Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, May 06, 1886, Image 1

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VOL BLOODY BOMBS T^e Chicago P-tilco and Aiuu’-cliistB Have a Coi 11 ct. %tii‘ V e o* PjM uiiU' In irafuScai %ttv lUo» Ht JIHw»nl»e»-il ilirr Leber Tivitblta TLiit IHn.urit the 4'onuf ty. Bp> tbe Enquirbb-Sun. Chicago, M;>y 5 —The aiiarohis'b iu Chicago inaugurated in earnest ia?t night 'he reign of lawlessness which they h ive ttire eneii ami en deavored to incite for years. They threw a bomb Into the midst of a line cf 210 pcHeo ' flicers, and i: exploded with fear'ul effect, mowing tbe men down like cattle, almost b fore ' he miste! of death had exploded. Toe anarchists delivered a murderous lire fn m revolvers upon the police as if their action was prearranged, and as the latter were ben tin sd on every tide, ambuscaded the effect of the fire upon the rat fer of the (fli ers was fearful. * When the p< lice had recovored from the first shock of the attack they gallantly chart-ad upon their weu'd- he murderers, shooting at every step and mowing them d wa as their fed-, low cUlcere had been b. ; the band The a. archisv fle.i iu ditiuay before the charge, hut everywhere they turned the military fires from the re volvers of tbe policemen followed them and thinned their ranks. The cowardly curs, finding that their work did not. completely annihilate the cfflce'B and that, a force large enough to cope with them was left, flew iD all directions, seeking the darkness of alleys, hallways arm side streets to escape the revengeful fire of the polioe. The collision between police and anarchists was brought about by the leaders of tbe latter, against spies, (ram F.elder and A R Per sons, endeavoring to in- cite a large mass meeting to riot and bloodshed From the socialistic headquarters theie was is sued, late In the afternoon, the fol lowing circular which was distributed throughout the laboring quarters of the city by the thousands : “Attention workingmen I A great mass meeting at 7:30 o’clock at Hay inaiket, R.ndolph street, be. ween B.splaines and Hilsied yard. Speak er* will be preaent to denounce the latest atrocious act of the police—tbe shooting ol onr fellowNworkmen yes- teroay af.ernnon. I Signed] Executive Committee At 3 o’clock a iarge crowd had ool- lec'ed on Desplaines street, just north ol Randolph, in a dimly lighted spot near which were many wagons and trucks, August 8r>eia w.a the first epeaksr. a long, rambling talk on tbe labor prob cm, he asked: “What mean this d’s;'ey of Gatling guns, car non, bayonets, patrol wagons and c'ubs? What mea- s the calling out cf the fi st regimen i? Is U as ait entertainment for you, gen tlemen? The demand ol the McCor mick men was reasonable, and yet McCormick s that I els respon sible for tha bloodshed yeserday. I say he lies. Ht is responsible for the dt-alh of our brothers. A voice—“Put him under the lake !’’ "The rope is be'.'er ! ’ “Don’t make useless threats, my friends, but when you are ready, act.’’ A voice—“8 ring him up.”’ “There are 15 UOO ,.r 30.00c families iD Chicago sufli ling enervation to day because tuc husbands a. I fathers are not men enough to stand up for their rights,” While this was going n Captains B mefleld and Ward, witu nearly 200 p dicem-ni, hau beet! WAITING PATIENTLY IN SECLUSION' for ttie s.'Cia.ists to us. erse or to commit some act ol lawlessness. When the c Clears who had be; n sent to mingle with them returned ami reported the temper of the anarchists boIh captains ceiue to the e me u don thm prompt measine- only would avert another Krioue riot, The ordei “fall in” went rou :: u l. ft Juts with hgl, ily and vr .s repen- mn, and they jut; I ’ace*. vri'L accuracy a rjong the :g rapid- to toe into precision prepared for a march on anarchists There were five compr.ulea in aii When the fr mi