Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, June 17, 1886, Image 3
ftAILY ENQUIRER - SIVY, COUVMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE IfcfCifi. N e ws from the Three States Told Brief Paragraph?. * lj.ul limj in DultUn—A Ni'irro Sliat <'or|,nriil Puni-liineiit AlinlUhrd in M»rannull's vinml, 4 lliillur lAploclus un<l Kills the WuMmiun A I um-Iiiii W ith '.’ll';illomin—A Hun Jlunli.reil», Moliiu—The limaitlmi Ilf (■uliiiarjr-The Saws ,, rally frimi Klorlitu. Ileorifla. The Cobb county paper mill is about to t,i enlarge and arrange forlniaking wood pulp paper. Mr. J. C. Spradlin, of Heard county, cut n l et tree a short time ago and got 100 pounds of honey out of it. The comb was sealed for eight feet in the hollow. Flovd county will hold a primary elec tion on the 3d of July, A rabid dog appeared on the streets of Dublin last week. All but a half dozen of d, o. Euslen’s dogs got hold of him and tore him to pieces. All of the stores of Home but one have made an arrangement to close at 6 o'clock p. in. Mrs. J. G. Fuller, of Dublin, has a fuschia among her collection of flowers, which has ,,ii it 298 blooms and buds. The- last will and testament of John TV. Nicholson, of Athens, was admitted to pro- before the ordinary. His estate was valued at $167,000. The boiler belonging to the Lawrence & Thompson saw mill, near Rockniurt, ex- I, 1, civil Monday, instantly killing the night watchman. Bud Hilburn. The unfortunate man's head was blown entirely oil'. .-subscription books for the capital stock , f i he Savannah and Tybee railroad opened .ii.l the full amount, £250,000, promptly taken. Twenty-five thousand dollars pre- feiTcd stock will be issued, and that will he readily taken. Work ou the railroad now will shortly be commenced, and the company propose to have it completed by li t last of March. Great preparations are making for the opening day of the Augusta Sohuetren r. ib, which opened there Wednesday, halt gates from Charleston, Savannah arid Mot-on are arriving', and representatives from other places are expected. A man now living in Johnson county has In ed in three counties, yet lias never re moved from the dwelling he originally oc- v.-pi'-d The county line has been changed three times. A negro named Jim Graham who has ht-or. at work for Mr. Dowdell Adams, on ('nubbeehatehee creek, had been missing -into last Tuesday. It was supposed that he had gone away from the settlement. Friday morning his remains were found in tin creek with a number ofiiuckshot in hie shoulder. It is supposed that he was shot -■tcfftiy while at work. An inquest was n-.-id .Saturday. The board of education of the public- schools of Savannah, after an extended pro- ■oiigt d discussion, decided by a vote of six to three to abolish corporeal punishment in alt the schools. MV. Slum, one of the proprietors of the •l:w ator mills at Athens, was asked in re gard to tiie strike, and said: “The hands - : to the proprietors and asked for an • increase of wages, and we positively re-' IV- d. They wanted their wages for night :k increased, l informed them that •f l uevdid not like their w ages they could i,int. We pay them for extra work at , .. i* .. After the whistle blows at . o'clock. II. t -.-xtra work commences. W were only -d a little Saturday night, ns th-i'r p!iK;o were filled, and the mill commenced rum.