Newspaper Page Text
GIA. SATHiDAY Mi)I!MN(r, MAY •>;». I-' 1 .
an INTERESTING reminiscence
I I . M 1
: it - FlrM I ii \ a^toii of Mary- j
General John VL Walker contribute* nn
tl . la on the Antietam eainpaigi.. entitled
‘•Harper’s Kerry and Sharpsbmy." to riu*
t | UU ‘. century; from it wo quote is follows:
'• fhe next day we readied the lieiuqibur-
i 100 d of Frederick. 1 went at once to Gen.
L -e, who was alone. After listening to
inv report he said that as l had a division
wnlcli would often, perhaps, ho ordered
(i|l .letaehetl service, an intelligent per
formance of my duty might require j;
knowledge of the ulterior pur puses and
nlnrcts of the campaign.
.. • i said he, racing wit I- his ll:ig\
hearts be!'. iv the war. hut were separated
by the vicissitudes of the great contest, and
found new gfleet ions and married. \\ ithin
the ln^t few years death lias released them
both from their marital vows, and the old
love wa • renewed, and will result in new
nuptials this week. The prospective wed
ding has boon the talk a nong* the many
friemis aim relatives of tne captain in ihF
city.—Wnvkington flatchi t.
nicatio u
-as, tnvi
Fotom a
■ Ilia
from Kapidan Station to Manas-
'•t L> Frederick. U /*• too near the
and is liable to Vie cut any die by
iv's cavalry. I have Uiu Idle
c’i- to ni'i *•' the line back into tin•
* V by way oft>l \>n.
and Wjiiv. Iicsur. v.Herein;
i at sin pan- down.
in -hM-.lH.liO, .
Kse a to dh-piek made from a quill
Brush the upward ti-.i.i downward.
the lower teeth upward. •*»■» as r., encuurap
t he growth of the gums a!mat tin* m« k*, of
• he teeth. I'.ie l)eieetala\e according to
directions m. the imiile, Propel care wih
preserve yca.r teeth, for so.a eh ane ma**.i-
c.ition, tio nox i.iiec i 1.1c - . A\..-'*••* use a
.-oft brush. Kor sab by ail bruggi i ■>.
:ih09 bales. Fat arcs closed steady; sales 07.200
nates, as follows:
.June 9 1 i-io»m 0 1 A-1on
.jmIv i o ;r2-iuo
i rast...
a 'her..
1 id00& o fi-ioo
' (»(;-.9 1-100
i '!-• ' - 0 I-m
a < q.nimr i'i‘»i , n ,, .: , tn;.-il .ui tin* faiIf. v of mi
;. • in.- aovk cs develop! <i fan' "Uer o,- i. t o eim :
. h :v lie. .better crop "•'» •ua'.-. \» ii:!, li e C.
: no... e ’tevally '> ;m t* e -r mdifi'.' :.t fa*:
Ain -i ‘ e'mints \\ .V, w iii tin- . n..-esic
New c on was .-p'uiauiv handled, cad •• ..i.-
t hane *!' MiipoiNrtiKa . ta-nuoi im li u-<l I a
Wool ji ml Hides.
Nr.w York. Mav I’h. Hide;; firm wet s.d 4 e I
NewOvii-am -elected. |.> a id hi. pete .1- Oh, - Me:
Ti .vis se|i (i d. *'! and ell nuuiid U" • lo c.
N: w A m;i;. Mit\ As. Wo dml d h- a* v
dona -tic lie. at a.* . . f *\as !••■ Me. mued I I -
|Of«d IAMO’1 \l, f UIJ1S.
IL.!. ! . !).\M’n;n ;i.
IMiysIeu . and
Vice w\ tdass Be-. lM<g ‘'u,, Pe idea
»\»H11 'i a a li ic • >lllh « a* li In ecu?
J v it. (.'HO. M'1.1 II \ N i‘
I ) He ! I •..Demist.
