Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, May 11, 1886, Image 6

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i; daily ENgniiEH-srx: coi.nmrs. Georgia. tee,slay morxfxg, may 11. is,sir "WHEREWITHAL SYSTEM.” A Krninrkii'ilc I ,In, nil,nml l.iil Mi-iiiImt. In know that I *411 i• I -.1),*. l'.'frriii "I Hll't I Ml', 1. ■Ill, iiiki’ii I, XV.V*I1:N‘<T<»N. Mu\ 4. 1 In n nlulii ■ I, ir • ■ i i • i i • IV l,, 111 _ „ ss I'll of IVnn^y 1 viiuirt. 1 hem in I’i'• ’i" 1,1 tl'N'ei!’. Ins >n'*n *l hi ; 1,1 bnii-. 11 r ‘ * si i \ t > II lV.eUSlire . ’Vlliell be 11 liilt to unt home the ml Hon of tlie new . ,i'i" „yst, 'in.” t tii niitiiiv "t whirl; is b It b 1 jeetui'e. til,' only hint on t!.<- ; ... {•,,,111,1 n 11:,■ bill I" Iiik in the -lit* nth It where the words ••wherewillml t .wm i" bill] The first si llie.'iee is, hj.ivev, r I. 1,11,nit'll t,| contain •nnple evel, m i >u l >i,ji■ : I i n:e ]mtriot 1-111 .11"! w-;l , . t In*,iiiv m hieh nniiunted d i. 1 * * i,. i he ,|,v\i» mi the mens ire. It-, ) roj..nit., is to , nil, l the foil -V i; « m i - < the better to insure * I*, t;’*''1 Wc II. I I" own* n •<•*. v M:itf important mlopti. 'ii 111 i. 1111 • is. I II IlSllt loll t V-suits of of he Ink lh< ii. Ml III, -1 ’. e h r; teiii]ilnte<l iipin-Mpi-iiition for i he edneiitii mil, now pel),tine, or in mad** or to ho niiii’.r and provided. Mr. O’Ni ilTs bill has born tunn o over to t In- committee, on < dueit ion. and 111• • •( |"*)'t o! that body will be* looked for vvilh irreiit in terest by those who are ciiriou- t*; know what the ‘‘wherewithal system” is and how niueli its “author, designer and owner” ought to be paid f«»r if “eonmien- snrate with the boiiclkionee of the govern Hunt.” QUEER PAPER MONEY. So me liftin' Curiosities of dir Nn1i< Musi Amony the curiosities at the National museum at Washington is the c. ulreti. »n of obsolete* paper money. A writer in the Washington Star de.Meribea nl the most striking of these interesting spvei- liioiis of antique currency, la-ginning with what is known as Shepherd’s money, which is still in use in some.* parts of Alexieo. The money in question consisted nl two bit* of paper about the size of a f)0-eer.t sliinpla.s- ter. The notes are printed on white paper, in black, without any attempt at ornament or any of the usual devil es to baffle counterfeiters. The notes are dated at Haeienda de Sun Mi guel, Ratonilas, and tlie text upon them is in Spanisn. for'Joe ami the other tor 50c. In the. lower« orueris print ed the name Alexander R. Sl»e|dierd, «•! 1 known in this city. A curd near tin: notes informs the curious people who stop to look at them that siu h notesnro ii. yneral eireulatinn in the lkitopila- ti n : ic ig.di- rlmnd .,f the v .-er\o.-:\ and m no- pe»»| ; le Miked about tu an.d v.oimn v v.o 1 i\t.d d I'.>ity-f,rsl s'l—d N< hotiy -(add guess tier age, for tiler*.* pas a a alight sir* ak i:i t he dark tros.vjs whit h 'die could r.early walk upon, the;, being four fea t long, while :du- v.asonl\ fur lee* t hi i ii" n* s iu height. The kindlv lac*- va .s.ui c . mt ^h..i| out a- in line. hui 'i I; id lew of ‘ ue wrinkle- b loiu.*- mg to her great age. Ncm-lim •> people a • dock away heard shrieks and wonicr-d. They didn't kimw hoc. marveRcjs!*• ».-t si- r .i’. •• her .