Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, May 29, 1886, Image 3

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i DAILY ENQUIRER - Sr>\ CDLUMRUS. GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING. MAY ISSfi from Inc Three States Told in Brief Paragraphs. \ \u*,{ Miruinil <• |»<*♦'*•.t!*•»» IViToriaed l»j Dr, Mil!* Iliriiii -'ll**** Wrlirlil**» Nllk Ka.-f«r.» at tVarrrnton 1,1,. V'lout a Wiisiilmrtou In it I v u ml u ('nmll < Mimt\ -make- Nan** I’roin A l.iR.iiiia mnl ITm-LIii. Gcoruln. The ordinary of Mndinon county has re fused to issue* any move licenses ty sell whisky* j lK 1ge Pittman’s death makes the fourth n.t mher that the Atlanta bar has lest by death at this term of the court. There is n prospect of a new gns and water company being formed in Macon. ]} jv understood that parties are in the city negotiating for their establishment. A drove of quails alig hted in Cedartown a few evenings ago. They became demor alised and new # promiscuously against buildings, and n number became easy prey t-> the missiles of boys. At Macon a night or two ago three per son 1 - constituting one family dreanu ! about th«- same person and the same eircum- st;ithough neither memberof tlie lam- i! lied thought or spoken of the pirsm» cr circumstance. It: was a singular eoinei- ck nee. it is said that the state lunatic asylum now contains a larger number of path nts tiuiu at any other time within its history. n • •, institution costs the state between ^h.i'iho and !*1.’>,000 per month, or from i•> o -■ 1 sO.OOO per annum, besides tin Dr-ai- inv« nt in buildings. Or. Sunday last Or. Mulligan, of Wash ington, performed a neat surgical opt iv.- t; a; in talcing the pistol hail from Will ( o-by’s /not. It mi, feared at one tinn that * the hall was so deeply imbedded amongst the bones of the loot that it could n,.t be reached. Dr. Mulligan used the new remedy, cocaine, and the operation was painless. A colored man named Rcubin Colton was badly wounded Sunday evening by some person unknown. Cotton was near the colored Hardshell church, at Americas, and accidentally ran upon the stranger, who drew a revolver and shot at Cotton, the ball taking effect in his body. He is badly hurt and will die. No arrests have been made. Quite a singular occurrence happened in the yard of Mrs. Leah Littleton, at Wur- renton, last week. She had moved old empty bee gums from the stand in the gar den, and after a few days she found, on examination, that a swarm of bees had gone into and taken possession of the old gum. As to when or where they came from she has no idea. The quarterly returns of fire insurance companies doing business in Atlanta, for the quarter ending March 31, show total premium receipts of .*59,(578—about the same as the same quarter last year. The losses during the first quarter of 1885 were about $33,000 in excess of the premium re ceipts, while the premium receipts for the same quarter this year were about $54,000 in excess of the losses. Washington Chronicle: One of our hotel keepers tells the following : “I saw a turtle’s head cut off from the body and thrown down in the back yard one day at 10 o’clock, and, the next day at about the same hour, it caught a chicken by the foot and held it until we released it.” One of our physicians coming up about that time remarked : “Yes. 1 don’t doubt it: you may take a turtle s heart and it will continue to beat until it gets dry.” During the heavy rain and thunder 1 storm last Saturday afternoon, a very sad , event occurred on the Woodward-Tomlin- son*plantation, about thirty miles from ! Augusta, near Hancock landing on the Savannah river. A young white lad named Perry, aged about Iff years, was plowing a mule in a field when a flash of lightning struck the young man, killing him instant ly, as also the mule. Ajmiaer hoy in the immediate vicinity \va.