Newspaper Page Text
*>’: (( U'Mm-8, (-E0UG1A, 11: ID AY MMiNlXP, .11WK 4, l.^fi.
I )ai I v. Weekly iind Si i in In v,
Tllf KN'QI'IUKU-SCN is I'lsmil i-u-r.v i
opt Moiul.iy. Till' Wi'i-kl.v Is iSHIIfd nil .1
Til.' Daily 'inclmllng Htinriity' is deliv
Hrrirrn ill tlie oily or niuilcl. iiaMnac flee
cribem for 7.V. per liimith. fj
unonllis. SI.(Ill for six months, or S.,ini n
Tin' Sunday Is delivered by currier boy*
city or mailed to subscribers, postlinc
(tl.lin a year.
Tbi' Weekly is issued oil Monday, and i'
<1 subscribers, posl.ipo lice, at SI.Hi a ye,
I with w hii h l
i lY'ttLi 1 "tie gl\
j I in 11> il inti - th
I vt i i)itst nn ti.
I iiitr It: iHrpni-
ill t(,nii fli'-il
! ill! tho I iglit-
' Aiin i'ii'iiii \
" break their !
■ll tile IH'glili
"illtli ill tile ■
, hut it hits jii'i
eiuls. >u (-
n nflpr t i
irh .lavs of
v < • 1
mill none are nr ,r
s fill' tin' nt'oines
a In 1 |,rivil.'p.'S pci
, ’ him are tile ;
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miiIi in the I'nit.
a ll.le the fleet I
■si.lent [it.iKbil.Te
. ili.i'itl11111 i-1.f
ii T .•.itiT11j><.litr;
■s. Whilst Fl'.l'i'UI .'till hea'
rep, tuhie- vr.'tivt ti lolly way
on hlp. kliert'i." :
“ Green tor... tho find that has been s-m
marktt thla soar-on, M*a.s displayed On
tl.G ‘■tails at forty cent* a dozen eafc
were veiling fu’.'.rar.d five
• • 5 V V
..ill- each :
i(jUashes tw
s and
Knap it
i lu ll tlii-
- a quart
iritb po’.a-
nd tift-.-i,
■tight i went • ecu..
first ir
i $1 per square of lu lines
t‘rlinn. and 50 cents for ci
n. and for the Weekly at
■ take
clu,c v
icjll c\<
111 paitrii,
iv in "i
Uj.on tii-
ilnrinp' th.
V. llM l.a V'
triii# ■ j
Mimunications ii
• ends or inteiests
v 'duals will he eh;
I eontraets made
t ll)it uaries will !»(•
ided to promote the
ed for at customa ry
None hut solid metal cuts n«e»'
All comnumieation^slnmld he
proprietor of t he Ksqmuich-Si n
nldressed to Hi c
Tun Kx'ijlMitKP >
< .range If*ti.irtit tIi
to any pentleinan i
iMilrl'ing the conge
-ires to do-o. 1 '.’it
Iittvary will fully
it il ha- no ohjeetioii
i the fourth ili-triel
■■-si.dial rare who .le
i'll' esteemed coteni-
agi'ee with n- that
••dark lior-eb” a
iMinsideratioli li
1 ion.
• not the ones I
a noniinatinp
with alt th
man'I in or
of t he nort I
hull-! hr
those i'i ]'f
ljuifv in «!i
S I 11111 I •' till'
should l.e ;
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and fiu y at 1
i incite I id- )■'•].
list the [wivilepi
cpro. Mr. Ilia
np him made
as tin v
e t d 1 o w i
that th
have rc].r
being le
tin hesi-
nat iomd
negn" •
entat ion
As loir.,
to the
. ttl.
frock coal .i
front of tbo
it is ditHc
mated in II
vim'.'" si
c. t.ali just c
it, perhaps,
ton. bat if p
fi! n.tit in
i ,*o the i
diimh hrnte- by tin
. all ripld. Hut when
el to no longer allow
llieir necks, jjresto.and
n Ihe estimait
•Id f
At the lime (icn. (lordon announced
himself its a candidate lor governor, the
Kmji imit-SfN was ow nedhy Mr. John
King, hut arrangements had lieell made
to form a stock ci Hi i] ni n\ and I my out tic
[iBjier. Cutler tliese cimimstanees Mr.
