Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, May 12, 1886, Image 8

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DAILY KXqriREK-SrX: COM 7 M BUS. GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY .MORNING. MAY 12, ISsfi, imm \ in nv.yy \i» kktim mims. Da.-. L. l).ivi* Piopriet . M Daria. Kidney I W.uiu spring For Rheunmt ‘ri'oiitainT Curi. Frc-h Fish Win. Thomas. IIM KAI. NOTH I . ■* The friend* and acquaintance* of Mr. and Mrs. 1). x o.nti aiv requested to attend :he f meral --f latter. from the Church of the Holy Family, this moi milk’ at 9 o'«. look. OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Motif III) Meeting of the bnanl-.f Trii-D llo* M ill ( las,. - More Room N* HI.en „„ if. I < The mot) mhlk scho. • of the I t M il VI. NOTH \ . of M -;»«*x tlulb ml Mis. •»1 to atteiul iiv Tinimcl. di. d The friends and R a. Ware, .Ir., a the Amend of their infant non. II fiem the resilience of Mr. II. o’clock thi- morning lleitfh al M I's. ( allt i. Mrs Mary ( otiti. wife of Mr. D. ‘ lit i home ■ n Rose Hill yeMenla.. morning at 9 <> clo. k after an illness of netirix two >xv.i-. >he >\a-ac insistent meiuhcr of the Catholic church ami a good woman. The griel*-trick«-n husband has the sympathy of many friends in his -ad be reavement. The funeral will take pan ** from the Church of the Holy Family this morirng at 9 o'clock. \ Hesldellce Kuril <••!. The dwelling h.ouse on the plantation of Mrs. (. Me Anile. about six miles from this city in Rnssell county, was destroyed By file Monday n:^ht. It was unoci upied and the origin of the fire unknou n. The loss is estimated at fl.VO \\ith an insurance of $wh» in tin* KochesteMd-r- titmi insurance company, represented bv < <•) .1. J . Ivt-ison. Warm spring-. Thi-healthful summer resort, in Meriwether (oji,it> . xx ill \a leopened fr 11.• • lec-piimi of gi,. st-on the fir-t ol .Dine. Local.-o as ilia, up in th. mountains, it i- . liio-i dxrightfu. plac t<> k, , ( . n d the xxeurv months of -nltry -ummer. The l, nths are . weeding relK-lnng aud health-giv ing. and the \xatoi i- pure and -narkiing. Mr. Cliar’.e-1.. I>avis. the proprietor, spares nothing that add.- to the comfort or plea-ure of his gut—ts. He makes an announcement in our advertising ( Dunns this morning. eeti:»K ol't). trust.- l.e’al last night. The f.fil'-wing n.embers were pre-r nt: 11. F ('.-Milan. piesideut: D im Peabedy. vice president: !. M. 'amith. A. <>. Him knmr. B. II C’n\ uTo/i . < . A. Hedd. N. N. Cur- -. I. 1. Moo., and . . In. Ivi- <. The -uperuitejideiit rope t»d an average at- cndatic-. f Tils white ami 7- " »l«red children the Tin |uestion of enforced nb-emeof children i-'iii the who.fireitn.e up.a .dthe-up.. I'intendc’i* iu-trueted t.mrij ml .ne rules of the h-ard. Ail invitation fimii tin* col.-rexl -ch.-oN loan 'Xhibitn II to-J: igi. t It the OJ... house. gi\ proprietor!* ami salesmen wore out Jug the firemen s procession and took the y. Knm and Calvin mid two or three other negroes wuit on a pleasure trip to Green vii.e on Thursday. They returned Hint afternoon, and that night the two former left for Mu coil. While iu Macon they -pen. mono* freely and had u Dig time, buying new clothes and spreading theiu.-elvt s a-blood with plenty of money will do. No doubt the of P-Oiccman McMichaxi interfered materially with their *rsti\ ( . pr*-grannne since their arreri. fl ft> of the stolen money has been roc vered. Thirty dollar*, nan fi.und on ' ulvin when arrested, and JlfiOwa* found at his boarding in this city. Ten dollars was found el sair/s boarding house. Sam claimed that In* left «5<) in his valise here. The valise was organ, was »»•-.d and found, hot tin u, ney was not in ft. At long the papers ft.uni in In- possession is evidence to show •f. H. W. Hattie for that he hn« stolen about fbob within the past few live ..fabs* in e om- we. i: xxa- refu-ed niomi.-. tm- ol ’he papers .-lew- that he The privilege ol teaching (ieininn t-« a cla.s- p.<id .fmo for a negro hurroom in Macon. An gular -chool Ivan-in one of the o.rum . f ' tber fuiiiish** j etddence of h s having paid $90 i 9 reise money u c pt*d. Al. applir aft the public wlio.iU, until the next mectij.g r.f the hoard, was granted Mr- Nr ah L. Hulsey. \ re-ol .tion wa- passed instructing the presi dent of the and the stipr-rinten lent » n.uke applica. ioi. t« • citnci. for an appr.pri it ion offl.j. ir»I, being t’.o--ame amouni a-ked for la-t \ear, ‘. pay tie fcalnries of te.vhers and inci- dental erpeimr-. A resolution wa« pa->-ed to close the white school-on the .:4th ol dune, ami the colored school- '»n the ■/..‘all of .June. A committ'-c was appointed, r .ni-isting . t f. A. Redd. 1 I. Moses, A it. Hluckmar ami thy-uper- inteiirlent. Prof. Mootc. to arrange the cdo-ing exercise!