Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, May 08, 1886, Image 5

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DAILY ENQUIRER • SUN COLUMBUS 'GEORGIA S \ ITRDAY MORNING MAY 1886. ESSSEMEfi ORES E , 1,1,11, &$ulli-o»«l »•><* tne W™ «’ ter »r T«Segr»i»Ji to txr-ooni'Hi. I — mabk^ iusmmjs, mi r»»«rtlr»r*f»a * FINANCIAL.. Xiie rnionuna 3 ' IIjo Euooesufal experiment In steal ! ..agios reported frm Clixltanoogit is ■ larbape as important a thins; as any- I iHdk which hoa t;auapired in ibo m- | ' nstrial world for tho laat weak N it , A haring ateei ores on ?ho gxouad, I ; Vo not see wh»! could be better lor the : 1 DDiit^otaririK mtoreeis of >< ur oliy i ", sn to iiupoit the rich Bonne mer arts \ -t”>'jrdi Carolina. Ia ’ha fa urc- 'hare i I, mtie doubt that eastern K >.i- t y C lty and eastern Tennessee will he al'-e of ’ age .. e o’ industries based on the Cranberry orfti. r J his, X thick, w ill apply rather ; to tie /timer, eiueo CuaUancogn. and' ■" btr iLdusirial points in 5out auue wtli have a nearer nn.i more rouub.o ; ,,. a -pe of i upply its U © Bessemer . res I \t li mlDghatn. Bat eastern Ken* i tick', having "C'-nneubViUe” coking I ,','al in t e Pound Gap region, w.ciitn j U, |t or a c day, of tho Cranberry j Mils of North Carolina, will dep.n d . heavily upon tho product of those hills 1 , , r loe gieel o:es that must be udi'a d at some point near the Gap, whenever the K ntuoky Union railway is opened. Still, Knoxville and Ch&vUrxo.'ga may branch out a id take in a part of the Cranberry crop year by year, but prob- adty not much In proportion, since tt snow evident that tho Bjesemer ore rceomces of this district are am?le i tnoQith to k <?p all of our neighbors, (■npp led. O e eastern mamiltiotuter j remarked the other day .that If we only l i.d ludli ios lor writer transportation from be nil-, to the gu f,he would guar- j an lee to bed the Bessemer ores c.f Bir* i ailugkam to the steel makers of the . A.Ian lie ooa st There la a general disposition to keep , ,these ores a. heme, and the ■ may be | r-eedc-d, since, in addition to the steel '.luntn to be erected by the Pratt people aud Mr de Budeeben, i. Is stated that WH Woodward lnmuds ,o put up a mill neor the Alice furnace, Mr Tbcmua, of Cat asm. qua, Pout:- iylvania, la also acting os t! ins new enterprises could lnoinde hi; produo* lion oi steel as well us Iron, I 1s also reported that the Sicas Furnace Oc has ! atade preparations to erect two inr* ‘ aaces on their ore mines Inure is little question that the report is true. Two considerable stove works, backed respectively by Baltimore and Nash ville cupitni. a gla-.s works, and a pot tery. are among the newt Industries lor which arrangements are in progress, S) much has been ©aid ai d written concerning the new railways that it is rather a pleasure to be able to state ! that they may be now regarded as ao- ' oompllsbc-d ecis. Tbeobtet engineer j.f the Kansas Cuy, Port bnuu and Gull railway irtermed me the other day that the work would be commenced at once, beginning at Birmingham; .hat within a year ever 100 miles of the read would be la running order, and that within eighteen months the tine would be complete bftween this city and Memphis, The Georg a Central people