Newspaper Page Text
RELIGION and polygamy.
lj l | H)r ( „r flip Him-" .luilli'lnrj ( mmnltli'i'OH ilic
| , rn|M)M , il (.'oti-litutioiinl Aiunulim'iit.
Washington, May 24.—The report of
,[ R . house eomniiltee on the Judiciary, to
loioiiipany the joint resolution orop. ,smj
constitutional amendment on t lie subject
‘,C polygamy, is a long doeument, dealing
in u, tail with ail branches of the subji et.
\ considerable portion of the report is de
voted to a discussion showing that congress
I,as the power to deal with tliisquestiofi in
the territories. As to the remedy nr>
nosed, the report says: "Your
committee deeply depjore, uHi
1 good citizens, the existence of
1 lie i vii, and doom it to bo of the first ini*
nortanee that while the re.mody shall lie
radical, it shall lie in . liilrc consi-tenc-
the constitutional principles >f
cm of government, and shall com i ”.nl
if... If to the judgment of the country ml
mankind as in harmony ith tut sacred
rghis of conscience and t lie cardinal n .
I, nies of our free institutions, and ' e l mii-
,vd by a spirit of clone ney. he. .1. a'i m
I magnanimous charity. I’lie evils of
.Mormon western arc deeja-r Uu:n i-in
in cured oy ordinary legislation. To jiuti-
s i the offender may bo accomplished by
hut to extirpate the system, to noli*
ikileit from this union of free ei' i.'izcd
commonwealths, will require a change in
the constitution. - ’
The religious aspect ol the matter is dis
cussed as follows: “It has been the settled
op.,ii' :i ol'the best defenders of religi ms
conscience that when religious faith ja r-
mils crime, its sincerely cannot shield it
from tile penalty of the civil law. As long
ns it is a question of faith between a man
and his God, tilt civil law cannot interfere;
lint when faith breaks out into acts against
tlic laws of society, it cannot give immuni
ty to the criminal. If this were not so,
guilt would be quick to put on the cloak of
religion to screen itself from justice.
•• Y'our committee feels satisfied that no
thing promised by them to the house will
in the slightest degree trench upon the
sacred canons of religious liberty. it
seems to the committee that these pro
visions secure to the union, the courts and
congress of the union, complete authority
to extirpate the system of polygamy and
iis kindred offense of polygamous associa
tion or ’cohabitation between the sexes.’
J'be crimes are fixed by constitutional
iletinilion; the punishment is prescribed by
' .ingress, and the judicial power of the
I'nited Stales will enforce the constitution
against all offenders.”
The interview with Judge Tucker, the !
chairman of the judiciary committee, sent
nit on Friday night, defines what the jiro- j
posed amendment is intended to eilect. I
tleman, but not good looking enough to be
governor this time.
Mb* Mm) Aiuh-rvni.
New York, May 21.- At the farewell
performance of Miss Mary Anderson, in I
‘ Pygmalion and Galatea” and “Comedy '
and Tragedy,” at the Star theatre Saturday
night, she was called before tile foot- .
lights three time* after the fall of the cur
tain in the Anal scene. Then repeated
cries for "Speech, speech.” went up, and
finally Mis- Anderson again came forward.
She seemed\erv coy and onfused, press
ing her hands together and looking at her :
rings in a very nervous way.
Finally, alter a pause, the length of
which Was almost painful, shcraised In r
head and said: ”1 am very grateful lor. an i i
a■ m >st ovi rwhelnu d bv Inis gem n ■, ■.
pressiou of good feeling toward me. i
have been accused of being iuditfereut to
the apiu'.isal bestowed upon me. Lai mu
that i iti
1 >'
villi |ileasuruhh
Lull never f irgi :in- 11\
vs think
gs. B,.;
U d,.-if, ■ - 'V s’V Wm
v « (Ri. ■'"‘u ; ' %
jtf-j''- ■ •u.v*Y : p,;v/'
i-. ■ •. ■ ■ 1 ’A,.■ B.':*
A V - I 1 , ■ R JO
Merchant Tailoring
. .it! .v '
i ppLni
tl^' lU
m Eject oft!
