Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, May 22, 1886, Image 2
; I 1 i: i i n | i i r !TI;I)AY MOUSING MAY H ion oini't of t.iS n .M i in Wilkes county. J Ridley Dubose and Henry J. Hill will ^ he suj*|>ortc,l a*j a candidate for 1 !■ legisla ture. mi‘jjc*‘l ton nomination by me demo THE GUBERNATORIAL SITUATION IN 1 cratic party in Wilkes county. GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. ALABAMA POLlTiCS. Tin* IMinti* l»<»m Krlnnli Intel hip.-rulinn V It. It.v s >U1 lllli til’IMTili *>IIf III.*k ion iinil Mil" 111 Villi f In* «• I» lit tin* \ I ;• • 111' I ll<> { il III|l.l I .• Tl. I It* (iulii i niiiiiri;il sitnutiii ( mivvntiu»«s lo l»»* 'I<»-l*nv i mi ii I It**. llai a 'n-m Lru.sii.lbi (an* iliiltd*. The gubernatorial canvass in Alabama pursues tiiu even tetior^if it i way. Wnile To-day will wind nj> t!i»- joint dKvuxsInn tlie candid.l;**-! are all four working as- Letwcon Major Bacon and Lien, Gordon. siduously tbe campaign is not eoiKhmted in for which we should all give thanks. It 1 a inmn< r t > <• mse the people lo stand on has certainly come to a lowly state «»/' j their heads and howl. Thus Jar those who affairs wlu*n two prominent cit i/* us can- profess to be posted put the candidates in not meet and discuss the public affairs of the following order with reference to the the state without indulging in such hit personalities as to require the intervent of friends to stop it by stopping the jo h‘. Tills has been done, as shown 1 he following ! strength they ! gates selected: McKleroy ,S7. t votes out of tli ill develop among the dele- Diuvho'.i 121, Clayton 1th, iav Hd, niaking a total of :*7H 722 that are to conioo.ic R • i '.j’-ys* ■ v *.!pr if ** h>-" u R'l ijm| 8SS$!u ; ,Li.• /aI * jjr Wms>k tkci wmr v; A ***.:■>■ ■ fim lc" I'&y&zi ^ 71 TOO LATE TO HOLD The Chance of a. Lifetime—A Golden Upper 4, To (.tot a Stylish Suit at Bottom Figures. Gk 33. THOMA. f, 3 CLOT ZEE I ZED IER,, Ifns just received a large stock of first-class CLOTHING that was shipped in March b.ait the time of the freshet. For THE CASH these beautiful and stylish goods will e sold at an < xtremely low figure. The lateness of spring is the reason for offering goods at so low a pric> nr»» n*r.*nM.'v\"istrw\i a m ctnmw vaiuaoie lies! L FOR EXCHANGE. j-Slo.noff L I cbnnge far th.bereff irfntls either *h c A’ j .V:W. imp. or K'.orHn. m " v m> ' D ■),000 mm>rth of Improved. L'iiv ia-^i i v exchange frr Mocl:* and Bonds.' t T ;.,L'rv- ; , :vRv *■« !»• " 1 '• ; . d live-r'e.‘I'e Dwfil/hig X,u \'.w^ '.•tii-hu:ld.n.:s. Weil watered and limbeioi. CARD : Atlanta, May 20. -Uepresentutives o*' Majoi liHeon and (ten. Uordon entered into «Ji agreement th-night. to close the joint diMmssions Saturday night. The fol lowing card and agreement will explain I he situation: .\ "i \ NT A, May 2*1, lsflfl. To the Demo- v niie Voters of the State; In com ersatinn with Major Howell J suggested that the violent personalities of the eam| thr'-atenod the peace and good order oft. sLite. and that they should be stojtjK the convention. To-day several counties select d d«* s auu may make a rudical cluing Ri lre.- esti mate now made. Among others Bibb, Chilton, Cherokee, Conecuh, Covington. Cullman, Etowah, Henry, Ixuid-rdah., Marshall, Pike, Tuskaloosn and Wilcox hold their conventions to-day. We shall i endeavor to ascertain their preferences . ^' ,1 | and if .successful, will furnish our readers j iUJJI! yjinyni*: . ; I .? W"* # *1H »Sl< uri* an'! 1 *M*at«.*d IS HE D? A)*..