are equally co, ft ent about yetting their due from this point to Goodwater complete 1 by the euri of the year Work on the NashvL e and .Florence road is progressing rapidly, and the latest report nas it that the Mineral railway will be extended to Woodstock before summe-, Uovsruor Fsrnker Nut Wanted. KichmjKD, May 5 -Gov Foraker ol Oaio was ohoi-en derogate to the gen eral oonlnience cf the Methcd'.n-. Epis copal Church South, which met in ibis city to-day. He waB elected as what Is known as a “frn'ernsi uelegsl.e.” Yesterday, when the delegates began lo »-fs<-u;tde, ibers was a very genera! ! desire expressed that ue shou.d not j come as e member . f the confer- [ Several of thu ..eadihg members ol the body talked the mat?ei cv-.-r. They thought that as Governor Foraker' had Btood f r- ward tor several y are as a bit:er ai..i- stutherner and exponent of ihe bloody shirt idea that his preseooa at a Iarf:e convention,composed a most entirely of touthern minioters, wou.d be in cad t .ate to say the leael. Thte view was strengihentd by tne production of some Omo newspapers Lover- ernor F'oraker’s recent bitter denun ciation of Jefferson D iv a and lhe peo- p.e who were honoring him. When this speech was read the opin ion that he would be cut of place in Virginia becarno pronounced, The conference will itself take no action in the matter, but rnacy of the members expressed a desire tosday -cat in some w.iy tno impropriety of G iv F iralte ’a prtsenot us a de.cgvte tig ;ha pci p o he had recoil.-, arraigned so stvori-iy wcu.d be uPt iea t, Bnt, ir.d .hat the ..sola should be dedca eiv hint ed to bin , and t.fcl.s w is done, London Mvy 7-4 n m-Consols —muoty ICO 11 -IB, aoooHtn 101 13 10 NEW YuLK MONKY MARKET. New 7ouk May 7-Kxohauge 84 8632 Mcney i@2^ >er ooat. Qovernmeal tsoou dull N-w torn per oeais ; thrse per cents bonds p-.g.eoted BUB*TREASURY BAIlANOKS hkiic. Htit-'1!»1«»UX7 8128,632,000 rsucj 6.3.217,1.00, MCV' XCHK 8TO0* XAHF.EJ. •;w Vobx. May 7.--lhe tollowin- were the ol ielutt quotations oi tho * b exchfl'.tgs! 4» class 100 NasbrlMo A Chat <1 J„ elms II. Vs, ,s i.o i-urfilo l’.ti ,0 If.,;.:6’. )0( h N 1 Cc ntj-.l .. ;oi - .. a,*- N'. rMk Ji W prero • .: ,,Pn fi’e... ItHH UorUl«rii i il. .... !HH proiertfi.,.,, . .. .Hi* * iifiti Saulflc li of: ‘ ! Rlf'bou fiic'X AiU.'I 2 i '‘ Hisamoud .6 b,iE.. 103', K Cft i tua 4's •f oueenftet- * ‘, S‘s . tile eousolt... . . OUeesapobfeo A Olii' 7\* Ittcli'd .6 W. P. Tsr. 24 Obicugo A Nortliw'iiloa li./Ci, liUmlJ2.V, oc prsforvetl I37S,I 0* Paul . als, bfila L chawaua...i2.!S do prui„(v*J,.„., 117 E, io - O;. tax*, Paclflo.*-,. ss; Ttun it h t;.| anon Pnolffe,.._ uij, flaora.7o No-w Jorsoy Ceutral 4.1 I.antsfUl** nuh... 3SSIlllaaourt Pacific lo7 •fiar- it Hh,„l»atcL 2U »i C t«'e»iaS'"' „ SIS, Mobile & Ohio luTii thl'5 coirr.stp, Liverpool, May 7—Noon—OoHon 1 toady w tti a lair demand; middling uplands 6 3'16t, middling oi'H-i'.ntf i%li enter. 10,001) bales—ipeuulntlon and •xpcntlOOO bales Kocelpta 9 000 hales—7 90c An.*.- - fTaiuret opened Unil, at the following quotations.- M .yaudJuue 5 7 8 (Kid June and Ju.y.„„ —... 5 7 04-'n5 8-St .i July arid Au. usl.. 5 7‘Mao h 641 Augnst nud deph-mber 5 8 H4@>> 8-64.1 ■iipam wi «ti,t Oun.oer 6 3 6I<;5 tf h| 1 November and Ui?cemi,er.