Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, June 08, 1886, Image 3

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DAILY-ENQrilUili.--.SrX COLUMBrs, iiKDMLV, TFKSD.-W MORNfSa, JPXfc s,- \m. News from the Three States Told Brief Paragraphs, a «*l<kriu Sv4iM*|t^ Os«*i* l’orHiint of ■ i><n. — is,n K|il»ru|m1 l Unroll to lh llullt i;; Kuim IliiiiAtnii ('mini) I’l-mlinev the Itrnu lii.simn.: — t (mill Hurt ill Aiiliiirn Jm, hrmii Kialiiinin iiinl Klnrlilit- (iinirnin. The fence or no fence law in Full on county "'ill soon be voted on. Bartow county is out of debt and has ij.niK) in the treasury for a rainy day. It is rumored that Fort Gaines is soon to have .in ice factory. They want to keep down there. Mrs. B. J. Jones, a most excellent Chris tian lady, died at the residence of her hus band in Thomaston one day last week. A. K. Childs, of Athens, has a fifty cent bill issued by the city council of Macon. He h as had the lull in his possession for I'l.rty years. It is only redeemable in sums of fo. The Griffin foundry has shut down in definitely. The Sun understands that the cause is a disagreement between the mem ber's of the firm. We think this is only temporary. The celebrated Magruder gold mine, twelve miles east of Washington, has been sold for $3000. It was knocked down to \V, N. Mercier, of Augusta, whom, it is said, bought it for a party of capitalists of that city. The annual commencement exercises of (hi Lp.Grange female college is now in Two of the nio-t reinaiknble and deserv ing young ladies in the stale live in Henry county and rn thus spoken of by the C - lumbia Ent. 'piise: "A lesson taught by the frugality of two young ladies. Misses Fi'lingnn, \\ no live seme f-i# or c iglit miles fr in town, i s • sever- reproof to thn*4 f. ran vs Who say tl;is country is not adiipl- ed to raising meat -md other | ro.lui • tor home use. These young ladies’ depending upun therhse ves for tnefir Support, make I every year i •••.-rol bales o: tl<0 finest cot ton brought to tow;., and besides sell a goodey amount of bacon arid other pro- I A ft w days ago they brought In a; large lot of fine bacon and exchanged it for other m ichandise at ro. a bottom prices, while some of the thriftless farmers wert buying .it credit prices to be paid out of tin , fall crop. rn HEAR THE WITNESSES. Kliirlilu. The city of Palatka has fiiOOO in its treas- prog'.'i js, and will continue through tin iith. The programmes present many at tractive features, and will doubtless ntlract many visitors. At Rome Thursday, at a meeting of the vestry of the Episcopal church it was re- solveil to huild a handsome new church, to cost from Wd.000 to $20,000. A subscrip tion list " ill be opened at once, and work commenced at an eaily day. Isaac D. Taylor and Rev. R. E. Storey have lived in Houston longer than any other two citizens now in the comity. Mr Tavlor was bom in W 'kinson, but liu- livcii in Houston 62 years. Mr Story wo bora in Houston and lias lived there- lil yea; s. “Wednesday night a frame residence near tne Methodist church in Anicvii-us, be longing to Mrs. S. E. McCormick, and occupied by Mrs. Vigal. was destroyed oy tire. about I o'clock. Tne fi-e is suppasei! to have originated in a defective Hue in th. cook room. Mr. it. L. Jones, who shot and kiiisti Colonel Frank P 'fray, set in West End, is still cunt county jail. He does not >;>'. and sai s he will c Ins cast- is ouilcd He-c, (id s not want to do so. ury. Crop reports from Leon county come in very encouraging. About four hundred laborers are at work on the* new railroad between Tavares and Sanford. Sanford has organized a fruit and vege table growers’ association, with B. F. Whitner as president, John Dodd vice president, J. E. Pace secretary and B, M. Robinson treasurer. On Saturday afternoon last the fruit and vegetable glowers of Sn .foreland vicinity met for the purpose of organizing a protec- tive association and to exchange ideas in regard to the- new insect which is troubling ; the orange frees. I A. C. C'awood, baggage master on the S. I-', railroad, happened to a very painful ac cident at Bartow Monday. Wlii.t coupling some cars which were loaded