Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, June 09, 1886, Image 3

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DAILY ENQUIRER - SUN, COLLMRI’S, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING. JUNE !», News from the Three States' Tc f Br'ef Paragra|)!is. I {,< Man a' Athena W illi 111. ('list Pair slice.. Att*‘tn|>t»mI SiilrMt* 11> IPai'l. t,. l’r!M Ihc It'itltre Win. In Itnme—News Krcm \ irlnu. >,Vticti. in lliilniinu—A Yli.|,| .if TCj'jtii, tii.rth nf <trittviirrrli ,, » in Fieri,In Other \ ic. I runt that Mute. (•enrirln. There is a rtian 28 years old living in Mheiis who purchased his first pair of dioes Friday. This is a long time to go t,art-footed, hut it must he considered that the man has been a shoemaker during this time. \ large beer passed through the neigh borhood hf Bellville, Lowndes county, last Tuesday night. Early Wednesday morn- iiu' his "sign was seen and a party of hunt ers were soon on his trail. He was heading f, r the Okefenokee swamp. After follow ing him for several hours, the trail becom- I ing cold, the hunters gave up the chase. 1 He was evidently in a hurry as he did not tarry anvwhere. George P. Pickering, 922 Fenwick street, Augusta, attempted tn kill himself Satur day night. Seated by his wife on the back -tops of his hou«e. he said, "I am tired of living." put a pistol to his breast and fired twice in rapid succession. Before lie was able to shoot the third time his wife had wrested the pistol from him. Both shots t,.i,k" effect in the left breast, over the nio- After examination one of the balls v.„s found to have ranged to the hack near tic shoulder; the other had penetrated ti,rough the lung, aild will doubtless be the fatal one. .A r.egro man was brought to Griffin Monday morning tuid lodged in jail, charueil with attempt at rape. The vic tim was a young white lady near Orchard Hill. He was caught in Pike county. The consolidated vote of Floyd county shows 1719 votes in favor of bridge bonds and 21S against. While the majority was overwhelming for bonds, yet the requisite two-thirds majority of qualified votes of the county wore not obtained and the bonds cannot be issued. The commission ers will now levy a direct tax and build the bridges at once. Tne whisky men of Oconee will not con- f t st the prohibition election if the ordinary v ill allow them to sell until next January. Ti the ordinary refuses to allow them to sell until that time, them they will contest in what they consider good grounds. One of the barkeepers has a license until next January, and they think if he is gllowed to keep open the others ought to have the ..line right. Thursday Mrs. Lucy Watson, a widow lady about 50 years old, who lives in ntt't county rear the Walton line, com mitted suicide by hanging herself. She took a plow line, climbed upon a high -tump near a pint snppling. tied the rope t,, the pine, then around her neck, and jumped off. Shy \va« dead when found. No cause is known for the net. She i"-,d a y .home and was well tirv.irht of by her neighbors. Cant. tV. H, Harrison, clerk of the ix- c- :'r ••- office, is preparing an alphabetical l.-i o; all u.aimed ex-eo,derate soldiers u ?:t! -d t > receiv. osynier.f on account of !• limbs. Tht list will be printed and . - : - ■ furnished to all of the - I in a vie ■ ii the suite, in order to prevent the perpe tration of frauds'iy evil dispos 'd ’•..