Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, June 24, 1886, Image 3
DAILY RNQHKER -SDN, WU’MBl’S, -GEORGIA. 1U1U1:A New? from the Three States Told Brief Paragraphs. i,In lion*' Unrui'A Sour Npurta— Nrafrhmen i ,in in if filn'ctl) to tiwirgla—Ni'nro liul.t at a iliim li lii tt'iim nton— X llolil llurvlur at lllrm- town, a freight train that he .li.tu’t see ran VJ’ on , '** m '‘" ,1 kneckifi him .iif t'.e trkfiK His l.ft irm fell on tie -nuk. l.oivever. umi the train lrorally cut it off. li.ct'veen 11 10 o'clock Mondav night while the streets were full of ra-oi.'e n mar, wits seen to tmleek the door of Eborn's i grocery store, in the heart of the eity, uni! walk in. After walking about in the store lorn ttnv minutes, ns if he belonged there, he coolly walked away with seven dollars in money and some forty dollars worth of goods. Beholders found out the next . Tin. AltthuniH Normal Srhnnl Won, ® ooas : Ketiolclers found 01 imiluiMi I hi' ' v r**' 'ool Waiu, mornlng that he was a burgla: 4 l«l*— yen* yotvn from the Kauri ofHoucr*. , . h I Among the resolutions passed bv the — » i state normal school recently in session at (irorirls. Florence, was the following: Resolved, I T, 'K e ono U ?v U cott0 0 n 0mPlalDt BUrke 8 1*te'ha.s'd'onera rTs tiB greiiteV'good*that county of lousy cotton. can be accomplished by repeating its Crops in Ware county arc reported to be ; sessions every year, we earnestly petition in good condition. . the general assembly of the state to nmke I The early closing movement among the ' an adequate appropriation for ibis merchants of Lumpkin has collapsed, ; pose, believing that no expenditure 'jfrs. W. H. Mandeville. of Fort Haines, P”'. 1 !" " e .''i"f. e would be of more advantage ha9 since January 1 gathered 200 dozen I mTL ®L„ C , Rtional i, .* ter ‘* t ! ° f Alabama or eggs and sold them. i the general prosperity of citizens. ) 0, L. Carson, of Harmony Grove, killed 1 Welker, one of the largest j flil( ,wl on lust konday morning thatmeas- L.ulP.jfu county, and a most . Seed four feet four and one-h.lfinches from ffilapfwl.iehTs’ in &Jt ‘ HiTiS! , ' At IJthonia half a dozen quarries are be- j cotton and eornare 'even better than They i jug worked with large forces of men. were at this time last war. The acreage i .Numbers of Scotchmen are arriving every | of cotton is ns large ns that of 1SS5, and the 1 duv -many direct from Scotland, the rock acreage of corn is fully one-third larger I business is on a big boom. | than it was in 1885, thus demonstrating Km-some time a ghost has been troub- that there is more land now under eultl-I Ming the quiet citizens of Center. This ration than tluve w<-.s lust year. Planters ghost appeared at ail hours of the night in that section do not regard themselves as j a iid in all kinds of garb until the people ruined, hut hope to make a very' good and | y , iv afraid to get out of doors for tear of profitable crop. seeing him. j — . Mr. Me!ule, of Lowndes, with good sea- : Hm-olu. oils will make ten thousand bushels of . Peaches and vittei'melons me very scarce rough rice, one hundred ami fifty bahjsof i 1,1 Lnlluhon, I cotton, five thousand bushels of corn, two thousand dollars worth of melons and s'Tup. potatoes and meat in abundance. Mrs. Florence Greer, at Chalky Level, pu ns a pair of two-year-old twin Jersey heifers so perfectly alike that they are un- (listinguishable. The young lady takes great care of the pair and