■stTh arc hi gn
president s \
Haiti!.lore ml vert Dvr lias printed a picture
ol' iiie president with a Dust of iwo onanii-
ing lunks upon cavd anti. Upon the D a-*,
of one i)U.'t is upon the other is
|‘,” uudornoai h tin* picture is^Wtiie'i.
Tins card is employed as a device to call
attention to a new and superior article of
taUV. file president is processing, lie
no longer looks with ill-temper upon the ,
gossip concerning his luamago. Jf.j has j
learned t .■> take even pleasure in tlie talk. !
He is, however, in his silence pursuing the |
eourse of a man unfamiliar with society.
Such men. and particularly where they I
marry late in life, act always as if their i
being married was really something to he |
ashamed of and concealed. Some people
have i lly wondered because the president '
has not planned to marry some one nearer I
his own age. They forget tlie universal
law that elderly bachelors, if they marry, j
always marry young girls. The older the I
bachelor the younger the girl. There is
nothing so alluring to the eideri.v celibates |
as “a young maiden fresh from school. 1 ’ |
Why slioula it be expected that our very |
human president should prove uu excep- j
tion to the general rule?
CURAT .*?. n\; ; . '' .-'TONS,
fN j R fVJ £ • ■;' hr 3,
H E W! O R p. H f 3 E S
hut . ill IJ'I ,/ !■! .) ». s ;
.btoU • j%T-T*!*
«i w 2 A v ~i (fw- A a itl.'*. d. * •- ^ ik Jk X ■» i
^ For the Sisk, Ikvali >8,
Weak and Debilii aied Women.
Tor w.loby Dru^riastH, tirocfi - * - null Uctikrs.
I 6 * ice, One l>ellar jj»cr Ilotllc*.
Sr.J 1 ,.„!u in m. i1.. I hr mi.l .B.- p.M.i.11 o .‘\-
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Baltimore, Mil.
,0„<f st.i»ij) ffi’ ’’nJ i‘ 7 fwisiimptinn F»rm
ful’u niit. »ri l t y VtJic Depart ttnU
S pill
A i
0 u i.
I!IJ Each
Km ( Mlii’i'|)ailcm.-. Ilio |uvllirsl in ('.■ >I;ii111hi-. ’iia<I• ■ In
illCil-ill'r. Infill rill’ll. Mis i'ul'cr u|' skillcil !;iiIt»l - il.i-
i't't.'ii iiiri'v'iist (I. Snils will lie ilrlivrn (! w • ( ! i 1 1i11 iU’lay.
!.«:i\v Ynlll’ liiriisii iv w4111 I ii in iii'il -;i w :1") luff ••■iii.
I lie l'rcMth’iit l'oiuts Out n Lilllu of II in
Privulc Ti’iisinn Hill*.
Washington, May 24.—The president
lias vetoed four private pension bills grant
ing pensions to Dudley B. Braneh, Louis
Metelier, Edward Ayres and James C.
Chandler. The president gives his reasons
at length in respect to each ease. In the
case of Branch, he says: “I am convinced
that the rejection of this claim by the i
pension bureau was correct, and think its j
action should not lie reversed. In the J
committee’s report, the statement is found
that the beneficiary named in the bill
was in two different hosjiitals during the
year 1863; and yet it is not claimed that
the history of his hospital treatment fur
nishes any jiroof of the injury upon which
liis claim is now based.”