column reached the speaker’s wagon Cap! B nefield or dered u hai, ai.d cried “in the name of tbe state of lidnoit, I command this crowd to die perse.” As the Word* left his nt-.ulh n jplu.terirg epr.ik of fire arched through the air from tbo opening of an alley and over the apeek-r’s wfcg'U, It wa* the burning fme of A DYNAMITE BOMB It was well aimed iu Its deadly mission and feil directly in the middle of the street and betwetn tbe two first double columns of police. Tbe instant it struck the ground it exploded with a terrible, eulleu roar, seeming to shake the earth. Mem, fearfully wounded and dying, fell cu all sides, ibedeuth- dealiig contents of ths bomb reach* lng almost to the rear ranks The mangled tUlcers were groaning on the ground. A gatling gun cunkl not have cut a wider path. A scene of horror followed, the details of which may never he known. Tne offl ‘erB were demoralized and for an Instant broke ranks, but almost in stantly recovered their presence of Blind, B fore, however, they had time to real zi the destruction which had been wrought tu their ranks, crowds of anaroulsts gathered In front and on either side of them a. and opened fire with revolvers at almost point blank range. The first volley of the mob was quite as fearful in lt« (fleet as was th>- explosion of tne In mb, but the cfillers did not lose their presence of mind. O ilers fl w thick and fasl from .be captains and lieutenants, and within tbe b; 1 fee: possible space of time they were charging I he murderous assassins on tvery hand, dealing DEATH AND DESTRUCTION to them with their revolvers The anarebi-te did not s shin tbe charge intact, but tied as soon as they could din iuguish tin? blue coats end bright buttons ol the cflicius through the smoke from their revolvers. The cracking of Tieee weapons was incessant for five minutes and only once was anything like a volley fi sd by either side T.iie was fi sit by 'he anarchist when .ae bomb i-x : Iou'ed in the ranks of ’tie police; thus showing they had been carefully drilling be! jre hand to act Id concert. When the cUiseis t-mptied their pistols, they used them as clubs, etui it is quite pro In. hie Unit ■ matrons skulls w.-re fractured with :he revolvers. With ihe shots-cracks mg like the tattoo of a mighty drum, and the bullets singing In the uir, he moii plunged away into ihe dark ness with ft yell of rage and bar It wa- an indescribable scramV-ie for life THE LIST OF KILLED AND W jlTNDED The list i f names ofk ’h-il or sc badly wounded as to need ireMinent in the hospital foots up G3, of worn 41 ar> policemen. Three policemen are dead, four are eviil ntiy dying and three others-n-ery likely to die. fine wounds from the bombs were frightful Small piects of z’uc have been extracted from ’lie wounds of the offl -era, caused probably by fragments of bombs. Borne of the r are hurt by fragments of bombs and some wore shot, besides gome officers had three or four gun shot wounds The socialists obtained their guns from a saloon used as their headquarters at the corner of L ike and Dispianea streets, within one block of the point where tbe bombs were thrown. They fired from behind barrels, trucks and boxes and from doorways. Parsons, one of the incendiary speakers of the nigot, has a negro wife H and his wife were In this saloon when the firing begun and disappeared when the mob wa > driven away. THE LEADERS ARRESTED Bpels, F elding and Persons wore found at 8 o'clock this morning in eoBsuhntion in the efflue of the Ar- beiter Z ilung and locked up at tne central police station. F elding was puff -ring from a gunshot wound in the leg They were Inclined to be ugly .when questioned as to their identity, bu' a few short sentences from the policemen made them per fectly su missive. SpeL’brother and a man r.; naeii Schwab, an assistant edl'oror the Arbeirer Z tu rig, wore