King wtis unwilling lo take a decided
stand in favor of either of the eniidi-
dati'H, as such a course might give oll'eiise
to men who had agreed to become stock
holders. Ho therefore, very [irnpetTy
kept silent ti1111 left tlui company free to
take its own course.
At [ircsent our purpose is In coniine
tlie paper to giving all the news concern
ing the progress of this ean)|iaign, and
leave it for each of our rein icn, lo make
up their own opinion. This we .are sat
isfied they are rjuito able to do without
any advice from us.
This course, we think, is not only pru
rient, hut wise. Alnjudy Dr. ifelton litis
announced that he will not support Gor
don even if he is nominated, and whilst
we tlo not suppose that his example will
tie generally followed, yet we prefer to
keep cool on tlie subject and lint, allow
ourselves to lie driven into any action in
opposition to a man who may possibly
tie the nominee of the democratic con
I., tak
ivh. hii,i, am: Tim mow
"Tlie E\(jrntKit->r\ appears
more than its share of interest in Ala-
Tiinfia [Milities,”
'lTris is the conclusion reached by the
Kttlttula (Alti.) Mail. And simjily bc-
■anse the EmjI tttut: >e\ is doing its level
best m keep its many Alabama readers
posted. \V. have many readers in va
rious sections of \lahama and the K\-
ip iki:k->i •• I- determined that they -hall
have t lie. new s, u bother it he about the
gubernatorial rue.. eoupTes.-ioiial matters,
or tint thing else that will interest the
jieople of Alabama.
, What appears to he "most the matter"
\\ ith t lie Mail i- I lie fact t hat the K\-
i;t ii.iat-Si s' uudeiTook to estimate how
add stand m
veiitioii. The
s feathers are
•d from this
the gubernatorial Mite v.
the first ballot in I lie cm
t rue inn ardtiess of w by i
rulHcd may he extract'
paragraph :
"Tlii' la in nuai-Si's Hives tlie fultnwiiia ligmvs
as its estimate uf ibe lirst t'biyloii 1ST,
Dawson 220, McKlcui 152, Soar tut. But our
t’stcini'.l friend nil tin- ulher side of the river is.
in ear judgment, uwuy oil' not liil Judge
Clayton's vote b\ at least 1110 votes, in diet."
" e .-tin hardly see w by t his dis-
gnmtle our cilemi'tiniry as it only gives
•bulge v'hi\ ton credit for votes in the
same issue that reminds ti- we are nicd-
.Uing with allairs in which
eoncd ncl. If w e so desired, there would
he no hesitancy in ex pressing an opinion
as to who in our hum I If) judgment would
make ihe better governor. Mm we have
not leh so disposed, coie-o'iuently have
taken no part-in Llie gubernatorial race
more than to give the news. This we
shall continue to do despite any object ion
t hat may he raised. Our Alabama read
ers may rest content that tliev will not
get left.
poll- like -O man
republicans, it wi
I lie in groes relit'
the halter aroma
there is a change
his rights.
Mr. Maine is in w, and has been for a
longtime, in favor of anything, however
unscrupulous, that will prove henelicial
to his own selfish ambition or to the in
terest of the republican party. The
Times doubtless entertains a fair estimate
of his elmsacter, 1ml upon Ibis particular
point it is sadly in error.
Senator Edmunds, of Vermont, has tlie
reputation, and justly so, of being tlie
leader of the republican sideofllie Cni-
ted Slates congress, lie introduced some
time agon resolution couched in gentle
language, lint which was tilled with bit
ter gall wben put under examination.