II 1.I1M No V. •’.•>’ in. «d still t. up
Wiili'-h »v .si *.d -
Who G.itli '' ill the Ducats a1
the E v pense of Suffering
The G i a r .: ••; C -i: I l- x n i h iU d b y A 1 : m - i
PrOf; SGChdi Fru js.
I Wire
Central Line of Boats,
1'!! I] Old) liKIGABLE.
< ot.t f»a.. May vi. is«j.
/ v ; in'. ..ID-- A'.av iv.. '^j, Hie local rates o
* .eli i "i on i 'Mana, n«'*'. bee. Flint and A pa
j'on!i'';J 11 H X B'i/ nrr Pp
Util .la -i in; '\:i. U v. lip bbl
.. r > cent
to cents
i) cents
ii,' ill > .■ . !•' k. le
i\ t-f. elf., jifi'mit-
■■■,• IVf in ill III boat
1 Pf 1,1 re-
|.C' ’■ f
ll I". t
if I l.ll’pcl' M i
11’/.< mii >:s r ■ i
t'JT tl
t ii.'.ofl-u'.Vll. «lK-1-e tv. iim: ■' l li' Of
y.iicfiitnitOLl. Jly infonnalioo i>. liint . ■
.. 11 t v. til 10,1 HO ili'<! ~ Hi . i):u-
Ft -i'.v, um! 3,<X;u ,u iluriinsl u ... I in
lullt'i - jib,.'- eseu;>e lowitrati GuiblioI’Unn :
but i liiiokthu ehiilicts :rre li...! i!i,y v,:n
t,.k< , fliitfc at Hari».-r"s Ferry mul 1 •
I an il.
■ lb'.skits the men r.ncl imiU i-iul M’ -.viu-
tvhifh ive shall eaplur-j ill ilariiei-'s i err.i.
Hi,, oftiision is necessary to us, not le o-i
lisimaii'l iiold ; hut ill tiie •; i,
enemy il would lie it break in our v. line
of coi'niminicutions with Kichmoud.
" 'A few days’ rest at liagei'.-town will lit
of great service to our men. Hundreds ot
lhem are bare-footed, and nearly all of
tiieni are ragged. I hope to get shoes and
clothing for the most needy. Hut the best
of it will be that the short delay will en
able us to get up our stragglers—not strag
glers from a shirking disposition, but sim
ply from inability to keep up with their
Kimiiiands. 1 believe there are not less
Ilian from 6000 to 10,IHiO of them between
here and Rapidan Station. Besides these,
we shall be able to get a large number of
recruits who have been accumulating nt
Richmond for some weeks. I have now
requested that they lie sent forward to.join
us. They ought to reach us at Hagerstown.
We shall then have a very good army,'
and he smiling added : ‘Une that 1 thiiik
will tie able to give a good account of itself.'
‘In ten days from now,’ he continued,
‘if the military situation is then what J
conlidently expect it to be after the cap
ture of Harper’s Ferry, 1 shall concentrate
Ihu army at Hagerstown, effectually de
stroy the Baltimore and ubio road, and
march to this point,’ placing his linger at
Harrisburg, Penn. ‘ That is the objective
point of the campaign. You remember,
no doubt, the long bridge of the Pennsyl
vania railroad, over tiie Busqueiianna, a
few miles west of Harrisburg. Well, I
nisi) effectually to destroy that bridge,
which will disable the Pennsylvania
railroad for a long time. With the
Baltimore and Ohio in our posses
sion, and the Pennsylvania railroad
broken up, there will remain to
the enemy but one route of communica
tion with the west, and that very circuit
ous, by way of the hikes. After tlmt, f can
turn my attention to Philadelphia, Balti
more or Washington, as may seem best for
our interest.’
“1 was very much astonished at this an
nouncement:, and i suppose lie observed if,
for he turned to me and said:
“ 'You doubtless regard it hazardous to
leave McClellan practically on my line of
communication, and to march into tiie i
heart of fhe enemy's country?’ 1 admitted I
that such a thought had occurred to me. i
“ ‘Are you acquainted with Gen. Mct'K!- |
Ian?’ he inquired, i replied that we Imd
served together in the Mexican war under ’
Gen. Scott, but that i had seen but little of j
him since that time.