-6 0 b4,c.o l-(H.i Saptember 0 11 Old. Ten dvrs ol deliveries tar today's otei-.iln;. 1 00 fcuis" o) new dposot. an..’ 00 bales o, Old. WEEKLY LIVERPOOL fcTATKMIiNT. American... 59 AH) Bpecnlfttoifs look 7 4 DO Kxporter* tr i.bOU ActuRi expo y t.^« 2 7U I m port* American tttock 7 2 000 .e-js), ix o Arr.orloa.Q,.. M ^....^ Alloa* ... -—283 000 American. „....li7 UOt 2:00 p m—Abies of the day include 8,400 bales oi American • uturee : April and May 5 7-641 selloiB May and Jaac 5 7 Old ssllers; Jane and Jn.y 5 7 84d seller ; July and Augnit 6 8-W.4 e* ,ere; Angus* and Heptember 3 9 B4 t aellere; Rc-p.^mber and October 5 6-64-1 ficllers! Ocioost and Nnvambe 0 i-64d buyers, November end Dioember 5 0 Old bnyers; Heptember 5 10 61c sei .ere Ku.n.-es dull 4-iJOp ut— Fnlnrer: May delivery 5 6 840 ■i:orar«; May acd J’jjc 5 6-04 ; sellers Ja-t atid Jdly 5 6-64a buyers; Jaly and Aii.n?' 5 7 04d buyer*; Augnst and September 6 9 64d aen*ie, September and. October 6 4vh4d bny.-rs. Ootober and N..v mbc. 5 , 64d sailer* November end l'ecember 0 0-64 t eeliero, September S 10 Bid ssiier* Fntnree closed dull New Yoek 7—Evealng— CtitUr insrEel quie'; sales 28' uaiu: middling npunds 9 5-16i, orleant 9Xc CoDeoUnated net receivn* 7 181 calcs; -ix- pc-rts Great BrltoU- 8 805, oonunsnt 305, Frr.nof 7001 Weekly net recepls 478. gross 27,443; ex ports Gloat Britain 18.276; Fiance .303; con lined 49.11, sales to spinners 3260; stock 810 c33 NEW YORK AND NSW ORLEANS FUTURES, New ORLEANS, May 7 - 3:10 P x - Faiurc* o.onetl qaie); units 15 300 hales, • » lolluwn : ISa 'tlSilagt 1 . ftjrclal tt i-Munlrer-daM. I Ntw York, May 7 —Nows on .he ex.'mauga ihit toorniuy rcgurJlng iho 1 f Lor trcuo’ea was c . ll.c.i g, one - - q ibutiy tho market opent-u irregn :i * us m.rkc. was ff.m (hrouguoar o.p cay, su j ot otiiy -.- e.ighi recc icu‘-, I ho pnoi.s at the opornog wore Irr. gu jar, cut adyaccFci siowiy -luring the f'.rtnoou wl:h tx leptiouai strangth in XiLkawanua O, ac.ive trading the e.ijjht reac ion wns foiloweti by a steady tout until after noon, when, in ayinpHtuy with the deciusd wsaknees 1C J’"® 11 Union, the whole :i“t yieidud fractions, but iu the last hour tue ma km again beorme strong and oioscil at or near the best hgures of the hoy, except Wesicnt. U nun, Which shows a deoime ol 8 Rtcmond cod Wes Pjint is down i. Sales 279 COO Shares, May Juno July.,.— A ngnm. Heptember, October.. .„ IV, (vemher. Ovccm her Jen nary February N itw Y ti.i reoeipl Clilrfc follows May jQliiH July August Bap’.eruoer Ocicuar N- vc:ab*r Ocaembe: , Jasuarr F-b-cery . Fetlaros of the Week. Special to Enquirer-Buu, New Yoek, May 7 —Bu-inrsi fail ures oocurring throughout the country during the last week, as repor cd t’. R G Dui & O >, number for ibe U ;R B d in.aten 107 -ud Canada 25, a ■ t -.l of 192, against 2U7 isst week and l9i the wj k previous. The business ca-aallie* ap pear to he about up ;o the average in 9!! aeorions of the country X.i New Y jrk city they are very ug it. 4 ft( *tih end Uruanbills Cared. Ac ergymsn, alter years oi suffering from ioathseme disease, Catarrh, ano valuiy trying every known reme dy, at luet found a prescription which completely cured a ,-i saved biui trom death. Any autILrer from h.s dread* Jul dlstaoi eudi g a sop-addressed ?;! n iP' d env «!ope to Dr J F.ynn & Jo , -G East 15 h Ht , Ngw Y irk, wni re ceive the recipe free of oharge, decli eowlO; 8 91 1900 8 92 IOj b 97 li 0 9 ,9 WO® 9 10 iOO 9 14-190 8 9“J 100@ 8 91 100 fc ,3 PiOitJ 9 75 1-0 8 69 lOCtf, S7u i9L 8 73.