-kir#> o, w him caus* <, htrloery out when simply touched md t"V(ll wln n wash, d Three sisd :s In d grown to tal. and tin lu iking women, while iitiie tfaro- 11». m, .Mrs Louisa Run am, w as man'■ .1. but none of them was unfJtofid t*. her •dsterly trust. Tin y eared tench rlv for the hrigM witted lilt! •, and wh-’n ov.-e a year ago her cries made Imp something * f a nuisance, they moved t*» a less thick] v P i| coated m-igiiPorlie ..! i:i Last Si veui iv-.h i^ir about a year tin* sensitiveness • • - tended t-» tin- nails, w I eh L ar*'iine Las : *t. allowed to he touched. Ljitylv she • a> been somewhat demenlud, md •*:.•; d*eo suddenly yesterday before Or. Frank O. Maiming, \ he fnm'ly physician, cophi be i'.'di'‘d. Coroner mcr took the earn.', there being undonlnedly great m« - u a) r.i- tei\:st in it, and performed an an*.opsy yes terday in the presence of 1 »r. Mu..meg ami I»r. A. t\ Antnes. Reyand the nimn.i.m and linger nails and (••rtaiu orgame ;.ecu- liaritics, l.e found tic: j erfediy forun •! oody of an apparent girl of eli'emi. J he sjiiiic was straight and there was no'mt- ward defoi'initv. At the request -T the family he made no examination iftne brain. preferred by the people then- t<> the paper AfeX tie the Lord, •n pap* ill ut in money issued 1 »y the Afexican lit A very extensive collection of coins and specimens of money ha.s bee.i placed on exhibition in the museum. A curious piece of money is a bit of pasteboard, about, uie size of a'street ear ticket, and marked witn n pencil by the man that issued it. Ttie one exhibited is for do., and was iv-uod by a business house in Meviem Thi- | b«*ard money has been legnli/A-d h state of Tamanlipas. Among the eo.n.s i-4 a V).: hi i i< •• v*iu" l by t lie Mormons at Halt Lake City in 1Mb. This piece was presented to the uiu n um by Mr. Joseph Lihbey, of West Wasliing- tom It is ornamented with a representa tion of a mitre and an eye, and in.- with tlie words : “ITuliness t<» There are also specimens of M<n money issued MS 1-lie .is 1st to. Many of tlie small Mexican e»»;r. are cut in two m the centre, it is tom of tlu pe«»ple in some ('is; M*. xi'Mi. when they want t t<> cut tIn- coins. A P!e. pi» halves, and each uaR’w ni pa.-.s i'm * The eolleciinn is \ cry rich in q« of colonial and continental mom \ There is one bill l'ia’ It) shii.iiug' umh-r the authority of “The u-v-e JVnnsvUania.” i'ht- spelling *♦ i«1 n tin* value of the note, flic '.»i!n under tlu* authority of eougn s- «1 u revolutionary w ir entitled *‘lhu b reei-i\e the amount of tin* hill in milled dollars.” An old iml for r ; . by the Rank of Wash nglnii .T u iMt. is among other ol»l riiies -la. unothe■!• ease is a bond or o.*ti w minds one of the later .dbmpi-. cicring on ihc part v>t* ch.nnpi. ns Irish lviuiblie. It i.-» a l>eud issued V-u-k, January I. is.Vf. for h Kossuth. “payabh en denial Year after the establish nient in tile lii'li i»end« nt Hungarian i(o\i'r'i:n< eurii'iis thitig, showing tiow lha counts were kept or justined for in; turies and down to tve* m Un t -. i Mick disjJayed i?i one of tlu eases, a longstu-k w hich lmsluniih The method of registering 1 practiced by the Ihiglish eouit fe\i from tin time of the N »nnan c until ITNL It is the same system now practiced sometimes by miikin keep account of their credit sales in ing a stick. In the Knglish syst sum paid to tlu* hank *» as marked. sid» of a willow or haze! sU- k. was