*> badly stunned, but recovered. Two colored men who belonged to (*ilos’ , circus stopped at Monroe last winter when tl.eDiow broke up, hut their devilment didn’t cease. Ono of them won the tender afleetions of Pei Harvey's “educated” , daughter, and the other married one of the best cooks in town, t short time since the scoundrels left, writing hack from some ! point to their wives, thanking them “for taking care" o ' them in tin.* winter and u- ..tiy informing them that they would in-vo* see I - m again. Mi. . Leek V'right’s silk factory at Wnr- rciuov is ;n e mi object of admiration. ! hi mu. ■ •!' t he v. onus are grown and com- - iiii need webbing, and the myriad*, of tin while, heiy aia ::tr • ari ; •eaiilil'ni sit:ill to behold. :*n thousand is a low (‘-tinviH -ruth- r, tm*” . ngat be aensnred , by tin la.s.ii 1. Nun’;;, r- ! j»ro| a liavc 1 vis’*: -I I.,, !a 1 tv, : n.'i if : slvaie.u what ; id-.* 1 : v'li i,.- on silk .-uHir-v. One 1 v. a M' i. k.a.a if 1 Dt y spin given silk, ns i they '• • i i..i green leaves, another want.-. 1 t< know i • >\ man- \ •aisol.l the.v ..;*M la- i U re t!u*;> coinin' nee sj'iimiag; n.nother, how fk. •* i!k- * ;><-heard. One main tit** <*‘ in r day. want* u to know if you ale | them. Currnltor. Free Press: There has been ! on«_ of tile gu ate ;t mysteries diseovored in tin* way of snakes near the Black Jack mountain that we have ever heard of. The facts arc ms follows: A Mr. Jlill, a tenant of Mr. .1. H. L. Hen ford, was cutting and splitting rails, and cut down a post oak : about two feet in diameter, and cut off a j cut, split it open, and to his surprise he | found el chicken snake about three feet in length right in the center of the heart. The tree was entirely sound where he cut it off at both places, all but one little decayed spot in the stump. The tree had been deadened four years ago. and the snake must have got in before it died. The Ques tion now is how long had it been in tliere and what did it live on? V In Imi nm. A religious revival is in progress at Liv- I ingston and the interest manifested con-I tinues to increase. About 75 members attended the press as- | sociation at Marion. A movement is on foot to organize a grocer’s union in Selma. Enough signers j to the agreement have been obtained to I insure tne success of the movement, and , correspondence will be entered into with ' the NIontgomery grocers in order to obtain their plans, and the Selma union will prob ably be founded on the same basis as that of Montgomery. The object of the union will be mutual protection in matters of debts, and wholesale firms doing retail business. A meeting will be held Tuesday next at Phoenix engine house, and a per manent organization effected. Near LaFayette, Tuesday night, Mr. Lee Morgan, a son of Hon. L. T. Morgan, re tired apparently as well as ever, about 10 r +i° ck . The next morning, when his father went into the room to awake him, he found his son a corpse. There is no idea 8-8 to the cause of his death. A good proportion of the salesmen of Birmingham have organized an early closing movement, and they say are going i° jmsh it vigorously. One merchant naving taken a stand against them, they nave obligated themselves to each other o work the boycott on him for all that -t us worth. Re y- I-** C. Sloudlev, of Ik Icher. Barbour -ounty, had his h-g broken in a & runaway ccidc-nt 1 uesdeyiufternoon. of thirty uniformed members to attend the meeting of the supreme lodge at To ronto, Canada, beginning July 19. Quite a number of Cubans arrived at Key West last week from Tampa. It is rumored at Key West that a large hotel will soon he erected on Duval street. F'»rt Myers* school lio .se has been burn ed. Wats ire supposed to have caused the dre. Never in the history of St. Augustine has there been, at one time, such extensive ! building operations. I Fort Myers has a telegraph office, a money order post office and numerous | other advantages for a