Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, May 15, 1886, Image 2
MEWS FROM THE THRfE STATES t TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. AII.V KNgriliKll • SEX ; CftJ.f'MHI REOURl A. SATRltRAY MnlLMXR MAY I in-h I lel.t In Hit'- Ylir I honin'*a llli* I.Mini ti'ii'lcnf M>»iimu’. n! M irk IVmpse <•!.]t« r and !» 1 criminal, was r h,>,h Satnnh iiiK nt Marshal 1! H t. • m-j-r- i - « IiIk m. imati'(l l I"' 1 '" 1 nail i. nt .1 i\ in.'HiHiru' u mini) .1 Sm ]nut, at lli K l la l'n. kina' clmir- t.i si sold in I'nmilti >iiK lilt In; |>i'<>J>«Ti- •.u li as fast as tJu:y art irnule. Patrvk I’.pps. who was struck on Hit ‘ i ;ul with n scantling at Milcht/ll's l>ri*i fH-ar A; hens. by .Jim Martins, is Milfuring in tens*, agony and his lift; i-, in hang-r. Mart in ackimw ledge* inflicting the blow. '»nt says he did su heeuimu 10jj;>s cursed Prohibition was successful in Mitcliell minty Tuesday l»y a majority of MO. ’I lie it throes voted almost solidly for the sale. A few of them were firm against flu* sale. I’lie vote was small, lint t he contest warm ly waged. The prohibit uuiists are jubi- ■ a i it. Several persons around High Shoals are ‘.mpressed that they have a gold vein run- ' niiig through their land, and last week jiiietly hired an experienced miner to orospect for them. Ho reported Unit there | were plenty of “indications,” but lie did | not jum out any of the precious metal. Sunday, at Mrs. Wilson’s, near Bankston, | curre.l probably a fatal aceideiit. AVii ► •*. ... -tiA'. Jtt'i'f 81 4' H ? iv;. t d m l i,‘ | t ?. n mm 5 \lull ' "" ” • ''A'f i C AT A R R H t'l* bays : 'Vhi Masons of K' v West intern, .ebuild- . ing their hall. Rev. William How II. late of Or und.i. is 1 now on route to .Soul b Africa as ., I'aptiM I missionary. The pineapple crop on Key L.m go i-> .,o\\ ripe, and the grow* . - are cutting tie lus cious fruit for market. Last Thursday was the lirst I m< in thirty years J^. i\ Thrusby, oflllui springs. I had ridden on a railroad c ar. 'file catch of pompino for the past Pm j days by Cedar Key fishermen lias exreed'-d ! the demand, and sales are dull. The mulattocs of 'lamjia are organidn{_ a society in Tampa 1o ostracise the blacks 1 of their race, and ii\clv times are looked j for. Never before in the history of Florida [ has there been such a supply of egg- ir. tin i i i A.J-; CURAT! ./E ‘Ni ; ra, IF'!.'■ if*; '<• o' CON3UivT;. H E M o A R r! A -Ii.-.f • It II 1 DYiiTEi-’Si A ! f-. I " !V ALAR A. Wond* 3 NS, A Voice from the Lone Star Su • -sj'IUNi.Ki: rd.nnr, rkxewi: •i • * * •< t • r- - r. i* ! • ;• ]»<.*rfceet car*.* ia id, i S ION. g \ A TOO* I „ r COTKiV AiJta Kt. l.l'ii', L. I >-'e,;t THE S:C.-K, If: l.;-l, i CONVALESCJiNCi FATI .NTS, i AGED PLGW.E, | Weak and Deqilita rf. Women. 