Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, May 12, 1886, Image 4

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T 1TA1I.V ENQUIRER • SUN : COLUMBUS. GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY ]% 18*6. (Tclumks (Ciuju i rruSum. ESTABLISHED IN 1828. 58 YEARS OLD. Daily. Weekly and Sunday. The KNiJl' IHKH-M N is isMu d every day. ex cept Monday. The Weekly is issui d on Monday. The Daily 'including Sunday) is delivered By carriers in the city or mailed, postage free, to snh- pl rihers for 75<*. per month. *2.00 lor three months, for six months, or *7.00 a year. The Sunday is delivered by carrier hoys in the city or mailed to subscribers, postage lYoe. at $1.00 a year. The Weekly is issued on Monday, and is mailed to subscribers, postage free, at Ml. 10 a year. 111! KIltllK.N vrVM>>IA> s JOKK. linn. John >. Win*, nt N'iivj’ni t. i* oderod a splendid me**nt«*i 1 r. and *-eld*>ni «*\t*r 111< »• 1 i fit •> nijyt iiiiu, c.itili y who. talking with a group of his Han* it* W’.i-liinei'di. IIo fro-jiiontiv :"e.» t<- tin* tin!i«»n:i! ea.-itnand iH\\a\ • a fi’o\v*l .W men amtiii ! him listi-tiing t" hi- ra< y ] |‘ What is going on in old Virgiimy, t*h? Well, ithe democrats are not prneticing ballot b *x st it!* ngnow, becuiHe in oli-jem is pending. Some, how they are born ballot box stud'ers. When 1 ran lor governor a county that has 1200 rep M.- ean majority was returned to the expert count* ; • 500 majority lor the demrerats. That is a fair sample of an election in Abe suJth where tin ballot box is a three and an empty form." ib: id • it >i -pin pio’.uuei.t in business. He added; " ihe ra» roads in the north west are nil building addition line* of track this .summer. There will be at i a - 1 o,ooo miles of. ad built in the country. < tracts ure out already for 7<i«>0. So much ranro t huildiug means a general improvement. It tnk* a great den! of iron oud n Treat deal of labor t build 10.000 miles of railroad, and the effect mu* .senator Fair’s plan to get rid of the Apache by exiling them to an Island in the Pacific oce.c is at all events p cliueaquc. It v\ juld give a -or of.St. Helena coloring to tie latter-day hist ,y < the American Indian 1 : if they were con denim ! t see their last camp fires gleaming upon a !■*. continent which they had once powered mp.< IY-'m a, stern t.'.ge they had been \> into the grear waters of the .sunset. Trade TOO LATE TO HOLD! Palace. ^ Chance of a Lifetime—A Golden Opportune ! b :o Del a StylDh Sail at Bottom FLurc C3-. HL T XT OIMIJLS CLOTIKIIEiR,, y Has just received a large stoek -f flrst-eliv.s CLOTHING that was shir nut in v (bout the time of the ireshft. For TUB CASH these and stvlish cooT. • he sold at an extremely low flafure. The lateness of spring is the reason for off r' ndv nt mo \r.w n )mo*‘. Tri entadv •ill he tak f* r tin Daily nt *1 per square of 10 iii first insertion, and 50 cents fo lii-crlimi. and for the Weekly portion. ess fur the fl IV All (vuninunientirtiis intended to promo* private ends or ini crests of corporal ions, mk or individuals will be charged ns advert isem special coutractH made fur advertising b’ voar. Hintuaries will he charged for at cast.. It is to disintegrate somewhat m Virginia on account of local op; on. V ach subsequent liquor men, who have- hitherto wanked for i if it assist • the pr.Jnlvl in ii*tWh-et the sail*- oralic party, the Done and sinew of it wii OF A .ml was- in *iie .*• r think ('fthe opera gi* Mai.