Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, May 07, 1886, Image 2

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DAILY ENQUIREE-.bUN, COLUMbUS GEORGIA F HI DAT MORNING, MAY lSsfi. GEORGIA AND ALABAMA .Weirs Volo, rond«-n*rd from •llnle f* vhrtie-ri OKCVOIA. Athens’ npw otiern home will prob- Bbiv bo built thin *uinm«r. The r "trroos In Gear .-la pay taxon on 110 00D 000, They own about 700 <F0 Boron ot land. The property of Macon oonntv thin year la aveOMed ni fl 700 000 Upon i ills assessment tha c uulj wli. i alse {5000 ouore in tixej Ulun in needs!, Osoxr Wheel'"*, living In O [Isthorpo county, near Indian Grot k ohor-h, wph inn Lunt. g M.urpday and unci dental y Bhot hirune'fln the nldn. N' ariy every funner In Cl&rii 0 oou’- tl Laa.a pi'tch of rye. This crop will bo lately planted c x fall on account of tumii li.og early lood and with- Btendlog i.tta severe winters. The Jewinh cl iz*tia of Athens, through a separate u»t, are making up a si) bsuxlp’lon in help finish up mo Chris in oliurch Not one approaohod has refuged to give scmeihing, The ( each crop a Athena la nxlri hfavy this y*ar. UnitsH nome of It la threshed off, the treei will bB ruined. This'b ho ipH year with Shockley ap plug, out the other varieties have a good orop, Tho M uigomory County Adver tiser la glad "loses so rnanv ooit.s In the o mn: ry this "prlr* It nhowg i hai Iho po,.pio am Lee'riling nwnk.nod to their 1 It's alweya oeeti sur prising bin there hne bOBii ho I'tlo st- lemioii pold to raising hotseg when they can be reined ho much obeepe/ than (hey mu bo bought from '.he wem,” O-e J; In' SI vena, colored, was run over and kli eil on hr t, am r cd lead Ir.g f'rm J ssi-iyu to Tayi t’b crook In Liberty o'Unty Monday. Ho won Bil ling tin the >enr of ih« leiului un deilut'k m iouin lToui 'he .sudor v,ni o the train whs Irj motion Ho wan enn-h' by Homo portion of his clothing ai.u pulied uutl.ji ujo wlieeie oftlaeen- glut) tied terribly crushed, death euea- iug in ii f w miliums. Mr iioury Smith, on old ek'xsr. of MidlH tic tfity, liv ng on the D»ole b-j v'lio iiinii, a few urltea from Daniels vide, h&u been u.iho.iug from tns home for Hoveril days and wag supposed ,o hiivt, v.audered cffln an imaue o.iudi tio". A largo nitmbor of friends In- i.areslau i.ltemueives for him auu .ho ubfortuv i'e goutli ni a was found In a creek a w .ties from Ida homo, hav leg beer desd aevora; hours. At Maco Sunday night, about 11 o'oiOL'k, S.-n l) okson, poilu 4 for Hn,- gletnn A Hunt, wb* f iund by Iho po lice lying unconscious in an alls'. noar L iwon’.dml’s ladodng ontabllshmom, triangular block, with nls beadetuve In wlih n i ch or brick. He h.Bd boon dragged down tho alley by some per sou or persons and the ground was out in furrow* an if with ii plow. Ha died *• 10 ’-'bek Monday morning. V puty Coliec'or J W Fories’or Is on his rounds In soaicb of Internal revenue It.i UncioSacc. He sr.ys hat tho growth f tho lenuperai ce eeml- mem In Georgia la cutting < ff the tup ply ot revenue Dorn whisky. In tils district :l ore tiro nr bar rooms, ir Q iit- msin, R mdr lph, Mdler and V*,rtb ceumlfM, riiii a greatly reduced num ber in other oouu lea. TIiin 1b a krait!i> s')’.: of ' l o limes. Money ki pt hack fr''m whisky is money B«ved for the women end children, A I A IHMA. Mr D G Judge, uged about twenty- five yt are, a very piomlelng young jbwjc.