We refer to the resolution calling upon
the president for papers concerning the
removal and nomination of federal otli-
cers, Tlie sincerity of the Vermont sen
ator lias since thal time been a subject of
remark, and even of his own party
have refused to accede to his atrocious
prop, isitioiis.
Notwithstanding this, however, there
is a want of good faith among those re
publicans who repudiated Edmunds’
schemes. A concerted movement is be
ing- made in the st nate,.so the informa
tion .'omes, to “send the open session
resolution ‘the way to dusty death’ by in
definite postponement. The republican
caucus will have nunc of it, not seeing
that if tlie part y is to make any progress
in popular favor it must lie by an open
and above-hoard light with its rivals.
The policy of misvepiosenting (Readmin
istration, and scolding il day
in ami day out because of its
alleged mi-conduct in appointim-nfs
and utthe same time refusing to open
the doors and discuss the JU6i- iti public,
will not be a winning' one with the
American piople, who love tail' play
political as in any other contests. The
poor old bat-, who iw’P guiding the major
ity in this matter seem to he wttevlv
blinded by the light of to-day. They
forget that the voters who will decide the
late ol t lie republican candidate in 1SSS
w cie not mil of short clothes when the
system of secret division of tho spoils
among senators, as now practiced, was
lic-l put in active operation, and that to
tlie live, sensible American voter of to
day the whole business is contemptibie.”
three times in o
icn. anil not one
by tli u
cheap boarding hou-i
Who says women at'
up <air scat in the hori
day to three diiFerent women, an
them .spoke a word.
Three men were seriously injur
plosion of ingredients which they were com
pounding into a patent medicine in Hoboken thi.-
week. This seems a tin!, premature; it is die
users of patent medicines thill are generally seri
ously injured.
When a householder who had l.dely been tlie
victim of a plumber's bill was told that these ar
tisans were to strike for eight hours' w ork, tie re
marked : “For heaven's sake accept these terms.
If you can get a plumber to work eight hours in
a day, it will be something never accomplished
"Is pie hurtful 1” asks a correspondent, ru
der some circumstances it is. We know of a
young married man who laughed at a pie his
wife had made and she threw it in his thee. He
says it hurt like thunder, anil is wilting to take
his chances with a stove lid next time she gets
l)i'M*ri|ilioii id itif W I'll.llna Cake.
Tlie wedding cake that graced the nuptial ser
vices of President Cleveland was made at I’in-
ard's, east Fiftieth street, New York.
The President, in giving his directions for tlie
wedding, ordered that no display should he made-
anil consequently even in the embellishment of
the bridal cake itself his orders have been dis
tinctly complied with. The bridal cake was
placed in a large silver dish, which stood in the
centre of the table at the wtiite house, it was a
fruit cake, heavily iced, round and measured
eighteen inches in diameter and six inches in
Outlie side of the cake was a tracing of scroti
work. On the top of the cake arul in the centre
w as the monogram C. F. The letters were com-
posed of elaborate ornamental scroll work, and
o n each letter was a leaf. These letters occupied
a space live inches in diameter, and were raised
a similar height. The monogram was in the
centre of a circle entwined with leaves, and
around this was a wreath of orange blossoms.
It will no doubt appear to the recipient as
rather an untimely gift, blit a Washington paper
is authority for the statement that a baby-
jumper, warranted to hold twelve pounds, has
boon sent by express to Cleveland' from a demo
cratic club in Pennsylvania. Nothing is sacred
to some people, and tlie nresident is not spared
any mure than award pof: iclan.
. APHti.AnBi.miAN wh.>%p| spent six month
in ti a south thinks that t lie ^ct; rues should i'm
sake p"li|i. s— Stop voting It t
saying that he is a rump. ut re;
The Ne
i hi"
Fro Ms at the Front Door. |
now being introduced in this locality, has been before the
public fifteen years, and wherever introduced during that time
has, on account of its purity and great merit, superseded very
largely ail other similar preparations for producing delicious,
light and healthful bread material. Hence the great anxiety
and fear evidenced by manufacturers of other bailing powders
when they learn that CLEVELAND’S BAKING- POWDER
is working its way into a new locality.
