Newspaper Page Text
oot.vim a, ua.i May loaf.
oorroM m.w**aitt.uT,
Mortbaro and Raatar:> M/na*a totvon Mill rart
iariuin»b ia of: Uaoki chocki if on Maw York o?ar
Mm ooaatar Jn framlomaod a {^Tannab at »ar.
■arkat lo-day dulli infarlar 00, ordinary ftoi
pood ordinary. Uki low mlddliifi ftfcof Bid-
lint tne, tool Biilaliufi £6fto,
To-day. To Data
I Lnr«a Crowd l>(*itut Last NIt tit-
Tlie art Kat> lblt'«ti nu iurnaitra
By tkmtliwaatarn railrx-mJ 0
By Mo. lie and UtntrU iftiliial^,--. C
By Oolambaa anu WeiUru railroad.. u
By Oolnmbtui aim lionte r«»nrv*<l._. 0
By Ilia iMver,-~— l>
By v»-v cut-. 2«
J 1,190
<hv ".»*>< W4« To-dai
By SouitwnUra, r»u.. 72
^Ry Oolumbiui nu«l VC eater a rallrowl u
Xanau o> OoloiuL a*liM;u>ri'db«—.—. 2d
t TA fltUNl.
l:lock ol banu Annuti ..iaI, t-aO....*.,—,.-..
Vowtlval tc«-aay
It ck on baud
Clock Auk Hat. 14M, M2; ra
otal receipt*, 76.1i*. oblpp-H
Iblpmeuta iLiU'3. vt'^.L l,2ii
U ! J«
. Jiacelplp at TnlUd <tatea a
da) a. 42 115t export* tv Uivt
aam, 10,111 alock——
United btatea rorUi—llp
» ipcru to Creal.liritaii- iT.
a.uck M
iudaa to n?. n jmm
Mooiii»; Mr JLUj.ii.jj. i
W«e Jell Dnvlh- D L
r^beogir Ay,Hut
...81.3 '.0 bMM
orta ti'vjai, l'. L'l<i| fo 7
t Brltula, 61' 22J| co; 1U
WiRkmii, U :nc»n..
Lull nlgbt toortd a big tuccfaq for this
•nterialumant. Tbe males excelled them*
itiven In tbe nimu|«mania 10 or.oommu^
dnln the Inigo trowu tbm was prtaonl. Ta#
(1 weit worn brlglr.or, the loo ornain ouhlar,
and tbe welcon e ivarmor, with u.e young
ladttii more fcewlloblng than any oveaing
y«ji, rioniciily h'Ve w* tv^r *e*a more
Uttilnl **nd expropriate (ltcoruilonn ibnu
tbe Webster bonding M new becltckad
A biaulfti! epinode 0? 'he ov nlrgwftH
l;jta preeeoiatloa by Mr Ho; tanr.n Aicber
to iUv A: L trlr., 1I.0 «ill:.eul and an.-
p» rinr .»J Ht J
r-a: on*:*'.
1 .it (.• m«
itbiffl, wi.iob
blc 1 nnAt<?ri
f ou: reRiii'i
11 * * v r
Tno fentwr
e .iciy tz > :Y.
i A i:U^w t-/• u 0.'
the well J 111
ilfu.'y ob.a.'Jln
ke pr eettih.u;!,,!
.Ik' lau liifi i.r> c
tve ilr.ic v?>,a it
iur Jutuiiri
Au ItnlK U|iln|>ltirid
Mon fci/iii#ii oliutigu niiit, uoiorecS, wild
Irom the ciniii. » Bbutt it tut
ego, wan c ; . p.m-eu on T.'iiiroi.ey In Siewu'i.
c.iuniy by tji.e: tl 11 r, o; (.'iiaiiehojcltee
c.unty. H s yen b ou;'H b.olt to Uie ul.t
and yeeVeulej rtettnioi ttlB pitcm nuioo.K
tbe ooui.ity c av.c.B
UeLtrucea tn e. IlmH.l.
Oeorgo 1 I' ,vl>, woo vis leuredny found
gmlty of'.hi mu'.Mtr i.s Artuu • H umn, tv. »
on ye» eiduy soniioou'. to bo uangod by
Judge bbli.tjn In Hutst 1 etroaU iiotir.. We
wore nunbie iu ,co»n -o dato Uiud for .hi
uecnlioa Tnn reoait o.' ii;e Llh.. of D .vle
li j.i»t wt wl was upeoisd, a. d niadiu Uie
heurty fejiprovs of Int pu ; lo. ilia 1 1,
Fjilowlng « '.018 tebult of gi*nie., played
j «ste/d»3:
Kalu prevenlad Hie gHinoe lr. Mew Yorlt,
l'UliBUolpUia, 11 ootlyn ami FUiebnrg;
iiouinvn;. —^yuuvU.s 1, a. Louie b
Chioegc—ChlouKo d. i< i.roi. b
H Louie- at he n « J li.UfSaJ O'lty !)
cure w« e ..veil in qut
ijt s.ot U1JB rued Wi.tiu
UtL'g diu-o.
The tabu
U'vi.'tu iu
whmpeib” i
if 4 id
and leoilvi..
titreegg o
The throagii ouuou an.
ton shipped from r.t..
Ihrongu on; cl. ) atan.