-, o,t-d hi bln hi m« ti Grcenvl le W ednO"dny. The Tallnseee Falls Manufacturing company, ill ir ugh Messrs. Firley, Spear A C have ptirohEaed all me cotton hi. rid In ti e Tiskegee ware- houso, Binouiitlng t< 1150 -ales. Farmers throughout the section around Auburn n-pn. oittou eted u t eoinl g up web, vrd tho vonog piau In an u h-r h • c mdltlon, Heed hb- d iroiri notion ft -.,isml In rainy wean., r lam fall fails to geririoa e, nod tho cool -igl.ia have sickened the plants that are up The present ariea'an wollat Tueko gee Iihs b‘en abui uoned. At a dep.b of 550 Icet a puce of casilng brok iff, arm aalirugb itii possible Pklll has hem. pxerolscd to rxtriot ii, the '-ft irin have proven entirely in uvHlliug Thecouti ell Is cnslrternig : he pr- position of Mr O Gland "ti, iho engloeor In charge, to eiua auoiuer won by the tildo of the old or i, i mo sitir.t- d< p;h, fur ruck a cobs I '"riiilon hh tn reftnburoo 1 no for the ae'ual ronni* g "Xpenaea i ruy, ;e reoiiv'tig no leumnoraiion for his in- dlvldu o w ik Tim M‘tbud'.Hls a Auburn have be gun tt r wi rk ot improving t'e church t-u I,Hug C .. pen'era arc now the uoniiiii.iy ‘.-a eil.jh ti:a uuu.t buih. ior the so loimno- .'orrd people, but w. Icu a:o It-:-pro iO'H conditio; a Thu bo freacovd, the paws re lit uo lot Ins.os d wi ll ii h ndsuii.ii fare" Tbs Sunday u hoo will an oil:- ho disirio: echool house unit; the church *f rouairecl. rd him m I'n-flir-able to the eperators, who dem erred bi« dl'missal, Upon Mr Gau.'a refusal to Comply wim th- reqtreat i’M igar makers tmtuad'ately left 'holt tai 'os, asked a eeuloment r t w?gfs and departed in a body. SLEPT THE WRONG WAf. Tbf <laerr Thmn Th»t Bnffll tit AbIkuhi Tr»lnfr. ‘ Oio nigli* about two weeks eg.. I wa- down to tho city an'got pretty lull,” sold a tattered an'me.l traine'r to a Pitt-t urg Dii-pa*eh reporu r ‘•Whnn I «oi imek I nought I wou'd get n old N> iI'h eng'? ati’ sleep. He is one of ttie mjttH you saw. Heem I uinilfi nrni'"' kc and got ir: the wro g tu-x. I olirntiod Into Kis'k 15 ....h 1 cage Hhe’s a big leopard s > ugly that we c >uoi..’ keep ai y iiuirr moi • tiiHie Mr Un HUrm cage with her W Ml, I crawled in an" laid d' wu wi'hr ir ip ticih’ thediff -e: c" Pur'y soon I heard hrr srrr'in’ «rd *nrdlui’ fird 'brut nr, hti tuought’twj"-id Nod, and reached up an’ hit him across the nose. J soon fou d cut that it warn ’l old Ned. Bess Just gave title Brian and Jumped for ore. Hhe caught me by the ear at/ tore it right ofl. Igu o-s slu’d btvo rat me In another minute only Joukn.'s, the keejier oi Black C U, the pe, foimiL’ eleptlUUt, was g ing by, hcird me yel Jumped In at ’ got me out,. He had to prut il ’er right acre*' tn- n - sti wi * h a club. Hue j’s growled an 1 snorted like a cat wim <» mouse An. imsls !s terrors in the winter, any wav,” re umc-d the trsircr pclloeos pl ically, P.s he '•elected b clean spot on the w II to s'ritie a mii'ch to re- light cs pipe. "They get fri ky as kittens and are ccnliriueiiy ?;■ s o’ — . Then i- I when they ge* dangerous. We hsd a hig moose th.a wlr.trr as a cvc’ce. | He had great spreading