-Vsohs. The next ; ayment to maimed soldiers will in in September. Augusta conqTales of having i ad tn use fi'-i and blankets *'-ir the past two days, t limn bus would like to complain a little i'I. that score. Buena Vista Patriot- Americas is ai-rar.g- ii..> for a novel enti-' taininent. We i> lirnod few days ago tnat arrangement'- bad been perfected, and that Mr. J. F. Hollis, f our countv, would pit bis bull trie hull of Harrold. Johnson v Co., of An ericas. The date has not yet been se- l-i•red. but it is probable that next Satur day week will be the day. Commencement oxercibi s of tut- Wesley an Female College, at iluur.n, began cm F liday. Monday morning a quarrel occurred be tween William Cleary and William Mor rison. about some money due by the latter, which resulted in Cleary being seveiely cut in the arm, the wound being danger ous but not necessarily fatal. Morrison escaped. On last Thursday, on Mr. Frank Minor’s plantation, in Hancock county, two ne- , by the name of George Speights and John Jackson got into a dispute about fifty cents, when the former shot and I killed the latter. Aliiliiiiini. Dr. Johnson, of Talladega, was offered fie.fiOO cash in JiVTnd for UF stock farm : Saturday. The offer was refqfiga. Tiircc- inontfis ago he offered it at *Lo00.' Birmingham is to have a new furnace, which will be one of the largest, if not the largest, in the Cnilect States, ft will have Hie capacity of20h tons of pig iron per day. Mobile has had asplit and will si lid two delegations to Montgomery. The Morning Times of Selma says: Wc 'ee Col. S. W. John, of Dallas, is being mentioned very generally in the state press is a candidate for speaker of the house. We do not know whether Col. John is a candidate or not. If he is. he is very much the most formidable man in the race. Hi I assesses hi an uncommon degree the firtn- i-ess. the quick play of mind, the coii.-pre- iit nsicn, the grasp of facts, and the wide familiarity with partiamentary jifoteed- i igs that go to make an able and impartial presiding officer. If be does run we couni certainly upon his election. A meeting was held in Montgome ry for the organization of a board of trade Mon day. The meeting was largely attended, and its ultimate success is unquestionable. The following gentlemen were elected di- tor- for the ensuing war : Messrs. AV. F. Vandiver. M. It. Houghton, J. Ort-ii, D. Weil, H. C. Moses. H. C. Tompkins, H. M. liodin, V,*. I.. Chambers ami 1>. 3. Rico. The Birmingham Ago says: "The southern Bovs and Girls, a semi-monthly story paper, lias made its appearance in the city. It Is neatly gotten up. and does credit to the j’oung editor. Master James i English, who is the youngest newspaper man in the sonth. He was fifteen years old the day before the first issue was print'd. H: is; a bright little fellow, and is as lively ;-.s a cricket. Two years ago there were only about 400 people at Fayette Court House, now the population is at least 1000. Tom Porter, a colored fiddler from Troy, was hung a few days ago in Butler county, at Pingleton’s branch, six miles northeast of Greenville. Torn had broken into a • lady’s bedroom at night, was caught and summarily dealt with as above stated. We do not favor mob law. nor ha’-e we any defense to offer for the black or white scoundrels who attempt such atrocious deeds upon the virtue of any community. Burglars entered the office of the Geor- tna Pacifir at Bern- station, Fayette coun ty. last Friday night, carried off the ticket ease, several hundred tickets and a small amount of cash. Mr. Tom Beasley, who lives near Texas po-toffice, Marion county, is the owner of a sheep with three horns. The sheep ha.