Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, May 21, 1886, Image 4
! 4 1/AII.V V-> ( t I Coluinl'U!3iI : utjuiur,$ii i. ESTABLISHED IN 1828. 5? YEARS OLD Daily, Weekly find Sinid :.■ The KNiJlTUKlt-Sl’N Ul-'iii-rte'-t'i-i it»> . opt Monday. The Weekly is 'ir. Mr . i; . The Daily -irndmliiiK Sunday is deiuei I nrriers in the city or mailed, postage hvr, t • mb criberi for TV. per month. r<»r tin • month*. M 1.00 for six month-, or *7.Ob :i y< > •. ••'i*he Sunday is leiivered h.v oarrii-v boys ii. tin city «>r mailed to subscriber*-, postage free. a $ l.oo a year. The Weekly is issued on Monday, and is made o subscribers, postage free, at M.M a year. Transient ad* eiiiscments '.vill be tak. i for tin Daily at $1 per square of 10 lines ,.j I.--, forth* first insertion, and 60 cents for ea h ^ubsc-pmiit nsertion, and for the Weakly at fl for eac b in sertion. AU communications intended to pvano’r th« private etuis **r interests .if •orpnidi ne. so* eti*-- or individuals will be charged as advt r'.isemrnt s, special contracts made for advertising by the year. Obituaries will be charged foi at cuMomury rates. None but solid metal cuts used. All communications should be addressed to the proprietor of the Enquiueu-Sun. TiiKGooiyia Matt? convention will l»» lioM in Atlanta nil tlu* 2#th nf’.Tuly. Hi- less the temper oJ tin? xuheniatorial ran- d(I'dA. FI IF»AV M'diAIYfr. MAY 21. DSG. IMP* Alr-a J vH.tttl’fO.NS. c-r.. Ik use in Pari... It covers nearly three acres The large d M hip in t!ie world it thtf Great East> * in. She ifi CIO feet long. 83 feet broad, and GO feat deep, be ug 2d.427 tons b uden, The largest university in the world is Oxf* rd, which lias t colleges and five bails, and was u seat of lea rn Lift as early n •> l *41. The largest pumping engine in the world is People’s Line of Steamers. FAST PASSENGER SCHEDULE OF THE TO. 3D.. ELLIS. I-LIS wear* the ho ns ilte f^.te-t steamer yi-juo t . ln'ittf liooeLc-e. I' h-.T pt, 1 Ap-i.tirijic-o.e. Rivers. 1 The Steamer ELLIS wears th C ACCOMMODATIONS FIRST-C LASS IN U>i ‘->I■ -7 A1.: On and after AL EACH PATcTI(.t;l U{ "j S; 'A « ... t ! <lei . k(' ■ .. the ' 1! 1.,. cl)W «mi PensacvIV ,, AY inhlThut- St.esmer ELLIS leaves Coiviml Tnes-ky at 6 a in ami Satur.-l.ivs at ~:-J0 a m for Apalachicola. I.eives Apalachicola VVeduesd:v- .,, v . p m and Sun taps at .2 m SCI1. I;CLL OF THE STEAMER MIL! ON II SIITH, as f Sii ■ » lvl '* lL tala 1 BS-i-iige..., < illy . r. up trip. nr'- .t i’untf..'ihooc!iee, Florida. it m and Jacksonville a*, i *.i >, ni .• from Jacksonville at 4 p m. Leaves for Jackin. Arrival and Der-.rture o ah. FT. rid: and Western Itailr- 1 . r f**r Savannah and Jacksonville v T hi oi'tiim* for it t<»grn\v t]uitt* warm—in find, r] mtv warm in<lci*<l. va>s i.