Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, June 24, 1886, Image 8

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Delectalave for the Teeth.
Piano Wanted—Cha*. Philip*.
Safi* Wanted A. C. Chancellor.
Pine Table Butter Treadaway & Co.
Mule Strayed or Stolen—M. T. Bergan.
Administrator's Sale—K. K. McEachern.
Fancy Grocer C’igar-C. D. Hunt. Agent.
Clothing and Umbrellas - A. C Chancellor.
Called communication of Mt. Hermon Lodge.
Water Melons and Tomatoes -Treadaway & Co
The Closing Exercises of the Columbus
Public Schools.
I The Trustees and Friends Go Out to See What the
I Children Have Learned—The Itoll of Honor and
! Iloiioriihl) Mentioned—The Graduating Kxer*
rises To-Day.
The Festival Postponed.
The festival which was to have been on the
grounds of the First Baptist church on Friday
evening and ni» ht, has been postponed until
more favorable weather. Due notice will be
given of when it will take place.
The Orphan Asylum School.
The closing exercises of the orphan asylum
school will take place Friday, beginning at 9
o’clock in the morning. The public is invited to
attend. The managers are especially urged to be
Death of An Infant.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. McCrary,
who reside about ten miles north of the city,
died Tuesday night. They have the sympathy of
many friends in this city in their sad bereave
Sit. John's Festival.
Mount Hermon Lodge, F. A. M., will celebrate
St. John’s festival to-night at their hall on the
corner of Broad and Randolph streets. The oc
casion will no doubt be one of unusual interest
and pleasure.
Measles at Marvjn.
We understand that there is scarcely a child in
Marvvn. Ala., that is not sick of measles. The
disease seems to be of the most malignant type.
The local physician has been overworked and it
has been necessary to call in outside medical as
Mortality tmonir Children.
A gentleman from Marion county reports con
siderable sickness and several deaths among the
children of Red Bone district. Mr. Thomas Hol
ton has lost four children within the past few
days. Dysentery and measles are doing the
dread Ad work.
pro pi
The Colored l irein
The colored firemen of this ci
for a big time on the loth of July. V company
from Montgomery and one from Union spring*
will be here to participate in a contest. The vis
iting companies are the challengers and ha’ e
come here and tackle the home comp.v
i the
Base Bull Ill-
Following is the result of the games plu
Philadelphia - Athletics 8, Brooklyn 10.
Pittsburg Pittsburgh t, st. Louis o.
St. Louis Si. Louis 1. New York 7.
Louisville-Louisville 4. Cincinnati 9.
Kansas City - KansasCity 3. Boston r >.
Chicago—Chicago to. Washington 6.
Detroit—Detroit s, Philadelphia '..
Augusta Augusta 3, Macon 2.
Charleston Savannah 1. Charleston 0.
Mount DeSalcs tnnhinj.
Misses Leila and Bessie Daniel returned hon
from Macon yesterday, where they have been a
tending Mount DeSale.s academy. We see fro:
the Macon Telegraph that these young ladii
were awarded several premiums for excel lei
scholarship. Miss Ik-s-ie was awarded tY
second premium in studies, the third premium i
history and the second premium in diiiwini
while Miss Leila was awarded the first piemiui
in vocal and instrumental music and medl<
work, the third premium in studies and
gratulate these young ladies on their e.veiiene:
which is both gratitYing to their parents an
their friends.
Mr. M. McCA
"f Hatchechubl
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bradford went overt"
Auburn yesterday.
J. M. Russell, Esq., returned from Macon yes
Mr. Thud Sturgis returned from Washington
Mr. H. H. Daniel returned from Macon yester
day. where he has been attending the commence
Dr. Wm. King, of Atlanta, is in the city.
Hon. J. H. Polhill, of Louisville. Ga., and Mr.
J. G Thrower, of Atlanta, were in the c ity vester-
Mr. A. S. Ellison, of Ellorslie, was in the city
Happily Muted.
At Trinity Episcopal church yesterday morning
at 10 o’clock. Mr. William Parker and Miss Annie
Berry were united in marriage. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. W. C. Hunter, in the
presence of a large number of friends. There
were no attendants. Mr. C. L. Walter acted as
best man for the groom and tlu* bride was given
away by her brother. Mr. M. (). Berry. The
ushers were Messrs. Young Garrett, W. J. Pea
body, G. B. Whiteside and J. E. Tillman.
