Newspaper Page Text
mum (.11 run jikaihuv.
rsttn was wifi and bland,
■ iimuig’i the mend iw land.
. , vv i n 1 that hariilv nhook
,,,■the- df i'it a.n'
I pout
he perfect rlo
c‘HiU'-'te: fair dcco.’t!
: 'i.-.r. pa- ’ll ter that were *wect.
William J). IIo'vklls.
„ |vn i Jio u *•)) ii i) ID dies Received nt I In*
I ,, . • , III- l ilt from i Ilf Hi vi*rs
• }•:»(• <*f ( ulIRis—U.Tmrnition of tin*
'Ydhk. May IS.—The Sun contains
irlicle oil tile morjjue being ];opu-
[t gas’s at this season it is no
•iraetie.tijle to keep on the slabs in
J. , llt , the 1 .idles received there. So
«h an received is put in a I.i'n pine
sometimes with its clothing upon
' ,1 ivshieit, ill other times covered
i . a piece of thin muslin. In the
th cl.'thing is preserved label-
iible aid to future ideutiiica-
reimuns. In some instances,
,';“J ex'oerienced judgment oi Keep-
iVtc or' Assistant Keeper Fogarty
that peculiar interest is like
;ltv e'
to attach to one
J, v.'n'iVcaha photograph of the face
be corpse is'taken. While the bodies
lU .tv until the last moment before
r e moval. Hie coffin lids are left un-
..Yd that the bodies may be inspected
, lt , rested visitors.
, large coffins lie in a long row in a
ti - [t-dmvn looking old shed sup-
'/iju.n piles over the river’s edge.
Ynili'dit glances in upon them through
.piresAn the walls; through knot-holes
co cks in the floor the green water,
„ (i Aly swishing and plashing against
,,ivs below, is seen; through chinks on
j Y,de. and above and below, the wind
f ,\t tiie farther end of the shed—be-
,V : re twenty-nine large Coffins, each the body of an adult—are piled
. cl. other and upon a table small
11.. .in! packages holding twenty-live
, , pses. tlie oldest of which had seen
. Yiban sixteen miserable months of
tiic youngest no life at all. That was
’u'-svis of the morgue dead yesterday,
t, ,..,)>c. by far the greatest number of
In.dies received lit re are those of per-
s die in the hospitals, asylums or
.... j Liblii institutions. Those sources
i ..flout iive a day. Then an average
nc-nalf of the others are infants, either
up in the streets or vacant lots, or
..ikiren of parents who are too poor
r. them and send them here to be in-
,i by the city. The remainder are the
,i is ' of accidents, murders, sudden
its from disease in public places and
aters" found in tlie river.
11.. - : s the season when the latter class
irgtst. Bodies that have lain at the
....; in the winter months rise now and
t, drifting to and fro with the tide.
May 10 nine bodies have been drawn
., tae rivers. Two of them were still
he morgue yesterday. One of them
recognized on Saturday as that of
lip Conlon, who, on the evening of
.-ii her 28 last, went out of bis house on
.! fifty-third street to have a smoke in
open air. Nothing was known of him
r that until three or four days ago, his
y ’.'.as found floating at the foot of
■t Tenth street. His widow was able
« . gnize him only by the handkerchief
ut ii is neck.
he other is supposed to be the body of
tty officer of the Austrian corvette
,u. whp, with five sailors in a launch,
•mi down fly a big transfer boat in Jan-
hist. Fogarty noticed that there were
runs on a sleeve of the dead man’s
.uni that its buttons were, as he lie-
!. thoce of the Austrian navy. He
i.nnicatec! with tlie Austrian consul,
p at a gentleman up to complete the
mention if possible, but the question
her the buttons are really those of an
■ of the Dorian has not yet been
"f the coffins contained the body of
■ii-built middle-aged man, with ’red
i pi moustache, who was killed by the
di.. in of an embankment at shaft lbj
tin new accjuecluot. He had sustained
visible injuries, and seemed to have
d Irani suttbeatiuu in the- earth that
lied him. There was no mystery about
; id* ntity, for with his body came the
ion that he was Irish, and his
me was William MurtLm.