- ally ead in None but solid metal cuts used. All communications should be add reived to the proprietor of the KNQi in;:it-SrN. Il (iflieml Gordon accepts* the chal lenge to debate with Major l>n I lici t* will lu i lively time® in the g i ilia? "No. he has more than co r. His popula Bankrupt Stock i .i course the reinibliciouf (lid ..nt eclion, but they received a n.iijo Till: 1’nili‘il Stall's ('"iiirrossnicn lum I11 It ‘ <lisgl|st('<l with 'Iciilin- llutllilln and will begin tn kill time now at 1 nVlcek a. 111. Tin; Sat an mill Times "eand idly believes that tile sentimelit (if tlie state is favor able to Mr. I’neon for govei'nor, and tliat ( ielieral (tnrdoll 11 MS been misled if lie lms been induced to present himself un der the belief that the peoplo demand his return to political life. ilie last cleclii votes all the same. Alahone will yet come te lb front in Virginia politics.” (if course the kitchen statesman i, i tends this ns a joke, though hi- Wash ington hwirere take it in good i a rues i Malinin* was buried by a t liivtv thnu-me • majority in the last state election, and no man knows more iinniistnknhlv h"". hadly he was mashed. The demoeral- elected sixty-t wo out of one liundred house tlelegiites, and twenty-three out . forty senators, Jftliis is not enougli to politically kill Mulioin*, renegades aie hard to kill in Virginia. i 0-0 TO O'heNewY- ’ ~ AND SECURE SOME OF THE SUN BEAM CLOTH a ue, ..'nil" i.llt pall*., e air,nt -if <A I- (inxiaiM l.oi.vN s hook has nopeareil. ami as was reveals all tin lierv and untamed ardor of its author. The partisan spirit ijnite naturally per vades the volume, niul (lie Illinois sen ator does not fail to pay his compliments to some of his puli I ienl opponents. tail; the It is said that speaker Carli-le has lunch dillieulty in seeiiring the consent uf i "iigressinen to serve on special inves tigating einnmittees, lie ha- lum two I'onimittces to appoint, and failing te seen re consent from represeututi\es he will designate them and let them decline to serve if Ihev desire to do so. Why don't they light and get through with it? is the not unnatural iin|iiirv of the reader who, for the past Mx months, lias been tormented with the daily dis patches from southeastern I'.urnpe, each stating that wai between ilrcecc and Turkey is inevitable. Thean-weris that both powers are willing to wound lull afraid to strike, it t- not a ijucstion of might or right, imt of blood and inoiiev. Tine Courier-Jimrnal says hardly ba tin'country Only l'eali/.ed that tiiill loyal fepiildieim. (Tcneral l.oligstri'et. took part ill the recent Jetf. Ibivis (lemon Irations, clad in full confederate uniform, than it is learned that "that ardent repuhlinin, that devoted friend and biographer of t lie late < ienerul i Irani, that stalwart sup- ;■ nter of Blaine and Logan, that gallant veteran 'I the northern army, (’olonel A. Burr, m l’enn-ylvania." w ho was sent soulh to write up the re-urreeteiI leilellioi 1 1>v one in the most violent bloody -Iiirt journals in the north, "appeared in the procession witli a cuincdcinte banner in bis hat, and shouted himself li"ar.-e and wept with the xep'rans,’’ We still insist t hut allot her nice' .n; t.e ealied at A loan v. and that the ton. toni be re-beated and the jim-jani re-i ..imied. t’HK lAMMIIAIhS' 1.1.IT MIS. Yesterday nm.ning we published a TIIK lUAIPl.K AMI ITIKIU MXKtiATKS. In his letter to Major Ikieon, (ienerai tiordoii makes use of tiii.