The manufacturers of CLEVELAND’S SUPERIOR
BAKING- POWDER, recognizing the fact that the public
have a right to know what they are using as food, have for
many years published their formula, which has been confirmed
by analyses made by the G overnment chemists, State chemists
and leading scientists of various States, showing that their
Baking Powder contains only purest grape cream of tartar,
bicarbonate of soda and a little wheat flour, the latter to
preserve the strength of the powder, and that it does not
contain ammonia, alum, lime, or any adulteration whatever.
The public thus has not only the assurance that
a absolutely pure,” but also a knowledge of all the ingredients, •
that enter into its manufacture. This latter information is too
often withheld by other baking powder companies.
The scurrilous advertisements of rival manufacturers will
not deter the citizens of this city from giving an article
so flatteringly recommended as CLEVELAND’S SUPERIOR
BAKING POWDER the trial which its merits so justly
Albany, N. Y.
( , t
Faconi. and Antique Laces to trim.
Figured Curtain Swisses in stars and spots, li
just Flic thing for summer.
Extreme Novelties in Lace Floundngs.
Match Seis in Swiss Embroideries.
Sheer Plaid Lawns. Sheer Fla
r>e come in small p
lare. Thev are lovt
■miofknmiwsai, < \!U >S
n il. J. D. DAN FORTH,
Physician amt Sunrcm,
ufflcc at OlnsR n r .'« ' n rutr si "'
Fourth avenue, south Catholic church,
Resident J i. n | st
Hioiul street, up i tl ,i rv
j.tl6-', ■
T. Ofc'UUrtN,
Mill'to Dr J. M. Masoi
"t to Rankin House.
3ai, »e eii-
r <*iy
Li. 12. THOMAS, .JR.
p’hve UK Broad stiici, Columbus, (
Flour, {in*.-1 grades; Rye
SlmuuiOil Oa 1 *-. Grits and
Pig Hams, J freak fust Baca
Granulated Sugar, Coarse and Fine Cut Lou
Pulverized and Coffee Sugars.
BeH quality Roasted and Green Coffee, Fin,
Baking Powders—Royal, Cleveland and Dr.
Flavoring Extracts—Thurber’s and I)r. Price 1 .
«>lil .Vo. CM/
and atrv.
eod tf
Application for Incorporation
Rose llill Improvement Coia-
—To the Superior Court of said county; The pe
tition of G. Gunby Jordon, Cliff B. Grimes, B T
Hatcher, F. D. Peabody, Charles Phillips, H. R
Goetchius, L. 11. Chappell and Toombs Crawford
and such other persons as may be associated
with them, and their successors, respectfully
First -That they desire to be incorporated and
created a body corporate and politic under the
laws of the state of Georgia, and that they and
their associates and successors may have contin
uous existence as a corporation for the term of
twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the
expiration ol said term as provided by law, under
and by the corporate name of
Second The objects of said corporation are the
buying and improving real estate, to sell the same
for cash or on installments to stockholders or
others, to aid purchasers in building houses and
improving property, to lease or rent real estate
for themselves or others, and to accumulate
profits for the stockholder therein.
Third The principal office of said corporation
audits place of doing business will be in said
county of Muscogee.
Fourth The capital stock of said corporation
shall be ten thousand dollars, with the privilege
of increasing the same to five hundred thousand
dollars. Petitioners show that they will not com
mence to exercise the privileges conferred by this
charter until ten per cent, of the capital stock is
paid in.