Hyping woman and her little girl
u long beside the body of her lnis-
ihyuseph Salvador, a very emaciated
•• 1,1 "’Bom, as she slated, she could see
'■bony resemblance to wlmt he once
■ Ihree months ago he was admitted
ivuevue hospital, and was then slowly
■■•'I consumption. His hard-working
■ druggling us best she could to sup-
into children, was only able
a!; mirequ. idly to see, but when
mb !lot eume she sent tlie little ones,
"w.y tIk children came to the hos-
or to visit him and were told that
- r mm
' "a- left of Annie Duiitry lay in
:| v rud, eoffins. Twelve or thirteen
\\ken -he first began to attract
: y interest oi' the police, she was
; m tin prettiest girl in or ab,ml
’ '.yud.’ At that time tiiere were
■ m. foiiiid in (.<-r swuct fact cticuur-
•••••tt tn believe that ont e sin had been
■■ ivlit n she \va,s very young. For
Y'-j-ars or more Annie's country res-
1 y ’yiiieli ,he frequently nmiivd—
" !; w as Black ell :. isi uni.
" u! ‘“'‘lie in the c ity she drank and
iau blasphemed, and :-<> oil, aflej
‘-mioii oi iier kind, steadily b’dig
' ' 1 : nd Saturday she r, mein d the
s ..c .i n ,jij the i bund ,r a kid-
, " Y "!■ liglu oil . ... il life of liissi-
bbies i nm Had long lie. n i.
-' tae" came i nek again ■; .‘.lie lav
super's coffin, in in .1 • - In-
" "Usl putty.
1 bn .ur of dead bodies received at
j; ,! ' ,n 1 four in,nulls and sixteen
• •* present .veer has been SJJl.
. m the air a blazing aerolite, which finally
disappears v itli a grand explosion. Otlu r
I novelties are twin asteroid rockets, each at
its highest altitude throwing out two aste-
1 voids, wh'eh flout away in the nir and
j ehange coiors in burning; colored pris-
| i . tie fountains of Are drops, interniing-
i ling through each other with kaleidoscopic
[ efleet: geysers or revolving rockets, re
sembling a wheel of fire ascending in the
! air; the man in the moon, with a large,
j round, laughing face; colored saueUsions
I which are large-sized minesthat first thrnv,
| out a shower of fnm. with intermediate
| stars of variegated colored tires, and tin ,’ly
| explode with .". heavy report. diMchnrjf'ug
\ liigl: in the air a mass of fiery cont rtions.
i hissing and squirming in every direction,
with . i .ils of brilliant lire.
s claimc i to be the greatest nov-
I- produced in this country in this
] line are )apatiesc day fireworks. They are
i shells thrown from a mortar to a consid
erable height. which explode and r. leas,•
i 'mures of animal-, thill, birds, drag, n- and
, c 'iored smoke effects,“w liich float
tune in (In .air. V novelty in the sa
! line are animal figure balloons, wliieh
inflated with hot air. They are made
1 colored paper in the shape of pigs, i
pliunts an 1 fislies. A novelty for the > • ,.
j folks are Bengal light books.
book of six leaves with three s
I each leaf. A strip or leaf torn f
| book and lighted will burn with
! limit red or green illumination.