- expression: “Neither of IIS ought to d. -ire to hi eonie the eandidate of the denn 'i ratie (ieorgia for g e, ei'itor exe, jit by of the deinui ratie people of i ieorgia. .' know of but one way of ascertaining in fallibly that will, and that is by tin- democrat ic metnud ot placing vote- in the ballot box.” It is ciinimeniiable in (ienerul (fil'd"'! not tn de-ire the nomination unless meets the approval of tic democratic party, though it is an expo --ion that any eandidate might use with impunity. The charge lias been made that lie has not always oxet'i'i-i'd as much consideration for the whiles of tile people, i’erhllp- he has gained wisdom by experience. At any rate it is no more titan fair to give him credit for honesty in expressing himself. It cannot be ijnestionod that it is in the preliminary meetings that the foundation of a politii.'i 1 campaign can be laid il the people will only take the trouble to at tend them and express their view.-. While t Id- is not iii ide in the naturi of suggestion that in-trueted delegate.- I ■ sent to a state or district convention, it nil inipoi lam step in tile direct ion of an adjustment of dii.e uil'es which not no where delegates: are convention without to the wi-hi- ■ supposed to repre- nirnt wor.M ?• 1 u»v. that tIn* take an i:itrn***t in l!u*su tnallnrs and that they desire to he the iik. Viien they do this, if the\ end to t lie ronven- w ho’ . ; hev o »iinnit t heir •t iii an honest and patriotic e purpose <if placing hefor* 1 spell men as the people will support with their mi lira ire, will he Lfreatlv lessened if decn/RlifUis. The Mrils kiilo-l Ur the pun < are the jay, lark, .- ..5.;. craae, lnuvk nud D.u uiher oilier specieK. An Iowa cu'.lie kruwei ha- dehorned lUj'. tt with no Dau i v.-uiis, and .c-^ard- it a threat e «. onjy. He thinks limt hum*: do .jl.000.u00 da.iia annually in Iowa *il*»ne. Tin-: li<£\\<*r (’.e’liier*: of Indian, v have funne<l * Indiana Protective AssocEvtion. the avowtd a: only (*bject of vrluoli is to opp«jse any lexisMti iuokmg 10 ni^her licence. Thr triumph of British 'iniitary tun been or ahly wou ny Mr*. L.m^r.y .* spring "> !*. red and ^ri v 11 -lu^estn e if obiter *:ilud. UfJCIiS: 1 patented for making ; 1 ; n .i.ied oottun seod. fre<|inuitly ini-e ent to ;l any infoniiiitioii *>f the pciple they sent. Such 11 1111 •lies wild pe tioii and w it !i !rust, will me, spirit, w it li th the pcipl be glad I. 'be troll'"! rani iroin (ten. (."ni. m ;n hire: -se.1 tn Maj.. r Ihiicn. .1. « llieI. in desin ■d that trout 1 ♦ *mim t< 1 <•(»-( ■ nerate u it h lum in se- vunuu (It'li'KUli's 1 in the : -tali' ('(inventinn s.'l.r tod l»V i .Ha t We al.-o |»u i llshed Mlljn r I»ju« »n - 1 ri Idx . ill inch iu * takes till' llivll I'OMtidU that neither the caiuli- ilat(( ■ nor theexc cutiv0 1 »ifiiiinttft * should u ti, K ■itaUe tn . 1:. t ate t«. 1 me I'eiipU •of the Male tlie maul.. 1 111 \s l.i ell eimilt V l It'll*- iniio • shall he eh l »Sf 11. Ue \ erv oVIUT- "U-l> stiwsts tliat th ev 4'xere i-i* tin* lire of selc, tinv d eiea;'ti s in any lu.iuu. r tliat mu, ■ meet w i111 tin cir l.o-t j'ld.LH ueut, am 1 In ■ will ( i nt-r I'll li \ ai»i(U* On- * * ill "f the 11< ■"I'le- a natural in n-.'itu.' tu e the fr it*ip Is of Ic til the eaiiili' lates m iii elide: ivor to llclk. i' 1 •• >1 iti.'iil !