Fifth Petitioners desire for said corporation
power and authority to sue and be sued, to plead
and be impleaded, to have and use a common
seal and to alter the same at pleasure* to make all
contracts of every kind necessary or proper to in
augurate and carry on its busmees, including
power to execute promisory notes and bonds, ana
to secure the same by mortgage or deed of tru-t
on any property of this corporation, to buy, own
and sell such property, both real and personal, m
Y “* k .iouVnal is assumin,-
j Hponsjbi.ith-s Winter.ntionai p-dicy \
cides a question like this: “Please in
stunt reader when seeTn .’ a lady mac
lite to get in and nay*-Lei IhreV*’
It now turns out tha
attend the president’s
uncomfortably warm t<
P. \Y
2Thk Albany News says tl
Baker county, the first-bale man of G
tlu past few years, sends tip to Albany
of a h undred-acre field The st a 1 k has
and sixteen squares and is knee high. It
as if Mr. Jones would bring in the first hal
gaiHIIOS. .1 1
thout the i , v . *
>. ! *2 niche- s«j
KV." •• l'f- ■ s >| l| i '| It] |( j.
1 U- 1
"' :i -; Indiii M11
1- !- it
iiiuiio wii'c.
» 'In' tail : , ■ | i. ;
.■ it waxt>„.! (ilieukw!
, liiiil'.'i'ial loi
Catile ('<
many nlhor white
,Sliuer Plaid Or
inn [ihiiils, plaids
Tiie arsui'linen
it may :
y (Its
I iTHHill illHl ivory
. Viilmii'iemn'S All-over
mid Lorded Dimities,
cilildreu's wear,
rd fhijnes. Pique Welts
white. 32 indies and (58
I.acos lo match,
verv sheer, an
uich by-laws,rules and regulations as it i .
binding on its own members, and to provide in
said by-iaws for such officers of the corporation
as it may need and fix their term of officc. iiuti-.'
and compensation, and the manner and tirn of
their election, to receive Real Estate in payment
of stock subscriptions, and to do such other and
further acts as are necessary or proper to com
mence and carry on the business named, mo.k-
holders who shall have paid their st >< k subscrip
tions in full to he in no way liable for the debts of
the corporation, or for wrongs committed by n.
Sixth Petitioners ask that this petition for.*
i charter be filed in the office of the Clerk «'f the
' Superior Court ol Muscogee county, Georgia, an i
: tlu iv to be recorded as the statute provide.-, m i
publication lie made as required by law. t'nd t:. it
DYCpI i<‘il I upon compliance with the statute the C<
cAcuu 11 i j) lt ss an order declaring said application
I And petitioners uvi 1: pray, &c.
1 loom
Plain Pique Cords, and
roods which space will not permit us to
111 AIXK AMI XKMIO Kl 11 It U.K.
lion, .lames (i. KlaiiU', nf Muiiio, will
i undo it us for iveeivinn with I'omciiii't;:-
otis iinlu'lit'f the o[iinion cnUTtaint'il of
)tim hv the l.umlon Times. Ourilis-
1 'atcites froiii Li>udon tliis moniinir i t uote
'oiy lihemlly from ti criticism in the
fimcs on Mr. lUaitie’s speech niailo Tues
day, and while we may feel no ilis[.osi-
tion to .[UaiTel liver the estimate il places
upon what it is pleased to term an ‘‘hino-
I'tint ami i'iesnui]ilniuis ran'.’’ we take
issue tt|ion another point an.I il is this;
"If any southern state should now
tempt to deprive the negroes of suU’rutrc,
lUitine would he the lirst to favor a set
tlement of licit local alfair hy armed in
terference of tlie central novernment.”
I jioii this [l int the Times advertises
'Is woelul ignorance of American poli-
ties. No man, perhaps, on tho American
continent would rejoice more over the
disfranchisement of tlie negro than
• lames (I. Itlaine. it is the stick given
ihe democratic party by tlie republicans
m>ipi,mm.xtt wmion a caise.
The Albany News and Advertiser has
i his to say about railroads :
"Tlie unpopularity of the railroads of Georgia
is duo more to the crabbedness, pomposity, short
cut, ill-tempered, anti unaccommodating manner
isms of their agents and subs, with whom the
people have to deal, than to any other cause. The
soi nor those who are in authority in railroad cir
cles take this for a fact and require
their employes to observe the same ethics that
obtain in other well regulated business
circles, the sooner will the common people cease
to regard the railroads as too autocratic to be al
lowed to operate without the restrictions of class
legislation and the restraining powers of the all
powerful railroad commission. This paragraph
is not prompted by any grievance, nor is it di
rected at any particular railroad, agent or sub.
