Newspaper Page Text
HAIM ivv ( H 11; i’.11 - fti ,\ : cnu'MHrS. OKOlifRA. FRIDAY MORNING MAY 'l\. 1 ssc..
[mornor 'IcDimli’l ;iti>1 Pr. f > llmi Mi I flu h nt« h
\\ Itli ln|,Test Tin WHli.lrinnil of Mimic*
ill Harm Ihmni " lint Our Niduld"
Across :ln> Whi r *mu ul'ft rnrirlii I'olillr*..
inn c»I Ik-i.u part Eh :i organs f«»r liu* .-••r-
mid I'nnv./i of tm leading cat didntcs
This lVi'iii tiiu Montgomery Dispatch,
in was the ii)i;>ruHsiou made :
‘ To hoar tho Constitution toll ft, tin
wko in Cordon’s; if vve appeal to 1w TY1-
igraph, Haron D t lie man. At any ruto,
vc Alabamians enjoy t In* fun, and as w
\>>' e .a uridc in all that, concerns 10 , »rgia.
‘ ill watch with great interest the brilliant
1 utesi, wage-el by ht»r two distiu^uiahod
General Gordon and Major Bar on had a I
| lively time ofit in their discussion at An- j
I yunta «>u \\ etivwbilay. It was made ex- j
I jsccdimjly ihdy for General Gordon if t he 1
hoots and Jeerti of hoodlums go Cor such a
thing. The disturbance was S' great that |
Major Black, w ho was chairman of the ;
| no • tinu. urged them not to resort to sucli '
unfair means. General Gordon declined to j
speak further. I “ bous.
Yesterday they had a joiiit discussion at | j/;k* ”
Li .xinuton. and to-day w ill meet each other ! u ,
' ,it 15n i-imboro.
t inK r this head the Savannah News
publishes an interesting letter from Atlan
ta. As it will entertain many of our read*
*r-. wo make this extract:
A i’TA, May 18.—It is now' unite gen
erally believed that the withdrawal of
Judge Simmons from the gubernatorial
race w as more in the interest of harmony
Bibb county And among the friends of
A Vo latlioi
ggosted in
inghnm Ai.
; tiio Alabckiiia wa>
following trom th .*
a g< od thing, af; u
tiie Bibb candidates than m any other in-
in Alabama. In Georgia
■ two good in. n out and trio
>wing warmer and border
er i pur No olrimmt of
? has yet entered our e mi
ni l ]»ar:Mansi)i;> is two weli
n make anybody's cause
N< vi rtlii less it ,s highly interest-
wc have four excellent geuUeiiien
horn lo fieiuot a governor, and • acii
iost oi friends who an repremnfti
U\es of Ai>b««;na's best manhood. W*
only impel he convention will bo- as free
from rancor as has thi*-» far been the fight
for the prize.”
) i>ii IN ml* a I niJure.
Carncsvillf d »u./ K> -glutei.
►Several years ago qmti a number of fish
ponds were started in this country and
stocked with carp. The most .astonishing
results w ere predicted and expected. The
flsli, it was ihought, would multiply by
thousands annually, and grow
Urest, and that Ids strength, where it can weight of from one to four pounds the first
uitrolli d, will not antagonize Major
Bacon. Upon this, however, there is n
wide difference of opinion, some asserting
that the Simmons following w ill he di
vided, a part of it going to Bacon, apart
drifting to Gordon, and still a part of it
will wait for a possible third candidate,
l iiere are many who are confidently look
ing for what they think inevitable,
A dark’ ttorse.
and the names of gentlemen from different j
sections of the state are freely mentioned.
