Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, May 23, 1886, Image 6

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SO'DAY MulLMNR. MAY 1 DAILY ENQl'IUKU-SDN : CnLlAMBUS. GE011GL on » t Min mini mi i.m>i in. M> In-nil my thought Smv. how cull 1,110 hr' v'lIlOMI', 1111(1 •\ Ln\r fin ,1 111 n i ..... ill' - . i. As r I.. ■ i - ■. k \m 01irl in r.ii;10 . A Inn-.!-1.i..k , allied .,■> r, ill. Mi k. I I, l.u Ami will'll is l,.'-, 1M, imvi'si? When' her f..|lllil'iti'.lis surest "When Ui»v '"i' still." When niv ; ..>•••» rielies vrenl Wii.'i 'a r it ill - Criesl 11.4.V, What :mi(re.:ii(i h I/'Ve's in’. I nl' V- Vn.-lt. 1,11 I ; hi ll. ,, five ior this \I 'tiler Mi-mcdhit nil?” lie said, tile I'i.V . i\ Willi) Met ill, ! I I ‘ th Herman Merit ale lli,ii-ll, mill I,ml liit Vint. I hit a.noils vat yon it lm\ I.IIST III,!! I,n\i:i! \.MI m HIM! ■yir.our < •!a] -lain \\ ■ var. stum. I woulr W is J >isll 1l OSS. A t first “Dili i la* Bilk’* hut -t Iasi In- iitcniiu* conva lie was a victim. “\\ ho ha’ thought j qui/ed. ••'('hat young fell'-r ; nig a tool, as b ring >r dose t hard- icredulous, t d I hat In.- • III Si lift, 1- dt half os I'm going HJirrrripQ ann & U p ^! J u U i i U Wagons for II s FOE. .CASH OZLTXYZY the wcaIt In Cht and n nost arinto oral Iie nicr- t,-r quit N \v York. Th e-i'-’s no chi: chants of H :;il adelph in. He \n f is a .young ■iere for an In most man t( ;r make •• 1. liv ;in'. man of do -id ed dullish t-ndi •lie i es. lie 1 can’t stand : t it ion. 1 Irak* ill t JlLS ) *’s Tra :i M*riit •Ier'- - soeit-tv • .Mat; c/.nn coin |.m- Ava.s not pur ticnlfirly brijtht, ho ids father determined to . send him to -t dim He >1 IMUI'I'I •a ii in fin:-. was a dm it t rd as a studulit id Ct )Iumi)ia ! Manag-r J), )| J J-(< -J (J 'J V . ; ■ A nd u nat d \ !..v i«r* o you say! Low iffin College, Nr W York. At Hist he did not Alexis “i'i ■flit hull IPS. ho.SH? (ire at lull- betrav any iin ideations of geni us. but lie dal ain’t miff. Y. a d. nit have no eon sid- had lint bee 11 ; It -,.'l ege \cry 1 iong before , era! ion for \s oi'lciir i nan no how. Id U’lt he made gn ■at l>rc>Kr« •ss in his st (id i -8. n, hours ain't ei* Manager- “ W-lli 1 ’m g lad to he •ar one soon cainii to la* regarded .i.s a model stu dent. (hi on< occasion he was confined t<> tiis l)od several weeks in consequence of having several of his rib* fractured in a game of foot-hall, lie seemed to display more than average intellect., the muscular development of his arms from rowing he. ing very large. He was well up in smok ing cigarettes, and knew all a hold most of the actresses on the New N ork stage. Shortly after his arrival in New York he made the acquaintance of an actress whose dramatic ability was routined principally to her pedestrian performances, so to speak. When she danced across the stage the hearts of the bald-headed, venerable men, and also those of the dudes in the front seats, wen; in a flutter, and the opera glasses wobbled about in a remarkably un certain and tremulous manner. Her name like her garments was quite short. It was Blanche, She never appeared on the stage that Seymour Chaplain was not present with u large boquet, which he hurled at her with his compliments. Blanche, or