It is intended as a friendly criticism, to be gen
eral in its applicat on. and is sent out without re-
.i ard or the hope thereof."
’flic’ editor frankly admits that this
auii Ic is not prompted hy any gripviuiup,
and is not intended for any particulai
road or agent, lie . i\. s it as an opbliTn
of railroad employes generally and c’oh-
sidcr- them a [ipmpoiis, short-cut, ill-
tempered and unaeermuuodnting set. He
is plea-ell to call such remarks “friendly
criticism." If so, then, we would liltofn
sen a sample of his unfriendly criticism.
Ilis idea tli at this is tho cause of the
unp.'Kjilprity of mill ads and the cause
"f tho commission is uc\v and \ve re
spectfully refer it to Ur. l-’cltoil and
(lev. Smith, yli" claii|t that Utf people
have inoi'o Poripus eharges than these.
,k y I Now vye submit that it is hardly fair
: j for an editor to denounce a whole class
at- t"for inults, of which he admits he has no
ground to complain, li the people would
only complain when they are hurt and
allow others to do the sntne there would
be less complaining.
Old Missouri is a rustler,, for a fact, an«i the
vicissitudes of fortune which overtake her great
men are truly wonderful. Frank James, the
once proud train robber, has degenerated into a
clodhopper, and the great Martin Irons, who w.\.-:
just the other day dictating terms to the Gould
system of railroads, is missing, and his house
hold goods have been seized for a debt of seven
Hami’i.i. Rinkkrton, o’f Nashville, having lived
fifty-live years, concluded that it was time to die.
So he put his business in excellent shape, ap
pointed his son executor of his estate anti hanged
him self in his barn.
Amtiiidiau' Tax Ordinauue.
fliif While Goods Stock is Complete
,And full of new lliiugs. \\T ask your inspection, believing
that we show by far the choicest assortment in Columbus.
Blanchard, Booth & Huff.
Attorneys for Petitioner. 8 .
Filed in the Clerk’s Office of the Superior Court
of .Muscogee county, Ga„ and recorded iu
book of writs 1881 j, folio 549, May 14, is.-Y*.
(iEO. Y. BOND.
my 15 oaw4w Clerk S. C. M. C.
I will insure your building or contents against
loss or damage by a
By careful watching you can reduce the chances
of loss by fire, but a Tornado Policy is the only
protection against Wind Storms or Cyclones.
se wed fri tf Insurance Agent.
BE IT ORDAINED, That the tax ordinance of
the city for the year isso I*. amended by iddmg to
section 3 the words;
Produce, provision or merchandise brokers who
sell to other* than registered merchants, or wiio
1 lmvc jioods shipped or confined to themseive- be
fore the same *hail have been actually >tvi
lueruhantB, shall he classed as merenunt**. ar.d
and pay in addition to the special tax now re-
| quhvd of siu h Linkers a tax of ; of l per cent
on all goons sold by fht m which were s«> shippui
i or cousigiifd. report of such sales to be m.ule
quarterly, under oath, to th«- cl* rk ofcouncil.
Itim iMut trudur^ are hereby defined u» oc -lu b
1 as have mi place of huMtiess fitted up for tin salt
| of merchandise, Imi '.m. havii'K or not having an
office, have their g-».»ds si.m.tI in w;tivhou*i:s.
I depots, ctllan.or ■ ih• -r pic. s us.-d only tor
storage of, ami who canvas* l'<»r the svt
such ihotls among merchants or «*ther lH-is-.nv.