-10U _ 8 83 100© 8 Si 100 f 9j 109 , May 7. ~ EveuiCt - • Net I gross 8442 baies. Fuiut at a,,, Hica iy —»s.fc- 59 2J0 bale*, at 9 22 11X466 9 23 100 - 9 29 1004!, 9 89*100 9 39 1,'XA 9 40 1 0 9 4S 100® 9 49 i- 0 , 9 35 -iOO® 9 .6 101 , 9 15 109 , 9 ■0 100 . 9 13 1 0„J 9 14 1/1 . 9 20 ll6ig 3 -1 jUO 9 Hu-100d 9 810u X. ,r-.;h 9 40-100® 9 l.VOli G'fccn A Crtpo-t o cjI’,'U iu u--s nay ; 1 h.„o been a weak market all dtv wl.h so a flv» prn s l-s ana closing Uu:. end bsreiy sl«ady Thors was no u.-dsi pressure 10 re.,. 1 . bu the bu l ciemcn gave Ic3'i auppo-, to near moDVi.*, .mu „ ul-rcslHon >o *eit lb? -e v e* -p w- s »*yaiu nianlies el bo b an Li me it'd lor- en . c- c runt. Liv* rpoo advice, were die*c»p**t u lug and liisoinr igel -pxroUoaa w%l l .g to: • c-l trow sb o-.d, whi- he conMonoiis b .r-i| luunlnr and m< veuasui . :tip U wl : proml'-l < ne v C'*--p u '» i.icii* intuss 1 great© c .-id .snee umoug th© beers TOTAL SET RECEIPTS AT TUB 1 ORT8 New Y.kk, .4 • 7-Lhe following ao the total net receipts ol cotton at ,. ..p,t- nluce Oeptember 1, 1385 : Ualvesiuu .... NTw Or.ettbu Mobile... .-'avi.unah Charleston Wilmlugtoc, No: Baitimu Bouton Nc , .: ,'rr N"*v I-* 1111 '.d blp h 1 a Woe Point, Bruns-wick. Fori Royal. Pensacola Cuy Point indiauoia, Total „5 I73.U07 Galveston May 7— Cotton market slca J v m.uw.inga 9c; net receipts 120. 12u r, -.'a. 2601; slc-ck 2i,.‘93;exp-)rt6 Ureal Britain 04, co.ulnent CO Weekly net receipts 1747, gums 2 59 -ales 3922; exports lo continent 912, Gr-s tlriLu,n 00 o. folk, May 7—Oct'.on >te«dy; mi i . gs 9;; net receipt© 565, gress 555 si-es —; siock 31,988, expons Great Bril* ap o. co • linen*. IX) Weekly net receipts 6995 gr ss 6495 sale, 27:i;expo.-is Urea. Billaln 6363 F rance Uu, con::ue,ii CO Baltimore, Md, May 7—Cotton dnll— mlddii . :e 9 3-16o: net recf.lp bCO, gro » 188; sale* OX), sales iu spin, era On* ,ti;ek 26 ,9j, (ip rlii to Greet Brl'eln U9, con'.l.isu 10 W- u y nel receipts 4'.03, gr--,-r 6"6), sa ts li-2i5, to spinners 17 r. expkii Gree Britain 4893, >.v,n lnent l''i7 B 8TON, May 7 C'otMU qu'fT ai Q m II 'unugs ; nr' rer ipii 7, gr .*• 981: sales (0 s.cck 43:0; exp ,Ttv Sc Urea, i 0 sn s Weekly ne rec'lp 3119, gr*s ti); '»p -r.e G ea; B; 1 3,835 WiL- isq on, M y 7 — notion mirk*' Uady : middlings 9c. ei reoelp s 36 gr -- 16, «»'6„0O- r - on k 463 4' exoo'-s GiS’-i i'r'tei CO co -.- lcenl '-0 Weekly net receipt* «95, groBs 6:3; sales (.0 expone Great Britain 00, o. nlinent 0J. France CO PHILADELPRIA. PA, May 7— (Xt VOD duo; mincuing 9}<:| net reoelpls 894, grosi 394; sales 00; stock 18,5 5 exporti contlnen; WJ: Great Britain 09 Weekly net receipt! 588, grola 88, lalea 00 exports Grsut Britain 395 :o oontluuni 00 Savannah M y 7 — Cotton st ady 'lilddilrgi 8% v lie* rccclr*',. 71J g" • s 718 syce 109 tiuflk 22 3.10, exports p, Greet 3, lin.r. 0,1 ernttnen DO Weekly net receipts 8850, gross 8833; siilo; 870; exports to Ureat Brltslu 3505. oontluem I7li New Oa.LEANK, Ma7 7 - lottou mark©, q ieti muldituy* 9c; net. ©seelpM 1513, gr,.,ss 2684 sAiei, 1090; st,on>. 