found wtfc- Speis and also arrested. ANOTHER STRIKE Another great strike was inaugu rated this morning Baveuteen hun dred mm employed tu the During harvester wo k-i stopped work with out notice or viaruim of any charac- isr and w 'hout l.a» ;g made any demands Wiiether he men hive :>een it flu-need by the recent rioioue events directed against the working men remaining at their poets is not known Ths m.nagera of the works ■rave asked for police prote tion. The works are located in the heart of a diatriot largely populated by foreign speaking people ON THE RAILROADS The railroad situati m wes further complicated this morning by the strike of ail the freight handlers on the Lake Shore road. The switch-, men on the same r -ad al-o decided not to handle ar y freight cars loaded hy any persons other than the strikers. COI.LKCTI NG EVXD ENCE The police ate rapidly c-. Heeling evidence against the chief conspira tors among the uusrcbiss They earohtd Speis’ rftl 'e tide morning •uid round absolute proof that Lie in- flaaimatory circulars mentioned In tieee diRpatchee and headed, “Re veng'd W rkmen :o Ar i tier heuili :ue: ! 1 eamo rroui > meets Were tak-.-o ; locksd up in the •vidercs t-har Speis re-effy lcc’-'ed rio' a e.’itioiWorking ibere The prooi joesesaion or end central station u>- I Scbwrih il oodshea. A:,- urchist Parsons has not been captured as fi .-,l reported. He is still hiclb'-g, E’.itor Bebwai) was mis take j t-t him ween 'he first arrests were mad-i at the t fliee of Arb iter Z -Stung. Inspector B&tfiehi Z j f Hail, ooruor of L ike and Des plans streets, tills morning Here were found a lot of muskets, and German books expounding -ociafistlo doctrines. Nearly 0,000 has already been subscribed on cuange fur familiee of wounded and dead effio is. Hhorlly after noon tbe polioe made another raid on the office of abheitek ZEITUNG They arrested a man in the office who, on being searched, produced a long revolver and dirk knlfs. He was placed under arrest. In the (files was found several boxes ol dynami te and a number of red flags and incendiary banners. They were ail set z id. Mayor Harrison, with several de tectives. visited the Arb-.-itei Z bung office to-^liy, aud held a consultation with O car Neibe, who said he did riot belong to the cilice, but was employed to get out Hie paper. The mayor told him the paper would not be issued until inspected by Mr Hand, whom he would send for that purpose. N -tbe promised that noth ing of an Inflammatory nature should appear in the paper, B ;fore the pa per was issued, however, another raid was made on the printing office and 25 printers were ar rated and arraign ed before Justice Me’ob and charged with murder Their eases were continued until tbe 14 **. Bui war- refused, The bynami'o found in ihe Arbeirir Z 'ung rflics wa*, taken to the Iske front and exploded The (tT'Ct w.'iB isorible A pices about the s’z - of a bi-ti’s egg was placed in n eoupflug lirk and ix piudfd H .avy ir. 11 v.s -cattered into fi -e bits. A MOB OF 6000 TO SnflO PERSONS reassembli-d near tne corner ol K-gfi- leentl -.if'et and rei tr* avenue at noon and raided R set: field’s drug -tore, carv;. ti.g of! *>v -ry hit g pirta ble iu the store. They ilieii r,c.ldtd a dquor store in the v-miiy kept by a irp'.p. tinmcd \Vi sii-k f}. arry*'« away or diluk.iug eii the 1 quor "W men a d children j nod in H.l* raid Tiie polio" return-Mi re- ttie scene and suc- C> eded In disy-trsir g :h-. mob. STKIKKKS AT DKEKTNG REAPER works held an open t.,;r meo’lng on the prairie near th-. fuemry u*. 