proposes to ex hibit them at the next state fair at At lanta, Colton fields are grassy In the vicinity of Athens, but farmers are toiling vigorously. These who planted as great a number of seres as they could cultivate informer y, Hre now confess themselves somewhat '•overcropped.” Showers are frequent and grass and weeds grow apace. A man named Ennis was arrested at Ma- i on Saturday by Officer Kennedy for drunkenness. He found him staggering along the street. When arrested he claim ed that while he was drunk he was not drunk while on the sidewalk but kept in the middle of the road, which he tried hard to do. Amanda Neal, a colored woman living ii one of Parker s wooden tenement hou .es in Way-cross, smothered her four months’ eld infant to dent*i on Tuesday morning last. It was at first thought by some that it was intentionally done, but upon inves tigation it was ascertained that it was ac cidental. J. McCray’s gin house, at Sparta, me. j j .. HEAR THE WITNESSES. MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared with special regard to health. No Ammonia, Lime c r Alum. PRICE BAK'HO POWDER CO., fLOQId £U&N.EWJ£K» A Crippled Confederate Says: Ik'lily weighed 128 pounds when I commenced ST. LOU!8» Gl*INN'S PIONEER, and now weigh 147 pounds. I could hardly walk with u stick to Huppnrt me, ! and now walk long distances without help. Its benefit to me is beyond calculation. L). HU FI’S BOSTICK, Cotton Buyer, Macon, (5a. RELIEF. FORTY YEARS A SUFFERER FROM CATARRH Wonderful to Relate. Doctor's Ccrtiflcate---Case Poison. of Blood I have used OF INN’S PIONEER BLOOD RE- NEWER in several eases of cutaneous disease* of long standing witli the most satisfactory re sults. Have seen the happiest results follow its use in syphilis of the w orst form, and believe iti«» he the best alterative in use. J. T. ELLIS, M. D., Griffin, Gw A A Voice from the Lone Star State. The e.tngrcssiontd delegate-: from Duval | county are to he chosen on July One man in Loon county r> alized per acre from Irish potatoes this sea-on. An Illinois colony’, It is said, will locate j in Columbia cc.unty next fall. Two thousand mile uiil gra<ii a:, i | cross-tie the Lake Cit y and White Springs | railroad. Altoona chdms to have shipped the first i peaches north from Florida. T.tVicr.ts of the Feen-to variety were sent. t A flowing stream of clear, *< < ! sulphur . water was struck et the i»v fa tory art: shn well at Sanford last week at a deptii <<■, . about 85 feet. A colored man, who farms '> iaike Jack- son. Leon county, has a Held of corn mar the lake that is estimated willyield at i-t (iO bushels to the acta . President John A. 1’r cities has sold an interest in the Apopka and Atlantic rod- • road to a company of ' triando gent'.emeii. who will extend it through to Apopka. 1 Captain Sweat, of Piart City, is now rais ing boss tomnioi s. ' Ml T. esiiav he iMilled 1 four whieli weigl.ed li>e pounds, ti.e lar gest of which weighed ounces, it was , of the Acme variety. Maitland will soon have one of the pret- j tiest public park- in Florida. About si: acres < I la M adj. iliiugth, .South Flolid:' railroad has been secured, ami the \ Caj$MSJED'. V. V-Ijte'- M \ 4 ».* S? W,„ / -*■ A. H. Brambiett. Hardware Mer chant of Forsylh, Ga., Says: oh nr ted hk» health. .