148 8.0, exporis lire,. Britain , to Frau,.* 00, ooaii- Wcokly net rrorlptii 10 899 gross 73 266 vales tO.jOO; expo tiGreit Brllaln 27 852, cur. in cm 00, Fiauoi ottii . .i.higs At ,y 7 -Uottc ■ mark* 1 quiet, loJiIUT 8 15 16c; oe* “C iipw 2.9, ,*«>*» .4' lull- 3:0, h,Oi’k 28.478 uxp'iri* Greet oi) Weekly not receipts 2,85, groes 2(83, sr.le, JUKI: exports to Greet Brlinlu 1.85 cont-tneui Oil. -tai.etu* M*y 7 - '' luii sifiuily- mldd !ng' 9 . !'«• tSMlMp* * 185 s* ,p- rn.'i 779 1400; sloe-. 6 :,448 * Woc-klv net receipts 1159; »;.;piuenta 62 2. BRies 18,57c; to upluneri 00 .. Psil * ',«!■ 7 S t, '-ji Add* li.nge t%o :f>* * . it: *ti ;.s ...uti 00; sates ,:34U Mo ,, 18 4)3 <8 4718, l,pin l:©)' Oba»L».isTw* , May 7 -Jot , quiet; mid* •illngi 9 n reoelpu 893 r.rrwir tU3i aaifcl 00; ,,ck 25,62'i, nxporio Ginn. BrlLain 00, it r, ce 00, oc'itluev' 00 Weekly net receipis 3534 jroaa 3634, Hll,-■ 1S*18; export* io Great B i kln 00, c-i.mintui 13*10. France 00 Montgomery , Muy 7—cotton H*ia— ml Idling* 81-jo*, rocolpls 5n7; shlpmenu t345 slock tm« year 17,0. last jour 4598; Lie* :i)45 M.ujon, Hay 7 -uotton m.tract o* miouiliA'd 8J4C; receipts 54; sal © • 385, JSabhville, foe a. Mi, 7—cotton quiet, mmultug- 8J2a; not receipts 753; sbipmeata )0t sales 823, i-pinners 205; stock this year 2366, 'ftit year 2197 Post Royal, May 7-Wfekly net rts celp Is i!5; stoos 68 Selma, Mi. 7—Cottou dull: middlings 8-tfc: rocelpti 1133; shipments 176; stook 4278 Home, Hay 7~i.;ouol qu.- 't mVIdUnga S3-4U, rroetpit 815, eU;pmen„s 158. sic k 1570, TWENTY YUKS AF 1 [ f li, ,r On 1 li | Pipfilon Hi tncurporv Kg y [• *'e “The E iq ilrer-Hun «l ) P11 n11 hLilr; 15 C'Miupuiiy, 1 A Soa^herulz'd Y.uikie mil ro tful erato Soldier Til s Whut Ho Knows 1 hi'ii 1 ) . IN IIE-- J H Yocum, T J Penroo, G E Thomas, Jr, cl, al—Peti tion to Incorporate the “Ycting Men's Cliric-tian Associhtion 06 Columbas, (ioorpiu. GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUN TY- To tho Superior Cotut of said County: The petition of J II Y 7 ocuin,T ,J Pearce. G E Thomas, Jr, It A Car- son, GE Chandler, It O Howard, M W Howard, tt tV Slado, X p Ranks, C E Hochslriisser, C D Hurt, A R Milkerson, G I? M liilo- sido and YY F Ti/iuer, of Museo- pee county’, slate ot Georgia, to ho isii and maintain in the | known as tho “Rocrd of Direch rs” minis a puli',k hing com- | of the Young llui'i, Chnsiian As- STATE OF GEORGIA, MUSCO GEE COUNTY; To the lion Superior Court of said County: The petition of John King, G Gunby Jorunn, C E Hoclistrassor, N P Banks, A Y Boatrite and ; George P Swift, junior, nml tlioir I assiiciates respectfully show that ; they have formed an association j and deiire a clmiter to be granted . to tin.m ns n corporation under ' section 1 * • 7' < of the Code of Georgia. The object of such corporation 'OSixeeiavu Chii aoo. May 7--F.OUT «t©9 fj nud na* ibi,'. gcu—souiboru wiu ur4 40©4 75 Wlcm w,*,.k ba iMua-.-d slei- iur— M»y 76J^ 876%7. June 78%*q:7s%* Ju'y '!»