* of the school?. It ’•• ill be observed that the b« ard ha- a-ked c.I'liicil for an appropriation only sufficient t«- pax ill*, salaries . t tear hews and incidental e.\- pensef-. Last year they a-ked c .tincil for an np- piopnat.on *' ado two or four rooms to the white -eh. 1- which was refused. At that time they considered that additional room xva- abs'-lutelx only '.‘le a in i .f 15 for a wagon Messrs, •miner n'e that they have minset 1 only but worked for the jii lie no doubt utme ore than that amount. Jluclaim* to have : the money xvith which he bought’the i and tlie and wagon, but as he got SO a week his st ay is not very plausible. RAILROAD CURVES ARE USEFUL. Yon may live tiii the yelh.w deg fades from history." - aid a conductor the other night as the i l-.uiuined along, "but you'll never see a f-tva’uht railroad down a -deep hill." The curious passenger with the wart on his I:.,--- r illed up hi- eyes in astonishment. "My dear fell aw." he exc.aimed, staring at the con- .1 i.-.or, "I do no*, understand what t- to prevent a train Doiii running stiaight down-hill." • j us: t r. is. "coin inuecl.t be conduct. »r:“curves «tre ncc..‘-*vry on a very heavy grade. Passengers are * i.mes s' ruck with the great number j f curves ..ti t o- lead while it is up* among the bills. They imagine ne curves are nu-iely necessary because t'-»* road winds around the h’lK This is -lily j iit.y true. If the rai-roa.i wet.- t*. cross diiectly ji■ heavy grade it would sti!! be neces-.ary to have t; >• cutNo train can go at a h gh rate of sp».ed i*. •wn a heavy grade ou a straight track - d v y. The evi-ianati. n i- simple. The t- ndeiv" of uny heavy iicaly like a train is to n*». e i. a -traight line, and the attraction »' gravdatioji i- not sufficient to overcome the ten- -h i off where great speed or momen- t. i.u r:* been obtained. Hence, n train fiving d- wn f striiglit track on the hillside, instead of ke*. j• • i . the track would shoot eft'on a tungent aratoga and Tate Springs Mineral Waters at Adams & Bowers'. fiof \l. I.u IIM'\ "TD . curve-,." continued the wise man in the b;i.e uniform, 'hs one of the greatest safeguards Yesterday w-a.-: the warmest day of the sea- it. mountain engineering. This is particularly son. i...ticc*Able in the case of n freight track. It very - Indications for Georgia.Florida and AidhAiun; fr -I’nntly happens that an engine, drawing a I’.air weoillwinds generally southerly and ' : .y height train, cannot stick close enough to nearly stationary temp, rat ure. 1 tli- ^rnck w hen going down a heavy grade to con- - Mr. J. T. Pearce'-In,r.-e created considerable tr.-i '..e; speed. An engine going down hill is i vehement ev running iw.iy on Broad -treet moi .* helpless than the same engine going u-terday morning. .n» it T hat i-. she can ca.i juill a greater weight -The work ofgrading tho fir-t four niil.-« ofthe the ill than she can held back in going | c-'Vgia Muft.aiid. begmivng at this city, will b..- <bn the hill. It >p n very common experience c-omiuenccd bi u very f». w (lay-. v. nn . i.-git.eers of freight engines to have tlieir ---The farmer* are bring dug i.u better reports of naiii- literally push them down heavy tlier iscau-ung it gra.’.es at a high rate of speed. In such instances macssnry for the good of the-ohonls. Their ex- the cotton crop. The p.-rh-nce ami ob-er*iiti>.ii during the pre.unt t*» come up iu many places xxhere the seed xva- v.-ar has shown that the inert,u>e makes addi- thought to have rotted. tuna’, room indisp. n-ahle. T.»..h. iatt-• he difh* - A nyone leuving the city for the summer can calty the hoard has been disciis-ing the expedi- have the DaiU.y Knqcuree-Stn -cut to their ml- cncv in a ntmiher of the rooms of t»-acliing txvo dre-s p.,sipaid fur seventy-tive cents per month, set« cf .-liildrcn each day .nu‘ -et in tne* morn- The addre«.-can he changed once a xveek if neecs- l li. Profrn-tc.l .McHinv. D.g and another m the afternooi). Thi- would, sury. The intcre-t evimc.l in the pn tta. :e-l meeting however. m ■-.•--itute the employment *•! The eighteen-montlis-ol.l child of Mr. and nt.-Proud Mrcet Methodist church i« increasing, additional tejich.-r« It will he s. en that the col- Mr-. Hyde died yesterday at their hi The congregation last night was about twice its <»).