>i j«*i.
ue .t '.gu#: 81, (out-
;.* poin'g paeelng
ih.,1 63.SU hi,tin..
li was ihlpptd ..s, thtt.oa to
Nj« Yurk oi Llveopoot, end woe divided
kb loitoym:
Mobl.eithd (J ri annul -.SJ.l.S
Colnuobui and Kr.uii. r>*,lioa'-i r.63a
CuUuubue gud Weaiorn lalironn fi.Ubl
A tun'i. iof .it i
About tin'll* i
wards who fou
eoatny, 'ba-pio on m.
s.b 'he mtndcxor, nud n
his ttcsuinir. lhe cniii
In Mail, li supiMrler oottt
iiueno V n a. h uiidti
heavy juwu hu» elina iju
Blind of a irum woom ti
iryjfot’ hr d
.M rs Ci.iluen JJ
ail.rilvs'.oil in
on Iter bu.b.iud
lOgn) i ppe.vedaB
i « J.js. been tried
i.iff 111 Booslt.t
ivnei lll'HOLud. A
dfitid from iito
luiy oi me cor.u-
’’e 1 u! the ic.'-
i inch lie h;.e ler
rune o’i uaa v 1 h
yeprs Hoed sccueui
A « ». nvT.u i.i., I) Ah
iii.l'ioilde.j.'j mo l 3.- H.iViuin th mo
duy «od wit p iUs luiougu U .:on Hprlugv, «•, la tiuiOi to giy» the paople oi
this elty anef rduniUiu 11,* :I ■.In road nr,
oppcr.ani y to »<» .he dielngultihul hero
the Mobile and vilinid will run k special
train, leaving ue/e «» 7.15 lo-niorrcw morri"
lug, and re u'l’ i'g yt :o to-morrow ulght.
dtouad trip Huge a will be sold for one fare
nnd no donb' tunny will l.nhondVAUtage of
thleopper nnliy to set vho h«o oftheloet
c n’li iie .h.cign i.
•■■we tail all g.l.lKi.'
Ill'Bl ills 1,1 • in, 01>
nsre master pltcoe.
I'lOfniu on this cccs
and sc tin
oiuirai.y Uj ih-mui
P ensure to vi-ut ‘he I
Will be miipiy rniidd.
ho beitw aw
proved or.
Ed, c'miii?
In ihls uj..ufo.i-ii.
amiss *o i.V.- oar vej
mature dei.voitd oy
Vi , oeo> lit
O'hit li o, uii lo.
Art u a woid tl ihrm lei.eis, L .« -.«.
dim given onv m ipaoliig t>eei>, o*ing t
the hi’B wl’.h wh.'jh the worn can ua g, ,>
pi'id. Art, however, is n invurlte nut,lev,
arid in tin oa y ouo to UicX.f it. iui.Ibo lo
a .eutevs, -is I. wing to the u.voreUy ■ up,u
ion ruier :lng Us .oil r,to . hioi.tilug new
can be Bold «boav it wnlclr lies not le.,
niUundetdijjd ooloie. hi... 1 shall iry t..
•ay no i.t.le niK.n, U .no'. even 'he urn li *
eat oi you win go uwny art lid.d, i). you.
own oi.nd, iiiu' I eih' uiiwu vhu tu.J u.
aim you too, Iu. th » cjunwy tawt is . „
(OuuOi of AU, U we .xcupl 'iiti pu.i K
tohoolB. femsib eohegee, noil
Theta tchoo-f tl unrinog o■ v. ;vua im,.
at the ceud", tut In ineir wisdom ihuy
goneiuily L. y-i
than htii'Si.lVi
These pup.In
gm Bomet
iied arii
tUj 1:111111' d.
an i.ra
e r . for iiur
d'fferthoeolnboui daJ.tli), a» we wiy chn,.
- MiKSr, but H uoH.ei. orl (1 the
poclto ) ill hB in till' sell, o, o. du.-g...
a a
-t-i .•
i tin li
Marrlfid, at the ria deuen
mother, .Mrs I, H fun, i:
Tuuvfdsy hi 8 p in, I’. ( G
hllnnli: i'jn, rtrv Mr .! arms i
ivltand.’nu woreu. lol.ow:
J W 1’Biio. u with it!..a i.
of the bride’s
Auhttrn, Am
J 0 : lo Mlju
lllnlatlcg. X 11
.lollo fou, Au .
eogiige.l oy
..o mgut, tu,
die v, nckrn. ft Mia i
of art. to ut. t,
engaged or itusnuj
J UU leas ahoUl it Ida
ariluiiiv maunBr.
Llaace 1 n'u held.
Tlie cause ..
nudleni'P is tv
llto i
.0 o'*
N U 4oh<)'
Ja.1 Id Uir, o
J H Joi.r,
feTSOi.B, of T
L'udioy Wo"
Miss AlUeon.
h... tl oaet,
Pan. Auburn
i f U ill'll Hpi
I Of.'.' ?
