Newspaper Page Text
llouuifc ittuj umvfffum.
Dnilv. Weekly and Sundav.
rill' KMH’IHKR-»r.N i* IwnciJ cvi-ry ilu
■*q>t Momiuy. 'f lu* W ot 1 kI,\ is issu'd on Mo
The Daily including .Sunday i is dclivci
furii-rs in tin city or mailed. pontage fret*. t.
.irribiTs for T.V. pt*r month. S2.0M f»ir
nontlis, SI.00 for six months, or 87.00 a y<
Tlu* Sunday is delivered hy carrier hoys i
-*ty or mail'd to .subscribers, postage IV«
The Weekly is issued on Monday, and i- mailed
i -ubscribers, postal* free, at HI.Ml a year. | *
rransient advertisoment* will be taken for the 01
>ni!v at $1 per stpiare of in lines or less lor the j'i
livt insertion, nmi SO rents for each subsequent ji
isertitui. ami foi tlu* Weekly at + 1 for each in-
All comniunientions intended to promote tlu* I*
jri\ ate ends or interests ofeorpor.itions. -orielie*
nr individuals will be charged as advertisements.
4p«*riul eontrnets made for advertising by the
■ear. Obituaries will be charged for at customary
TTlii/T.Y ciirli imlivi.lual jun>r \v»ulil ho tiem, D not tl.«* ilwiit* • if the J.ooili* •;
U'ln'liciiilly iiK'rciiwd, |>nttitivf on him, to OcMii'irin. an<l rannit iv>ist tin* jn.-i -
‘"ini' (IclOc r. a ilivnity ilk in to t Inti of the nation t,, ur _.,. that 11 > su.'li tiling
jmlnx*. Tin' in*Hi' inli'lli'.'i lit ]ii.fti. oi ..1 ilmif « liifli t)it‘ Imi'i.i “iiL'^i'-ti'in of mii Ii
tlic coiimiunil.v "miM bo j/lml, a inovo evoko-. It i.--not n 1‘iibjoot to !)■
Mi'. I’ii'1'llo think*, tn -'ini neoil to iliviilc |,ailio-or to In- .li.
iv|nwnt.nivos to tin. C'lirts l at tin- liiMlmr-, but a matter wi.iu
tints I'oii-titnli'il. and. that tlf-o, ^'tiiloil . HinuM be • li.-joi--!•!•’v aii'l Hint!ir. i
by tlio jiiiljji* on tin' bi'in ii, w.ill*I aO I'onU'li'iuil in tin' .!• -_r:>Int'if•, a- ..n
Iifihiijitiv ainl i'i|iiitill>!y. Ami il i- In• i i j.mvly of «*xj1i.-nt".* an I tint tu b.. ...
i lint liv a -y-11• 111 of onrlv tri >1- tin- • Iiv- j tilv taken, W'.'iv Ii.jituw truub'" ,
I'ivaiilnoi' ini'i'li'iilal tn Imie
u'iiifiii-' i'iim'm to a iit i'i~ion, ai,
m<l \\"ari-"ine 1'i.nli—t- in i ran in ti
li>ii' Ivan Litre "f >u i t • • is ami all iith'T III
miiN, mii/ht be i i I lo a minimmi
'iany .>n11->'. • i-•- "I 1 a jatri'ly ]-i -• ’i:
ini 1 I'livato nullin' mL'Iit In* wit’
1111 i * * exliil ition, ami tin
in limlsili'.'a ilvimn ratii ;-mii. out . a
no 1 ti'.n a liii'l, .-an i"' • 1111•• 1 j't-t a-
lly. ami in mm n iwtter t• -ml>er, i
ii'tly apart'.-atl ;>1 itle*
Tin: mlerodc
i ii-iicy tln.t I.
it t'» su
\i .
'l"'»l t.
prifi' any
I’i.Ml", lik
kn-iw.i tint! many tin
sett li'il ' ai 'lion1' nnta^fi
eri'iu'e in iiiakine pi ivat
i i Iv of all tin' wm ill.
tiler ■'
lilli.aith of ai
L-jtoil in a .|r..n
i-statti of i-alidlu
Tliih.ilf-jitna, hat
ajar little uclixo
Nolle bill solid metal cuts used.