The groom is superintendent of the Muscogee
Mills, and is one of tlu* most enterprising and
energetic young gentlemen in the city, who by
his integrity and genial manners has won the
confidence and esteem of all with whom In
comes in contact. The bride is a young lady » f
high attainments, many accomplishments and
charms, and a lovable character. The host of
friends of the happy couple wish them unbounded
peace and prosperity.
Mr. Parker and bride left at 12 o'clock \est«*rday
for England, where they will spend about three
months. The Enquirer-Wi n wishes them a pleas
ant visit and a safe return.
LO( \l. UK
s It *
Indications for Georgia. Florida ami Ala
bama : Local rains, followed by fair weather,
stationary temperature, variable winds, gener
ally southerly.
Judge Brooks has de
unity treasurer pro tern
util the election.
lot 1'. L>. Pea
umber of bali
lt was Mr. F. J. Jenkins
body. Esq., who broke the large"! numb
at the shooting on Tuesday. “Honor
honor is due,” etc.
The democratic executive committ
county will meet at the board of trail
Opelika Saturday.
One of the heaviest rains of the si
last night. The farmers are complaining loudl
of too much ram and grass.
— Muscogee county has a registration law, bu
the registrars have not ytt been appointed. Tli
law will not be in force at the election for count
—A i
id his wife were ar
rested in Browneville Tuesday for playing cards
under the church arbor and fined $25. Mrs.
Smith is the woman who proposes to cure rheu
matism by ihe laying on of hands.
-There is not a doubt that Hon. Thomas W.
Grimes will carry every county south of the
We see from the Hamilton Journal that
Sheriff B. H. Williams is a candidate for the
legislature in Harris cunty. Old Hairis county
has no more devoted son than Ben Williams,
and his election to the legislature is assured by
iinounceineiit that lie is willing to
the sin
: the
Columbus with all of her manufacturing and
industrial enterprises, rapidly increasing growth
and brighter railroad prospects, has nothing of
which she can more justly boast than her splen
did system of public schools. F’or several days
; past the pupils have been undergoing oral and
written examinations. Yesterday the closing ex
ercises began, and the trustees, mayor and mein-
! hers of council, and the friends and patrons made
J their nineteenth annual visit to the schools. The
j exercises at the boys’ and girls’ departments
I were in progress at the sume time, yet at each
} place there was quite a number of visitors.
: No formal programme had been
arranged, and each teacher was
i left at liberty to give such an exhibition as was
thought proper. In each room brief exercises
were held, and the pupils reflected credit alike
upon themselves and their teachers. The usual
blackboard display was made in each room, and
other interesting features were introduced. At
the speaking and drawings were unusually fine.
A speech by Robert Pou in Miss Joe Brooks’ room
was very fine and greatly enjoyed. The concert |
speaking was also splendid. Following is the j
roll of honor and honorably mentioned:
RnU of Honor -First ( 'loan.
L A Bize \V J Burros
Arthur Walker C L Williams
Second (.'loss.
Louis Flournoy Stanford Moses
marks fbr the whole year In attendance,
punctuality, deportment and recitations.
Honorably Mentioned.
Lora Acee Nellie Joseph
Mamie Bussey Florence Johns
Katie Butwey Ellen Kay
Irene Floyd Mary Rldenhour
Ida Carpenter Della Roberts
Annie Swift.
fioll of Honor.
Eva Watt Jennie Pick re a
Lydia Bruce Maggie Kirveti
Lena Lockhart Annie Bell Lynch
Ida Feiler Freda Simons
Mary Porter Mandoline Kaufman
Rosa Weinberg
Honorably Mentioned.
Leola Patterson Josie Calhoun
Allie Joseph Freddie Albrecht
Edna Watt
fioll of Honor.
Louise Eifler John Hurt
Hattie Jefferson Emma Monk
Francis Monk Battle Me Lester
Josephine Snider
Honorably Mentioned.
Leta Booher Willie Bussey
Beckie Hogan Julia Harris
Rosa Lockhart Pearl Patrick
El vie Hchnell Sadie Smith
Dora Young Myrtie Baker
Maggie Watley Iron Watley
Dell Wure
fioll of Honor.