10 -’uiock Tiiey demand tor 8 hours’ work 10 hours’ p y, double pay fur overime, and 20 per i t-m udvat ce f- t piece work. Ii is learned that Schwab, one cf the men now under arrest, ad dressed these s liters !a--t uigin urg ing them to take this cm so The filriki jg freight handlers mid intend ed making ft parade to-day, hut have 'psue-i orders countermanding It They also adopted a r -soiu'ion con- uerunlug the anarchists and tender- ir.g tl:cir s -rv'ces, if needed, to pre- s :vo ihe public peace. THE CASUALTIES The following la ft nvi-ed and cor rected list of lust night’s casualties: O’ the policemen hurt with pieces of ths bursting bomb and bu'lets fi r e i a'them, (filters John De'gin aud N choias Shonner are dead. The following officers are believed to be ft.taliy wounded, but werest'li niivo s.t 7 p m: Jacob Hauser, Nelson Hatificr, John Barrett and George Miller. The following officers who sus’ained serious and possibly fatal injuries are at the county bos- vita!: Thomas McHenry, Honry Malnke, S McMahon, B F Bchmli, John H King, J hr, Diyie, Henry Smith, Thomas Hennessy JjIui Turman, J mis Brady, C W Whit ney, Bernard Murphy, Timothy Fiavin, Lawrence Murphy, Pe'cr B'tllorty, Tim O Sullivan, P E Me N'.iity, Michael F ran-, August Kelly, Aiex -ndor Jameson, Jnneti S.aten, Patrick Hartforii, J-.mes B irber and War D imes Fourteen citiz ns. one of whom was a l iokir-on, and U-e oihers members of the mob, v n i- der trearmsnt at the oounty hospnal Tills duel no: c: Inprise,ae is believed, uioie than one-thir 5 of the anarch iota and people injured. Ab /Jt 3 o’clock tins ahernoou. Ds tectivis B mfl'hi and W tley made another search of the Arbietvr Z rung premls'-s. They were re- warded by the dis’overy of a great lot of ammunition, suitable for Win chester rill".-, shotguns -And revol. vers, several fuses for bombs, a dirk knife, ami a huge C ut’s revolver. The stull was lound under an oh! sink “There were nineteen of my com pany of twenty-five shot,’ 1 sai i L ' j u- tenant Bowler, a aix«foot-:wo offi v-r who headed the squad into which the bombs were thrown. Hi was sitting surrounded by the uninjured survivals of his Ultle band at the street station. “J never heard dyuamhe rxp’.ode before and I don’t want to again It deafened rne a’.d all the men who did not re ceive deadly w-.uods. There w is one company ahe.d of mine and f ur behind u-. «n had just ci-me t'- a halt, ready for the next order which wi u d have been a fl ink mnv'-nieot. Tin bomb c&mc from close to the speaker’s was von. I saw and beatd r. coming, but it exploded too quickly for any- l, ,-dy t<- tiftV! done any-bn g with t, - get cut of the way J was knock-- eti down by the ix.iloeion, but no' wound d hen Wuen 1 ncovered myself my eergirmt f. If in'o my arms tia.i-y hurt. 1 was u errible tim.:. i t-ttfi te'.i you. Trey iuid everything cut or d dried ” THE VIGILANCE COMMI1TEH. Two ev-miug papers pulilisued the following: Headquarters of 49 V giiant C'm • m'.tte--. May 5—Modal shop at 140, I A R 78, 5 h iust Buslne.-iti ot gcu. j uii orlftnce, Bpeis, Parsons and Schwab and o.hers of th-ir kind, n.-ware. The rope d '-es its wc-ik q sickly. The massacre of our bravo policemen must be avenged. R order of the executive commit tee [B’gced] X X THEY SHOOT EACH OTHER Shortly alter 8 '.’clock to-night a pis o! was fired from a saloon on DrspHur street at two cfllcer* on guard rear the 8*. Puui freight yards Officer Madden, who was near the saloon, ran into it and grappled with ibe man who fl'ed the revolver. Iu 'he scufil the man pressed its muz zle against Madden’s breast udu fi -ed. M-idden then shot bis assailant in the s -me manner. Madden and bis prisoner, locked iu eucb other’s arms ro'led to the fl sir just as Officers Daly and Hartnett r ached the saloon. A companion of Mad den’s assailant had vanished Both Madden and liis prisoner were taken to the county hoipitai. The doctors se,y the man was somewhat uud r the inti icnce of liquor, and the result of his injuries cannot yet be told. A paper found In his possession shows that his name is John L-etMlhard , of E .glewc-od railroad station, Jus: south of tbe city. Officer