%’•■ Ooru- C»*U 31’^* May 3>%i)34%". JUm 35% j38%j, Ja v 86%@3734*!. Gal* w.iy--ca*.i .i-d V -,y 2*>4,fl)2, ,l A,fi June 28^4©29j July 271-41®.8% i- Yi jo„ p jrl w.i'-k hlu i . -.ver—ok*h 08 Sj®9 U, J ue 9 lv.J-S-9 15. Lurd 8’ elicit ;5 90 Juoa. ,5 9,5 95, Jtl.y 85 9’H®6 10 b.'xud mesa©* dieeUy—-Jry t'kltud ahumdere 84 ID®4 10. Idsori rib aide* 66 >7% suorl clear ■ ■den 5 6US5 66. Wtilsky *l««dy — 81 14, , Bugs.! tibH.or—diardarit A I XI. Zai 'itr. ] ■JTijOUlBj Mny 7—Flour, market dul — famu 83 10*®8 20. oh-',tee 83 80®3 9d. pa'-ant 5 l'(<t5 40 -one*- active bu- lower—Nu2 red ! oa*;. 8C*®85J40, June 85^<®877. Corn quiet i out Arm- jNu 2 mixed 33>;o Oan, uuti j :>n. sie-.'i'*—No 2 mixed ui.,:. .S;*$4, Wfcliky I arm—91 :u P:ovlMom • oad *: Po:fcf9 37® ! 9 40; turn 85 7 I .@5 ’5 Br..k meat* U m— ■ box rd I ns. ei s-r uldt:* '5 39, enori dear sides 15 50,b.,o 111 Urm-ln g e.ear stdas 95 75®5 89; soc-i rib sli. sa 6 8t'®5 85 ■•.dcu't 01 ear hum j 86 0i| uhOl'j »tIObg--89 00'3il2 0 ■. j uualH vilife. -HUUTHVTLjLk, Ky. May 7—Grain cinrket j qulel : wbtat, IS*. 2 red, lo -g b«r r. —c; N 1 2 red 860; corn, Ku 2 mixed ~o» white 39'; uate, nesr No 9 mlxra 32c, ProvlalouB higher: Pork, mens 810 .50; 1 bacon—clear rib sirtts $5 91. clear elder i 86 15. gbouidvrs 34 37H Bulk meais-o'axr \ t b sidat 6 40, c.eiti aides 5 65. shonlders . 4 00; augirHoaird l-.Bims $9 50<®10 (.0, lard— ch'1104 J*a; 7 76fJ8 CO, | mew Drlc ill i Ni* jXLkANi, M?,y 7 -Ooffoe taorkei 1 M?u ano ■ , 11 O ! K't t- 9 '-111 ■ fra * smith nr.d F ir:. Yal ore, bh >n' y arc hr- ri rot '■loimi.-rcittl :c* ice fc. re line** w|ih Ciim aicu prime Jui —‘tin, oargoe.11 au®9%0. in, mo’Kftt duK-Louisla.da, 0 •dlu.irv to prime 8<S*4V^d, rtugar uuu — 1. ■■■ , •trie .y prime a H%c simai-m 10 eood r plan at!- u ge*:.ui ..tea — pi,.-a - yalki* 0 arifiKi Mois'.se* dl? ■ — Jj upon k 01' I e, prime 514o, *:; ceu'-rliuame, u. cbolce wi,lt« — 0 peo fcattii — g*i >u pr ?22o. i loir 32c; p;)me 20 : .irrii bit; liAMUKl, OU * L4 P OeDlal, hear y, oc*w 1 Sum D t ■'u •• t and child fn t>i" G - ■ to G 1 f. ar J f : -i- “ the Atlanl’C. will 9 ni r 1 a:l! tten to the oieaaaiii 0 **'i tore. Bora ir: C ntmc loo youtiR tnan, In 1854 h - located In ’hi* stale, ti ley, and removing f nftorward r, A ant.leu doveJooed his capac life. Alter srme ■■ ha RSBociutnd him*” P H Oliver, a! A bs r :', hn; dlag s largo store, a.:. *5 Ij.e a as unfoi» Inuato enotigb to lose r ■» wife by c stroke of llahtnir.e. avd s'nrtlT after returaud to his fir.*i love, .i mericue, where the onttor»4tt of the civl' *-*r fruind him HesiiW «: “,■*.- v 1 rg li at In the company of >r is rtdMivi), t’apf 1 ft Branunoc. of C-i B o*' 'hi- M.407N VOt. U N TERRS, and afterward in U*o oevalry unde; Major B G L -cko.l Tho yio*f of 1,0 war XOdhil Mr hU'i up an,, ill, d : n Ale oon, bat hid do,' e j*i;gy noo.. re'p;>6rF.7ed hi* f-tr.u-* oi Dmlan dr C l or,'' I' wai wa iu widel v li blurred on'.. A.'it.i : time. b» wse in l.v ”'.'.* where he en'“*e'i I" ho was ir'sed*--: n v man, Iu iQiso-pscti neoted ccnstsnGy w 1 and M -T . J ■f :be career: ui-iic In 1874 ho roau-vu.i w Allan a am 1 has b-i* : city since 1 ai Ry - li. m ■-alere, slior. frn n. juu.y, t.mkr thu name nml style of tho "Enquircf-Smi Pulilishing Ct.mpf.ny ; that they propose to cany on the business of editing ! nuo publishing one or more news 1 papers in said city of Columbus, 1 and lo have and carry on the job j printing business in connection I