Newspaper Page Text
Ii.un rTTTTl'IrtMT • 8! .N : nTLTAI [ITTT (»hl U\IT] SFADAI M(»K>L\H, MAY Hi. 1*80.
Daily. Weekly and Sunday.
Till' 10.NuriHKH-.srN is
Cc ' Mon.III Tlu Weekly is issmsl on Mimilay
The Daily ilncludliiK Snniliiy. is ilellverefl h;
CU" '. vs ‘u Ihc I’ity or r.i;ilUsl. lustu^e (Vee. I »*
Bcribcra for Hr. per monlli. A'-’.(Ill for ilirei
mmillis, *l.iin for six months, or S• .<1(1 u year.
The Smi'hiy Is delivered liy carrier hoys in (hi
clti or .nailed to subscribers, postage Bee, a
The Weekly is issued on Monday, and is mailed
' li lubseilbers, postaur Bee. al 111.Id a year.
I Transi. nl advertisements will be taken for tile
Daily at Jt per si|tiare of III lines or less for the
first insert .a, and .Vi cents for each subsequent
Insertion, and for tile Weekly at $1 for each in-
K nice
; A’l c unniunieiitioiis intended to promote the
j, rival,. •• ds or interests of corporal ions, societies
or hidin,o. ds will is. 'harqcd as advertisements.
Special e.mtraets made for advertiainy liy tile
year. Obit uaries will be cliarycd for at customary
None blit solid metal cuts used.
AVI ■ niuiiinii aliens should be addressed to the
propn'iti i of tlie KNiji'muH-SuN.
Vi:i;y interestiiio iiili't'vicws with two
cl ..ill' lend inti lniiintfiictm'iTs will he
‘f,, in 1 in iutr local eolnnins this, morning
5'liese eeiilletnen arc not in tlie hubit of
Fj.eiiltino until they know what they are
peine to say.
A tusTiNi.t isiitd> American |>)iilrw>jihcr
cnee .leiincd a niiMtnthid|ie to he a man
Ntlie Inis found the world a little "too
lunch for him," and it is |iroliahle that
3\] i Most and his fellows will lind it even
more loo much for. juiarchist~-ihurt for
lit her classes of misanthropes.
Tin Maenii Teleara|ih says: "(tenoral
(ionlon yrnt left in Macon while reading
the pleat anil paid Telepraph liefore the
Campaign was fairly open." The moral
of w hich is that (ieneral < iordon and
rvertl else should take (he Kvul lltlilt-
E r N a: I we jiromise that they shall not
“pci led."
independent ami the time-servin
lind representatives now as in earth
past history.
lint n.itw ith'tandinp the unclmna’e.i'.i
nature of man the world moves
iiinii has demonstrated that lie is a site
cess to some extent at least, mdwith
standini/ the disadvantages of tie’ sit
Hat i. 'll. The w ,rid is a school in w Id,
its untold millims of inhabitants Ini'...
I .celt studious Km h pone
rati,,ii fi', »n Tuiia'eain down 1,
.lay (iolild have had lie-::
t sell,,.,I hour-and learned their lesson-.
Kneli ape lias handed down it- r,, 1,
and experience, each addinp a little to
the praml quota of hitman pr,ipo--. Tl,.
w isdom ,,t the race throllph it' sileee-'i\ e
slap- may lie compared the mirth's
pc,,1*epical strata- Knelt ha- i,een marl.,.
I,y -nine distinpui-hinp j,e"'l 1 it fit y.
rieiitph A iain and hi- sti re- ,rs '.\:. 11;. ••!
and talked a ill, < ;•> I. they were l.u: ,1-
in Ian 1- on the laps ol lie■lr in ,ther-, com
pared to the preat ],r,,pre-.-ive n, -n
nineteenth century tine-, to whom : ; i,
apprepated wisdom of ail tic pa.-t i-an
I open hook. .Man wa- never so po ll'd;,
lin hi- achievements a- lew. As tin-
centuries conic and pn lie seems to drink
»•! i
V ■"
td .e
J "i
I he niimhcr o
mt lots, and th
i; should j ltd pc
i:,, cans on tie
iisittp display ,,f new ones in every
ei v store in the , In ,,r country, that
ruil.d Mates were the liest etlstom-
fei the tin of Cornwall. Statistics
i that we pay st2,ouu,(itKi annually tit
,,.untry in the tin |>latc factories,
a iiiose iipure-an idea ,,f the .plant i-
plate consumed may hepather-
,( t
hit contenijHirnry, the Mont/omery
Aoverliser, says "these papers in < ieor-
p' , which charge that Mr. Ikivis was any
p I (,: a political selieiue either in .Ma
li ua ,,r (ieorgia, are doing him great
i i uirte.” There is not a paper in Cioor-
po, that believes tin> sticli tilings, and
t\.. teeiill no such eltarge having been
made. Tin* action of politicians who
u> “ a)unit him is sometliine that noojie
ih :res to lav to the charge of Mr. 1'avis.
hut little of the grand m;
student and scholar ran
to Moses of old, “the
thou standest is holy."