Madden’s wound is mortal. A CORNER'S INQUEST i EVERYBODY IDLE Aa inquest over the remains of Tnree thous-utf men employed in police t'tli :erD .g iau, who was mur- the great car shops at Pullman laid ilered ny the anarchist iu 4> lad | down their tools aud went out thin Light, w h la gun this afternoon and , uv is lng, j iuing the 1000 who quit | yesterday There are no men works lug in town to-day, except men em ployed In tiuck shops who do not number more than o' 0. PREVENTED FROM WORKING Cumberland, Mu M j 5 —A number of miners In Klk Garden ro- gp n attempted to go to work tills r.oh'g at tile old figure, but W ei.djii n: seven to-night. 'J'u? men arieH’ao at the fil :e oi the A 'deter Z tung were present ae prisoners iv, id wif'esees. Clifts 8,Tie ard Michael 8’iiwah, two of tbe prison ers, made statetrenf.s in their own ot half, which damaged rather '; an helped them Schwab ad- mittc-’ that lie did not liel'evo in a pnrsoLel G d. Bel) wab was naked ! a tacked near ihe mines by a large o great mat y questions and nc they body of strikers and ten of them were pliui to him be grew ('ale and I wem badly beaten. They would have i xcited atu’ :i > perspiration stood op Ida fr.iih -ad Fieldea ma le a state-, men! that wa° utiiicenstiug and u i- impor ant He said that lie never earned a ni re d .i.gerou- '.hurt r. |v-1strr*■*" Avgust Bpeia did not make a s t» eup-tu and the Jury retired. Tin J .ry wire out half an hour b- f ire agreeing upon a veriuc. They recommended that all the pris oners tr- held fer murder. Tiie prie- oners were tu id without bal'. T ,o jury also reciimmendcd that Persons be apprehended and held. 8 me i-enss tlons! evidence whs given at tin- inquest. “I ruad - se.rch Z .'.ung ifii v,” s klarke; "in a csss of Bpiis' .1 found a Adams ex on tamed tieeii killed had tliey not promised not to enter the mines "'he operators wi'.l app-.-al to the \V wt V-rginia Huthorit)e» '"id tsno'luir eflor 1 to stall w >Tk will shortly be made. CHATHAM CEdJ .’ENNIA.Ii- i lie in ■ of id fitioit in a re private room a bundle marked ires* company This bag lot cf -aw,iu-4, sand eud The’flfT'jintifonnf rjr f iua;amnion 1Tsti.(tiff Off tlifl l^lra!. ID;.kMi.« •ipoclul to Kuunlrflr-Sun I SAVA N N A IT, Ga May B Nuturo | seems t® have re ghi save Hiulloa fer BsvRunub durlcg oamonnial week, •\rbel-er I More clf .iglufal weather could not be ’Martin ' ina9 ktoed. T,>-da,'s most protnluout nitro glycerine. It looked exactly 'he sf in. 1 as what we found on D.-a- plait:.a oUoti aiter .he bomb ‘.xotoJ- el last night, only it was not so hard ” lue witness dssorik d the eflf.-ct of the explosive or- some rocks under w' ie’i i’ was placed. Frag ments of tip- boulder? were oarrieu •s way an immense distauoe “Most of the s’lifl ” concluded the officer, “is stored in a vault, and one of our men, whoisau expert, says (here ts enough in it. to blowup tills building.” The coroner moved uneasily in hit seal, and the witms: signed luti depo sition. The powder in tbe bomb found to day was wh vis known as "giant” powder. This in its ordinary form is brown paper mixed with nitro glycerine, but in this c*«e it was united with eaud. The eft cot of this is to make, the wounds Inflated by it more ghastly and ugly .han they would be if it w.t caused by an explosion ia its original f.-rm. A sister of August Speis came to the station to-day, and after con siderable trdkti g, L'su'enfuH K pley elicited from her a confession that a third brother who was in Ibb. night’s affair w i lying dangerously ii! at his home. I is thaugnt that he ■vill die Mrs ARP rsor.B, wife of die fugi tive anarch's', whs ams'Ti tins af ternoon and was locked up at (he central s' si ion 8 e was present tkib morning when ’he > (ii rs made a raid on he Arbeit. r 2 u:ng build iag, but the offi <■ did not then wish to arris' her. T. ey had planned ■ o shadow her, bop ng ti n' she went 1 make some appointment with her husband, so ilia',, t.fce latter could be captured. Milwaukee Wls. May 5-2 p m The rep .