>ng Monday morning. The bands that ■,uit came back arc' wanted to get in, but we would not take them back.'' Then are nine candidates in Talbotton I'o. tax receiver and several for tax eol- k-tor. Three ear loads of watermelons, the firsi Ifirge shipment of the season from Savan nah. were forwarded to New York Tues day by the steamship City of Savannah. Last Tuesday evening a party of colored people- were returning from church, in .McIntosh, on the Savannah, Florida and Western railroad, when u difficulty took place between two boys, Rich and Perry. The fnther of one of the boys undertook to sc pavate the parties, when one Sam Mar tin shot Perry", the bull taking effect in the bowels, and inflicting a wound which will probably prove fatal. During the fray William Bradley was idso shot through the shoulder. He. will probably recover. The 1-uy who did the shooting is a lad perhaps thirteen years old. The Augusta and Chattanooga railroad is the absorbing theme on Gainesville’s streets at present. Twenty-five thousand dollars in private subscriptions have been raised, and the committee is working for toe.OOO. The managers say the mad will be built. The hardware store of W. H. Hearn A to., of Eat on ton, was entered by a burglar Tuesday night. Entrance was gained by taking out the brick next to the facing of Iht back door. A few dollars change left in the cash drawer and a few pocket knives art missing. An attempt to break open the safe proved a failure. .lack Davis, the negro who accidentally shot himself lust week at the brick yard in Lexington, is now up, and will soon be '-''ell. Constant medical attention and he roic courage on his part have together brought the rapid recovery about. A lubuiiiu. Tile Selma fire department has extended an invitation to the Montgomery firemen to visit the Central City at an early date aud witness the presentation of Monte t'l-isto by the Berry Tatum company. Gov. O’Neal, of Alabama, is present in Talladega attending the exercises of the Slate deaf and dumb asylum. Burglars entered a house in Auburn Wednesday night and bound hand and toot the solitary occupant, a young man, and robbed him of his clothing, a dollar and twenty cents in money, a package of cigarettes, some chewing gum and a note from his girl. The young man arose, cast off his fetters, and in ghostly apparel -('light the town marshal. '1 here was about to he a great commotion when tin- practical jokers, having laughed till their -ides were aching, owned up and restored the spoils, all but the note. Montgomery takes another stride in the inarch of progress. The electric system of lighting gas has been introduced here for the first time in a southern city. The won derful apparatus is now in successful ope ration in Mr. John H. Tyson’s beautiful new residence on the corner of Bibb and Catoma streets. It is a system of electric machinery for the purpose of turning on and off' gas lights uv electricity, and its workings are marvellous. The prisoners will be moved into the new county jail at Montgomery about th. first of next month. Even a man in jail prefers to occupy respectable quarters. The Cherokee iron company’s furnace is in blast. A great deal of new machinery has recently been put in, several experts from Pittsburg were brought out to super intend the work. The East and West rail road company lias determined to push I In road from Broken Arrow on to Birming ham, and will proceed with tlie work. I'l'irida. The prospect of large crops is very cheer mg in Columbia county. A street railway between Orlando and Winter Park is being talked of. Daniel Atkinson, of Tallahassee, has a common house cat that hunts squirrels. ».i ? , PR t trees a squirrel, not being able to bark as a dog does, she simply sits at tlie root ol the tree and mews until Dai. brings the game down with his gun. rhe resignation of Rabbi Rosensuitz, of Jacksonville, takes etieut August 1. file Columbia county fair is to he held the last week in November this year. The farmers of Gadsden county are veri- busy with their crops, and hope to have plenty of money next fall. Hud Kersling, of Palatka, has received 330 young rose plants, in