Newspaper Page Text
PAILYSEXf.rniEll - SIAM i'uM'MDFS. GEORGIA. rKIPAV M i)!: N ! \ i i. MW
i j-u-lphia Times.
j t ^ a positive pity that the war can’t he
•uaht over again, just to sec where the
"’iil-hreiitliinar warriors would lie. The
IM'iiife belief is that they would he eating
: ,w under a neighboring liarn.
on are linJet-
I. >l>e.
r i
crnmeiits, spr»
f the
normous war
European go
»v over a long t- rm *>i years, are tiu
thing to he taken into account in any
,'iuj.t to estimate t lie cause of the com
ic :al and industrial de]»ress;ion of tin
•uitrieh that comprise the present world
civ ili/.atioii.
pi,, 1 citi/en of Ohio must feel pivtiy
•raiglily discouraged when he reilect>
t the only alt» rnai! «• t<» Oldo democ
e is ' )lii()‘rej)uhlica:.i‘an. It has always
tl;e proud noast «»f both reouhlican
,i democratic managers in Ohio that
i, v cro no mugwumps in their state.
, uii'-. therefore. ’■ e .>• e part is
iecl'y dPv';'»oj-(
Mixture ol inm
,. lt * is ccrtaiiil.N n
! without the slightest
•miotic -. and the spec-
i insi.ructive one.
nanufacturir who has his |i
-.creased by the demands of the woi
i,■) 1. and win- D now paying all In- c
[, .mist immediately add the increi
• of Id* goods and sell what
,'t will lessen the output and curt
• esinesh. l.ierhaps, hut it will in,si
• does sell. The
j : a profit on w
ml, and
T shoes
Kent wile of certain gi
advance of from 2[ t.. x . ...
wouid indicate that some lais
-e.* clearly that there, must he t a ad
ju prices to meet the clem
t He-
jl.liii Kelley, having spent many years
, 1 uildi.-.g up infant industries whi'chaiter
ili'iin coddling are unable to keep their
•t.rks running and pay their hands fair
ages, now proposer*, in order to remedy
ie evils he has helped to create, “to make
Jit hours o day’s work and send to the
Tii:*-ntiary tin* capitalist who will allow
. ura. n'uiery to run any longer period.”
is is pretty talk. It is perhapsno* cpiiio
wild as the frenzy of the Chicago an-
•jiists, l)ut it j.- not very far behind. Tin*
ij italists and the laborers will regulate
. ir allairs in good time by turning out of
.piny incompetent legislative vojirc.seli
ves. Judge lCe'ley had better look nf-
. Ids fences.
rk Tim
-! tile husiiles
dtujoemis is wry deeply
jnvsuit majority lias noi. v
lai di it. The | i *1. can i
*; of ISS-l with .wo disti
was to keep t!
level oi the lid
n ceonoiiiicai
which wa s t.
* capacity of
rooted, and
lone, much to
. carried tie elee-
- disni,el pledges:
•:pciioiturc.s down It)
lies of the govern-
adiiiiuislored; the
implement of the
:-*l. 'vas :t> distribute taxation sons to pro- this national ivviruu with the least
: ans.sion to all the interests of the coun-
yv. The latfor pledge, though it has not
• a wholly disivgarr ed, lias been openly
u.Kliated by a considerable faction of the
•. r.ioeratie Vepre3entatives, and it has
•i c uue very doubtiui indeed wtiethor the -
.“'■rts of t he nominal leaders to fulfill the
•age can have any effect whatever.
.(• V vv York Sum.
I* was doubtless a great surprise to the
..Icago anarchists to find that, after they
ci enjoyed absolute freedom of speech.
mutter How ir.ic'.npT.itc and incemTaiy
. • language; after they had been per-
• d to assemble without iiiterfuem o,
• i even to uni] and to drill and to proaeh
a doctrine of arms and dynamite upon
. . firt oeeasioi, of carrying tiled* Lhruu.s
:«•<. j raeliee they were confronted 1 y ;.s
.1 i*rn ami n lent less a resistance as if
bad been in their own countries. Ik
mis where nihilism exists a known
• uber of tl-e orucr hardly p*. ;mit t-d
- oj.-w his fac, , ami it is not unn. turn!
wiu the gr'-ut . • IF eiisc enjoyed .in
* c<»i: -M-y six-,' 1 fanatics thought that
•::iar toleration w wld ho ( avn-k-d to
•ir r t >. When it comes to that thong’,.