-s a horn on each sine of bis head and one i:i the center of the head, just below the eyes. Lawson Lawrence, a colored gardner ■'f Eufaula, has raised tiiis year a turnip weighing three and a half pounds. The Montgomery Adverti.ei- says' A phenomenal run was a day or two Ago "I'-- >y a train on the least Tennessee. Aii gli.ia and Gem gin railway. A train bavb-.g as et-cductor -Mr. Jones and as engineer Mr. John Thomas, van from Ron,, . Ga to Cf leva, Ala., a distance of '.I" 'lib's,ju tl.hours and thirty-fi’v mil. i,.-s, mak: ventiy nlB; stt-i -..-Aa 1 u FatuVdnv ffi. .it the .tmeteur talent of Auburn yrte- ntit: the light'drama "Bsine- ruid'i." It was giver under tht imiua- - n,-lit f Mis--- Maud Bro'vn. Mr. W. B. Craddock, through his attor neys. Messrs. Koquemni'e. Waite and L mg, got judgment against the city ef EofauTa Monday, for $315. for injuries' received in falling in a hole in the sidewalk. Florid*. Mack McRae will be hanged at Tampa. July 10th. Orlando is preparing to organize a loan and building association. L"p to June 2, 664 barrels of Irish pota toes had been shipped per express from Tallahassee. The Aval's of the second story of the new Ponce de Leon hotel at St. Augustine, ore nearly complete. The oil mill of the M. C. U. Company, at Madison, has shut down owing to their cotton 3eed having run out. One trucker in Alachua county got 25 cents from New York last week as the total returns for six crates of beaus. A carriage factory is to be started in Ocala by Palmer &' Syslar. New machin ery, etc., has been ordered for it. County Surveyor Fries slates that in his judgment the amount of ] rop.-rty in Orange countv that escapes taxation ex ceeds fl.OOfi.OO -. Mr, Russell, who lives a short distance Avest of Fort Mead, has d up to date -71 worth of strawberries from a patch 2"xl00 feet, and probably '.'value enough more to increase the amount to *100. This is at the rate of >2200 per a-.-re, and yet some people say that stawberrks woVt pay in FI rids. A fi it jilate of gold weighing six ouiv.-is Avas found by Mr. Jameson in an Indian mound near McDonald's, on the Tava’rest, Orlando and Atlantic railroad, a short time since. The value of the plate isabout *40. In Tampa, on Thursday, a .voting man ' v the name of Charley ^bonins'attempted to take his oavu life by cutting his throat with a pocket knife. ' Thomas had been drinking very hard for several day j pre vious. M. F. Bean has a precocious orange tree on his place near Bronson that was killed down by the freeze last winter, sending up a sprout this spring that is now six to or. hi incites high, that has a lot of blossonts o.i it. one of them producing an orange that it groAving nicely. One firm, at Mandarin, between Green Cove nud Jacksonville, oil the St. Johns river, shippi d JyOOO quarts of henies to northern markets. Avhtch netted 27c. per quart. It is said this firm sent berries to An adjourned meeting of the city coun cil of Tampa vva- held last Wednesday night, and among other business transact ed Avii- tile a .pi-ii] viat.'on of *5 0(111 to Imy an • r.g ne to:- •he ijHicpeiirLr.’ fir- c-impany. ’Yini. lU'ca-sin:-; "he me-sage of tin- .nay- "V. "etciiig tilt lire limit ordinance, the HEAR THE WITNESSES. A^Crippled Confederate Says: i I'only weighed 128 pounds when I commenced GUINN’.S PIONEER, and now weigh ili pounds. I couid hardly walk with a stick to support me, and now walk long distances without help. Its benefit to me is beyond caiculat .on. D. REFT* BOSTICK, Cot ton Ravel. Muon. Ga. Mr. A. H. Bramblett. Hardware Mer chant of Forsyth. Ga.. Says: It pfiffl like a charm, on my .general health, consider it a line icn.c I weigh naut 11 .if. I lu\« fo*. 25ye. r«. Re«pc'. ,; . fully, A. H. BRAMBLLTT. M". VV. F Jonc9. Macon. Says: My wife ha* r*.-y aneu her strength and er used Vi f.o-.n.u weight. We rec-Munu GUINN’S 1 IOXEER ..s the test tome. W. E. JUNES FORTY YEARS A SUFFERER FROM CATA RRH Wonderful to Relate, Foil Ft'in v Yk.-vhs I have been a victim to ('\ - TARRH threc-fourtiis of the time a >udc-rer from KXCKfoiATIXU l'AIN« Af’HOSS MY KOHKitl'.Al) ftiul mv nostrum. The diseharifex were so olfensive that I he-ita'c to mention it except for the good •)' it mnv do the other Mdferer. I ha :ie from my Imvi' earnings dmhi forty ’ ear** of suffering to obtain relief Iron: (ha tors I have ir ed patent medieiues < one 1 e<»n!d learn of - from the four corners o: earth. \ lib r>. relief. An I at la.*t . r »T vears -f age l ave met with a reinedv that has eniv.J me entiMiy made me a new man. I weighed iMdi'iiAiiiul m u weigh 11fl. I used thirteen bot tle.*- oft!*e m« d < ino. uni: tin only regr* t I have is that. • : ng .n th( bumble walk < t pfe. 1 may n >t hr\i *i:ialiin-mv o, jnvvail on all eaiarrb snf. fereis •» u.-e '\ hat b:,> cun d me GUINN W l*!< »- NEE i I'-l. H)!» RENEWER. HENRY ( HEYEli. Mr. Henry rbe- er. wri er o lv oft raw font t ounty. now •• its the confidence < f all ir. W. A. 11 U EE. E Wimlfsalc 1 >v iiiiiiu-nii y (': r-mn ;ii:tl t'itv brio Sinn'. A jiltle '•.tandi.iO ;.t tiic corner o;’ t:v house c r, Mrs. UJevt’a;td\s place at fori Myr-r- hu s - grn'v;! 10i inenes, hy : 1. mil re' - inent . : r. two week**. T:m* IT-o.iMtv hr id of Wyomee N ‘>et; •: kuo\vn tv tiic- settlers a t: •.Nhd-ky crti.K. recently Built at a cost of ±\ry .bmi n tis.iro’.v escape from destructio n hy lire on Monday. May 17. A brush lire Dial ". as tail iujijj; a short distance away "vol down to tnr bridao and set it on ihv Bat foituimtely Mr. ’fd;;Tir Marshall, h-i.h*t <>hsor\v.t! :.* and •xnh:- tne lire before the structure wc.s Three, hundred nnd twenty acres of lane, arc beintr < i< ai ;.d at Forest L’ity for Messrs. Schultz A Carrollton, wnic-h Will be made a c&sb'-r-bean i.;r;n. The plantimr will be done nS soon as the rainy season arrives. A .suitable building, ivil u all necessary ma chinery. will be elected by next fall, and the oil will he extracted at home. The irv: pews for the Presbyterian church at Orlando have been received and were us^d for the first time Sunday. They are of ash " itli walnut rail and ends, and are- very handsome and comfortable. They cost ?75b. Ii. * OKD' N. 1'." anpt-ir ;iil' c 1 V ; . 1. IN m.r 1 ■ill *ilg..gc Re ., il ’ n.ijm.*.*'.:: y n<. »he r 0»urt. Nla by the !, 1(*8E i.n of J l*i' •ompiinie'l i ... . oi. ilic fourth day of May. iiml l ighty-’.hrcc, tiic ('.eftnu- ivd {•> tin* jilaimilf 11•-i- two • •..ling (lav the <la> ami year the defendant piomi-.-u by >r.viK>i<_--t« pit.v to tin a’.aintiu ighr ■.iff (.