which are 12fi varieties, which will be set out on his place at Keulka. He already has a large number of valuable plants th-re, and lie is oxperi- lnentiug with nearly everything he can lav his hands on. Lake City has entertained over 3000 visi tors at her hotels since last October. W. M. Johnson, of Chicago, known as the cabbage king, lias been prospecting in Marion county for 1000 acres on which to start a cabbage farm. The mayor of Plant city lias issued a proclamation calling on everybody to clean up, and keep clean, their premises, or they will be subject to a penalty. Burglars made an attempt Tuesday night to enter the residence of Sir. Wm. F. For ward, at Palatka. but they were frightened away before obtaining any booty. A load of watermelons was brought into Palatka from tlie country Wednesday, and were offered for sale on the streets at 75 cents each, but buyers were not eager to invest at that price. Material is still being put on the ground for the erection of the Lente block, at Pa latka, and work will be begun on the new buildings as soon as the one already erec ted is completed. Mrs. Mary Foreman, of Quincy, lias in her possession several skeins of silk that were purchased from the store of William Forbes, in that place, in the year 1830. That silk is bright now. T. X. Jenkins, while going from Nir vana across to nine-mile point on Lake George in a row boat, saw a large buck swimming about three hundred yards dis tant, and immediately made chase, result ing in the capture of tile animal. Thursday afternoon, while a ple.asure party were enjoying themselves in bathing at Pablo beach, one of their number. Miss Mamie Shaw, daughter of Captain Wm. A. Shaw, of Jacksonville, was thrown from off her feet by a monster breaker. 'Her screams attracted the attention of every one as she rolled in the surf. Suddenly, like a flash, a large black Newfoundland dog, owned by John Hammanl, of Hotel Pablo, came bounding down the bank and springing into the breakers caught .Miss •Shaw b^ her clothes and brought her to shore. “Black,” as the dog is named, lias become a great favorite by his brave, human-like act, and rightly di-serves a new collar. Most of the lands sold in Leon county Monday for taxes were either bought in by the original owners or by private citizens. A very few fell to the state. The democratic party of the first con- uTossioni-.l district will assemble in conven tion at Brooksyille on the 4tl\ of August, for the purpose of nominating a repre sentative to the fiftieth congress. THE WITNESSES. 1_Y IN MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared with A;>oclul regard to health. No Ammonia, Lime or Alum. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. NOTICE to DEPOSITORS WITH The Savings Department of Till-: VIt |111uVIV Mil Confederate Says : Foilly weighed 128 pounds when 1 commenced GUINN’S PIONEER, and now weigh M7 pounds. I could hardly walk with a stick to support uu», and now walk long distances without help. Its benefit to me is beyond caVulntion. D. RUFUS HOSTK’K, Cotton ITiyt r. Macon. (Jft. Mr. A H. BrambleH. Hardware Mer chant of Forsyth. Ga.. Says: n llPOHITS ma le ov. aud after July 1. 18N0, will draw interest at th»• rate of > per cent per annum on such amounts as remain undrawn on January 1st. IM«7. and no single deposit mi excess of $3,0o0 will be received except on special terms. All deposits on hand .July 1st. continue to draw interest nf 6 per cunt pei annum until Jan uary 1st. 1887, on such pert as remains undrawr at that clut<* e A. 1. YOUNG. Cashier, Savings Department of the Eagle and Phcni* Manufacturing (Jo. ni,vl6 dtjyl HKAM HI.I IT. Mr. W. F. Jonas. Macon, S3ys: M\ wife has regained her strength and ii reused 10 pounds in weight. We recommen .FINN'S PIONEER as the best tonic. \V. F. JONES. RELIEF. FORTY YEARS A SUFFERER FROM CATA RRH Wonderful to Relate. Foil Fokty Ykahm I have been a victim to CA TARRH three-fourths of the time a sufferer fYom iixcurc iatino pains across my fokkhkad and my nostrils. The discharges were so ofienshe that I hesitate to mention it excout for the good it may do some other nitloror. I have spent a young fortune from my hard earnings during my tony'years of suffering'to obtain relief from the doctors. 