•; i|'it:ll out uf thse letters. Tliu trie 111 Is nt 41 < •neral ( ii»ed 1 >11 uill aieuc licit lie "Illy ile, ires a free exni'e --ion of llie 1 M'"|'le in "I'd ler that t the |»i|>11 l:ir u ill uf tl l"'"l'le in: IV he . •xereised i m mak- lllkf i 1 nmninati" 11. If the \ 1 iters nf the Mali wi'iil'l ih'i'i •sit a v "te in tin .■ hall,it 1','X. that end \\, .ill.) ee rtainly he aeiiiui- l'H'l '•il. There call ee itainly I e n.i nh- j.'Ct i' "U t" this. 1 Ui tic l* "tiler h and the iii. 1 ids uf Maj,.r Kite. Ml will nut he aide 1.1 >.' e il in this li ijrlit. It atl'iirds an np|.er- ; tuuit v cf tlu ir j.r, esentine: the h]>|h MH'Itt of | Mai. Bai un as an autocr at. who ih ■sires tn diet! ite and take cniitlt .1 .if l..eal (mlities tu tl if various countu^*. That it has this flav. a - eannot tu* deniei 1. as every county 1 CIS the virrht tn , pini>loy such im t h"ds as suit themselves, and mi one need doubt tllCJ will do so. Heine honors are about easy outlie score of letters, and while that from Maj. Bacon doubtless expresses ideas more in accord with the sentiments of the people, it might just as well lie considered that neither had written a letter, so far as 1'olitival capital i- concerned. :his eom'se should lie adopted. Unless tile eonvi'nl ions which are to assemble for the purpose of making these nomina tions hi eonie together with the spirit, it will only increase any chibar- lassiucn; and ditlii nit;, that might ari-c, when the precautionary measures i on id so easili avert them. But we are not s,. itna'i'diiliais as to think this will lie the ease. We believe that tile people are capable of sending such men to represent them as w ill do so in an honorable way, lienee we feel that if they meet together in a frank, can lid pm! open discussion of their dilleretiees of opinion, and of tlie best men for the places, that the effect will be excellent. In all these nomina tions t |ie*i|iiestion of men willbeofihe smallest conseyucuee, the (|tiestion of! principle and of.apaeity and worthiness being para tin amt. We throw "nt these thoughts from the fact that ‘lie canvass will soon he in pro gress, and tlii- i- a matter w hich should be brought before the people in the premise.-. If they de-ire t" shape the course of then ow n allairs, they should do so at the very start, lest ditheulties and complications may arise which tliev will be unable to oveivome. With cm- i cert of action, and a candid and five I prcssioii, there is much good w hich they can accomplish. Whether they will do 111 is, is a matter for themselves to decide. A HKsiDcsT of Minnesota, who has seen sev eral severe tornailoes, says that their most pecu liar feature is the singular sucking movement, ltuiluings are suekeil up into the clouds entire, amt come down soon in fragments. After the ' great Rochester tornado a farmer twelve miles from the town found an uninjured marble top table ia his Held. Another found a very large sheep that had come from no one knew where, and had been deposited in his yard unhurt. The ' Minnesota man further said tliat he had seen a board into which wheat straws had been driven until they stuck through on trie other side. Also lie saw a plank driven through a big tree, and a piece of pine moulding driven through a small butternut tree. Mr. M. E. Inualls, of Cincinnati, is saying that in his opinion there will soon he a general im- A LITTLE SUFFERER Cleansed, Purified and Beautified by the Citticura Remedies. It affords me pter-u.e to A ,e on lie. report Ihecniv .f our Jink* «tu.kI( iD.i D; y« ur • ym • km1»ikj*. W ie:. * 5 x l.c'.ri* -D- '.t;\ Imnrl in mvc.' uthI -mi 1 e-cy |»»h ira/icu a iurgu boil. '.Vt ^uulia.vd ;i. ait ail tu in./ pur- Hu**.