Newspaper Page Text
m L i #%r !§ "ft illf^ $& !i ;-*V& 4? % '1M : V'\ $• 4r ^ %
wiiiilwS^ % 111| iill§;v^Hii
VI.'L XXVIll-Nn. !
PnsES \S a Mill!,
he Whites a letter in which he
4'oi,I'M Hi'S, liKDUdl A : Sl’N'VW }|n|{\ !Nii. M.\Y •.*. ivr
li.> Irbalter ZeiGnie Km|»l«iy
]{ii t It**r vriiMitlnnul —Tl
< hie amitl — An Attempt to R’rerk h
H»,* ftai»ufile!unr of tin* Hyn.imit
|»i mvercil.
c jHCAOO, III., ay S.—An attempt was
nj! Ii ]list nifcfht to ivreok the outgoing train
i tin 1 Chicago, Builington and Quincy
, i by opening a switch near Fourt yen tli
Mvet'anu removing ihe light therefrom,
i ,• scheme, however, miscarried, for tlio
i ij i was at the time moving ibivAy.
n the eiufiia er discovered that ids i'c-
i.mtive and tender were oil' Ike ’Mils
inline over the ties nf the su iuh. hf im
mediately set the air brakes. -*1 \it nil* the
• .•mi, reversed “i; engine .T.: ! th_* G.,in '
auto a standddi, all except the cn::iK
a I tender being on the lue k. '1 he U.
,s-.( eeded after a half hour’s delay, bo
vet hn.s been found to tne pjrp-..
who pot you on ilu* track of Ghugai'l, and
just where to find him. Just say to that
man his day of reckoning will come soon.
What must he dune to satisfy tic anarch
fats*? Grant every fair demand for labor;
give those poor creatures enough to satisfy
their hunger, and I will guarantee a 411let
period in which all the great corporations
can he put in operation without further
bloodshed; but If not, lam already saeri-
fked, and as a martyr tor tilt- 1
cause. I shall wait just as long ;
as F think it lieoeasnvv for
the public to Pike warning, and then you
deeie.e your own idle. Tliert limsi be lib-!
erty foe the people or death for capital. 1
am n i choosing in. .\ 1 1 u In,munii v.
and then
vn.v 1 :ood
i: v«
•ignl Mrs
Richmond, 1
ist Kpisi op d 1
\'arucis* rmuiuu lain
n> w;ii submitted
tile ot.viMo:i of
Appl nl
Millions ponce. pvt ry measu.*.* «or pi rh a-
i'lgtlu milii.irv dimath *f A m-rica -bould
be W- :i Cflsidt re.d. The military pvsiei:;
snouid be unmoved; the im\v ivhn ntateu
a id the fort incut i nis pm in ii c.’i.dition of
>1 fence.
A ft 1 r a short ilis.mvi in, in which no op-
poshum wa-, inad: , !m* bill wa-'read by
•evii.miji, but iio am; ndim .its \vi ,••■ ntVen^l
and the e m:i::i•< 1 ’•'>** and the bil’. w.i*.
p «ssi d.
n.e 1 e.pd ', H-elit into i V\ lUmittoe
>11 the army .»|n r<.. j j.i;jon hi.l.
. Whi.-icr. Ml V S: .r-ul t<. -tl ik. (>;
!i " 1 ' lap:'. ■> to ;111- i 1\\ of 1 i.gim , r
’“'V-- the V<*.v\ - iff. Vpe ennOiC 1
c;‘ ps did 1. t helicu to tl:,- sopl In
' 1;, ‘ nnt ’> ‘h f: • h .i-e hy hip ii.*ati.*n t-.
st a * 'on w is !'i 1 le- it 1
aid • p.'e ,»i .1 i • 1 e'as*< <,f m.iM'ir
< -laIf. *ii
«l't .id .
ret*-< n>
pro Cta
Tlic Sltuutioii in ( .nriiniail.