place of its size. | Work on the new jail at Palatka is pro gressing slowly, the work not being push- i ed very rapidly on account of the non- j arrival of the steel cages. | A salute of eleven guns was fired at the ! barracks at St. Augustine on Wednesday ! last in honor of the arrival of Inspector | General A. Baird, who is here to inspect , the fort and look after the comfort of the I Indians. | The steamer Georgia, on her down trip Monday, ran into a school of bream at Mt. Royal. The water is said to have been ! literally filled with the fish, and the way I they jumped out of the water proved quite ! a curiosity to the passengers. A second Lime Kiln club has been or- j ganized at Welaka and the colored hivth- • fen hold forth on questions deep and | strong. The last question disclosed was ; I “Which has tie ‘wussest’ defect on de I public—de man getting de best of de wo man in a quarrel, or de woman getting vie host of di mail.'* , A cm/.v darky put in an appeiifrunec at Weiaka Iasi wvek, walking around with o say, carrying a pack ami largo • gesticulated much, with hands lie see ms fat an 1 .-hinv, .md an easy living, lie should he e .o'before la wanders near somo- n-vard. A|>|»li< • ti<>ii for Iiirorporalion —of ti no li ill h111»r<»\i-i11<‘iit Com- | IMI IV. .TATI-: HI-' Dip* i T« out; IA . MI S< 1 If 1 RE rot f NTY mty: The pe- . till- tak -i: c: 1 m idv s 1 A Crippled Confederate Says ; I only weighed 1*28 pounds when I commenced (i(’INN’S PIONEER. and now weigh ) IT pounds. I could h:\rdly walk with :i stick t<> support me, :unl now walk 1 mg dist;n;cvs without help. It-? henelit tv» me is beyond rnVnlation. I). iP I-l s liii.-TIrK, ( otp.n ! ill Vi i M i. i iu. Mr. A. H. Brnmblelt. Hardware Mer chant of Forsyth, Gci.. Says: RELIEF. FORTY YU.AHS V SFITKRKK I'UDM CATA RRH Wonderful to Relate Doctor's Certif1cato---Caso of Blood Poison. I )itiv<- US,'ll (U'INN'S l'lONUKK UT.0O1) IU3- N15WKH ill w-vi-ml onws of I'UlniwoiiM diseases of long standing with tin* most satisfactory re sult.-. Have seen the happiest results follow its use in s \ philis oftlie worst linm. and Delieve it to Ik the best alt« rative in use. .1. T. U.IddS. M. I).. (I riff in, Ha. e-fourths. fth* A Voice from the Lone Star State. (il’INN’S IMONKKK IH.nni) RKNUAVKR has revl oiii of my eliildren vifthe worst cases of r*'l’u1a I oversaw. Her skin is as clear as mine, ietim to I'A- and the doctors sa,\ it is a pci lei ol cure in their • ull'erer fioin opinion. I am thankful for ha\ing tried the ti iii-' \i* and ivmeds. WM. I.. l*Al;KS. Dallas, Texm. so idlensive ; :.U the good , anhy .lordon, CUM' Ii. I irlines, H. T. Hatch* r, K. H i’ealicniy. ' :iail"- I’hillips, H. R, , iJoe’.rldm-. I,, lit happell nml Toombs i'rawford ■ .md nn h other persons as may he iiKKOciated with them, and their successors, respectfully i sh»iH | f'i’^t That they deHire to he incorporated and i cieat'd a Uodv eoi porate and politic under the# j law., of the state of (Jeoaria, and Unit they and I heir associates and successors may have contin uous existence a- a corporation for the term of twenty .vears \\ilh the privilege of renewal at the ex pi i at ion ol -aid Dim as provided by law, under and by the corporate name of UOSK II ILL I MI’UOVKMKNT COMPANY. Second 'Pin- objects ofsaid corporation are the'uf and improving real estate, to sell theRanio lor cash or on installments to .stockholders or others, to aid purchaser- in building houses and improving property, to lease or rent real estate for iInunselves or others, and to accumulate profits for the stockholder therein. Third The piineii ai office of said corporation and its place of doinu hu -iness will be in said county of Mu.-cogre. IDmrili Tin-capital stock of said corporation liars, w ith the privilege r the that 11 a- ehar er lintil ten pei It a'Med f have (• • T health. J, i,ton than I ... II. lilt A M IH.I’.TT. ! 