All e. in mu ideal ions slum Id he addressed to the
rn|'He!or of the ENtnuiu-ueSi N.
t ii \ it t( at mi t t tii’tiiiV
Tlu' 111 ■ \\ s pa pi ts in re I. 'I'l'i i ii? to tin*
^tibernaloria! I'ontoal now in pro^ross in
•his -tali' a.- a lieate.l one arc likely In be we are pnnnl to i-laini as a l iti/.ui ol t,.i-
TIIK KM II MiW Ills) Ill's.
Yioti'i'ilay was the ni"-i nti if-tiim i,
the proceeiliinxi- "IHuy y«f lieib i.y tin-
yi-neral Motlimli-t rniili ri'iici', m w hi
si's.-ion at iiii'liiinaiil, ' a, Ti.■ -re ui-.i
four now bi-Imps ok'i tiiil, one of " m an
enti.liKS <!i,
' t.nii
lity. Tlif fuiir m u tu-liop- are:
Uev. Iir. < . I’, i ialloway, of tiie Mi
sijipi ci.itten'liee. lb'is a! this tilin'
tor liftin' Xc" llrleans ( lirisliun A*
t:ati*i ami if-- forty vt-ui> of tt”t—-
ie u|)|.iei im.oii oi' aer aui.
ic. an I lai.j.iooes to nolil i
jtv tile trial to continue a
s tony as the utiiei jjeo|ile
.. J.iaiu lias a talent foi
•'idiiiif :
liness i.
Nov. t: :
i niCAGri InU-r-O,- e.. :i
doll wants to 1, K oveui
lielled to admit that tin
little queer. The din
lias not yt t nie'i . -ill't ie- eonven. :■ "i. ;. e, e a
or two email- a ftw • nierjai-.i.e tieinou'd:-
liave called contentio'is. whic'i -el.-cted de.e-
aates |.!e lfred to UeaeiaJ fiord n - stronyt I
rival. Major Ha. on. When un cx-coi-.iVih;- i •
and a democrat flail" tie- jml tieal inetiiods ..I
the puiitli embarraislniy. there maybe tbr
refoi iimtiun.
Tiid New Turk assembly has unanimous ■■
passed a law to abolish the distinction uf sex-in
the question . >f admission u. tin* bat of tile .state.
If the state senate Juts as many gallant anil true
g-etillemt ti, fjovenii.r Hill will havean opp u-tu-
nity to show the country whether he remains a
bachelor because he cannot center all his atfe.-
lions upon cue won,an, nr because he has an uu-
I'o. it:. ias- who
gin to sei pin- for t
see I aein knot ke.i
i.f iss. will live
idy sdiould torch ei
armony and buili
i.y To tin- e.-untry.
an effort to re
lie commercial
HiHUiiiIi'I'-stinid by a [Treat many. In
■quaking' of it as “lieab'il," 11 ifv only
an an to t'onvey the int< 11 igci'lift* that it is
tniti' spiriti'il ami the people are taking'
in aetive interest in expressing' their
prefi'i'eiii'es. Snell a statement ill t hie young'est of nil tlie hisliops.
.(•etioii, at this particular time, soiunis a I Uev. \V r . W. I>uiuan is a im-mbi i
.ittle ml'l ig“ there is hut little interest so j the South Carolina conferem-e, ami
tar inanifestcil. Tliose who have a |u'ef- now a professor in Wallonl eolleg'e. I
erenee tlti not, licsitate to express it when I is about forty-five years of agm, a rij
the snhjei't is introilni'eil, hut they are : scholar ami a consccrati il ('hri-tiam
aiore tlt'eplj inteiTsteii in fostering' tint j Uev. I >r. H. U. liemirix is of the Mi
welfare of'tlie i-itv than in ag'itatinjr |io]i- souri eonfereuee ami president of tl
tieal a Hairs which have a lenilcni'v to Centenary college at St. Louis. Ifo
i'lm-rif strife. They are all in -nel. l'"i'ty-tWo years of ag'e ami one of t!
tlionuig'h harmony on general allairs ! must aide di\ines in li e iunniry.
i.o'iiiig'in I hi-direction, tliat no inelina-i lie' . 1 >r. .lo-eph S Key is a iiieinlii-r '
•<"ii is I'elt lo throw anything' of a dis- j the South < "•"rg'ia n inii'ivm'e and i- pn
nirhing eharai-ler in the way oftheae- .-iding eldi . of the Coil.mi.ns di-irivt. . tipathy to tiie -.