asked if n great deal of the> iuji
i damage caused by tirewovks every y, ,r
a mid not be avoided if nr, per care wer ■
j used, the reporter’s informant said that
J it could, and gave tlie following important
bints on the subject:
; Rockets should bo fired, he said, from a
! gutter or brought inclined at a very sligdii
j angle, to leeward of the spectators. Floral
j bombshells, mines, batteries, fountains and
| aerolites should be placed erect in an open
, i luce mid fired from the ground. Verti-
eles, flyers, triangles and other wo. •
should be securely nailed to a post, cars
Iking taken that the piece will revolve
freely ■ itiiont striking the postwnen tired
| Colored illuminating fire should be poured
| out on a dry surface, in a short train, uc-
j cording to the quantity used, and tired at
i one end to burn toward the wind. Set
i pieces should be fastened securely to posts
and. placed upright, care being taken to
I out all tlie strings but not the fuse, and to
sc.- that all the v, > are in
i their propper places and will
revolve freely when fired; also that the
fuss hangs within convenient distance for
| lighting, which should be clone by remov
ing paper from the end and igniting the
i black match. Bombshells fired from mor-
I tars should be handled with great care to
| present premature discharge. The mortar
should be planted upright on the ground
! in an open space: the bombshell should be
dropped in cartridge end down, wit ha fuse
! uncoiled left hanging out of the muzzle of
the gun. The mortar should be swab'
] out carefully after each shell is fired, so
j that no spark remains, and great care
I should in' taken when loading or firing
that io part of the person projects ovei the
I muzzle ofthe gun. The bombshell is fired
by removing the cover paper from the
I end ofthe fuse and lighting the black end
j of the match.
Cuvet! Hi- I.ifc,
, Jlr. D. I. Wileoxson, of Horse Cave-, Kv.,
| says he was for many years badly afflicted
with Phthisic, also Diabetes; the
: pains were almost' unendurable.
1 and would sometimes almost
, throw him into convulsions. He
tried Electric Bitters and got relief from
first bottle, and after taking six bottles was
| entirely cured, and bad gained in flesh
; eighteen pounds. Says he positively be
lieves he would have died had it not been
for the relief afforded by Electric Bitters.
Sold at fifty cents a bottie by Brannon &
I Carson. eod&w
Non on*. I'cliJlh .i 11 il .Min.
You art- allowed n live trial* of thirty
days of t ht‘ use uf i >r. 1 >,ve*s <A* 1 eI>rate*l
Voltaic Ik't with Electric Suspons'-ly Ap
pliances. for the spte<iy relief and perm.i-
n< nt cur . ’1' Nervous 1>. Mlit v. Iom* ■, i Vital
ity and Mnnhooi. and .ill kindred treuDu. s.
Also i\*r many other diseases. Compote
ivstnrat’nn u> health, vi^or and
guaranteed. No risk is incurn
T ratcd iLimphlet. with full ini
terms, etc., mailed free l»v addle
Jell Co., Marshall. Mich.
ritoi i ssfUN \ i. ;c \ [{h\
! Chicago Rambler: Dog fancier—Well,
I mum, have yon come to buy another pup?
Miss Plantageuet —Xo, sir; not exactly.
Mamma wished to know if you would ex
change this black dog for a black-and-
| white one. He is just as good as new, and
we are going into half-mourning next
1 W. W. Reed, Druggist, of Winchester,
! Ind., writes: “One of my customers, Mrs.
! Louisa Pike, Bartonia, Randolph Co., Ind.,
was a long sufferer with Consumption, and
was given up to die by her physicians.
She heard of Dr. King’s New Discovery
i for Consumption, and began buying it of
me. In six months’ time she walked to
this city a distance of six miles, and is now
! so much improve’, she has quit using it.
i She feels she owes her life to il. ’
Free Trial Bottles at Brannon & Carson’s
1 Drug Store. eod&w
. —
1 Advice to Mothers.—Mrs. Winslow’s
■ Soothing Sviicp should always be used
when children are cutting teeth. It re
lieves the little sufferer at once; it produces
I natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child
. from pain, and the little cherub awakes as
| "bright as a button.” It is very pleasant
| to taste, it soothes Hie child, softens the
| gums, allays ail pain, relieves wind, regu
lates the bowels and is the best known
remedy for diarrhcea, whether arising
[ from teething or other causes. Twenty-
five cents a bottle.
p Ha. (.(iml Wld-kj.
| A Boston gentleman in paying his r,-
j spoofs to a commissioner of tlie interior
j department recently, remarked daring a
lull in tlie conversation: “by the way, .Mr.
Commission,zi', do you happen to have a
drop of good \vl ,'ky ab at ?