* w‘;h elifhi-; lee -*v»j-n5oj>i tc-ncniom mu.: ; 1 , IONS with the iuforniuUon Suiiday inoriii: lie atfreetl with me heartily. Ah OEKKKAl. I'.Ossri’. t!u n .hi:'t ot mu’oumei'Mition we tnmie the The Asliville .Aegis says: Aleiiter liui'ke i'ollnwii.g agreement uliuut tile joint dis- ;l few days ago reported four prohate eilasion. .Thin is solely in the interest of judges tn the governor ; r.vo of them for the oarty, and is not to he construed either i failure to pay money received for license 1 dire, tlv’or Indirectly in the interest of into the state trensurv, and t wo for failure 1 either 'candidate. , to pay in money received for the redemp- j |8igncd] Patrick tion of land and licenses, it is evident j that our grand democracy must reform or | l concur in the above. our hurrahs sink in the future to the; (Signed] E. P. Howell. faintest whispers. Drunkenness, etn’oe/. zlcment, bribery and laxity of manage Atlanta. Mav 20, 1h.xo.-To den. John 1 mentis reported from every quarter. H. Uordon and (ton. A. (). Knrori, C'andi- The Eutaw Mirror is authorit HiCSr.Te CURATIVE IM FIRM ABIC 3. Amo Presct oui uy ^wr *i.s vcryivhehe. Cl. .*# L-T 3 CONSUMPTi M, H E iVi O R iv ti Ak .. f. 3 And nil WaHtinft /*i . turn t DYSPEPSIA, li'-iE.or j'i CN, r/.ALAI' \ 1 v’-Il -OF Ail.. \.'ill he exchnnt'eil fr.r C • binnd neprH,m s . ""Nvfi ® 9mmjs TT r*1 n “FT! G22 C2 7 ^ttausttd^ ucnabiKwS tteiMal ,aa TOOMBS CRAWFORD, T L-PATK AGENT. 1“ 2'’crth S': .PUP.E STir^i j Magnetic Pewe Foo the Sick,, CONVALESCING r.VI .ENTS, AGED PEOPLE, Weak and Debilitated Yvomen. For ra’e 1 ■ y Dr'icr,hr »cer i..i it-a.iors. 5'r.hc One r'L, - r,! ■■■ Rottle, dates for the demoeratic nomination for governor: Having authorized us to arrange I or a joint discussion of the issues of the campaign, and having select- id us to muno places and dates, we have agreed that the joint discussion shall ter minate t.tiis week. We have arrived at statement that Greene county polities ar il) ft pretty bad muss, it i.-, true, but we are not prepared to sa.v that they have not I icon worse before, nor that they may not he worse again. Nraone now abuses his neighbor for opinion's sake, and there is no prospect in view of had men coinin ■ • ’ \ • i v, untvmmLAi m p. i ... ........ ...... ...... .. this conclusion in order that the harmony into positions of honor and trust. Tht; of the party may be preserved and that much is good, no more, the asperities ol t he campaign mav he re- I Bullock county eon vent ion met the othc :■ moved as far as possible. After (!><■ time I day, all 'teats being represented by full del- named. each candidate slinlt make his own egations. Seven delegates were elected to appointment to address the demoeratic I the state, judiciary, and chancery conven- witers of tho state. | thins, tl. D. Clayton was unanimously en- |Higned,] 15. H. Howell, dorsed ns the choice of the county for gov- Por Gen. John B. Gordon, | ernor. J. M. Carmichael for judge, and Patrick War.sit, J. A. Foster for chancellor. After reor- J'. ir I Ion. A. (). 11. It will thus hi seen that each eandidnt can r wbe allowed te go where he pleases and say as many things about tile tit her as tie pleases, 11 net not. create any “had blood’ :d least for the time being. THEY HAD \ TILT at Ureensbormigh yesterday, and will wind up the discussion, ho far us a joint debut, is concerned, at. Conyers to-day. No plan for making speeches ha.