therewith, and also to publish books, pamphlets and other peri odical literature I The capital to be employed in j such business ar il actually paid in I is t wenty thousand dollars, which 1 is divided into shares of fifty dol- | lars each, but they desire power aid authority to increase the j amount of capital stock by vote of the slockt outers to not exceeding ti fty tin uti-and dollars. The business of such corporation is to be done and its principal ! office to be located in the city of Columbus, in said county, and they ask to be incorporated for u period of twenty years. i That such corporation may'Re ! organized at any time, and may ] elect seven direct ors to manage the affairs of the corporation, and that said directors may elect one of their 1 nrnber President, and may also ek-i t a Secretary and Treasur- | t.r, who may be the same person, and may or may not be one of the directors, ns they may elect. That said corporation shall have the power to adopt bylaws for their regulation, and may acquire by purchase or loan any real 01 persrunl property that may be necessary or desirable for theii ■ purposes, and may also borrow money and issue bonds, notes and mortgages to secure the same. Thai there shall be no individual li bid j upon any of the stockhold debts due ers. except for any balance that uiaj | sue bonds sociation of Columbus, together with such other's as may becorro members of said association, ie- sportfully showotli that petitioners, their associates and successors, de sire to bo incorporated and made a body politic under the laws of this stnto, The objects of said corporation will be religions, literary and edu cational in their character. Tha business of said corporation will bo the providing arid maintaining for the use of its members and tho pub’ie suitable place or places for religious worship, literary enter tainments and educational instiua tjon. The name of said corporation to bo “Young Men’s Christian Associ- ciation of Cclumbus, Georgia.'' No capital to be employed in tho business of said association Tho principal place of business or location of said association to ba in Columbus, Ga The time of incorporation, twen ty years from date of charter, with privilege of renewal Petitioners desire for said cor poration the power of contracting and being contracted with, of suing and being sued; of having and using a common seal; to make by laws, rules and regulators for its government; to elect and appoint such < dll cere, directors, managers, general secretaries or such other persons os m..y be necessary to carry out the objects of incorpora tion; to purchase, receive, hold, sell, mortgage and convey such real or personal property as may bo necessary for the interests and ob jects of said corporation; to taka mortgages ur other liens to secure said corporation ; to is rother eirtilictues of in- 1 laiwmi, ,u lAAiH/A iv n.ii.' [corporation ; to do all such acts 1 iLIy Pt.'iti n-.-is Attorneys, 1 may be necessary for the logitimal G k.OEGLA, Muscogee County,- execution of the objects purposi 1 ilcd iii tho clerks office of the su and n-iwers of its organization prime i0@.