CTxciNNATI, Miiy 8.—Outwprclly there is
little apparent change in the strike
c id it ion. The city employes have been
voted ten hours’ pay and eight hours'
work, ami a number of inclivliiual rr.iunt-
fc, turns have made settlemeuls with their
a-cn, but the great mass of strikers remain
idle. There is but little indication of a
strike on the streets. There are no crowds
and business seems to be progressing as
usual. Orderly processions of strikers
have passed through the streets every
day, but very pronounced denuncia
tion of violence, and particularly
socialistic methods, have given
to the public a sense of freedom from riot.
This feeling has not been shared by the
authorities. For several days the tirst
regiment of the Ohio National Guard has
case ofM
amt a run,
Aruie Un
til u
t lie
. Mr r -The petition
. 1.. M. iloluies, Vdoljd,
named ]..ig, r, employes
ieuung. for release on
corpus railed before Judge Kr-gcrs in
t lie circuit court this morning. The state’s
attorney stated that he could not now di
vulge the ch tracter of rbc ev idence he had these people. He was willing that
Lig'er should be released and that Mrs.
Holme r should he admitted to .*d<H or ; i 70!l
bail, although she was probably guilt-- of
pieparingjsoiue of the intiummatory articles
111 the paper. As for Fisher, lie had evi
dence that, he had personally thrown the
dreaded bomb, or was a part}- to
it. This produced a sensation
in court. The judge accordingly admitted
Mrs. Holmes to bail, ordered Tiger’s re
lease and ordered Fisher returned to jail
(h. appeal. That
that v!h provisions of d;.- ,
c.i-. t !us e.i.v : that all allegations v.
,novel., a,..1 that ho submitted a v
.-T.atctuenl of his j urposv to c uy m
ter tVi discipline.
A lively debate ensued during \v
appear, 'i that he had licet, locate., e
bn consent, hut will, -ut charges
his nn.ral character. The gi-oand
wide!) he had been retired was Ins i
cling preacher. The
iicli ,t
ia-en oit duty night and day at it's an,urnv t f J> r h °"A ^ ^
,, +1,.. 1 mail, qAv I*a lifl.vii boea taosc ol news Guitor. Ijii/sr
special policemen have been Ippo -ted^ i S’« 11 ^scenf'in court ^ur'.W
« d safety organizations have helm made I I^T ’ H. e .
... made
all over the city. At the mayor’s request
four regiments of militia have
been ordered here by the governor.
Tne explanation Tor all this
ination was highly sensational and dra
matic. Mrs. Holmes’ counsel was a lady
: lawyer named Miss Kate Kane. Promi
nent among the spectators in the court
room were the wiv es of Parsons, Fielden
time. It is that the police commissioners ; r , ‘ f
have discovered that socialists to the num-| la '
1» r of tiOO are organized and armed with :
effective riiles; that they control here the 1
manufacture of dynamite' bomb's; that |
tlic one used in Chicago was made here. ;
and they have now on hand for use a supply
of these infernal machines. The com- 1
missioners claim that the name of ;
the manufacturer is William Haines,
Covington, Kv. The Seventh regiment
t'hi j .tin t Rail ''cut Four of Their 0„n Purty.
CoiA’MBVs, O., May g.—The republican
members of the Ohio senate convened this
morning at 10 o’clock and without trans-
arrived this afternoon and lue, gone into unting any business, went into a caucus to
cv up in the Hamilton county fair grounds, discuss the proposition to consider the spe-
six miles from the city. Other regiments I cial order, the Hamilton county contest . , . , . , , . . . -.
ar expected at the same camp to-night, cases and seat four republican claimants ; views winen lie ‘'ad just explained.
Tii-. force will have field pieces and nine hv a viva voce vote. Before it was otfi- ! ., A 1 * j. 1 ’ °l Arkansas, said in effect
( .u'.ing guns. Col. Fred >foore,of the First cially ascertained that, there was no quo- r.t Methodism has no Komish hierarcuy
l-c.gimeut, has been placed in command, i rum, the caucus decided to pursue this m its episcopacy; that the bishops were
i course and the members came into ■ I:() ' 1 1 v la a-u inkers ot the conreh; that
turned upon the question, wliethc
preacher wm allowed to ap]iutl when
there had been no Imputation against his
moral character. He had been located be
cause of his refusal to administer baptism
hy immersion, the Methodist chui-en al
lowing candidates for baptism choice of
modes. C. J. Andrews, of Miss., was a
parallel case that came before the general
conference in Nashville in iS57, iu which
an appeal was allowed. After diverse ar
guments and many points of order, tIk
previous question was called arid the up
peal was allowed.