“Good heavens!” exe.aimed the com-
r. Hsioner, “good whisky, did you say?
Why. young man, all wliiskv is good.'’
Amid gem 'al acclamation a dr.,pm' ilu
best was I'orihconhng. —Wushingtou Ccr.
i Indianapi .is .Journal.
ther peani
Il o. them:'
pay into O
next term 1)1
: .ley's fee- and cost-
’ emise 1,. til, '..' loir,
the failure ,>!'thc‘ del
of redemption hi and to -aid mom,Mi
' be fore' er thereafter barred and forte
And it is further ordered that thi.-
; fished in th.- Columbus liNiymi.ii-s,
gazette printin' and ],uii]islied oi ■
county, cm e a menth for four month.-
the next term uf this Court, or sen ed
fendant or her special agent or attorn
three months previous to the next
I Court.
j C. J. THORNTON, Judge C
Idaintitrs Attorney.
A true extract tYom die minutes ofM
i Supc-rii i Court, May
! Muscogee Manufaciunng Com
pany Stock for Saie.
Ar^ree’.ibly to an order ofthe Court of Ordinary
<•».*' Chattahoochee county, i/eoo?ia, hy vnut- of
section 2oo0 of (ode, *w .vill sv-U at auct'.un, iii
front of the auction house oi'F
, Co , ill < '(•huLibujj, .Mttf-c’O^cc county. LtcojxM, to
the liigheist bidder for .a.-h. m uit li-i Tuesday
• in June Ht’O, twelve ••!., .vs o; tfv fapi’ai el: of
j the Mu.-cogve Maim acturinsf ■ ’iiijiany. v.Mas
the j»roj»erty ot XV. \V Hr., l.ite «»f Chatta
hoochee county, deceased.
J.E. D. bHJPP.
Executors of W. \Y. .Snip;), deceased.
Whereas. James F. Wadde!! liavin^ rv^iifiied
the Kuardianship of the i>'. ^ih rty 01 Terschuruer
deGraffer.reid, minor, a.v. no one havjnj; aMMied 1
for the KUurdianship f the said T
deGratfenreul, notice isnereby ,;'.V(n i • '..'.l j»er-
:n i riie.i that the w nli.-: of th» said
. Ter.seharuer *tH.»ralYvnriud .viJJ f-v vt-.-ted m ih»:
' clerk of the superior court, or some other tit and
proper i>ei son, a ft ci tin publication of thi.» cita
tion once a week for four week<. unites va!i»i ob
! jection is made to his appointment.
Given under my hand and official si/iuhare tins
j May (>th, l?8ri. F. M. JiRGOKS,
niyii ouwiw Ornimu-y.
V.’in.-reas, Franci- i . Peaoot’.y n, iij*piic?i-
tioj.’ f« r permanent letters of Administrai.on i ti ,
the estate of Joseph Ebert, deceased
These are, therefore, to cite and .Y'..:Y-i. : .-i. .<!!
and singular, the kii dred and c.-edir.ors <d •• .;<» oV
ceased, to show cause, f <my they have, within
' the time prescrioed by law, why said letters
1 should nut be granted to said applicant.
Witness my official signature thF May
I iuy6 ouwiw F. M. BROOKS, Orchnary.
Whore- M
estate ot difj
Mnnv baking 'w f rs are very pernio
to health, at. 1 w .:!<• every one* rotrnrls I is
own. lie should a!-> have a cure for the tondi-r
ones—the little children.
contains none of the had jptalPies of K-ikinjc
Inu'tful Migiodieutr—no alum or ati.immia.
All Cheniistsvwho l.nve nntdy/ed Rea Foau:
comiitOhil it. Tfojja-keeivrs aba )tir:r inol n
will have no nih-r. Cooks, whose »»e«t effo t
have Jail ’d wit!i oth-r p.K\*fh-r--. n^r-- jut I -: t
It ir/p-.sidv.-lv mv-eiialed. / l.solutolv yv.r(-.
Used bv t io l.-ndink n. ’. Is and n-tai.i*jint«
.ii New'Y'.rk eiiva..d ll,i’o!.-.rh. .1 i he country.