!- l.a::d of the lu\\ is f. m id to h* as hea\.V
re n * it is .inywr. r> .
r.tey fjuai
wonde r.”
lie replied: “There's where 1 am, ai.d I
nave not spent all winter pitching through
a hoop for nothing.’’
We next murked a cipher on the v i ii
about ten inches .vipiare. and to our ast »n-
isimient he liit the bull’s eye f*>ur out . :
live times, and made the league 1ml.
oval as an egg. This was done again**;
brick wall. He spied a tin cup m. t‘c
d an*. He says; - Put that up on a “tick
fifty feet away." He idl that cup where
it will never regain its shape.
i said to him: “You iu\ a regular K -
gat’d us. hut there is one, if not two tiling*
again:- - * you. 1 can never get a catcher to
h* >ld you. and if you <\er should hit a mm:
his ball day- would be over forever.
Yt tlu* hitter assertion he became inu.g-
mint. He s.iid: “i hit a man, ami 1„
accurate ns ! have shown! 1 can put a d
nine times out of ten over the cent re eft be
plate, mid it a player gets hit it j- het'oe.
he W lilts to.’’
i t"ld .".in: tlieir im liimtions would j . t
run that way. I engaged hhn and will
give him work.
>lr. i iirtls* V hire m Hr. * '• h*;.»m.I.
The oi\oiuent woitld. lie dobiga m
wise ti.ifg to follow Mr. Curtis’ ad v* ..,,1
kit k away the ladder that uplil'Tei
He knows that the demoerats t.-leete
-or at least that without the support of
the great b *dy i f ilis pally he could not
have i-een eh . ted. He knows that .'or
e' cry ten votes he received from tin in ig-
wumpshe received titty limes ten from
Ills party, and ne is not s«- mi-.gif.di d ns t<-
lolget tl'is fact, in.r to faii r u select if-mo
erats gem rally for his appointi-es. Mi
Curtis :uh iee. were it< r.ted .me fol
lows,!. would pretty cc-mimy wreck the
admimst,aii*»n followed it-
Cleveland must have the support of the
p.r.iv t’rnit nominated him and ga\i him
fivt m Dion votes, lit- may sustain his
principles ami adhere to his party obliga
tions. But should he cut loose from hi.
party, as Mr. C irtis suggests, all of his
ojlbrcs at reform would he lost, and the
door would he wide open for the entrance
of Blaine and his extreme partisan policy,
with .dl tlu-corruption of the reokkss ring?,
and plunderers, who have been mainly
enisle d out by President Cleveland.
A ’:il».im;f> laaitfi* of (Mil l i ilhws.
MoNTCiOAlEHY, May 12.—The Alabama
Urimd I. >dg ■ of Odd Fedows eonwiied
this .afternoon auu adjourned o'-er for a
meeting of the- Odd Fellows’ grand *i.-
e.iinpmei.t. who elected the following
grand ofticers : .Robert West, grand pair:
arch- A. E. C’oupse, grand high priest; K.
Hr.-well, granu senior warden; h. R. Me-
Ivee, grand scribe. The treasurer’s rejairt
shows the eaeampmi.-nt braneli *f the or
der in belter eonuiti m than at any time i :
tlu lust twenty years. The grand lodge m
tin afii.moon ses.ub.1, mm-inat.- l for next
y.-ar. H. (’. Weave \ of 1 iunts. ille.. grand
mast.-r: Heerge K. Ward, of IT.vminglnon.
iL [)ii y grand m: -.ter: J. S. C.i rut tiers, of
.Mo*»:Ie, .1. J. Anderson, of F nontovv,.,
AJfrtii Moore, o-' Huntsville, tin* grand
ward' . s; W. A. {shields oi Mobile,grand
,s» eretiiry; R. IT. 1 *beil of Tallach--ga. grand
t]’e.i'»ur« r: T. R. McKee, *>•' 1\[, ingoimvy.
Oliver ,j. St mines, of Alnlnle. lb A. Mose
ley. *T Talladega, fur grand representa
The eonn.httee appointed on the subject
reported (*;i the proposition of l uiiding a
new grand lodge ball wa , inexpedient at
present, it rmiuirin,^ an act of the legis
lature to issi i- bonds. Tin- delegates are
being entertained to-night by their Mont
gomery hivthren at the City Hall.
A Southern z?H Ya n kee and Con
federate So'iher Tells What
He Knows About It.