'j lor i.y Iirna . <}• ,ce. :uiln :.'.e-:s. j f*,-!.-,'. rvno n >;f r in^ly being on tin Anilli and Alins Nelli. Wilsuii were tiie , niurkut, tin* iiciij ... (lartii'S Id tlicaociiiioil, both of whom wore j hiy more than i'll the eve of staili.iR to ehureh. Mr. j Mr. ChiUeint' ii, resi(iin(i at Winona, ■'in it I, hail been bmnlliiiK a pistol. 1 pon wan drowned lit New .Smyrna last week, start inn out of Hie house he took it out J[e was an ICindishniiui, is years of ngr. and handed U t 1 ) Miss \\ ilsoii to plaee 1 and without an.\ known reiat.iM-s in this away. In bi-inK passed from one to tiie j country. other Ihe liistol was lij'ed. (lie bail elder- .. , . ,, r I - . , ini' tiie inner corner of Mr. Smith s left j . J ' . jr. ,. 11 A! ' J " 1 'I 111 -' . ha- , veand passim; Lhrom-I. his head. The 1'i mYTi'.?! b 1 y" H,,ln K toM Jiatent on latest K eoiml aives bi t. Imp,- of M r. ' ”" A s Y1 ' 1 I'-" v -or • ,,,,.1,- r< ........... 1 nccidcnls on railway Iranih nycarsbreuk- h icc(»\e. 1 ing apart. A large numl . r of south Florida people. a. M. Bra chant of •Mr. W. F. done: V ’ V i f ! I'-il t!|.l*(i >« (I I. } • I’ll'l- III Hardwar Ga.. Sa ' iJLXiU' LllidV Mac: At Mac'ui, Tiu*sday, the furniture of the nnicr li(Mise was takt n away by the pur- nha.s« rs. A g> carried heynm was seal 1 ••red ^•il i< .n A\ as ere ><><! many dray loads were 1 I In* i ivei*. and the furniture »vcr I lie city, (psite a sen- crc.itcd hy flic report that some \rry intctf.iti’vu n i>rs wert uiaartlua! in ihi 'Jimp* ol’ar oit. main LMiiy suit.' of fur niture usfd by .li l 1 I >u\ is wl cm he was a guest of .lie 1 .la.ft* lions*. Some of ihe 1m,v* even went so tarns tot»\v t-> organi/.e i company to search for secret drapers i nd hidden ; rcasuiA.s of I he • ■ •»i:tV dcraev. l ie* city • of 11 -• slate \ s. I lie n»i mb* r.s of the board f directors of Hie Yhomnsvi!if Lilirary ussociatimi cam*- up ioririal in the county e<" t rt at Thnnmsv■ iIh• Monday. It 'vji** a special presentment of I he Iasi grand jury on a charge of having \i dated !!,*• laws against gaming by ha\ ing a r.tHU■ at Hie fair root utiy held for Hie l- i.ellt of t iiat institution. The mailer had b. en talked ibnm on the ,-iiv* t.M a good dui! and di a i large crowd at I ii. court lions*. A mo- ! -ioj) P * (piasli the indie! in cm on t he grot i n*l, -trut ni£ others, ilud the charged was t rivial to be not ie* d by ilic t ourt. \. a.s sustained, after aide argument hr counsel ' ho had volunteered u*i the deli i»se. A lively dght (**•* ,.rn e in llaldwin cor it \- . *n Saturday I >etw** ■, tw.. *;i n> • j it*.**. II c .xnd .Freeman, in \\ ! 1 i< li one of the !