- been made bv villa of them, as far as we m e informed, 1'iitwe presume it will be spiritedly kupt up. General Gordon has already ‘Ignliti d ids intention uf addressing the people o. every county in the slide, and Major Bacon will likely do the scum thing. In the meantime vv« commend to thetv careful eorisideration, and the cor,side! it ion < f their Irie.i ds, tin- fellowing fiom the cavati na Ii News; ■It is to be regreited that so inv mi.. . win he said and pn! P.hni dui'i ■ ;hi« .• s“ mi I campaign that will learn '.voupijs u'idch wiiJ be a long lime in *„ i. :il) the charges maim re inn . ,i .”i Gu tions tndnig. d in n r-: ,] ganixing t lie county executive committ tlie convention adjourned. A special dispateii from Wa.xliington says that talks with Alabama inenihers show' ', growing impression flint Clayton is gaining in (he. gnberiiatortid race in t heir staif They are receiving a good many hid rs froni all purls e*' flip state, whose state- nn ids they take as a pretty good index to the situation. The C.Tmki n.untv convention he'd o.t Haturdny. appointed delegates to the judi cial convention r.s follows; Torrcy, 5 Clarke, The gvrhatorinl delegates are reported to stand: for Olavton. 5; Dawson, 2; Beily, 1. The eoiigrex-ion..'. convention for tb k 0 J8 ni u i + U i U i UQ !Jp 1 Lit h IS OTIS. MOTTO, loo Wllsoni un*»iio lNnvcr llolt And cyct ha.-j hecu. Ljion thi? pmsperoiis iinncTpiC \\'i husiDCss. liitve built out N the most successful appliance in the woiM f.,r the nvctr.ieiu **f Xervou- Debility. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sleeplessness.*. Asthma’ Dyspepsifk Diseases of Liver. Kidneys and Di- gesiivo <Jirjaijs, kick Headache, and nil arising fnmi Insullideni and impure blood. DON ’T BE DECEIVED ow prices named in boastful advei'lLouuuL. but -t i* ilie goods hs they ai'e jiriced. and be sure y*.ii r s<'i wiuu \ gli !my. Our stock was never so t'omplete and yooii- Coi.cmecs, Ga., May 12, isle. . >X ill .! after May .2 1X86, tht iutal rates of 1 7 fre' ' ' " wert ■ ii' , vt.‘i‘ so cheap. All we ask of a discriininatiny puldic is an ( Xiiiniiiatioii of our stuck before buying. All say Kirven's is <i jj'iou place to trade. Ve’giu on the Chattahoqyhee, Flint and Apa- iuchioolk rivei's w ii! he as follows; IT'ur p«*r barrel 5 cents WILSOHIA il W ilsoniH .Itafiieffc ll'oner I.iKiieV second di*t riot i LC' ncrv June 9t 1 The 'Wasaii.;; Saturday ap: v i:11- u i!]' d to nn“ t at Mont- ' *?« !‘ yT M ,; I1 ‘ l ' er to “ uiity convention r.f \Ud egiiticn. Ft' waturdny any u::t ■■ ... *n.; f’la^'ton 5. for t'hu'ko fj. Tlie Autau^'h county convention en dorsed the v'cnrx- «.*f % Hon. Thomas VC. Saddler, and rofo vuionded his: return for another tern,. JVrry A’atta, coh ' • T r,:i 'y.rco'- hitnkhii' a candidate fort lit Je'crdature from But 5 y county. 10 cen‘ 25 cents I Other fro : ght In nroportlon. i Pft-fqye From (,'olnnibus to Apalachicola, $5:0C. I Otber points in proportion. J. A. KIRVEN & CO. Abdoniinal SnpporlPv, and in- STEAMER NAIAD YOU CAM FIND AT r >v the disuers:on of Fibroid and other tumors and enlargements ol* thewomb ami *'■' - Al-o gives great support and com creased strength to the walls tif the cases of abdominal enlavgemer.t w.thorn any particular disease. Tends also to and prevent excessive accumulation of fat. JTsiijl . .ihijuuus for Apalachicola via Bain- y IT ;>I ).v V morning ai h o’clock, re- Brtinbridge. .'2d Uroadnay. insiiE truth there would not ho so much fui : L't’et, Lilt "u hi (p n D Ii we at!. \vh:'i : a (se7 N ewspn tiers ntid ■ ■: who *re Mill or • . - IneJinatioj v iO‘,.ii, ( to eutiojpioii rhe cflusc (;• ner.i! (lordon or Major Haeoi tin •■•t.orio hr mod- rate .'ini jr>». ' ao 1 fh deniocrats. ..nd there !s n 11 Deetrtbily fur uvttiiiG i.veUeu liie n.’" hditoy of either as *':> re is loj Ii g “111 wh i gv-s r 1 ;f■ n. a,i'l.iti-1 , ar.