- than >u tm .pv tr nn: I wi ;gh Respectfully. A. I*. THUMB LETT GUINNS PIONEER HLOOl) REN EWER ban cured one of my children of the worst cases of scrofula 1 ever saw. Her skin is as clear us mine Fon Forty Ykaiih I have l»een a victim to CA- ami the doctors say it is a perfeect cure in their TARItil threi'-fourthsofthc time a siitl'erer from opinion. 1 am thankful for having tried this uxcmvoiatiNo I'ains ACHofw mv Korkukap ami remedy. WM. L. PARKS, Dallas, Texas my NOSTUII.S. Tlu* discharges were so offensive ( that I hesitate to mention it cxeent for the good , if may do some other sufferer. I have spent a u’lmjr fortune from my lmrd earnings during m.v j 'forty vears of suffering to olgain relief from t lie itoctors. I have tried patent medicines everv Savannah Ga.. January 20. 1886. one ( could learn of from the four corners of the GUINN’S PKiNEKK BL< K Hi REN EWER hae earth, with no relief. And at last . r >7 years of made s-vuil cures of blood poison and rheunm- iigi" have met with a reinedv that lias cured me ti*»m :iu*i>ng my customers. f nu»st heartily tiitirch made me a new man 1 weighed 1 *!S recommend it to snlh rei-s from these all!ictions, pounds and now weigh 146. Tuned thirteen hot- 1 U. II. HILLMAN. Druggist, ties «f the medicine, and the only regret i have is that, being in tin* humble walk of lilt. I may not • have the inllueiieu to prevail on all cntnrrfi suf- j feror- to use whut lia« cured me GUINN’S PR)*, inker blood renewkr. HENRY ( TIEYER. New Oiii.kanr, La.. Jan. in. I88fl. i 1 have been cmed sound and well of a had ca&» hf hint'd poison by the rll'IVV’C III/ iVI.'l.’IJ I Mr. W. F. Jonos. M.icon. vSays: j •.Fife ha- r;g:ti».eil her strength and in- vd iO pound* in wtdtrht. Wo recommend S'N'S PK)NFKRa k the bc-t Itnii^. W. U. JONES. of fifteen bottles ( (iU.V.VS' PIONEER Iff.GOD RENEWER. will sound its praise forever. JACOB KUUTE. Mr. Hi rty Cltever, writer of l)u» above, forn ]y of Crawford county, non of Macon. Ga.. mer- heartily attest it ii- the etuilitlmice (.fall inlercstetl in catarrh. . W. A. HUFF, i:.\-Muyoi at Macon. I am nrtpiainfcd with the above cane, and iuo.«* to eaught fire in an unknown uay at amt 8 aar.v improvements will he pul under hend- oViock on Monday night. The lint was way at banging about on the sides of the lions. Rial the fire flashed over it as if it had been powder, The file was diseovered la-fore it made much headway, anil was .xtinguished. It is thought to nave been caused by rats “fooling ' with matches. Cadet George F. Cooper, of Amerietis, who inn been attending tue naval school at Annapolis, Md., recently graduated, nml lias been assigned to duty on the Van- d'din, Cnpt. Harrison,now at t no Brooklyn navy yard. On first entering school (. urge was in a class of P5, only 25 of whom graduated, mid was fifteenth in Ids class. The Toccoa News thinks that “rice cul- t: re in White county could be made a profitable business. A good acre would nmke one hundred bushels. This riee when cleaned would weigh thirty pounds to the bushel which would be tnree thousand pounds; and rice will bring anywhere five c. nts per pound, which would be one hun dred and fifty dollars on one acre. Would it not he well for the farmers to tun, their attention more largely to the cultivation of this product? There is one riee mill in the county, owned by Bev. W. B. Bell.” Two negroes became involved in a dis mite at a church supper in Warrenton oil last Sunday night, which terminated in a rather serious affair. Soon after the dis- l ute one of the party left the church, ac companied by a negro woman, and came in the