The president withholds his approval in
Meteher’s ease ujjoii the ground that he j
finds nothing in his examination of the
facts connected with it which impeaches
the value of the surgeon’s certificate upon
which the adverse action of the pension
bureau was predicated.
in vetoing the Ayres bill, the president
says: “It appears that the claimant served
in liis regiment two years and nearly eight
months after the alleged injury, and until
he was mustered out. it is represented to j
me by a report from the pension bureau j
that after nis alleged wound, and in May
ir June, 1863, the claimant deserted, and
in Jul j’of that year was arrested in the'
state of Indiana and returned to duty with
out trial. If this report is correct, tlie
party now seeking a pension at the hands
ofthe government for disability incurred
in service seems to have been capable of
considerable physical exertion, though not ]
very creditable, within a lew weeks after
he claims to have received the injury upon
which his application is based.”
iu the last case—that of Chandler—the
president, after reviewing the various ap
plications made for a pension and their re
jection, says: “There still remained an up- i
peal to congress, and probably there were
not wanting those who found their inter- i
ests in advising such an appeal, and who !
had at hand congressional precedents
which promised a favorable result. |
That the parties interested did not
miscalculate the chances of success is dem
onstrated by the bill now before me,which
in direct opposition to the action of the I
pension bureau grants a pension to a man 1
who, though discharged from enlistment !
for a certain alleged disability, made two
applications for a pension based upon two
distinct causes—both claimed to exist two
months prior to such discharge, and both
dili'erent from the one upon which lie ac
cepted the same, and notwithstanding the
tact that the projjosed beneficiary, alter all
these disabilities had occurred, passed an |
examination as to his physical fitness for I
liis re-enlistment, actually did re-enlist,aud
served till finally mustered out at the close
of the war. If any money is to be given
tins man from the public treasury, it
should not be done under the guise of a
.UiiBiinm l.\f'iciuM*. I
Birmingham, Ala. I
Messrs. Westmoreland Bros., Greenville, ;
S. C.—Gentleman: 1 have been much:
pleased with the eilect of your Calisaya
4’ouic, having consumed the two bottles
sent to me by you. That some of my ae- j
quaintanees all'eeted with dyspepsia may
try tlie remedy, i have got Dr. Hughes, a :
prominent druggist here, to order one
dozen, and gave him your circular of
prices, ete. 1 have no doubt lie will intro- 1
cluce the medicine, which 1 regard as a val- : __ _ , ,
uable remedy, though my limited use pre- : DPIOICnTIEO J?_A_ jELTULS,
vents me from announcing a cure.
Very truly, T. B. Lvons,
Vice 1 resident Alabama State Bank.
Westmoreland’s Calisaya Tonic was
recommended to Mr. Lyons by a Air.
Stern, of New York, who met Mr. Lyons
at New Orleans. Dr. Hughes did order of
us, and lias had quite a run on Calisaya
Tonic, as all dealers generally do.
Brannon <Sc Carson, Wholesale Agents,
Columbus, Ga. myliS dlw
A Success lid Strike.
Wall Street News.
On the 1st instant an engineer employed .
in a Wisconsin saw mill announced to his
boss that the time had come for him to j
strike. Everybody else was striking, and
he could not be left out in the cold.
“Do you want more pay V 1 ' asked the I
“No; the pay is all rigid.”
“Want shorter hours?”
“No; tlie hours are all right.”
“Then, what do you want?”
“I want to go fishing this afternoon with
out having my pay docked. I’ll be oil!
hand again in tlie morning.”
Fie was told to go, and tne “strike” was
amicably adjusted on that basis.
Scott's Emulsion of Pure ( oil liver Oil,
With Hypopliosphitcs, almost a specific
for consumption. The thousands of testi
monials we have received from sufferers
who have been permanently cured by
Scott's Emulsion satisfies us that it will
cure consumption in its early stages, and
alleviate if not cure in its latter stages.
Aotels. Guarding Houses and Families will be
supjified at short noiice with tlie cleanest anc
host flavored Berries that come to our market.
There is no waste; all are line, large frail, free
from san grit and trash.
Place your orders now for tlie days and quan
tity wanted, and 1 will deliver them in time. Re
member 1 guarantee tlie finest and at as loa
prices as inferior ones are sold for.
eod tf
Home insurance Co,
(Established 1851.)
I lie t il} Kccjdug I'oui.lJfuiJei) Paring the Pnii't-
icul Kxeitement.