-.M ,a.Halt.-’ - K ON THiS, THEN b.\ boAT, 11 ycTr vhuict. Kelow w f pi,i ex’./i taken r Vom t.'v- AL.i..',- ,». n L« : • d V n the, Mav ... T ch ^v.iph, hu; ■ 1 \\ the reee|.tioii of *J:r eav.lid • are take y( nr T ; v . ; Atlanta * v«pst-f-'ti< ij. wforilsvii!-. }< In, I*. \> J Throughout the country h *rts 1 Is ' oils. Questions of vit 'wse ' politics, .!.*.* . ither 1 the currency end th» eM ! of f?overmuen r m pf w . to tlie uUiiiin..str«ilioj; ct 1 petition o' p .r’.i* s. <»•. 11 he made la ’ ('Ih i.d •* fairs. lint it is evi*>**i |m -ijile \\ )io do :,ut 1 . eonneccioii between • i i!K. si.lie pDiilivc ;'oej a:.d mrschiev .i interest iri national cheduh? will be run, river, etc., j nippers will please have their height at boat 8 a. in. on day of leaving, as none will be re- : n. older : reserves i ho right of not landing at any vheii considered dangerous by the com- BLANCHARD. BOOTH 4 HUFF'S Dr. C. TERRY. Agent. Columbus, Ga. :uh2 dly •i li.niUitions ip nve no relation ! A city. Tlie com ■ munl-doa! af- t lliUl the A Luim.l loot will not stop at any point not named in | : of landings furnished shippers under date oi ; -rtl 1. 1885. i .'ur resjAUisibility for freight ceases niter it lias been d’.sev.aiyed al a lauding where no person is there to receive it. sAM’L J. WHITESIDE, Pres’t. 1 t. \YM! rESIDK. Sec\v and Treas. • dt-nv * ’ren.ung. vn lately ■■unig^iwima Gif.Gtii. uiid Anii'jue Larcr? !o tiTn. 'iyui'fd Curl ilia SaAsgs in stars and sp md aii v, just Mu 1 Lliiny for suianit-r. I.'. 11 tVl.‘ in li'D r in lav n. /-iJDv ERTISERS At fat. 1 h, Ihu-on il l ‘Oil l xvue insi :-jlie iilliLi!- !,.../ .Vos v.: f v, Kurin uh li'i'ir • in; As tiie m : • tl vd 'nr IT i ■mi the Hamilton rhurman pro- rdo that it c ir agi e.ftt , i ftv.*nil- F- hj, ‘i'll t he tPMst Can learn the exact cost' of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers by addressing' Goo. P. Rowell A Co., Malfli St>ls iu Swiss Embroidi'iDs. Sheer Plaid Lawns, Sheer id;:id Swisses. i lies. These come in small j>l;iids. medi inches stmare. They are uuods. Slteel [Maid ( :m plai ' l -a ml Tire 32 iiu ■. pia u.x jrliaent RE- J. H. Yocum, T. J. Pearce. G. E.Thomas, r . -1 rv’. Vetff.lon to iEcorporate the '‘Young Ion’s Christian Association of Columbus. b.*.»rgia. iOdGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY.-To the Su- e:\oi Court of .-aid Count;. : he jv.t’tion of J. H. Yocum, T. J. Pearce. ' -. E. »r.a«. Jr.. R. A. Carson. G. E. Chandler. R O. ward. M. W. Howard. R. W. Slade. N. P. t. C. F K*>:hstrass..v, C. D. Hurt A. R. Wil- n. G. L>. Whiteside and W. F. Ti^nor, f '.gee enunty, state f’f Georgia, to be kn *en i"? “Board of Director?’’ of the Young *> Christ inn Association of Columbus. :> ;* .v.'.h -Uch others a.> may become members f Asso''on, respectfully showeth that j iers. thri • a*soeir.tes and successors, desire d and made a body politic under auk .tic. J'L / jcc'.v 1 said corporation will be religious •' uic.i;! mal in th'dr character. T!ie 'U*.ji'•* — >t’id romoration will be the jirowi ng *i l in dntaiiiing fur the use of its memb* r c h’.uI in- pur-iic suitable place or places for religious . " -hip. literary entertainment and educational n-cruet ion. The name of said cornoratii.n to be “Young 3on a Cliiistiaii Ass*Jc:ation of Columbus. G .ur- capital io be d "ss'i. !ati*‘r. 