with tele graph poles, his right arm was caught and j badly mashed up. The long continued high river lias caused so much muddy water to lie deposited in Apalachicola bay from the rive-, that the oysters at Indian Pass have been materially I hurt r hereby. It is said that a v; ssed went to this bar a few days ago and found quan tities of the oysters dt-a-1 -killed by the fresh water. The growing crops down the Florida Southern railway are iu a vigorous con dition, and ,-remise a flue field. Gats are maturing splendidly, and win-re corn Inis 1 been ulnhted and well tended is looking i 1 remarkably well. C'ott >n. r.s a general thing, looks as if it intended to return a handsome yield to the industr’ou> farmer r- a reward for the lalior expended upon ‘ it. The vegetable crop has by no means I been a failure, as at nearly every station , more -;v less are being shipped almost . daily. Tlie oranges are doing as well as I con id be expected, though only a j vieid need be looked for jut the gracie o the fruit wib bee!'the nr-t quality! Doctor’s Certificate---Case Poison. of BlOCdl A,;Crirjpled Confederate Says: I'only weighed 128 pounds when I commenced GUINN'S PIONEER, and new weigh 11“ pounds. 1 could hardly walk with a stick to support me. f and now walk long distances without help. Its i benefit to me is beyond calculation. 1) RUFUS BOSTICK, | (Alton Buyer. Macon, Ha. Mr. A. H. Bramblett. Hardware Mer chant of Forsyth. Ga.. Soys: It acted like u *.!• .r, :. n my ,g:-ne**al health, consider it a fine tonic l \u* jfli mere than I FORTY YEARS A SUFFERER FROM CATARRH Wonderful to Relate. Foil Forty Teaks I hate be on a victim to CA TARRH -three-fourths < f the times sufferer from r.xoHccivr^No pains u*hob9 mv fohkheao and Uuw. used GU INNS PIONEER BLOOD RE- NEWER in several cases of cutaneous diseases • >f long standing with the most satisfactory re suits. Have* seen the happiest results follow its use in syphilis of the worst form, tun! believe it to be the best alterative In use. J. T. ELLIS, M. D.. CriTin, Oft Tensive lie good pet Rnsj,. cMV.IIv. A. 11. iiRAMHLETT. j Mr. W j wife . •ted 10 ! F. Jones. Macon. Says : ,s »ep.tine*i her strength and in lands i»: \r« it'ht. 'Ye recommend INFER as the best tonic. W. 1*. JUNES. Tlie discharges were so that I hesitate to mention it except for it may do some other sufferer. I huv young fortune front my hard earnings during forty years ofsuffering’to obtain relief from tin* doctors. I have tried patent medicines- every one I could learn of from the four corners of tin* earth, with no relief. And at Inst ■ .*>7 years of age havi met with a remedy that has cured me y made me a new man. 1 weighed .28 pounds and now weigh 1 hi. 1 used thirteen bot tle:* of the medicine, and tlie only regret I have is that, being in the humble walk of life, l may not have the iutUience to presail on all cut a till suf ferers*. use what has cured tne t LINN’S BIO- BLOOD RENEW HR. HENRY < ’ 11 I'VER. Cliever, writer of the above, former- rd county, now-of Macon. Ga.. lner- deiiee of all interested in catarrh. \V. A. HUFF, K>-Minor of Macon. i A Voice from the Lone Star State. GUINN’S PIONEER BLOOD REN EWER lias cured one of my children of the worst cases of scrofula I ever saw. Her skin is as clear as mine, and the doctors say it is a per feed cure in their opinion. I urn thankful for having tried the remedy. \YM. L. PARKS, Dallas, Texas. Savannah. Ga.. Janunrv 20, 1880. GUINN’S PIONEER BLOOD REN EWER has nude several cures of blood poison and rhetmiu- N K E these alllictions. MAN, Druggist. Ni-w Our.pans. La.. Jan. 10 1880. I have been cured somui and well of a bad ru of blood poism, bv 1 be tar of Artec n bottles » GUINN’S BIONFFR BLOOD REN EWER, will sound its praise 1* JACOB KRl’TE. EUGENE MAY. Guinn’s Pioneer Blood Renewer all Blond and Skin Diseases. Ulieiimafism. Scrofula. Old Sores. A PERFECT SPUING MEDICINE. BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES MAILED Five Cold and Two Silver Medal*, awarded in lfi'55 at tlie Expositions ol Now Orlnaim mid Louisville, and tlie lr«- vontious Exposilion of London. The superiority i f Coraline over horn or whalebone bus now been demonstrated by over five years’ experience. It is mor* durable, more pliable, more ccinfortablq, and never break*. Avoid cheap imitations made of variouf kinds of cord. None are genuine un’e® “ I)n. Wakukk’b Coraline” is print* on inside of steel cover. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Bro'dwiy, New York Cit> J.C. REEDY Beal Estate Agent. A. LIE. •:vv(-rsy into a Litter iLiistritiou has at- rouj.;hout MjiBk*. e rally reuii7»* t hat t V. Lveii playing* a deep a- • to win then* iVorn the rleni- sio 'A' a rut that he was allowing ■ f the American flag to t»ul!Vi* L i> personal relations \\ iili Mr. riti.-h minister, was stalled ami u\ Ly republican machine Joe Manley, Mr. Blaines ntidant, and chairman of the cate committee, has been one of the most active leeders of this rlame. Blaine had been seciclary of -Lite himself and knew that the B ivernnsent had to act with dis- .•reiion in 'tealim; with, the seizure of the Adams and the Doughty by the Canadians. Gov. Ruble visited Portland to day. Re- un din^ the- seizure of the nshing schooners said : U I See no reason in the world wit, -i> <> id Eighth Htrcet - I. use, .o-c1g IV el ware- . lulls ami out-house-i li»0 head stock. Will loculi'v in city. Gall I in.* dignii \ ;.**i* < i West, the . spread bre jioliticians political cm a terrible* bail Morin .swept over ids p-a* e cn Sn urduy J.u-:t, duir.ii’ n.ucL dannue. u a No \ isited Bui (.'allies place, uOjominy Hail stones n-ri'* aslu-ca- guinea e(T!^ fell, ^ottm .no corn w.*”c badly damaged thereby. J. also extended ii»r< Lee county. A gentleman of floitsbi : county, vl.o has been !.*;ani'.d ibi inope than ten .'.ears. dniin.'Mhal unit Dm 1 * ne'er been svp irattd ijein his wife :e* n.m i. a> one day .1 .*. rinu-:. When it became ii-.*c.«ss?tr t v f“i bun to leave home foi is long a *. ime as twe:it^ r - four hoios. Me has always '. -irritd ids wiir with him. and she Las Lever le.c home without itsr husband. 1 Cons! d era hie e x •• i t e 11 i e n I ’.va n ( re a r e d a l Dougtasvillc on Wednesday afternoon >y burring long anj loud s*|r*.*a!fis at a resi de licit.* A crowd imirtecbkittiy gathered there, and it was a.-certaiDed that there was a child iu the we);. Une of the party descended into the wc 11, and just as he cot in tlie water the child was found in the house asleep under a bed. John Jackson and Henry h/i wards, col ored, lived nine miles'vest of Milkdk'evilh.. in Hancock countv, on Mr. William K. Minor’s place. Jackson owed Edwartk j serious trouble gi tiity cents. Thursday nighl Edwards lo ci <W G t at all. I think that some Jackson if be did not uuy him he woul.J ' e . v ,. s havt . .^ado a -reat < kill him. Jackson picked up ai: ax ana j , M , ir .b Ac started to oa-ss Edwards ami go home. As he did so 'Edwards shot him in the lefi side. Jackson died in about twenty-fivi minutes. Lp to oiii| time Edwarl^ha not l>*?en arrested, lie ded after the snoot ing. oui’t J»y the I'ciui imjmuieci l-> the notes and j on th.c fourth d o ol May, ! r.d Eighty-three, tlie dolV-iul* | <-it to tin- i*l«dnt:tf her ovo ( a ring 'Into* the (i* > :*nd year ■ in. «iv.-lemlani l "mii.-td by i>lu Ait itl At KIRVEN’S E.g'httiO Hud.In b lo ])it. . .. Gidh.- afltr tin. date ght and Eiglity _ ..,niy-two ( enu, wjth intuest from 4ate ai eight per Ce l t ]> *r annum, ami if fai l m.te was not paid :’l nmUirily. ten an cent :»ttori'*.y’« ft"- t') r the collection thereof, for .i’.ittc u’cei'c.J sii.i by the other of .-aid j*iomi- sory notes tlto «h.*fendant pn-nti^cd t«* pay to the plaintiff, oi bearer, th.ny^ix months after the date thereof. Eighteen Hundred *itid Eighty- eight Dollai-s aid J’wenty-twu Uents, with interest from date at eight per cent per annum, and if suid note was not paid at maturity, ten n r cent attorney’^ feci- for the collection thereof, foi value , r /u i a \r . t>r n ..A .i„.ii,i i.y | recej\ed: and that ul’terwards. on the day and Mr. C • n* \ eland >i Yfi. Bay ad should I year aforesaid, the defendaut, tne better to oeeim* iht pajTneti* of said notes, executed and deliver ed to the plaintiff her deed oi’.nortgagi. whereby the said defendant mortgaged o the phiintitl’ tt'l There is no doubt in my mind that They have done their whole duty. Of course the Ashing ind'r-try is a matter of very vreat t* - - us, as our coast is so iu.ig aud our fleet so large. Our people expect that their rights in this trouble shall.oe maintain*.