year j and grow still more rapidly in '
feeding years. Jt was also believed t hat
the carp was a most excellent fish for tutu,
use. In all these expectations the c-op
raisers have been disappointed; Die dsh
neither grow nor multiply rery rapidly,
neither uo they taste well after they attain I
considerable size. There may be more
than one reason for the failure of growth
and increase, but we offer one that is eon I
The ponds rarely exceed, or even reach j
’ fhe most prominent of these seem tojbc j onc-fourtli of an acre in size. The yonn
J Gov. McDaniel, Mr. Lester of Savannah. | fish are estimated hy thousands each I
Dr. Carlton of Athens, Dr. Felton of‘‘near” | soring, hut we will out them down to one j
Carp rsville, and Jinks Jones of Burke. It ' thousand. These are expected to grow to l
has been a frequently expressed opinion the weight of two pounds each, the first I
that Gov. McDaniel held himself eligible ygar, making one ton of solid nutritive :
• for re-election, and was not unwilling to flesh produced on one-fourth of an acre in I
be a candidate. His letter, addressed to ' twelve months. The production of every '
Gen. A. B. Law!on declining to be. n can- I pound of flesh would require at least ten I
1 riidate, was earefufty and adroitly word- i pounds of nutritive food. To produce a I
l ed, leaxing between the lines n gap wide , toil of flesh would require ten tons, or 20,- 1
l enough to Jet him in as a dark horse in 000 pounds oi food. Where is the food to
' the event there should be anything like a come from? Docs anv one expect ten
' split or deadlock in the nomina- tons of bugs, flics aim w wins to fall into, i
.ting convention. On the other crawl into or rear in a fourth acre pond. I
hand, it instated that the governor has ex- The food necessazv to raise a ton of fish |
\ nressh dated that the letter mc'ant all that would bu equivalent to :J57 bushels of corn I
U .-,aid. and that he was and would he in no This estimate leaves out ail formes* crops '
S' ns' i candidate for the cilice. This ‘ still in tho pond —including only one j
.wght, therefore, to be e< m-idered as set- j spawn of a thousand li.*.!.. \ litt !e figuring i
? Ming the pomt, although polities are not ( will show every owner ui a carp pona th,*t I
’f 'Worked exactly on that principle. A man his ; anguine exoectations were oougud to j
T may decline ever so positively and vehe- ! fail.
rm utly arul he a candiuitestill.* Inview of! -rr - -m
I ail Uu eirewmstanecy, n. <1 surroundings, I
, ■. v. ever, it is safe chough to say the gov- j \varrent
£ eiu. r v, ill lmt come belbj-e the convention
’• ii. a ;y Gmpe as a candidate, lie has, proh-
•, other political aspirations, which
ill in developed to thepubbe hereafter.
1 ; them it is unnecessary at this time to
v y sir thin?.
n:i,ton’s atrnruE.
i As a !><i-sil*lc dark horse, ‘Parson Felton
f ;ia- on n ;nori; fro»pient ; y n fe.-rcci to t han
ij i om - el.yc. Why it sii mid be so is not :■< >
| 1 r, c-q. • a Tally a* ace ois I’ciaiit aimouacM-
| n.-nt in li.o letter b» Mt^or.I. F. IJauson.
. aim* unceiiH )’t iygihovnlly taken here
• 1 be v* id give Bacon his cordial support.
I :r • a ii> his lett'-r there is to he obsi*.rved n
r v i-l gap througn which the doughty doc
’ cigiit l»e induced to emerge as a can
l ’ •■. There arc those who go beyond
1 •.».• While be might baruly i»e ac'eoptn
I )•». •.*» tliu niajovity oi the demoeru.ic xmr
I , n< the party’s choice is .«n organixod
i;, y\ilion, yet, if that convention gives
1;*' > mjuation loor.e with wjjom Je isu
; ; u , htieul syiupathy, may he not take the.
k i t oi indui undent danaidate? Thin
| :cf Lujefc talked of hut is not coiiside’'*
c! : i:I j-robabb .
1 !•!•. i II .11 is ,• i.i !,. •„ II | . .•! A id, till'
; eGiug c len ti t, anc; it is rt ported tli..'
I u w Ti be uivitc 1 to i eiee to A. !aida at an
r nd iddress the-knights of labor
l! ii ..*. giibu rnaturiai e .*ntest. It is claimed
• b. 'bis nr jar! ntiem. vein] •mati’s el v now
‘ m 1 ■ A... lias a men btrshi; in £u.’to*
■ . • •: -0(J() or 6C0(» oualilieo vote's, j.
t v d . "i.resent: an enormous politic.:;'
j t. gii. and can praetie.aily decide any
‘ ,v w/f
iwK '' lA :
ppi ■■ s: i
■' ■ it 4- : • ■
4 \lj>0luft jv |J,r f; • • -.••V.,;- (<■*!. (!•
1 hospi V L _*?- ?