■ •of. hightecii Hundred ;irs and T\.enty-lwo Cc date at eight per cent per annum, and if note was not paid at maturity, ten per rent ! attorney's fees for the collection there fi, for ! .* mites. i : d promi* jy the oth . defendant promised to • iiei . f flirty-1\ montlis after tl /.'ghti-er Hr.ndreo and l.'giit the A NEW DEPARTURE. the lUillj *falt Wld*ke> < oiupany tl^a! Wftli 1 ufrinio r*«. attor'iey's fees fpr tiic colltctieii tlieiecf, lor value received: ami that a-tlerwards . uq the c ay ai.d ye.\Tufofesai(i, the dcfendtuit. the better t ■ secure 1 ‘jlie payment A>f-aid nt>tcs. ex* Mited and deh'rer* •» I to the (.laiiitilf iter deed of mortgage, wiorefiy I the .-.a. : mortgaged fe the pi.lint'll’ :-.d j that tract or parcel of land situated on tic* west • side of Broad .street in the city of Uolumbu *, and ; ; iii saitl county and slate, being about twenty-five t feet in from on lii*i»uil str**et and running back the i full ilepth of said lot, and known ns part of lot | number sixty-five, with all the improvements i thereon, upon which is situated Stoic ! 1 number ote hundred und forty-three: and it fur- ; I ther appeariHg that said notes remain unpaid ; ! It4s.Thercr.rft, ordered tijat the said d( fcmlnnt pay into Court on or before the first day of the | I next term thereof, the principal, interest, after- j ! ney’s fees and costs duo on said notes, or show I cause to the contrary, if any she can ; and that on ; 1 the failure of the defendant so to do, the equity ' ! of redemption Li and t<* said mortgage premise* ii: ‘t.more. Mo . Morning Herald. The Mnlt TVhfskey Companyt of this city, have rather a butamorylway of dealing with inimitators and infringers on their rights. It has only been six months ago since they had arrested and put under $20,000 bail one of the largest wholesale druggists of New York state, on the .'charge of re-lilling their bottles, a full account of which appeared in ihe daily papers. Their latest move was the arrest a few days ago of Matthe w A* J. S. Perrine, of Philadelphia, on two separate charges'; one of conspiracy and the other of attempt t*j cheat and defraud, by putting* up a whiskey in a package in imitation of that used by the Ihiify Malt Whiskv Company, for their DuRYT pure malt whisky. The F rriues nre an . old c-iabHah jtf* ltqu(*r h<.>u*e,: re]»ated to v be wcrrli’jvW 1 ^ *' s Will’be seen by tjH- tb* Duffy pt ople have to contend with an entirelv diTferen 1 class of imitators, from those by whom most manufacturers, of proprietary articles are annoyed. They seem equal to the occa sion. however, and instead of bringing tiheir suits in the civil courts for injunc tions and damages, which frequently con sume from three T o five years before they reach a hearing, they bring them in the criminal courts, thus disposing of them in a few short months. This is a new depart ure In vases of the kind and their suits ire being watched with interest throughout the country. • Did it not surprise you,” said a re porter to a i» preservative of the Duffy (•‘•mprny. • that .a house of the standing of Perrlne A* Co shou.d risk their reputation ami business honor bv stooping to prac tices of this kind 7 Were they not con tent with a lair competition ?” “Not at all. Why since the introduction of our goods there la* .