•i "d t\ li it'll now pi'-ilnmiiiates. lie is a citizen "i ini- e;tv amt u'.'."it
Util «ven in oth'-r sections "iiere the j li fty-set en t.'.ars ofag'". >
ig'lit waxes hotte-i. then' is nolle of that I rum the best iiii'ormiit;. n at Imii I it
personal \ itnperali partisan aluise is believed tint' all the selection- made
Al'.ivli rlianieti-ri/.i'd t lierampaign of Issti, j ini ve been ad mini. 'Ie, and that the; will
Xot- K there a mwe--ity for it. I’mth the i !"■ a pow-r in .'hnri-li and leli-giiuis inlli'.-
svrwiidates on tlie stump have deelured I eiices. We have so far heard none if t
-toidt a tliing'li. lie el»m>.\iiuis In them, words of nraise, but our i iti/.t-m- an
tnd that they waul none of il. Certainly g'l'i it I y n -y. •: • I in the seleetien "I lb.
d.,.'tr friends w ill not introduei' il. Il Key, wlm i- \ery near to their hearts
vns prophesie ! that (ii-n. < ion Ion w mid and wlm will w ear the i'"bes of iii.-hopri -
aoalu“a cain.'iiig'n "n tiie line "f vindii-a- with as mil h aim it v and a- pi',.,., mi'
r • and at the evjuration ot everv ■ :.\tv see-uu.-win
fiojijutl lie frank ly tel is tlio people : Cut dignity a- any man Unit cllld have bet it move over thirteen inches. The hour hands, one
v* lias done noihing' ri'i|iiiring' a vindi- I I'lmsen. hr. Kyy was born in I’n'.nam foot ihorter, will move more tlnin six and'om-
.‘itfion and that he is running V"li•!• on i 1 uinty iu 1S2i) and with his lather, Ih-v. mil feet e- erv iiour. chimes ol bells will prob-
Ats- merits, and upon this he will stand Caleb W. Ivey. , ame to Talbot count' 1,>1 J be connected wits, tht eialwift" niK...u-
. • - sm. so to:", the (tur.rters, haives and Hems «1i;
>ri.!iM llelias nntlnng to eliarge tig'll i list "ben • |uite young. He joined t.e., i,.n-i u-. ■
Jf.Hjjor Uaeon, and Major I’aeon is In e to south (leorg'i;. vonferi-nee —-ir
say thill he regards C.,n. Cordon a- :m and '■since that time lias
tit 'Wimble, upright, h.gli-mindi'd eiti .. n. ; an itinerant minister. In l.s.V,
'Viltli this state of alliiirs, there is no iva-! lie " as nmn ied to Miss Nisi'-
*im* why the campaign should not b. ol i Snyder, ol S.i\ annali, and to them several
*La- most pleasant kind nnd serve - to , i-liildren were bora, ..lie of whom is a
aotuL Hi.- du’: u.iuotony of ;i feu imi • minister ami no" ii -.-ident of Andrew
Weeks. | inllcgc at t iitlii i at. 11.- had two
sons, one of "dvom lied a few yt-avsiegi-
oi it .it in i its a i s. j : it bumpkin, who was also a minister.
it gs- a saving' a- old as Hie liiii- lliat { Dr. Key has served some of the iarg’e-t
,l, uiv man can loretell the verdii't ol a petit | eluirehi's in the eonferenee. and siii"e
iftry r Verymany of those "im have 1^7" Ids ministerial lalmrs havu been in I
®ut'if«wl in tit's kind of guessing are Columbus, Macn and Savannah, il.- ■
x'uif.y to verify it - I ruth. | was |'residing i l< I. i i -f t lie Mae. m dist ll0ll=e 1 u '
LlCts matter "a- taken under eousid- . jq lsj 1 ..’, and lias several times been pre- | Tut: cleef u-
tfl-altion liv till' t inerirun Iktr Assoeiation siding i-l.ier ef tie- (.luml.its district, a "mhiiigt-n is t
is .v lti“t meeting. tieorge \\ . liiddle, position lie is no" tilling to tlie glvat snt-
:Ci;t T of I’liilatleipliia, read a pap* r etili- jsliit ti.m of nil.