*d schools arc better provided for them than fiirard. They have the sympathy of many friends ten large a-the night prexlou-. Rev. Walker Ja-xvis the xvh’.te. and while they have one more room in their sore aflllction. Tney have several get preach.d a vary impressive -ennon, and great . and .me teacher more, yet al) the room? are full children xvithin the past few years, interest was manifested. There will be a prayer and there are no more than i- necessary. It i- —The material for the erection of an el eg ant service this, morning at s o'clock. It xvtll be hoped before another year paste? that provision residence on the old College corner for Mr. Harry conducted by the pastor, Rev. \V. A. Huekabee. will be made for giving . very child in the city. Hall and Miss Sailie Hall is being placed on the •ry curve is so much salvation at the right ie. Tlit. curve retards the speed and enables - wheel- of the fixing train to get a firmer ’pur- «-e' on the track. Hail road in g in the hills would very dangerous were it not for ihe curves •.r.kied along at frequent intervals. .-o./.e railroads it is the custom to discon- ‘he lever iioni the driving rods xvlien a pas- iger ti'ii : :i is descending a heavy grade that ex- cvi;. miles. The train iN managed her nil-brake--. Every curve acts as a brake on the speed, and in this way the train can sxviiig along for hours without attaining a too rejkles*, speed, with the aid of the air brake*.'’ Ju.*t then the train xvent around a curve and tf For Rheumatism, Malaria, Obstinate Ulcer's. Lolls, .Syphilitic Diseases. Scrofula and all Kid ney aud Liver Disorders, use Fontain's Great Discovery. Sold by nil diuggists. Mix.v H’»«u He .nil*1* nciiHirahlp Ah the month of minimum prices at Chancel lor’s, and to this end he has marked at lowest prices f20.000 worth of Clothing. Hats and Fur nishings. It will pay the public to come from all sections and trade with Chancellor. Suits worth •$20 reduced to $12. Earl & Wilson Collars 20 cents each; Cuffu .35 cents. Everything is sold at a sacrifice to close at once. Chancellor is enjoying a fine trade. His prices are right; they suit the peop.e. dcVwtf •luvf R.'l'civ«m!. Fresh lot of Fish. .Spanish Mackerel, small snapper-, Black Irish, sheepheart amt Perch. Wm. Thomas. nm.tfi um i hh rls. <H1 < ..>i. Our object all sublime We shell achieve in time— To make the neglect ol’insurance a crime, An exceeding heinous crime!—Mikado. D. K. Wii.Lcox. Agent, jal-dtf 71 Broad. .Street. Don't trifle xvith Sore Throat or Bad Cold or Cough when a remedy as sure, prompt and thorough as Fontaiu Lure is. Sold by all drug gists. Lot of fresh Can Goods just received. tf Adams & Bowers. Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions of the Skin, indi cate that you need a few doses of Fontain’s Great Discovery. Fur sale by all druggists. Teetiiina 'Teething Poxvdersi allays Irritation, aids,Digestion, Regulates the Buxvels,Cures Erup tions and sores and makes Teething Easy. api'j-d A:\v5m Stockholder*’ Meeting. The annual meeting of the shareholders of the Georgia Midland and Gulf railroad company will be held at their office. Pioneer Buildings, 11 a, m., Thursday, May 20. C. L. Davis, myd-dtd Treasurer. SotKu Mater! Soriu Muter! Our Soda Fountain is now in operation nud w* wii. endeavor to draw as Hue Soda Water as ci bo made north or south. Thousands have drank from our fountain, and we think none have ev been displeased. Remember we use shaved and nil Soda drinkers know that Soda Water ! t f >e lee shaved In same is far more refresh ins than to have Soda cooled by putting ice |„! side fountain. Come one. come all. We shall be happy to serve you. Prompt and courteous at. tention shown every one. ' cUf _ John P. Tuns-hr & buo. .'ITT IHU p S'l nlti:. Mlnci-nl Water' Holla Mater 1 Our Fount is now in full blast, and we arc drawing the best Soda Water in the city. Also, al! the popular Mineral Waters cf last season with new ones destined to become so soon. ’ KENTUCKY BLUE LICK WATER, So popular the past three seasons and endorsed by all who have tried it. ARCADIAN OR “IDEAL”—THE CELEBRATED WAU KESHA WATER. A favorite water and universally recommended by physicians. A specific for certain diseases and par excellence as a table water; superior to Apolinaris for the same purposes and a cheaper water. On draught and in pints and quarts. ARCADIAN OINCIER ALE, A new and most palatable drink, on ice. Try it. DEEP ROCK. This water is too well known to need words 1 from us. SARATOGA. A most pleasant water and already a favorite , with those desiring a mild water. | We keep our stock of Drugs, Perfumery, Fancy Articles and Toilet Requisites up to our stand- ard. i. e., the best only, aud will be serve you. CITY DRUG STORE, I Geo. A. Bradford, : R about 7,30 tend these •lock. Everybody is in •.