*}, m t oal.v with iron firmness, but also wivh as niioh speed as possible; but at the .vuue tame l sec. and I sfucss every other sensible man does, that the government at Washington must move very carefully and make no mistakes.” Have you any idoa ih^t thy re wiB be ouble grtot\ v out of the aflfhir?’’ A labanui. A mad dog was killed in Birmir.giiaui on the 29th. Died in Mobile, June'6th, James Dorr, a well-known cotton broker. The amateur talent of Montgomery wi:i present the play of Monte Christo on the 9th inst. In Abbeville, on Wednesday, a dog sup posed to be mad was shot at several times and dually killed. The next meeting of the teachers’ assn-' ciatiou of Alabama will be held at Annis ton, commencing July Oth. The boilers of the electric lighting plank have just been erected iu Mobile. Mobile intends to be w’ell lighted. Mobile was visited- by a timinlet storm on Thursday. During its progress a negro woman was struck by lightning, but not seriously injured. Captain P. E. Barnett died at nis home in Eufaula on the 4th instant. He was an estimable Christian man, beloved and bon ded by ail who knew’ him. The June encampment of the First Ala bama regiment will take place at Frascati, near Mobile, beginning on the 11th, and will be tlie most complete affair since the encampment of 1883. One df the Rockwood furnaces of the lioane iron company is banked owing to a short supply of fuel’ caused by lire in their mine. This has been subdued aud the fur nace will blow again shortly. L Mr. Felix Frewery, who represents an organization of capitalists, known as the Ramie syndicate, has located at Huntsville and commenced experiments in growing the ramie plant with a view to ascertain its adaptability to that section. The young plants put out are said to be doing well. Mr. Cobb, w r ho lives at Chilian nee, Cle burne county, has a biscuit that wits cook ed at the second battle of Manassas during the war. He was wounded in the battle, obtained a furlough, and on getting home found the biscuit in his haversack and has presei ved it as a relic. Cadet H. C. Armstrong, jr., happened to an accident Saturday afternoon at Auburn which endangered his life, but was not very serious in result. He was helping to draw a cannon in the artillery diill, and a* 3 they were moving swiftly he slipped down and one of the front w heels ran over his legs, cutting an ugly gash on one of them, but breaking no bones. A Miss Caldwell, of the same place, has a quilt made from the dress of her grand mother, who was living dining the revo lutionary war. The goods from which the dress and subsequently the quilt was made, was buried all during that war to keep the tones and British from discovering and de stroying it. The goods was calico and U) cents per yard was paid for it. serious trouble the aJ too nuch of it. There is no reason why it I should not be settled amicably.” “You don’t favor the idea of sending I American gunboat j iug grounds?” j “Of course not. That would be non* I sense. It would only result in harm proba bly.’’ “Frankly, governor, are you prepared to say that you think the president ought to issue a retaliatory proi Umat'on at ouce ? ’’ “I am not In fact I have uo hesitation in saying that I do not believe any sort of retaliation or hostile movement would be advisable at this time.” ** that tract or parcel ol' land sittiaud on tin- ’.vest i side of Broad .street in the city of* 'oHnnhns, and | in said county and siat* . Heinjr about twenty-five feel in from on Ihuad street and running buck the 1 fulldei»th of said lot. aud known as part of lot I number sixty-five, with a)i the improvements ! thereon, upon which is situated 8^>re House number one hundred ami forty-three;: and it fur ther appearing that, said rn let* remain unpaid : It is. therefore, ordered that the said defendant pay into Court on or before tlie first day of the next term thereof, the principal, interest, attor