Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, May 13, 1886, Image 2

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DAILY KNQrmEll • srx : COLUMBUS. GEORGIA T(SSI> \Y MORNING MAY 1 >.< NEWS FROM THE THREE STATES TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. flu 11 on Count) fltinl* n Minn* for « -0(11 \ (nllntinn 4»f I ii<1 Inn K«*lI«'h nt Ifinm* Good fiirniiiiir Iti-i’or N Improvement* and Prinrrev, in \lnhiimn Tontine *»•»!! forMrnwbrrrfi'**. (icoruiu. Olaaeock county luus twenty-four pmi- pors. Tuliafcrro will elect a sheriff on thc2fith. The High Shoals factory will nay n snmil divfiknil this \(nr. The Monroe baud will probably play at tl * next Kniory commcnceme.nt. On September 1 tlie linn of Swift Bros., ivf Elbertnn, will he <! ved. Athens’ Chinese lniuniryman says In* can live like a king in At hen « on *f)0 a year. Lincoln county hold* 20,000 aeres of land ns a hid for the \. and C. road to leT borders. Many new lmi)ding.s are in course of c.vction in Griffin, and numerous others n.-e cont rat ted for. Four farmers in Coweta county, living in eight miles of each ot her, have the follow ing reo< »rds : Mr. (). C. Cavender has made thirty-nine crons where he is now liv ing; Mr. Janu s Millians has made thirt.v-nne crops on his farm adjoining; Mr. Herbert Crimes thirty crops, and Calvin Grimes twenty-seven. Five bicyclists passed through Xcwnan Wednesday from New Orleans, bound for Poston, They were graceful riders, and seemed to ho enjoying the trip. It. M. brooks will erect at Jeiikinsville, i nt an early day, an agricultural implement factory and a foundry and machine shop. 1 A saw e Ml is being erected, and a brick ' red will he started,at the name place. ' The city council of Athens has purchased a lot oil i»u.\t<t street for the colored pub lic school. The lot contains three acres, imd was purchased from Captain G. 11. j Yancey. The prohibitionists of Watklnsville and Oconee county held an enthusiastic meet- j . ing Saturday evening. They organized for inet:l n £ a,n ’ “* nf April 20, * ‘ a new church building, to be completed next fall. Jacksonville has a shoe factory that turns out 120 pairs of shoes of the best make and quality per week. Cotton is not doing well in Hah* county on account of too much rain and cool weather. Lowndes county is at present in dire con fusion, politically speaking, and much feei ng F manifest on all •*' ies. The Mobile and West Alabama railroad is almost a settled fact of running througn Tusk doosa. William Goodwin, the Commercial hotel clerk in Selma, was knocked down by a fellow named Ryan and severely injured last week. The Pike Conn!.,' Teacher’s Institute, will In- held in Try mi Saturday befon the second Sunday in July. Tie* Demopolis and Vorkbmd telephone line is now completed and in siicccs-diii ope rat ion. Tie bank of Futaw or, tin 5th disposed <>f £2&»Hl worth of Alabama 1 per cent, bond 4 * at tl.iWv. A two-storv brick store house has just been colllpli n Something About the Ups and Downs of Her Inhabitants. jL lli Jj II HEAR THE A U V V u WITNESSES. MISS III VUV.tV AI.IVK. loita papei - ad womlirfi (I been pi • public f re rjultc* interest- ;ta had . - -y- A C'ippled Confederate Says 11.< st t< si \j I2S j»< > s i;i ; k. . in live and a half days. Birmingham i to have fn-e mail tfi liv< ry after.Julv IMh. 'flic receipts of the pres ent fiscal year being 7'20.'M*u, entitles her to it. Talladega Is to have n public school sys tem, anil ij'lO/tOO is to be raU-rl by issuing city bonds to erect a public ;cLuol buifi;- ing. The Kdv.ardsville Standard savs lie gold mines near that town are attracting con- . siderable aUention from the people at home and abroad. The Wetumpka Times says the bridge company are considering the building ot a 1 new bridge across the river there. '1 wo hundred and seventeen shares of the two . hundred and fifty capital stock were rep- • resented. A coi ardltee was appointed to I i (insult the best legal talent in A'lontgom- 1 cry us to the validity of the charter. An assessment of *40 per share was deemed , necessary for a start it they conclude to | build. One hundred and sixty shares I agreed to meet the assessment. Sealed proposals will he received till the 24th inst., on which date the stockholders will .i"l all ci 1.4.