rather Miss Blanche, as she was humorously called, soon discovered that her admirer was the scion of wealthy and aristocratic parents, and slu; deter mined to set her cap for him, to use a fig- ure of speech. As Seymour was a very susceptible voting man site met with but little difficulty, tier motives were strictly honorific as her object, was matrimony. In the meantime, lioWevcr she was not averse to accepting presents from the enamored youth. She even permitted herself to ac cept costly presents. She also allowed him to pay for the champagne they mu tually enjoyed. In fact, her condescension went so far that she allowed him to carry her pet poodle when they took a stroll in Central Park. It was generally under stood that they were engaged! When their lips met ii sounded like an engage ment. Mr. Chaplain, sr., was very liberal in Supplying niw son’s wants, but the extror- dinnry demands made on him finally ex cited his curiosity, not to say his anxiety. He also heard various and sundry rumors in regard to his son’s intimacy with a cer tain actress. A report came to his ears that his son had presented her with a very expensive diamond ringed. Seymour was somewhat surprised when he received a letter from his parent to the effect that he, the aforesaid parent, would be in New York next day, as he desired to see for himself how much progress the young man was making in his studies, Seymour showed the letter to tin* object of his affections. It seemed to have a de pressing effect upon her, but he cheered tier up tin; best ho could. “Don’t despair,” he said, ‘‘the course of true love never did run smooth. As soon as wc are married, we will surprise th-* old gentieman and ask his forgiveness. He will grant it on the spot, and you will he admitted into the most select circles of Philadelphia society.” This was wlmt Blanche wanted very much, but she had her misgivings. On the day following, Blanche had just returned to her room from a rehearsal when there came a knock at her door. An elderly gentleman, wearing eye glasses, and other garments, ofeourse, and a very aristocratic air. entered. H* r Worst fi ars were realized. “My name b C haplain of Philadelphia the fat her of Seymour Chaplain,” he ad- dt (\ dgniticanily. “Please lu* seated,” said Blanche, with a si1 1 ij t r. *•1 suppose y< u know the obj. et. of •",'. visit. You love mv soli.” “And he lov s nit . ' mid Bi mein , whh Ye-, sir.” replied Blanche. 1 will pronably have soim t nt that. I will he eaui:id igo that .■ Miter A one of ( !. :ts: ! '\ if; oldest • to Es-ravin lentiful is oi •rbs extant. I>ages arc plentiful there take ket. man industrious enough to want to do a full days work I'm phased with you, Alexis, and you may work eleven hours a da\.” Alt xis “Hole on, boss! Hole on! I dis- , omh rstand ye. I didn’t know it was I win km’ hours you was talkin’ about. I t hought ’t was restin’time, after dinner. Brooklyn Eagle. rhs of .hr uiluiu.l. I Tin mvrtle among the thorns jsanivr-i He still, Take straw to Es-ravin win: exceeding } Jewish prov Where cal them to in.ti ; T'm measures of talk were sent down | from heaven, and women took nine. 1 With her foot in the grave a woman ! clings to vanity. I A woman would sooner have one meas- ! lire of forwardness than forty of modesty, j At MO her feet tingles at the sound of the ! cymbals. | He who has no wife is no man. I Take a wife from beneath, a friend from above you. | Be the goat black, be the goat white, so she gives good milk. | If your wife is little, bend to her. Have friends or die. I If your friend be deaf when you call 1 turn your back on him. No OmhI EflVrl l*rrrr|Uil»lr, j Boston Record.