;ie<A“ All ln.iniry into the l’roper Model We lielieve the mantle eou!.l
,ef rrial,” " hit li lias since appeared in j have fallen uj on more ""r-tliy shoiildt-r-
ilaiupl.det lorm. limugli the reader mat than upon Dr. Key. 1 Ie is an able niin-
it.i. t-gret'"itii him in some of I lie i-ter, a thof'iegli and murte.. u- gentle-
tn.Vi-wpi'esscd. a- p e do imt om-elve-. it ,,kii,. an iiiteiligent and disi rimina! iug
Vila i t-found inteiv-tiug and 'iilualu" a- thinker and a n■ ii-t■< tatt ■ 1 Christian gm- tltf \ it w - ..| stt'-h an able and Hen,an. 1 !e does bis wurk "ell, ! ieeau-e
"emiVi.fl i.H' el' the bar "litiie S'll'- ' |,e desire- to do hi- Master's " ill. and all
A'" 1 Admitting tlie merits of the tradi- the energ'Y and strength oflii- lieart and
d"TU.,i jtiry ..ft "five men Ibr many pur- soul is centered in the work in "hi
II..VSS. he fiiipiia-i/es the faults of is engaged. He is loved I.y all i!
p'vs,oat system, it- delays, it.- expense, its .p., and -none more heartily appr,
mm ei sv;i| y pit i •! ieii y. and tin- "ant o' eiate tlie honor and di-tim-tion "ii
uleuiute knoulidge oil tlie part • .f the . whi. h he ha- I er.."iit'd than Hio-
iiirors. as no" seleeted, in controversies who know him I'est.
V'|ii ; .rinj^ training nr tirhniral ;
Pjai.AiiKLPiiiA is about t<> pb< upon the toxvi r
ofora*» f I} i c* pr.lO'c buildings in that city the
second largest rlocl: in. tlio v ’M. the diai fa.-.*s
of v.-J.idi .vi’l betweniy-ti. e fc-*t in diameter ami
moi* ill a • *ve.,'v-eij/ht feet eiici.inference.
The mil.ute .a.vis wiiJ be tw»..\e feet in length.
h'< '.xxIK a'mi.som’s schoolb »v lover lias
h j oeen run down bv a New York correspondent.
>! , ind : o cojifothat he could tell au interc^rinK
j,. stor . but i.-e wor.’t. The girl seems to iiave some
rue lViemls m i anxious to make caaiiai of'iie
n resent n-isociation of her name with chat < f the
Ti.i: me. ibers of congress u-ho Iiave been re-
om nate 1 are feeling quite happy, but tin y are
very few in number. Those who ave slid on the
mxious bench ore urgin -on tavly adjoiirnnient
of congre^n ai' ' :i. 'je^eiginH che rnembers of the
.ippropriations committee to 1 tny up m uter-,
i'lie re ne\er w:.s -i, )• a univr- :d ih.inaiid f ran
-arl\ ndjo ".•mm-nt .*• then* :-pi>e;o- to b. t! 1 i-
Mission, as a Vav'cv i. *.d» .> < *tb.- vv c be • oi ti'.
ands. V \l..ra
NV’asbnigt u. ;.i
It has been sug.;
could iv *t 'li* any
. )r. Ibuvh.ird to
1 ! Cleansed. Purified and Beautified by tii
Cutictira Remedies.
kn« av
- w-dge.
i I'OEITIC \ 1. Ol IMHO.
A-r rp'
ly ‘i; 1.
thin 11
... hlM
i 1 \\ e 1 i l V
•ar>. -b
It in 1"
Im ri'ui'i'ttill
a wry -t r. .ivr
Vlbuuab (1
!’ competent
i-erl !;
i Vlliell.