-. About five* raontFs after it :» run- ni.'Uf so iv. Soon otiM.*r sures tom km 1. Hi* then laid two of them on each. ml. ;.ud as his oic «i ofCtune more* and !*iore impure It »(»ok lux* time fur t iium to break out. .1 .vaix* came on d»u chin. Dune '.th the under 'ip. vV.\h was very •.fftnsivu. His head was one solid seal), discharging a great ib. '!Td> .v.o hi*, cm-ui’.ion ll t*enty-twr» months old. when ( undertook the care of him. 11 j.*> mother naviiig died when ne wa» n i'tUv 1.u>rc !bar onu v ar old. of ur n sumption scrofula of course 1. He could waiK a little, but could not ^1 ; -..p If lie tell down, aiu’ - 1 n >t move when in bed, h’l'Eng :io use r»r tiis hands. I immedi ately commenced with the Ftththa Kf.mi’.biks, ;• sing the O ric h.a mihI E'rr. rKA Soap fiv- ly. and when ne had t.iki n one botUe of the ' 1 ti- ct’Ra Keholvrnt his head was conipletelv cured, and he wa* improved in every way. \Vu weru vi r\ muc’i encouraged, and continued the use of the Kemedies l< r a year and a half. One s »rc af ter another healed, a bou> niat’er forming in e k t one of five deep ones just betore pealing, v.diich would linali.v grow h*o>e ami were taken, out; then they would Deal n pidlv. One of tht *e ugly bone formations I preserved. After taking a dozen and a half bottle.- ne was coiujiicu.:\ cured, and is now, aitlie age of six years,a stn n.: and healthy child. The scars on his hands nitvi aiways reimtin ; hi.s hands are strong, though vc nee feared he would never be able to use Uici.i. All that physicians did foi 10m did him 110 good All who saw the child before using the Li til'. ka lih ai-.j'iKs and sue the child now eon.side.r it a wonderful cure. If the above facts aie of any use t*.* you, vou are at nU riv to use them. MR?-. Z. S. DRIfKtS, 612 <Eay Street, Bloomingtcii, I.i. May S>. Ihh5. The child was really in a worse Condition t :. »i. he appeared to his grandmother, who. being -’.iiii him everv day, became accustomed to the dis ease. ‘ MACdiJE HOPFINM. CrricniA Remedik!* are sold everywhere. (Vtiitiia, thegivu skin Cure. ->0 cents; c’cticc- ra Soap, an exqui.-ite "kin Beautifier, 25 cents; Ci'ticura Resolvent, the new Blood Purifier, on. Prepared by the Potter Drco and Cui:m- ical Co.. Boston, Mass. Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases.” m l | jj ING, Scalv, Pimply and Oily SKin I I beautified Dv L'CTicriiA Soap*. BACK ACHF.. WEAKNESS, Cl ine uain*. "xjreuess and l ameness teedilv cured by that new. original, elegant ano infallible antidote to pain ana inflammation, the Cuthtra Anti-Pain Plaster. At Druggists. 25 cents. se wed.vw WARM SPRINGS. .tlrriwi'llirr ifimnly, (hi., Hill lie Opt'iietl lime 1st, fur llie llefcjiiiim uf llnitrilers. With first-class accommodations at reasonable rate- Rv-tuid Trip Limited 'J’ickets 2 25 Apply for circular, giving full information. CHAS. L. DAVIS. my 12 eodlm Propn -tor. 1 \. M1 '*•*’( '1 ised, to shn ti*>ie pru« .mid not Ue , - 1>. 1 * t.ui.l let lei I >-epli Kbi’l” the'kind rid »\v cau-e. if OCNTY. u.ovly niakus aj'i > ;t.i.nin.strati; deceased, i .uni Mdmoi.i* iy‘ tiiiy *have. a !v FONT AIN'S CERE 1 si: »’«> i’ \i s*s (.id: v ? Malaria. 