-1 ire igh MT 1" 1° ' ll I I'" 3 ■ fledi shrunk » ifiil and Jaige b pounds in \n. -t.tnee- without help. i<: eaicukition. J. RUi'1 S Hi isTJCfi. i i■: >n liaver. \Hvnn. f! RELIEF. FOllTV YEARS A SUFFERER FROM AT A RRH Doctor's Certificatc---Case Poison. of Blood •4 u ‘ t "’ r,t "A h HONKER BI.OOD PE A. fcWtU m several u.-u- of cutaneous disco™ a lnifc, -Umlm* with the most satisfactor- i tlK* happiest results follow it„ bo t 1 i •t form, it rut boliovo it; J. T. ELEIts, M. D„ Orifll n, Oa. Wonderful to Relate. A Vo ! ce from the Lone Star State '/FINN'S PIONEER BLOOD RE NEWER Lii lh.t of the CAINS The d r lifer* r from uatand offensive A. H. Brambiett, Hardware chant of Forsyth, Ga., Says: Mcr- rgos were s d* D-mention ii except ft imp other *titt>*rer. I have ‘ip-. nt n if from my hard earnings during my l sulleriiig to obtain relief from the nave trii il patent medfeim s every earn of lYom the. four corners of the no relief. And at last <57 years of *t with a remedy that has cured me le me a new man. I weighed 128 now weigh l iH. I used thirteen bet- rot I have is scrofula 1 ever saw. and the doctors say opinion. I am tmi remedy. \YM. of tl; I>. r skin is as clear as mine. Is n perfvect cure in their Lft.l . ji l.aviiiH tried ’it- ■■ FARKS, Dallas, Texas. t In flc-sli, i 111*. IN It. April 20, and ure confident of tlie hntflt vieforv At Atlieiw the ladies’ committee of the t’hri.stian church, I lie puat week, rained EH20 F. Pliin/.y bIvIqc flOO and Judge 1 InrrlH ? r t0. Tlie tTiuri'h yet iiu ks f1 IW to pay oil Hu debts and llnisli up the building. The special committee of commissioners court, of Pike county, after rigid examina tion, report that Probate Judge Hilliard [ was indebted to the county on licenses, etc., ^2,962.111; of this amount the judge ' and his sureties have paid in flftOO. Judge 1 ]Hillard claims that he paid everything rc- .... „ . . , reived, lintdid not take treasurer's receipts, a is some disagreement between tlie ! treasurer is dend and the committee nurd ot commissioners of HU y ],j H books show erasures and interline- I new court niions since hi death, to such an extent no doubt, dirt Oglethorpe In regard to th house nowbeing'built. It will no (lount, , | int they can only he governed In their in- be . i nciihl.y settled for Ihe best interests v ,. sl |,y Ihose «i.tries, which show ° ueioiinty. that they have not been touched since h:s L.i*t work Mr. Toomer. of Athens,bought I death, a negro a strange bird that was caught in th v\ hich during the high ntly emiu* from tut* npvv quite gtntlc and feeds i v\ il.h the ehiekens. >ntcr, and i'ii. It is the yard FlorhlH. The llUlahoro Greys, of Plant City, have a new armory. Tlie Graham House, at Pulutka, has V man named She]nut, at High Shoals, closed on ncrouut of financial ditheuities. manufae taring rocking chairs equal in Mrs. Bull, a lady resident of Winter Park, finish to the boot sold in furniture stores, | is building a ^7000 mansion. It is on an I fe Iu.k a turning, lathe propelled 1),\ loot , eminence near the Jake shore, has a tower j < wer, and jeiwTijy sells his chairs at fa I seventy 1‘eei high, and will add to the, i oh as last .is ihey are made. j beauty of the landscape There are not less than a half dozen line At the j ool near Shiloh last Sunday hi ick buildings to go up in Athens the I morning tne interesting ceremony of im- cs ming summer, and a large nimilmr of | inersing two young Indies and a young