‘tings. t of ii Form* •r < ohniibii-lti’. » The Washington correRpoiniem of the Louis ville < <>urii'r-,l'»iininl says ; “Mis- Jennie, daugh ter «»f Hon. George H Pfeu lleton, is in Washing ton visiting friend*. Her engagement t<» Mr. Arthur T. Brice has been announced. Mr. Brice is a grandson of the late John Forsyth, of Geor gia. For several years he has been Mr. t’nrco- ran’s private secret a rv. Mrs. and NLss IVinlle- tc.ii arrived in New York from Berlin t mouth ago. Mrs. Pendleton has been suffering xvith rheuma tism. caused by the damp climate of Berlin. Base Hall Brief*. Dittsburg-Pittsburgh 9. Cincinnati 7. (Tiicago—Chii Ago* 1, Bustuiis 5. Lotiisx ilk* — IjOtUsvilles t. St. T runs 0. llrr>ol:lyn—Bvookiyn- DC Athletiea l. Chnttiinoogrt—niuttan.’ofKis 4. « M idriest..u Detroit Detroits 10, New York - o. Atlanta - Atluntas 4, Suvaunuhs 19. Nashx ille—Nashxfillcs f», Augustas 2. Memphis—Memphis 0, Mn.?on <1. Th.- Fir-t Annual I'lrnir of I.'Allegro (ierman Mill. « liollghtful Affair. the curious. p-.tisengGr was thrown to one side cf I be seat. Its a wonder to me." he gasped, ’that these measly express trains don’t fly otf the track in going around these heavy curves." ••Weil, sir." sr.icl the cniductor. ‘Tve been t ling for . ear.-, and I vet knew or heard i' a train jumping the Walker Lewi- will preach again Ur-night who desires it, a public school »• location. The greund. board fully com prebends the xvatits aud require- The children of the colored public school- ment- «>f the public scliools of the city, but are will give an entertainment at the opera house To ft *werkss to supply them with. ml the c.»-opera- irght. Seat- will be reserved for the white pc> tion of council. pk xxho uiuy desire to uiieml. -Callie Fcrgn-on. colored, was arrested venter* A DAY IN THE WOODS. • layby Kail ill’ Abney. She is charged xvith as- rah sank and battery by Caroline Aldeman. She nev will have a preliminary trial to-morrow after- track on a curve. There isn't the .slightest d<ui- it'Miit before Justice Wynne. The members <>f "L’Allogro german club had Kate .Simmons, the negro woman who fs tlieir first, annual picnic yesterday near Clapp’s charged with stealing clothing from the house of factory. A large platform had been erected in Mr. Frank Watt, waived a preliminary trial yes- the beautiful grove near the spring. There is no terdny and was sept to jail. more romantic spot anywhere, and it xvas a most —At the meeting of tha stockholders of the appropriate place f«»i the joyou* occasion. The Georgia Midland and Gulf railway, called for the pla -e lias been the sc ene of many a picnic, but a 24th of this month, there will be an annual elec- Folloxxfing is the result of games played yester- happier one was never given there than that of tion of directors and other important business adaysV" was asked of a well known photog* ,m yesterday. The Italian string band had been will be transacted. It is hoped that every sub- raplier. engaged, and to its sxveet strains the merry ser ber to the stock will be present. e tuples held their first german m the woods. | — — r Let June lirlu^ it* Fruits to You. With its proverbial •certainty, the Tfllst Grand Monthly drawing oftlie world-reuoxvned Louisi ana Mate Lottery came off at noon, on Tuesday, April i :th. at New Orleans, La., superintend ed Dy General- G. T. Beauregard, of Louisiana, and JiiDal \. Iriir’x. of Virginia, the Commission ers ofticiaby selected. The result is briefly chron icle- thus • Ticket N2o.itI .soli in fifths a: one .bu’ar eac’t. dr- xv the Fir-t Capital Prize ri'?7N W <m.*-ilft h xv.i.«-h . Id y Theodore Lentz, a kr.-ixxn lvstnufini keeper, No. S William:*’C.-urt. :iu- cat. lvr for the M erman House, Boston, Mas*,., and paid :<>hnn by ( .\qm -s: an.itD...r fifth \-a- ft* Id Dv K. I Bacon, a well-known citizen •»!’ Port I i»i d. M. . f. r a -nmllsyudK a’.x r’rD. -f/iend ; .■ was -..Id t- Emot Ant.-, a l.-rominent en graver of >• . Bar* nne f.roet. and Thos. M - Million, wmcer at corner of Baroniie and F- lirity -Meets- nn.--.Iher D •• Tohn Paste, a sah-on-ia'ei-er Glad tidings. Relief and cure of Throat and Lung Diseases. Foncaiu'b Cuie is guaranteed to cure a cold in twelve hours. Sold by all drug- gi-ws. KHck! Kricli! Brick ! Contractors and others wanting Brick xxi.ll do well to call on the undersigned for prices. Now is the time to build, while material is cheap. Are prepared to furmtn Bnck iu any quantity de- niied. V>’. \V. A t.iflo. O. Berhv.. Telephone $y. jeliMy Nl’.'IV I’lllAI. I’arlor f .mDucnn-. A very interesting parlor cmfcii--iKe was held fit the ri'siiiencc of Mr A. M. Prauir-n la-t right. 1 he object of the conference wit- for si vein I gen tlemen .if this city and Atlanta t.