A resolution was adopted that Bishop
McTyerie’s manual ol'discipline be referred
to the committee to determine what au
thority it has in the determination of Un
law ot the church. Bishop MeTytrie ap
peared to be sensitive to the frequent dis
sents from his manual of discipline ex
pressed on the floor of conference. He
took occasion to make a statement as to
the origin and authority of the work al
luded to. The bishop said that the book,
while expressing the views of his colleagues
in tlic bishopric, had no more official au
thority than any other bock.
A motion was made to reconsider the
resolution by which the subject was re
ferred to the committee.
Col. E. W. Cole, of Tennessee, said that
if this motion prevailed lie would offer a
resolution that Bishop McTyerie be re
quested to write an introduction to his
manual, in which he should express the
V' eel, Iv ft..:'
i *n i V.?
"\ , n j'7* , *, 1
111 W Cl i«.
■ ew;
(S llo\V hoi
L*r CV!\t. 7*11!
d m.113.325 in I'.v.u,!.
e at the
j'i'usont tiim 23,(MK*
ifi* s i’i t In
’.'niti'd Rtnti'ft, cun
khUHHi l)* Mii
's, or 12,000.00(1 mure
l piibiit «il
nrs of Europe com-
i -iu.cmbi-s. U a.. May 8, tssij.
The TTitfil Avenue strik.-.
Nkw York, May 8.—The situation in
the Third avenue car strike is practically
uv hanged. The cars arerunningguardea
by police. The strikers arc gathered at
t'icir hall on 87!U street, where the new
executive board is in session. The hoard
has .-omplcted its arrangements for con
tinuing the strike.
A Wrong impression,
vincAGo, May s,—The impression that
ti ■ Moody revival meetings were closed
h . : he effect of the mayor’s proclamation
i-. -•< rung. The meetings were suspended
In Moody himself, and the mayor or police
had no agency in the matter whatever.
j the chamber again at 11 a. nt.
i The journal of each day since
Tuesday was read and declared approved.
Po' ey, of Fayette, moved to take from the
.al.le the report of the republican mem
bers of the senatorial investigating com
mit lee, which was agreed to hy a viva voce and then resolutions submitted hv
the sanu committee were adopted, which
recommended the seating of each republi
can claimant. The resolution was adopted
!■' a unanimous vote and the new senators
came forward and took the oath of office
amid a storm of applause.
Tin liitr.i' at l.exineton.
Ki-nnutdo! t„ Jail.
Chicago, May S.—A special to the Even
ing (■ tirnal from Milwaukee, says nineteen
sis iulists and anarchists, including Paul
to titan, Frank Rirther, Kit Simon and
Gustave drossier, ring leaders, were ar- , ■ ,, , n , ..
rtigned before Judge Malloy this morning quarter ; Boas won, Macola 2d, Mary
on i he charge of riot and conspiracy to kill ri,u-° l 11 ™ 3, » r , T - t r» *
a«i<i murder. Bail in each was fixed at 1 — Eliird race, nine furlongs; Irish fat
and all of the prisoners were n ir.and-
ci!i*ii jail. It is expected the "•rand jury
v*’>*ich meets Mh.v 18th, will indict a large
inntibor of others, i»uluding many well
ho.iwn persons. The number to be indict-
( : s ^tiniated at over 100. Order now pre-
jr» the city, and no more outrages are
Lexington, Ky. May 9.—First race, six
furlongs; The Slasher won, Chance 2d; Bet-
tie Wilson 3d.