-it tha' two men were killed at the B*M brewery is found to be untrue (Several shots were fired, but no person kliied Three men were killed a‘ B y View and five or six wouudfcii. Everyone of these i)"ars a Poii»h ; r B hemian name. O ■(> hoy ci 14 ye.'.rs was also badly wounded. story about the boy with school books under his rm lie- nag killed isr.m verified The firing of the mititia resulted iu ■JLipttrfih^ the cte.'b in a greater part The rioters, cr '.nose of P dinh nationality, at least, returned to the ci y south side ami proee tied to sack -.ue res'detice of | fl'i D g and loading Captmi. 11, of tiie K aciti 4: ■ j app.^uded. feature was the free for all inl'ic try drill lor pHz<s id f2a00 aud flOOO Navrn oonipanlBc acnuistod, The oti- tlraoxth'f.l.m was exceed'ugly oied- liable, but the geuerfti tjelii-I tu tha. tbo M mCRomery, Ahk, G■ e5 n wi I lake the first prize anu the True lihies, of Monl- vciun-'y, A ; a, Lip Bccoud, with olther the dr.vannuti O-taets or the Lomax K II j in tire third plaao a ho uuouuouOb ^1 tpeo.atoro through out the day was good, Including .1. fl' ■- * or: Davl», Mina Davis and Gov Me D-ciiel. The V oksburg Houthron3, rvho oompe.od Iu cio oobunt, o-oe oialmod Davis as a mein her unn tola lowed lilm to Moxioo. lie was, tliure- fuo, pHrUcuiarly interecWtd In their exhibition. The Faaileora, of C arlos'on, was tht Oral company to tuxo the fle d. Their exhibition was a good taoLea! d ill, but lack log In the auuuce. Ti.v ilr.i'g and loading waa semea-hat. rogg:d. but. the marohlr.g and wheeling wm The FjslIeerB lo»'. one mtn before en- lerlug :ho grounds and one on leaving by fainting. The Montgomery Greys w»a the next company toapponr, Tne uniform and general appearauoe created a line impression, nod il was evident i.roui Lie start that It v, aa a Lara oorai auy 10 beat, Their manual w as aituoM pe. • feet, their msroblng Due from errors, and their loading and firing both tx- eelipDt, They left the field enild great applause. The Savannah Cadets ware very un fortunate, Five of them lo-t their hel mets early In tiro drill. Ttioir march ing was pretty good, hut tiie fine <1 often untrue. The thing wsm ex ujibiii and the manual fairly good, though a"wir'd mistakes were noticeable. Ac '.he oomp'uiy wa drawn up to a;,I tuo .i.i sponsor before ioavi ,g tbe gr mtida . 11 n mn HU fainting iu the ranks, beh-g overootne by do.'. The M in'.gomrry ( 4 . a ) True B.uen. like the (f -oys, had the advautege of tbo favorable impression created by tbetr handsome uniform. Tcoir t:ia- neuvers on lbs march wore a'! sx"f4~ lent. The manual visa also very ti-'O, though t'divlcloai trrorn 'vor? made from time to Line, T ■; .d.-oce aid tiring were both sapeiin ively excel lent, especially when lying d 'Wii The Gate City Guards, of Atlanta, wore ever, ncra uufortu'ate ban the Savannah company. O :o of thnli sacks fed J and m»nv bio dors oncur- red in the manual The fi log, their stror g point, and the marching, woro tbe poorest of tbe day, The Volunteer Biut.hrons, of Vnkii* burg, were duoid>.d.y itroguiar in the manual. The loading and filing wra tab and marching in.-.neuvins acooic pllshed without a-y pronounced orro • Tbo L lUlsiana R II s, of N w (1 hiuus, made a inftgi.ifioaul apotara-cc in handsome uniforms, and m rcI.e.J very well. The manual was done wi.h a very pretty oadnnoe, but wan marred afivrrit! indi’/ldual cruirii, Tn( was extra tine avid guard,.. e-por isy’s li'it g havL-g been •kae by that c mpany. I he r< siJeaee ts & craple'c- wt.>ck. Tne i furi&lsd O ,.i T.tscalooi «!