> discu— tlu s.icial, nitira! and spiritualconditi-m of mir young men, and to also discuss the proper means t*• he duplexed in improving it. Mr Willi tins, state sei iet.iry of the V. M. C. A . *•p»v-cnt. ai d conducted xvhal was more iu th,* nature <>l nn informal and general talk than a regular meet ing. Several of the gentlemen pre-eiil made VetT interesting talks upon the subject of out young men. their habits and the means of lend, ing them into higher channels. Another conference wiD he heal t! the resi din'. ol Col. Gc». ft. Sxxift tni- < vening at s :.'" c-'chick, audit is hopt'l t hat the atlen.i.»nce xxill be large. Mrs. M tJ. French. Mis.William Redd. Mrs. BT Hah heraAd Mrs H. H. Epping chaperoned the aft'a-r. The mnrrieo couples present were Mr. and Mr-. I). A Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Wooditiff and Mr. ami Mrs. H !{ a., ;. bin-. The following an the members and On r lady friend- who xveiv tin. partietpa tt-: William lltittolph. Bartow Elieriiarf, A. A 'A’iilc ix. Ii. B. WooiNdk. Hart Jos. ph. Arthur Ai-irdoca, .V. n. Ma-on. treorge Ridil'.e. Waft.d Curtij*, Tim mi 1- i‘inn,' Price Gilbert. .Sam I reach, ,'ohn !*.*:» In »fty. jr.. ft. It Patterson. I. W Feld. ft. springer, Andrew Gran fil’d, •l.-p Turn r. F ft. Freeman. Se.-t' E-’e-. .xrtii tr TJa’- '1..G II. Yx ludrulV. i. D. Free! and Jno -xx ft. Misses Mary Lou Mott s\eda G'Bri. n, l.,tcy Mil Annie la id. Ann •* Kvle lit Jo-eph. Kll’x M ovtis. Juliet Htid- .n. Siam.-' !Di m.-i I. -., .,:e M.imi- l'eab »dy. Bottle l :i nn-i. Ma*/ L'.- f Lowe. Ben t Hass. S. D * Ball tui-sie Young, M’ss G..utier. • .f T’is,..-gi »•. and Mi--. graded curve, and hardly any on a flat DOING JUSTICE TO DARLINGS. In- trouble Have With Infantile Hanianit.v—The Ob! and the New Way. "Are you photographing many children nutv- " Yes, the babie- pretty steady customers, an] among the most .i-rai/icsmile xxe Lave. N- xl to a middle-aged, plain-faced female, who x^ in»« ten years taTen from her age a'.ul a large si'-.-k of beauty added to her tout ensemble, a young mother with ner babe is the most aggra- \ a ring ner-oti t he photr graphet has to deul with. y. in fifty think- ri.e egi.ipi'.er •lhe. dar.iiig jt.-rio. for. . f •: ur*e. *-v*.ry •<: :h«.*i has ire sweete-t. r reui»*st hr,by in :i?e h. 1 . ShUiiu A Co., i*lii«ubcrs and (>:» Title rh. No. 120s East Broad street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth, are prepared to do Job Work and tarte Contracts on reasonable terms, and solicit a share of public patronage. Prompt, uithi-u work and satisfaction guar anteed in all cases Try us. inytWxv I «»r \nl<*. At reasonable price txvo ,2- Building Lots in a headhy and most desirable location »f the city, witlmi one clock of tne street cars and conven ient io :in«l gas supplies. r’ui partiqulars apply to F. Reichk or :ny>dii_a (J. eosibiiio. Just itirived—Bai*N P.ckles and Boston Beaus, a: Robem Jv.stics: *. Agent. ifn i'ii l 2Hri«‘k i S;u i .-u a Ainu’e'A v. •But tr.( •TLc-. : y are always fixed up right, are they t ing iheui to be phe.r..g:.*.ph.-d x;hen a?c?ly r.i-.\ ::ifrV tenc-j i.r.-.nt-.. the fea- - .in jtner. dre.-- them up in iace and !>:•'].* them uj- xx itli pill-rv*.. When >.-ed •■here i- - a;• vy n:..."l:b»g xfisibie a-com. pla j. tbal th # rmi.-ra xx ill not - haKerA Diarrhaja ' j? trie n. -st p.« ,m«l ■afest icmeuy sold foi a., ■ ,-xve: adiwt., -tiut u> Diarrhvctt, Dy-eutc. y. vo.ic. L mneui At Jibu.s, etc. Traveling inen * m t .t .;.vi.-:»vn-.u.dv. a< the cha.igc of xvute- s«j TIip Mont ftopuliu-H-ar in Mm-kei. franett’s No. 11, Conqueror, Pickxxdck and One Hundred Per Cent. They are sold by R. S. Crane, xvho keeps only the finest and best Chewing Tobacco, known as D. H. Spencer & Soil’s Calhoun, Sulli van’s Best, Free and Easy, Lucy Hinton, Fanny Edell, Lorillard’s Climax and Liggett & Myers* Star Brand. You will also find at Crane’s Lor- illard's and Railroad Mills Snuff, 1. 40 cents per dozen. Eminent ph.x . that skin diseases are caused by soap made from ranoied grease. I’se the Frank Sidall Soap and avoid all such troubles. Sold at dtf Crane’s. Pr. SETH >. J0R])AS 9 Operating St:r*yE0n and Physician Stanfon: N- •»- :«-*->• • !>njr. Rfihiction 3n» Price oTCiIhm. On all gas used by private consumers after may 1st, 18$G. the* price will is3.00 per with txventy-five 125 per cent, d bills paid on or before the 7th of er my9 lw E. H. Jenkins, Superintendent. S|><‘Hiil JirivcN. 50 suits cost from Si -• to S18 - sizes 36 to 40 onlyL xxill be sold this xveek at $12 each. They must go. Chancellor Is having a lively trade. Earl & Wil son Collars 20c. each. d&xvtf People Who IIa vo Only a few dollars to spend for Clothing, whether for man. boy or child, can get more for the dollar at Chancellor’s than elsexvliere. d&wtf Tli<* Flow man. Who ••homexvard plods his xveary xvay,” and the nrilMonaire, xvho “xxdnds slowly tor> < ’er the lea." iri his luxurious carriage are both equally welcome at A. c. Chancellor’s, where They can be fitly clothed. d&wtf The Yt-as SjaM-JtfN Rapiilly That Chancellor is doir.g the Clothing and Hat b.isii:t *p of Columbus. His prices are right and g'.ods the best. d&xvtf f i 11 Tli-y ftmit 1 . f . lorhing p iu’. T-L.t- will arrive at Chancellor's t; —uk r;-< v. Make y.