1 I>!S< OVUM options. Kidney WHITE GOODS, Laces and Dress Goods, 'AT- will oH'lt uitpamlltk'd bar- L*;‘ ins iu abn\ e uoods {or j'o-ilivt'iy SixDaysOnly Everything' nfferocl as load ers in these departments. We can assure our patrons lhal this week our aim iu announc ing this sale v iii he nut <>ul\ ;• ilciisiiiit siirpri-'e iu liiem, bul will convince ail that ii is use less to look elsewhere aller once seeing above goods amt low prices of same. We are selling 25c Dress (Joods ill 12k'. We are selling a 42-iiicb In dia Linen al cents. We ciit! show yon a 42-iiich French Para Mull ai JHt. wortli 4D cents. In tact, (here is nut a stoiv mi Cohnnbus Ihiil can show yon the Whit ( Goods we Ceil 1. il is an acknowledged fact, and ii iias been told us time and again by the ladies. Just ask In see our line of Bed Spreads. We have some very lovely de signs amongst them. Do not forget to ask lo see onr Lathes' 2oc MUSE, both in idiors and balbriggan. Another thing worthy of mention is our Table Damask. Napkins and Linens and. Tow els. An inspection of same will convince you that we have llie lowest prices on them. We have received a new line of Parasols, which we will price very low. We have the loveliest line oi Itussiun Afghan Tidies lo be FHind in the city. We have other Bargains in our store, bul we have not the -pace to tell you about them. Polite at I ent ion to all. whether purchaser or not. ill 11' It *iy New. 1 tu!y 1 c. WUfill lo ( Iftlllll 11 y at 7 cents. WOJ 'ill lDc. L;u liti t .diion Collars at 5 Ac dozen. gant SmimuT Silks a ! 40t '. cost G0i Also beautiful Parasols at 2oc. orth Si 00. Ele- to import. Good Bleached Cotton at 4c. All-wool Black Bunting at lor. worth 25c. Beautil'u! Cream White Lace Stripe Lawns at 10c, cannot be duplicated in the city for loc; and many other bargains throughout the slock. JAS. E. CARGILL, Agent,! itn*)5 rl.i.wltn : COLL'Mill’s, CfA., May tuh, 188H. | |N aud after this dale trains will run as fol- M. .il Train No 1 -Going West Daily. Leave Union Depot, Columbus 2 30 p m Leave Broad Street Depot. Columbus ... . 2 ifi p m Arrb o nt Union Springs 5 ;7 i> in Leave Union Springs 6 -16 p m Arrive at Troy 8 :J0 P ni Arrive at Montgomery 7 25 pm Arrive nt Euiaiila 10 50 p m Mail Train No. 2 -Daily. Leave Troy 1 30 a m Arrive at t Tiion Springs (113 a nt Leave Union Springs 6 33 a in Arrive ai Eufauia 10 50 a m Arrive at Columbus 9 41 a m Night Freight ami Accommodation -Daily Ex cept Sunday. Leave Columbus Union Depot. 5 50 p m Leave Columbus Brood Street Depot 6 00 p 111 Arrive a\. Union Springs 9 18 p m Anive at Eui'aula 10 3:5 p m Arrive nt Montgomery 12 20 am Nieht Freight and Accommodation Daily Ex cept Sunday. Leave Mc^nt^omerj* 3 30 p m Arrive at Union Springs 6 10 p m Leave Union Sr»rtngs 7 26 p m Arrive at » obimb 1- H 02 p m Way Freight and Accommodation No. 5 -Daily. LeuA'e Columbus Union I)ei»ot 1 55 a m Lea ve Columbus Broad Street Depot 5 05 ]> m Arrive at Union Springs 8 57 a in Arrive it Eufaula 10 50 a 111 Wav Freight and Accommodation No. 6--Daily. Leave Montgomery 7 f) a m Leuvu Union Springs . . . !moin Arrive at Broad Street Depot, ( oluinbus l 49 p m Arrive at Union Depot, Columbus .. . > 02 p m W. L. CLARK. Sii]>T. 1). E. WILLIAMS. G. T. A. dlf Orklira. Ala.. M;t Kth. 1886. nday, May 9th. 1**81 on this road will be run as follow Arrive Opelika 58 p m \o. ». Leave Opelika 5 05 p m Arrive Columbus 0 31 pm !