ney's fees and costs due on said notes, or show cause to the- contrary, if any she can ; and that on the failure of the defendant >o to do, tlie equity j of redemption in and to said jo-n Uu^e premises be forever thereafter burred and foreclosed. | And it is further ordered that this rule be pub- lished in the Columbus Knocikeu-Scn. a public gazette printed and published in said city and county, once a month for four months previous to to the Canadian fish- I the next term of this Court, or served on the de fendant or her special agent or attorney, at least three months previous to the next term of this Court. J. T. WILLIS, C. J. THORNTON, Judge Oi 0. C. j Plain tiff s Attorney. A true extract ffoih the minute# of Muscogee Superior Court, May term, Uinti. GEO; V. POND, my20 cam ini (Tern 8. C. M. O. Ga. RECEIVER'S SALK. FHul’FHTY OL THE Foulard Silks 40 cvids; Prink'd Xim's Veilings ]•" mils ; All Wool bindings 1.1 rcnls; Linen Lawns ]0 ceiils ; Linen Drills fur Pauls liM.ronls; Linen Crash <41 cuds: Collonados for Boys' Wear 8 cuds ; Manilla Checks, new and (ksii'aMc. lih cud: While Linen do India ~> cents; While Plaid Lawns 10 Linen de iroe miles from city itv property the best 1 for 18 bales cottou and valuable city P>’<»1>- Will be glad to show Wliil. iil ( KI.I VS iKNM'A SAM E The best Salve in the voclcl for C Bruises, Sores, Ueers, Salt Rheum, Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. ChilM i:;ls, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positive ly cures Piles, or money .(('funded. i J ri(.’e 2Gc. per box. For sale by. Brannon it Car- son. • je24 oed&w S(mictldin(tWil*J'^ov iu ttjtws. A minor novelty is a pair of spectacles Iiavin/j a silver area on the inner edt-es of Hie glasses, so that objects out of tlie direct field of vision may be seen by the vigilant wearer. —Gatherer. Imitations have been foisted upon the market so closely resembling Allcock’s Porous Plasters in general appearance as to be well calculated to deceive. It is, how ever, in general appearance only that they compare with Allcock’s, for they are worse than worthless, inasmuch as they contain deleterious ingredients which are apt to cause serious injury. Remember that Ali- eoek’s are the only genuine porous plasters —the best external remedy ever known; aud when purchasing plasters do not only ask for, but see that you get “Allcock's Porous Plasters.” The popularity which these plasters have attained during the past thirty years has no parallel, so it is no wonder that imitations and counterfeits abound. eod&w I’.ittlc«i Thunder From Mugmi. Canada is of a very inconvenient size. It is too small to fight and too big to ig nore.—Boston Record. : ■,*; Columbus Compress Co lllitLS. . . ! .. . Goot • Bngny and Hnrm-ps. 0\ C. REEDY, Real Estate Agent, 12th St. Df, W. W.Bruce&Son, liysiciaiis and Surgeons, 1 devote snecial ab •ases. Onice over t'irlence at Lind.sajr residence on Rose IF’OIR, SXIGii^.3SrC3-E] COUNtY.—t’Drtei virtue of an oRler fiiade bj’ tlie Hon , James T. ’ Willis, judge of the superior court of the Chattahoochee < ir- | cuit, in the case of H. F. Everett va. the C’oluiu- btis Compress Company, the undersigned, as re- | ceiver of the Columbus Compress Company, wi! tell in the city c*f Columbus, Mmjcoffet county. | Georgia, at public outcry, in front or the auction , house of F. M. Knowles A Co., at the northwest I i corner of Broad and Tenth streets, on the first Tuesday in July next, the following described ; property of said c*»rjjorati«»n to-wii* (bie Morse : ! Tyler cotton compress, situated immediately on | tlie bank of the Chattahoochee river, at the south west comer of the intersection of Front and Few , i streets, in -aid city of Columbus, together with all the machinery, building** platforms, sheds. tr'c#:«. r . -. ‘arpaulins and appliances of said | cotton compress, end with lease of the land upon i 1 which the -'Line i- located subject to the terms i , at ’mi t • ••! -aid lease, ut the rate of$2.50 ' I per'annum m.iii July Ht, 1889. The loading of *-tearners is done directly from I tlie comjjre .