1 cs of t . mi i ibat. U. i.iv; in the I n r e the riffiien.M len rs u-.- \\ h n i Nl’U.d Dl.< n *l> ID- a new main I weigh* •! IJ'- igh I Iff. I mnl thh.een hot- ■. an : the >.id\ r* ^ret I ha*,, is Sn'tvvui, (D„ Januarv 20. fHSfl. CUINX’S I’K )Nl-.l-; 1 : id.nni) RKNI-avi-'K has .nie se\eral cures «.f l>|o. d poison end rlieimm- -hi an.oim my euMruieis. I n-,< -0 heartily n.'inmeiid it to -nil. rers from these alffietions. ( . H. III l.I.M AN. Druggist. I thousand not com- . ileyes eonl'eirv d hy tliis id. of the capital stock is -ire for said corporation i sue and he - tied, to plead In, . • aed in' a common including bonds, and ■ed oftrilHt -UN Vs 1*1(1- Y i 'll I'.Vl'.R. j ONE AIRY BERTH. IIow a Tnr.iip ’I raseleil llm Sly mi a (*u 11 ni.-iii < : Chicago Herald. “Beating one’s way on the passenger trains is not tin easy thing to do on the l’n- j cifie roads,” said :i traveler from the west. : “ inn during my last trip i saw a most novel | expedient employed hy a tramp. Early one Mr. W. F. Jones, Macon. Soys: My wife lias regained her strength and in- Tea sod 10 pounds in weight. Wo recommend {FINN’S IMONKKK as the best tonic. W. I*’. JUNKS. Niw Oat i-ws. % .Tail. 1(1. isAtl. have hfi-u cured -mind and w*’ff of a h.d ease ! of lilcoil puisi111 I>v tile Use .>f iHlc II bottles v>f ({FINN’S !MONI:i:K lll.DOil KKNKWKR. 1 . will sound its praise t'orevei . JACOB KRFTK. Mr. Hemy rhever. writer of tin* above, former- I am acquainted with the above case, and most ly of (Tawfoi l county, now of Macon, (!a.. mer- heartily attest it. its the confidence oi’all interested in (atarrh. ■ KFGKNK MAY, Ihuggist, W. A. II FI-1'. i:.\-.Mayoi of Macon. I ( anal Street. I sai’.Hoda!! il’Ml colllpl of till pr< pedient employed by a train r lnomiiiH, v. lien we were pretty well up in the mountains, 1 ^ot up and dressed and ! took a chair out on the platform for a breath of fresh air. Presently the train stopped at a water tank and' I jumped down to the (-round to stretch mv legs a moment. As I walked up ahead 1 was surprised to hear a snore. “ Can it he po.isiblc,’ 1 thought, ‘that there is anybody who can snore loud enough to he heard through the double floor of a ; sleeping car?’ The snoring seemed to come i from under the coach, and so I resolved on a closer look. Bending down I glanced under the body of the car, and saw there a scene which struck me as being about the oddest I had ever witnessed. In a ham mock, which he had evidently stolen from some door yard in California, lay a tramp sleeping soundly and snoring noisily. The hammock was swung under the car, close to the flour, and one leg of its occupant hung out and trailed rather close to the ground. In that queer bed his trampship had been riding all night, without ticket or berth check, and with no fear of being compelled to join in two-dollars-all-around for t tie benefit of the porter at the end of his journey. He rode some fifty miles fur ther before lie was discovered and bounced, and then strode off in search of food and to wait until night before resuming his journey under another palace ear.” Guinn’s Pioneer Blood Renewer Cures ill I Blood and Skin‘l)iseases. Blieiimalisiu. Scrofula, Old Sores. A PEIvDECT SPRING MEDICINE. PRICE, PER BOTTLE $1.00. LARGE SIZE, $1.75. ESSAY ON BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES MAILED Eli EE. BALL’S Wholesale by Brannon A Carson and City Dnitf Store. PITT'S CARMINATIVE, The Best Medicine on Earth fo Children. A11 infallible specific for Flatulent Colie, Diar- rlnua, Coughs, Teething, (’hoiera Infantum,ChoV era Morbus, and all diseases incident to children. Give it a trial. 25 cents per bottle. For sale at CITY DRUG STORE. fob21-tf »y^yw;-^nciii[|pi ■||jj»gMl ir |i jin - -» § v '. ’Ft— - CAPITAL PRIZE, - $150,000.1 “1IY ’0 ini ib}.' rrrlifu Unit in- hhjhi rim tin i/r- j lani/t rnrii 1 fi. i . tin Moiit'ih/ and tjiim tri ! ;, Ih-ii-h ;/» 77,.- l. i rxicnn Sluh '. ■!!'