I A ml shall pay a special t.ix
unc peffent upon all sales
| tp be made quarterly under i
J I’rddtice brokers who inny t orai-r goLB.s
1 • u■••account for speculation shajl '•■-
itim rant tiMib i> .*nd uo> tax as ^uch.
f YiTOXision nr nv’-c burnt me hr<i ami
tram is - . t ql p. v ;• >,■ ; tax c<
ud m bet »rc o:’tiling to t rapsnet-
is Without a
<s u
pule l)y tben
uatii to the
.lift tr
JrH • iiilt « f su mi Tvf
ftCt fcUlV bn.*
payment A
lay’s default.
it t'tn ih* r ordained. That pi ddlers pc any
Uiul all kinds o; mcroh-mdise. books, nn dieines.
Ac., on i h stri cts, ’.vho liavi no place of business
in tnc dtv ‘dial! n-o - ■•••. and no license >lial: be
issued for l«cs> than 8 10.
Bo it further ordained, Thai any portions ot
the tax ordinance In ivtolhre adopted, in eonthet
with the above, sia hereby repealed.
Adopted in council, June ‘2d, liSfi.
M. M. NfOORE, Clerk Council. jo l At
The following from the Florida Herald
give* the judges "i earlv vegetables and
small fruits in Jacksonville. It may he
interesting to the housekeepers of Co
lumbus to compare them with our own
Is the very best Saw Mill in ilie market. II look thoonh
medal of the tirsl class al Die New Orleans Exposition.
For llie above, and lor all other machinery, address.
Montgomery, Ala.
X. 1 J.—On i
Machinery i
URE Biliousness; Sick Headache in Four hours.
One dose relieves Neuralgia. They cure ana
prevent Chilis Fever, Sour Stomach . «■*««
Breath. Clear the Sldn, Tone the Nerves, and 9J*
Life Vigor to the system. Doso: ONE 1>i v * '
Try them once ana you will never be^;
Price. 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Drug'. , r "
Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on rsco.pi
price in stamps, postpaid, to any address,
o. F. S3IITH & CO.,
Manufacturers and Sole Props., ST. LOUIS, W
Anioiig* tho Northern Lakes
of Wisconsin. Minnesota nud Itiwa. are hundred 5 r '•>
ligbrful placet* where uue ea
in n'ilot rebuild enjoyment.
ol the beared tt-rin «*"U!pi
“con unimvof, -
eturn ban
brings tu < ic'tiiioiihiW'x*. Wan
ver DaVu.Fruiiienac.Okob.Ji. Mime
nndliimiincrnblei.rJier •■banning b-ea! |
tie names, thousands of mir best peopi
; of M
i t iu a limd* rate o st can
obtained. ’ A of summer homes with all
inlbrnuition [H-rtaining thereto i> heir.g >.i-t
Hip Chicago Milwai kkf. v St.PaclUaii.wa
he sent free upon upplieati'
pentar, General IDssengei
Agent, Mil wank
G hns taken tlie
the sales ' 1 *
s of
i hr.s giyea
universal 'Atisia^
KOW 01»KX r»K fil KS1S.
( "CAPACITY 700. Buildings all substantial
brick work. Hotels and cottages. Lawn the
most beautiful in Virginia. Waters that arc ex
clusively for the use of my guests. The finest
medicinal water in Virginia. We take pleasure
in referring as to their curative powers to Mr.
,J. Rilev Brown. Mr. W. L. Clark and Mr. Jos.
Half. ” [jed dim] J. A. FRAZER, Prop’r.
SOfab Orchard Water
A Remedy for ull diseases of the Liver. Hid* (
ney», .Stomach ami UovvelM. A poMtivt
cure for I>y*pepKl», Kick Headache, j
Count!pation. Dose, one to tvJd teasuoo duls
10 and 25 cts. No genuine Halts sold in bulk
SIMON' N. JONF.8, Munaicer. I.ouImtIMo, Ky.
Notice to Tax PayeiSi
| iHE Tax Digest for State and County Ta«s
I nnw mien at my office on I welflh street.
J. C. REEDY, R. f. K. M. L-
ap4 eod&w3m