notched by the cutter of tab inscribed in Roman characters writ* rsof tallies. A small noteli:» pr a pennv, a larger one a shilling, larger one a pound, a still la-ger o pounds and so on. When tie prepared it was split into by chamberlain. It was s;>Iit in that the notehtappeared on One-half of the stick was ■ hank, and the other held by paying the mom v as a iv<n q Called the tally, the other l he • In 1S34, after a new system of, introduced, tin* tally sticks, w cumulated in great nun.hers, in the stoves ot the house Y dry old sticks made an intense lire to the parliai Were completely destroyed. '1 stick at tlu National museum is u Mr. A. M. Frank**, of the British Jt registers the payment ofillno.u a loan of El lu.ixm < paid Xuv. 2s, 1771 i. Itn 1 r.i I tic Win 11 the Unit. i;,n a O ': nation, the wealMde-,: 01: l!.. earth, and uro’.viuv »,.i lie tin»e. eroaki rs onlv k"“w it grow tiiat on the averagv of r ( *, y.. war, or a crop failure, u- a cun or a strike of even tv. ‘Jou. Hie as a few ticks of the m! clock e**!•»ti\'»*lv the eo- ipb-t. the h('ur-ham!. flu- ‘.m-iiK-.s the country is good. The -un long- or m-houM;. «-i s. ure the e peers of every kiim n*’ Jeg’i. inud enh-rpri-c. ilisj, VIJ '•** *n Having experi no. • catarrh unrl ho Fly's yd'eani Balm, ! marked r.seiie-ss ljv v * 1‘gars, olergynieu at l. uis R. Phuliiis. 1 lL>s dvncmil■. t*»rF»i?t piicatiiut is magh as 1 1>i ' peaks of a *J ,-.e at a M’>'tlier Hubbard d.u-s a lsagver that .the Mother Hubb ; r-; set Flown up*m io k,-, p it n, ii »f tlu Yon are allowed a fi\a niil of{Jbrt> days of t he use »f Dr. Dye'- D* lebnueo Th ,!u pier cast t Jut m nt cun of Nervoiw 1 >ebili!v, 1 1 , Y : |,.| ifv md Manlu-od. and all kiibivi *ubi A Is > for many ullur dD*-a->es. t'oinjdel- 1 rated pamphlet, with full information taie licit Ci»'MarV.!!.dL M i./h. It i< >aid that Tim ti«.>hn» -.s i ? naju 1 'is th uu: tier “•’tin w-u-st typo cured ly SMITH’S Hll F RKANS in the do in fr. : i 01 ». i tour trail's, as aiauy who ha\e tri.d ; t ••;•’. poople w ill sutler wi* l\ 1 his terrible ntse..-- w lu n spe. 1 tv relief can sureiy h- found L this sin pie, sai\ and iue.xpensiv** reun iw 2f» a nts. lb»r sah by a!', druggist-* mi and d« fa rs in medicine, or sent an;, win r- on receipt of price in .stamp*. a | »21 er.dwvlin w li nihli :ut s«. t prim ipal o: HO ITS'l mu l'F 1. *rsc K ‘thieves. 8 Rigkr. U An\-’ S 'onnFmmw w ho snails a horse sli u;id hr ex hided :rem good M fietv. evell from tl.e leg;-;.it,. (ialveslon News. Anyick ro, Mid. WdoLowV- SnaTHING l-Ylll'l' should in u-n-l II.1 t lu ll. lieves t he lu t h irlvi nn tie (•) liv • through R t a New York 'Vas.-r girls got* o’ froiu 1 >ain, .uul tIt lit 1 u cl 1 TDI! ’tfLO nr MAQfthl, ILrtDHlVlH! miw? r‘H X«-\\ 'i If ms! rn ('.ii ii-s—.*1 1 is ,M i nuoaco c' i.L, '! V . all I P'ope-'.y of tin Co'ombiis M a * t? ui r 1 n r C o rt q a in Miy. I OS ; 3 3')]*m n 10 a hi f 10 j> in storm 12 night s so a in ] la a m 9 a n. 1 37 h in 9 17am 17.1am 9 50ni.) •i v-.a»p|ofe an*} I i«H,i I':'fipp»<l c 4k(( . , 5’nefoe.v. '£ og <*: ?. > i- w ifh x olirll ' AMIe i l' l)i«» f i iw',1 tVulu- fiu'nofliilu.oclua If4\ s*. *hui rhe t iiy nf CoImhiS.iiv. am MOST PERFECT MA7JE 2 21 a in 10 23 a r,i ‘J 11 a m l‘j l! a m 3 ST am r *2o a in' * 1 •’ an. T :i a in ^'• "hi^w.or ( f ' M1 ’ -vEK C OTNTY. - R*rins .ir*-.! ooiulitions of a certain deed oVtra.