"tV'irt is
1IIU< le
to !
litrn lit".' th"
T . -
\ U(5" Pld i l
: vuu',
I inu*s
l".l "VI
I.y ft 1
aw ycr.
|U"st i"ll
uf railway li-
ii mi in!" -tat"
frutU p> t'l"
h«vn e
-Ill'll I'V
> eotil-
It i> a
l'"li«'.v ’
iu 1 nr
" ""list I'llilll'll
ewd y ii!
. ' ’V* w i y,:-.
ial 1mm
\\x-> 1
'"I- til"
• ii I'atff
• n and
tn 1.,'lii'Vi
• inju.
ilanai-r.i'i— '
1' . i.' l K.
\" It i.-Vn.y i.n i. ;v
'/..oxe> 1
i<>n of
r unit iu
>, miff
ii"t ilml
the |
■ 1 1 w.-itnl■ ‘ t"
' - V
•' ’ ,-t .' hat ; h I- hi
t i, tuUi \
I'l'mhu'i 1
■ t •
\( liaiii
:e< and
'■] "itk in
t" any mo
tiMtiv that m■
. conip'le
te euro. 1
• - E \
• t i HI
r ' i i 11 i
llll- 1.
... lii-M Ii
e t llll:
- with- ;
' Hally i "
- them.
that it may
)\v. :.i ;!v!:C!' >i "ft
mffiiff. V
ti Iron
1 111"
> man
y ea* es
li-.i.l to
ei di-ei
n« >t
aiitii-ii'iUi-'l. 1
* imt
1 it 1 u ■ 1
■" i<" In
l Ve
■ been
I’m it ful
-In,tiM H
ie (|U»"
'lion Ik
• give
n a jii'nmin-
su.r it ii ft n
-i" i r,
es of
lit i.:a-
'liii- i'.ii.I
, \lUpv
in p<
,.|itii-al atfair-
I U 1.
"fy r."
/-Ie": 4 V\ 'Vj! 1 1,1
r. it
.■ .I"|'"lli
1 O
• I t lie •
\ iiirli in
. oil.el
• 'ing!e
i-hiill ini'".
i.y !iau,
1' i r ,: r. . i.i :. W r
J»1C' riptim
lit dl'l
an.l "
i.t pari
t v may
Th" tvi
f of tiii
' "le
’J* i- t" luak" 1
1 ‘‘n;
- i Utking 1
ri l'ii"
" t"
it- "it-"
the -w
ift and
in: a.!'."-1
IP V of
;i railn
•nd ,
li 11111 u i - -: ■ Mi a
+ . . , VI...
imp derision
'es it- pou, r
iii-erni'd. Mil
tribunal " hielide- !• —t of party f.-nlty. if the Ibr
i the ciin-vut of all legt-lation " hi.-li sliall permit cxleii-uv.
siifiess ofilii-com- i-ontrol and maua-getn.-lit of the hti-im-s
ITCH VSii. "'H
•t..'-l. 'I
!'!'t t-1 V.
parati'ely erttdi- tm-thod o'l'seeming' ju-- , int.-ivsls .
tire is . .ften made a repn >;n-
hy i'tliers, not mi ml'ers ,
"Xeliangi's. who "euld g'u
li to I he i-. .itr
if any ,>f the:
dly li in 1 -oi:
if ending tlu
similarly deC.-ive u
'nisiin —s quarrels.
Mr liiddle pn.po-es that the ptT
>f the eardiual prim
deluoeraev, it is easy to see Imv
are to l.e di-franehised 1 and iva-
l Iu- party.
It should not enter the le a !
■.umplie.ited -ysteiii of pleading should man in this state to make railroad leg:-
In-abandoiH-d. and -till more radieally, lati,m tt party nuestimi or pnlitival i--m
tiiat m lieu of tiie regular number ,u Imwever much lie may favor tin- 111
t"el\e, juries should, iu eases other than limited authority of a railroad e,.mmi-
those specially ri-si-r'ed, criminal and simi, or lio"ever he may desire t" •
rn-nal action-. ;ttid th"-" tbr injuries for abolished or its pot'evs abridged. It i-
ahich damages are asked, be composed question unto itsi If.and should be pa-sc
if tint le-s than three nor ti.niv Hum upon alone. T'lie idea of gauging a .it
five. Ilis reasons are that a smaller 1 ".ly .ten's democracy by tic amount of 1,
ran be more readily found possessing a distru-t or bis dislike ..f railroads, or 1.
higher degreenf intelligence und km." 1-1 inclination 1" find legi-iativo ..'
tulg'e ol bu-iiie--. and that the iv-p. i.-i- -tnu-ti"tis in tlie wav of their eoii-t! .