} j The business-like way that children have of considering the most sacred tilings is often a litle startling to their elders. A little Lynn girl came home from Sunday- school one (lay impressed with her need of divine assistance to enable her to he a bet- : ter girl. Her mother encouraged her, and explained to her how she could seek aid, j but she said: “No, mother, you speak to him about it; . Tdon’t like to.” A few days afterward she suddenly in- I quired: “Did you ask him, mamma?” at the same time explaining her question by an i upward jerk of her thumb. “Yes, my dear, I did.” “Well, be doesn’t attend to his business very well then; I haven’t behaved a lilt better.” tm ♦- — The Verj Newest Itonni'ts. The very newest bonnets worn in Paris 1 an* made of fan coral, which is pretty enough for anything, looking like the most delicate lace. —Boston Transcript. j The quickest time on record! Neuralgia of tin* worst tvpe cured bv one dose of SMITH’S BILE BEANS in from one to 1 four hours, as many who have tried it can testify. It docs seem strange that sensible people will sutler with this terrible disease when speedy relief can surely be found in this simple, safe and inexpensive remedy, 25 cents. For sale by nil druggists and and dealers in medicine, or sent anywhere on receipt of price in stamps. ap‘24 eod.twlm \ Ili-in) Midi ID Imi-i -in- I'arSVi lim*l It is the w oman with the smallest h aul that wears the largest hat at, the opera. - Macon Telegraph. Simmon:* 1 Cordial elir.fin.ttcs from the system a'.! imptirP.ies through tic lungs liver, kidney-* and skin. Soli*, by John I*. Turner A* Bro., Colum bus, (.i. e.i'hvw 'mi(itinur t me forge r strikes millions i r t i.. si -A i tsi ffT* I jjupi V r"/1h Hlw Moht<){ i hi* diRo/no.-ovh'-a a:;lu-( mankind aroonfra. nJlyo»iU««m1 »*>/..Iss-ir1«r« 1conditionM th- LIVER. For all complaint* of this kind such a* Torpidity of th«Livor, Biiinunm-M, Nurvoim Dvapppcia, Indi/e Irreg'iKrity of th- Box-ls. Constipation. Flut • luncy, Eruct.ME-n? mid Burning of itzo h (“nrriHtimos calW-d fi'i.irthurn) Minpma, Malaria. Bio<-dy Flux. Chilln ano Fever, Breakoone F. v r. Exhaustion before or ni'tf.r F-ver-, Chronic Diar rhoea. Loss i)C Appetite. IToadacbe, Foul Breath. lm*frulavitujB iroidmifU t< Femnloa, Tioi\ring*ii«)\vn STftDiGER’S HURflWTil k: Invaluable. It is not a panacea f -r all but a I cJlseahee of the Kill STOM A C H md BOW EC LS. It changes tho complexion from a waxy, yellow tim?'