%’«►. •*. Leave Columbus 7 .50 a m Arrive Opeliku 9 13 a m Arrive Good water 6 02 p m X«. <L Leave Good water ti 00 a m Arrive Opelika 10 16 a m Arrive Columbus 1 09 p in So, 7. Leave Columbus 1 15 p m Arrive Opelika 3 38 p ni No. S. Leave Opelika 113 p m Arrive Columbus 5 5-1 p m The night trains are discontinued for the pres ent. A. FLEW ELLEN, dtf General Manager. ' , J 11 1 ,Petition to Incorporate "Th' I John king - Enquirer-Sun Publishing r*ond I et ui. • puny,” OTATE OF GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY- » to the Honorable Superior Court of 1 County: The petition of John King, G. tiunhy I Jordan, C. E. Hochstrasser, N. P. Banks, A V ; Bu..urite and George P. Swift, Jr., and thew eiutes, respectfully show that they have formed an association and desire a charter to be* granr-d to them as a corporation under section LTf o ' he : Code of Georgia. The object of said corporation is to cstablii'\ ; aim maintain in the city of Columbus a publish- 1 nig company, under the name and style uf ;h.- "Enquirer-Sun Publishing Company;" that th -v ; ju-opose t'- can-y on the business of editing and pil'd,-hing one or more new.-jiapei'S in ; i v of ( olunibus, and to have and carry 011 the V, l > printing business in connection therewith. ..n I 1 also to publish booss, pamphlets and other periodical literature. I The capital tube employed in such business an 1 1 actually paid inis twenty thousand dollars, whh h , is divided into shares of fifty dollars each. Du they desire power and authority to increase liie amount of capital stock by a vote of the -t u k- holdcrs to not exceeding fifty thousand dollar-. The business of such corporation is to he done and its principal office to be located in the city «.t Columbus, iu said county, and they ask to be in* i cornorated for a period ol twenty years. I . That such corporation may be organized at any ' Lme and may elect seven directors to manage the affairs of the corpoi ation, and that -aid (lir-.-i.- tors may elect one of their number Pre.-id 1; . and »;iay .ilso elect a Secretary ami Tv« a>uivi -.vb d may oe tin- -m;,:.* person, and may or may :v.-; . one of the directors, as they may elect, j That said corporation >.knil have the power t ) adj>pt By-laws for their regulation, and may .u* ; (pure by purch.ase or loan any real or person 1 property that may be necessary or desirable o r , their purposes, and may also borrow money .m l issue bonds, notes mortgages to secure th? That tlv re shall he u«» Individual liability up >1 .iny of the stockholders except for any balum. _• that may be due and unpaid on the capit .1 s;. k ! .-iibacribcii f< r Dy them. PEABODY, BRANNON & BATTLE. Pctitioners’ Attorneys. I Georgia. Muscogee Ooumy. -Filed m the Clerk's 1 Office of the Superior Court of said count v an i • recorded in recovt o‘* writs ’84 and ’85, fo': : > r: and 6, this April 13th, 18 3. GEO. Y. POND. apltdifld Clerk S. C. M Co . Ga. Centra! Line of Boats, THE OLD MEL IABB (F of Mail Train will be as follow No. 1 -Going North Daily. Leave Columbus Arrive at Chipley Arrive at Greenville No. 2—Corning South Daily. Leave Greenville Arrive at Chipley Arrive at Columbus No. 3 -Freight and Accommodation 1 Leave Columbus Arrive at Chipley Arrive at Greenville No. 4-Freight and Accommodation . v Leave Greenville Arrive at Chipley Arrive at Columbus CLARK. Gcn’l Mr T. . s. HOWARD. Gen’l TU > 29 p ill 1 57 p in 5 15 p m 7 no a m 8 02 a m 10 11 a m 'forth. 7 00 a m 11 10 a m itlUth. 