• h, ■I !. i ■ (u r riuiu (.ted :.o a.rn mther rail the 1 P he m'-hi- live usso. ■d liy the I Tbe Warri \ta, cnteir-d the dr!,'', b . '.'id noi ap- ,iear, havlr.g failed to pass the U'lq oc- }r,u at the maiden drll yesterday. r.h- dress parade lo-ngtit was very tiro tipfjc'Hce, R prominent feature iOii.g tbe U1AV1.:ifioont showieg luitde • '10 btil * ;,,i, Gl ildci Osi.tts, 'f iJi.b estob, wr:^ -nrivou vo-dey. afternoon D'.vis held 11 ; utdic . eot.j.’i-n nt tbs f) j. li;.:i. Three :U- us- n • pci pie psssed before him, tihak .og auds ai.d (X'.t urging pienfluntries iiadn the lao.bers i 1 happy by blaring their oahiee and patt.i g the o'dorcfl springs on Lip besii In a , , , , f-.thany and benevolent mnnoor. day on leguiur iiui'i s tacduie, out , p [l)Wl n,e City hlali Davie was driven :o the encsmpmi r.:. To nigh', he wi.s tendered a le-cp ion at Lip residorre of Capialn W W G roou, of me Geor gia Uussart, tee fi wer c. vauy com-, puny of the entires' u.h Subsequent y no was given a r(.option at the Ogle thorpe olub, which was atleuded by the sllte of :be oily erul slate aud ma ry people prominent In social circles from IN NEW New York *l> In rs of The Empire cla'.ion, w':o were Ind .. „ grand jury for cioispimcy »r<(i ooer» I'he <>x piaeideo cion, were in court to-dey, bu'. it <■ ir 1 cbLcuuo casts were pc-Lponcd iciiefi.niteiy. The Tiilrd a'/er u- ours were running ^ORTY-NINTH CONGRESS Thr llnn'P Cunaidtrlug III is From «he SHitiftTy ' mnmftee. ion 1 IHoarT t<» Kq^andcriyl to Win Uirillr UD lll«* Iourilattf Ci'HUMflrf fl Ilk I — Thu Exoeoilvc pc.olul to Knqnlter*8oD, Washington, May 5 -To-day be* tog h u aside for the consideration of business reported from tiiecorumittee nil military afif, irs, Ihe fi'-d bill eelled up which was considered in omn- mitiee of the wl'nle, was one for the r< He' of cer'atn efii :r-ra of the volun teer army [!t provides that all sol diers in the ia;e war, who re-enlisted a« veteran volunteers and af:erward were discharg 'd to receive promo- lion and receive eomminsioua as . filuers in the army, shall lie paid all installments of the veteran bounty which were withheld from tnem on account of their being tion-cimniisslnned, aud mustered us they wouid have been entitled to receive had tliey com pleted their term of enlislineut with* on* promotion and rec iv .'d an hon orable discharge After an argu ment in support, of Hie bill by L \lrd, • ;f N -brash#, Hewitt, of N-w York, pink the fl or In opposition 10 tiie immure. Ht made a speech against me tendency to exTavas gauce with public m-ney, and sell what wkh needed was relief frem excessive taxation, more economical expenditure and same measure of relief to the labor classes. This started a political debate in which scarcely any reference was ma le to thu pending measure. O motion of Holman, of Indiana, an amendment wan adrp'eii expend ing Lie provisions of mu act to the widows of sueli ro-enlisted volunteers Hr, may bo deceased. Blutc-lle, of Maine, offered an amendment extending the p’-ovis* inns of the bill to enlisted men in the navy and marine corps At first many of tbe democrat re trained from voting andfief tthe com mittee without a quorum, but afLei .he roll call a quorum, appeared and he amendment was uiiupied—127 to 72 Pending further action the cam* mil tee rone and at 5 p iu the house look a recess until 7:80, ibe evening • ewsion to be for the’ oousidem'ion of nu n ness reported from the military committee. Tiie first bill oal’e i up by the rnili- t»i,ry committee su ttio eveningsesnion w’fts Hint to increase the (ill lenoyof :he line of th(* army, but a., eousid- ■■ruble opposition whs c xpresstd :o it ind as no quarunn was present, its consideration wu- postponed audit >./»» made the special order tor tne lint day which has not yet. been set, ..p.-iit fer the constdera ion of other meaeurrs Tiie U< u j e then resumed, in com- riiitf.ce of tbe wlmle, cmsuteratlou of .he bill for the relief of c.-rtainor- li .-era of the v 'utlletr army. Mucti ai.'