“ Tie is an able general, but a cautious!
one. ilis enemies among his own people
think him too much so. His army is in* a l
demoralized and chaotic condition, |
ot lac prepared for offensive op- 1
orations—or he will not think n so—for I
three or four weeks. Before that time I I
hope to be on the Susquehanna.’ ”
l >1 an,,-,. j
Neiv York, May 2S.- Luther G. Bryant,
a miser, died at St. Vincent’s hospital this !
morning. For a great many years he sold 1
old coins and medals opposite‘the old posf-
v'tiee on Nassau stie. t. It is ele.-en years :
since the stand disappeared. One day tin
morning papers told how the old mail Br.v- '
ant who kept it had been arrested on the
charge ol collusion with thieving
office hoys who robbed their employers!
When his story was linaliy told and it ap
peared that the arrest was a job "put up”
on him by thieves who knew tiis reputation
for saving, and had lived t he opportunilv
to rob him at leisure while the police held
him captive, tiie indignation took another
turn. Old Mr. Bryant had lived alone
for years in a single room, hoarding
his savings and denying himself
almost the necessaries of life in order to
scrape together the money that the thieves
carried otf on the night after his arrest.
How much it was was never satisfac
torily established. The old man claimed
that ii amounted to fully §200,CDO.
With characteristic distrust' of banks
iit; had _ kept it in a secret bureau
drawer. When old Bryant was released
and hastened homo it was only to find
himself a pauper. He never appeared again
at his old stand, but devoted his re
maining years and strength to the pursuit
ol the thieves who had ruined him. Two !
were captured and convicted. They are |
now serving out twenty years’ sentence. I
But of the money the old man got but !
little or nothing. Under the weight of j
.Years and cares his mental and physical j
health gave way in the end, and before
the burglars come out to enjoy their '
Stolen wealth he will be long since buried :
tn Potter’s tield.
: lid \
sill :
Sii • i < I; i« .
'*1.1111-4.1 i
. .li': i - •!)!.. -
• ■ i. !<i \\. 11 in i - .
C/M'vii * L. May Jo.- -L.u Fist ui^'A
l ids j;•! u! l lit- country \*'n> \ i y ;i
.-.Mill! >: iidy :«r\cn* rail; and i;.dl :-i
:11»• ’lii ". the i!'.'‘ , ’i'!io?nt'Ti •’ ims F--vi*.
i; )Ij\ .ailing mil m-u il nnar'a., IV .
a fail i:l t;:‘ in t lie past l\v<,iuy--/*.>»• r non'--.
Mc’i wlm Visuiday wore liyio cna.Otib-
uiv iih'iV 'iV-'amii,' nnnvoats. ir i ‘on-s a. , c
i urn;n;;‘ in ;.!I house.-.. Il is [\ :.;t ti that
l J jure will in. a severe siorni to-ni^ul.
1 tnpaeiiiit).
When you vi>;l or leave New Yori» ( iiy \ '.a
(.'•ami tcnlial Depot save bavryap,;.-4-\)>ie.s.saxe
anti s‘3 carriaii'e iiiiv, ami :-;op at t.t rami Union
Hotel. op)K.silt' said depot.
Six hundred elcKant rooms, titled up al a cost
of ime million dollars. .?l and ujiwards per day.
European plan. File valors. Rest a urani supplied
witli the best. Horse ears, stages and elevated
railroad to all depots. Families can live better
for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at
any other first~cla-s hotel in the city, jvlodly
Con’Mbus, Ga., May 2S, 1888.
Xorthr-rn .nut Eastern demand cotton lulls par:
Savannah olf; Bank cheeking on New York
over the counter 1 , premium and on Savannah
at par.