• i• i-UTchase early, d&wtf : tIl' ich t lie all Di. V ' :: ic\+—tin I.a. N«- quickly i...cxea. and cart-w.jr.i l.iot' peace a.i.i tv-’, oy u«ing li.e gem .f ren.-j- •TiiHKer Ai'.-imiue l.i .iiTnivu Lvr.-iai. Fre c h f.xveet, : !«•. -. hwiesulv. ; Jh!!f (1,(1 lengthening shadow- <•! ining (httkness that the Ii-S lYimi Nun* There* is yen inch • oinp’.aint • an- | a'.nting - plant ' Wc arc needing tt.sli The Ji nvcr *vc Mi l la-t week last, i but a little xxhiie. Ihe win.! s.- n riritd it up. Farmer- ai\ in the l> •• ith ai-n-u tee e.f.<-n tn-t o-f,'i.l- ip The (•'•i m ( r< -p i- locking ve iv xxi II. Mr*. A. (,. MfGrarv is quite sick. Mis. Tom I a lubevt’- health i- no better. A. A. Dozier, Lsq., i- \ i-iting his tU*lu r. His benlth is improving Dr. I • - tiard preached at Pierce chapel last Snt- Ut btx ..lid Sabhatli. The d'-ctor will prefix It at 1 • - • chape! "it tlu* tilth h’abhuth ni this month. A x\ ickcd old mail killed a fine calf for us last It was n--t tint 1 t the trees toid of t!ie f :,;y throng relu.Jai.tly left the e: Si .ft twiliglit »i a jivrf'e t -pring d.iy. nut beimluu' bv tlie niu-ieai laugMor • uiris, blend, d with the de-ofn r f-iiv*. . t>.-x s. spirited It or*. - D--re tl.e-m too the Ii ippx -(••■in*. A GOOD PIECE OF WORK IM.m tin Polio* (i ' drew ihe •**'<.eMid (.,i! prize •;! ?25.lMA. and sold in fi ft ’.is at one doihirca ii- < n<«fifitn '* G. French nf< v.le-huni. Ky.: one to Henry l: . .f Imp r-an. N. J.: ..m t. Join; Ii .Min- . T<d. do. »).; one to a par. yin Gnat.-mala. ne t.. Joseph i’Lieot, 7in t ase ,i " < x’ a. otla r t.fil-s j-artit «= in -s.*-, dr, xv th( Tid’d ( apitai . -old :n lit'tl'- at one d* liar li-s .Mini ■ Lurkc of Wnulling- tm IC to « hri-t Haase of Wa-h- tin diss M. Mueller. Nr- 30--T)iv ; .s* 1V i.'i.. otln-rs toj-avtit- in (..-.I- . M Msg o' *v • expend .d ay ng it- IV: n u to.s’ ide :.*• gen-raijy Wheat Bran at 90 cents per Empire Mills. Adams & Bowers. I mpo i-tioff. t or ler.x-c New York City via a i> t -ave baggage evpressage lire a:v s f oi; at Grand Union al A luerica: lx unit. Mich. N< i-fitt 1, te 1> C.. .cv '..bhed the he latter i-nount, kn II te a mib ft if) in- ilonei and \ • • lit.'! ci I are in the isirg -d with ii ixdng . A --t f ( s > and ming ; i eh - -u . N ..'’the txvo Foi — .id in fifth*. :.t f Kimbrough lodge ihand. "inner Flovd Per roads in the Fab^r lift for Athens tt H-td-on returned ft Hunter went over t-' i I’Brien left for N M.. mtled on Wedne-.liiy ofla-l -vee h-' .rd that Sam ami t'alvin .iad ; g*’ amount of money it then p. ei • spending it ver\ frcelx. Up. they learned that had •.:->i - Mom go hi. an- v 1 " N ft. Bank-. Dr. W. F. Tigin.r and M r. K. J ’..-ft foi Macon ye-tei.lay to attend the ’ Miiu'.u) school convention. Mr. Golden leturtiexl ye-lerdax from • u ' nnah. ir- Kincaid, of Gnftin. xvho has been visiting r> in tlie citty. left tor home yesterday. Mr M of Hatchechuhbce. was in tlu* Mr Phillip r-pringer returned vesteixlnx from K • i a -.ah. M:--e-Irene and Lottie Wilson returned from Si.'. • i.ii,ih x -•-terdny. ft*- x. It H Harris returned from Montgomery x. :i • not 1. iioi-'ii Ay >le—rs. Con ter \ . o. th. l ieir safe nan D e;i roh'oed until nicy xvi re not tied i»v the-i olh-er-‘in M-mday. dthoug . tl theft xx a - <•,- Tlie officer umi-uall> la -esMon ami m v.-t igatioi cun-been in tin employ of Conner & Monday Lieutenant Robert.- went to these gen- tk n.on to mx .• •’ig ite the eharacter of sham. He j, t"l.i them xvluit he su-pected. and nj»*>n evaniining the contents of their safe. t , tin y lbun.l that fisa had been taken from a j, ; package . ontain ng fiioO. strange \\ .-nice the F'.s', w a- stolen. Mr. McGovern, of the }| firm, had tuk. i^f 'im lYoni the package xvithouf j noticing tlu -nonage. The officer- hu 1 kept up j , with the lino, : n nt- of Sam and t o'vio. and ,, knew that tiu-.x gone to M.ic -u. Monday night I’olaeo- in Me Mi hael wn- sent to Macu ami xe-terdax inoniiug he succee led in arrest-ng them at the't *.••:,rdinginuise. 'They were brought lI to tins (ir and i. dyed in tlu* ga irxl lu»u.-e yester- 11 t—.auto.. 1 -. :>|»:t; 1 prize- . -i :v ca di. wen. hit:v r and you a.I m . - the o- i.r \e\'- York t'by. Brooklym. ’r’incknexTilri. i t Areu/ville. ll!-.. etc., etc., aid -o it xx ent lit i! tlu xi hole sv.i .Aon xv er. -cat*, r. -1. The to .xt r.’