Bainukidgh. Ga., May 25. Polities is
the all absorbing theme ill southwest
1 c >rgia--hut ami getting liotlei' e. cry day. t wen tv i
Our country candidates are bobbing ajj in . j J. . j’h
every direction, flic prospects are in.A ri't.ii’ni.i
he will nave a gorge, i m u eo:ne» a ami- ir.ig-.Jv
tiiude ivuout’e ocing urged v» rep ailud!y i.i.iT-M ,1
English Kurts.
Adam Badeau.
The landed property of England covers
T2,U00 1 tXM) acres. It is worth £1(1,000,000,000,
and yields an annual rent, independent of
mines, of £330,000,000. One-fourth of this
territory, exclusive of that held by tbe
owners of less than an acre, is iu the hands i
of 1200 proprietors, and a second fourth is
owned by 6200 others; so that half ofthe
entire country is held by 7400 individuals.
The population is 35,000,000. The peers,
not 600 in number, own more than une-
tifthofthe kingdom; tilev possess 14,000.-
000 acres of land, worth £2,000,000,000,
with an annual rental of £66,000,000.
Plain Talk.
There is a preservative principle in SOZ-
ODONT that effectuallv preserves the teeth
from decay. Rich and poor endorse it. No
lady ever tried it without approving its
cleansing and purifying properties. It
outsells all other dentifrices. Ask for
BOZUDONT and take no substitute.
sat se tu thin-
Cash Assets. $7,618,116
Carrollton. May 'Jl, Tin's morning at
S o'clock, at tin* residence of'Capt. T. M.
JUirret, io ihisr »imtv, Will T. Whitehead
shot Miss Laura Harwood, a governess
in t he family, through t i
blit a bullet ii» his own !u*
j Head, and then
Lin. She died in
11 Iivi i- but will
I NSURE against loss or damage by Fire, Light
ning and Tornado, at rales guaranteed as low
as offered by any reliable stock company. The
Lightning clause will be inserted in Dwelling
policies without extra charge.
Thu Savings Duparlmuiil of
j ^KP« )SITS inn111* *m and ulh-i July !.
Terra Cotta Pipe.
Now is I lie lime to drain your yards or lay Sewer Pipe. Ter
ra Cot hi Pipe cheaper than over. Look el I lie prices.
4 Inch, 0 cents per foot, |G Inch, 81-2 cents per foot,
5 Inch, 7 12 cents per-foot, I 8 Inch, 12 cents per foot..
Estimates for l J ipc laid furnished on application.
Telephone 90. 40 Twelfth SI reel.
Patent Metalic Caskets, Wood Cases k Caskets,
I’llumt l Y ur 'I HE
Columbus CompressCo.
j > KultfilA. MrsmuKK 1 • ICNTV.- Under
* t uni oy virtin o! ;m order made by the Hmi
.I'.niic* T. * WHIis. j’ldue the’ superior
.'•mii t of tin-" Chattahoochee cir-
C 1.!. i:i till enso ,,f II. F. Everett vs. the Coluni-
u - < ompre.-s < imp:iny. ti 1 *• undersigned, ns re-
* river of tin* < olumbus Compress < oinpany. will
• II mi tin* r ; t\ *4 « i.bimbu-. Museogee cunity,
' F. M Kni.wie
f!!rnad :m,I 'I
in .lulv next.
< tioi
in the first
following ikmeribed
i to iwi: One .Morse
etc! immediately ou
*■•*• river, at the
id Few
together with
i* 1 the l.iud upon
• •t to the terms
the rate ofifi2o0
diivelh from
•n,-. noariy
• •fcottoii at
rtiiit •• gainst
e |>ri. , “'*i 'l 2O.UU0
nth of Decern-
ii<m;iI eigliteeu
'P n.Pt
Dll’, Ini!
I put
■ tin
11. inn r -t :it 7
lUrago im1 ill-
1.1 \ Y. .Jit.,
iThe New YorkStore!