Pattern Hats and Bonnets
in ml ill*
rni^M'irn pTnuilf onrynn nrSMt n THIS TUT
i Hlftfrvstil 5! Hrivv bUuU5 ub Animtii],
i.i Alia In IV.
fib.-vwc w^vmririmiy
« n fuH „ -
oii&iMueTww inBOHiuMnal *
< • : i 'riiiiv--.**' . |
.. "»iit forty bc;ys went mistling pmHu
; -'-Mar ofliev lid- morning, swingieg
i . uariKt-ts a*sEja'ox*eri.ig away asihou^ii
• hid I’lSt "vii, ht out for u‘hoi b'.y.
b*::; Jje .rilig SOInet l.-il.g u!)out per I
j- b . t< ; ped t hem, rail in an in.-bum '
1 • -.1 t»f the s tw.iiinm It \,.ts the h.-rdvst :
t ' •; to manage t.» get m f
* !> u '.er hat I striu k Vet .
:.[?•}.v baking are v.rv pci
h. .''it,. .. *! I,ii.- ,-v, ry < , «.* r< ; . .i
.vn. 1. • -1 i ■ • • i i 1 h'-* In w a care for tin
SA:»i t’Kb KM-.M',
(Jv.niai, hearty, iioue.-l, w h-*!(.-*(.*i'
Son [mninp' Why. t r ry woman
and ebiid /’••• *m the nt ’sa -ky" t*> *.
Ua.lf fr-.m tin 'foamig!,• e to u Al-
lai'.ti •, wili .n .die hack :• n e* -. ion l0 ;n,
jdeas.iiit c' inti mine, v - : iet'ire.
1 linn: in Connecticut. wid :e yet a young
•n i;i, in !S r ;4. be eaim m.ii!1. and ioe.ited in
thi’-sU’u ;h”-t ai Fori \ a id r» umv-
i.u frovn t tie;\*‘-h.ri ly it'Iitwh'v t •
ien*, v. her- ht lir-a flevel ;*»• i !’ls tapacity
tor a ona, vivia! life. Af! - **'• ;:(• :,- ars
res ;»* !tc!v iie nssoeiaied iiinise’, 1 ' in
, ini-in: *■ •> with P. !b ('liver, a*. Albany.
. building a huge store. At Albany im was.
u..f< rtvnate cm ugh t«» lose his wif- »»y a
sii*r:ke of iig.'it. . ng, nm : si j. rt ly a 11« r re-
1 ur.u n l-. !iis br-l )o> »■. .\ oericu**.
(lie du'eak .f ’. he war found him.
I h* udi.Mcd, ‘■e •- ing iii>i in the eon. \»any of
, (iis relative, (Mpt. I. K. nr .niiaiu, of Com*
a id al’lm - v .,d ::i the enquiry under Major
id G. I, ’fbe close of the war found
Mr. lJuniap stranded in Macon, but his in
domitable energy soon reeupt rated It is h.r-
tunes, and the tirm of Dunlap A l'**h r,
fanc y goods dealers, was well and widely
' known until they burned out. After this,
lbr a short rime he was in business at \
Route, from when he entered into that for
which he* was intended by nature—a sales
man In this capacity h has been con-
! meted constantly with seme of the best
'of tlie e.-* 1 .v: ' .. aniifna-turing lu> uses. Tn
j 1STf ii !•• m»e. :d with his fatnily to At .anta,
! and has a r' sident «>f t his city t *inc , e.
1 im on the street durixg tin-
| aci-f i h, r- portir was gjvc-trd with a
i li< arty ha::d**ha!;<• nd earnest:
| “t low an yon, e*y lad ?’’
‘ bbv* ly weib Ha i*;. l;o\\ an. u?' J
•‘.Sound as n do.lar, m.v hoy; altb -ugh if
l .ha.d met e.»»i P-.v days ag' * <•...!,! n<-t
t have said as vma*!:."
"Wiiy, » o.V W: *■• MU’.t becli -ick?”
• b\b l!. yo,i * ,u*t knpw that h»r liie past
ten years i have I >t-e n sufli ring wit n kid o«-y
d:.*vasc vbi« 1> e' cry now and ugain wedd
grow !>a 1 and give me s ri*ms troid ie.
\ ■ •• a:t two m* nit la
ago 1 b
*, and for
n suih :i.
to luivc
all the pie
k, but 1
•ill tile w.
hi:, sdf.