4 CURATI'/E tN,* ’. . r Tif.S, 5
A e _ IMFlRiVlVV- s.
H G Vi U R R H ■ j L S |
A n-l «'! !fVi.vt- • 1
DYSPEHG- A, 11\u i' • • i.i,.'?.. |
■ j “OR THE SiCK, !;,V‘ Li .-3, {
. CONVALESCING r, ' r '.'VS, «
A G £. D P G •!..' L ., If
Weak and Debiuta"-l. Women. |
Tor •oby 'ii: -I...i-t;.: is. |
Pitfc, ono I’Mtiia at 5
the Dufry Malt Whiskey Co. tiaUimora, Md.
ti\ ■ JT?»U»V J.X-.V3V!Hr.TdfH-* ..
a! LSiai
A*1 ()f)f) T’V'.'TT fin ! rTT OF COLVM-
• tuw l-*r timl)»iec! «nds cithtr ,;i .tAa,
GK Tli, THOM ...A. S, | f" "" “
C Xj othis ta ,
....... ; , 1 rg- . vor-k of ilrst-clR-H Cl 1 -THING v.i- ^lim.ed In VSrch
i , . i, ■ .r THE CASH these beiutifu! and stylish goo-'N will I
-ccliarge for ^t«ks aurt 13' ml.
The l-iteness of ;>ri:i«sr is :hv reason for offering
m •tuzHrmtuDrim.wrA ir.rt m r tmmmaammmmmimuam wMautta
10 Acre Finn: in Stf-cva:t countv, uuder
Kerned this yem f..r 8 , bales cou-m Or
LX’TTLvaHL. te.SUT* 80 '
rros in H-Jrtsboro. Aia. vi;h elgi,l-i.-K,m
lint: I 1 s
i J
s i tnUL
Mil cl
Iff ini il\ i ; ' O;',;..-"
4 it
r *•
xfs'L' _A I. hs'i A TE AGENT. 15 NortU Broad Street
'fewaaatt. I i
0 ! * i
1 : 1 r\\ r*.;
' i.d n
li •.> u i t. y
4h .‘i
rno per
i - c i I r \ i
i U U 1 U 0 l
p t .1
Hi i t;lo i
U ia uu :
}il'i LI
Central Line of Boats, don t b e decei ved
\ (.htlmdn
da. nipper.
Mr. .J. D. Me Neal,
einiiati end r*.cm
ing the famous s
county, together
from Dahlonegfi,
on Monday. The
rtpitalist of (.'L,-
r of the syndicate own-
s ,’obl mine in SYilkcs
i i 1 wo m!n 5 np- experts 1
fa., was i:i Nvavt ...itoii
gentbo’.en are work
ing n rich gold vein <ni tnc jdacc of Mr.
Walker Taylor, in north Warr*ei, and tho
iiiijeet of their jircsencc in c.ur midst was
t-» purcdiase an adjoining 1 tract owned by
Mr. B. F. Buford, of Norwood, through
v. i.icli the vein has been di?u ovyred to run.
The purchase was effected, the price paid,
we learn, bring 8lq< o for 150 ataes. The
gold deposit in this'port : ori of Warren is
l thought to be vci) noli, and ve are glad
to know that tho i 'iib. V ion • for its speedy
end successful de' • h*p:.’t*nt lui'-i at ia-t
assumed favorable* shape. Mr. John Ual-
lAh.-r owns a mine inri'.’.e sane* .section,
v, nidi cxj'erts sa\ wifi .a-s. ,• ^iO.-iOO per
ry lar
vi 11 find
the 'n *t
tonic on
The Who
I Weak and delicate
1 Westmoreland’s Calls
strengthening and ii
t he marki t. Be sure c
Galisaya Tcide cental i a very large pe r
rentage of the pure tTiiisayn Bark, com
lined with the i.u-st . aluaclr tcuic.s an-'
aheratb «*.s bni'v.,, am. will .uro Chilis am
J-T vers. Dyspepsia in all its Uviicru
Debility, Y '
iieadarht 1
wluvii t im knights
T • ii . i
■t -.1. If Ur.
ft hvV it
'll « - Oil!"
i -.• .V; u
i ami .' iuk(
a speech 1
.o l tie in ..'IJl- lit n
* mution of
’ uflairs in
{. f. 'MO,
, t.V. ill.’ it i.N
ieliu ti>S|/»
:e ul Df HI
L , I .it >
., U> -till '.ill ,
ii< TTturi
t u.\- « el
:, Fin'
• iimiyli • i nli'.
g noieH now :i. the
t ont*El
v ilhoui oi>ujurm< up n
,-w oats.