For sale by all lirst-cla-ss u't'^-ers.
GANTX, JOXi s ,('■ CO,.
170 luitnir St.. X. V
M<*riu el3i-i*r fminiy <»n..
Hiil bf lljii'iid Jiuc 1-1, for I he |!i'iT]itin:;
Pensticohi is the only aeaihiblc* point .■
the gulf at which the trade of the gulf ea
he ehe inly and suceessfiniy handled. It
formed by nature for this jjnrjjosy. — Pei’--,
cola h.'oinuiereial. Nature has beer. v*-r
(juiet about this thing. It has never t-d
cotton andi • iig'.ii' to try and get over thu
for the purpose of being handled.
»/ *0 J k Cr \.J I, 0
i si: m* h )!'.u vs bki. u' u x a:n i’
r n'atv
’ ua ,l at this til
i )
\ I i \
% j#, $ ;<} l>.
m K' & j.;
$ M * |
m m €* W® W W
M n if : C 4 i 1
& i» j, & % & if S?
?4 lV’ iff ¥r $ **»■
It ran be given in a cup of coffee or ten
without the knowledge of the person ttiic-
ing it; is absolutely liimiilcsH. ami will ef-
1 :i perm a ue it t and spc<«ly «u ire, whet her
the patient is a moderate driiikei or an ai-
coholie wreck. It has 1mm n given in thou.
Minds of eases and in < veis instance a per
fect cure lias followed. It m vrr /oils. I he
system oner impregnated with the Specific,
it iimiin.'t an utler impossibility ior the
liquor aj.jx'tite to exist. I’or Sale by
TPC T3j S A. T, TL) 13 V
M. D, HOOD & C0. 5 DDlOUuTS,
!*g mioAj) ^t., ri'i.niiii s i. i.
Cali or write for r ii eular «V foil part ieulars.
% % i % *4 444 4
U^'n^p'r!' 1 InY • n . h :s ^ n'Vv.SGi y’i’l'l) 'Villi
L \: ' ■' . jp’j/iVv -•■'?•'> .Y'S’..' •. ‘.V 1 irltVi’ V-t.
he ri-i; i . Y ■ I', rt .i. }■■: -• . 1 <■■! I -1 hit I in-vrtl<, L
b'OLTAlL FELT L0., Marsha)!, Mich
nrM)>lel< mid Miilly la|ni)>|»ed i olloik
Il ufiny, Totfrilier Mirle ^ejirly a
Mile of ils. S ines* Water Power on.
• in?* Cliul IahooeBi re kit t*r, .1 list Above
Hie City ol v olumhns.
>f the power vested in ns under the
terms and conditions of a certain deed of trust
executed to the undersigned. J. Rhodes Browne
and A. nigcs’, trustees, by the Columbus Manu
facturing < 1 un pun \, of Miacogee county, state of
< ieorgiii, (kited March 1, 1881, whereby the said
eornorat ion conveyed t<» us all ofthe property,
real and personal, kerctnafier dcscrlbitrf. In trust,
to secure trie payment of its certain issue of
boiids and the inteie.-t c<jupotis thereof as ijt .stiid
tni'-t deed •'perilled and enumerated all of which
appears duly of recoid in Mortgage Deed Book
•A folio- nr,7 to J7J, Mart:!. VISM, in ti.e Clerk's
(.ITice of Superior Court. Muscogee county. Geor
gia, and in Roco'd Deeds, volume O O, pages 81
to hm inclusive. March M. ISHl. office of tlie I'ro
bate Court in the eourily of Lee, state of Ain-
b'unn, and in conformity with the directions rind
ot'ii-- prescr:!»ei| in the rt -olutions pa.-st-d by the
no.der-- of -au! bonds on April 21, ISHti, under the (•(•nferred by said deed of trust.)