- tout'd down a little, therei- i-i.mty ' ri « 1 - 1,11,1 "; ual| v 11 “'• l ' ,,|in:!t y ' ial llllirtit 'll-, i 1 i it -II" ! ill" d d to tile ex-ivi- ! oxi • >f lejrislati ve i . i i-'i 1 .ii ■. i' i.~ i ■ .1 o . i .• - “Whom the trods wotil.l <I«—fr.>y, they i t-iI■ 11icr<■("<o'.. }• .r t!n- trea-nn *:•. | ,-rl- fir-t make mad." It wan jii'iBabiy a , went to t• me a vei’-w'u |ml ' ail realization of ihh that eansetl < ieneral ! trinity, and to emliraee i he jiov, ei- ..; all (rordon to oliserve such remai'kahly pood the vat-ion- l oni' lie a eumhinad. htituor while receiving bitch disc, urtcotis | ccssivelv simple, I nt I y nnmeai.s ii, , n treatment in Augusta. tnony with th, priie ii le.« i l tiie ile- . tiun. Thk ojierntii m of the Ka-t Indian rail-; “A tariff for revenue r.itl v” is intt .aleil ways (Inn'll^ the current fiscal is I to do away eith'ln- mte ol : . :,i It estimuteil will resnlt in a loss to the gov- i is ,|uile (rile that these words have been eminent of >7,2115,000. This loss is con- j construed and misconstrued iu many side red a pari of I he military exp"ndi- ways, hot the true in. at line is to do aw av lures, the roads having been constructed ! w it»■ th.-w r.r tari(T. "A tarii!' .i for defensive I'Urposes, I oi)l; ,# ’, . ,n,- :hal our in,ports are to he - ~ .taxed will .ne purpose, that of n,i-iuir A it. sides agree that it wu- the friends , n , iuailv of ttl '" <; "'i ••i i ! the id. a. ,,ax which i ton- (lordon very di-re-peetluil.v at Aupu-tn. | >)|lf p, r i ii; oi the n,ai.u;:„t„rer- wa- Oeiioral <a.i] Align ui Wedne-da;. '.\ & Sad that in in ii in ( oluml. is . iver thi Th. crowd gr, ic '.uli-rna oria'I iy . r FM. |. sr Ha. -c-f. . j... c bale. ' CU Br.afiF " ia ' ‘ A'lrcci: 'n 'Vi. i mail, .luokii' invill M New ■ a- cwns at ; i a m i lt- i- sumi:a in Mi.j e wi r Piutes. nd to poir.ts oil the C: ■ ;i'i:::t M:i ;,vn salon. Thvnug-h tie . c ! al. iiM.-c. in Ea * Honda c..taper th n , ‘9am on day of leaving, as none will he ' of:: • Mnding :o int u n.-n R int will -ci at u no; n.\iu ;d ir, the p '.l.lishe. of landings Mrnished lent that cm the doll’s friend- who -erved .Major in a dis. ourleou.- manner al 1 hit ut m. They should now call it square, and in dulge in nntiiing of the kind nirain. Jt hurts rather than helps the candidates, and .-a. h, under s.uell yiredm-tan es, might iippropriateiy ay, “Sate n. irom mv friends.” Ill th. e- ; . :. of tin trea-uiy. Tlie tin ill is i. i. ; . mid it should Ik wi levied | II- te imp -el,, least i dll-dens t ; ill the peoj.le, so .. .1.Iidi'il us to return lie• largest rvVi !...•• with Jt he sma'l -t tax. The existing tariff proceed- on the con trary lolicv. The underlying idea is j that a nm .. i I •■>;.