boros, and j W"Uld tear h’s stall d„vt o ar u break out, and d any hir.g dse s« w-s devilish He come pretty • mr doin’ I three or four of •hr hoy" up One day he bn ke nu', and we was ‘bout 'w,> hours ruunlij’ him down. Then w. chased him right in.o ihe railrosd repisir shops, end got him cornered between two flat ca-s One of ‘he boys wc-t anti got a saw, anil after vie tiuu tied Mi Moose up we just sawed h's horns cfl smack an’clean. He wsu'i s pury a museum fre k as he we a afore, hu' he w.." a i.'ral safer,an’ we ’lowed that we’d nut him in ’ lie camels's'sllfl h;.’ old Eoh’ud thb k it was a usniid. Hu old: f, though. Whei he was the au. m e, he Just ssii’: *W Jl, I’ll be blanked! I guess you fvKows would a- awid the horni* > IP.i Che altar f you’d b.n c lied on o carry it an’ tiiey was in you/ way,’ uir’ he fired every one of us Tha wt.a the day I got tucked op an’'he leopard tried to eat me We had an elep’.at die ibis winter a few weeks sg" of consumption, Fait ! That tk,,bant just kept geltm’ hiu- tier nr’ thinner, un a-oougbin’ arid a-cnughli,’, ml you’ 1 a-thought ht’d kill msself, at d dually be died. N’> budy’ll evt-r moke me believe it wns auyt ii gt-lee:hin consumption.JAn’ you J ’st ought to a»ue<ifd the other elepuauis take on over him. They jest whined around far a week |e.-t like humans.” taking were it- du, .u:i o ns" o v. pai'.H'd BIM'KI.IRJC’Si ,J.ItNli'A SA1.VIE. The bast Halve In the world for Outs. Bruises, Bores Ulcers,Hull Hiretim, P'e- vor S or oh, Tet.ier,Ghs;iped Hands,Chil blalns, Con.p vtid all ^kk. Kruptlcns, posiilv "ly v es Piles, or no pay required, ff is guaranteed to give perfect, satisi.-ci.ioi!. or money rsfmid- nd Price 25c per box For sa.e ! j Brannon A i'’nr ion I.vM oimUtwIv An Ameriiiiiu feels like Hi.wsrdec B prlz? io -my nieiiiher ot pailkment w2o will pronounce :bo name of G nd s -ne's home without dropptry the H ■jwiiam;aM.'i»rMA.'rtaiipirj»ai»iwiaiw»«iii»satoMaat« CUKCFflAN’S OOACCC MMkUutaflA:-. 1,'HWIVf » -.U*i'Ue l .'HU Wittirt REMEDIES twt.- «xa»vw.amruffn4W»«Alo» T m , • ; N.. ' S "f h sK rHE CLLNCSS5 TOBACCO 01NTMEKT >hht in i: !tu 1 Icli i- "\\i . .v >> in i r'i j i,: . • 1-.» tin! i■ Ri' • KhaI lDci*r* Ati^ 1 jaiulft T'tr-r ; t . \W.\+'\ ltd. Iviur- wtrint*. Pitiij !«s. i n) i THE CLING^UV TOBACCO CAK? OW s . run*" a.': N' HI Tills lilts Hvi I-I‘". {MTil.’lS. Kvvs.Ji iS h 11 * i' inu.mii- Ivin.* K..!on« l L «th. Si ros. H -ih K THE CLINGii^N "’QBACCO P!.6ST£P I'lrimi’Fd H'ToriUuv llt f * »noM 1 Uliir t'l'« «t< Hi >»! li!>T •*I .•i’U” r »«'«iicled with ,d >:•, id!1: rwiui.r. i tin- Kr*>isi. mid D lM.K ! I ) i; ini. iaj t VI- I’lorliU I'-iWHi. Lakeland ti agrees have orgar'zal a Baptist ohnroo. Tb» Br.ioKsvil'e R'gistor Is out lu a uaods 'trio trade id’.ilou, Trin'iorary uni diugs are galrg up over ■ 1 portions of the ourui dls'rlct at Key West. Ov?r 20'0 fre'Ions of wine have been imporleu a. Kc-y West within Uie last miv i h The tomato crop promises to be suc- oegifn' t-la season. Returns from tha north Iridicate fair prlees The gr«nd uivtsion of the order of t-e sous ot letups anco Of th s a nte win meef s*. Ocala ou tha incmlug of the 11 h inst Koy \A ;st vs vlsi'ed Thursday he a Btivere rain and wind s-orm. Tn« schooner 1 ‘7.7.1°, of P-nsaool», -roki frr m bm w 'oriKBS In the harOT rrm ri huuiH 'heaiiiaek, Pride of the Boa, dw'jdiI bv G . i*n : 'Vi.aua. .A. F l; g r A Cc’s ligar'orv si K»y w »t, u nnw or 'wo age, 'be fere, ms", Mr Ks-nssl, rc’siup o!ssa't“fiad wih in- vi.ip 'linin', and res1.41.ed. This vvn r - l'-stn i.l ip 80 cl^ar mt'k era -f ihe establish mem, vvlio als - bhardened their vr. rk end marched out of be tiul di.ig, A' Ga o's cigar fsc'ory, a; Key W st. the re pn.plovtrei’t of Papy , t, c;erk was the cause ot n liissgreemeni a day or two ego, and the men struck I< I bl> * r * Q,ed , T; 1 r A-;k y renWi'^s. orwritol CLIN8MAN TOBACCO CURE £6. nwm a?vv ^ r.., i) s 6 Mill reni. 1 i VS J K O St Ac , in 'Uncosrso ret nr n f the ,'p *oun i in Mine :t u e 'i rii.jj that .8aM J K O Sue- appears that Ibis gin lems-.’s Ju’lo- cnos'”'et • f an exstnlna ion ofihe cl gara made This seems to have reader EMjriHKR.c • N eg : ik ni) ->n » Ai ‘ J K O t?h» rvr «.v to be - nd iifpi or tit Mat Term, ’St* A Muu:o.'io Superior C\ ui t. tht-n and iberotii m ;bi- ani^or tv iUCU xuatu-m mu are c'mrtcd ir flaul bil., and ic ■ ho cause wuy the relief and other mrut: rs p ayed • • P WILL lb Jndtfe A C O C true ext'act from fN* tirinr.e* of Mopcor’** B iperi jr Court at Coininhni on 6th day hXtrch 1S«6 GK;j Y P3D. mtrttftioto iert ? 0 'i <3 N Q /! to tovaj': 'V' r^' ,'/> ’ v~' MW ^ toWkj CENE. In FRANCE r oJpoG-ATHrRINC-G-RAPES VCR MAKING C.SEANf c^TaRTAR p Pi price’s Cream BAjUNafpwad THEY STAND AT THE HEAD! THE BEST SHOES FOR LADIES’ WEAR .) C.BENNETT Tlie beft Ltilies’ OP ERA SLIPPERS brought to Coiumbue are made by them. They cau only be had at my (•tore lean fit any foot,, I am Sole A"en’ ■AUK MADE BY- NO LADY SHOULD , BUY A SHOE UN- |till SHE EXAM INES MY STOCK. W M for these Goods in Columbus ^ 'V7’ U' M 10 V R ■37©rra Oottol 1 ~po TO DP.\TN YOUR YARDS OR LAY iiuHRA CUTTA PIPE t.HLAPER LOOK AT THE PRICES; | 6 Tin'k 8 1” cents per foot, 2 cents perf.iot | 8 Inch, lii cents per foot Estimates for Pipe laid furnished on application. NOW IS THE TIME SEWER PIPE THAN EVER r"- Bontelhlng About the Ups and Di irni of H r ’nhnbltants, nui orsuWAT aiivf, Atlanta papers are giving; the public some curi us and wonderful eases tliat. are quite interesting, It seems a your " lady of Atlanta bad been leported as dead, but it came to the earf. c f the Constitution re porter that she was still alive, and being on the alert for news, called at her residence to learn all the facts. Arise Dunaway, who hail been pronounced dead,said; ‘ For fonr years rheumatism and neuralgia have resisted phys ciaus and all other treatment My mus cles seemed to dry up, mv flesh shrank away, my joints were swol len, painful and large, lost myappe- t te, was reduced to GO pounds in weight and for months was ex pected to die. I commenced th use of 1.1 II I> r.nd the action of one half bottle convinced my friends tliat, it would cure me. Its effect was like magic It gave me an r.p * petite, gave mo strength, relieved all my pains and aches, added flesh to mv bones, and when live bottles bad been used I had gained o" pounds in flesh and am to day sound and woli. ir. j p sivii or'irwri) What Air .T P Davis,of West Ei i i-uid: I “I have only a few words