■ ■•*•*• imujH was tpiitc daugonaisly can and 1 n *>t)jL*r shot. Two «'f the < L iran family \ r also liadly beaten, or.e wit li a n.attox a.m , t>.»i other with a pistol, 'fhe light begin • n. ‘iht* nublic road, where two of iIn 1 \, g i . 1 toys ulineked Morgan Freeman, which re n'Krif in Freema,i receiving r dang# rmii ^ouiid in the side, indicted with a knile | Uu learjiing this t b* Fr, email family gat In- i erowa and .. *cked the Hogan;- at ulnar home, where gen* i d t'ghl i o.> •••d. I n which pistols, grubbing hoc.- and wigo* d.u.i .l»mls \\ue freely used In Fdaiigh: .mother one , f tlu 1'ivciuaii !-.y> i\ c 4 o pistol shot in the *cg. •.;.*! t\*o of tin UoMiinsv c p- badl\ a-iteu v. .11, pistol.* ;.m b-«- Morgan FrV. n an lies in a dan -r *i.s * oiMlitio., f.-on, the stal ;n t!.* -id. d tl.reeol the pert less • re in jrl. • \ i t,. • iv VS' ninesday P •cc I he band of hu . ig*. I bo old fort at. Lliat Weill on the ex "r do St. Augustine and Indians inctralvd i.’hace. The citizens Hroolisvid* vJi! endeavu to have t he eo: . i of ion wjiieh mm limit is a deinoeratie eainiidup. for congress from Hit fird dint riel meet in Unit citv this mu,.- file soli oft x (h»v. F< nton.of Xc w York*, has purchased (in : : • »ve of (,’eorgc Squires, of Buffalo niulf, paying -fabOO. it is a. .er\ handsome and valuable gr<e. c, worth f:111\ t lie j»rice { for it. ( b.«• of tin I.,i le captive Indian i>o,vs last week fell fro M * parapet of Fort Mario • down tot!n gvn^vy ni«.J t.ejow, a 'Mstam.i- «•! it least S: f»-« t. Tiie y ung wanic.i' wu* pieki d up and found to h, jnr« d. W. A', t'anii*'i*s, *>l ; h'.uige city, imshmiio Ids brotlier M.d.t F-mnons. lie left, id brot In. r’s hist vm:i:i* v. ,i ici: \\ ideli tin..- nothing luiu b« mi Jaaod of b:m until no a ib working bi tl.c Spn'ng (jarden -• I !jj The D.i«y Wait Whiskey Co., Bar.imo.-3, Md. jlj towlc-rfvt st (■ ^vaaur^tascr tvmrxTn n%:\'-^£gaairx‘xmHccaaiul CLINCm^N’S TOBACCC I REMEDIES I*'...i...vjnnt v W. A HL FF. L;. I;ER li L(>0D HENEWEK. be forever. JACOB KKUTE. --1 with tlie nbav EL'GEN'E MA Guinn’s Pioneer Blood Renewer ZK'. r ■*5V IA PR'CE. PER EOT i LE $i.< rf-OW OX pinny prrHniMl iktuil Mill itmi skill!>i;-i iis(-s, niutunti;!ism. StToi'uJa, Old sures. A PERFECT SPlllXti MEUiCiXE. J. LARGE SIZE. $.75, m.OOR AXI) sk'l.V DISEASES .MAILED FREE. ana an* mi sunni j cif m? IE CLIEMRI TCLACCO OINTMENT 11 t| :>- i . 1 l>! ( r, • / it 1 r \ if 1. lll'iUilinn *V ( L1 I'st • u ; 111 < 1 Cilv Di'UL' Sturt. 1 . They Stand at the Head ! R THE BEST SHOES FOJl LADIES* "WEAR ARE MADE JJY •lit. 'IR. trial .,1 tm now in jail und* j 11 order of Mr. p e min v fully *l. r .o >. d<*u»)i oi’ his guilt, made f« »r a new . nu !!*u W’\,r-n , IDm »»> te i. lUf H£ CLtlGMAM TC3ACC J CAKE ; i’n! > .1 . if • ... 1 ;■ v. i tn.-. » tn.l- <*•■-. Ot>j-r| id Ery..i|,4.