’ !.e*;e:
tor, .h, , 4 h, u
g i* c i n. mign.
euT-: be .
ir i iv ulu
M t 1 • 1
.’lie"’•M t > cell
A l T - i
1 in- joint
i ; . . ■.
- • • m niappL cl
•mb lap
«v - k 1
.. G- *d«m
:* ci M»;
!. K.U’OII
•- Xlgll
uas 1 con seel.
, . 1 ■) U !
nit Ijot-i
) f* l VI •
•g - c the htu:.
. j, - n ;j v ,
. .. i»o; d su
. ’Flu a
•ft.Mii ♦ m a nd
born ituli
in-.| io :n-
F-4' 1 •
• i c :jU in pi
i rs.ii .ilitii -
.. itoii-n
4 i ( n. boss of Ski j
AT urrdnia of the taci .aid uu -
i nrr unci all dl»*i a- ;iri*diui
old liver or gt. i u*.
..ieft icys.
We claim that th
<'i;i■ ho:ia conlains ..
periodic prop* r
)iierc ly one »f hu •
Caiisav i Bark cnr* s (’bills a
Hi; otlii r dh:vi«M- .oiL..: li
VmHtite. Chrnr.ic
Nervous Eyliuis-
•• Weakness
o:Ck. 1 i'.v/'
from a tor
: -ut .'f 11:«
balk of C’alisaya
•cat deal more an
n Quinine,
it. Tm.
id Fixers, and
• in lA.biri;: in
.Yon* r '> • ,
u orelund Hi
Columi.'ii.s. (i
•at that n
s 1 . c,i.viit-., r
:s >:%. Win
\ gi lit U lllll’l
4 all d. ill lie
ingi an
it. Flit
id Mali
u was tor :
‘h Cj! !U (1
• h*.- w mild
oi jury Mil
iiel - ;
cm a p«
o n« t cut :
, man's v
names <•
r Bacon
\ rising
JO, linn
e of Bartow
ilitkvi r.rtr.
ici- Brougnt
Wit a I
i irig!It.
i. John
( in-*
s t Dal
i i • ■ no;
• l WCH
I’ man.
t-sale Vge it:
iggv ridii
thii.k v.y
I <11. or < • i i
tv palatum*
F 11. Ck:
at s Emulsi
•ribed. It i>
iled. anei
ft -j.uMncs, Ga.. May 12, ioat*.
O N gi.-1 after Mny i2 18 v E, die local rates oi
frci,«dit (>’i tin? fthaltahoeiehee, Flint and Apa
lachicola rivers will b* as follows;,
Flour p- r barrel i cents
ftotton ''ced Meal pur ton -I 1 '- v-epts
dot ion ])t*r bide 2 3 cents
Uthcr freight in proportion.
P:\M8ittfj *r«j:n Columbus to Applaobieeda. ^6:00.
Other points in proportion.
While:''. Lai,for Ap:\hichicola v*J B:\ii:-'
hri.lip: t-vijry XT KSPA V nierninjj at 3 0’c‘s- k. re- j
: uraiiu via Rft’nbrklgc.
A'»c*'e .-chtdiiie will be run, river, etc., pel u.L-
Shipp, rs will phase have diuir hoiglit ji L-:*;-1
by H a. m. on dny (.f‘k avlpg, as none v/Hl lie y?-
e eivt-l uft L-r thjr bout. resen’irt tho right of not landing at any
|, »int r. iion (ousidered dangerous by the com*
man kr.
Boat li jka stop at any point not named in ,i
lint of laclinc-sfuniiahvd shippers mulci -late oi ,
Jvpril i, iTAf}.
Our >•('-p >nobPity for tVettfhv ecjasoH after it has
he en disehovtr' d at a landing where no person is
t bore tc recoive it.
SAM E WHIrbViJDE, Bre^’t.
OBO. B. WUIYLSU)--:, rfec’y and rry.-.T.