• is a nntional 1 m-ssing : ilml the h.-H'-ier it i» the happier tin-I pe. .pie ill o. Soil '.d\. s to the mnllUfiU - , tiir. r s’, la , i: turns .*1 inte '.lie ha- ' li.mai Ir.'iisery, This is ■ excct-dingly irinti-iiinl. The true prim i, V- of taxation requit w that . wv fix the tax < n luxuries, as, w hl.-ke\ amr-tobnc . at as hig'u a figure as is eon- ; si-teul will, le.ue-t p.iyineiit an 1 rigi.i .-oD'-ulioji. The tax at a gallon on | was found, really placil.:: premium on rtmnl. M.-n eould-aH'.ad to , take great ri ks in oi'ijir to ax oil tin lax. | 'tf' cents, th. tux. is paid wi', elli.rt at . \n- ion. it yh als a largi n vt line, ai .! i-, in led. > <. I aid, u on tIn prod'.MAe pi!, rjgit - of the peo]de. Tint mwly i--nd ( .uiadian h.p.. | |,| No! w it liuti. mil ,»fr this fa of ‘here -ir- give-the ;|i'|l,n,vi" report of th. ..i.ora •' b° desired to hate lids tax rc- ti.til. ol the r uiroad- in Canada for the !'«*•••'*• Tim rep all of lids tax wottlt. I.u I veur ending Jam- ;M, 1-s’i: T 1 -* total r i-t, nt w ill. prim-iples oi ! miles o; track laid w ei ■■ ln,7;:'., ngai.i-t .' : -s li. >■ "i • miC'y it v "til.! he contrary to , l-mi in 10711. and the total mil.- i.n.p. 1,!l '"F*-' 1 ■ <»x»ti-n. The repeal j Jl).lotl. I’lie I tal mimhci of .la-seng, - " n A t lie pr, ; u , tioni-ts iu or,,er carried was n.o, g-.ii-i-i, the Veighl " ’ 1 '' i ■ "i-' f d’,- tarin <•) tonnage l-l.ii.Vi.g; I tons, and the total duties. Tim large surplus ir. the . nnm!.. r of mil,- run 1 v train- :H -- . In ' 1, “ ,1 i> ‘ alls n r a reducti. n of taxati n. | Tim com, iii'ii t i • ■ t.itencnt gin:, imd-, Th "' at - po - e a reduction and an etdargi lm id oi the nee list, w him r majority of the n public;.ns and'a lev j i\’e -ariT deniuciars urge tin aooiitmn ui the tax on i hey »)»;». ■■'.• five salt. Hut the di-e.i.-mn will go on and each side w 1 ! i endeaw.r to make capital f >r j (lie campaign of ISss. In the toeanlime •he .pm-tion will still remain o[.ell and if d aih ''Is ciieij'itign chat lor 1 xttfi, we shall i, t he m I on least stt ’ori.-ed. sttxAToi* lli.uii sojs. ear .--iy. that . tho amount called for ! y the g.-n rai ] pension hill will exceed s-l’.'i.mii.o,in n year. This lead- the New Y’ork Sun to I remark that to a -tat,‘small a- anxi .u- as he is to lling awat the people's money, twenty-live million is a m-re oagitelle. To lie sure, pen-i, in ai-ithmi tie i- cf ways . weak, and if lllair admit- that a pi n-n.n hill calls for pm,,0(1(1,i)0.) a y.-rr. . , may take it for granted th.n s;:,.no,i,on:i a year is what lie naan-. 1. lllair hits hi- «ay the treasury ni l soon he a- empty ,,i dollars as Id- head -eem- toleol emu- | moil sen e. .lull i resulting from tlu- r.,ilw miles cotnpi.'