■,!/ ( j jtiin:/. and i.< /trrsa'i lit naqo and <■>:itnd fhi I Ih .■".••if/s Ihi lust ii’i’n. an.! ihat 'In sa »,;.■ arr can- | d-ict.d 1 - 'th In 1 in'st ,. t'inais and hi Jhlt 1 , I /r r ptBiggefs s/t •. ■ af -/ - ■ < !■ I . .irk.?* . / FOB EXOFIAlsTGE. ( nmmi e . It7 the nndersif/m d and llanl-nm n ih ,0(1.1/ all frh.cs difin'n in Th<■ L.mhiianr S'eb’ Lot- .2. E5. OU.LMiV. Pres. La. Nal l Hank .!. H. ti * k tmmi.Pres. Stn(** NaFI ll'k A. liAl.htYFi. Pres. N.D. NaFI ISauli LORI DA LANDS. Several thousand acres timbered lands for ex change for Columbus city property. Saw ini j men will lind it to their interest to see me in re- : guitl to this tract. TOOMBS CRAWFORD, se tu&th tf Heal Estate Agent, •! 15 North Broad Street. | GEORGIA, MFSCOGEE COUNTY. Whereas, .James F. Waddell having resigned the guardianship of the property of Terscharuer deGraffenreid, minor, and no one having applied ! for the guardianship of the said Terscharuer | deGraffenreid, notice is hereby given to all per- i sons concerned that the guardianship of the said 1 Terscharuer dcGrattenried will be vested in the clerk of the superior court, or some other fit and proper person, alter the publication of this citiv- i tion once a week for four weeks, unless valid ob- I jection is made to bis appointment. Given under my bund and official signature this May 6th, 1886. F. M. BROOKS, my6 o&w4w Ordinary, U 5 Louisiana State Lottery Comp’y. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years bv the Legisla ture for Educational and Charitable purposes— with a capital of $1,000,000 lo which a re.-erve fund of over $550,000 lias since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was’ made a part of the present State Constitu tion. adopted December 2d, A. I). 1879. Its Gmnit Single number Droning* will take place monthly. It nevr nralrs or post pones. Loe\ at the following distribution: i.» <>ri»n<l Monthly E\TI!A(li;iii:Di;l ’tfuiHIILV DRAWING In 1, . ... New Orleans, i :»■ tin . .)uni* 15. I ssff. Fnder the per.s.mal ■’:; • rvision and manage- n. of Gen. G. T. BEAURtGARD. of Louisiana, 4 Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. Capital Prize, 8150.000. ... ‘’bT!- ' .‘y ^ \ / i ^Vy ^ T ^ Used for over 25 years with gre*»^ physicians of I'ariH, New Y- rk and F/.-'m superior to ail oth'-rs for the prompt car cases, recent or of long Blinding l’ut n ; Glaas BottleHcoutairnng r-4 (’ »]»nul**« 75 CENTS, MAKING THEM 'iuii Ui. CAPSULES IN TUB MARKET. Prepared by GLEN A CIE, Paris. Among the Northern Lukes I *w i ir - bun'lredsofffo- ♦iifNutlcc Ticket** are Jen Dollar'* mil). Ilahes, $5. Fifths.42. Ti-iiHi^. *1. LIST OF PKIZKK. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OK (150,000 $150,000 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 50,000 50,000 1 GRANT) PRIZE OK 20.000 20.000 2 LARGE PRIZES OK 10,000 20,01/0 ■1 LARGE PRIZES OK 5,000 20,000 20 PRIZES OF 1,000 20,000 50 PRIZES OF 500 25,000 100 PRIZES OF 300 30,000 200 PRIZES OK 200 -10.000 600 PRIZES OF 100 60.00(1 1,000 PRIZES OF 50 50,000 . APPOXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of $200 $20,000 100 *' “ 100 10,000 2,279 Prizes, amounting to $522,50 . ' dysentery CHILDREN TEETHING SOtPER BOTTLE of Wlscm-ln. Mlnnei lighrful Jila.-cp Where t*i • •■ .t! ■! *•:..' . 1 V"r Pa-,..! r -i.H-.Otc.b. : ! Mel: amnin*nihli* ■ 0!n*r c'.nr*; 1 «ie nanii-% tli-ju-m.ilK i.f | lion"‘h 11 r«-• hi -ith r *Hi‘. ' M . •i »»•-*!. Eh* • 1 .Wank*-.In*. B' l.ku.Wh.'e i*. iila. Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the Office of the ('ompan.v in New (Jrleans. l*’or further inforniuri«>n write clearly, giving , full address. l»OS i VI, \<fT US. Kxtirc«s Money Orders, or New York Exchange in onli- ,, narv letter. Carrency by Express at cur ex- 1 pen.a: addressed II. V. DAt RIHN. ' \<*w Orlciui’,. |,u. Or >1. A. D V! Pill V. Uitshin . fun. I>. r. Make I*. «). Me.ilC) <»»•*!