••_• *>prung r p in Philadelphia alone where we sell from *20,000 to £30,000 u month about fifteen different Malt whis kies, many of them trying to reap the benefit of our name and prestige, but if you will notice there is not a single one of them that claims to be able to furnish the public with an article containing no fusel oil, nor can they produce certificates of analysis that what they offer is pure. They can’t do it. They simply depend on a similarity in name any one can get out a malt whisky and a cheap article to divert a portion of our trade. There are lust as many bad and poisonous malt whiskies as there are of any other whiskies. Now as to competition ; there is no such thing so far as our whi -ky is concerned. We pos sess a new and impoitant discovery of eliminating fusel oil. and are just as secure in it and as free from competition as an absolute patentee of an invention. So you .•see nothing remains for them but to sir still and see their lmsiness gradually leave them or resort to imitation of our goods a .d the infringement of our rights which we are bound to protect at any cost. Alter ( ail it is an ex-Knott lodgement of the sur. priority of our whisky, a point whic h we trust v*a:t reavers will not lose sight : 119X1(3(1 U1 III" V. mr.ivOL .>? iHiuiiG printed ami published in suit' oityaed | county; once a i u»zith l4r four m« ntlis liiTvious to the 'next term oftnis roifrf. or «ei ved on the d<_- I femlant or her special a^ent or attorney, at least three months previoua to the next term of this , Court. J.T. WILLIH. ; t. J. THORNTON. J'ldtfo C. C. C. PlaintiTs Attorney. A true extract fYopi the minuto of Muscogee Superior Court. May term, ISMi. C.Eo. Y. FOND, ! m3*20 oatn4m Clerk S. C. M. (.'. Ga. i RECEIV EHS SALE. I'KGI'LBTV OF THE ■I Mi ks L'.> ri !i i> : !*iniu<m• Silk:- 2a <•*• id:-•: Ki Hi In n i Si I k> -i' i ct*nl : I * i • i: 11 ■ < 1 X1111’.- Vcilin-s !•' criils ; All Wool 13 Li 111 i i ij-ts- 1 ecu Is: Liiioii liitwiis 10 cliiIs ; Linen Drills lor Pants 12' cents; Linen Cmsli G1 eenls: (lot ion,tries tor Boys' Wear M con Is ; Manilla Giiecks. new and desirable*. cenb While t.iiien do India 6 cents; White I’laid Liiwns 10 cenls ; 'While Phiid Linen de liidin 12: cents; While Linen l.:i\vns 12‘. 1 •' innl 20 cenls. Columbus Compress Co, t•* CAPiTAL PRiZE, - $150,000. rn 11 y cm' l>niii'ut(, h}j certify t } \nf ur supcn'inr the nr» dll thi Monthly <tnd Quarter iy inf/x •• The Lonixiuna State Lottery Coiiv- , in person iniuniyr and control the inys themsrlnes and that the no in fv are con~ >t ictr t irith hoio sty./a rrrss, and in good faith finraid ail parties, >iwi >re authorize the Company to u this certificate, with foe-similes of our siy natuies attached, to its advertisements Doctor'9 Cectiflcate---Ca5e of Blood Poison. I have u«-(l (,LINN'S PIONEER BLOOD RE- NEWER :n several cas-eH of cutaneous diseases ot long •‘lauding with the most satisfactory re sults. Hum* seen the happiest results f<*llow its use in syphilis of the worst form, and believe it to be the best alterative in use. J. T. ELLIS, M. !).. Griffin, Ga A Voice from the Lone Star State, GUINN'S PIONEER BLOOD RENEWER has cured oneof m.v children of the worst cases of scrofula 1 ever snw. Her skin is ns clear as mine, and the doctors sav it is a perfi oct ( lire in their opinion. I am thankful for having tried the remedy. WM. L. PARKS, Dallas. Tcxa**. £av on \h. G \. t ,7nminrv 20. iHftrt. 1 GUINNPIONEER BLOOD RENEWER has made* sc-vi ral cures of I'luml poison and rheunin* tism among my customers. I most lu-artily recommend it ’ i si.ilt reis fV*»m tb -so atllietions. r. H. HI LI.M.