; lr. s: uay
j the two o«
| Messrs W'
Tue In.
its i
, Teun, with
..'t LoViUs
l, AU
I'rol O
.ut urn
r: li
Xue brl.lo was or uud potnensf,
n^d raie ntcoinivis Ih. car emu,
f tci ptiou teudui ou
t he Uonutdi i
The Kcuds 11 . rou
od th« laugh, u.j
MoLej " mil l lnht,
ei ce greeieu Uiata.
lutiny ;. » ohnn.o.1
I A Mill,.
y ii i-lo vi.iihu ologaui
hi nrldal patty,
c iui..'y f . utpufny,
• a..o cciLps..} present-
oomoily "Msrrlod for
Another laige atidl-
“Married foi Money”
la lud of lav gtinhie •llun.tone, walch the
rpectatore lu..y npprtoU..ea. Mr Uaorge
Kendall appeared ub '.he vie liu ofmutrl-
monlHl speenlRtlnn w”h M bs K ;e Ktck-
etls HB his aged, thieviish wife, but who had
ihaehlLkB, If ihe •Itunuou were real, we
cond not Imagine the no‘lug ol the
hnehHhd :c be Aileron' Mr Koadall hold
ing tbe pan tol over N cillt, > the pet ler-
tier o hie whe t: ktap the sue cut of the
poor thing’s sj ea, «<» nitGt ex.ellentiy
acted, Mi Wi !U,m Biuo ur ns ''Bit Itobert
Mollowhey ti e eg.d eui.ot ul a youtuiui
bride, wee iimfyni to a clotty. Ha
ihurcugnly unit.v.ituda the ohlt/aclcr nut
acts wl.h spirit i.nd vigor. Mtse Ca'lle
Unibour hns oh sbhsheit tciielf a. q".lle
a favoilto hue tale is n young
,.y oi Ltrdfiu.e bipeennee, and all-
ihcugb she pii-js isiibu. par e.shalsone of
the brlghte=t cuestts o: tLe ei mpany,
Her t.igsaibk \oiy ,.joyeb.e leuin e of
< aeh petfoi eihko,
Ey epeolut i i.tu<i ;ba oo anticipeotau*
trier uramn,' Boa o. Ice,” vvl’.i b . p.eieu'.ad
again at the niitlcet. '.his ultornoon, To
night the gieat liieh eoiu»dy, -'Btaok
litsiBctdt,’ will he given,
t.u .hoi i
;'.er anc
tic in i,
:. vV. o,
itotr au' hum.
If y ju will lul.l
ni< on art yon
about wL
mi 1,
, till o .
if- a y
the lndlfs who got tvp 'bin e-tertal: Ing ti»
hlbltlon, and bel ev.- me.
Yooa SrnooLY,
Mies Minnie Armstrong, of Taokegee, li
in the city eu icutefor Columbia. Ala, and
wl'i be I te guest of her trlcDd.MIti Nor*
J L Willis, £ q and wife, Miss £mmle
WtlllH •■'.nd Mis? B n lie Crawford, reinmed
from Huvanti rb ra-ierdiy
Mr o C Bu lock reinmed from Baena
Vista yee'.erday
Mr nnd Mrs A Wiuioh leave for
f ai fcfur on Mnln. U nmany, They
Ball rom N
lltilsllrsls to Valoa IsrlsivSisSBy
CoLCMiica, Ga, May 8, 18 8
The Hon JeflerBou Davis will arrlva at
Union Springs from Emaula at 8:11 p m
Sammy, May »'.h, en route to Moutgomery,
For the benefit of thos* who wish to see
him, ihe M A G It It Co will rnu a special
train which will stop for passengers;at. all
stutlous on 11ns of rood.
Train will leave Colnmbns s’ 7:05 a m
V rk Ba'nrday, the 13th, for ! Banday, May 9th. airlvlng at Union
BprlngB at 10 o’e.ock a in. Troy l
.Mr J £ it iper »..d wire, of D:a Mo'nesi | o’ouuck p m, AirlveatC uton aprtcgs2,30
I w# axil iu ;he e;ty, ihe guesiB of Mr ''lam
Ji per.
Mrs Thomas W. 'jldrt.lge, of Filth-dd.
T.Xsg, wbohis been viehing reiai v a lu
the city, ielt for hum* yerterU.iy,
hAf J.N1CH,
iu off day In Ihe Booth"
1 o ,
12 9;, > o i
ritotlp a o' ou
S9 854 OH en,
vjr :a
Kfiurnlr.g ii ave helot BprlngB
Troy at 4:10 p m, arrtvD g at Tro? 6:31 p m
L* ve Uuinn BprlngB for Columl u s 7:15 pill
Arrive at Columbus H't3l p ra.
J Bound nip ticcrie on sale al rs.s
I duued ra'tB from all stations
I Fare rrotn Crdcmbna ,o Un'oc Bpilngs.
I and re nrn 81 59 D K,Vi ihLiAM
W L CL4KK 'Otu i'l-BS Agt
| Blip'.
' -HW
non In Oolnaibas to i jrwaaeifo fkuiiee,
witfoh la an Im-rcaae J There will be » cubed cummuirdca'lon o'
Bacao dale Inir year. Mount Hc-rmou Lodge Isn 3.4 F n AM
tbit (Batui'd .y) evening at 8 o'clock, Woik
In the F (J deg ce
All M. s jiib in gucol smudlag era Invited
to meet with ue.
By order of ihe W M
Jouk C Cook, Secretary.