«•»•*. piiynble mnl j* *l*i »•** *>s IS i-v • v t a ee«l J 1 fers • ■> a i:w uki.i: vns a vitovu. iunk, m> M I •*»■A-w.-.t Ni u Ci l. uilv \ 1 ^ONT11. -P* . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Have Hail I'larcil in .11 \ llamls * °\>w'!TnimJ!'"hi , )T s,,, ‘;**!^r. °f r ),M,ri!’. 1 MONEY TO XjO-A_ItT ■ked this pn,p* rtv vill |-a\ t( n per rent clear of , (n. < .ly Real Estate, "t'^eksand Bonds. i « r .mlmiu'i- re: IU!Uy,jU ', - ! fr ,r r: — 1 -■*>* i » IW -‘- "' c,irr ‘ u r ' DBA I*’\MSS ir’ss /: ' id ti\ tin ii- term of office. duties • ii. mi ! Hi*' 111.inner and time of receive Real Estate in payment of “Murk 'ii'.m notions, and to do such ot her and further nets as are ueci-**sary or )»roper to coni- nii in v- ami rari\\ "ii the business named. Stock- 111 »111 rs w ho shall Dave paid their stock suhscrip- t ions in i‘idI 1 o lie in no wa.v liable for the debts of t lm ei'ipoi a I ion, or for wrongs con.mitG'd by it. Sixth Pi that tins petition for :v chat n r lie tiled in t lie office of the Clerk of thu Superior ( .Mill of Muscogee county, Georgia, and there to be n corded as the statute provides, and publication he made us required hy law, and that upon eoini liauee with the statute the Court will pass an order declaring said application granted. And petitioners ever pray, Are. HATCHER A PEABODY, Attorneys for Petitioners. Filed in the Clerk’s Office of the Supt rior Court of Muscogee county, Ga., and recorded iu book of writs 1HHI 5, folio Mil. May 11. 188(1. GEO. Y. POND, myl5 ouwiw Clerk S. C. M. The Best Medicines TO BE IFOTTILTID FOR AKITUI.GIA, Take Jordan’s Joyous Julep for Nervous Head ache, Take Jordan’s Joyous Julep for Painfiil Menstru ation, Take Jordan’s Joyous Julep for Colic, Take Jordan’s Joyous Julep to brace up tlio nerves, Take .Jordan’s Joyous Julep for all Pain, Take Jordan’s Joyous Julep. It is the remedy for Neuralgia. , Take Mood’* Eureka iT.r Torpid Elver. Take IJoud\ Eureka fi.i Sick Headache, 1 Tak* Hood’s Eureka loi Constipation, I Take Hood’s Eureka for Indigestion and Dys- Till:. ||.!. d '. Kiiick:. for ( liills :init iM-vcrii. 'lake Hood’s Ivtireka for languor and t Ik* fifties, Tak • Hood’s loin-ka if'yiai feel debilitated, 'I'aiv- ho n' \ h.ureka if'von tec! depressed, ’I'uke Hood 'Eureka .1 you suffer with Sick a 'o: ' holera Morbus, 1 k:i home and keep it TAKE GOSSYPEDIA s n Keiu »!*• Regu’ati r. D surpasses an)’ remedy in 'I •• market. I'l ) i hiuiia*! '- (o I’liy I (In I ■ ml 111 < • roll < ologi»4*. It is M. D. DuOD iV CO., Mam fui 10ine Brnggis!Columbus, Georgia. . SlPTYiisrCT C3-OOIDS I Spring Fashion Plates, PIECE-GOODS! Soils Made to Order, CLOTHING! aiLOTEPxisra-1 ( <OMK and give us your order. Do not wait till you are pressed hy the season, and then want a suit made 111 a hurry. We are prepared, how ever, to get up suits at very short notice. Jf you want a suit'quick, give us your order. If you want a suit in^tliirty days, give us your order. If you want a suit in sixty days, give us your order, G. J. PEACOCK, g >! a (inflict tire 1*, <J ! <V <! .SI reel. Muscogee Manufacturing Com pany Stock for Sale. Agreeably to an order oftlie Court of Ordinary of Chattahoochee county, Georgia, hy virtue of section 2560 of (.'ode, we will sell at auction, iu front of the auction house of F. M. Knowles & Co., in Columbus, Muscogee county. Georgia, to tin- highest bidder for cash, on the first Tuesday in June. Ivi6, twelve shares of the capital stock of the Muscogee Manufacturing Company. Sold as the property of W. W. Shipp, Sr., late of Chatta hoochee county, deceased. M. F. SHIPP. J. E. D. SHIPP. Executors of W. W Shipp, deceased. ap26-w4t-doa wlm i RON TIT L v -K Sr rd for prices nstratf.i i atamgue of | CINCINNATI 0.; CORRUGATING CO. v\uzk. (•I six cents for postage and free a costly box of p all. c.f eitln. r *t x, to make (*• a\ than anything else in • - .'*.* t w.,1 kers ah>o- Tm i .Y Co. d&wU