Market to-day dull; inferior 0; ordinary fie;
good ordinary, 0 n e: low middlingb%c; middling
S' ,c; good miildling 8 1 ._.c.
To-day. To Date.
By Soulhue-tern raihoad 0 12,350
By Mobile and Girard rai’road 0 10.S97
By (’ohimhus and western road.. (i H.?78
By ('olumhus and Rome railroad.. 0 16.257
By the river 2 16,120
By wagons 1 27X31
Totals 6 89,732
To-day. To Date
By Soulhwe-tern railroad 156 53,599
By Columbus and Webern road... 0 0
By the river 31 18,060
Taken by Columbus factories o 15.572
Totals 126 87.231
Sales -124 70,970
st. .tj:.m : ;jt.
Stock on lu\"d August 31, 1385 850
Received to-flay 6
Shipped to-flay 190
piL-vibnsly 87,011—87,231
Stock on hand 2.851
Shut; A :gust 3!, 1831, 8s2: received same day.
0; total itceipls 76.525; shippcl same day o,
■ t; shipnumts 70,3-5‘J ; slock 5 11; .‘.airs - mid
dling; 10 ,e.
Receipts at United States ports to-day 3160;
he 'Mi 1 I OS'; exports l-1 Great Br-'a oi.'3(J.51v-
con;snesil. 6.752: stock .
:*\\nn UR’S itv TH-.s.ivuK.kDrir
l,o.'now Mu. - '.'X 1p.m. - Consols—monev
10: 15-16. a* TV,1,1 HU 7 ..
MW K MON Itv M.Mil-ItT.
Nr: v Y' UK, .M.»> 2s. Noon—Stocks quiet and
lie ivy. Money easy il 2- }. Fxcluu'ge ••
loiigS}.8(> Al. 7 ,. Sian* hoUvis quiet uiol
-e:.• 1 . «io.fime.i O’.id- urict, strong, easv.
NK'v Y- UK. Ma\ 28. Exeiumgc ^.87'...
1 . -2’ . p- it it. lioveruMH i.t bonds quiet. New
four per ce'its J26; three per cents 121.
State bonds dm!.
M-H-rai-t \sfi< r hai.\nti:s.
( in the Sid)-1’Teas try >r-9.i 11,000 ; currenev
Niav Yiikk, May ‘28. -’I'.he following were the
closing quota!ions of ihe stock exchange :
Ala class A 2 to 5... 103 C A- N 15
do class IJ 5s lute., N. O. Dae. Ists 01
Ga O's 10')'., N. Y. Central 102
(ia 7*s mortgage 102 Norfolk ,vW'n j we.. 32
N ( 0’s 118^ Northern Baciiic... 25'*,
S C con Brown 109!., Paciiic Mail 52 : .,
Tennessee 0s 58 Reading 23 1 ,
Virginia 6s 11 , Rich. As Alleghany 2'..
Virginia consols.. 53 Richmond A: Dan . KiG
Chcsap’ke A: Ohio s' , Rich t V \V. J'. Ter’l 28
Chicago A:. N. W llU-|Rock Island 121'.,
do preferred U0'._. St. Paul Dl'U
Del. Lack 123'. do preferred 121 ! *
Erie 25‘x Texas Pacific 9*x
East Tenn G Union Pacific 5u"
Lake Shore 80q N. J. Central 51'.,
L. A- N 3fi : , Missouri Pacific 107 7 Z
Memphis A Char.. 29 I Western Union 61 ; .
Mobile & Ohio 12',,| Bid. gAskcd.
Livkupool. May 28— Noon.— Cotton, business i
fair at unchanged rates; middling uplands5 .d, |
Orleans 5 3-1'id; sales 12,000 hales—for spccu- !
. 2000 hales.
hales -12,800 American.
Futures opened quiet, at the following quo
ta! ions :
.May and June 5 3-51 -5 i-(.|,l j
June and July 5 3 on!
l'l>ri)l'. I rr-’t.