to say. which are t.o state that I have been confined to my bed for two months | with what was called nervous rhtn- j rnatism or sciatic I was only enabled > to hobble about occasionally by the | use of crutches,and in this condition II commenced tire use cf B B ii, four bottles of which enabled me to ] discard lire ive of my crutches and | attend to business. I had previ ously used all well recommended medicines without relief, It has been over one year since using B B B. and I consider myself a per manently cured man." IDOIXiK, TardmMter On R B makes n statement; “My wife has been a great suffer er from Catarrh Several physi cians and various patent, medicines were resorted to, vet. the disease continued unabated, nothing ap pearing to make any impression upon it. Her constitution finally became implicated, the poison be ing in her blood "I secured a bottle of B B13 and placed her upon its use. and to our surprise the improvement began at once, and her recovery was rapid and complete. No other prepnra tiou ever produced such a wonder fill change, and for ali forms of b'ood diseases I cheerfully mend 13 B B n« a superior blood purifier • ckti.v*. i/i,V v to*. <v>l it' ni m: Room N' 1 3. CTti B'ei.c •\ve,i, ’nr, vai- Winic". * Kiii*.> i A, 1 .-.* 1 ’ 1 D r. c. r ohburnT* Dr> -J t] • (Hnecemor to Dv j 'a Ma«nn 1 Offloe next dmr to Rvnkl.i Hons* apirij,noaue Rlac'U'j d .; oou'i? ■yY F. TIGNKR. : - DBKTIM1, (lernttf.rly Kandm, I'. >71, O JC THOJttAto. JR. fPHOMiS A (’. y b oha niTT^ ' A.Nr-T.r ‘t i&ln . I s* n wP 1 ' 1 »•' l» f.-a il $ aj r m - /MW® . rV b-'-. 11 v f- r'i -OTigg m m it' . A 1 ''‘®L li.'iT fii % ''ii to i t 1 ' ac:t3 In a hoo-T sli/* ulp r: .ru• • *r• ot- f»7h6y cur 6 pre-wtCalll*. Fe.'cr.SourStomachV'B.i Breath. CloP.rThffSKln.ToDfitheNervPS a-noiia LKe and Vigor to the system. Dos - • 6nV liy thorn orco and you vr.'ll never hn without rJ' Price, 2Z cts her uottle. (;o*d by Drunah^imi Wedlclno Oeal-sgonordlty. Sent on fl r?o4^,1 price In stamps, notopto : V. ar .'tldre *§ p 01 J. T, S>tITff ift nJO., Manufacturers ar.ri Solo Props., ST. L0*UiS. MO G r op.a a m m and Te!ep'’^r.e op f h S' of FAST PASSENGER SCHEDULE OF THE WM I ht Sit-amt i El.LIS f'hiittnl » u swe mmm. ,-nvaca^. itdjljlis th< :COd 1 MOVATInNs F'.HST-CLAS- IN LACK PAPiTTCULAIi ■ 1' o Drt Fv> t v fCl ■ is Tuc-dav at > a m and Saturda ■mi tut. St- .tmer ELLIS leave Col’.v.a' at T;-i0 a in for Apa!a<'hieola. Le-ivts Ap tiachieola Wednesdays at 1' m and Sun-la; s at ii m. t t bt Ilf Till 'BkE Ir; 1 el i •»r pp WAiebouee Lpnaing.s only, bn p SCHEDULE OF THE STEAMER MILTON H SMITH, as follows' L-avc Coicmbns every fiMuruiiS < t 8 U-r-vt Ap actuc. la .Vt'Piii.y : t 6 v m P r u S. v-'-.m-r -ri* g;." i> ..I ir Sr.rilRT v“r I c fit *;m■■ 1, > v st'finer •'rat. will tv ke lt> ’gu la.- U p T p irture of Trains at Chattahoochee, IFlorala i. m !c: ApLi’crilchh. vIa He 1 norld^c. • br'.fi vit Br-iMbrUgc i opv <• cai. n % oi‘ k ilj;» oo,Ai ha CbRtU.toccbct up Tn**» o y fvecJns,'. u, hi i in-**', R.n<t w 1 • i in fee na r a«! {re' - ? or/v or. Arrival ami •• mb, F orHB ° i • d W-c ? m. Lpnvc ;c r RaI.WAJ ^ BOS • . VllU: r.t 11 (■ h a. J to’h'.n *.c h..i a Leave to 1'f L r B o. to En ivi- A r r vie ,'r»:m v’ RUl J 1 'feKOEYl.lf fit ‘v’ -iv -c .'r. n? Jecfeso ight and Passenger Rate: ».