'he Pr ncipal ; I at on ployed in the business of d had hejgi Newspaper Advertising Bureau, IG Spruce St., New York. Send lOots lor 1(TO-osue Pamohlel As a hi i.- 1 he 4 ’ itfornj he his friends, who uiu.i!>..n*il :i ured. Among Hum nriv > •I" '!• Mu.itli ami Hr. \[ Dam., Gcnilo-i was rec H'l'.v, thvrv nwv onlv I mm- la Ih .! - ; is, !vts I,', , tlu-ir, vvrui i!i,l to luia tl., ,,, ivi H nviulvd I bv .it tin i,ai„! tl,, Uv• L 'i'"-”*- :lu a,,, '_t«l ok a com, iiii'c,- tolas,,, , In u l, w mom :its Bacon uni ni, "cu .scul'tv.l I t.irii.ijHss thai si.i " • ■ ■ ni i : lu- i,m- .,f mis-r.-l, \v 1- "I lor U'.xiiifrton, How div- i-oni thi 'wo,,: , u - liU. ; s aim < • w:u K cs m.m - J 1 ' He proct -Mm i' t ;uTi' u ; h, la 1 cllcciv-i lltsl HI I'l I , a, . •-. “KNEHAL I't aivcrnor Jam n":'ii I'- ibis si BE FAtoiOe BRAND & <i. Iii'bii Mulls in criTim mul ivory \v!i i 'b..‘s widi*. Viilt.'uciuuues All-over Laet V.!h.rkt'd mul C'utIltI ibiitilit'S, wry mIt-riii! Ini' elii111li*11 v fd r. ivs, Piqiw MT'lis, Plain Pi.(iv; C/htIs. wmils \vhu h space o v P -rat .• •itli l.-rivii for ww us ttiid 08 an excciiOii lUf /'Vw.-Nsi i’U^> . fa/*'/,* V>Siv om J r , v oilier wli111 11: Liio I e. ii. lu n Uar 0 Ml j j n n i ft t n nipTQ U UlC OLD MILL PURE OLD RY1 iu-;n;iv erssai.e. as Win notk- utli nu in-x ' ' IV !"■I I ml Hi- all. not . \ 11' I ! I! 1 IlilLu'i I lit 1 LOW sill I\v b\ tiling. Wo ak y i j 11 r in<])oction. jjolie 1 tar the choif ■ ij ‘X { :l .-X'0l' lit in Colaaiiais Co umbus iDmoress l 0 J u i 1.1 evt ■ti" vinMx T. .at, i'oi.i:\ , i '»> I an!: , r , ■ turn in mlnl.i .fills ti m il iii thiscamn Oi'l'Tvl II. F. Oil -U In''Ii man for -'I: Diet, n livil a Wilk Jolin W. I.imls, ■, rc-election to tht house from Wi Forsyth comity will have n,i { AS iilecil { 1 ^ lu selec t delcg,ite s gu.ieriiauiriul and eon^rtssiuiial e ions on the first Tuesday in June. 1,r * V- IL Lockhart, of Banks c jus leslgned tlie ohRirniHiishii ill-lllncnfiu 1 (1 to t he t>, Columbus, (J Blanchard, Booth & Huff, lit l'k 'Midr 111.- Nc-W Y it v. }} appointed to ffP tht ■ quite a nuniher of t Bank- M. KihvardslSr "»>' ' vaciuivy. There wi eamliilates before th, county for the nomination of st ami representative. A democratic mass meeting ealleu by the chairman of the Tl ty democratic committc oouithouse on the ff.-st 'l H during the present I P'.dL*n vVie people of Get* to think their lot a hard !; I- us certain as the ho »k of fate that if t he fui-tx-opposed to di'iinkeiuiess in thi- state do not shake otT their lethargy and make their might and influence lelt at all centers of Agoeernnieiit, great and small, executive, legislative and judicial, tlu tri- umpii of rum in the rural districts will he as complete as it now threatens tube in the metropolis. hey Stand HM.VlIliML Ii |)\Y the C. BENX ET1 T SHOES ARE at the Head ! LADIES’ WEAR H U '!ADK ins hi ' to l, c . held at° uur-Horse-PuHi»r Huttg . mnurcial (iazettv. rgarine is to be bv law fa! a d *-iust what ' it dairy Latter also lie la! isiauee. a neatiy nrinti i aieod oil the tablf. ret ;• i> from Curd Whey'- v farm—six months oh Sn'iirili Airf'ixt Fire ami I'unrhrs. The best LaAies' 0P- ERA SLIPPERS brought to Columbus are made by them. They can only be had at my .tore. lean fit uny fout, few IS -sip 1 am Sole Ageni for these Goo^s in Columbus ck HAHN All D. XO LADY SHOCLL BUY A SHOE UX- TILL SHE EXAM IXES MY STOCK. L'l 'F In . uu wy o tr Bradle will I • ur- Buu •r mu R. M.MTJLFORD.. ~W"3VL'. ME’YB IR.. apt W'hL’iu