* ■ t! - . .: J rr. Br . >• i f* 1 - a,' -. * msn t-. o\ n.e < oluiubus w ; . J i V Pn*;» ^r‘ih fov.'ctnl rcirarl to Iivulth. PXICiT PAKMC1 POWDER CO., CHICAGO. ST. LOVMSr W : V ; l.oy I’.uj'ly. gtlUt ..j 11 n< peisuiiui 1 ureinatb •« eiibe !.* n Vr • Inmnl A i bin • to X -v Y*.rk i •Ivfay ' o. lee-..-.! m Ae.;.giq*e !).*,.,| p, m & up ) _ / v fj tv , (js, \\S\. ! R v h(U /■!;.'fy* >84; in tlu . . '.eve county, (., r . uftict* of tVt/Yvw I'alaee (Tiirw on Train ».{. WMlumf H'h vt i;« w f v! iECLECTED I:NG1MC m *" ch'i.f CONSUL* 1 ''' ATTy vv y'' 4VI | ||g; piMJHi CIIAS. Ti. ( UOMWKLL Maiuger. fieri oral iM-wm-m Agen >i«Hu.a.’y > r»^ww.ui»im'WM*»aiMiiw.a>»iiw<wri^.i l .iu)ff^.':nTni»iiii(ii.iwu«OTgii>wwviH nml a bin ' and frnc inety-twn i. hattuhiM C G* ji— iK I- v People’s Line of Steamers. FAST PASSENGER SCHEDULE OF THE "WTML ID.. ELLIS. vrlv •- 1.C0 ! The Steamer ELLIS wears the horns as the fastest steamer plying the Chattahoochee, Flint and Apalachicola Eivers. ACCOMMODATIONS TlRsT-CLASS IN EACH PARTICULAR. I'hc- J'LLI.S i- now rumiing the fastest schedule ever undertaken on the Chattahoochee i. Apaiuchic'iji rivers:, making two trips a week between Coiumbus ami Apalachicola, and furnish- -1" jjassen^rers fr<.m Savannah, Jacksonville and Pensacola to all points 011 the Chat- cruui'd ,1.1b Clapp, imd raring 1* t. containing sov,:n <7» acres nnu'e or le<s. All of said lands* last de scribed i\ing and being in the county of Musco gee and bale of (ieo"g.a. and, together with said land.-in bee c July,*l una. containing eight : Jnmdied and tliiriy is3u> a< a more or less. I Also, all of the aid Cui unMis Manufacturir.g I C'opipanv’« buildings on said land in Mu*coi r .‘e count}. CL orgia, op*, latei a- a Cotton Racier-, and with Mi of tin imp •ovements in any maim r appendant and anpuilei.r , t tlu to. inclnsiv *. * 1 tlu? card®. qiindDs, loom.-, i.'f.cbinen- u :d *1\. lures f every kind whatsoever contained in s.od tniiidiiig.-: atFo, all ■ nd smgiuar bnj otlit-i im- ]mv.oi^it:*ts - or» all of tin. lards :'.f" v ernenti-iv d an I described: also, the 1 nt'rc v,*atc v rov r.-d an ! con!rolled by said Manuthciuring Company on and in said C''hattahoochec? river, together with all and singubtr the rigb**-- .md franchises ny the snid foltindjus Manufacturing Compaii; r.l Apalachicola river.-. Per March. 27th. 1836, the following schedule will be 1 Tlu of b possessed therein q. river, fog, etc., permitting: Steamer ELLIS leaves Columbus Tuesday at S a m and Saturdays at 7:40 a m for Apalachicola. Leaves Apalachicola Wednesdays at 3 p m and Sundays at :2 m plant of said cotto • f 1344 spindles, 149 ehinery. nil in rk. Vi it I it ii id r.i The .Steamer Ellis will take freight for Wurehouae Landings only, but will take passengers to and from all landings; SCHEDULE OF THE STEAMER MILTON H SMITH, as follows Leave Columbus every .Saturday at 6 a m for Apalachicola viu Bainbrirlge. Let ve Apaluchicola Monday ut 6 p m for Columbus via Rain bridge. ILtssengei - from Savannah and Jacksonville can meet tills boat at Chattahoochee going down Sunday evening and coining up TuesJay evening. Steamer Smith will take freight for all landings, and will take passengers only on up trip. Arrival and Departure of Trains at Chattahoochee, Florida. Savannah. Florida and Western Railroad—Arrives from Savannah and Jacksonville at 4 01pm. Leaves f* i riiivanmih and Jacksonville at 11:10 a m, Fl(/iida Kaiiway and Navigation Company—Arrives from Jacksonville at 4 p m. Leaves for Jackson ville at 11:20 a m. Pen-acoia and Atlantic Railroad—Arrives from Pensacola. Mobile and New Orleans at 11 a m. Leave for PonsaC »hi. Mobile and New Orleans at 4:11 p m. This schedule is subject to change without Teb'ht mid Pas.