direction of town. When they had reached the street near the Warrenton ho-1 tel footsteps were heard behind them, and , a moment later the negro was faced by his 1 late adversary, who demanded asettlement of the difficulty which hud begun at the church. One word brought on another until a fight ensued, in which one of the ( party was badly cut in two places and the ■ other knocked down. Fort Valley several weeks ago was ' startled by the news that three residences had been broken into at night and various ; articles of value abstracted from each. I Kev. M. F. McCook, the Methodist pastor there, was one of the suf- I crers by these burglaries, as were i also Mrs. ltoyal and Mrs. Drabnett. A few nights before the Methodist and Baptist churches were both entered and a fine clock and other articles stolen from each, The burglar who is responsible for all this deviltry, lias been ascertained on ’ Indubitable evidence to he one Jack C ole man, a colored citizen but recently re- ; turned from the county chain gang, lie Was captured on Saturday, and will in t >c- tober, at t he superior court, be authorized i to spend a term in the penitentiary. Aliiiuiniii. A great deal of sickness prevails among . the children of Jasper. Jasper gets more surveys and less rail- . than any town in the state. The citizens of Anniston are contribu ting freely to the establishment of a pub lic graded school. The prohibitionists down in Tnskaloosa want a new deal of the nominations. They didn't have good bauds alter tlie first'deal. The Hartselle college has closed one of the most successful terms in its history, and a bright prospect of future success looms up before it. Talladega lias high hopes of catching on to the car of progress this summer. She will reach a feeder into the coal fields and build two furnaces. Professor G. O. Willet, of the LaFayette college, has accepted the presidency ot the school at Stevenson. He is a fine educator, and LaFayette regrets to lose him. The Y. M. C. A. at Selma have begun to break ground on their lot, near the Calcti block, for the purpose of immediately Ire- ginning their work and pushing it to a rapid completion. The prohibitionists of Alabama have called a state convention to meet in Bir mingham July 6th. Jt is thought by many that a full state ticket will be placed in the field, with Hon. Sam Blackwell for gover nor. Mr. C. H. Greer has purchased the Cham bers Tribune and will .assume t he editorial management of the paper iH'Xl week. The Paper will hereafter advocate the claims of Judge J. J. Robinson for probate judge. It has formerly advocated Mr. \V. C. Bled soe. A negro laborer named Jim Diiliuge 1 ', employed on the Georgia Pacific railroad extension, eameko Birmingham to spend the night. Shortly before midnight whin Walking i:i from Avondale. •<:' lb* ■ /l; Last Friday Thomas Sf aou bridge, a col ored man well known in Lake City, was drowned in L ike Alligator. He was fish ing, in company u itli another man. when a fi tw oiWind e'uue down and upset hi'- boat. His L-oi.ipiui'on waj rescued. Gov. Perry don’t b sieve in officials treat ing prisoners .