Second race, Clay stakes, mile and a
Foxhound 2d, Cheat Fellow 31; time 2
Fourth race, half mile; C. A. Cutler won,
TIecta 2d, Ku-Klux 3d ; time f>2.
they dare not go beyond the laws made by
the general conference; that lie himself
should not lie. governed by the manual
unless the conference resolved that it was
authority in cases considered by it; that if
the book should be declared authoritative
he should certainly be guided by its teach
Dr. i lay good, of Georgia, who was elect
ed to the*bishopric at the last general con
ference. but declined ordination, said he
had never, in all his life, heard that any
one had ever considered the manuel to l>*
an authoritative exposition of the law. ill-
acknowledged its excellence, it was ,, uiul-
tum in parvo,’ibut not *‘erin go braugh."
By permission of the conference the
original resolution was withdrawn, when
that of Cob Cole was considered. After
some debate the whole subject was laid on
the table.
Stock *'u hand \ugnst 31,
Received to-dny
“ previously
shi pped to-day
Stock on linnd
Slock A llu list ill. IKK}. !S2; if
11. lot ill receipt-. 7IMKI; s5upne«
total "hipmeniK TVJ.Ti : sioek it
iliin^ 10'- j*.
Koceipts at Tinted stiit<*v p,
for 1 day, 1012; export* to (Jr
Tinted state- Port.- Pteeipts
exp-its to Grtui IJrilaiu. 'll
The Seroiul Inn
edin.'s •»! tile Southeri
The Memphis Knee-.
Memphis, May 8*—Wcathfr delightful
track good, attendance large. First race
three-quarter mile: Hosier won without
any trouble; Eva K 2d. Dudley Dakes 3d;
time l:18f.
Second race, one and one-eiglit miles,
Ultimatum won; Reooke 2d, Phila Lewis
3d; time 1:58$.
Third race, one and one-sixteentli miles;
Spalding won, Colliding 2d, Hazaraxs Poer
3d; time 1:51.
Extra race, selling purse, seven-eighths
fa mile; Lecory won, Queen Esther 2d,
Kt'irfiM'tl on Hiiil.
Sr, Louis, MayS.—T. G. Hewlett, leader
* deputies who fired on and killed
1 l r.d of the mob in East St. Louis about
mouth ago, and who has been held in
Jm city jail in this city on charges of man-
! ‘Ugiiter and of being a fugitive from jus-
■'''• rnm Illinois, was yesterday allowed to
•raish bail in *6800. ‘ Immediately after o) - a!n Uv; j jt corv won. Ajuev
1 . was nIff.roved Hewlett armed John Alexander 3d; time 1:33.
■ . .‘‘d as a means of defense against ],os Tile handieat' ste-iple chase stake on the
• * dack by sympathizers of the East St. programme did not till, and was replaced
victims and made his way quickly to f,y a handicap steeple chase purse, short.
1 umon depot, where he boarded the , course.
i 5 >r ,! ! H « ^ n . ^ vidian, Miss. Fifth race, handicap steeple chase, short
;•» dejaities will furnish bail next week courb0; Ascali won easily. Aurelear 2d, Pu-
* ii ne released. , ritan 3d. ten lengths off. No time taken.
■ — —»■ This ends the meeting.
•'•tsfs In the Ihial Character of tin Avenifer
an*! a .tiarhr.
t incAoo, III., May S.—The rumored
i>iare last night? of Anarchist Parsons
' 1 d unfounded, but that he is still in
'■ivinity of Chicago and quite as vindic-
;|S «*ver, is shown by the following let-
■'ated Chicago, May Ttli. 7 p. in., and
• '■wd in the Dailv'News this morning:
i * thi Editor of the Daily News : I )»*ar
J want to speak a word through your
’ r ' b> my fellow-workers, just to let
; know that I am still in # the land of
* mg and looking out for *their inter-
; and further, to gi\e a few
to some of the fellows who
-ir** to live on the anarchists
11 may be for their welfare. In the first
1 I utn watching the papers and also
•' moving chaps who give pointers as to
whereabouts, some or whom will make
"I subjects for a coroner’s inquest one of
•*' days, should they persist in their
• ut course.
1 ". f ke public. I desire to say, that the
d »s never as black as you can paint
1 I will in due time turn up. ana an-
lor'myself for anything I may have
,v uo’ie. | have no regrets E.r jai'st eon-
■ r Pledges for the future. Is there
U'»t hi rig but death for the tribes of
1 'Whenever, the public deckle to
1 '"it and justice in dialing with the
Tie* lluti* Kix«Ml—llcuth From Tholora.