-onpor Ratos in and afu-r ■' * * .-* * 1 *. A I*, i per harrei . ? local rates of freight and passage to all points on the Chatta- be as follows: day of 'icavy sheeting-, an; to the pound. The operatives’ houses and improvement.s gen erally in excellent, condition, abundant, land.- elevated and location of property unsur passed fop health, convenience anti economical production—free from the burden of municipal taxes paid by nd the other Columbus mill.*?, vet within ihu'e miles of the city of Columbus and three-quarters of a milt* of Columbus and Rome railroad. The water power is the finest in the south, controlling and embracing :be v* hole bed of tin. Chattahoochee river for the distance of about one mile along the lands of said company, said muds extending along its banks upon tlie Georgia and Alabama sides of the rivet. Only a siuii'tl portion of the water j» ever is required and utilized in running the present mil 1 , and the nat ural fall;-, in the liver render but a simple inex pensive do in of logs ant! plank necessary. This nii*gnid».ent water power i.-. t asily controlled, and has a fall of 12' fortv-two and a half' feet within tiiree-qiialter- of a n.iie. With a compara tively nn..! expenditure up >:i a new dam 12o.<»00 one'!:end vd and twmity-l v. thousandi spindles, with looms- in propori ion. c *.u be driven by '.his; waterpower, •-.'apital fci he election of a ldi- tit; nal .ni'.l- and utilizaii'.n f the imn-on.-e power lu.-iv wasted i*- ali that needed to n .ke this prr-jK-rty the site of a prosperous and popu lous :iui mi Tact urine vjPage. The person d *nsjn e- tion of capitalists H invited. Full and s.iti-!;u> torv lielaiN will r*,* funiisli#-d * anplicj'imi. .1. HHuHVs 1 SHOWNi-:. nm\ TAKE IN .TIME T lYLOlYS OHEnOKEE ItEiVlEOY M fiFy iff?* 51 vw'i if; Wm ii‘j iWift tre’g.Us i Ia propoiimn. re from ( olumlms i . Apabcliieola fO 00. Other noi -.1 l.y this line t«.< .Savannah. Jacksonville and .ill p. proportion. Through tie),ads. ii i:ia*»t Florida cheaper than » have their fre ; ght at boat by s a ; of leaving, as none wi’l FOR SALE • point when considered dangerous by the pilot, i the published ii.-i of landings furnished shipper fter it has been discharged at a landing when no person i Kate- -:in.*i»-ct to change without notice. C. IU iVILNS. T. If. MOO HE. Ti|U('Lhilo \\ Milii ■ \'!> 1 0Trl\v lllLlllJlIVill.l i! M.. 1 : 1 .1 Mo Iff You Will B <y Now Without a Doubt. in ;i<b 1 iIiiiii tu their line of hamlsome novelties in this clepart- meiii, they are offering many \ (>{ M. \ N 1) MIIHU.I-: At.'FI) HEN, MONEY TO LOAN. I have ii rev thousand U.lhr- to 1* an noi'ti?agv city proiiohy nl S uvi vent. rQQA ss CHS CAO' o iT. G. F. oiuJ r<i Real Estate Agent, Twelfth S Also w’:o i 1 not selling 01 renting would U ’ •* Of few ta: Pitblisiiers REVIEW, id* Bt oaci\vay, N v. W t ORK I o r\ G no f p, |-"~N ra 4- ! n P<J l~I | I ff i Cl, I G I I Ct 1 U , ID UUii I Oi. i i U i I,