ru w resid* nees are being contracted for. I man was performed bv Rh’ler Bostick, K cry earpent< r in the city is busy, ami be- I jjastor of t he Plant City baptist church. i Several parties who have been testing the soil at Bartow have produced straw- IN It A \ IS. Oi fl i:st What Mr. J. JL Davis, of West find, said: “I have <*nly a few words t<> say. which are to suite that I have been lonfhied to my bed for two months with what was called nerve.u» lk.euju- atisni or sciatica. I was only enabled to hobble about occasionally by the use of crutches, ami in this condition I commenced the use of 13. 13. }3.. four bottles of which enabled me to discard the use of my crutches and attend to business, i had previously used all well recommended medicines without relief. It has been over one year since using 13. 13. 13., and 1 consider myself a perma nently cured man.” Mr. K. 1*. hOlddl, Ymdmustcr Geor gia KiulroMd. A. H. I3KAMJ3LETT. ^r. W. F. Jones. Macon, Says: ! . wile lias regained her strength and in- '.■■'i Ij pounds in weight. We recommend PIONEER as the oest tonic. W. F. JONES. 1 .v* Hie lufinr-j,, • t •i *r rf) use what In M-.LK f3M)OD REN EWER. ik v f W all cat ni. s iFINN’S TL HENRY CHEYER. Mr- Henry Cbever, writer of the above, former ly **f rawf *rd county, now of Macon. Ga.. mer its tlie confidence of all interested in catarrh. W. A. HUFF. Ex-Mayor of Macon. ! New On leans. La.. Jan. 1(3.1886. I h we been cured .'oun-l and well of a h ,d °f Tl )od poison b.' '.Te use of fifteen bottles <>i (* (TINN V : PIONBKH B LOOD UENEWER. [ will sound its praise forevw. JACOB KRUTE. EUGENE MAY, Druggist, Canal Stree Guinn’s Pioneer Blood Renewer ! PRICE. C ures all Blood and Skin Diseases, Rlieuiiuilism, Scrofula, Old Sores. A PERFECT SPRING MEDICINE. PER BOTTLE $i.oo. LARGE SIZE, $1.75. ESSAY ON BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES MAILED FREE. mikes . statement: fo x. many weeks the bricklayers also will l>» at work. \ white man, supposed to he Murk IK mpsey, an escaped convict, is in jail at Km 1 lie. He is to have usiuped ft»m the CIijvUnhoof '.c»e comfit 1 amp, « .’it re he was serving a sentence of 2(1 yt «rs ibr mum- 1 TT» Alaims it is u cioc of iri(Uik*.*n identity. About Ivvo years ago ('uthh»*rt Tor M » i'co went l'roiii Jeliert »n county t.o England to get an esbite left him by a dveemsed rela tive. He died shortly after crossing the 0 lOii. Tile estate has i»eeji au mi Mistered in ■« u it* Englaiu’. and ‘ worth about $7000. J oge 'J'arver, who m.ministered on Mr. '1 rciu. s estate, wifi i.;eeive ;ne money 1 •. the heirs in JefTersm county. Vuotlu r scry dcBtrueti .c fiood visited the Tavern section Wednesday night, ense amount <>f damage to 11 dll im 11 (>ne wing of i s dam whs torn out. W D. Hi..un‘s district, Gwinuett s dam. The mo4 of hot- planted. some the sec- * SoiiU' of d gullies Hud it will » hvc to he out. Prom the oiF.’ook now if. seems tIn.•* t he tanners can’t 11 ke near a crop mis year. /allies .*r»m 1* *•, Ki.n*e, has quite n col- j li^'tfon of Indian r. lies iJuhHeil it b'ree- inaa’s, on tin? Home railroad. One oi the most important is a s Tnr.ian pipe, which i If ks ;us ..evv a> if just h‘i away, a*.da taint odor >f tobacco still remains.* There iv iitho a piece ot watch Unit was tumid i iuied m . r a Du mn . kull. It is proba- t'ii that ui. Indian roobt . some a Idle man 05 the watt h t v\ hich was broken up and trinkets made out of it. Ot tne other t! mgs are any n unher of sp; .ir and arrow l - cans, a battle axe Indian jvessel for heat- "la 1 iricrs am IS. I). Jackson’s ? ul, of hen H county ha. lost h. m lat d has bet e il time, but it is all to do over, lane •. torn up in ditches ai many curmus ic.g nmize, and p eces of stone. A large number of the eitizt'U c* >mty. near High Hboals, have ti get u postothec. The pet it i* u • first vv it h u iargi ; umber «> a d asked that tlu ofllce be twin I'll is name was olije l .