3 20 p m 1 34 p ill 6 19 p III 1 nager. Coi.uMBt's, Ga.. May 12. ISMJ. N and after May 2 1RS6 : the local rates of freight on the Chattahoochee, Flint and lachicola rivers will be as follows: Flour per barrel 5 cents Cotton Seed Meal per ton 10 cents Cotton per bale 25 ceu:s Other freight in proportion. Passage from Columbus to Apalachicola, Other points in proportion. STEAMER NAIAD Will leave Columbus for Apalachicola via Bu,.i- bridge every TUESDAY morning at 8 o'clock. :e- t urning via Bainbridge. Above schedule will be run, river, etc., permit ting. Shippers-.rill please have their fre'jlit i* b at bv 8 a. m. on day of t-*a\ing, as none will be ceived after that h *ur. Boat reserves the right of not landing at :my point >vben considered dangerous by April 1, il! n*.: stop a idings furni: nsihi'lty r or Dwight ceases after a .1 icon discharged at a landing where no person here to receive it. S.aM’L J, WHITESIDE. Bres t. <B. Wlil J'ESIDE, Sec’y and Treas, fold Dtf ml all similar abluents — NO CUKF.M NO FAY authorized to sell Dr. Any Draggi TAIL’S Medic two-thirds of a bottle, and if you , relief, return the bottle to the Drug authorized to refund the price paid lo C, P, GRAY l CO H ARLiNGTON HOTEL Gainesville, - - Georgia, Under the Management of WINK T.\ YI.OH, - - • I*r«n»rH*tor. FORT HE SEASON OF 1386, lm St. i OCK .Iglllg GEORGIA. All SCOGEE COUNTY. Whereas. Mary E. Hogan, administratr estatt of Orpha Hogan, deceased, makes cation for k*a\ e t«' sell all the real estate bei< to said deceased. These are therefore to cite all persons conue’-eii- ed show cause, if any they have, within tin* time pri scribed by law. why leave to sell said property should not be granted to said applicant. Witness my baud and official signature this May 6tli. 1896. F. M. BROOKS, uiyooawdw Ordinary. Opposite Rankin House, COLUMBUS, - - GEORGIA. Savannah, Ga. Augusta, Ga. I EXPRESS. Telegraph and Post Office. Bar. j Billiards ami Barber Shop all in building. The cuisine will be a marked feature under the present niana^emeni. A spacious arcade, two stories high, gives n magnificent office and halls for summer, which with a broad piazza of two stories on public square, makes The Arlington .1 IMiirlitful Siiinmor Resort. Our splendid Dining Hall will be used for Dancing, and Prof. TI. W. Card’s full Orchestra, of Macon, will supply the music. , 1 my 11 d2tawlm RUMMER LAW LECTURES <nine weekly 1 ^ gin sth Ju!v. 1886; and end 8th Septcm 1 ' Have proved of Signal use 1st, to student- design to pursue theirstudiesat this or other L ScIiLh*1; 2d. **> t!».*--• who propose to rent, pr ' •' iv: and ;sd, t<.* practitioner.- wlio have not li.«i 5 I advantage of systematic instruction. For cir ' lar apply (P. O. University of Vaj to John I Minoi:. Prof. C.y.n and Suit. Law. my9 eod.v-w GEORGIA. MUSCOGEE COUNTY. 1 Win r ?as L nu - F. Waddell having 1 - ; tile guurdi.m.-hip. of :he property ol lerseh; it.* iffi nried will be vt sted ; 1 liar. •l'C-Ulh. Of SOUR' o'Jitr . alter tin* puijoemLon of this e to hi- appointment. • my hand and official sign?Hi'* F. M. BiivJUiyS. GEORGIA. MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Wh»*rc:*.s f Isabel Hogan, guardian for h</r r soil, James Hogan, makes application for L a ■ e to sell all the real estate belonging to her »a.«i ward. These are. therefore., to cite all person- « ; ■- cerned to show cause, if any they have. uitL ii the time prescribed by law. why leave to sell >c.'t real e-tatcshould not pe granted tpsaid *f**p- , f '”* Witness my official signature tlmMio ■>. - niyi oawiw F. M. BR* )OK.*-. Ordinary._ T r.» t r*«E "oT wip'd * cdfi'tonsLfil au..