . dis armed is coo firm id. Tue Gidek chamber of deputies lias tieeu con- v ked. Tiie combine I 11 ml of the powers, which had assemuled io o )■ --ice Greece, has departed. Tne sud den lermtnatiou i f oe prooab.iity of war is received by tue Ureek people A.l,h cofisteruation. Ual-lla. ANOTHER TOWN HU1NU DESTROYED ItY EIRE. », Aprn £6 A dispatcu from I, k , -ii Ga utia, reports that that w.i in on fire aud that three-fourths of it has been destr yed, THE REPLY UNSATISFACr 1RY. A l HENS, Apilt £6 6:.'id I* M.— Ore. ct’s reply to llie powers is re- raided as uusutlsfbC oiy. A coufi-r- .•uce Of lie fortlgu miofiuersis being livid a tfie dfitiisn tmoussy tor tue 1 urpote ol d'u rug uji and signing iiu ullimaUiLn, holding Greece au- wi ratfie for tfie coLHtqui i ces, unless ■ lie defelS, wilhoul let-erve, to the wishta of Kuiope Tue UlU- uiK um will ho presented forthwith, lo tiie Greek govcfLm.ul. WHISKY WINS. RieUiUttutl aud Jduu(flittii(er l> o!4e fa kap Uitfckui, ip rl’+l t« K .tjUitto ^U/i. Richm ond. Va, April Riohi- r> , , J ,u iiiet W ! il ttLt U Vt £ vV iiCiLliUig .li cit lieie io day, the electiurTre- s'Httng *fi 61)41 being oast for ip,, w „i. utile., aud 3266 or uni dry . ii-tsei, a Ul d n.y of obit .a la/or of fi.-easing tue sa.e ol uqu>rs. iue in Mafichts er Was «o- uoaeS 971* -try li ke 3-ia, ui auu-i»i*iui- -,i i in m j my ol 626 lue vo.e 'll both into ouy an.) .U w-w nearly as large as ui m# pr-fj; t"i, eiecdou. lue un.ii ,„. c ed jio.ivy majori.y against proms bi'ioti in this cay wui uuuoutss kdi any future agiiaiinn ol .ue ^uoj.w. l.-re. U dei the ia*v Ii oauu.n no lb.ut.wtd for two years, lue co.j.ej v p rs wire anust uuuu.ui-ui ior anti-j roliil'Hion. LYNCHBUKO WILL DRINK, TfiO. Lynn CD BUKO, Va, A'.m 26 anil-inoDiouiouists uaimd are city tiy 1138 majority. A 4 ©Wftrdlj Special lo jflrqnlrwunQ, Jersey City, N J, April 26-Ltto lust niglit lu a crowded street oar J iOies Forrester, eugiueer ou one of tiie Anchor line steamers, anil a companion rose to give their seat) to a iady oarrylng a child when two Italiaua took possession of tue vacant places, Explanation nud protest bad no effect ou the Italians. V/usn For rester took one of them tiy tiie collar to lift hiru from the seat the latter plunged a knife into Forrester’s hack. The police captain wa.i near by and captured the .Italian with the bloody k .ife in bis hand. The knife was clasped with a blade neatly a foot long. The affair created a pan Jo in the car aud iu the rusli sev.rai passenger I were knocked down ami irsuipled on, For router wilt proba bly iJ’tj- A starUti.g ncvaiiy fi. am. .-.ensouls is iln piogrcesive anecdote party, in.i.i- u!ed after the Druitrcakive uohie ua.-t .