— Tins baud of tin Kendall company g«va
vemi seleci. us m the Ht fatU feativul
si Blgnt *ftsr lie performauoe Rt the
lira li.iii ii
J ickson H.vtrls, ;tf) negro boy arrested
■ • e ihr.g Uiil.'lt •- lie ff-Bi 11. U^o 11 Wad-
h, was i*.e*BB'.i yestetdns, a no oriaiip.
at ad to ;ir. i-acft o him.
-li la Bald that iha khlgh'.a ofloboroi
. • cl y tulei d in yivs public zpresslon
i ihili tlisfcppro rsl cf iho working of con*
■i s co the Georgia M dl»ud railroad.
- I dine I'-u s Kr G.orgia and East
ur'dn : I's'r weather, mavlonary tem-
luiure, winds guntraliy wesietly. West*
u Fuiilda, Alabama and Tenncsser t
Fair we dher, variable winds, and no de-
cldsd o. t'bge in I>mpsrntnrc.
—I' wr.B .’spurleu l.v,e las' night that S
./ u.:g“ citiilon, p/esldh g lu It iese.1 olrculi |
court ai -J« btd gran e.1 ball toLrml
Ogis.ree, olmigsd wl'.h she murder of Need-
a im SennefleliJ, but owing to ho latetos., j
it he hour we wire unable to ssoenalu I
lie truth ot he report
-Tuerc wll. be two plootos *’-day, The,
KnlgtUs of Labor will plonlo at Fort)
cbidl tod Broad surest Bundry school |
M Willie Bu phut springs. Bulb will be j
Urgo.y Mlttucej, and the factories will,
in owe d wu mat tholr opera Yves may f
■jvend a day In tue woods 1
t.:l5A>yi:tW Si:HR«»LE8.
vh* 'Lrisf ill evill l.tsrs and Come
911*1' linkmow,
vhl -.g
u o,
eu wr
1 l.f.l pi live
ui 1, ol .1
the diapjel ten or uodiilctilca
by huiuiia skit.—as , 11-.m-.a o ut
Y u hiive donot.ibj sotn plclu
wero* opposed to jcuture You h,.va n."u
sia'.uiry lu ttits remt uppvuliiou Y m hiiv.-
otetv pulnl'.hgB v ppv si d lo rti urc. Way ?
Nature is tbt dues, colorist ol U.e b : —or
the hgod—the p*iB .bit or -ht bc.-u 1 a..
Yet, op?os»u i0 na.nro you will see met
dye their a tue ache*, um. tn.' id.,ns blaach
their and paint theli chtikuu hsa.'.
rod fthd 1»hvu tiien ej. s wnlie T .utl'a urt
tho, aad high ait-a way up nenr tho o> es
Now, la tho plcluies lo which I will
draw your special i.itsu‘.lon i:"Light, you
will thet ihe u£..uni: p cl ,.v
nu'es—some cl the Sf.VJ o:s ere B’.tfc . som:
very dcslgU-g and ar'lesi.bui they : re
works of art tbs' arc b.yo. d iilc? r h-.
Charlotte Ccrday 1 :r im,',a:.oe She will h •
seen behind the bars, tu'. mooey c u’dti'
buy ter; Shu :s beyond piles My nucj c
it art
I oru d lec'urlr g in'.his b'ihIi
until the we sin.-.’ hours, but not wau .Ing
to Interfere wi'.b Ip.pc mdlss whsi.ieli
tbe hsblt oi beginning tbttr ec ”.re at mid
nlgbt, 1 wlh conclude oy lajirgthatlf
you’ve liaic*d tcy more about art than
you knew Lsfoit, don t thank me— thank
u.vvirsl ‘litgai. can' z'» in the present
"ibsou.ts uf the ufldrent r-Ulroadfl wlM
t.fce place o-ui jirow The .rains on the
■ outhwes o‘ -l and UOluu bus and Westarn
inn run. us follows:
L « iruin rum Opr k i nrrtveo ut 1165 a
re end leaver at 2-28 p ai ..
( be train iur Mac..a (piossi.gei) leaves st
12 m liiii'.ead oi li;lj a m. anil artlvfj at
2rr5 p tu.
Tut u.ght Irvin for Maoon leaves at 11:45
p in uud iirrivee at 2 4i a m (laily except
L mvo v..i.U:v. Dii'i (paaesagen a 2:8) pm
and ai.iVvj at Co.ucube." 9 41 -■ m,
jlni'u'ar l. Hi j, *sy fre-.g H and accame
mo>« ion, leaves Columbus at 4:53 iius'd
in V .* ». 1,4 p co.
The n gut train for Mo'J.tgomiry Is: ves
a, ,.'..9 p i.i ..v,d arrive') in C, at
il.dJpui. (this ■ riitu it d.-:d:y vXoop.Suc«
.'■a.-) pjfieuager ,imu on too O mnibus
.lud R ,ua« ri tir :nd w.,1 lo vu at 2:33 p xn.
Ji cnib » IIe; 1 r ii uI atie HMruoterx Lust
Tbe direo'ai * of the public 11 >r.tty held
theli rig uai mou bly raseilng i*»'t n.lght.
Tro iiorarj c icim toe was liiBtraaied to
.•rovl.« a idler o x for sui;gesllouH. cow*
p.jii'is, t q '1 ieB, in, hsti the
SjQielii it, post ten iu the li
The Co ambus gee gh’. company offered
iu'ivk.1* o.iv.,U:a oi 'he monthly gas
uiii". H'uicu piop .slUuu was aco ..pici by
..u,i dii'uo pis This techoes the com of
Ig.i in, tiu - b'ary. even wun utl.itt levs'.
iO put Ci^i
T ie idi'iuy ; on.W . e wti, oruei
i,, rap y *b^u r. > ,v .. ,u of new books.