And if in material progress a ml srintiiic
develoiuncnt the world gives evidence of |
having made such conspicuous stride-,
who can say that in grand moral ideas I
and enlightened Christian sentiment the
progress is not equally prominent and
w ell delincd? I»i ■•jilts,’ it i- not now the
order to sutler martyr,lorn f,,t opi,,n sake
is no evidence that humanity is not as
linnly grounded in the truth as ever..
The facilities for kn,,wl,,|ge have so j
vastly increased in tiu-e latter days that
one may read a miniature history
of the glol.e every mornilm l,ef> .;•>
hreakfast. Ilya ta.-ual piitu, e a! thi-
photograph, so to speak, one W ould not
take a hopeful view of the moral situa
tion. vi t it must l,e home in mind that |
fa I sell,, ml and ermi ami , rime are Hashed
,,n tile lightning’- wing-, w idle truth
creeps >ii with tlie slow pace of the snail.
tlie timiita.n- <,f
jiiy ini.-
,icck in tvluiIt
-• will a*Iv*MT.ii.*
,, inif,,l'l littfby
ill',,.l«l coin; ,i--i,
.,1 MV. o- it
A 5
cries ,,f t),i• in-
> l. 11 j ' 1 .
1 \ 1
fawA f
1 i. ,n i-ttn m it ii'-s
Ji i> I-
clicvc! 1 hilt ( I-,',.
.-jj.ili, ah i I»;*. i
1!', ll. tit I'l Vet tl,"
!■ t ii.#ii. \
'. lio Well'li.s Witt'!
,, t , : m , tl’... a-
I'ltsily ■('" that
•I..- mill*
• ,;t, 1 commission
. M-ji i . ar*.*
,1c. In the llillt'- ,
ludli pr
on.j'tuil by
tln-v c;scr tj tr r tj '
e 1 i\ ,q tilli llll-
Ini' the
best, yet it is site.
;:i;.; * !;*•’»* 1 3 !
,:ive cnci'oaclicil
-i Hill 1' 1 i
lie so wiilc uj'itt:
in t <,n-tniii,i ■ '1 |
i 1
ttiit of ,ii> iiiity.
tin* litll*l
ranei s ,Ilic cun,
ibkites, j, cer- 11
•ay to ti man ;t-
tuinly it
(•nionstaitis tliat
i'i i- it ,|t. i "it ; S |
; j
i /
'I'UUllil wlicivon
i,.;Ut r i
,, ;! I'U IV ‘ lie line.
only ti.- vicwcM ill J
! !
! i
r 1 sr T"V J \ IT T
5 11 h 1 \ /
Xew This (Monday) Morning:
1,000 Yards Cheeked NAiiN'jok at T : ,c. well worth l‘2V,c;
500 Yards Chocked Nainsohk, superior qaalKy, at VP ,c, such as we have sold at 14}.jc.
25 Pieces of India Linons at 9 L,c. 'These are genuine India Linons.
1-5 Pieces v fbeuutifu] Sheer Barred India Linons at 15c. If we should ask you 25c for them
you would not think of their being high.
It) Pieces of Checked Linon D’Dccca at 15' Jc—the greatest bargain of all.
Organdi Checks, the climax of Beautiful While Goods, 25c.
Special values in Xew Embroidered Flouncings, 45 incites wide, at from $i.oo to $:j.5o
r * rv;trd, \Ve are believers in low prices, and we firmly believe that if the prices are low enough
t any amount of good* can be sold. Come this week.
:\i J |J i
’ !