1 have tried patent medicines every one I could learn of from the four corners of the earth, with no relief. And at last H7 years of age have met with a remedy that has eh red me entirely made ine a new ’man. I weighed pounds and now weigh 116. I used thirteen hol lies of tin medicine, and the only regret | have is •hat. being in the humble walk of life, I may not have the influence t<> prevail on all catarrh suf ferer.- to use what has cured me -Gl’IXN’S PIO NEER HI.OOD RE NEWER. HENRY ('llEVER. Mr. ITenrv <'he\ writer of the above, former- louuty. now of Macon, Ga., mei- ee of all interested in catarrh. A HUFF. Ex-Mavor of Maeon. Doctor’s Certiflcate---Case of Blood Poison. I him- used OUINN’S PIONEER BLOOD HE- NEWER in several cases of cutaneous disease* oflong standing with the most satisfactory re sults. Have seen the happiest results follow its use in syphilis of the worst form, and believe it to be the best alterative in use. I J. T. ELLIS, M. I)., Griffin, Ga. A Voice from the Lone Star State. GUINN’S PIONEER FLOOD REN EWER hat cured one of my children of the worst cases of scrofula I ever saw. Her skin is as clear as mine, and the doctors say it is a perfeect cure in their opinion. I am thankful for having tried the remedy. WM. L PARKS, Dallas, Texas. ^ ! Savannah. Ga., January 20. 1888. GUINN'S riONEEH HI OOD KENKWKR has made several cures of blood poison and ilieuma- tism among m\ ou^omt rs. I most heartily recommend it to suiIV-rer*- from these altlictions. ('. II. HILLMAN. Druggist. I Ni-.w Orleans, La., Jan. 16, 1H86. 1 haw been cuied sound and well of a bad casa of blood poison by the use of fifteen bottles ot GUINN'S PIONEER RLOOD RENEW'FR. will sound its praise forever. JACOB KRUTE. I am acquainted with the above rase, and pios heart ii v attest it. EUGENE MAY, Druggist, Canal Street. Guinn’s Pioneer Blood Renewer Cmvs nil Hlond anil Skin.Ijisutisus. UhiMimalisin, Scmriila. Old Son's. A PKKKKCT SPUING .MEDICINE. PRICE, PER BOTTLE $ LARGE SIZE, $1.75 ESS A \ OX BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES MAILED IT,EE. Wliulnsak’ t>v Din A' Cal',sun ami Cil\ I)riiu Slim Central, Southwestern, Montgomery & Eofaula BILiOUSNES S, . HCTI.Y "FKTCfP refunded bv •<!)!•* Fiva Cold and Two Silver Medal* awarded in 18-5 at. the Expositions o. New Orleans ami Louisville, aud the In ventions Exposition of London. The superiority of Cornline over horn or whalebone lias now been demonstrated by over five years' experience. It is tnon durable, more pliable, more comfortable, and never breaks. Avoid cheap imitations made of varima kinds of cord. None are genuine un’es ‘Du. Warner's Coralink” is prints on inside of steel cover. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Bro- dway, New York Citi Jir r: r. coztaasr c<o ■-ir.: Fit., New York. F£Nft * t Mvk.L FELLS “CHICHESTiiR’S ENGUfiH ‘ flip O’, tx tlaiv. Hllll 4>nly ftnd hi •* t*. Vt«liu -:- 'UnsMiii tirf-h!•*«<• .inltnl- '-•> L A D t S . A** IGtigiciftt fo !• • rrlurti uuii• *4«;» . i.-H I < .» , - : i. Hit,•)«.., pm. Valuable Beal Estate FOR EXCHANGE. 815,000 bus: tliaugc f«*r timbciv: Alabama or Florida. Real EwtaUi t<' ar Hi oiid st reset f^X‘. JtO Acre Farm in Stewart county, undo I fence. Rcntetl this, year for 6 1 .. bale** cottoTi. Or I plow is Hg«rod fivi-r«/«>m D'.velfing and m*cesmr> out-buitdiogs. Well \vat«‘K.Hl and timlreied. ■ i I to Ac res ii. | Dwelling, kite I houses. ! 