-raellv. One Phillips, a con vict camp guard, tor ciuoi treatment of some convicts which lie teas i onveyirn-, t- - the convict camp ..I Fey Wes*, was din charged. The governor has no Use Jo: such cien. and informed Mr. Wo i ■, tl < keeper of thi prison camp. Milton News: The potty lit ms" Ion. that is going on among t'he 'color. -1 people around Mlb.on is running tin county to an i norm >us expetist All"t n :sill able o hear. The rases are ait of t he dirtiest kinds, and in some instances are of such a trivial na ture that they are simply ridii uloits. This week we have had three trials of a nasty little ease between it couple colors 1 women, with a jury each time, to settle a foolish case that ought to have been disposed of in fifteen minutes. We nope the next legislature will do something to relieve the state or county of this burden. At the present rate those “nigger" quarrels will bankrupt the county. rive CoitS &:*ci Two Stiver Modals PRICE. PER : wr.r.NI in !-’ 5 at ’.lie -iliot'A o: New >'ni - ia- and ij: iisvWe. tail the Ir. •'ebtious Expu-diu. of London. The superiority o| Coia'iinc c-vet hon. rr whale.lone 1ms now been lem oust rated byovertive veins xj • Negts. If is mort darable, more (dialce, inert comli rtabie and r,ev?r Or.nfes. Avoid cheap i.niiatio.i; jni.iieof vanon kinds of cord. None ate genuine w'es ‘Dr. Warner's Cor/.link” is prints on inside ol steel co-ret. ns 5/it.F. sv au U/'.s:r.a mirchaxts. WARNER BROTHERS, S53 Broadway, Ns\v York Guinn’s Pioneer Blood Renewer CuiTy nil Bion I itiif] Skinj>ist‘itscs. ltliciinnilisiii. Scroliil.T, Old ^Soits. a msiTCT simuxu mkdicim:. BOTTLE $i.oo. LARGE; SIZE, $1.75. ESSAY OX BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES MAILED LB EE. hIL buivirnmi - - - imuiii uluiiuih. L'iHiimn A (Ini-soil and dilv Dm” Slope. B I I Dili li LOO) People’s Line of Steamers. Ff ST PASSENGER SCHEDULE OFTHE STEAMER 'WLM:. ID. ELLIS. ARLINGTON HOTEL Gainesville, - I’ljilcr tin M.» WINK i \ Vl.4m. - Georgia, dll ol I I’b" Mc.tmerKTT,l!8 wears tins Lorns hr Llio fiistc-1 hIc iuhi' iil' iiif! i-Bt < 'h-.Ui.l>nocii<'c. 1 Ti'>t um.1 A}Nilu*:iii<.'oiu iiivtfb. FORT ME SEASON OF 1880. •NCCOUMOPATIOXS l?II{->T-CliASS IN 7 l-A'RUY PAitriCULA.U J >XI*RESS. T(»lp^inpli ami Office. Rar fc | li I! i-i ids ami linin' Simp ill in DiiiMiiij'. j ’I’l.c cnisiMMvilf In* a m.i(*?• r <1 fcat'Mc under tlu; I pri'si nt manitjfcint*'i|. A spacious iuvihIo, two i sl iri».*i hijrh. pi. ■ a nniKiiiliccnt office ami hallK tor summer, which with a broad piazza of two stories on public s.jirue, inakcH r Thcst.-a.m-rKU.IS If tow K ti.e Ui .test lH^-iifeer schedule ontW n»:ittaho«K-l,ee , puma, s m .i uc, io.ik^ L I I r n !/ ^ tn i Apn’.achicoia M'.er.*;. makM.K two week, leaving (-ol miims on Tmsdays for Apalaclt.cnla. _ n r ij n K d h™’‘ m . The Ariii^i-n » iMigiitw summer i»rt. * Ot, and utter Maj 2t*ih, the f'llowiujf «citP«Jute will bu run, river. foK» etc., permitting: , „ Mi: ILL’S LEU MEDIL.IXE 1 The Lurcka causes the liver to aft. f ’ 1 pietimr tiiat K'.und ol'excessive bile, vi . <lis'L--tion. rcttiilatc* the bowel*., tone** •• • generally and make.- yf n U». m | can't <“*•. riu’.tc the good that one b<»ttle 1 tvin ,i. ... iu- r .1. You < f Eureka you. It is tin? perfection of hou-'-hoi<i I me-lictnes. Particularly at this season < f the >ear, keep it in the LoU**e. Jordan's Joyous Julep e the case. pl«; knew's J. ne ( id of N( i ra • Neuralgia. :ci •: note t- Julep to SCHEDULE OF STEAMER WM. D. ELLIS. a. cry Saturday at 7:10 u in for Chattahoochee, i The Steamer Ellta will take Freight for Warehouse Landings only, but \siil take Passengers to and from all Landings. SCHEDULE OF STEAMER MILTON H. SMITH. i Leave.