' ’' m'.i'j-
Ii mi-
ml veur
»t lie nlaint i^T
ll ll-l'eSt
.••HI lie -ll 'I'- alter till liilt
II,III.I,Ml ..III! l.iglityeigl
t > : \ . i \ "M". with inure!
per e» \ ' p'-r annum, nnl
M<••». 1 t. ;.’•’ c.-e 'U H. B. P. i he
1" if MO d-.- . .»* • lisll ; . SI. l i ,i ten
111Td! ii. witv U il that . ie P.Jood I 5
it Dili
l 11 • 1
I Nliil /
51 I
I’m t.llU Do.
1 : »2;
exports to-a; Br.t.dn Ij< .
Baltimoki-:. May 28. Cotton dull: middlings
9 3-16e; iiet receipts 12 gross 12: i»»u. to
.* pinners of 1 ; Mock 2 .io's expoitsto (ir» at Britain
00, to cominent 00.
vVeeklv net receipts 1830: gross 5*33; saws 650;
to spinners 500; exports to iireat Britain 00,
comment 650.
Boston May 28. -'Cotton quiet. middPngs
. net receqas 59, gross 2778; ?ales (in; stock
6310; exnoru te. Great Britain 00.
Weekly net receipts -t379. gross 19,077; sales O');
exports to Great Britain 5-G2.
Wii.miN«iT.)N, .May 25. -Cniloii firm; nrd-
dling • Hqo: net receipts 7. gross 7‘ sales on;
sloe-: 5376.
Weekly net receipts 82, gross 82; «'ue.s 00; ex
ports (»reat Britain on.
PiriLADKi.imiA. May 28. Colton dull; mid
dlings 9'i.e: net receipts 00. gross 00: sides 00;
.stock 15 579; exports to Great Britain M0.
Weekly net receipts 157, gross 306; exports to
Great Britain 00.
Savannah, May 28. -Cjtlon cpiict: middlings
8 11-lGc; net receipts Git. gross 611; bales 175;
stock Jo.bJl.
net receipts 3962, gross 8.)i>2; sale< 13C):
exports to continent 00.
New Ohlkans .May 28.-(’otion market quA-t:
middlings sUo: net receipts 911: gro'-s ••“>.’2:
sales 10.000; .-.lock 10,9795; e.\))oi is to Great Britain
). to coniinmii 00.
Weekly net receipts 5180. gross 6197; —'es
12,100: exports to Great Biitain 8781, continent
i462, France oO.
Mobii.u, May 28.— Cotton quiet; midfi .ugs
8’|C;nel receipts 127, gv-isa 130; sales 200; sl-.ek
•i.*kly net receipts 60
export.*, to Great Britain cm.
Mkmi*his. May 28. -Cotton quiet* midfUmgs
8 7 .,c: receipts 137; xhipnieiils L-J02; sales 5)0:
stock *15.160.
Weekly receipts 819; shipment* 8549; sales
Acousta, May 23. - Coll on qui^t: middlings
3 • .c; receipts 67; • .siiijmieiils
stock 11 ..>97.
Weekly net receipts 5200; ‘diipments 1279; sales
1125, to siiinncu. on.
-('otfon cjn.*t I.-.11 fi’-m;
middlings 9c; net receipts 9/M. gitc-.s .i/u: s::!es
ICO. stock 21.591: exports to Great B itai.i 00,
WheiT-ver i)ilr<-duced M takes u\c u.ul of ill
Rood IB iiu-Jic 1 ' f- r the cheap Hid .-pu-dy cure of
il) Blood, suia a.ui K.unoy I>r eases. Scrofula.
'I ei-. ivin. on .
S.ivan lah to Atl.uita..
I'.iiF;-tna n> ‘ *is»> n*’i
i til liiit rt to Ft*rt \ laiiu
v’omm’nus to Troy
li is hoped that tin
upon tine dales oidicai
siigiii iK‘la\ to I’reigld or i’-i
June I-
...Iiim i.-
. Ma v ;;i.