<lki, eiv.oi MUy utro:: So > 1)11 uni-ana. 7- Wn)*ky active— '.'iw Ohlj:an&, May 7 - Ocu-.ii **«') o- Rail — pri'o© >,-ru.t». t)e-<veriaa, i9,j<®2iHv II q’.VAil- - :7©i0i', s'nsuiaer yeli-iw 26M© J'Jvi, Oske aii.l m;-»l SIS 59® 19 00 psr long :-)u W T:)R3, M»T 7 —GJauY- • ft'.' r. — Mfail7 (l.-C' .l'll 23(®3j5 lot -* *.A:* 4 a ■ MVit. eT«#)U, 7Ja ' Y"RK , Mu'- 7 ■ Huelu mu ke dnll— asraiufto 8) V7H® Vi'A Turpi ■> a 88840 NflW YORK, Any 7 — flrm- •v«t sviieil Nw-v OrlftAua »».’ -•••-* 45 ■;ij ponc.,ir 9!4'®10-y Tot* r 'itu: *• : - 1. LITO■’, 19 y. J Jgrl'. Yobk. May 7,- q :'-.t Ply :0. 1 — lai-ie-' ■: fl-ffo* .17*739, exac- 1. -7;v2 7 J1®2J«. . '-i-/ vjj. s 7 Fi'"- -ol> l- 1,1 vat. wt ker - 0 '.I'.i* -5-;-2 *■■■" s' 3J4 '. CH AHLE’-TON M »y 7 -Till uS:it e -ic-i— 32o. K 'M q-ue: -• si r ,mi d —c. w-iod .irklnoo 90 9ic savannah 7 -Tai'peii 33 -, Blum in- barrelo. 1 271-oS «ll-i 8 0 Darrels Me-itii'R nit?, nr tt- « J ws*k, U ;■ reporter w •- hiRr.y 7ia'.'ti‘Iv-'k. a, : “How sre, yru, n\ -.. [ 11 Pretty w o' I, S'lir; :■' I “8 mriri ;.s a dollar, ait [ If I b'■ d met yen ,et ii not have sairl as inuct ' “Why, How v: *s tm! “Well, you hi us t. past ten yc-- I ...»v • 0.1 I; s-d-b c- il-i.-v,a , V. be due nud unpaid on the capital i debtedness, under such terms as stock subscribed for by them may be. prescribed by said PhABOGi, B'dANNON A BAT* [ corporation ; t.o do all such acts .a to purposes powers of its orgi ! Said petitioners will ever pray, [ &c THOMAS A CHANDLER, Petition; rs Attorneys. Georgia. Muscogte CiMintv: Fi.ed in tue Cli'i'k - Dice of (ho SujiLTR.r Court of nud County mid recorded ii> ' Record of Writs .? I ami 65,” folios ;jul and 5U2, this -Vpri llOth 18.-0. id county and re r ii of writs ’84 and 7 and s, this April 1 oth GEO Y POND, (-lei’k y C M Co, Ga, 1 WlLMINOTOK, M>iJ 7 - 2: rCnsiii! ir 11 ai- 1 CO. I’- 1 G -mu Bum L; »v>i Masco ga 1 Sal Hj V ’iii dc «. O. f.Btftloaesrkt rfriLLb- K3Mr6' T nn-netrin frout o'tho auction homo of K VI K owirs & Co Broad Hireec ci*y of C'.luiob-.u. Jusco^ot couu" ty Goorgitt, Uu! 'oilowiu^ pr<j,-rty, to-wit Six v fp« more j- It 8 ''ri the «d Ip -f lot u nuh -: f<. m tho M-t’h *ru L hertim, Muse poo ctnn y Go r via an 1 raumu. b»ck o.o3 uorti ..r l*nivii \ i i profeaieiiis th-re-iu uuti bouude. a* loll wa: Ui the r.o *.li by ! tu-J» of C I I h >r t u .,ua r cJI» i •> > the ea«t bv lanrig of Caroline McCook ’ fat by Trial) street, .al Sotitb b) •efente nf.a treet. L•Yio.i c i. ai ho p/op -".7 of Cat )U«o -e.’ooU to H/itiaf) f. fl 'a In air hhn 'fc in favor of J II Hamilton va Caroline VIcOook J G B w li KU S m;4ouw4w Sheriff, fan AUfttxporioa:*. tt*marlii.fclc ncd quick cortn. Tr*jd MM, S«nd Bump for tuAloi p%rtlcui*r«. Addr«M, f. Dr. WARD A CO- iaiusuna, *0. .thy li**EG ‘ i mn1 I hav. u il Base for a w< . I lr . CDiL<v 3:y !r, -i pretty ai.-ong sia.'ein'Ril, but f uu.k-j u honosily ami sinaorely, tun orepareii to verify it in n y ii arj- ner,’’ noL6l&?6n ge* erl-ii fu.-id-li U e.'.iJ •d! work uiuii'il puil F-ir In i Iriformaii .n aDi'rei* DdO, uiHilve A.u W . k 7 Bunmnae Piboa, li«» ton, V.iuth. P 0 Uux 514.3 aprll) a ibar 121 . ?‘i\L Z % , MrxJ nYjei'/e tai<8 '* coeiiybtr.x ~i! iOoilr. wa'toh w:!i ..tip &.*• of either r, t,o •- rXa more r.jjttt rtwar ISr.B a «Jb« Id this world. F’ocmnt'* Htra i ib« workers sibHoinSfii^ snti T»rmt rr«« Go, Atnc«tft ii*Ih®, dtfly