< pustutfiei depurtmeiit. 1 . <n«* uf C’harleston was tiun 1 n. was objected to. Then tfi 1 \.gh, honiier. Ema.Yam • t to the (fi j artnient carved o*’ Walton J ecu trying 1 was sent 1 , >etitious, . d Golden* ted to by and the *nt. This, names of y and Sock were and all were t row 11 out, and now the petitioners hav< 1 xiiausied all tlu* names they can think of ami ate still without a postottiee. They I ropose t»> 1 filer a juvniiuni to some one to *> , iggest a name aeeeptablc to the powers that he. 41.« «»id wreck in the Ocnuilgee river, l" low the park at Macon, is about to prove ol considerable value, aside from the his torical associations connected vs fill it. 1 hose conversant with such matters say that there is !*vt(M worth of machinery and material of various sorts within its up- tunnii hull. Could they be gotten out There is probably a couple of barrels of ( ittish la.used therein. The question of I fpiietorship is puzzling those interest- id. Some say that being a navigable stream, the property belongs to the man > ii whose land it is found. Il true, IE \V. 1’atterson owns it. If the discover, r is en- 1:1 h-d to it. then Mr. Blackout holds the v- inning hand. ' berries to an extent that if sold at 25 cents a quart would yield over f500 per acre, and , they hear from January to May. Hon. E. K. Foiter will ureside in the cir cuit court at •Bartow on May 17 h. by iu- j terehange with the Hon. fC. E. Mitchell, who will sit in orange county to hear eases ■ in which Judge Tester is incompetent. In connection with the publishers of the Times-Union, Pr* E A. H. Curtis proposes to begin the issue next fall of the Florida Farmer Hi,d Er...1 Gi ver, a weekly jour nal devoted to ‘he faun, garden, orchard and household eeonorr y. Palatka is to have a new street ear rail way. The c onn .n v agrees to build a street railway from ti Plurtdn South.ern depot to the Jacksonville. 4’ampu and Key West depot, the road be c >mplete(Fana in op eratic; n prior tc January 1, 1887. It. is rumored that the Jacksonville, I Tampa and Key Vfest will buy a boat to | run between 1 datka and Georgetown, I which will be r • in connection with the road, carrying au its freight-, and giving 1 tJie people alu..g the river the btnelit . of through in . t r d-es, which they do ! not enjoy at this time. The Florida Railway and Navigation I company lias received four new engines of ' the new gauge. \ feet inches. Active | preparations are being made for this 1 change. One day will be given for each j divi ion, and toe gauge will be changed in this one day. ltei« Ivor Duval lias issued a circular to 1 section masters alonjt the lines of the ' Flora.a Hail way and .Navigation company, instructing them to have all cattle killed 1 by toe trains appraised by disinterested 1 parlies ai d the appraised price will be 1 paid, vvbih the (ante time the owners 1 can have the beef. ViMihrhiu Hi* ItuMiu l*owtiers. Under th.* direction of the New York state hoard ol’health, eighty four different kinds ol baking dowders,embracing all ihe | lira nils thai could be found for sale in the ; state vvi re submitted to examination and i analyzed by Prof. C. F. Chandler, a mem- | her of the state board and president of the j New York eit.v board of health, assisted by 1 Prof, lid ward G. Love, the well-known | Unilt ii .-states government chemist. 