.cil ra spealo y.. so,mi : 0,1 tl SO, too. ., ; 11. d". late tor go', ernor < "i ■■ gram: <:, moii w. dt h. and end. r.\, ling to , .i- Jight. n tin- j.t'Oply with reforeime to tie p.ditical situation. We - <■ that we are glad that this Ui:- fortimat. " , ttr'renec wna not enaeudin Columbus. Nine-tenths, aye, 1U< re, < f tin- It I. ■ u“ of thi“ city will gi ve c ,■ cl.: 1 assent to the sentiment. Something akin to it, tint ui.der einirely difl'ereiu circuin.-tanei-s, did on ur here a i'ew ver > ago, hut we are constrained to Liicw that it will not l.-e repeated, dur cooic have ieanmd it to he a costly t-xjn dee,, asther.-is ni it her money, gh-rv, t i. < - tugc rmr, satisfaetimi in Ii. It mr ...■ and cleat.s -trife ami hittei personal fe.'lito a n long the citizens hip, w lull- do candidates w ho eati-u all tie- di.-ali tc n go On their way rejo.'Ting and neve _• .< tl ic m alter « ninmewa cmi.-Mernti'm We are glad it di l t m t <„ :u in C <: :m- 1 ills foi another lVaJbli. In lii. ni .-i «.■ !i.r e been-ruu!> d and torn up by ,< < ,p- <::! oatupidg.-.S 1’hat profited Us not! 'ng 'll. tie. world. Just now . ' e y element qf our - itizeilsldp' is c.nnhin, d inl.m:.:- ilig ,U] and fo’-teving tin pros] eri'.y ■ dm ei>v. ('.ilun11 <us: l.a- a bright or,:] ■<•! ; ■<.’; ,iur pr<.] lo know <t. To make 'dm future attain to the highest po. .-:1 ,t "- give of peCf' Ctiou. .-ur level-:.cadi l .-it.t- :. n- inu-t c, nllntie to w, ik in tin -■ ... harmonious channels in which I, <ir ,'on-rsi I ■ now- ,'.ireeled. " \ sltonp | ■ ib a long j.itl! aint a >u;ll ahog,■'.her t- '.i. . - cmplish this. We cannot adord i . emne diii-h .: itn.ies the i ,d-<< m <• >f ■ - lit hill contests that can ae."'Up iisl. ns u- Again we had rather “u< 1. a st-Pe ol thi eg.- as that at Augusta vrot.I ! ativw here else titan in C. lnm 1 -us. CN.VItisd^ MOST PERFECT MADE Proparod Tvfth ppeclal regard to health. PRICE BAX!NO POWDER CO., CHICAGO. ET. LOOS. ii.Miiiiiv iILll lHaIl MM. FOK S\S.I-L ,fi?00 — V Acre lot corner or p 1 rtt aVcnue end Fifth street. , 'ne 3 rqo- 1 Eti.-iwe on the lot. ^00--}, Aero vacant lc-u c-cruor Third •i.enue and F'.f-.h str-et. amOO-L, Acre l.c vita good 3 rcom cor- ,,f ~o,. n ,i ,, ^ii.i«- and Fotilth street. ?T100—One Store iif ti*'-. one \ • Kous.u ai:d l! - v? room Houses, copter • >f Tlh avenue -Ui'i >‘.*vaitth street—rents -.r Fi2 month. *950- , Acre lot, ’.vith -ive l room House and ne ■' room K'-’il- ■ r.n sjixth aveirte, fronting ib.e Georgia AXicLand depot. A jn- ve-it merit. lots fronting the park, near '.—only ^2*0 each. Beautiful for .. - - Our rr^ponslbllitv f.