\N. Druggist. Nt 'v Out i;ans. La.. .Lin. Id. D-'d. 1 iinvc b-vn cure 1 and v.. ii d a b.ul rise of blood j >i-• »n l>v th • u-e of fifteen Imtt'es of 1.1 INN’S PIONEER BLOOD RENEWER. I will sound its praise fi.revi. JACOB KRL'TF.. r.juainted with the above case, and 1 attest it. EUGENE MAY. Druggist, Guinn’s Pioneer Blood Renewer Cures all Bleed iiml Skin'l)iseiises. Uiiemnati.-iii. Scrofula, Old Sores. A Pfil’.rKLT SPBiXG MLDiCIXM. PRICE r 'ER BOTTLE $1.00. LARGE SIZE, $1.75. LSSAY ON BLOOD AND SKIN DlSKASKS MAILED I’!’.EE. I l ' C<»niii)isHl4»n<*m. HY the undersigned Hanks and Bankers will pay ail Prizes drawn in The Louisiana State Ijotr terics which may hr presented at our counters. .1. II. OUUAIIY. I fin. SnVI ll»nk JAY. ii I Mlltmi.Pm. State Nal'l H'U A. HAMHYI.V Pimm. \.0. Xut'l lluuk U MT,m:ui:Mt;ii Tttractiiin : Over Half a llilliun distributed Louisiana State Lottery Comp’y. In orp 'i.oed in 1m5h fbi 25 years hy the I.egisla- tlire fur Edueatiomil and CliaritaVjle purposes— with a id pit'll of ii tu*0.000 t(» wliich a reserve Am*I (-fmer $550,000 Las since been added. • By an ", •iwhelming p*.pillar vote its frunchise was* made n part of the jiresmit State Con slit u- tien. adopt.-d Peeeiubei 2d. A. I>. 1870. * ilM G i'll mi Single iicnnher IMauin^s , will t:* 1:( p'uce iiiont !il\. It m-m- scales nr postr pom s, i ’, ok at the following distribution: |p;id (.mini If on 11i l ( y | lAiliAdlll'IWitV tfl AlilTIt LV hit AWING , In the \« iidemv of Music, Nen Orleans, ^ I'm sduv. .lime 15. Issit, Undci the personal supt rvision und manago- nient of GpilG.T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, & Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. O.ipilal Pl'i/.e, SlAO.OOO. if. Nn.lri- I'irlu'ls III''* Ti'll Kolllirs "lllv. ll(fivOH, ■J."'. I Kills. 02. I<11 (Ii.. (II. ' 1-7 1-1(7/]:' At KSRVEN’S 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF *150.000 $150,000 1 GRAND PRIZE OF otj.uuu 50,000 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 20,00(1 20,000 2 LA RG |: PRIZES OF 10.MIM 20,000 1 I AiiOE PRIZES Of- 5.000 . 20,000 20 PRIZES OF 1,000 20,000 50 PRIZES OF 500 25,000 100 PRIZES OF .°.00 20,000 200 PRIZES OE 200 40.000 tsno l Rl/.r.s of 100 no,000 I, 000 PRIZES OF 50 50.000 A I POXIM ATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of $200. ... $20,000 ion '• “ 100 10,000 10*t " “ 75 7,50 2,27 ‘ Prizes, amounting to $522,50 Application for rate-to clubs should be made only to the office of t lie Company in Nevv< )rleans. I t • * 1 rtlie" iiiforn. ition write clearly, giving full i.b'ie. P*OS!\l. MITIN. I’Tx press Moiu-i Oraci.s, or New York Exchange in ordi-, utter. ( uirencv •*.* Express .it our ex- pen*. Mldn-ised ' 71. A. O Vi rillN. New Itrlfiins, l<u. Or It. A. f> \ I 1*11! I A. NYtediiiiuloa. If. 71* tie 5*. o, Honey Gr<lers |Miy ilW (• iiimI ikMim'mm Ifeu isf4*n*e<l R.filers l«> M;W OKU A NS NAI fO WI. 11% Mi. lnvlJ 'vd s(A V, New Orleans, fia. J. C. REEDY, i.*.t. sixth ; SALE. »ii First av* 11 u« . fronting ore House and Sh >p o and Eighth street - , iiuv IntAstorc House, ‘2L\05 feet ware house wagon yard, stalls and out-houses to accommodate too head stock. Will *«ll "• rent. Best locality in city. Call :i in! sf e. 'Perms easy. 1 1 Acre Lot, ,-f room House, 2 room kitch * 1. "t« 1 ir-t avenue, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets. Good well water and water works on place. Terms easy. Ac land. (! room House, kitchen nnd ant house, on Fist avenue between .