.'rum ;t j,,■ rsnitul preierene,*
The friends of Major Bacon se, m to
, (,:isl ler it ;, very queer chtiiq.- fur
• i, mini (iiird.oii to bring rigam-t
him, when Senator Brown, who is
, ,,11-i'lered the higge't railroad king in
the stale, i(,],]losing him. If the , onte-t
;.- to I,f ell tlie question of ',,,,■ railroad
, „ntn t-i '.' si'i-ms that it wml-l n .*. '.«•
a had idea t,, rui, nut and in phi tintnv,
There are a numher,,f, 1 i-tinvii-he,i p,-,i-
tiemei’. i.". ti." -tate wl'.o are let unwiii-
ing to e.xpi'-s thi-ni'-, iv.'s in word- that
•t unct 1 ■ melt r-t.„„1. and who ,nld
'ill tl,,- piil„ rnatorial , hair with a- much
alqdty at; 1 lei, ■ ty a-eitlier ,,f tic dis-
'ingui-hed Limtemei; named in that
• nnei'.h>n.
the Ifue lest of Value!
There arc more go. „I tnet, and women
m-day than ever I,(Tore, and Ihe.-e are
doing more t,, -eivud the kingdom of
righteousness and enhance the wclfan
and happiness of the race than those of
any previous epoch of the world's his-
AVe liave devoted ennsidel'ilhle splice
{hi- 'Homing to showing what is and
i\h.,l ha-been at'i'omyiished in the wa\
.(' ’a it iieial results from our cotfon in-
I'ltstrial institution-. The cotton mann-
ju tiiiiiig in ottr cit\ i-a hig thing- more
■xti n-'i\e in fact than many imagine. A
ew -tatistiial facts will he interesting.
Columbus produces upon tlie L’Atlti
,«or. s w hieh site has in operation, ahoitt’.ti) yards of cloth daily, f-iie spin-
l.,;l it;,on her (ill.lliHI cotton -j,hellos
;; dh.iW jk,tin,Is of yarn, which rep
ose::', t a contimem- length of 454,(100,-
i)nl yards, or sufficient to coil around the
:.vumTerence of the earth it l „,iil ten
i.'iK"'. Nearly SIKH) pent,I,• derive tlieir
'ally supjKtrt from t’ one industry,
'he monthly juty roii- for lain,r alone
vill reach .■soti.ikK) or about
’•<.<*. '(I'l j,er year, all of whielt is kept in
ircv.’ation here. Km' the stock andoth-
r i .j-enses to run these cotton mills
here i- an annual i'X|icndittiro of nearly
“T' 1 1' 1 "on additional.
Vor lhe lust few y "ill's tltt'se immense
lit’.... - of capita* liave been male with
■are, |y any return- to the -I,,ekle>ldi r-.
nd ye! they have all coiitimieil running,
•I'inp h,,w great the distress would he to
op. The outlook is nmv brighter, and
e hope that our interests in mamtfne-
tmi'p will I'ontimii'to increase. Cotton
he.'. eottonailes, ginghttms and white
,od- are pt'udui'ed in large quantities
id I'orm the chief articles manulac-
ned l he Kagle and l’hi'ttix also make
ary handsome cotton blankets, and the
>' ut ioainifacturlnge,nnj,ttnv are makiug
tne .cry beautiful l>,-d-|.ivad', fij>r,•-
ntin j artist ic wear lug in their make-up
id - .Pits. The good- of t nPmihu- are
1,1 nearly every city in Aiuerica. an :
ar ., inph reputatii Ut.
M Utt HIM. OX.
II.'., other thing- Iicsidi’ the s,ml ef
■1. I hit Brow n "p,, tnarehing ,,n.”
naiepe is written up.,it everything cx-
J't. jierluj's, the nature of mall, w hich
■pear- to he the same a- at the hegin-
np. Man i- su-'vptible to re „r less
• ii-11 tin-,nigh the agency ,,f education
el a—,.,nation, hut his whims and pas-
,ns, his appetites and ambitions are
st the same as when in l-Men fain rose
, and slew his brother. Olle will strut
s brief hmtr in the hope >>f convincing
let's,,fhis v;l st superiortv, and ifocca-
>n olfers will heeome a tyrant to tram-
yti pon the rights and ],riviloges ,,f ltis
lows. All t ypesnf nu n. the good and the
d, the noble and ignoble, the hero and
e Coward, the philanthropist and the
ser, tlie industrious and the idler, the
Never in the history of our southern
country, has tlie march ev. ii:- l.een
mo; y marked than ill this moment,
riti' feeling of sectionalism which ha-
kept the north and south -,■ htr apart,
for many years, lifts gradually yielded
In that progressive sjnrit which is pe-
■uliarly American. As tlie years go l,v
and the interchange of vi-its beer,me
more frequent, tlie attractive south be
comes the more an object of deep inter
est. This feeling h i • grown til! the
present, when it call he truly said the
Mow',,f capital i- ->u' i it.-!. Thi- m;tv
he rightly considered the greatest bless
ing we needed. The war of desolation'
left waste piaees to he rebttild-
ed. The conlidi it, <• at lust, i-
;.,laced in southern progress and southern
nnestments. \!1 ii'.v; tie- seeti,,n can
I ,e seen tlie etfeet-tiiat naturally follow
tilts condition, .iu-t !l.,w theft* exists
preat activity in the south and special
ly is this t,'U" in (ieorgia. which is ac
knowledged to lie the leading state in'
the south.