Can learn the exact cost
of any proposed line of
advertising in American
Papers by addressing
ueo. P. Howell & Co.,
Newspaper Advertising Bureau,
1C* Spruou St., New York.
Send l()f.; a tMr lOO-otiae
Hy - --c.d!■ 1 low ])rir(-:; rjun-.d in boastful advertisem.-jib
« dt** jf-*)''i<is as they , •• *- . ; -ri- H. ami ]>e sure you get \vi a
y-ir. n'iv. Onr sf - idc was uever so *;uplcte mi-lyooLs wej’e
never oO ciicap'.' All w,- ask of a ilki-rimiiiftting public is an
exnniinajinir of our stock before buying. All say Kirven's is a
good pmee iu aade.
, • . .J yli A
J. A. K1RVEN & CO.
125 WilMnilii . k t!is*notU a Power LadiPV
Abdomiiitd So pjxirter.
1 or the dispersion of Fibroid and other tumors
:ini enlargements * : thewomb and the ovaries.
Also giv. s giL.i ,upport and comfort and in
creased *:re2igth to th cm vail.' of the abdomen in
c-.'Ae.s o*’ abdw.ninal ^bargemeut without any
particula.- disease. Tends also to decrease and
prevent excessive accumulation of fbt. 5(*2fl!8
1*:. Co li". and. Antique Lace.- to trim.
Figured Curtain Swisses in stars- and .spots, iiedit and airy,
ins! tiiu tiring for summer. - * •
Extreme Novelues in Lace Flouncin^s. i
Mntvli Sets iti Swiss Embroideries.
Sheer Plaid Lawns, Sheer Plaid Swisses. Sneer Plaid Or- ;
.aoT'es. These come in small 'plaids, medium plaid.?, plaids ,
j.2 inches square. They ale lovely goods. The assorimeui,
ft splendid.
India Aft;! 1 .s in cream and ivory white-. 32 inches and GS;
incites wide. Valenciennes All-over Laces to match.
Checked and Corded Dimities, very sheer, an excelieni
imperial for children's wear.
Cal*ie Cfti'd Piques. Pique We!Sq Plain Pi-rue Cords, and
i!i< ny other while goods which space will not permit .us to
: mu rate.
Dr. C. TERRY, Agent, Columbus, Ga.
IV HE J. JI. Yocum, T. J. Pearce, G. E. Thomas,
Tv., et *ih Petition to Incori'ovate the ‘Y ouug
Men'? fthristian Association of Oclumhus.
perior Court ofkaici Count> :
The petition of J. If. Yocum, T. J. Pearce, G. E.
TV :-mas, Jr., ft. A. < Mrs'-n O. E. ftb vn Uer. Ti. O.
Ho’t <ir i, M. W. Howard. R. W. Slade, V, P.
banks, ft. E HochstmsPer. ft. D. Hurt. A. R. \Vil-
kej'.-oii, G. JJ. Whiteside and W. F. Tignor, of
Mu-coge--. ounty, slate of Georgia, to be known
.1^ j he “lhiiivd of Directors” of* the Young
M*.q hristian Association of C’oluinhus, to
wether with such others as may become members
I'f'.Ld AsSv-ci.iLiun, respectih 11V showcih that pfc-
iition»-i-s. their associates . *id -ua •jf-s.frs, desire
io I**. nconioiated and imvie a bodvuolitie under
in. ' u .vs of this state.
The objectaloi said corporation ' ‘hl><? *eligious.
. teraiy auu educational in th.-ir cnaracter. The
Easiness i-f < ti 1 corporation o 111 J *. the inoviding
pud maintaining for the us-.- of its mt ;abi-r< .uni
■.he public suitable place or places ft r religious
worship, literary entertainment and educational
The name of said corporation to he ‘‘Young
No capital to be employed in the business of
said association.
The Principal place of business or location of
s.-id association to be in Columbus. Ga.
The time of incorporation, twenty year- from
date oi -.barter, with privilege of renewal.