- < oiur.tbus every Saturday at «;t nt for Rainlniilge and Apuluchicoia. This boat will pass Chattahoochee Sunday at 5 p m goiiiK down, and Tuesday at h p in coming up. This Bout will take ! reiifltt and passengers to and from ull points. Arrival and Departure of Trains at Chattahoochee, Florida. Savannah. Florida and Western Rail way East Mail Train Arrives from Savannah and Jackson ville at 4 04 j» in. • Lu-'U’s for Savannah and Jacksonville at ll:J0a in. Pe:»su'-' la ai.d Ailantic Railroad Arrives fiotn Pensacola, Mobile ami New Orleans at 11 a in. l'ii retinae In. Mobile an ’ New Orleans nt 1:14 p in. The- l-M.-ai rates *f freight and passage to all points on tlm Chattahoochee and A pal; rivers "id be us follows: Our splendid Dining Hall will ho used tor naming, ami Piof. II. W. Card’s full Orchestra, of Macon, w ili supply the music. myl 1 d21r.mgfr>{ Wm.L.TILLMAN } Georgia, Musco^et Ctmuty— vs. Moitgage. &c. In Mnscogeei It. II. GORDON. • Superior Court. May term, 1886. PI' appearing to the < oun by the petition ot Win. f,. Tiilinan, accompanied by Ihe notes and mortgag* deed, that on the fourth day of May Eighteen ilumin-d ami l-'igbty-tbrce, the defena- unt made and delivered to the plaintiff her two promissory note , hearing date the day andyeuir tilVi one nl't id. wher Cottf ecu a, "'FACTOR” :\.:i-7r co ).*cw York. Taxes! Taxes! Taxes! V Will v«>.i give in ! Julv 1st will he a dark du\ if you don’t. eodAtW J. C. REED Y, 'iR. ,\l. ( 5 Beautiful Building Lots fcrSale. J OI’ATKI) '.n lower First avenue. ene-tiM! I, I,lint- slid r.l!.’n«ul. \VT! birilbh mnnev to built! vour hnuve at reasonatve intiirt-M. •fullN HI.Al K.MAU. w weil Ir II Real K-littu Agent Dr, W. W. Bruce k Soo, Pliysicians iin<I Siirgonns, f|<HE Senior of llie firm wil! ill-vote speeial at- I tentioM IO l-'eioriie Bi-ense,. Office over Frazer A- Dozier's Store. Resilience at Unil-aJ ulaec. Dr. Robert Rriiie’s resilience on Rose Bill. <'-lf Electric Belt Free Gossyp WnmnnVTui Er.'cmi. D ii-.n liu* kin i mud'*, and t Jordan’s Bowel Mlxlure J1 M. D. HOOD x- CO., MnnnFueluring I>nwg , - , ‘\ 93 Broatl Streel, C f j‘umbus, it, r GUARDIAN’S SALE. \pal n-h.icola <Ki. (Mhcr points in proportion. Rules ami HchcduL • •: Tlirougli tickets hoM by lids line to Savannah, .Jacksonville and • freight at I) .at iiy H a in on day of leaving, us none will be rc- <•*. da: rigl.t nf not landing il ; a si*.p at any [joint not uuniei i). OWEN: freight ccusl-s after it li;t Lihjc-Ct to change witko’il point " in n considered dan^croti-* ov tin- pilot, i the published list ol landings Inrnidn-d shippci lischurgcd at a Inmling when no person i T. II. MOOLI':, Ai/i-nL 1 > >)ii mbits, f i .MUSi OGLU CO' N I "/. E. L \V* l adniinist rut or ofE. VST Up j-r,ut*. i , * ■* m j j i in hi- petiEoi. '.I-.; l !)•- h<i> D.liy a I mi insured ii !•' i if ; •rued, ’ t».e> lllll' I v i?i a .1 ..- .- ii.. • July next. ■•. i. ■ I the Mere • t I-. uc-r •*'' Broad an*i . unh'i* Ml vs • It- Hu t! ;.,-'-p( rry •. to-.vit: Tl and to tin* m •h . the the old A< ad im in bus. ill - -until of: In i.l-t de-icrihed |. i IV nrth ol .1 . • i * .Mb umliviii i inter -I in am city L-t No :h,. ii, -ai«l • D \ <.r county ami -tatc, on C. • m Tiiiriectn street and I '.urih a Thirteenth ••treet ». P.-ei, nuu ‘.ending north on I »urth::' en less, and oil "'nich are Mtua houses. At ti)* same »ime an ing undivided inter, -l- in - moperty ; 1 be sold h> the Hogan. Mecca-ed. who itr*- f.f 1 ‘ pnreha-er will get :);«• - j.: j». ♦ All of tin above <iev riia-d j,j nn.tier: . of -.tin James Hog;.