We will •-td 1 in tlie city of Co mnbiis, Muscogee
couuiv. Georgia, on the 3d day of August, 1886,
’'u. .vt-ii the legal heir-, of stile, in front ofthe ,.i house of F. AT. Knowles A < o., r.n the
iM>ill)wi“‘t corner of Broad street and Tenth,
t .imerl,\ ( 'rawford street), being tin usual place
for sun ill's sales in said city of CohmibiiFL at
p.;b.' ■ oul( r\. t•» the highest bidder, for cash, the
I •ih.wjnn desciibed property ofthe Columbus
ManoIVti air m, > onipany, to-wit.: All those lots
and paKMd- f land situated, lying and being a»
ft.!i<.w-,- Frs'.c!ional section number twenty-six
'in anil l he nort h l.ah' of fractional section num-
be; thir'y-llve .'{.a, both in fractional township
number eighteen 28 , range nuniber thirty (30),
m lb i'll u rly Kus^idl, m.w Lee county, state or
\ ,';i K irua. Also ;Jie following lots of lands lying
and h ii"/ hi I he e.glilit hth > district of Muscoge®
(".ants, -t’de of' Georgia, known ns lots nUmbel’S
eigU;y--i> st; and eighty-^even 87 and the west
had «//')••! mi-nbcr sevenM-four 71-and fractions
numbered nim ty-oiie <ji - and ninuy-two 1)2),
a ad I-I.ii.d nuniber Hire*- :» in Chattahoochee
riv- ai. 1 1 -mall •inhoure situated east ofthe
r ie:i<Ibnnei'l.v oecujiied bv .1. It. Clapp, used
-a reMii< ne.-anu grazing iot. containing^ s cvea
7 aen -more or less. All of .-.aid land- lied de-
M-ribed lying and being in the nffintj of Mu-ico-
gee and state of Georgia, and, 'ogclh'cr with said
iiinds in Lee county. A aba in;., conlauiing eight
!i u m I red and th l'.v s.'ib »•: (* - more of ’i-ss.
Al.-o. ihofth* .u 1 1 oli.n 'ms Mnnufaeturing
• •• >pa i \'.s buildings on said kind in Muscogee
tp fil'd.ud and r.i*| m-tecai.’ tlu iet". iindu-ive. of
■ .till,, till'
■"Y 1 that for .-,1.1.;; iv j,. kn ,.-1-1 the
11 "HU■(( lily larjfe. v-Y
■In ■ ;,. a,u) many ttovi iii,-- for
‘ H' ‘ t flaw bevu ilitv,, . 1
ivr's display. A,.i (fl,
* urer fna-’c i, , .
„i,i • io - 4’ , 111:1 1 ■' " s ‘-
tKi," f, i 1 1 L1>!•_. "Uiviiirz devils,’’
ivuiti Oiutni'I.itor, Roman lin;ri.
i 1 'Oleano, spray.l'ountaiu, jew- testifi
aUl1 water win el. ( “Yx-il p, ..pi
>.v of.”" a ' s ” new. Tht> fly a wfl :i
s!., r .j‘, 1 "' 11 . lu 300 feel and re turn ii.:- -'
. -’•'ffiy point. C flowdu, ;...liu,.m - • “
■ kLL
. i !!’;
If W W Pnir-p l C
.In Wi (iiDIULb Cio
’hev lieiziit \v:t!t its and <1, tiers,
•o.eipl of
‘.i- i,m of pi.... ■
.■rv f,..,, t .vuatjj'ing colors, change in
" louuta »i, and then dijch.trge hijh
ii! si iff. i with tii'.. : terri
:edy r-iicf surely '
le, safe and ioexpe
F,.r oii- i.v "
Forms’ly Hsid for 5v.500. Will Now
Sc:! for S4.500.
1 !'
i - '- 1
j \j
'■ r -.
\Y .
yitiiGT’T t \r111:t> Tin i.i>
W’KR un-l«K
lj (Iru^gisls and
at/2-I eod
f riaij. ot I'H'i v kiiei. ( -t-nearl)»e.thiug—
n aii.fty ■ • i.ti u f" fa. A-k-l* alvrs for it tac
CHARLES H CONNER. Manufacturer, •