Eddies' (Jituzt* Ycsls Duly JO cenis:
Splendid < iorsels for 51) cenis:
Ladies' (',,11,>red Lisle Ihtseodc, Wnl'lli 75e m l Si Oil;
(ieiils' Gauze Undcrsliirls JO cenis;
Gents* Imported Lisle Undershirts 75c. worth Sl.oo;
Genls - best 4-ply Linen dollars 10c, worlli JOc;
Our Uiiliindered Sliirls at 75c arc worlli >1.00;
SI anda rd I! !eae I ied dot Ion only S rents ;
Good Silk Parasols only >1.00;
Lovely Saileens 15 cenis;
AM Linen Tadle Damiisk J5 cents ;
Fresli lol of llinsc dhiiiiiiirays al 7 cenis:
Rihhons in ureal variety from Jc per yard up:
Rciinlifnl Saileens. Muslins, Liiwns, and many oilier
new goods lo arrive this week.
Remember we are headquarters for Bargains.
dhildren’s Gloss White Cases and Caskets, Children’s Gloss
White Metalic Caskets. Burial Rohes, all prices from SI.50
up. Personal attention given all orders. Twelfth Street,
four doors west ofTlios. Gilbert's Prinling Ofliee. oc]KIy
Valuable Beil Hale iimliiT PLAN!
FOR EXCHANGE. _ u ... _ 7
nose Hill rroperty on Lino ol
v 1 X 1 W W\ WORI II OF < JTY OF ( OH M- . ^ .. ,
MOjMlM Du- ;i’i,l 1 iv.G e-.uie «„ ,v- tllO Gt'OrCTicl Mu!'a*vl.
Property of the Columbus Manu
facturing Company.
Complete mid I'lill.t r.«|tii|i|MMl Cotton
l iieloi'y . Together nltli Nearly »
"lile uf the I'inest IVuler I'owor on
tli«» 4'l»i»lliiliooeliee l?i%er. Just Above
tlie City ol i ol 11 minis.
P ATE OF (. E< )J{( i I A, .M l'S( TX ; EE »•( )TNTY. -
o' I tv virtue the power v**sted in us under tlie
lerin.s and condition*- aj'a certain dee«l of trust
iM’i lilt’d to tlie undersigned. J. Rhode* HrowriO
.Hid A. lllges, trustees. Dy tli* ('ol uni bus Mnuu-
I'u-tilring ('omp;iny. of .Muse*-gee county, state of
• if.trtrin, dated Msueh I. 1HKI. wliereby tlie said
cnruuiatum comeyed to us all of the property,
iful iiimI p» i.scumi, hceiiuiilei' described, in trust,
p seen 1 c the puyineiit *•*’ its certain issue or
builds and the interest coupons thereof ns in said
: ri. t *i> specitl* *1 and enumeruted all of which duly ol iecoi',1 in Mortguge Di e d Hook
a.* folios flit? to;lT3, Mnreli 5. 1S8t, in the Clerk’s
• •thee «»f .•superior (V)urt, .Muscogee county, (>eor-
gi.i, and in Record Deeds, volume O O, pages 81
t<-ss inelusix* . .March 11. 1881. otlice <-f tlie Pro-
L;,te ( flirt in the county state of Ala*
biuui. •ind in * on form it \ with the directions and
t« rnis pir-cribcd in the re>oluti«*ns passed by the
holdeis ,.f said bonds on April 21, lMhU, under the
authority conferred by said deed of trust.)