•mil an*I Eighth streets. 1100. 115 Ac T. ’Willis, judge reive sell eft V 1 the min d’NTY. •1 made by the Hon .f the superior Ltah'iocbec cir- •rett vs. the Colmu- undersigned. a.- rp- Ponipress C'onipany, will Mi: I Georgia, at pi* house or r. M uhUc outcry, in fo.nt.of Lbe auciim. J. Know ies m Co., at fie northwest - corner of 3iron* 1 and Tenth streets, on the first . Tuesday in July next, the following described I property of said corporation To-wit: One Morse 1 yler (• ui**n compress, situated immediately on the bank of the C’lf t tahoochee river, at t. .•* .-diitl: ■ west corner'Tthe intersection of Fron'. and Few streets, in said cigv »*f Columbus, together with ! all ’ .ic machinery, buildings, plat forms, shed-. : in Silk Umbrellas! Wc receive 1 e \v juimD daily. Ilms kee|iiii'j chi'si.u k htvli and cdinplete. JL A. KIRVEN & CO. Four teuii House and Lot in Northern Liberties. ! , A tie i and, ft n (in Jionse. good water n Wjmuon. »cre« Land three miles from city :cLang( for citv property the best ■ounty. Rented for IK bales cotton JL G. ZECZEICIDir, Real Estate Agent. No. 10 12th St. mi- Dr. W. W. Bruce & Son. ■nnaii- and r^D( »ns, Di •to special at- 01 lice over Residence at Lindsay mce on Rose dtf TerraCotta Pipe, Fun CARMINATIVE, light, bO0 bales' nf ab uplete running nd full dcl-ols fiirni.-hed undeisigned. fnspeeiion ( . 'J’erms (d’sale: One-ball dance January 1st, IKkT, v it., secured by the usual 1 e clause.-’. LIONEL C *aw\d *v j#reI 20,0(Ki until of 1 »ei’( in- u-ual eighteen •ill put the press iv( mory of the *i»on application ft he property D ash (^n day of 1erest at 7 •Hg.ige and in- LEVY. Jr., Receiver. it li Nmv is tin* fiiiic In drain ymir y;ir*is nr lay Sewer [ L|. Ter- 1:1 dotiii 1 ’i]t• ■ elienjicr Hi,an ever. I.nnk al Ilic 4 Inch, C ewits pw foot, j *! Inch, s 1-2 cents per foot, il Inch, 712 cents per foot, |S Inch, 12 cents per foot. Estimates f< r Pipe laid funnVlu."] on application. GEORGIA STEAM 10 ESS PIPE COMPANY, Telephone 09. do Tv* S!reel. l__:too late to hold: Used foremr 25 yoar=> with great eu' eonsby tM . ^"•flicians of Paris, NYw York a:.<t London, ai d . _ . Iflipmi The Chance of a Lifetime—A Golden Opportunity CAPS! Prepared bj CLIN CIE, Paris. CAPSULES Every* %7h ro. d’i > I ,1 Sl vli.-l 1 Suit nl |it>1 In .WANTED Lad ; r-e ann young men to 1 Birthday and Easter Novelties. Easily 1 good prospects of steady (.•ninloyricn’ wages. Mat( rial furnished ai. 1 all v rk • • t-pu’'’ For full information adTre- •LaHv.. Art W .rks.7 Exchange Place. Mfl-v P. O. P,..x VMv ajd ’nth GK E. THOMAS Has just r: ' JOllt tllC til «-solrl at an 71.KC !•!) ), Is , CLOT II .TER, t* k D»< k oi firM-olaKs CLOTHING that was shi{»pccl in Mar da*?. K<»r TH U I these Leaifiifu! and *t\Tish gncds v *\v liL'Drc. Tiro I 11«• mc f -- of spring D the r* a^-in ft.r (.ifcri The Best Medicine on Earth fo Children. Ai no.. ’• -a -jft*i Flatulent Cc*lic, Diar* rb-iv ( * * 1 1 lt 11 *. Teci hing. ( helera Infantum, ChoL *mit M il u* und ill diseases incident to children. *' u trial. 25 cents per bottle. For sale at CITY DRUG STORE. IBM SPBINES, Mci’iwOlicr < muify. Ciu., Il|-i'!ln| .lllll*' hi, k lilt' Pi(‘tT|llillU •■I l!ti;ir*Ii , r<, (-•' ,\'r"iMn'.(-'lati<*ns at reasonable i'rji' '-(N*!! Tickets |3 50 2 t 1.i m!'iiination, HAS. L. DAVIS, Proprietor.