|."i. B-il :: I •Mi.i. -i-il 11 111 <> 111111 y iiiii^i.ziii. in’ iim-j; by Situ u- (Ji-c.i .uTiictl, 1,: 1.i I in- li.-st 1 will Itl.lkc it)- .1,>,»• :l1 1 m l'ti-i- 1:11 ■ !-, it.,! ti. I 'I’hu l)oiml m' ::i!til! li Jl J) | it ti I, t< •<’. .-I pn-j.ii il-t tIn- Mallory it.-„.m-rs .. 11- it i iiinmiiiiit-att wit! cti'lli- oil ill coll i it > till 1 ->b I. J'lo -I iu-rs 111 nii.-r will* ii'ti-tit li (Is si I'll, itn : 11 p- in'. N’."- popiilati m 11 1 i'i 1 1 plilly in in-. Mr. 1'. M .U'i-n. - -t ‘su . 1 in. Ik 1 -n : 1 ll: in-!-\ ill.-. Du r.-n-r. Piiut. - 'l-l'ib.-d -'V.-'ul -1. -lt;-f - .-r\- Soul A1 1 Hi- saw I..;: 1 - nil./ on full tine iin ill. . A * '• '* 11 •! 1 ‘ mum..! I ti u ( |„ s Dr. II r.ii— |p . .. Ull-U.-.‘. -ft ' Ni-l'lno il A' llr"s. t.if. 1 of 111 In.-il t: ,1 .1.1 M for n mt F'l.niiu. t In- -I j;* 1 ’».li.wjin.i at I.-'- •K- ! I- Ion. k. 'ii- - 'ft !a nmi;ii/J. i.E: 'i.R •i K-.*y ' V-.wl Im. pif.-lor to look n.’.i II. ■' I il tlint city. Tiii-i (iiiJ\.-»tnji j.i-op! I--I ho.llUi i-iv :. I»lint. Np IL. ; CeJd-. I’euiin** t)ov HiI*-n StlMiC « at J: 1 it.-,ti',n nud Mi! ’£ CLINCMAN TCBACCO PkASTER .-!>»• 1 *-•! Jie,•entitle (1, ilte hki.hI »n, . • i/1r imprl.N, «>f'ihe ri'i(|<>T SI 11A T i V t« K I*. I * 1 lAT"*, »Minj|),.’irj(tM(l wit 1 * t’.tt* ;*ureni n,-oo Fl*mr. in 1 ,s -|).rwi||; re<onmw:«ii!d for •.* Wt-nd *«• (>,k‘*«*l Ih.iHrP!. 1 t anil fcrtlinr c!a«* '"'H int, or mil niiiunTorj malndiet- Ael.aii aad •ih w|\Ar*> f-i »»i ..) . tlf 1 : *-at<-* a Htate ni ‘ho -jyfltfm u; r-;roi!K«r npptioat.ioc ih c. DENNETT Tlio bei-t L olifcR' OP- •:ka slippers fotly ut to Columbus- iil'O nude by them. Ti.oy ■m onh bt; Liul at luy tc-rti I c.-ui fit .nv loot. S !£= TRUST C3- cV 1JAKXARD. j NO LADY SHOULD ^n* BUY A SHOE UX- TILL SHE EXAM LNES MY STOCK. o-oo: I urn Sole Agon, for thetie Goodb in Columbus WM. MEYER x ., P e a: (300 di I •Lief r i 1 au.1;i,■ • LI* 1 !'( I -. AcLo rue \x ib« MUPM-P.. » IJ. 3 o THE WE -OF— 1 line ml on, Vol IV. Ml;;i hit'll ' Tin I’l'P ? SUCCESS! CLOTHING! CLOTHI1T G-! von are pressed b\ the reason, and then want ! 1 smt made in r luirry. ’.Ye are prepared, how- I ever, to get up suits at very short notice. If you want a suit quick, give us your order. If y<an ! want a su : t in tairty tlaj s. give us your onler. II j yon want a suit in sixty days, give us your order. G. J. PEACOCK. i tollting Manaracnirci'. (II *V III! Ulroiul Rm ti gudllLi tnp lliu ■ t-i : IS OT-TOL MOTTO, ■puii- ini-ui l J v b L ct in Hi* present roji.ll fff C fe• • ■ ►> < v T r r'iTb t- Y y L :ia v MuJ s EMVSiyfilLPlU®. “CHICK ESTES'S ENGLISH S'ln- 11 e iji-iii.i* jin.I Only ki laiiJni-. S T OM ACH I")V, 1-1,1,-my :’;-ini.). It. is on- of tlu- BEST AL TER ATDlES :,nU tf-TERS OF THE BLOOD, -ml 13 A VALUAbLE ’ONIC. STADICER'3 AURANTII wile by till Pri*i- g| ,00 per butt la C. F. STAU1CF.R, Proprietor, MO SO. FRONT ST., Philadelphia, Pa. Wjnnton Residence ami 25 Acres. On { V AU • III' si K1 ! % i ! il ' :u Ini utut I'tll ai(vet * In- Mlfu ) 'i.ii>IL-'e ;tJi- 'illl *i I_• IVF 4 .y y \JJ 7 .;;!Rci!5r,"T5: l : ick ’.