-r Freight cease? after it ha? beer, discharged at a landing when no per«.:i A there t - receive it. Rates snhb.M.'t t*- chancre without not-ce. id. < A VGA'S. T. K. MOORE. fc Agent Savanivui. Ga. Agent. Coin mb us. Ga. COlvdl^^ATSTIES. -ystc-m are run h»y Central or 30 ^Meridian time. , 1886, Passenger Trains on these Hoods will run as follows $500— 1 Two blade's si bling ; Acc. 5 40 p m 8 45 p in Fas.-Vr. 9 45 a ni ii 25 a m i 1 25 a in | J 2 00 m. Pass’g'r. Pp>s g'r. 5f;i*u U»m»- Suvaii- Atlnuvi Division. F/i-READ l t p. No. 51 • .3 ., |- :*i Ar . J 23 in,! Al.. 5 10 t.i m Lv. 7 19 p ni Ar.. 7 19 p rn Lv. 7 56 p m Ar.. 9 35 pm A. .. . .Tear.ille... Gordon.... MACON ... ....MACON... . Barnes:ville. .Barn tsville. Griffln ...ATLANTA.. Pass w .. Ar 107pm 6 00 uni; ..Lv 2 35pm 414am -I-Vj 130pm 31,.<;ni ..Ar 1 13 p m, 3 90 a m . ..Ar 11 28 » m 1 12 51 a m ..Ar| 10 19 a rn, 11 Sn p m ..Lv 9 40 am 10 50 p m ..Ai'j 9 30am, 10 40 a in ..Lv, 3 02 am; 9 03 pm ..Ar| 8 02 a ni 9 03pm ..Ar: 7 31am- 8 29pm ..Lv! 6 00 am' 6 50 p m No. 16 Ac c. 8 05 a I -175 mis H' -se Hi lb 52.00 1’tiv ? v**oi.. H »use< in Brown on',* -':0( each. Will .toil se.-ai . iustrdlne: ts. *2250-Rea mi foi coaner R*t viih rie- Molise on lower Broad tl’vet No. 19-■ No. J7 • ( (‘iitrid Hiiiin>t\(i - Au^OHtn No. 18 ' No. 20- I l Pile, g r. Pa—V: llrmuh. | L us-’g’r. ; Pass'g'r., . Lv 9 30 a m 9 30 a m Ifibeiluci *5k HranHi \ fatoniaii Ne 4 00 *: 111 Lv ... G'.-rdon Hiliedgevide.. . Eutoiid.ii ( (unity llidlroiui. 9 30 a m 8 10 a m 6 3<> a m 34+ ! No. .36- GrO Spring Fashion, j? i: e o s lug- in miI.C i •ut.. ,i ' lit i Tin: Albany New s locks uj•< n ■ Mcl'unicl a.- one “who .-1 i;>]»< 1 in :i.viili nt, an,I'f- out as lm r 1 n'giu i ii, eg , .f i the c,1111|•!• • ti«u the (iravi ulus tile c \tcII-1, , 11 and tlm ice11 : I'm 1"'- ■ h i>,.i: l;' chai-. empaneled at Clticn-g 1'iv— i,ai-: " icai' : ■ <f w ! in ; i in- i< and iniviulin;y -|<ccc!.c-. l ie-c i,,, , mu-1 I - ■ licli 1 I; ■-]«<i i~i' .'a ■ i. a- what t i nc in. i'c "i hcl'i I" <1 c Th n i- i lie -pi • the law. If men a , : n fn < : if., aiv>ei and ■ ■! I• r uniaw lid aci-. ti:c uu : fi-pi'ii-iMi l'. i : .. 1.1 Id all-w, 'ic the r< -eg;. Mere fn lo i- . >n are i <t id. . "lily, hut the in n w ho ad\ i-cii 1 he c"ii: mi-:-i"ii "i :i . l'inie a,c t c g'lii:v p,u t v- a- w i The pi ’icg -’.'i.' v. c, cate the mice ti it inci w !;o t.-acl lint, w lm invite unlaw ful gat d, riu. - t incendiarx act-, arc yc-p, ,n-U -!,■ f,t! ell'ect- of tln-c t.uUu.g-. A tc! (lag i- : public mi line . 1'; i- an end 1cm that n quarter w i'! I.. i. The j, 11, ,• !..: \ a fight to -u]i]'iv— ihcM- ]„■ >1t.i nig vent the c"mmi>-i"n of crime. The lane th. right \ ■ ■ pt,di di -n. ii li-tui'l am i-. \i d the j.i•"].!'• .'