,|(, t gc to some
*viu-n i, t . t ., )U ia i
- •.•insiiKii .11 Unit tic c. mill dill
.iuci talking almut.
‘‘ ‘ .tnu myhclf wtiit lo the ^N’miiu-iii.iii
i gave him tliree league ixi'.Ls
one from, We then me.i-sared
i. '.l'P.F P n .t up a two-iiK'li iioai' i.
-.‘.t-reil n as if it was a piece of jiapi.r
'.pile wind, at the saint time cutting
I -T i"," Y bre iii'leed astonished.
. ... A v ° h * ,n; ‘l-'I.v friend, such spet-d
er betore witnessed. If your aceu-
For Stock l-’ccil or Meal
for Finn it * Esc.
. 10,000 IN USE.
, ®5£- s ' filwrir.- r. t i>. -• iptiv- -•
Straub Machinery Co.,
:—l in c i n ;> \ t i,o
relief, a;.. l,ottl.
.-ntirel.v <i
tie:- U|> in
e.l. i h.
. and I
ud ! \
it Im
.-.itly am
verify it
ive n
week. J
tely. J’iiii
.it I make
am pre p.
ed te
lib-dA* whir.
fi r r ci
v/ I I cl
t t r ,y,
t J i V cl
Xt.W i- 1 in. Fine In ill'
r.t <::it.t i- bn-
■i Iln-V. r. C(:l:t 3 1 er fnot
•J (•*-!) ts ]Jt:l Trot.
Khtiii) t< ■?: L't
l. I- l-eilts J i 1 , ■ foot.
-I .11. .-iji[ijjc-!i-ion
-''■Ojit ty C tlio Columbus Mairu
lactii'uig Qompany,
nwglt le mimI I itlh l.<|iii|i|»Hl rollon
1 .•it'.). 'I i‘1 It .»• uitli .Scar I,> i»
'ill! o! Ilo flMi-Nl Mime rnucr on
* l> •-t i>»•(]»aiHMH hm- VC i <a <*«.,) ii**i AImhi*
‘he i I \ n( ] 'liimHiu*
. if (-I r.t' ir 1st
•Ii!minis Mnnu-
. ••mty. -ttnic of
the mi id
»*’ tin |»ropei*t\.
pi* it. in trn*»t.
, itniii issue of
tml'iii in snid
• •I :i!. «•!’ w\. ch
iiui Deed Hook
,. m tin- Cleik'14
■ * • uiity. (ioor-
<•it hnge^ hi
u *• .if tne Pro
mt-. i mi 1 It.ith
m ' iif u-ual i»: tee
■ : .' 1 mill) i-' nt
!■*. . f..rcash, the
i.f i In < '.ilumb’i?
.Mi ill-'-* 'Ots and bcimv ii^
l.x . rnnue iminlnt thirty
-i ll. o..\\ I . rt.iin. v. slat*- of
-I- follnwlmr l-.m ,,| !and.s I yin?
• -iuiit!’. Mh di-tr’ct •>!’ Mu-o« wee
r •iVli’v -men'h? ami 11» • \ - M
hi .'ini ninety-two '»2i,
ier 11:r* i .: in • luittiihi * c ice
. in- .. iiv -imaf..! .-im f f ,1\A
x ...-m|»: - h\ .1. H riap|i. oM*d
il uni/, ’v lot. eonueuing seven
\i *•• - ii.I hind- lust de-
• • ii-i: ii. tn. «• >u it \ .*t - Mi: no-
, ...... . r. ■ it., fill
V; > iidium i. . uitnitiing f gill x .'l imbus M.inufaclarinK
: i . • . - • •.i I in Mu *e-.gec
•p • -m * -i ' ’■ : ’. -i Fa. t iry,
‘cnpcis mil sf’ij pic pipf pnMPHiv
ULUnUin us LniP nSiJ b.iJ I il l uolbiilil i
-,m Tw,-!|
"I v> ‘ho
The Brown Crotton Cain
\l:i. ifa.-ture:-. of li.e "DM”
•.! Very l.u -nt iiu|.r<..-e-uieuta: im- 1
jii-e.ed r .il In -t, patent wiiippul', two (
lirtisli ijclU, extra bfru.ia bru.-ii, ca.'t
etecl l.e.irines, i.uw iiupruvud I'ceder, t
' .irgeildust ji.-t-.if CoiiiieKiter.