.wing will be tlie Grand Month.valid Kx- r.lnmry tiinm-rlj l‘iaw : ng <-n Jam l'tii, in-ii jri.rJ.500 xvi ft, he distrilv.iH x! Foi any in ft.r- vii- .i: applx t - M. A. I>,• njiliin. N»*\r iarican*. RIVER NEWS. a:e not as much t;. uble a- l->: xv. D. n .-C have i.ult file tl- nhit }»ho- ng •: hildr»-r riu.t .•■ e i:*d i-.-ha-x. The til x. ’: ve vin e.,vri ;, diih. in the rigiv. and wit’n a tesirabie expression f.ra .pros;,.' t’-.-* pictm«; i.- taken, and t per* 1 \V: me *-) 1 mmho • we used u- r«».p:uv so ' re time * na» ii was next to vi impo-si- > get a really good picture of u 'la y were eertain t. nn vf ar-d birr ; i*:Le sai.i - I find oiegill •lion dollar! u,*r ... 13 ]■ weak or sv#re lung? u*e I*: iy cure- fui Ding aiilcir--* my. Y.’heu i he ha*! to e: or s- me i.r'glv mg- id .ir-hol it :> o'c Dr- ugnt a fair following pa—oni le*hl‘ rs: J D Hin ,,K ‘ ton. Apal.n h;.-o.a. K S x’al.axvny. ('iiatti'lioochee Gn ii F l.iikey L.ik-y's J s Morris. Euthuia: G. o 1 .-. a . ton. !Ji'ifi’."Wa- i Hamm-nd. Ft Gaitu- Hv Jnhr. Ii Mordan t. Vaifaula; -even on de -k. *'‘ii Tiie -te..him Wm. 1'. Liii- arrived on -ciiediil*. re-terdav liio.-niiig. bringing the toll.ixxmk tiger-: A B Marc mm. Jhfix k Yard: Mi Murat, x Inmate-* chee: S Fa Joim Brady. Lufauln; A Mraus, FI -rein.v: s K(*dger- - . Mr- H vft.bson. Fontuinc's r: three mi finvk. vari-*u-. -She left ut S k ye-terday m .ruing. »!<. n.ii a v. in tiio*. .h a dip:- mutist *.i11 o ali • to ke,-' .r.i infant sii ' ,*::j);v---ion on i;- little he removed 1 ite onji xx i :h;biT 5 n the other a ju -eo: jv.-d p»y t- cngi gv er’fil the inianrik n i-'fiii,- D:. i. x»-‘ ..tnenvi. a-i-vlv . Tnnt -ort .-fit' '•vDn. > n chi’. \i«.n maV Uhl \.-!V |»« Jxts In.** Side. Those xvho xvant old nev-nip. t- f -r putting n.n-r carpets can get them at th:-, office at 50 rhe An cKiioiders • anil fleeting- M.t.t Yx’ai-riy hnburgh Ale. - -o.i'i Watclies, (i.,1,1 Yv'atchcs. , iold Watches, u Diamonds, ,m.v: inn'. I >:.i :iv■.•rxvare. D„ I in Ha arrv TimUl. th Mrs. R. A W;t .'dock in that m -utlis old -on of Mr. of Macon, died about M-mdax Clock s. s, '. id Watch* a Gold Watches, Gold Watches, Diamonds Diamonds, Diamonds, Sdverw Silverware, >pccta • .*3, lesday. M..y 12lli, . .S'.urjvssLLn, ere. ary. •i medicinal use. Guinn:.-- Lxrra Xlif KuBT L IlANE. 34»'£«•<• J1 X i‘ l.,\ F-ar-.ies iiaving deiectixe Exes are invited to call ami have mem examined by me uptln.lma- fcopic te.-t free of charge, ami if spectacles can be of henciit they they xvill be fitted at moderate price. J. H. Bramhall, Watchmaker. Jeweler and Ujuician. New number, 1J17 Broad street - west sixle . Oixi number. lo3 Broad street (west side Co lumbus, Ga. rebiltf 3’res!i Oranges ami llainnms just received by Robert Jl ttice, myodtf Agent. UOl Mi > itli* lit: Kill's Via So m is xv < ECaileoaxl to 'tliU'iMi i»rie»is. niglifi Tlie re- Ky c gh\v li.iv , pr liminary ti n! • for in- ii' and Mrs. Robertson, the city, the guests f Brenhuni, of Mr. A. J. this afternoon '-.•t -iv Jadgc W.mten. A r- q-vai .-i ». reporter talked t*- both of'tfi.e prisom -s ye-tcr !ay. Calvin sated that he had it., id.-a to •( t’-c money Sam gave him to kx * p f -. turn x\ as stolen. He said lie knew that Siii'i >-\i iu',1 ,i hv-rne and dray here and a small piecx "t land and .-tore at Kingsb.-ro. and he di 1 M 1 *.. ]fo ii"' dx a anything strange that hr* should Ivor of the veirv, vein*. mams were brought to this city vest terment. and the funeral will take place from the residence of Mr. W. R. Bedell this moniiti g a»In the *a-l Rws ot their little tlnrling suvei, Columbus. G the !>• reavei parents nave the sincere sympathy of a large cirelo of friends. .Spectacles, Jewelry, Jewelry. t C. Schomherg’s Jewelry Store, 10? .Broad dtf 1). ,-iili .d’ ; f.-timald.' I.a.l; . Fresh Pickles, Crackers, all kinds Deviled and Potted Meats. Sardines. Ch'ppeii Dried Beef. . wife of M’ H. f H-dli-. the mem- p uve Candy, Fresh Lemons, Olives, etc. Mr- n aud Mis- Lula Mobley, of Ham ilton. passed through the city yestcnlay. en route to Much, to attend the state Sunday School Cx nventixm. Rev. Dr. W. C. Hunter and Mr. U. W. Dilling- liani K-ft for Savannali yesterday to attend the Episcopal convocation. Mr. and Mrs. j. h. Worrill, of Talbotton. pass ed through the city yesterday en route home roni a visit to relatives in Harris county. Miss Sarah Newman returned from Savannah Mrs. Orr, of Charlotte, and Mrs. Dixon, of Shc-finy. N. c.. reached the eitv la-t night and are 6' vin i ! 1 .egged that n** mention be paper. He has h.