!, to a rmldy, healthy color. It entirely removef low, gloomy spirits. It is on* of tb*> BG.ST AL* 7ERATIVES and r -*Us IF'ERS OF THE BLOOD, and Is A VALUABLE ' r ONiC. STADICER'3 AUSANTIC F-xr Bale by all Drngpiftfl Prico $| ,00 pbr bottle C. F.STADiGER, Proprietor, MO SO, FRONT ST., Philadelphia, Pa, CLIMCNIAN'S T obacco r, ruir r -Jua 11 r -larfrin vmval REMEDIES Will I; CLD HICKORY 2 HOUSE WAGON OLD HICKORY 4 HOUSE WAGON COLUMBUS OHIO BUGGIES COLUMBUS. OHIO TCP BUGGIES AMESBUKY MASS AMESBUEY, MASS PHAETONS lventncky Spric" A GOOD OPEN BUGGY A GOOD TOP BUGGY HAH,NESS *6 50 8 00 I alii Ear:. • 1 (*. Cni 'fill i •all!) nl iai ; AT »47 60 ! AT 52 50 AT 85 00 AT 116 00 r AT 125 00 AT 120 00. AT 85 00 AT 120 00 AT 45 00 AT 55 00- 15 00 which C.i:-h down. Hi I 1,11V Ibis iis -l iK'UW a Hiiytnui" now cxcfjil. •< at actual cost. A lew Tarpnvlin>- ot> liun<l BE ULAR PRICE * 55 00 REGULAR PRICE 65 00 REGULAR PRICE 11500 REGULAR PRICE 140 00 REGULAR PRICE 150 00 REGULAR PRICE 135 00 REGULAR PRICE JL10 00 REGULAR PRICE 140 00 REGULAR PRICE 65 00 REGULAR PRICE 75 00 is 3 50 to 0 00 deductibn. .out 100 Jobs in stock at Cost Saddle 1 THE CLWGMAN TOBACCO CAKE > vrrnn>» cm n Riwunv, inn-. »: Wonndn. Cut* Br*iiw*#, ynr-.’n» Erysipelas. Bull*. Yiirbunclt-o. Botie Fttlons. Ulcers. ;><jren Si.rt- E; •>. S. ire Throut Bun ions.ijorn.v Neuraijri/. Rhr-ujnatisn*. Drchitia Uoui, Rheumatic Unr.t Oolcs. L'.ugnk Bronchitis. Milk Ix*g Snake on J Dr#; St-iug* st lD»oct«. Ac. lu fa« t allays a1, local Irritation and Inflammation from whatever iv.nse. I'rico '.£o r I*. THE CLiNGiMAN TOBACCO PLASTER fropnrrtl according to the moHt scu . ifG- >rincipl«*%. of the PI Itl.M’ ^KO.ATJVr I.NUHKDIENTn compounded with the pureei robocco F1 >nr. and ,rt Bpecia.ll) m-omtnendMl iLc ('roup.'Weed or Cake of tho Breaat »nd for the t claa*. of irritant or iDtlanmiatory mnliutioa. Achoe acn Pains where, from too deli.•-«»#» a atate of tho J-yatem. *.he natient ia unabloto b.sir the atr nger at»plicatior. . f the Tobacco Cake. For fi^dtche or othei AcL.^* *nd Pc^ne, it is iut&IuaMh. Prim 1.> rl*. A3k your druggist for tlms* ro#avd a, or write t< ve-» CUNGMAN TOBACCO CURE Cf. nuPWAM j*i r. . u ^ fc. DR.. RICE, *sSsf-L(iiiisYiile,Ej A r«4uljr’iv amt !>sa,iy q p v .\twiar imJ t:.c* mo«t sue .-.dfa’i, a# bln nracttcc will i.ror-?. Cm os ail town* of P3,IVA."TB, CRROSICl aui SEXUAL ZUSL EASEIa, SjiermAtorrlioa and Xinpofonc/, nei-.c ' / '/ ibu.6 in youth, xexnu jj •»<*•> i ma* SYPHIL IS i Oosori-lica, Cures G.uraataoii Jr. p.I u'ifi’T i koji. 30YTNSEi:,Oit SR W; ' : v:l .A., ' 1 fi Prices Will Sell Them. ■WasaS CAPITAL PRiZE, - $i 5 o,oco, “Tl r e do hereby certify that tee stiperi'isc the ar rangement for all the Monthly and Quart?r i Drawings of The Louit>iai,a State Lottery Co pauy^ and in. person manage and control t'* j Drawings themselves, and that the same are o-.,-.. j ducted with honesty, fairness, and in good ni:\ i toward all parlies, and we authorize the C'omna :> to use this certificate, with facsimiles of our $,/) natures attached, to its advertisements & Law’s Just Opened New This (Monday) Morning: 1,000 Yards Checked Nainsook at 7 : t^c, well worth 12}uc ; 5o0 Yards Checked Naiusook. superior quality, at such as we have sold at 14l£c. 2o Pieces of India Linons at 9 l 4c. These are genuine India Linons. 15 Pieces of beautiful Sheer Barred India Linons at 15c. If we should ask you 25c for them you would not think of their being high. « 10 Pieces of Checked Linon D’Decca at 15' £c—the greatest bargain of all. Organdi Checks, the climax of BeautiAil White Goods, 25c. Specie! values in New Embroidered Flouncingq 15 inches wide, at from fl.00 to $3.50, pci yard. NY•.