! Rome, May 8.—The date for the eleva
tion to the dignity of cardinal of Archbish
ops Rennes, Rheini and Sens, of Baltimore
and Quebec, has been tixed for the 10th of
During the past twenty-four hours fifteen
new cases of cholera and live deaths from
the disease were remuTct in Biindisi. ar.d
four deaths in Veni'ee, with ten new cases.
On •( luma*-.
New York, May 8.--There was an ir
regular hut somewhat firm opening at the
stock exchange to-day. As has been usual
of late, trading was only moderate, except
in Lackawanna, displaying considerable
firmness until 11 o’cloc'c. Business then
becanw Gull and prices slowly yielded until
tlic last hour, when there was considerable
strength displayed throughout the list and
material advances were made, the mark* t
closing strong. Among the usually in
active stocks the Richmond and West
Point was conspicuously weak, showing a
net decline of {. Active stocks generally
showed fractional gains. .Sales 223. ooo
Kiqilist (VimcitiOH.
Montgomeky. A la ., May 8.—The sec* me
day s session of tlit southern Baptist con
vention shows an increased attendance.
This morning a report was adopted prn-
\iding for raising 10,000, lo be expended
in evangelizing the colored race in tit*
south. The discussion of means for better
reaching the colored people .Viis long and
interesting and consumed most ot the
morning session.
An event of the discussion was a speech
by the colored pastor of the colored Bap
tist church in Chattanouga.
In the afternoon session the report on the
sources ol the home mission bo ird was
adopted. It recommends the raising ol
tjf'ofOIJ to carry on and the transfer of the
Sunday school paper Kind Words from
Macon to Atlanta.
A missionary mass meeting for home
missions was held to-night. Many tin . ad
dresses were made.
Distinguished Baptist ministers will oc
cupy most of the puipits to-morrow. Un
Monday the discussion of tne foreign mis
sion report comes up.
Thu Military A*ii*I* im> Wpnipriat : l*ii I'iil I'h-imI
In the IIoiihc.
Washington, May 8.--The house /Kissed
one private pension bill and the bill author
izing the Kansas ( hy, j «*rt Scott and Gulf
railroad company to r.onstrin \ ,t road
iLrough Indian territory, and then went
into a committee of the whole on tne mili
tary academy appropi iation bill.
Wiiet i* r, i.f A 'aban*a, slated that no
coinpaiint had I eeti r•:a<<«• against a -ingl*-
j^rovision of cue bill by ilu* seen■;ary ef
war, ami tlj;U. tlierefore, it might In- sab-ly
assumed that the measure was ad( qiaite in
a.i its appropriations. Kite stun mrrimi by
the bill wn.t r2'.f.',s(j'>, an agaitisl an ajjpro-
priation of f3i< .o21 for 11• < current liseal
year. J mitigii the ( tniiiMy wjis
enjoying a perit.d of nrol * ind p«-siee.
and 1 hough some gent 1* in* i,
11 a night lii.d an
Holicitrir Grimes ami Court Iteporter Tiirnerre-
terned fVom Buemi Vista ye*-trr<l;iy. Gniy the
t'j’iriiii’iil d'icket was taken up. and tin* jail < a-r-
• litposed of. .Judge Allen Fort presided. The
following business was tninsa«*t<*«l;.
Jcfsse Gaines Fa!wards, white, for the inurdei <»l
his wife, Wits ;.r ‘pi tted.
Chns. ifoNev. colored, n ^>innon rhea* ;,mi
swindle. was found not <juil*y.
•lim la verett, colored, rarrying conce;iU<l wea-
|»i c* a
. *ii tl.:
> he
Mary colored, rhnruefl w
ras 11is• haiKe«i m her '*vi **e.*.
Will Trcjidaw «v. i*..!**re«1. for r
•uilfv and j* t-, in. rev
. t he pc:
J lair i
found guilty
T >r tile, and
In Will Tr
ided t
cmcu' .j.l aecordinglv.
le hut will not be heard until Jum
Hoi II. G1 ii J > 1 J.n.