.agouisni to this measure was Lowq by uiemb >rs on the democrat* 'c sld*;, und R gets, of Arkansas, moved to strikeout provisos grant- r.g bounty to s 'Uters wiio wore dis- nLarged to ruoelve promotion prior to their enlistmant as veterans and to all volunteer soldiers wno were diseiiarged on aoonun: of disease con tracted in line of duty. Though the democrats were In tht mi j "tty, ttiere wire enough of them opposed lo the motion to sec 11 re its defeat, -ic Us sup porters refrained Irom voting and ;cft tiie committee wt'bou' a quorum. J iiin fact, was reported to the House, a motion to ad) mrn was made ami defeated—-yci s 46 nays 110 atN lit. Af er U.a: <1 1 g u n '•ant C L Ml.' J -1 It I- Ill': ; bei prelinm ary ljip. rcc id, 1 -. — |/. aiueud- tu, hi ii-g an 1,-Ui CUU.-C, 1 1- i oialuiy. uer, C'og.r, d b.— 1 ionii : ii- f idll) . ore poorly f itron'z 1, while parallel llnee a r e doing a good business. OPPOSED TO KEFttOERATOR BEEF Bauimoke, MX), May 5.— fine butchers of this city made to-diya public demonstration against tiie Uoe of beef killed in the west and brought here in refrigerator cars. They paraded the principrl streets with fully fifteen hundred men on horse back and in carriages, several hun dred irom Washington taking part la the afternoon a meeting was held at which speecbrs were nnde de nouncing the monopoly enjoyed by Armour & Co, and calling on tbe t-ub'ic to encourage home industry. They will ask legis'a M ve interference and are endeavoring to p;rs tade con sumers that the refrigerated article is rendered unfit for food by the chemicals used in prem-rclng it. PREPARED FOR PROTECTION. Chicago May 6—Noon.—The Bherlfi ba-. not yet been oallod on,but the mditury are In their armor'.eo ready to turn on' at a moment’s no'» ii :e. Between 390 and 400 of the pos lice have been armed with Spring- field riti s anti every man on the force Is arnued with forty-four calibre revolvers. afar. LtxlDgtoB Kami. BpaoUi to Eaqaire/ 'Ban Lexifgt.n, Kv May 5.—Weather oloudy, ttaok fine, attendance good. First raoo. one mile; Test won, The 8 ashor 2 1, May Lidv 3 i; time 1:40. B-iaond race, one and a quarter mi es; Tigrant won, I ish Pat 2 I, Lady Way ward 3 !| time 2:10 Third race, one and one-aix'.eocth mUeet Adoala won, Lead 21, Km:. Walton 8 i; Lino hj.'J Foarlb. rftoe, one naif mllr; Lureil won, Laura G 2d. Midair 3 : J '.line 51 Bi/ra’[eri Annu l 6atrial to New Y-ibk May 6 —Seventeen tnemoere ol the B'jbftiniiu) bakers’ union, who were engaged in boycot ting Uit Landgraf, were arrested early this morning by the poaou and iocke l up. )■ etii. ten’'- amendment ■ > uh »,*. (red to in to 8'rki cut the i"iig unJ abort ek u >e of 'Le com mi! tee’s bill the wotds “troUA tu s:me i-rigi- ua! point of dtj arlure.” Tbe only repuLiman 1 voting in the ^il: (uaiive were C'jcger, M'h'itje, MnniU, lLd-- dleburger and Bntrmau. 'lot only ilemocra's v 'Tt.ig lb the negative were Brown anil Morgan. A number of orders were made setting dates for future confederation of pending business. Executive nesniou and adjourned. Washington, May 5 —The Hcnato in executive session to. Jsy cleared its calendar cf nominations. The only confirmation made public is 'hat of Z W Zollck, to be governor of Ari- zina. The nomination of R B De ment, late surveyor general of C.ah, adversely rep >rled from the public lands committee, was recommitted. The reJ'Ction of Cnarles R Pollard, to be associate Justice of tiie supreme nurt of Montana, is cffijialiy an nounced. At: Eiulsrallgti Lnvrulljn. bp'Clal to KnqulrorxBun. Kncxvillij Tknn May 5—The oast Teuuouaeo emigration convention which baa been in session the past two dsyH cloaed to-night '.vlth a banquet given by the citizens The convention was composed of northern cltizius now residing in east Tennessee Its object web to induce northern capital, lets and farmers to locate near Knox ville.