Petitioners desire for so id corpora tk r. tin power
of contiacting and being contracted withy of
suing and being sued . of havi nr and aM’ig a
comni. a. seal; to make by-laws, rales and ree..Ia-
fta »n- f.*r : ls go v era meat : to •.. ct ”d apt * t
-;.L' c.fli ••’•s, directors, miraagt. v-. g.T.erols .ti.-
xnay he neces-nry
arporp.rh a : to y ar
ch i
a the objects «>f
eive, hold, sell
or personal pro
o i'ltt retts and
be mortgag-.-s o
-;ti(t i-i.rporatb
. ity ■
t- County:
•k*s office of the
r. it is >uid str
wind blows. T
itiihvnt Lnvvh',
mu. say to another law
county would send lhu
coii\ out ion. J luigi'i;
o-st, it w ill not do it I)
unless unfair means
igs are Oomlueted
'\ ill give liordon a
Fet it it
B.-ing ei
prn. tiie
ns colle.
This is :
i to ti
Hit ei
1'iat i*
ate are
> ftw R?'—y'N'S
Ulhiln fftnrln C l
yyi Waits uoods 5!qck is lomnieie
if the i>ri
>y Ballot,
overw liei
appD!".»f IT.onms Hanlon
lor ot revenui for this district,
new \\ . inkle and :i strangely im-
nri-pir one, to on* 1 mind. It i i geut rally
i i 1: e \ c i 1 Hint tiie appointment of Hanlon
was om not tit t * no made, and this al
ii M| ; persuade democrats to Become
accessory aft- riin* fact, is worse than un-
.’.yrilit d: it B in-'.titing.
a s i'.tv. '-Ms xei.iT.vy.v:
i-li-u BBT’Y OF THE
ls»2, ‘illii
ti.r pre-Li
s of (lirtiK
2 held urn
i Ly nyo, ii
ty ti l , ‘ T. .11. i-<>i.i-V, l (‘, I
v-ot li'tU Street in.d Ua .ituiui-, Colin.,
T In- Manet t:i .1 - air:, ill t iius yi\ c.-. the reil-
. >!-. 1 * ”, K.-1! n oj | „- G •i-tl-m
nit iiwun.a CG it -
l-lt.l lliU". ii i] Mt t 1 1 II
■i'l>uUlk:\n-i, ulitii hi
was tiie only Mum
k> came into this district to help Beat
-•lion and Feiton has had a grudge against
m t% vr since.”
Tiie Albany News make.‘
e Gordon men who are
of Virginia, o . m
0 Nnpp a
e Markham
i ret ( .mens.
iidva ntagi
Lit apply
Mix* 1 1-. l'i
LURES -nine weekly' be-
l-si»; and end Sth Eeptemher.
mil u-e 1st, to suidents vdio
leirst n.diesat this or other I.a\v
c who to read private-
itiouers who have not iuul the
.Miiatic instruelion. Forein.ii-
niversity of Va. to John B.
and Stat. Law.
ii;\fl eod.w. lm
upe p
4 \
point on
tor ing for
?| “Lee county voted for (E)fdon delegates.
. t repudiated the primary plan. It is
'ange they did not adopt i lie great *rt*-
f‘ rm suggestion of primaries a- the only
I ifallihle’ plan of meting out justice. We
•ess,.hov.ever. the dell-gates v :il not Be
y kise-el a seat in the convention Beeanse
I IN Wi-u- l-k-ctcl'. 1 I.V i- ••ms.- IlHatiHg.’-
" I'G M... ■ Tv', sraph aud the Atlanta
^LsUvution urc now enjoying the reputa-
Notice jo Tax Payers,
for Plate and County Taxes :
ice ou Twelfth street.
. REEDY, R. T. R. M. C.
>iliu* fiinlv A jam
Boxes for Kent at $5.00 IVi
R. M.MVLI'ORD. Caslii-
my: i dim
And full of now tilings. W-.- a-k yoi.u' iou. bt-iieviuji
Hull wc .siioiv !jy far the choicest -.-.sornneid in C-- -.:ini>11-~.
Blanchard, Booth & Huff.
They Stand at the Head !
riu; best Lillies OP*
brought to Coluuibus are
luade by them. They
can only be had at toy
store. I can fit anv foot.
F.i: GU'X
I am Sole Agent for these Goods in Columbus
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|’eL ;A.'. iv. .v.-a'-i rji)-,- ..ire usiu 1 ., vai.ii-M! - ;; j ,'|; 'I ii; .a ii'i'J Mi.,.- (
Samt i : mt 'i' liVilYfuniT'c-a i. . n », '
t.i the uu.k-rsigaed. !: '\
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