!:. Jt. McDonald, st. Lou s; \V. 1). Uwen. Wj
.-»Hull ; .1 \ Tool MS. Na-hvi::. ; \V. H. Lowe
Atlanta- J-\ If. llarrK E. W f ..n n.-U. (J. M. A r
It. H.: Nut Kaiser New York; W m. .1, l..-wi-
«•••nne.-ticm : .'times .1. Mai. on.. ( Icvchm*!. Ohi.
•h.UK's H. Ik(hieiigo; (. i.. Davis.
Springs : vqii n ( ran land. Griflin: J'. A.t.riei
w. w. Ovenn;.!,. N. .* Yoik : I Un Grant. AilaM:.
F’. C Dun* a it. G,..,rgi* ; K. II Mn Mi. Ma< on ; .
J.. Me(Jriffii.. I.< uisvi’.'e; .1. A. Fa\..j-s Seale.
>|\'R !.\y l!\ S!
i'r.»nds . n the lbte«* 1 mir*.* aiu! I Ikmisiiii.Is oii
Mu ilium*.u.I FI.*1.1 t cry l ittle liil.l. lull l ets
• I’ !*••»■v it. th.* Nii»-|lines} fresli Ur nail I'h*.
tli.s < .hlllthtls the Rest III' \ll.
h.k** the FyoftRKK-SrN, gvMtllc sprin r
ha 1 * rigged lv'-s. lf up in a brand new sail
• *1’ s-iasliim* an 1 v. ti rim It, Mini lays h*.*rs* , ll'
o:”. I*) tjinki Sunday a pleasant day for us
Did whal art* we going to do about it'.'
il .v will this ldi'**.* , »l day. and how are all
*•* Mir -anidays spout ?
W- • !■ * pot propose ;«> dis**us; what is
ri'.vn'. tnd what wrong t*‘ do in the way
**r i;ni.s. ni.-ni mi th«* w; ahh*ith day that D
i :• r that belongs to others than a
•*< ■•ulji*’ newspa j mt. All tire agreed t hat it
is no\ <t.) \ rigid and peopor forev'-rc one
at; tiiii.i
>f.»ttr .
o ntleiid
*'t • duty.
Kelt-(joi n« t pfiori
•hurch. hut that
And a large iiiuu-
! Northern ami l.attern demand cotton bills par:
Savannah off: Hank che-’king on New York
, over the counter ! v premium and on Savannah
, at pur.
< ..Iton.
1 Market to-dn.v dud: inferior 0: ordinary *><•;
1 (food ordinary. (» 7 ..c; low middling-K :? qC; middlitm
hLc: good middling Kb.c.
| To-day. To Date.
By southwestern railroad..' 7 i2.;rjw
By Mobile and Girard railroad.... 3 Iu.hki
By Columbus and western road.. 0 6,Ml
, By Columbus and Rome railroad . 30 10,2^0
i By the river ]j l/i,S»tfk!
1 By wagons ] ‘2t]to!
Totals 52
To-day. To Date
By South western railroad. . . x 52.022
! By Columbus awPVestcrn roiul... 0 0
By the river 0 17.732
Taken by Columbus factories 0 15.505
the chtuvii bolls ring out their
tnorrv chimes < m-li Sahbath morning, men,
w omen and children enn he seen wending
eh**'t f’illy their way to the house of God.
In all iht* churches there are flourishing
Sunday schools. Perhaps the attendance
upon church services, both in the forenoon
and ev« ; ing, is not exceeded anywhere in
the country. The rooms of the Young
Men’s Unristiun Association are always
open- the door stands wide, and young
men are cordially invited to enter, and
many do so. But church services is not all
that brings the populace out.
leads n great number up to Rose Mill on
the street cars, and they have a good time
of it up there. The babies roll around on
the grass, poking their fat legs up toward
heaven, and engage with the birds in the
trees in very deep controversies aboutt kings
bigger folks can’t understand. The nurses,
rigged up in their finest ribbons, fed that
to he oil Rose Hill of a Sunday afternoon
is better than the wildest Sixth ward
revel. Mothers, whose afternoon it is to
nurse, hie away to the hill, as dear pater
familias will certainly hold the little
dumpling while on the street cars. Jntho
streets and along the avenues we can tell
that it is Sunday from a good many things.