■ xu t iii:m: 1 u. go
Send for “How
(;ill lis.jC,
/ lir..a,;li
#CA'.. ‘/k',
Cure Skin
nlcr section h
transfer. I also t ! ,
Iv.- «. • 1 section.
j^.A-iiLT^O-A.nD oonyc^A-nsriEs.
All Trains on this system are run by Central or 90 Meridian time.
< \N and after Sunday, May 9th. 18S6. Passenger Trains on these Hoads will tun as follows
Sou then' zed Yauhee and Con-
fede-atg S'; he- To-' s What
TI J n'l/'S r-. 00 d* it.
•Rr.Al) DOWN.
HEAD rp.
• PassVr.
A r 1 1)7 ]j j
No. 1
9 45 a i
11 15 p m
117 a m
2 3*1 a ni
*2 10 p in Ev
.5 I.' p n. Ev
it. 11 lr«m<l
* 35 p
Ev l 30 p m 3 10 a m
Ar 113 pm 3 00am
Ar 112.8am 1*2 54 am
Av 10 19 a m 11 35 p m
Ev 9 40 am 1050 pm
Arj 9 30 am 10 lu a m
Ev h 02 a m 9 03 p m
Ar 8 02am, 9 03 pm
Ar 7 31am 8 29 pm
Ev 0 00 am C 50 p m
. 18 ■'
o. 20 ,;:
’p*.oi» < (hii'iE4 Haili'oial.
. imnnli. i<i. *v A.
11 45 a m 1 oo a :
9 30 a m 9 30 a i
No. 341 No. 38+
7 50 v. m 4 34 p m .
6 5o a m 3 30 p m
9 10 a i
(1 58 a i
5 30 a i
iou.s, wbhv
for a coiinneiv
Busines.*- v:i‘.h
NoildiPir a iiv|
I'.ii-Yti-tl lit! g- C! i
: .< vc*.'jQ::i)iion to tiie
"■»- tdi-tme.
L. wnyd a young
s« ’ and located in
; Ysx l. t .-. Uti:1 CiAitov-
• .xfLer'vsrd to Anier-
■v ]«>i).'d hi< cajmcity
Ai l';i* line years
iat’rd 1 iini5»elf in
Oii T «er, at Albany.
At Albany lie was ,
• lose- his 5\ife by a
.nel '-ii Ttly : fter re- ■
l. Aniericus. w
iv il Mar f. huh;
I'. iam 3 r
'• Fort Val*ey *
r Smith ville J
r Cut h belt ;
r.ufuula I
v Eufaula ;
r I'nii n Springs I
”... M < >S T In Ai E K V' [
S. \V. it. lit. - Albany I.sin*.
5 15 p m
1 01 p m
1 24 p ni
11 59 a m
9 18 a m
9 18 a in
7 40 a m
No. 4
I Hass g’r.
1 01 a m
11:34 j) m
lo :w p m
10 33 p in
9 01 p m
9 04 p in
7 30 p m
10 ' 1 j; m L.v..
11 ir .. m Ar..
.Fcvt Valiev.
.. i'oii Valley.
.. Y.v.ith viile..
. ..* :nit E ville ..
.. ALBANY ..
I'RShs'g'r. S. >5'. H. BJ. Kriinch.