1 ic.r city, which is n,, stn,ill factor in
the great e,'tutu,,uwealth ,.f t ieorgia. ,
se.-ms to ,e partaking in a large measure
the general prosperity. From the j,res
ent oiiil." k. it pr.-mi-es t , outstrip many !
"f its competitors in solid growth. Facts
-pick for tIn tuselves. "The future ,.f
"Ur e.ty" as pnvtrayed in our last Sun
day's issue, set forth in a modc.-t way
what tlie ptoiui-e wa-. In lc.-s than a
week, some of ot,r | 11• j>1.i eii - are being
’cali/.i d and the inlhtenee of this jour
nal tilt, a- a leaiii r tual render of
pit',lie epinion. To an i ,1 ,-
siT\ant mind the gr,>wth .,f the few \ ears
past could scarcely have h, on hoped for.
The future is yet n.ore prignant in pr,,s-'ity f.,r U-. The ofthe w et k may '
i can index of the Iincs. Thee,ilituiM-nf
thi- journal contains ad\ orti-oment-
h-.kitig to the et pani.'at" ,n of nu le-s
titan three n, w corporation-. V new
ehur.'h e,litiee yro;„.ctioiiate to : '.c city’s j
gr. w 1; an 1 Ff demand f r it. ha- taken
on a material inauguration. The appli
cation f,r a charter, with the special ,,1>- 1
jet ,f improving the delightI'ttl suburb.
l, ,-i liill. i.-a it,utter of interest to Co
lumbus, f,,)• in the tiatut.i! ordi .'ofthing-
II ic city will eventually em!,i':t," tlti-
yottngiT si-tit and the two hi merged in
The steady tilling up of the city and its
natural e. ■t,formation, are rapidly popu
lating this village, which ha- the appear
ance l,, the uninitiated as being an integral
part ,,f Columbus, it- splendid water,
newly opened streets and elevated po-i- |
tion have aura,-led the attention of ,-ue-
eessfu F 1 u-i til-.- men, who heeded the
word-,,f the Fxiit'iHEK-Si'.v. All around
are evid.-nei's of growth. A few more ,
months will give u- new outlets and
mt hn xi.i'.i ii .nm tM.s.
I The I . mm..; Register came t > us yer?ter-
liay bea >uc.t of ini]irovemenl tliat it
■ a- uni ret ionized by the name. In fact, it is
antntir y aew jupev-ne’.v out/St, new manage*
■ iii-nt. m \ liu* amt as newsy generally as any
weekly : i!u- ‘fate. It lias cue valedictorj* nf K.
: fei .do > r.Jenn and the salutatory of Guerry &
Aaldel. Mr. Waddell is the acquisition, and
ib is.- w .t .••mi the paper will recognize me
Browne', ait* l ree Fress under his management.
1 i he Hog 13z > ali*e :• ci'sHt to fieale and the
, enterpri !r.» youn/lcmeu at the helm.
The D ih. f; itfn. Smi i- :* new venture in the
! iirnali.- ... i.t. . .mi :,t ;rs the indications of a
pro-pi re is future. Mr. Waterman is an expe
rienced v. me." and will make his journal auiuiiu-
cmicc for vn.ttl in that community.
Lant Thursday evening Mr. Bridges Smith, the
c t v edit r of the Macon Telegraph, and Miss
Katrina Goelz, of Macon, were united in mar-
; ring®. Those who kr.ow Mr. Smith can only
I have the very kindest wishes for him and his fair
j bride. He is one ofthe warmest hearted knights
I < f the .pdlHn this state and we tender him
. learae'" <• -iiwra'. a. 'ion- •• 'th >n car.* -a • • -h
ilm: he :nuy fully re.i.iw .. . piness which
i et>nu h fr >;n a h. ly wc-Uied love.