Tuo iibiarign reported that 170 v.iiumis
■vere olrcu.a.iil In April, widen w sanltt-
j ,i o j .. t ihe prevlbit’ tiorir. tf n iirly
ItlHKlI, IkitlVU),
R.v.'Kt:: a.doii.
h P Kiliuii, N vVi Y u l.; I' K Fagi 1 ',
. s Albiiiy, lud; J VV LianfffoHl, W
L Wd, A ant-; J ,o HTi'dvI.Nsslt-
v.m; T J iV, Hi lira ore; JUG ">if-
oiy, Pji.itde'phl ; VV T Thomas, V T ;
V . b Minitio A.-miirosg, Tuik.iyc';
CM K.dpul, Chicago; W X Eroiva,
L uh-.v'.l’t; J VV l’_r.'ioiiN, E M Oiay*
l,.n, O M diiil G K K; J it Khh'U'd q
J no r H irrle, N.'W Y irk; R oh and
N .rriii, J.ii taiorei Alf Wuilhouse, At-
Ittuta; J ,.o vl Hash, Columbus’, In ’; W
J llowll 'g, At.antj; T A Poi'klh'-,
Nashville; GeoD Smith, M toott; W V
Dobbins, Clay ooonty,
J V? Tjrbart, Hooloiy Hill; H OOain-
or.ti, 11 ton; Chat ih Rtsuciie, Cl i<
olniiati; 8 H Gorman, B.tltimoie; A
E iwarilB, ilirrla ootinty; Chsrlo? R
Rr^wn, Newr.ih, Ga; C H Dunlap,
Tro - ; H K Connor, Pensa-ola; R E
t.u x, Monvgouuer;; U C Martin, Ala-
b.tni’-; N tl MoCnlloby, Harris oonna
[•,; h’ D J ".ice, Macofj S G Barlow,!*•;«
Grungr.j J K G trdon, Biinbridg.-; tV
Do woo, Waveriy Hail.
BlurN bi
Thu steamer vVm D E !Is arrived ou
e 'hoduib lime yesterday moruir g
She brought -nte bale ol cotton, con*
signed to Biado iS E’.her»dge, and the
following paegengers; E M W-tlsb, J
H Hendtrson, Chutahoochee j T J B
Wattfe, Mrs M C H til, Eafaula: J J
Hooks, J T Giiee, W F Gdber;, B.ufl'
town; seven ou deck, various She
will leave a; 7.AO : his morning,
For r'ftln
At reasonable prici: two (2f building
lots in a heiltfcy ana moBt d’Rli'ible Iocb
Vlon of the city within one block ortho
street can. and convenient to water ; na goe
For particulars apply :.o
F Kiciofi or
mj2:lm c Bih mbcbo.
JiiBt arrlvid - Bii.rui fhckles ant Bjtuon
Beans nt Jmtice. Agent
sod If
Cheap sitcom! hand safe wanted. Apply
a 1 post', ffl !3 bez 2fc4 my5ecd3t
The Frank H ddjll’e a^-ap, the only soap
tout has ever been mud* In the history of
the world that la adapted for all uses. Bend
ten cents for one cr.kc or cnc dollar for ten
Cheilsni Wrov* Whisky,
Only »old at -ne Litile «r,mpl« Boom
i Piloe per quart Ut cO. ap2t tu Ih st 2w
| Buri't arSen /or Nale,
| Call on Japson A Andrews. ap29 lna
1 Shake.'a Aromatic lMarrhoet Cordial is
i the n oat pleasant and tafest lemedy sold
1 for onrlng all bowel HffeotlonB, Buoh ts
j lllarr'-cea- Dysen ory, Collo, C' o:«r« Mor-
1 buc, ate Traveling men will find U lndls-
' penoable, ae the change of water so ofttn
| u»uses 1 hem snob troubles. Teething
Jren quickly relieved uaa care worn moth
ers given peace and rest by using the gem
c: rvcncdlCH, Bhaker h Aromatlo Dlarrhoe.i
Cordial dll
Sine Tobaccos-Spcxioer’s Calhoun, Sum-
van’s Boat, Bulilvan’f i rat and Esuy, Lucy
Hlnttn, Lctrlllard’s Cllmi.z, Lorlllard’c One
! cut, ohewtng Kobkbt h ilaj.jy",
j srngl dl.y
Prtjtidciice, Stanford House; Telegnsoob
No. gis Office, Carter’s Drug Store.
ilBSft IlfWt,
1 Store House No W, ot west side of Broao
j ntimct, v-.w oBCUpIbd by Jatnee a OargUl
j a dry goods atoie. PcaaesBloc s>vun Octo-
bet l.nt, Apply to
1 ly 18 t« L .urs F Gaksard
Hfoersl W»l«.i! loaanAlrirl
Our Fount is new In full blast and wotn-rc
drawirg Iho bee. B.r'a Wattr In the city,
Also all ibe popular rule era! Wale s of las:
eeiisoo, with neve once dorilnrd to booume
so Boon.