We will sell iu the city of Columbus, .Muscogee
, *» int.s, (Jcorgia, on the 3d day of August, 1886,
h<*iwi cu the i*‘g:t] hours of sale, in front ofthe
am ti*»n house of F. M. Knowles & Co., ou the
northwest corner of broad street and Tenth
formerly Crawford street', (being the usual place
lor sl.erilPs sales in said city of Columbus; at
publio outcry, to the highest bidder. f*.»r cash, the
following described property ofthe Columbus
Mainifhcturing Company, to-wit.: All those loti
and p;ireels of land situated, lying and being as
follows: i'racLional section number tweuty-six
Jii and the north half of fractional section mini*
bei thirty-five DIM, both in fractional township
, numbor eighteen 118i. range number thirty (30),
! m formerly itusstll, now Lee couuLy, stute oi
Alabama. Also the following lots of lands lying
! and being in the eighth (flth, district of Muscogee
county, state of Georgia, known as lots numbers
eight v -six and eighty- 1 seven »87< and the west
ball oflot number seventN-four >71 and fractions
numbered ninety-one 91 and ninefy-two 92),
and Island nunib*r three (3) iu Chattahoochee
i i ver and a >iuall eiioloburo hituated east ofthe
ii sideiiee formerly occupied by H. Clapp, used
n> a re*?i*lencf and grazing lot. containing seven
, 7i acres more or less. All of said lauds last de
scribed lying and being iu tlie county of Musco
gee and Mate of C* orgia. and. together with said
land* in I.'-.-comity. Alabama, containing eight
; Inindii’d and thirt v s.'io acies more or less.
Also, all of the said Columbus Manufacturing
Company'-buildings *>n said land in Muscogee
county. (Jcorgia, operated ^8 11 Ootton Factory,
and with all of ihe improvements in any manner
appendant and appurtenant thereto, inclusive, of
tin cards, spindles, looms, machinery and tlx-
lures of even kind whatsoever contained in said
buildings; also, nil and singular the other im
provements on nil ofthe lands aforementioned
and described; also, t he entire water power owned
and controlled b> said Coittmbus Manufacturing
Company on and in said Chattahoochee river,
together with all and singular the rights ana
franchises by the said Columbus Manufacturing
Company held and possessed therein under th®
! laws of Oeorgiu.
The plant of said cotton factory consists al
present of 4344 spindles. 149 looms and other suit
able machinery, all in good condition and pro
ducing good work. Present capacity 7500 yards A
day **r heavy sheetings and shirtings, three yards
tojjthe pound.
The operatives’ houses and improvements gen
erally in excellent condition, labor abundant,
land** elevated and location of property unsur
passed for health, convenience and economical
production free from the burden of municipal
taxes paid by all the other Columbus mills, yet
within three miles of the city of Columbus and
t Ii rec-*| uarters of a mile of Columbus and Horn®
railroad. The water power is the finest in the
south, controlling ami embracing tli«* whole bed
of the Chattahoochee river for the distance of
about one mile along the lands of said company,
said lands extending along its banks upon the
• ie-ugia and Alabama side*, of the river. Only a
small portion ofthe water power is required and
i ut i.i/eii iu running the present mill, and the nat*
niai fails n the river render but a simple inex
pensive .Lou of logs and plank necessary. Thia
niagnili ,, « nt water power easily controlled, and
Im- a fall of IJ : . *foitv-two and a half feet within
, ihre*’-*|'iarte'rs uf a m l*-. With a eompura-
' n 125.900
id re*
i ntv-ti e tli*
iinil i.irard iv.
d lands ..’.tin
of ll.’ipi. '.ed Ci'y Real I
ri f A fc O 'J S B Ft A H O Oi
' tlie
viL i
f ]
Cl 111:]
I i:
1 le
Silica count
SO.UC of C.10
allow solid for Gordon. .. c .... lw
C*J • Bacon a^ a higii-toiied, lioiiora
citl^eHS. are
We all looiv Upon
-.--Vj Solll ,, y J, r ,|,-,. r s fcvory'fhcrc.
It BAKER & CO.. Dorchester, Mass*
lijiUtiilM iiCil iiUiKS
I lough and 1d■
And to Dress Iauuber
-ed L11111D<-c
the public, and
S.UH nnjrKjn’ffiKV”—
noiicg io iat rayBiSi
, :i:id * >’:!11y Taxes ii
>Ui< * ”ii Twelfth street.
(.. REEDY. K. T. K. M. C.
k", i. <•-t-nearl> ii"thiag—
• .i A-k : aV-ra t- r ” of
CHARLES H. CONNER. Manufacturer •