-rn.' a good my do not believe he knoxv the •ather a hard lookhicr ca *e. He uny xv as given to him at Dan- liuisday of la-t xxeekhyjiin •cmployed at Cxuiinr A Co.’s ict deny that lie knexv it was !i it xxdien lie gave the money to iell him xvhere he g*>t it. • p isitive evidenee that Sam A Co.'s store on We.Dios- :iltd the en.-uimsinntial evi- legi slat ure tor Marion county, died at lier lio-iie. near Buena Vista, last Friday tright after a week's illness with lever. She was a e--n.-.-tetn member of the Baptist church. She xxa- a niece of Judge Mark Blaiiford, of the su preme court. A husband anil four children sur vive her. Fr**** Slum Tn-Muht. ftr-'f. Sloan, of Nexv York, xvho ha« been lec turing for the past two xveeks to the people of of Macon, xvill be here to-night anxl wifi give a grand five show and concert. He xvill al.-o de liver a lecture. Rout. S. Crane. firenm and Soda Water. Before you leave the city get a bottle of Per fect i«-n Shield Whisky. It is olxl and mellow dtf R. S. Crane. A choice lot of Bananas just received, tf Adams & Bowers. S«*h-D**» 2, < liattiihom-lioe IDiil-Dng him! Loan Association. B ioks of subscription for above series now open •d and '•il! begii lined. Bring tlie ladies. The show at office of Yonge A* Grimes. til u*1x1 Twelfth. on Broad -treet bctxvcei iny9tf Cliff B. Grimes, See’y and Treas. anti Ai Round Trip Tickets, Columbus to Americas, to u'i! xvho desire to witness tlie tlrenian’s parade on the Hith at 4c. per mile. Firemen in uniform will be carried at 2c. per mile. Tickets xvill be on salo on the lltli, good to return until tlie liUh. Round Trip Tickets, Columbus to Macon, to these de-iring to attend the State Sunday School convention, May 12. 13. 14 aiul 15, at 4c. per mile. Tickets wii; be p’aced on sale au the 12th, good for return passage until the 16th. For further in formation apply to Ticket Agent at Union Depot or W. L. Clark, Agent. G. A. Whitehead. my9-4t (T.MUAIL> OFOEOlUilA. Sleeping fur iecommoHnllnii. CoLFMBLS, Ua„ Jail. 26, lh86. A Sleeper is attached to train No. 20 betxveen Columbus and Macon, leaving Columbus every nigiit fit 11:35 o’clock. Berths can be secured upon application to C. W. Meyer, ticket seller, Union Depot, or to Con ductor of train. W. L. Clark, Agent. G. A. Wilt; rt.iEAD, General l as-engcr Agent. jail 28tf -•ins. fitted up at a cost 1 and towards per day. ..;>• in •» .. i. F!ev;.t( rs. Restaurant supplied ill. ..-Dx-: II.*r«c enrs. stages ami elevated r* ifi:! (Tfi-i'ts. Families con live better Ie-* m.-ney at the Grand Union Hotel than at <<•.. •.. tiiT-i-f ias- ii'-te! in the city, jylOdly riB'ri'TRITIES. ri-. clcil hy .3i»!*ii fiiiu kmiiir. 4'xrlnni- RAILRO.YD Bf'ND^. Americus. Preston and Lumjikin 1st m. rtg.igc 7- 95 ft.-100 Atlantic and Gulf 7s 119 w 120 - c ut ra I con mortgat/.- 7s 112 <■> 113 Cob.iinDiis and Rome Is*. 6s, endorsed G.-ntrai R. R 193 rt-104 ('-•i-imbu< .in i Western 1st mortgage •i-. endorsed by Central H. R 102LriY10-l ("iar!*.tte. Coluinbia and Augusta 1st m-rtvage 116 w 117 C.iarl'ate. Columbia and Augusta 4s 2d hi- ngage 119 cf 112 Ci .i gia Railroad 7s 105 (i».i06 Gc.»rgia Railroad Os Ill (rfllfi Vobiie and ‘Viravd 2d mortgage en- d.orstd by Central Railrmid 109 ^110 M.nitgome'rv and Eufuula 1st mort gage* os and Centra Riilmad ...10S rt>109'4 South Georgia and Florida 1st, en dorsed bv state of Georgia, 7 per cent 119 ("120 bniith Georgia and Florida 2d, 7 per cent U'i (fi.l 13 Western K. R. Alabama 1st mortgage, emlorsed by Central Rail maxi 109 («'.110 We.-rern Alabama 2d mortgage, en dorsed 1H GH5 R AILROA D STOCKS. Atlanta and West Point 101 (o-103 Atlanta and West Point 6 percent. 106 ("107 Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent 126 ("'127 (. ciiiral common 75 rt 76 x • nival railv iad 6 percent, scrip 99 ("100 Georgia 11 percent 183 (.*181 .Southwestern 7 per cent, guaranteed..123 <" 124 BANK STOCKS. Chattahoochee National 10 per <,*ent...l75 (" 200 Merchants’ A Mechanics' 10 percent 120 ty 125 STATE BONDS. Georgia -I’.s 106 <•' 107- J vgifl0«: 107 o. los i •>- .ru- i.l 7s. 1880 123 '"'124 Georgin 7s. isvw 112' B '"U3 FACTORY STOCKS. !';q.k' and Plienix 93 97 ••l'ljnb is 20 .. 24 .Mii'Cogee. 90 rt’ 98 Georg'io Home Insurance Company... .135 fa. 140 MISCELLANEOVS. Confederate Coupon Bonds 1 @ 2 FOR SALE. 52 sliares Eai-le and Plienix. 10 shares Muscoaec Factory Stock. *25 000 Georgia new 4 . percent. 30 year Bonus. *1000 ' 'Olumnus 5 nor cent, bonds, due i'.«''>. To shares Merchants’ and Mechanics’ bank stock, paying' 10 percent, for past ten years. WANTED. Georgia 7 per cent, gold bonds, due 18«I can net seller 112', Western railroad second mortgage h per cult, bonds, clue 1S90. City of Columbus 5s bond-. See me before you buy or -ell. I ca.i • x. . - do as well, and often .several pm:it; bet'.i ; 1 one else. .10315* 111.A • IK M i v.