.i,l ti,, , h'n magistrate t>„. , ',t v did ih- ir dm »l meii ■ ' ixmv i ti nt \ cuTEMt-ntnitv. can " d : -The C i m--i.ii cf tho tu-o-Hiinii rule tins n ■ gun. N.i-1 rath-: preimnmv? j. j . )(| j li iiiuy pi-'vo lo be u iroublesL.m*- mie, bill there f )f j A no oLvas.oii f-'i- anticipating Inuiblt*. It would " 1,1 be liiii. i uu,re to the p'int now to have the , qi’c-ti. ;. wiKlhe:- any cf Rrcx’dent ( levc-and’s ai ,".*:nitin lids -ta'.c arc taking an active part im-v 1 Ul ti. un.paiirti iW..’.lti'l.v nu-were.l. If me lei't i.i-i-i - ip oi keeping in , tti v m tic . nun nil".ire : iu'0'.eotei.i by the civil-vr- : '.ill.', vice fev he aught certainly to insist that his ap- , i ether- n pi'intee- -' .!! :nlii'. civil service policy.’’ ..,,.,,1, . In th.' a! .ox c \ laragraph. whiih xve i-lij- | from td' Savanuaii Morning News, i- a , 'i i n lei'ti. :i v hid: wo presu; g is ad- ,l,i Mifn 1 ii'c"-cd l, the new -papers of tho state, id harangue- and a -uggo-iii.n w liieh i- no doubt pith 'd l" ".do con-: lot ..tii ai of It -lend entire.;. " cpaiut'n-iis n*r t*ie royal wedding m lincc'S Vmo’.ra t»f Orleans, wham ab ,11s Ai. c.'a of France. The w cdvbng -vul t'amily wiM consist cf a set d' lined at f im,003. So ma-.y fa.-hb n..b' nguisbcxl Rortugueso ladies have m .- tils inul costly toilets in Laris thm ' ouect have become almost recoiui' CLOTHING! o j_gO r jri’-msra-: / R.'.ME and give us your order. Do not wait tiii V vou a:e pressed bv the season, and then want a suit made In a hurry. We are prcpsired. how- ever, to get up suits i t very .short not ! 'ce. If you warn :\ ■ uit quick. g : ve us your orcier. If V u want a -uit in thirty days, give u< your rdcr. If you want a suit in sixty da\s, give us v. .ur order. G. j. PEACOCK. •t lelhing I!i(!iii1»5( lam 1 . 1> I *V :it\ i ;.1 t i.V ,irft3» S 6ba«! ’ C H i C H- F. S T Ei ft' S fci G L ’ ?> . * 53c hriiviru.i .n 1 Hilly i11 ", db If it i- roaliy tho trim of the two-third- i ii t" , i c , lmriui-ny as cluiinc. 1 ' < tic -v x. h" a ! ViH'itto it. a di-cu-sion at an; 1 ic :."t j vgg h; It ."-our- to 1- 1 in- pc '[do in t del r [ ■ I'd iuii iin r\ mooting- litivv a- tn-ioli right t < oxpro-s thoir xvi-hes in legat'd to the txvn-thii'd- rule a- they ha\e u, iu-trn. t their dc. - .at"- t" \ .'te f'.r [larti,.ulai- I'audidati-. !n all convention- of the people, whore '.in' j'C"]'lc rci't'cscnt thcm-civcs, tin- liiajnrity rule gnvern-, a- it very prnp- cri\ -h"uld. But it i- hold tyv tho advo cate "ft!"' txvo-thinls rule, that in a con- iii'ii 'f del' gate- sclc.'ttd h .f the ]-ur- :" ■ . f iv]'rc-c!iting tlie i'l'.iplc, it i- a • lit to n nt matter, and in order to ] - urc a candidate who will he sati-ha-inry I" the people beyond p"', "t'.turo. it i- net e--ary to I-■ ’ govorm d Bv lie- !",< -third- rule. ’I'd. who a-.trih- c'.