*•?>(?, »j*> loot, fu. s u. . Hud , ,J p fisrtYf* '.o s»)\ potnic r a i • V i ■ IC. ?A l t •reiiili'.n P prrpp-ston. f Tor ij vears at 17 Court Place, now at 822dtarkotStroeL T in'-'diln 7? Ilet. Third r.nd Fourth, AJuLli)ViiilJjJj.J / reffu’.arlv Muc.'.' d and loyally quu’ificl phrskiian and tn.' n.i: • n :cev-ful, :«« hi? practice ’vili \c' vo. Our©s; hU fonus o.Y 'P3R.IVATSe y-rTEOmO fir.l SEXUAL OJS- Spov:;uatorrP.on. una Ir.ipo\ ,j r:cy, /- . ' I " t.f-Vl* >• ’ <f ‘ 3f ?.t. w 7 Jf*3* q a % X* p'k to cir n ad a a ■ NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. You are allowed a frc*. trial of thirty days of the nno of Dr Dye’s Celebrated 'Voltaic Belt vita Llcctric Suspensory Appliances, for the cprody rt'llef and permanent, euro i f 2>'trvousbi-l>ilit\i.\c$& of Vitality and Manhood % and ad kindred trouble* Also for many other diseases. Complete restora tion to Health, Vigor and Manhood guaranteed. N’o risk Is Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet In seated tniHUove mailed free, bv addressing VOLTAI0 BELT CO., marshall, Mich, 0, kt« COFFEE wni'.v TjY LEVERING’8 You Will Always Have It Good, TOOCERS SILL IT. /h'f‘"Hnr. In -t urrf f — •• <■ •• •u.fc cr? af Lovt !-ing’» N w Cards • DO • r.g'nal nsL R. LKVLK1VG & CO.. liALTKUOKF MD Tvil 11 i w r 1 r H t. l il’ingham Street. cnpositt.Soti#* cm Plow WVrks BPJS&EKISKSeEVSiAJItr. u«u zswaaswcfojcai & L P+iii* iS 1 Cur? ; ^Guat 'tutc-fdl :r:a a!u Cnnas PRIVATE CQVYZTtl j.n.-os « -r.t tonr.v addre**. s-cuitiv -c *n-G Sli uld ' i real by r.M. .\.J3: l;i un frehj - A. :-i. Vc , P SuuJaj Ini »ALL^tn» rLftw Oato'i M Pri r j? r h> Mm liili d JI'jHj ON ’..TN” O v tlp B/Itdlapd, 40- \nw m*- ! ADVERTISERS ' ^ r ’I „ , . x ,« d » - - - r . - - r ’• •: f W Oi ii J, t u’l> A- ,1, i XRi b' ■ L to 1< W I.' ^ i of any proposed lino cf advertising in American j Papers Ly addressing IG20. P. Rowel! & Co=, | Newspaper AdverriTing Bureau, IO Spruce S;., New York. Send JOets for Pamphlet- ~~ THr. ch 1 U^BUS j r p-^*ir ii '.-t ItoalR mm i Ar* few t'lf-jrrrea to’ furnish i 1 niton:- of ! Ti 0UGH I? DTiESrED IUMBS : Arid to Du-ss Ltm her for the pil j he. H.:d solicit rohrornye, j • Ct F i.f'HftC Love ’if • ived «' f ^r the", be *:g)u of r o btfii! K -' . cl’: ■ i"'.' bar hbipi- l d w .: I 0 wll: be ar Bresi'r bit -u« by ifco I'll 11. B-h; wi:, rot step a' a- y point cot r. lurnisbed Rkippors (or 188ti, Our re"not'aibliUy ior Irelgk 1 ceasei af'er i! bas beer (ilficharped at a laud- lit' ’V'er; rin pprson in thereto receive u. Rates an|,|aa. • • ,’hanije wfhoui no'lee, C. D. OWENS, Tr ffl.- (iBDager, savanaah, Ga, ■le'uht »i boat b; >or. d’ 12 11, any poir tried in the *r- co. aid,.'-d ■' »nt-i "- ab’tsked list oi lerdir.t, T. H, MOORE, A. ect, OolumbUifi L. t- fronting on Hamilton r,n<l TalhiMton r-tk, Hill T.inwc.o.l ami North streets nu.l Rose Hill avenue Ali lots are full qivuter acre. Call early secure a de- siral'le lot. as prees wih he a 1- vaneeil within ti'.e n- st thirtv ilays TOOWIBS C»^F0BD f Pea'. Estate Agent 15 North Br an street ■ u ■ ? *:; • i i « i . i rvrrBVsasi • to \ito1 C' ll&'l Or STCRLc For Tv ant, in me weower Bni'.dics?. a poly ’O EliLt'SUiB,