, m rm ‘suMonfam:
oTtnr i nrnnoiTnno
Of \..\v Milljn;.;'v oji'.ut.i y,..,- IS OUK MOTTO,
I I t'l'i l:t V. ii< >X .11 • fl 1 it >N of new j
up I 'iirin'i.-iiiciy itfiiutifu! 1 And ever lias been. Upon this principle we have built our
I Triij'inki-rs. Oruanicnts. Flow- j prosperous business,
ers. t ic. Xo use talking; this
depart)iten! is being ••run" on
| lb" ’-cry highest scale of "ari”
and inii-d and shall he the
Best Millinery Depariment' By so-called low prices named in boastful advertisements, but
Soldi;. I see the goods as they are priced, and be sure you get what
l.itiu t'.urioons exquisite you buy. Our stock was never so complete and goods were
I Fn-iii’h Flowers, bought of an j never so cheap. All we ask of a discriminating public is an
importer a! less than 50 cents j examination of our stock before buying. All say Kirven's is a
oi the doiltir. We in lend good place to trade.
and a dozen to import.;
We whl sell them ai the uni- j
ft,i a, price of >12 a dozen, or j
s] f.u'h for hunch. \Ve can j
supply detilers id reduced
io i ut it itm
The Saving-- Department of
Hit 19 IKS
Faconi. and Antique Laces to trim.
Figured Curtain Swis.-es in stars and spots, light and airy,
milew ri 1 ntier .July 1. vi
» -l ;it liie rate of .5 per cent p.
<-f $’.000 t vL! be i’cc«'iVfl t-xc. pt on special
AT ilepo.*..ts cm li .ml li iv Wi, lssf. c’«>utiii.i<- *
draw interest nt 0 n‘*rccnt pci annum until -I ui
ni'.rv Nt. IB-7. on such pin a> lvnet’us inn Ira v - :
at that date. A. 1. Ynt'N« , ( ashler.
Saving* D. par.ment of the Ka.rlc an l J-h *ui:
Man tfy -lur'ug • '»>. my!<> dtjyl
cS C V.—) _ 7
5,iji'I ; Xew iind beautiful I
SM'u'v Hals and Bonnets of
tlie very iaie.M shapes and J
•h.trticier of braids.
LiU'gest stock of Millinery j
in Columbus. Latest styles!
of Millinery. The most com-1
pie;,- stock and the only first-1
rhtss. iip-iup .Millinery Store!
in Coluiuiuis. Xo competi-i
lion in Milliiterv. Those la-
db.-; .,v!i" ate the’best informed just the thing for summer,
i at I lie subject of Millinery Extreme Xovelties in Lace Flouncings.
1,1,1 t'Xistciict. Mild meth-l MaU>h SoU iu Swiss Embroideries,
ods of this depiU'tmeiit wil.n| ,,
deii dd II is ti g'tiirauh"’ of Sheer Plaid Lawns, Sheer Plaid bwisses. sheer Plain Or-
,he x e■ y line-1 .Ai diiuery. lo- gaudies. These come in small plaids, medium plaids, plaids
lahy devout ut all ”loin bool | inches square. Thev are lovelv goods. The assortment
prices. .No mic.gimiry values ;
here. You simply pay for | i s splendid.
what ye , g* I. Ilecidedly oh-. India Mulls in cream and Jivory white, 32 inches and 38
-ervaMt on everything turned ;; h wU{ Valenciennes All-over Laces to match.
dill of In's slock IS that pet'll- , , ...
j!..jDii.'sct'iPahle "TOFCli"! t.heekeil and Corded Dnmties. very sheer, an excellent
uhi'-li at once marks tlie nnilerial for children's wear.
I '' l !! ,iivi, ;. k l n • t' ( U Calile C.tird Pitiues, Pitiue AYelts. Plain Pique Cords, and
Mlduier. I 1
You limy a- well give it up. inauy other white goods which space will not permit us lo
You can't beat : enumerate.
OH nilST-el.A
Entrance through Hill A Law's
lie Hue llur Success to Fine Rork ami
Spar,at Atiilniery
lor M ,inlay and
May 17di ami IMh. To m-
tiuce ilie ladie.- lo give Us
iln ir orders Lie lirst of lhe
M'eeiv We will sell for the spot
TgLq Our White Goods Stock is Complete
VeeK we will seli lor Ute spoi . ... . .
,,-h s3<h) Hats at >2.2»K And full of new things. We ask your inspection, behewng
•' -’ on Hals at •J'bbW that we show bv far the choicest assortment in Columbus.
>1.75 and >2.nn lltits at >1.2->:
81.50 Hats at 81.o<> : si.ooj
Hals ;it (35c. Ac.. Ac. \\ o will
charge our regular prices after
i"ld Tui'S,lay. I’li-u-i', g | q n Q h Q fCl, BOOth &
’ remember this.