I y A ‘-' A
•oihvtion then-(
other of ‘•aid proi
romisi-d to p.iy^
if, Idightecu Hundred and Tk.
U .lu ll
V ill
t, 1380.
-I fee led
;>l liey > Ii e*
eived: and
file pll >
9. 1881.
I have hod tt ha t ulei i, or luuuiiig .-.ore, for 20
years, waiili no doctor has ever been able U>
heal. 1 was a lllicted be fore leaving England, and
the doctors over (here jowl-1 not cure me. For
sometime i have been using B. B. IL, and the
ami I enclose several
pieces of hone which it has worked out. My
health is rapidly improving, ulet is
healed, and I am far better than I have been
20 yea ‘s. i wil! send .pul a eerUfieate so» n.
•Near Chattanooga. Tenn
lie is. however, hereby ic>*il;e i that all freight
received between the twenty-lidIi of May and
■weond of June will mny he received subject to
Hu belay incident lo ilu* ehan^e «>i gauge.
Agents will icM I'hrivi- pe' i’-lmDie In. igiits duroig
the period, miles.- a-.rnred llie.t il ymi reneh <h .-
iioalimi wiiimui delay, whether *»aid des'inalion
is on this Companv’s line-* oi bevono them.
Agents should endor-e up' n receipts given for
any ehur.u ler of freight during the period indi
cated. "Rut K’vi-:o r to di.i ^ inciiucnt
Ticki t .\genl'*’are required to io-ep fully posted
as to the movement** of ]’:»--*« ngi i Trains and
il eamiol he ic-c) without delay
it is .»mo obligator\ upon pas-
tiu how fir lacy can go upon
. VN'Tr;!,;
.. 'iv.1;
tliirt\-'i\ months utter the
and Eighty-
w il h interest
i*.lit pi i cent p* r annum, and if
id paid at maturity, ten per Fent
fi e> for t In- (< >il» < t ion thereof, for \ alue
rds, on the day and
it. the better to set ure
lent of said notes, executed and <li liver*
• piaintill her deed of mortgage, whereby
ib I’-, mlant mortgaged to tlu plaintilf all
: t I'.iet • *i pare, I d' lard situated on the west
side ol'Broad street in tlu cit.v ol'Coluiuhus, and
im Iihck the
lot, and known us part ot lot
-.with all the improvements
• lureon, upoai which E situated Store House
number die hundred and forty-three: and it fur*
iher appearing that said notes remain unpaid :
It is, t hen ti re. ordi n <i that the said defendant
pay into <'ourt on or before the first day of tlie
next term thereof, tn< principal, interest, attor-
m . fee- and cost- din- oil said notes, or show
cause to the contrary, f any she can ; and that on
.lie- failure "f tlu di fi-mlant so to do. the equity
ofj---.•demption in and l<> -aid mortgage premises
be f ire\a-r thereafter barred and fonn losed.
And it is furl In r ord« red that tliis rule he pub*
< «diunl)us 1-;nui iKi-ai-Si n, a public
tul ami published in said city and
a h for lour months pit vious to
i lie next l'*i m «»f thi.* Court, or served on the de-
i lie ( iiit iuo Auarcliists.
Chicago, May 23.—^While tiie indict- I
hients which were found agaiimt tiie an
archists yesterday returned into court were
9"l,V ten in number, apparently much to !
• lie dismay of the attorneys for tin: ih : - '
Jense, they rcaliy number sixty, as each of
the ten,is separately indicted for Ihe mur
der oi six officers. Those ten arc August
*V. les ’ -Vlie-hael Schwab, Samuel Fi, ok i,
Albert li. Parsons, Adolph Fischer, <i
J'.aj'le, Loui., l.ingfj, William Seliffer,
iuulolph Sehnaubcl and' Oscar W. N e ic.
• iiese are in jail except Sclmtiubel and
’ arsons. Fresh information has reached
•aptaui Schenck which will warrant two
' more important arrests in the near !