120 Acres ou ! four-room Dw i Thirtv a ires n Printing, Book-Binding AND Paper Boxes Ol- EVERY DESCRIPTION AT LOWEST \ LARGE HTO’K ot all kinds of PAPER, in- 7‘1 eluding Jvetter. I* icketand Note Heads, Bill Heads, tftatcinent.s. always cm hand. Also En velopes, Cards, Ac., printed at .-hurt notice. . Paper Boxes of anv si/e or description not kepi in stock made at sh<-r» notice. i ii4^, GiLatiur. tf VI R:\ndoljdi Strt-tK, opj/ot ite office. ARLINGTON HOTEL Gainesville, - - Georgia, Under tin- Manogxment ot TA Y I,OH, - - - PropriHor FOTT HE SEASON OF 1836. *n and three two-rix-i nile fiom roods. Telegraph an<l Po«t Office, Itur, Hurtsboro, Ala., with IH’O settlements ar.d thirtv :wre! 18U Acres fon- miles f:c»m Three setlh-ment.-s and oiglity at The als.\ prop.-rty. situated i boro. Ala., wn. G« ex changed fo The cuisine v\ il; »>e a inark(.*d ;e:iturt present mainuremen). a spacious ; -tor : es high, gives a magnificent ofiic for summer, which with a bnnul |<i stories, on public square, makes and lK-i.r Huila- | !| ( ; AflinfftAD » IMLIltflll StlllllWT HtMIfi TOOMBS CRAWFORD REAL ESTATE AfiENT, Nurth Broad Street til th&.se-tf DRUNKENNESS OR THE LIQUOR HABIT, POSITIVELY CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given in a cup of coffee or ten without the knowledge of the person tak- I ing it; in absolutely harmless, and will ef fect ;i permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or tin al coholic wreck. It has b«‘»*n given in thou sands of cases, and In every instance a per fect cure lias followed. It never fail». The system once impregnated with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility tor the - liquor appetite to exist.. For Sale by FOR SALE BY M. D. HOOD & C0„ DRUGGISTS, it:) 13ItOA D ST., ( OLf .Min S, GA. Cull or write for circular A’full particulars# i Our splendid Dining Hull will be used lor Dancing, and Prof. H. W. Curd’s full Orchestra, of Macon, will supply tin* music. my 11 d2tawlm WARM SPRINGS Mcrlai diiT County. <0*.. lie llpciid Ju Hi' l>l. for I lie llfd'|il of lloanlers, Hood's Eureka IJVKR MEDICINK The Knioka ••aUHe-the li’.cr to act. thereby de pleting t)n\i gland ol excessive bile, corrects in- I (Ugcslion, regulutes Lite bowelw, tome: up the sys- 10111 v r < mnillv and makes you feel well. You can’t estimate the good that one bottle ol Eureka will do you. It i- the perfection of household medieiiies. I'artieularly at this season of the year, keep it in the house. Jordan's Joyous Julep Is an instant and infallible cure for Neuralgia, however severe the case. A physician of note avs: ‘I never knew Jordan’s Joyous Julep to a genuine you suil’er. of Neuralgia.” Try tt i/ m- /r ar* ^ WLRG * CO. TrjftG .Tdkr ■a a.. FULL:. AJlrdi LUITSI V.N A. lit). Gossy ped i a, Woman - True Fricno. It surpasses any prepara tion • »Ttin- kind mad • and who will try it once will use no other Female Regulatoi. Jordan's Bowel Mixture M. D. HOOD A CO., .Manuhieturing Druggists, 93 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga siPiRzinsra^ cg-ooids s Spring Fashion Plates. PIEC GOODS! Suits Made to Order, CLOTHING! CLOTHIl'yG T ( u IME and give us vour order. / Do not ■ von ar< pressed by the seaso^i, and thr>^ va bt a suit made in a hurry. We are prepared, "how ever, to get up suits at wry .short notice- If you want a suit quick, give us your oitl/r. If you want a suit in thirty days give us ( voul order. If you want a suit m sixty days, give? us your order. G. j PEACOCK,’ v l A'-' -/ j l V_y " , 'V, —■' Send ter prices n:i . 1 ’ustrati»i: Guiaiogueof ULNOINNiAT* 0. CO?.P-fJPATING CO. n:y9 deod&weowfim