'Pin oifieial report ? hows that a large number of the powders examined were 1 found to contain alum or lime; many of 1 then, to such an extent as to render them | seriously objectiotiahle for use in the prt on ration ot human food. Aii.ii. was found in twenty-nine samples. This ib ug is e'uployed ifi baking powders , ti'eluapen their cost. The presence of! lime is attributed ti* the impure cream of ( tart.o- of commerce used in their manu- . fact ure. Such cream oftnrtr.r was also an- ' alyzed, and found to euiuain lime and otb- ! er impurities; in some samples to the ex- ; tent of 1KJ per cent, of their entire Weight. A11 the baking powders of the market, j with the sincli u.xciptfi n » fthe ”Pu»>al ••.My wife 1ms been n great suiferer from ca tarrh. Several physicians and various patent medicines were reported to, yet the disease con tinued unabated, nothing appearing to make any impression upon it. Her constitution finally he adline implicated, the poison being in her blood. "I secured a bottle of B. 13. 13. and placed her upon its use,and to our surprise the improvement began at once, and her recovery was rapid and complete. No other preparation ever produced such a wonderful change, and for all forma of blood diseases I cheerfully recommend B. B. B. as u superior blood purifier.” d‘2taw se&w top col nxt rd mt Wholesale by Brannon A Carson and Gity Drug Store. They Stand at the Head ! THE BEST SHOES FOR LADIES’ WEAR ■ARE MADE RY- 'wLftNClfcAATS rOBACCC J. 0. BF.XXETT Ta<‘ Lef-t Ladies' OP ERA SLIPPERS I rcra^lit to Oolurubu* are mad., by them They c .u >ni 1 be had at my Lire I cue fit any foot, & BARNARD. O-OOIDS! NO LADY SHOULD BUY A SHOE UN TILL SHE EXAM IXES .MY STOCK. Spring Fashion Plates, IP I :E a IE GOODS! I am Sole Agen. for these Goods in Columbus ANAnAr. MEYER. HE CLISGMM TOBACCO OIX^MEIT fill: JIO-T IFItlTtVE Flii 1AU.1 TION on the market for Piles. A Sl’R|*; UUKI •or Itelb* .. PiR «. JR*- ■ • r '•OJr-d t« gif* rnuipt i’ li*-f. VVil. »•'.«» ^ c ' *-rv Ahnct-tr iatnla 'IVfier. Suit Itl m B»it..-r*. Rcr.. Itin^ ••mia Pimple* S‘»r* , s V - I*. n\t CliNGMAN )0BACC*i CAKE TI.’K ’* Il 'V I* V. % ' 1. C nr«*N si .ndfi. Cuts. Bmisea. Strains Er ipolae, Bella ur.oh" Bon** Colons Ulrors s r«,“. Son* Eyes Throav Bunion** Corns. Neurnl^i Rheunintisn- .litis 1 out. tUiouxuatic G L ids. Gorfhn ichiti» Milk Simke •. *. D» <.• Bites. Stiu«» insect- «c. in fact all ay a Ul l«v-al lrritrtion aco ul-i:iuu .lion from whatever f / ir e I*»*icf* 25 ct^- HE CLiNCWAN TOBACCO PLASTER rrpurrd iu*i*ordinu ««> tlu* aia.d ncic. nflc ri iripIcM. of Ihe 1'! HMST -K1I>\TSVI VGltKlUIAT* 1 , con*pm*mled xi*l. the pareot I'obscco Miid iH **;.* re*- rime.ided lo* r i> p.Weedor CakHOi tbnilro.'iht and !• •-tnnl ola*»- f iiritant or inllammatory inula*lien. Aches anO m» rl«»llcst« .** *e of rhe •‘jitom. THE T -OF— Sails lade to Ordei. CLOfHING! CLOTHING! / 10ME and give us your order. Do not wait till you ore pressed by the season, and then wnut \ .-mt made in a hurry. We are prepared, how ever, to gpt up suits at very short notice. If you want a suit quick, give us your order. If you want a suit in thirty days, give us your order, if you want a suit in sixty days, give us your order. G. J. PEACOCK, Duality tlie True Test of *Ae 1 l- Acoe* ■ TobaccoC .ko F>* r doariiieln* ad Pu.ns, *t ir invaionble. Ihii’t Ar!t your lirufrtrii't for these romed • jo. or wrilo to tb« mmn tobacco cure cr* At C5 I* ^ IS 'Lt: lviO r G, And ever lias been, Upon llii> jii'indplc prosperous business. \vt> have built our not iiicliulii': <lt r -. vvhiv Ull.-.fv Ul* m iluui anil piuisuhatc povv- .■IV lung since discarded as i ificicm by prudent house- 1c fr »m t!ic inquire cream new opera house, a candidate for Ahiiwtma. Tuskainosn is t<> have a M r. \V. 11. Court m y i^ < ;‘y marshal of Eufuula. Be\. 