■'lire. Ii i- not at all i npivbable that the !
l, ‘owmg of ihe bomb will be more deii-
mtey fixed.
A Tei-ril!.- Wliirl.iiml.
L.tPtKR, Micii., May 2S.—At midnight!
■' lirlwind oi' terrilic sever- i
li". . accompanied by thu .del-, 1
vJ‘:Ii ln S rain and hail visited this
August and r>vpu:mber..
Svpwmbw mvl (Rto'vvr.
()( Pihvi and November..
and 7’ . • 10
o 8 25, July *8 t.
and June *5 87’ . ... ......
rib sides steady e.i di 85 2m. Boxed meats dull •
dry sailed .shoulders 9.1 2'><•/ I 39, sm»rt clear rib
si(Ijs .>5 Giw.i 5 65. Sugar unclianged standard A
t., May 28. Flour, market quiet
imil.v Ui 10 -’ 3 2u, choice $3 80 " 3 9u, patent
10'" 5 to. Provision.* quiet and generally weak,
ss pork ali mt s.eady 78 (5f"9U0: lard
$5 65"’ 5 75: hulk meats boxed lots unchanged
long clear sides $5 3l\ rib sidesi>5 15. *.liort
clear sides $5 55: bacon long clear sides $5 85'"
5 90, short rib sides .*0 92 ."5 95, short clear
sides$6 10" 0 Vi',..
I.ouisvii.i.!-:. .May 28. Provisions steady: Bacon.
! clear rill j-5 25. side-. ,?6 15, shoulders *150; bulk
! meats, clear rib sides .-85 50, clear sides $5 75,
shoulders fl 12'..; pork, mess .f!() nu; sugar-
cured hams ;J9 50" 10 00; lard, choice *7 73.
N;:\v Oiu.kans, May 23. ColJee dull Rio in
cargoes, prime "<» 10* ,e. Rice dull and nominal
Louisianna, ordinary to good 3"'l'.c So,gat-
nominal Loliisiani! open kettle, choice 7 5- 16c;
centrifugals, choice w iiite 6'.e. o.'f w!i ite 6"< f»Ec.
•ady «qn keltic. g(.od
to stnetly prime 32c, prime 20'" 22c; l.ou-
centrifugals. pi ime to strictly prime is ■<
iiti* io.
aoo 51 ay ‘Js. W’licit i 1 but closed
•I - ye-teoli* r .Mav .'2'_ 73 •, June 7'2
n'v -75 3- 1 '5c. 1 2-pri.ig 73'C'oru
ca-b. 3 r .'*. .Pine 35 3-N. -55 a c, July 30'-
()at * li ;-!!—d a a.I lower <••»-. » 2’,’c, .May
7* .li.m- .• ml Ju!y 20 1 1’" 27• ,c.
,of *. Mav 2x. Wiiweak
110 "'112
105 106
109 "112
300 or 100 lU'itM Luul three mil. *, from city.
Will Sell or evhi. ige fbr eitr properiv the be**!
Fanil in tne eu.t 111 y. Reiilcl for i s *, Gtaioii
Mobile .
dor.-' d by Central I! liiro: •! 109
Montgomery ami Km'.i m i !-t
gugc 6- and Centra. Rauroad. .108 "1
South Gemgia and Floiida 1st. eii-
(ior-i*'i hr stati of < .( "igi;i. 7 p*-r
( c... .. ...' 119
.soiitn Georgia .un! I'Jorida 2*i. 7 per
awnr.lpd in 18,if) at tin Expositions ot
New Ormans and J.ouisviiie, and the In.
volitions Exp'.«i!ion of London.
The su|icriurily of Coraline over horn
or whalebone has nmv been demonstrated
by over live years' expetienee. It is inert
durable, more pliable, more comfortable,
and necf.r bruika.
Avoid cheap imitations made of variot*
kinds of cord. Isone are ffeuuine unles
“Du. Waknkk’s Cokalink” is print®
on inside of steel cover.