Bo popular the past Ibraa soufauns end at.*
dfirsed tiy all who have tried It.
akoahian cr ‘‘IDBAL”-THE cklkbbatei>
A fuvorlla vrn'er and universelly reorm*
mende l by pbxs'olanB. A speoiflo for cer
tain dlsesMs and par excellence as a ;«ble
water, superior to ApolintrlE for the seme
pvt!'; ossa and a ohi'itper water, O.i dtau.jht
and la pints and quart.”
A new and mosi palatable drink, on loe
Try H
This witisr Uton we., feuewn to neon
words 'no's us.
8AB.3T. Oi,
A tr os' pliasim w - :tr i ac p ridly n fa*
vet;* wit): .brr,(' diiiitrlijg R L t d
We keep our stuck cl*, Perfumery,
Fancy Arllclss nmt To lit LU q ilsllu up ci
cn 1 - Btur dard, 1 t the bout i.n.y hlc will h.-
p.iL.iid lo re vu yon.
GKO A BtlDF Bi, M’g’r
t Great cuvlng I.> using Artoes Coffee in
! om> pon”d i ackcgbs By the bermaUeally
) eeni’ng he p-te of the coffee when rotsted
j tbn strength Is vo alncd sny lens'b oftlms
( Whan cciokci it will pour out otear, Price
' aD: p.iu'iid: for e dollar
! aagl ly Poblkt B Ciianjs
! Ask tor “Time in d, Ticti” snd “Mnst rr
Cljars. They sre tho most popular in the
city, epl4 d eow Un
Choloe Ohio Crsamory Butter ictday at
25 oenlB per pound. Arbuokla s Arlosn Oof*
fee lo self-selling and »lw»j s full weight.
Perfection, .Shield's Eonrbon Whisky, it is
a'.vrsys healthful, alvraj s pure, It may not
produce the hilarious effect some other
Uqnids do, but In modem!Ion you will feei
better nez! morning The price is only one
dollar per quart or four dollara per gallon
at Ckanb’s
UiirejBlL /! lll.SU/JiO •» SMJIPli
Hlcryitia Car .tooomomodaeioH.
COLUMBUS, GA, Jan 23 1833
A Bleeper lo attached to train No 2U be
tween Columbus and Maoon, leaving Oo>
lumbtB evi' r y night at 11;85 o'olook.
Berths can be secured upon appllnstlon
to C W Meyer, ticket feller, Union Depot
or to conductor of train,
W L Clark, Agent,
a A Whixkhhad, Geu'l lYim. Agnut,
* a3tl v(
CIS yewspapert tor Hale,
Those who want old newspapers for put-
ting under oarpets can gat them at thl'
effle* at 60 cents a hundred, sepiWu
Peace ;in Tear mad. and Pride In
Tear Appearance
Wben you have your olotbes made up at
the tailoring department ot A 0 Chanoellor,
who oen suit and at you up to the queen’s
lasts. Prloes very low. 33 per oeut reduc
tion on 75 beautiful patterns to close al
onoe, Cali early and place your orders
▲ oboloe lot of Bauauss lust received
tf Adams a Bowkrs
(SflHUbor’i PniM
on hats will make ihom move 'his week.
Don”, buy un'll you call on him a', 63 „nd
85 B:oad utrest dwtf
rirFSKi'ji fuygs
to SarSHfUiA, Sion ffittiirs atutl Al-
K jur.d trip Ucktiu from Colun: bus to Hs*
vitnnrih to attend the Chatham Artillery
Centennial wlil be on tale from Apill 23tc
to.May 8th, good to return or 10th of Mn;
Inclusive, ai 85 S3
Wat L Clark,
It you Bhflei from weak, or bore lungs use
Piclaci, which quickly ourts all lung and
CllUBt uductlotili. d If
api7 If
TAf, AhmhiiI rguef'ing
Of the Bio< knoiOH’s cf the Colo.mbua
B'.roe 1 Balirowd Campaiy will be held at
ibec.iaoeof the CompaLy la mis cl.y ou
Wedneedfcy, May l'llh, 188', hi 11 o’clock
a rn. L a trcnuBssLEB
arjiSiw bj: o stury,
Slrot* Uncut Blrnw
R’C moving rapidly, Prloes, ai* down, As-
i'ortment the largest
dwlf A C Chancbllor
jirri A l lim MutsRi,
$toa,eos oo* tu.
Our object sir suollma
We shall aenluve in tlms—
To tniike the n«gleet of iiieurauce a crime
An ezonedlngly helnonti erlme I-Mikado.
D F Wii.LCjZ, Agent,
Jani dtf __ _ 71 Broad 81
Lot of lreiih Can Go dr J .is rtcelva.l
tf Adams & B waits
Tkkthisa [Teething Powder») allays I;rl-
taflon, aide Digee'.len, Ungulaies the Bow
els, Curie Eruptions and Soros and makes
Teething Eisy spin 0aw5m
iioda Water : Nadu Water i
Oar Soda Fountain is now in opera
tion and we will eadeavor to draw as
fine .Soda Water as oau be made north
or south. Thousand!) hive drank from
our fountain, and we think none have
ever been displeased. Remember wo
use shaved Ice and all Soda drinkers
know that Soda Water with tho ics
shaved in same ia far mare refreshing
than to have Soda cooled by putting
ioe Inside of fountain. Come one,
oc-me all. We shall be happy to serve
you. Prompt and courteous attention
shown every one,
dtf John P Tubnbr <St Bro. CiUforaia Orangts
if Adams A B.'.wma
Kiriah t Brian! Brlek t
Ooutracitors or.d others wauling Erick
will do well to call cn the undersigned to
(vrices, Now Is the time to build while ma
is rial is cheap. Ais prepared to tarnlflD
Brick lr. any quantity aspired,
W W A Gk,c O Beeby.