a e- ti't r.u 1 ■■ in, dura' le
IgLh.-fa-t. r .... light, eh-:,:,a U.o «-cd Je: ', ->! *; .; ••• • ■>
I-fuihl'.-'.-s iirat el..- a ealuph;.-.. , , , u ,
»k:JVKKKI) FKIlEOf I Xti.i».'UT
.- |* n*’ s- id cl.'.rv consist il*
- : i.m i •- |i:. d lev 11;» looms 1.1id other -*11it-
i i.ih1 1 n. rv all in u«.od ooiiihlioii and pro-
i-i _<• • ! u .rk. Pres, oi .-ajia. i'y - .Vii»M ya. !- a
»T*•«-?»■- — sh.-eEmr- .md diirtimrs. three ; '.vds
. pound.
t ..m i ilia* ’.k.iim-s ami iinnrovcnieiits yn-.
I tor healtn. convenience mid eoonon.ical
.irdon lice from llte bniden of mun ; « ipat
p ile h\ all the ..tie i < ‘ mill-, yet
ii three mil ; of the citv of <’.*lninhus and
..fa • lia • Tiilinbu.* and P me
a !. I’ll* \ aicr power is till* Illn-M ill tilt:
i. coiitroiiinjr and eiuhracin? the whole oed
^ • hattj..< • rlieo riu-r for ’die di-tance of
; n* mile . !'>n,; tin land-* of said comp mv,
i*.mu ( <i. miinc ilnnv bniik«- noon :he
. in and Yi.ib .ina-sidcs . f Mic river. Uciv a
the walei powe 1 i.-, rc'iuired end
a •!. Hie p,t s.-:it mnl. and the n .t-
at any tic':e.M*iU)iUs point. M’nd for full j n-ufei
flehcrJption am! price list
ecixynt':- i!p;.\ '.\ - i/i;K-.. <
Q.,v M n J; r L 0 „ PS09 m 5j P '*
OtJo Cnbniu t i i it do
j u p ri o i s 10 r y
IWAJ.S loans
^ 'Vj> U J.N ,.L
■if r out n simple
<op- and pi ink uecestAa ry. I Ins
. lUi 1 - ea-*.lv o.u';odtiU, aiiti
I.* to'.!- -two a:*.' a lialf feet whlv.n
| 'hr. -■.i.i m Vs' of., ini'e 'V|tb a eo. p *n»-
i i < iv "‘i.u e*cp- i.d.uire iron ; new dam .. .‘.''Xt
. i • . . ..• i<' i v * al\ -li. e tiKjiis».iml ■ spin' less.
!•■''!* > . • i.i p. portion can be driv.-n IT
v.;'* i n* "I ' a pi lua i->l the elecU-'O ..! ;• ■ »i-
■ ."i»al •• I! - ;.ci util', dix-n r.f l U • .-L*
?..V- v^ottef! ' < o i I ' hr. f { - rt«'cdc* 1 t<‘ ii.. k(-
I * ii- prep rt-. tnc sit. o- a pn.* .* r aw and n pu-
I : 'i-.n.i igfa. . i lape. Ti.e |.c moiyii ius. y yc-
■ ,• t-x' 1 !' -fill be l-rrii»herl r.p aimlirntion.
.I. i:ll' dtps HH< hVN’K.
a ii.u.i;*.
1 Ij.-.; *!•?..: Trtisiees.
!,|V:I\ IfU'i
\!i111 l V!i \
. 1 !i ii -I Mil! 1.' *’ -I ! ! i '
i t h xvi t:.xx.
You Wdl Ci. y
\ I v\
Without a D( "i. S
: f r, Mass
y : V, ; g A
y W “*■•
U'.MCINNATl -u COr’PUhi'.Tlhi.i CO.
\ V.
T.-xOfti. St.
Valuable J,
fli n
Town Property! oLU If
vi M pjipr f.i n itVI
ifi11.l rIjnl uLU nil *1,—.T
& House
nr^TTIKTT T VKUKI> TF 11.1»I N-. FA I’KH -ir. l*r.-
t -r, .i. . ' iV'fti:- .?V.. r.' fc ABSOLUTE PREVENTIVE
** x. rnari *>♦ .\i-r\ kii.-l. ’• ’opt- nearly nothin?—
i i r v *• .ut i ::.*• ti.‘h it p - at. A-k 1» aleTb f*d‘ it *r
CHArtLEb H. CONNER. Manufacture.*, •
LoUIiVl LLL, £.1,