* aic behevers in low prices, and we *lrmly believe that if the prices are low enough ! almost any amount of goods can be sold. Come thio week. HILL &c LAW. u VK 01 „b LANOl- o r Cl : TO( ,K OF TFc ihi undersigned Tanks and Bankers iril) pay all Prizes draum in The Louisiana State Lot teries which may be presented at our counters. J. XI. (M1LKKIIT. I‘ri*s. !a». Nut'l Hank f.M.KI Ij HIIETII. Fren. S t a I e Na f l IV k A. HAMHVLN, Pres. N. O. Nat l Hank NI’llKCKDHNTK|TTfTIIACTI(I \! Out Half a Million Distributed Louisiana State Lottery Cornp'y. Incorporated in 1S6K for 25 years bv the Legisla ture for Educational and Charitable purposes— with a capital of $1,000.000—to which a reservo fund of over $550,000 lias since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franca;-o was made a nail of toe present State Constitu tion. adopted December 2d, A. D. 1S79. 3*h 4»rnii<l Mingle miiiilx-r Drawing* will take place monthly. It never scales or p<Ab pones. Look at the following distribution: 193<i l.r»i!<l .IKoiillil.v AND THE FATllAOlllilWIlI (Jl MtTKHLV iillAWlMl in the Armlemy of >lusi<*. New Orlenus, Tcesdav. .lune 13. lss(j. Under the personal oiipervi.-siou and maiiiiyo* in cut of Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, & Gen. JU8AL A. EARLY, cf Virginia. Capital Pri’/.u. AlAU.UtO. J,j*)-*Nofice—''I'u-kets are T.-ii fioilars ojiIv. liiihf*. KiHlis..^-2. Tenths. list ok i tu;a>. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF bvn) 000 SI50.* 1 1 (.Rand PRIZE OF All mil) VI. , 1 OUaXI) PRIY.I-: >>F 20.00* 0 2 L'R(tE PRIZKSUP 10.01,'.: •? ') 1 I.AJUih I’Ri/.FS OF 5.0IM ' ‘j'l PRIZES OF l.Oia 5.-'ID 50 PRIZES < if 500 -A..' ) V\» PRIZE:- OF sao 5 •:;.(> PRIZES ol 2-n. > EM" 5‘ P.. Z f> OF in: -W. -0 Bon ets *i’( )N 1 M A ration ! • i’K« saw * ![ »\V i 1 :Y!TV PRIZE.- • •aiiv lb Ac lilt' ? r| L r 5 f*T \ | U s Y/ r*n nil’s nrbsrt i | - U I k yrpT 1?f U fi fi l D hi O “J U L.f J [JLt hli ; i ! IS i 5l«.} i 5 . ( .a A i , a! i ru-', .tin! !. i rtl:<i I '•i:!i:m P. RiW : v ^ M Vft* :»Vf. @ I “ J) I s *!kpw.'w’-iw?a; -aaS nkc- 21, rs^r.c YY .'Y IN’G FLCilLDA i.YXIiS. ;< ; ;s <:!; a Wi-'( ‘Pi Iv^OST MM FRfCE cmcAcn. *-,* *' *C . *Jt». rnp H • Hidu i If AW f >' l» - H | ; 51 W Pijf 1 Bfe 1 5 f v ! i ' v. ; !.. I i ! u U 1 ; U 1- i P! (■ o C!c u-r:d Twr f.'hvr r “ xpxjs {* ::} : F ep. m r„ wk <t %n p.fs w }!"Y s if’.fVli SfeoDifl H A St .1 is. I: V J St % K * •VIA,' Fi l AND i LA? 'A IX P i t it} in o P i .1 agEato Ulnnn >■ scpo a* aoi'Qto PITT'g r;PMIIX T Y li i 1 l U f i 11S • 111 u n J • f i T'k [X;st !vE dicit’.: on UmII'Ai; i Ml ■;!■ 'Ill, ail 1 \; lVtiUi 1.5- \ ! I - • 1 .,:i ■.!■ .'r' 1-^r; . T-T ■’ o; j .X, /fe a.i.«;1 Jijw,..,.' .' ; ■ ' 3 WA 53 B e m f '(' >5, uv.r; L". isV- LI ■AAiv • C L p j"| IP- H® 3 - S!C*< HCADACHE. ^ gf a m in® YLYIYYYa I ■ jU,nr UfiiVcl bll)l Oi lb rl ' fe ' “life* S'"-' " ■ V.AV A 4c fi f s A Rr-nv-lv r-*r :\V piFease. 9 of th- X.iver, *av V: e ?; erMr, Pi:, "fiiA m fi!^4 noyn. Sr:i^sn«r?i am! OowrJ*. a p-.-m-.r mu lal8s o-LsAr V/JiTit- 5 ? CC.I Prop’ro. I? I NIC A N. Nlufiu^er, 1 . X;.