^lieds umi platforms are nearlv , new. Dimensions of platform are 150x150 feet. Can accom in* date-about 4100 bales of cotton at ] onetime. Waterworks and protection against fire well arranged. Has lieretofore pressed 20.000 bales in »me season after the month of Deceiu- be ■. Capacity, wlien running the usual eighteen hours day and night, 900 bam*. An expenditure of about $1*200 will put the press in complete running order. Inventory of the pianl and full details furnished upon application t’» tlie undersigned. Inspection of the property is invited. Terms of sale: One-half cash on day ol sale, balance January 1st. 1887, with interest at 7 * r cent., secured by the usual mortgage and in surance clauses. LIONEL C. LBVY, Jk.. mv4oawtd Receiver. Wc rccoi’ and coniplek. J JIDDA LANDS. e< timbered lands for ex city jjroperty. Saw mi theii int'-rest to see me iu r#- Is the onlv harmless and effective NERVE FOOD known which leaves no after-effects, and is without stimulant or alcohol. It is a delicious beverage and will positively recover Brain and Nervous Exhaustion, destroy thirst for alcoholic drinks, restore the appetite, cure Dyspepsia, gb e refreshing sleep and immediate relief to any trouble arising from nervousness. A single bot tle will prove its virtue. M AN I' FACTURED B Y MOXIECOMPANY, Atlanta, Ga. For‘•ale by John P. Turner & Pro., aud G. A. Bradford. C*Ty Drug .Store. Columbus. Ga. 50 cent- quart bottle. apl6 dly n r m Used for over 96 years with great sue com by thd physicians of Paris, N-w York aud London, ai-d euperi- r to all others f >r tL<* prompt cure r>f al cases, recent or of long Htan,ling l’u* up only in Glass c mtaiuing’’I Capsules each. PURR 73 CEN'IS, MAKING THEM THE CHEAPEST CAPSULE4 IN THE MARKET. Prepared by CUN U CIO, Paris. CAPSULES Sold Every where, WANTED—Ladies ana young men to decorate Birthday and Easter Novelties. Easily learned : good prospects of steady employment and fair wages. .Material furnished and all work mailed post-paid. ! ' r full information address D«-< <> i.ative Art Work?. 7 Exchange Place. Bost n Mh«8. P. O Box oi 19. apio tu th sat m J. A. KIRVEN & CO. Terra Cotta Pipe. Yow is 11 if lime lo drain your yards or lay Sewer Pipe. Ter ra Colla Pipe clieaper Ilian ever. Look at I In* prices. 4 Inch, G coiit? per foot, I G Inch, 8 1-2 cents per foot, 5 Inch, 7 1-2 cents per foot, |8 Inch, 12 cents per foot. Estimates for Pipe laid fumisheGI on application. GEORGIA STUM MD DM PIPE COMPANY, Telephone 99. 40 Twelfth Street. TOO LATE TO HOLD! The Chance of a Lifetime—A Golden Opportunity To Get a Stylish Suit at Bottom Figures. Ck ZED. THOMAS, CLOTHTER, 1 Hnfl just received a large stock of first-class CLOTHING that was shipped in March about the time of the freshet. For THE CASH these beautiful and stylish goods will be sold at an extremely low fitfiiro. The lateness of spring is the reason for ottering ! these goods at so low a price. TOOMBS CHAW FORD, PITT'S CARMINATIVE. Tlie Best Medicine on Earth fo Children. (ifle foi thing. < Flatulent Colic, D1m* 'holera Infantum, Chot •s incident to children r b<jttle. For sale ai CITY DRUG STORE. f»-b21-tf Notice to Debtors and Creditors, ' NOTH’E is herein* given to all persons having (It inands against Hugh Dever, lute of said couit- ty. deceased, to present them to me properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, so us t-. show their character and amount. And all persons indebted t,» said deceased are hereby re- uuireM to make immediate payment to me. This May Gth, H'-A. DAVID A. ANGLIN, | my7oaw*>w ‘ ‘ Administrator, elc.^ JKORGI A. MUSruGEE COUNTY. To ail whom it may concern: John T. Kava- uaugh of said state having in proper form ap plied to me us the largest creditor of John R. Brown for permanent letters of administration in the estate of John R. Brown, late of said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular the heirs and creditors of John It. Brown to be in,' upp' ;.r at my office at thy .Tune term of the court < 4 ordinary of said county and show cause, '? ani they cun. wliy permanent letters of admin- istruUo.i -ho ' no*, be granted to John T. Kav»- nagh mi John R. Brown’** estate. W.trny < B’.ciai -ignatun this May Bth, I881S. F. M. BROOKS. mySoawlw Ordinary.