*: 1 - el .v Gi.ardini. r Ihlluid ion unit rrn-ivf t M..j.d;«% in July. 1 . M. BROOKS. Ordinary. re :hj- June iili, M. BROOKS, Ordinary. I. COUNTY. Davis, anminio, i..i 1 ' : Me all perv.ns cf.nci i :j it<»r • hould not l»i *.n and recciv« first J■ ; ly ii - ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALE. Valuable' City Property. F.OitCIA. OUF.l; I icier and In. viitm Mill ol Or- nifiiy ol -vJ li i ll at p ihlu- miterj Jm; t'Xl, In front nt ' In of I;i. id und Tentn Ini -. M O'COget . Ollllt\ s < ft til'll propefl V helm t I . M K I OUNTY. ! all oidei Ini i./tl ' Vi'r-t' Tin-* id ho in les ,V salt. GF.OROl \ y 1 —• r ofJonu i .t ion, ' re<i John J< ‘ GEOki 11.’ Wherein of Win. L. te all persr.ns co • • il vt'.j- >houffi not D r-hip and rei hr.i M. mlav .M . Iii(< )OKS. t »:■ oilltu • Tgill. tin lol!»»will« do »!u ihi t -t.tte '/fOrpha A part of r ity l«*t num- l). r”im. i n ih«- cornel ol Thiit* r-ntli street and i im. b aM iim . in ' He « ii% «.f < oluml.u . in -aid u pe ami "inn., 'liu- property wili in- sob I in itvii lots oi par. i I-: the lit -1 iyiug imiiK-diately i*i 1 tdjo iiim: s*. I . id • imn-li lo» frofing on TL ’i i mli Mi"i eighty lect and ‘ark-., an. Hi. I* net - now i m-|o- • ug .said i»o r- • oi -.i;o' lot, and irn' iding tin Iiweiiiiig i i •. i -i ,i u.p. <i mi * aid part of said l"t; tin- second Dm r.- |»arr • .ring a vacant Ir.t. irregular in sh fVoii’.iu -* \t nty feet ami tr n uiciu-s. r.r I. «.i. To irt cent li street, and sixty fee t more • >r D-ss. t>ii l-oiirth avenue, ami Dminrlei! by the 1 or-. - no,’, t nr losing said second lot. Also ull lDa' p; i. of r-ii v lot number •».;*>. in the city of ( o- ! uiil.n-. in s.,id » omit , mil state, on tin corner ol Lnurti cut h street ami I- ift Ii avenue, fronting "ti I .airu r-i tli -tier i seventy-1 wo feet. mr»re or less and running hack south m v« nty t v\ o feet, more r. r ! i - -. Also the east part rd sairl city lot imiu- Der jL . in-aid r-ity of Cnluiuhu-. in said county ami-t ati. hunt inn on Eoiirteenih slrr-et seventy- six feet, more or U ss. and running hack south the II • gib of *>uid lot niti bundled and forty-seven f. <■' and l' ii inches, more or Jess. A No the one* sixth undividi rl int'-rr >t in ami to tin- north half <-! I"! ii11illLei one in tin o|.' Ar uleiny -rpiare. in said city of< oluiuh is, in «uid county und state, »*ii the i-i.mer of N n t h *t im i an I F«-m t li avr-nue. iity-four months after the ight.-i-n llundied and Eighty-cight j Dollars and Twenty-two Cents, with iu&hrest from Mate at eight pel cant 1st annum, am’ ii' said nr»te was not paid nt maturity, ten per cerJu uttoiiiey'.- fees for the crdlection thereof, for • rer-r ived; and h> the other of said protri** sory notes the deftmlar.t pu.mised tr. pay to the. 1 phi.util!, or hearer, thirty .-:x monlli- after tlu. date t hirer if. Eighteen lit mind amt Eighty 1 r ip. lit Do l la is ami Tu only t \s<. (’r-nis. w it h interesv' from dati* id r ijrld p« r r r »P per niiutnu, and if ' stud iiotr* was not paid at m.iLurity. U i per cent ' attr.1 ley s f- r s fr,; t |.t r it! ’ '.r-n till ll-of. for Vului: received ; and that nlli rwiii'k oil tin day unit year a.op-said i!,e def.-ndan*. the hr-ttei to sccurtr tilt pay aielM ol -aid notes, t xer uteri amt deliver ed to Hit pi lin’dl li. i do. <■ r.f mortgage, whereby 11; - -aid del ein la id mortgugi d to the plaint ill' at. IJi .1 tr.