-Jen -;*:;he in Feu-hows* »*038 rpRevei >!L*r.'ni-Ra. They cur? ?'vJ r ru..j*i Cites -* Ft vj c-r. SDiii* Stomach - - Esrt CrentlT 0!oa.* toe Skin. Tor.: the Nervas. and giv_c wifa y Vigor to the system. .E-' OXE Try ,hem'once an: 1 you w:ti r»?ver be without thorn, -'ice. ilb cents pc - bottle. Salci by Druggists ana WetJ : .cine Dealers genoraMy. Sent c. receipt oi price in stamps, postpaid, *o :<r.y address, j. F. S.ViTTIi Manwfarturers and Sole i ST. LOUIS, ^0. iRLLHT PUN! T\ ' 9. I a n i e ti. urth! NAME PAPE do Id Uru^lHt f - ■u-i* l J* ^IuiIIa, ii ■'kUiirc, 1’liltutltL, n Iiert-. A ah to.- ‘TliU’hA • IP. JIV lilt i pur- Tin- j-tniti-nlkiry »t ilu fall term --ft lie - uurt nl Uli.- eumitv. in lbhl lnib del dolled l.y Guv. U'.Neal. Tiie Times, of Witiimpkn. says: uu> keen a a. u. nil i- ,|.laint anu-'iir far- nu rs whose i-oU.-n eanie i.)i previ-.uslo the 3ate eohl s j nil, that it tuna:! I.laek at tile Toot, rotted ami died out. Thousands of ii res have been l imited ov er and th. crop is very niueh la hind. Farmers s.-.-ni to )-e making a poor start anyway this year. The convict who escaped from lion. Thomas William's pi u-e two «. . !;- w.i.' ilrow in ! in tlu 1 . • •ivorwhilc attemptina to cross at Ware's fevrv. Ilis was Ivukd ill J1-. m ■ i'e tv ifru^l.l. oi-r.- ul ) uirU»Vi** **»•*,n\ DMA FN KSS vRY Debtors and C'editors. lai'livrvci t*. .,11 pc'nous l.aviiijj i:-t f II )* * r. Ril*.- * f naiii* B. F. CO, Jr ) Hil! P: tlio Gc jii'vjn \ i'l p 'riVT A'. A.'I Idlv inh \ 1 tu t!i sat 2m I II;,ir Had ri:nT,l in 11\ Hauls TvTOISOlIY TO LOAIT .Ls li.-i-cla. jJYiiVT* m..\ ( ‘KM A R. Il * UPIIA. Ml •diato pnymoiu tu nu-. DAVID A. AM I UN. Avlm'mls\vnv*'V, v\ LXDERTAKER AXI) DEALER IX \J >t i)(ir.K. ( < H’NTY. hv given t" all p* f"ons that on tin , IKK.}, W. M. 1’KKKV iloparti-il this lift anti ii" person fas appli-A ft-r .u I minis! and Casdods, ClnldreTiY 1* Gloss ale nf said W. M. Pern in .said '-nm.ieil > t-duH." A\ llito' iYA;«;n.oV i ".meLd,NRiI , a, ! id While MotiiHc Cu.skuls. Durial Rnlii's, all i>rices from sl.-io afte r tlu- pul t k Dr tour w. to his appoi unless Vuiid "h up. IVrsonal a11c111 ioii g'i veil all orders. TwelfUi SI root. ;l'!ie ! i\ y .d. h .'.i'.' 6 ' : tour tloors west of Tiios. (Ailborl’s Prinling Office. oc isiy TOOMBS CRAWFORD, Real Estate Ageat. Rj North Broad Street. ... i I k I »/n Send six reins for p. IV 1 /. lti. reef c* - e- flic a e-»llj " - ids iidiich will iielp all, of either sex. i* .- p ire money tight away than anytliag ■. 'I