9 40 a in
8 31a m
8 14 a ill
i 6 26 a ill
6 26 a m
5 40 a m
No. 22+
Fas&Vr. j
him. I
iV Of ;
iE(- i)u!iii'/ii! *:-r the
Hv -I’:'.lug drsi i
!ii^ ivl.tlive. i. R. liranhnivi, of Com
pany Il of the
and afterward in the cavalry under Major
B. i •. Leu kett. Thu close of the vsar found
Mr. Dunlap. Stic.tided in Macon, but his in
domitable energy soon recuperated his for
tunes. and the Ir »n of Thinlap et l*siier.
fincy good.* di-alcr». v »u» .veil and widely
kiu vv, ritil they V»unud out. After tliis,
for a short time, he was in business at
Rome, from where Me entered into that for
w hich lie wu-j intended by nature—a sales
man. In tins capacity he has been con
nected constantly with some of tne best
>f the t a.Mu n manufacturing houses. In
1ST l ■)< Venn, ved 5vitb his family to Atlanta,
and ii bec-n a resident of this city since.
Me. ing bim on the street during the
\\'t »’k. i he reporter was greeted with a
hearty handshake and earnest:
‘ How art yrm, ?r»v lad?”
“Pr/cty well, Sam; how are you?”
“Sou:i.l as a dollar, my boy; although if
1 had met you ten days ago I coidd not
have said as much.”
“Why. how was that—been sick?”
••Wt;]. you must know that for the p>ast
ten years \ have been suffering with kidney
disease. whk ii every now and again would
grow bad and give me serious trouble.
About two months ago I began to haveone
of my bad spells, and for the past eight
vveeks l lictve been suffering some or most
of the
<: T have tried all the physicians and medi
cines that I could hear or read of, and their
n-.!ue, as yoc. know, is legion, but until a
week duct, th - dAvctSe has held undisputed
sway, .it is not a pleasant thing, my boy,
to know that a disease which some of the
most noted physicians of the country have
pronounced as the most fatal to humanity,
has a mortgage upon your vitals. 1 tell you.
Ir v re o' takes the good humor out of a
3 15 p m
3 00 p m
No. 26+
6 53 p
1 00 p m .
12 00 m
8 00 a m .
No. 28+ :
Pas.s'gV. 1
No. 19} No. V .S. W. It. It. Columbus Minin No. 6^
Acc. Pass’g’r. j IJimu ! Prss’g’r. '
j No. 18*
! Acc. 1
7 15 p m 10 00 a m i Lv MACON Ar 4 38 p m
9 45 j) m 11 00 u in Ar Fort Valley ...Ar 3 20 p m
2 13 p m 2 25 p m.Ar Columbus Lv 12 00 m,
7 15 il ra
5 12 a m
11 45 p m
:• mira.ulous dispensation has
your behalf, Sam?" queried
I Trains marked thus * run /kdly. Trains marked thus i run daily except Sunday. Trains
j marked + run daily except Saturday.
I Elegant Local Sleeping Cars oh night Trains as follows: Between Savannah and Augusta trains
Nos. 30 and .51: between Savannah and Macon, trains Nos. 53 and 54; between Savannah and Atlan
ta, trains Nos. 53 and 5-1.
Pullman Buffett Cars between Cincinnati and Jacksonville, and through Sitting Car between
j Chattanooga and Jacksonville via Atlanta, Albany and Waycros. Through Palace Sleeping Car
( between Montgomery and Wnvcross.
Tickets ft»! ail points and Sleeping Car Berths on sale at Union Depot Ticket O/fice 00 in’.nines
• prior to leaving time of a: 1 trains.
WIELIAM HO* iERS. (ien‘l Snpt.. Savannah. T D. KLINE, Supt. S. \V. R. R., Macon,
j W. F. SHF.LEMAN. Truffle Manager. Savannah. (r. A. WII1TEIJEAD, Gen.l Pass. Agent.
I ► W. E, CEAKK, Agvnt. Columbus, (ia.
People’s Line of Steamers.
The Steamer ELLIS wears the horns as the fastest steamer plying the
Chattahoochee, Flint and Apalachicola Rivers.
Tlie Steamer ELLIS is now running the fastest schedule ever undertaken on the Chattahoochee
and Apalachicola mer* 8 , making two trips a week between Columbus and Apalachicola, and furnish
ing rapid transit to passengers from Savannah, Jacksonville and Pensacola to all points on the Lhat-
tahoochee and Apalachicola rivers.
On and after .March 27th, 1886. the following schedule will be run, river, fog. etc., permitting:
| Steamer ELLIS leaves Columbus Tuesday at 8 a m and Saturdays
' at 7:40 a m for Apalachicola. Leaves Apalachicola Wednesdays at 8
p m aud Sundays at 12 m.