-e I *>r pan r-J oJ land sj*nated on Ihe we»/ , situ oi'Broail.siren '.ii tin- oily of ('olinuhuH, ana • in s iL: f unty and stair , or ing about tuenty-livo f.-< ! in t) nt! "ii Broad stre# t and running hack the , fall depth ».f -iir» l-t. known as part of lot mimher sixty-foe with all the improvement** Ih« :' oil. Upon -.vinch j.- situated Sion HofWxr iiuinh<-r one liuudn d -iml foi’y-tlirce : and it flit- tin r appr aring that sairl m»tt * remain unpaid ; ' Jt i- tliercjf'rr , orrlr rr rl (fiat the said defendttnii pus into < oiirt r ,i oj- before tin- liist rlay of the.' n< \t • rm thereof, tie prim ipu!, inti rest, uttor- l Hr y s P r-s I.lirl costs due on sairl Motes, or show* r-aii-e to the contrary, if any - he can ; und that pin tie l.-iiliire ol tiiedelemhuit si# to do. the equity of reric-mptioii in ami to said mmtgage premises • he forever thereafter Imrred and I'oieelosed. .And it is further onh red that this rule he pub- 1 lishi d in the < 'oliimhiis Er;oriiu:ii-M'.s, u public ga/.-tte pi inud ami piihli-lied in said eity ana county, once a month for four months previous II# tie next t> rm of this (’ourt, or served on the de li ml.nit r.i hr i special agent or attorney, at leaat thn i- monllis jM-evious to the next term of this Court. J.T. WILI.IH, C. J. TIIOKNTGN. Judge C. C. C. BJaditifPs zMtorney. A true extract from the minutes of Muscogee. Superior (', May term. Ns6. GKO. V. BOND. myj't oam Im 1 D rk S. C. M. C. Ga. MUSCOGEE SHERIFF SALE- ID. U. KMlW 1.1 S A ( O.. \in’frs. up tilling tf - <un est and \V ILL Dr sold "ii the first Tuesday-ti July next in tioiit ol the auction house r*l E. M. Knowles &i ( r. Broari str< i t. city of < oluntlnis. .Muscogee* eon nt \. * M-orgui. he* \\ ecu t In usual hours of sale, all 111:11 tl tr i "1 pan el of laud lying ami being in tin eity r ’ < 'oluin bus, Muscogee county, GeorgiM. k> . wu as the undividi d i.m -haM interest in auc tr. tin south halfoi'. ity lot No. AT** in said city. Also all that lot or parcel of hind in said city of t oiunihiis. in sairl county and state. coinmencinK. at tlu- r orin-r of formerly Corhally A Chalmeru Im , on tin west >irle id ()gh thr»n*c street, running west l IT feet !<• inches, thence smith *26 feet, t Jn-nr-e « nsi 117 Je» t Jo inches to Oglethorpe street, thence north <*n Oglethoriie street 2i» feet to thu point ol hr ginning, ami known as part of city lot j'#.} in sairl r *t \ of Columbus, the j»roperty of Samuel IL Lawhon. surviving partner of Koscttfe A Lawhon. in obedience to u rlecree rendered let Du- .superior conn of said county at it.-- May term, i'*> on the Nt day rd’ May. Ns«. in favor of thv- (Morgia Home Insurance C« mpaii.N vs. Samuel J a n hou, s(jf \ •>. fug partm-r <u‘ Rosette *V J au hon and M I.. I’litKMiii. All tlu above described property levied on js tin- un peity r»: Samuel E. J. iwlion, surviving parttn ; o’ Rosette A Lawhon. to - .ti ,i ti ; . :i my favm of the Geor- II - . I '.-iirant i < '..inivny \ -. Samuel EL j Mvinif I'iii'fifii i Ifi-t tic A Lawhon, • d "lit i*.. s .Li ii f-r J. (.. l i RRU8, i •. w tvv siieriiT t'tu IL s n litiiit -1 mu 1 • !• "i IcrJio (•iiImiiiIi' ^'ispeun.i-v Ji • tin : unt!.. ilur < l*»r N>. it • i.-ry i It a. r ■ > *■> < ^ > - . OKA I N ESS l.-.-i.ty i ight war*. To i,. » o -p.e ..list* ui tlu lu ( \l SE .. nvl Cure, ie who was dea! by m of the I'ith no bene kit. ai--‘ since then iilui'.i AGENTS K,, A.iitres. .. New A oil; City, mill l t-.i tli bat Uu