Young ladies and gentlemen, a>’ well as
elders and children, throng the thorough
fare, and many young men. give the horses
an opportunity of being “stove up” as
they drive recklessly through the streets.
But with till our short-comings,
wh A11 f: NOT SO \V p ’ K ED
te- the people <>f a great many other cities,
if t hat be any consolation in us. We read
an article in tin New York Herald in
which was enumerated the manner in
which last Sunday was observed. Int’hi-
eugo the theatres \ver<* open, and behind
th«* footlights were stars of greater or
h-sser mag:.:!tide. In Louisville the race
traek drew throng* who applauded the
speed of their favorites. In New Orleans
plonk's on a large scale s< rved fo while the
sunny hours away, while in St. Louis im
mense beer gurdi ns wen like bee-hives.
an< variety show- attracted thousands
wiio were bunt on pwasure. Some of the
details may be inicreGing to Hie readers of
the BNqUTRRr<-SrN. They had
and the saloons are (.pen on Sunday t be
same as any other nay, flu only concession
to tin sa.*r< d character of the lime being
the pulling down of the blinds in tin* front
doors and windows. The bibuiou.-ly in
clined . an as easily enter tin portals of all
drinking plii.-es, fn m tin* gilder) down
town mm palace to the h uh. beer shop
of the outlying districts, o ,
the Lord’s day, as they can during
tl.e remainder of the week. Though ali
alD-mpIs tw get tip Sunday hoist racing
een frowned down by public opin-
I 'hough the only base ball luo of
le in i he city, the champion ieagne
s ill not play .Sunday games, non.* *d'
brm alliances or the law ami order
have hern r.I.J** to squelch 11 •.•
or traffic on the .Sabbath. '1 he Hi, a-
ar»* open .-very Sunday night, and
igh tnere is a preponderance of men,
«draw i lie l.'gg. si Jiotisi s ol any t hurch
<iti\ t King ol th« kind.
< !.**< INNA’I / Is SINFUL,
*1 **v.*r\ body knows it. On nisi. Sunday
. re was .» hug. < mwd at t he Bell* vue
• use. v here a socialist ie picnic was given
h agi
two bi
dan. ing. \\ bi«di w.
to the
* in. nt.
‘■A t hat
g. if, \vi
II P -•
i--M I "'if'
mon. y and takes your choice.” Possibly a
Ihou.-and people were up with the sun last
Sunday morning and on their way to tho
racecourse at Churchill Downs to see tho
Derby horses at trial work. The scenes at
t b< truck were picturesque nnd inspiring.
Ik t We* ti daybr. ak and high noon four
hundred homes were exercised on the
course, and lie* '‘touts’’ who spring peren
nial at Gbttivliill Downs v civ bristling
"itIt .straight tips. At the finish Ban
I'ox.tiie Derby favorite, just back from
UaS'.foniia, nio\cd a mile and a quarter
"’R h his stable companion, Tyrant, and
i".I a horses wen* plainly in fine form for
training. At National park, a similar re
sort in lli** \Ve%i * ml, there wen* two grand
concerts ami IlH.- ’.i burdrcl people ^vero
present. At Ft o’clock in the afternoon and
again ut M in the evening Professor \V. L.
I) ivif'son and hi« hv«»ther ascendid suc-
ce-sfully fo a high point in a hot air bal
loon. Tin re was a flying trapeze .attached
fo flu* monster, and the during uthh tes ao-
enmjdished many aatoumling feats in mid
air. There was a “flying Dutchman’*
for the little ones and an aerial
railway for their grandfathers, to
say nothing of nuiuerous.ot her devices, and
all in all, the people who went to National
Park were well entertained. There are
many other parks and gardens in the city
and they were all well patronized; but tho
banner crowd of the day was that which
went to see the baseball game at Eclipse
Park. The contending clubs tho
Louisvilles and Uincinnutis, of the Ameri
can Association, and eleven thousand peo
ple were present by turnstile count.
between Columbus and these places, mere
ly state facts that go to show we are not n&
wicked as we might be and as a great many
others are. This might be instructive to
those who believe that the world nnd all in
it are going to the bad. There is nut, in
our opinion, a more moral city in the south
t han Columbus.