1 >r. Hawthorne is to deliver an ad ill ess in Mobile on the 15th. I here is to he a free-to-all race in Dike ! to tin ty. and the candidates are plentiful. j There were seventy-five conversions at Clanton under the preaching of Rev. J. J. j } oiter. It is elaimed that Blount county coal and | iron is to rival Jetl’erson. The authorities of the city of Sheffield have decided to build a city jail. Much sympathy will be extended Mrs. j R. IE Shropshire, of Eufaula,|who sprained ' bith her ankles a few days ago. C harks Jackson, a negro lad about 12 years of age, was burned to death in Eu- iuula by a lamp explosion. • ^*e communicants of St. John’s church, ’U Montgomery, have determined to erect ot tartar • u comniere eiuuain lime to a eor file only baking \ chemical analysis to lime and absolutely This perfect purity elusive use of cream fined and prepared by e. and consequently , vsponding extent. j >owder yet found by >e entirt ly free from • pure is the “ Royal. ” | results from the ex- J of tartar specially re- 1 patent processes of I the New York tartar company, which to- I tally remove the tartaratc of lime and oth- I er impurities. The cost of this chemically 1 pure cream of tartar is much greater than | any other, and on account of this greater cost is used in no baking pow der but the “Royal.” Prof. Love, who made the analysis of the baking powders for the New York stase board of'liealth, as well as for t In* govern ment, says of the purity and wholesome ness of tlie ‘‘Royal:” ”1 have tested a package of tlie‘Royal Baking Powders* which 1 purchased in the open market, and find it composed of pure and wholesome ingredients. It is a cream of tartar powder of a high degree ol merit, and does not contain either alum lor phos phates or any injurious substances. *‘E. G. Love, Ph. D.” Ladies Do you want 11 pure, bloom ing' Comidexiou? If so, a few applu-utious of Hagan’s MAGNOLIA HALM will grat ify you to yopr heart’s eon- lent. It does away with Sal lowness, Redness, I’iniples. Blotches, null all diseases ana imperfections of the skin, it overcomestho Hushed appear ance of heal, fatigue and ex- citeinent. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear hut TWEN TY ; and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to delect its application. DON *”1“ BE DECEIVED xmmmmmmmmmmmmm Wynnton Residence and 25 Acres. iNl.Y S1S00. on your own terms. On this place a Residence of five rooms, excellent well. Will exchange for city real estate. I will be pleased to show this or other propertv at any ap pointed time. JOHN BLAC'kMAR/ sc wed fri tf Real Estate Agent. Lly sn-calk'il low prices named in boastful advertisements, but 1 see tin-goods us they are priced, and be sure you gel wliut j you buy. Our slock was never so complete and goods were | never so cheap. All we ask of a discriminating public is an i exnmimitii n of our stock before buying. All say Kirven's is a good place lo trade. tJUJ} ljr !"’ i, „• j£ J. A. KIRVEN & CO. B. F. COLEMAN, Jr., UNDERTAKER AND DEALER IN Patent Metatic Caskets, Wood Cases & Caskets, r vjftE Biliousness; Sick Headache In Feurhours. prevent Chills > Fever. Soi r Stomach Ba*J j 3roalh. C!e;»i ihe Skin, Tone the 8er\es, am.' j«vo LHe - Vigor to tha system. Do6« : ONE I? EA v * ' fry th onto and you will rover be without Price. 25 coats per bottio. Sold by Druggk s iou i n/ledict>i3 Deaiors genenlly. Sen! lli recc ?t ot 1 price in stamps, postpaid, to any address, j, F. SMITH & CO., Wanutflcttirers and Sole Frops., ST. LOUIC, MO. ISSTALLMtHT PLAN! Rose Hill Property on Line ot the Georgia Midland. roads. Hill Ho>v Hill Avenue. All lots (V ! Children’s Gloss White Gases and Caskets, Children’s Gloss j White Metalic Caskets. Burial Robes, all prices from $1.50 , up. Personal attention given all orders. Twelfth Street, 1 four doors west of Thos. Gilbert’s Printing Office. oc 18 iy on Hamilton ami Linnwoofi and North streets and full quarter acre 'all early ami secure a desirable lot, as price3 vill be advanced within the next thirty dnv3. TOOMBS CRAWFORD, Real Estate Agent. 15 North Broad Street. 1)1) t r/T7 Send six cents for postage and I l\ I /j 1^., recce!ve free a costly box t goods which will help all, of either sex, to mase more money right away than anything else in this world. Fortunes await the workers abso lutely sure. Terms mailed free; True « Augusta, Maine. “ & " u