-'" it tho i a two of bi—cn-i' ai- in m mi- Tllf. Dc: .. : I lUo Wo.-: -, c . a; prjxinnite''- its gross earnings f-r A,»r ; l m-.unl/s appr iNiim' .e proportion of taxes ■ suranc*. Ic-midry credits, j M80, leavg their work, and it is n »w assumed tlu ladies who praetico will strike stronger th Mu-ic hath charms to suit the savage bre . A L'UlLUNLRirrNT asks WlUlt C.lil be do. ., 5 30 p m 11 30 am Lv BtUTiosviilt Ar 7 50 4 34 p m 6 .35 p m Thomastou Lv 3 30 p m No. 2+ P.i«sb: r. .Siavhunail. ii. A* TV. A. Uailroittf. lgg.jim Lv Griffin kr 9 40 a m Nt-v/uan Ar 6 .58 a lUj 5 :o p m Ar Carrollton Lv 5 30 a ir. % o 51’i No. P’ s. w. . imd M. d. !b KnlUv«,v 1 No. 2 No. 52 ' Pass's'r. Pass g r. Mnill liiliVU. Pa«s’g' r - Pass’s’v. U >, n ; lv MACON n ] m lo 59 a m Ar j- ,rt \ allev i tu p m 2 28 a mi 1 02 p m Ar Sm:t h.v:Pe j 12-ip m 1 01 a mi , 3 50 n m 2 ^2 }» rn A. C nfilbert kr 11 59 a m 11 34 pm .! 150 am: 8 58 pm Eu hull a Lv to 55 a m 10 33 p m 4 -50 a m 4 0? p m Lv Eu la mu Ar 10 >0 a 10 33 p ni 6 22 am. Ar 1 "nirm spiiu.^a Lv 9 18 a m 9 04 p in 6 22 a in 5 41 p in Lv I'nmn ‘+prin^ \r 9 : Q a ni 9 04 p m • 8 00 a m 7 23 ;* m Ar ....?Il)NTGCMF.HY Lv 7 40 a n * 7 30 p ill No. 25* No. 53- No. Nu. 1 No. 54- No. 26’ Pass’g’r. Pa-s'g'r. P:. s'g-r. S. W . 2{. !IL- Albiuiy iiiii**. Pa—'g ' r - PassVr. Pa-»VT. - 1 T •• m .8 17 p m Ar ,8 34 a m .Fn*t VadffV \r 8 it a m 10 V p m Ar Mi-ithvil-e Lv (; 26 i< m 1 45 p n i i ul a m .0 1 ! 111 L- Mil. 1.1 .'Pin A ' 6 26 a J tl 2 2s a in iOOp m i l 57 a m 11 P. i) m Ar ALBANY Lv 5 40 » m 135am j2 0<‘ ni Th :P. s. vv, . H. tL--R<u-vy Drain<li>. ■bb 1 b Lv Fort Volley Ar 3 15 p 3 Oil j- j’, y, Vv. Ii. Jt. ULtki’J.v i .vtcii- i p Mi. ;t hville \r -Pi'” ■C, Pa- ’-V r. \\ . K.-iort ino.1 liliUlfl}. l : a.M J' 1 2-. b m (.*• " :p !I > :> N. . J:'" F.:i tun J tTa b thantu cr both. shed by is ought ost, He h ;er. betwex he ilnds his Mib ; oet o .^» URE Bilic.'snes?: Sick Hea.’lache In Four hours. vL) One doc-r relieves Neuralgia. Thr> cure ano prevent Chills » Fever. Sour Stomach • Ear* Sreoth. Clear the Skin. Tome the Nerves. 6'uj q . „ife ^ Vigor to the system. Dose ; OXh UK A N Fry them once ana you will never be without -• Price. 25 cents per bottle. Solo uyCrutj- v: Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on rac-dpt r pries in stamps, postpaid, to an ; address, j • F. SMITH & CO., Manufacturers anu xjx..- Frops., ol. LOUIS, .V.*. ChiHli',.df-- Gloss AVliite Cases and Caskets. Clulilreif s <-uus^ White MRalir CadveN. Burial Robes, all prig/s from_;l-5'-» up. Personal attention given all orders. IVelith v--’eet. tour doors wesi of Tlios. Gilbert's Printing Uttiee.