A Stroll tinonu flu* >Viiri*hoiiNH
Tina IIhu* to Sin AImhiI t'otto
icii nnd Hlmt
i nnd Cora.
Yesterday afternoon an Knquirer-Siw repor-
took a jaunt among the warehousemen for the
purpose of learning the condition of the grow
ing crops, and especially the cotton crop. There
scans to he n alight conflict in the reports in ref
erence to cotton, hut the most general opinion is
that the stands are very poor, though some say
howers will bring the
vo give brief answers to
lo the condition of tho
of interest:
pondent for George P.
Uton crop is backward,
l weuther Some of the
nds are bad on account
iiy of
:'eather and i
cotton up yet. Below
our questions iu referenci
cr.-ps which will he f mu
Mr. Jt. J. Hunter, co*re
Swift A; Son, said: “The t
Ik ing retarded hy the col
plants arc dying. The st
of poor seed, 'i’lit*re is complaint of
seed for rcplnnling. 'Hit* outlook at present is
not vert iLvoiaM.-*. TIk* cm and oat crops are
doing pretty w.*'l.“
Mr. lipping. *>f ihe iirm of Ef »urnoy *V tapping.
id: “Tlw
kind-- of
n t. farn
poor. Wc
\ hi**li ai
Mr. Ethcredgc
of the fir
reports a
Jlc ports
bin they
I planted .i
il weather.
pl'-ughing up the gr
■ are killing tlu
hat the -n i*( ; s *
of Sl id*
i:t thee*
• ,V EtJier-
*tt.)ii crop
eceive.i a mrk i.tjo
iv sonicwliat better
lonth ago rotted on
r. Cotton planted two
ry well, but is needing
planted a m mtb ago
o.ind and replanting.
■ in tlic ground yc^ as
Seed art very scarce
t - of rt plant ing. The
cot!**!!, and the indita-
. ili he poorer t han for
l e last d.i
i n those r
i.f tl.e liri:
•y, who
“'J he
two are
received pre-
iv that where
\ freshet,they
mt is coming
and. A good
d much im-
is very prom-
i.f Hatcher Jb
r. port- of the condition of the cotton
'hi »r uind lien* an more encouraging
n*y were a. few daw. ago. it thought
• seed had roll* d Inn the i»:i-t f«*w day** of
.•tathii mil n:*;i>fire are bnnging l hem
I la licvc .he -tai.ds will h*’ as good as
I don’t th.nk there will l»(- much neres-
r. pi.lining. A good mill yi-'crdny. how-
iiId h;o*e been ..f great bcm.lit.’’
in T. K Bhuu 'iaitl, of the Alabama ware-
iid : M have y.*t to see a man who has a
ind of cotton. The cold nights are onua-
. ..f the plants to <ii<*. I have received a
* r- fb
lud. Tli
ed f
ml they are
eg u:e not
I.’ good. A
* the situflr
il ! tl
at Unit
Tin* tujim
Augusta, May
of the din-etora’o
tanoi.-ga railroad
Mnv 12th, at wl
will be* :nad>.* for .
> hsil tn
am.ual i i t ing
.ig-:ista and (,‘Jiat-
tl. I’ri/. s \ wnl.'.l I. —lloiilironier) th*U
Ii■ >t It nt't In- I'riii.-ipul Uin -.
Tli. < h.iGuui. ('.•ntenui.ii at Savannah closed
« »'• r<lav. and the prizes •.ven* awarded as fol
io the Inter-State drill Montgomerv Greys*
r-». y25«n.»; Montgomery True Bhlcs second,
M i -I.-n Drill Vol-mUer Southron- first, $.500;
I .’.i’iua: p. .'/*•- Dully, of f. .o.-iana Rifles,
•.. - ,f I -. first prize for
w ad