Telephone fi». »191y
kr, »r
B W BitUna ro„
No 1208 East Brrad H'.ree , botwooh 12 h
a’ d 13 h, ere pr«p ired to do J tb Wcrk and
taka ConlreotB ou reason,-biti Ie ms, and
scllcll Hi share o' palronvge,
Piomp', ;fBlthfu b work aad suU&faollou
guaranteed In ail oases Try us, my6 3w
SwrtiitStr nnd A leycicej ctethina
will be a , ptoU.iy wnh ns thin teasun
Brices low. Goods un«qn#Rd
dwtf A 0 Chancellor
Cellar* and
Eft-1 A Wilson coliarr, 50o ?• ch, 82 20 pur
drzi-n: Earl A Wlisou ot ff> 353 eooh. 84 00
per if km This will br cur price. Off er
goodc lu proportion. ACC iiancjill b
.4111 ffai ini. ; bjtume
of Cclumbuii lavi'.t. ta a'.lbt.d the grand
pfonlc that b-sglns at A C Ch&uotdlorV, 88
and 85Broad nlree'. to-day. BMreehmects
o.nriist uf ClOiMbg, Huts, Furri'sbitg'.'
TvuikB, etc, Amufstcsivs—low prlrofl
greed bargRins, etc
Stvish Or' **! ft noil r,■; i i. r. t«.
Juat received by JK< bskt Just’ce, AgL
ntySl'.f ^
1:0 Cissrn and Botsa Water
tf /' DAMS it L WKB3
lAoreeai omd .?tutor
We wil have a cur load o: Horses and
Mulee etour Biebiss nex'. S-i unlay, Mfy
8th. Parties lo want of Mn'ee rr Hjrsea
will do well f o wait and fi.raliK our stock
before buying, J M Fleichke a B ,n,
m;f 9 8 9 wit
To White Sulphur Bprli ,s t«z'. Saturday,
Mh) 8 h. Broad Btre*- BUD day fclchool and
sverybody else wishing to go, Foraonly
50 Coute ^__ mj 4 4t
For medlolaal purposes strictly try the
Chestnut Grove, sp21 tutu se 2w
Defective Eroelshl
Parties hnvlng ceteotlve eyes are Invited
to oall and have them examined by tho
Optbalmaioplo test free of charge, and tf
speotaoles nan be of benefit they will be
fitted at moderate price.
J H Bkamhall,
Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician.
New number, 1117 Broad street (west side)
Old number, 108 Broad street (west side)
Oolumbus, Go. feb21 tf
When you visit or leave New York City
via Grand Central Depot sure baggage ex<
presaage and 18 carriage hire,, and stop at
the Grand Union Hotel, opposite said de
91k hundred elegant rooms, fitted up at a
ocflt ol one million dollars, 81 and upward*
per day. European plan. Slrvato s. lies
tacrant supplied with the best. Horse oars
atagst and elevated railroad to all depots
FainlUai can live better for lass money at
bke Grand Union Hotel than at any otke’
r.ret ol»« hpti»Jj^^^”j-^ fylOdly
Soda Water and Ioe Cream.
U Adaas a Eowku
i’enlral Line
Columbus, C4a, April 8. 18S3
I'tNond anev April 8, t88s tii*
{,) u".»e of freight on the Obatlahooeh*! 1
^jHws‘“ d Ap *‘ flChlcola rlvure Wlh b» m
Fl' ur pfl” barrel , „„
Cotton osed meal rs- ton " 4 °
Cn’ttn per bale.... *
O hiir:roi«httii proporiion. L ^
ftftV/i ' V^vixibua ;g Apalaobicoi i
86)0, O'.ber p \‘n-a In proportion.
Steamer Neiad
Will lecve CdumbuB for Apal.ioLlooia
BnlhbfIdge every 'i UE8DAY rnorn rs K
Landing' re ' urulu « vil * Hu'ohtnsSuff
wl.l lc.tveColumbna .or ApalaciffcoiR.y, r „
P rlcay t* 8 ut. g„lug via Bambrldga o'
down and op t'lps, -
Above schudnie will be rut,rive- »tn
permuting, ’ • 0H; '
Shippers will please have their frelrht
boat b.v 8am cn day of leaving J’Ji,
will be received af sr that 1 ouv Kl uo
B 111 reserves the right oi rot. landlnc a
any point wben considered dangerons "
tbe ootnmandsr.
Boa: win not stop at any point not uameu
in list of laniilngs furnished ohtppo'f no
derd ta of Aorll 1,1888
Our responsibility lor freight desses 'it'*
11 has been discharged at a laadt, , wue- i
ao povson Ip ihere to rscilve It
Bey’y ano Tr»ae feblltf
Arrival *nl Departure of ail Trains
at, Coiauibus t arrying Passeng-Ts
In Effect Hay »<i, ia<tn
Mall Train from Gjoeuvllte.,p;
Aooomruudajlon from Gresnvble-. 5 39 pic
Mull train from Maoou„.™. 2 ; ;.i p s .