The Steamer Ellis will take freight for Warehouse Landings only, but will take passengers to and
from all landings:
\ IK
‘•Ni.rbint; niL’aeulous. 1 just had a glim- !
tlu :-in.r-'f common sense: I that'.sail. About j
fntn* vl a r> :i.p< I had a severe attack of! v.'liieii completely disabled 1
me I. r tee ‘im. 1 . and wliieh developed into
what is eaffe<! ‘yhronit,*.’ attacking me
wb n lt.tsl expected, and laying me up,
cnth .Iy he al itaiing me for any kind of
Eusi.u *>••>. ni-ti caa-ffii-r r.ic as inueli suiferiug
ui a day a • slmul 1 be crowded into a life-
and wik"! I i\a«l ju.-t ai ie lo
ir'-un-l. ! :ret J. M. llimnicutt, an old
tVieud, and be-aid lie cottUlmake a remedy
Leave C olumbus every Saturday at rl a in for Apalachicola via Cambridge.
Leave Apalachicola Monday ai 6 p m f u (’olumbus via Bainbridge.
I’a.-senger- from Savannah and .Jacksonville can meet this boat at Chattahoochee going
Sunday evening and coming up Tuesday evening.
Steamer Smith will take freight for all landings, and will take passengers only on up trip.
Arrival and Departure of Trains at Chattahoochee, Florida.
la and Wo tern ITch-ad
uid Navigation Company
1 antic Railroad -Arrives f
a Savannah and Jacksonville at 4 (
Jacksonville at 4 p in. Leaves for Jj
. Mobile
1 New Orleans at 11 a m. Le-ve
ubject to cliange with - it
:d after Febr'ii
tnd Anniachic
Freigiil ami Passenger Rates.
• 6. issc. the local rates of freight and passage to all points on the C!:
me. an:
•bs and 1 h;
■uiiiiitism m
111 lUvit !'V.
i->u> bo did.
.ok tw:» bettje- <»f Humiieiitt's
ativ Cure, prepared from r«»oi.s and
ie\*fr had :i twinge of
T!ie medicine was not
at that lime, but was
Mr. }{unnicutt for his
Ai out six monrlw ago it was de-
d to place it upon the market, and
was organised for that purpose,
•c^s ag.i, in the midst of my sufter-
uU-d iu mu' ol' their advertisements
va-goo-d fnr kidney troubles also,
it woulS cure rheumatism, and I
half a dozen botth* at once and de-
d to give it a fair show at a kidney
of long 'landing. It may sec-m ex-
nt, but tiie first day’s use gave me
nd before I had completed taking
one bott’e my disagreeable symptoms had
entirely disappeared. I bat e used two bot
tles up to this time, and 1 have not felt a
trace of my disease for a week. I believe
it has cured me completely. That is a
pretty strong statement, but I make it hon
est lv and sincerely, and am prepared to
verify it in any manner.”
nher freight.- iv. prop',
hi isage from CMlumba-
hi.lined bv this line to v
i rid
Through ticket'
i cheaper than .
I ki;
spMxpers will please have thcii lrc’ght at boat by 8 a m on day of leaving, as none will be re*
ceived lifter that hour.
Boat reserve- tlu- rgbt of not landhig at any point when considered dangerous by the pilot.
B .at will not stop at any point n, t named in tlie published list of landings furnished shippers
for i.
i >u; responsibility for freight cease - after it has been di-charged at a landing when no person >
there t receive it.
Rate- -ubject to change without notice.
c. li. OWJ-TVS. T. II. .MOORE.
Tat ! ic Agent, SavaTinan, Ga. Agent, C"lumi)U' r - __
r •mn-Trrrti*~wmiw—mmi "" a—PT—nw—w^nww—■—P—wwmmm—n——mwd- t"" ■**
Patent Metalic Caskets, Wood Cases & Caskets,
GliiMi'Ou".- GlOf- While Gases and Ga.-kel
White .Metalie Caskets. Burial Rubes, al
up. Personal attention eiven all order;
four door
, Children’s Gloss
prices from 81.o'!
west of Thos. Gilbert's Printing Office.