353 Broadway, Nsw York Citi
I farm : and val
•" me.
• mi II
blc citv prop-
Will ne glad in iu.w
Western It. IL
d> ii,
) 12
2 t-i • \e‘t c.l.s i 31 ,
i .il, ami weak No.
Ku.iiii ami i n i pi i
...on .Oon ,
.... d-1.000
uipenliiie linn - n ! .,
• ay '28. ‘j’ i 11 pen ti n *!
■T O.
Real Estate Agent, 12th St
at r
PI •'
5! ' ,5 •* > A- V.f ■
a 'W * a'.-..Vli. - . >•..«. A,,. if')
• j^aa-aiuirjsm.1‘ • ’ •••) I Sl.r.*. :
5 Beautiful Building Lots for Sale.
’em ml R:F
ia 2d 111 ...•age,
CITY iio.N! >8.
StDi-eteepers now teep It for Sale
to i»un:.\TS.
2 \\ m. -Sales
H-l.l S.-pt
‘ 62-0 Id
3 ui v -i nd A H
her, 5 5
5Pi neili
lvi.s'.ton. May 28. Turpentine /inn
Rc.t.ii (luil *ti‘ainc.-d 77 good .sue. Ta
*■125, crude 1 iinbuitnie linn -hard 75c
v dip 81 nu, v.rgin .-*1 8u.
vvv - 11. M -y 2^ Tiijt.-nCi.c firm dOMc b’.I
• k(•*!, • a;-.-: 00. Ih hi 90c 0-g -»Jc.
breaking g;!as8 and blur
mt'h ahu-T.l,
s'ifv tl "\r > i* rj ? '■Epairin-j’ to i...
^v,afc i i£“Jron,r;s
M’ere , 1 02-01.I -
: Align*!
1 01-61.1
4 ulfoit S« ••(’ 4t« I.
t.,-*. M.iy :.s. Co‘tf
;d'-r pi , in.- ci ddi- di
for ci
■ '.‘ton seed oil
(l‘-‘deuveri -1, 20
n..ner .vHi.jw .tv
pel long ton.
ui seed oil —22*" 25
Very ILuioinlie.
pe niarriaqe of Captain J. F. -Mc-STillan
°f e D-easury department, to Mrs.
Jf„’ a r Geneva, Ohio, next Thui-sdaV
'r levive a romance. They were sweet-
nt-i rect.
Nnvr Yulis. Mav 2j.— Net receipt* Gu. gross
V* 111 k.y.
i Ciu. aoo, My. 28. Wh.-ky steady—$1 11.
I St. Lot i*. May 2s. Wnisky steady—-il 10.
Cincinnati. May 2-.- Whisky steady .f 1 10.
I’im* j v •«
I Nr.w York. May 2s. Freights to Liverpool
steady —cotton per steam li-6Jd; wheat 1 ,d.
Tfii: lil>T 5 F.RTrCAI, MM
1 AND • r« 1 ! 1 FItA.'l
Inr. Mention thH pi.pi-r.
Straub Machinery Co.,gr, A
Cincinnati, O. —-fg
‘Wf/JIVE & mict.
Hou-.iuv. !
i n 7 |. ;
x .1
ni’F vitv pernicious
• 'ii* - !’• _ards his
1 care i« *r iht twilder
v::v ro.ui
i r h
r-»riD<a. hnnd-tO-f.lU.d ►!, a- ' » n j i'r‘‘ IM jVi]'- lyj, 1
c-nt. g'-i'i 1
•d Pea Foam
j** p.-s : '---l-.-iHic.; ..l’ *d A 1'*.. bit.*lypure.
1 1 ■ • i!- ••-■•! 1 _• 1-. i.-'s ai,,i r.-ta'urants
cv. Y 'k c 1 .• : ti.1 j» the country,
sale G_ t.. hi'i-clas- grocer**.
ltd Ittmnt St,, X, F,