Accommodation from Mocon_,..„ 2;sbatr
Mali train from Montgomery,h; U 7 o
M <11 iralu from Aviso ta - 8 ; s 4 p X
Mall train from Troy ano .Mom,«y-12:45 p re
Aoooiuuiodatlou from Troy und
Eufaula...,—. U;ii3 n m
Aooom’dat’n Horn Union 8prlugs_Ujt7 p:.
Mall truu lor Green vUln_ 2 : J3 a m
Accommodation lor Green S;5j p i , :
Mall train 1 or Maoun ,1149a w
Aacommodallou for Macon..— 9:00 p m
Mult tralu for Atlanta b:td am
Mall train for Montgomery—-™... 2;2jpu.
Malt trum lor l’roy uud Moatg'y.,, 2:25 p n
Aocd’n lor Troy and Eufmuia™ 4:56 » a
Aaoomnmodt’ lor Union Springs- 3:95 p m
Gold Watches
Gold watehsa
Gold Watuhen
Bllver Ware
bllvor W t,r«
Ai C BohoraberK'ii
Ht.lie;, Columbna,
Goifi Watches
Gold. Watches
Sbver Ware
Bitver Ware
Jewelry Btcre, 105 Bro:
Ga tf
Oome end try the Oid Chestnut Grove at
the Little San pe Room cr‘11 in ill ee2w
W1H»A*U'AA aniS. (eAsA- Ji
IbaSIraad fjoutit ,
Airicrluc .Preston uud Lumpkin
1st mor tguge 7l— 95 @19.
Atlantic a -iriAll r.ff rptt,<J
O'U-uai aor. mtgs 7s .-.-—1,2 fpU8
Colr.mcus aad Rome 1st 6’s, ea-
dorsed 0 R R —— 193 ip 1''
Coltimbns and Western Is- mlge
9e, endorsed by Central B B...I0S>t@ltl4
Ch&rtol’.e, Columbia and Augus
ta 1st mtge. -..-,-...116 (giU7
Charlotte, colurabta and Augu.i«
Ukdmtge U9 @112
Georgia K R —.—.196 wju«
Georgia R R 8r,—*r4 iff ..
Mobile & Given 1 - 2a m.tge euu
C a 196 @1:0
Star tgoiiiftlT S .Tx’faisialBtinrUfi*
je, rad C it £....„ .. . .......198 fc198:3
dcitu ttaorgda ei Afforlds- !•», *u-
dofjsd by RMt’sv of Gaorgia, f
par ernt.,..—...119 C..C0
th Gaoigif.ikF ic.rldn .i.:,7 ”• ' iil‘2 t -i-’
tel •MiVV -
u o @119
105 © T
.. D2 ©115
.. 198 gtlD
.ff'.T ©10t>
...ii2 ©118
... 99 G-bO
... 11-'. ©191
.101 (£103
■; H. 14
V lines...
Atlanta 6s..
Atlanta 7s
AUgusiU .s
augnati. 6a.,,-.,.. .....
Cotctubus 7b
LuGrange 7s ....
U.iOol. da ..... ....
B.’.vaLinah 5s,
Atlanta utul W n*. Fur.
AUanta end West Point 8 p*i; ....
cent Bcrlp 196 @lu
Augusta and of.vurlah T pi t* f” »-•'
Centra) eoin>.> on - *9 4 ‘'
Central is ul gt r.-.m* *<i«r J;iw
CHorg [n, i .l pm ^ v ‘h*
..KttVLWtefciasi; i **rct.uu<*«rftmo0a,l^o t>.*■-
iutdVri, V mrr
Jhhttakooel seNaUuaalieri v -~<s 'J
Mu4* tttooi'orica' iu pr ctia,*»-w t-** 4
€»«orsta lL § •'
Inovelo ym II
Georgia 7s, 1866.,.
Georgia is, 1390...
" IT A f TT
.. 93 ill hf
... 99 tf 'of
., 85 ft 96
-tod «lfu
. 1 «
Knelt A Phentx
Georgia Horn* Ins co
Confederate Coupon Bonds-..
m Tor Bale,'
52 Sbares Eagle and Phonlx
10 tharee Musoogne Factory S-ook
825,000 Goorgla new i% par oem 60 J*" 1
B °81t«; Colnmbnr 5 per cent bonds due
10 shares Merchants »r,d Mocbantcs bar »
stock paying 10 per ctnv for past 10 years
Georgia 7 per cfnt gold Bends due ii*™'
I can net seller 112J4 (
Western 8 K tl mortf.C'ge 8 per
Bonds, due 1699.
Ciiy 01 Columbus 5» bonds ,
See me before you buy or urtl. I V
ways do as well, and oden several.pu
better, than any BUCK MAK
«»*»S Teed,
If yon are lnutested in tbe feeding <
horsos, ccwb or pcultry Ibis conoerns youf
pookst. Hors* Feed composed of Corn.
Barley and Oats; Cow Peed com posed 0
Barley Bran and Oolton Seed meal: Pou,-
Sin? OOBapoeed 01 °°&i^t'SI^a/»*