Roll of Hoi
Willie Banner
Edgar Hunt
Henry Kurnike
Robert P<
. Brail
Charlie Hinde
norably Mentioned.
Warren Porter
Willie Shield
Henry Shield
Moses Straus,
iss patten’s room.
Roll of Homo.
, nk Abbott
muel Frank
urge Henderson
muel KaaAnan
W L Ogletn *
A Patterson
G Shacklefor
Willi* Watts
Charles Jordai
Morris Hoc lit
Eugene Met re
G Wilke
A E Wynne
orably Mention
E Phillip'
B Bu
C Hu
A Bel
F Bu
it/ liable
ev Coart
rv Hill
lie McMic
-M Philip-
nil of Honor.
Willie Bagiev
Fred Bize
Hatcher Day
Charlie McCn
Belle Avcrett
Patrae Albrecht
Mittie liagley
Hughie Duffee
Homer Griffin
Mol lie H odge
Eloise Mooty
Ed Robinson
Burt a Taylor
Honorably Mentioned
Johnnie Albrecht Alice Kay
Louie Seals Mary Shivc
Raiford Turner
Maggie Allen
Olga Buhler
Lottie Dillingham
Deverc Dent
Lily Hirsch
Amanda Loeb
Lizzie Patterson
Edna Spencer
Flournoy Walker
pill turn of the state Convention at
Montgomery Yesterday.
Special to Enquirer-Sun.
Montgomery, June 23.—The state re
publican convention of Alabama met at
the state house in this city to-day. The
convention was called to order by Arthur
Bingham, of Talladega county. Dr. David
B. Lindsay, of Lawrence, was elected tem
porary chairman. He made a brief speech
In which he urged the convention to pro
ceed deliberately and conservatively, and
labor With a holy motive for the general
welfare of the republican party.
A committee on credentials, composed
of one representative from each district in
the state and three from the state at
large, was appointed. After remaining
out several hours the committee on
credentials submitted a report. The re
port fixed the rate of representation from
the different counties in the state. The
county of Lee sent up two contesting dele
gations. The report of the committee on
credentials recommended the seating of
both delegations. A lively fight ensued,
one of the contesting delegations claiming
the right to cast the whole vote of the
county. The report, however, was finally
adopted as submitted.
A committee on resolutions and plat
form, composed of two members trom
each district selected by the delegates from
the several districtS| was appointed. Hon.
B. M. Long, of Walter county, was unani
mously selected to represent the state at
large and act as chairman.
Sonic Special Mention.
Miss Mamie Jackson was presented a gold
medal by her teacher, Miss Birdsong, for being
the best girl in her room.
The convention then adjourned at 5
o’clock to meet again at 6 p. m.
When the convention reassembled the
j committee on resolutions made a report
putting forth a platform which declares
devotion to tlie republican principles as set
out in the platform of 1884, favora protec
tion ; denounces the convict labor system
and state road laws; declares sympathy
with laboring men and organizations: de
mands a repeal of the present election laws
in Alabama and recommends that no state
The Nlont Popnlnri’lgar in .Market.
Garrett’s No. 11, Conqueror, Pickwick and One
Hundred Per Cent. They are sold by
R. S. Crane, who keeps only the
finest and best Chewing Tobacco,
known ns D. H. Spencer & Son’s Calhoun, Sulli
van's Best. Free aud Easy, Lucy Hinton, Fanny
Edell, Lorillard’s Climax and Liggett & Myers’
Star Brand. You will also find at Crane’s Lor-
illard’s and Railroad Mills Snuff. 1 ounce cans at
40 cents per dozen. Eminent physicians claim
that skin diseases are caused by soap made from
rancied grease. Use the Frank Sidall Soap and
avoid all such troubles. Sold at
dtf Crane’s.
Barrel Pickles and Yankee Beans at
dtf Robert Justice’s, Agent.
Duffy’s Pure Malt Whisky for medicinal use.
McEwan’s, Edinburgh Ale, Guinness’ Extra
I idtf Robt S Crane.
Columbus Agency of Columbus and Western
Railway and Southwestern Railroad Com
pany of Georgia, Columbus, Ga., June 6,1886.
ftonnd Trip Excursion Tiekets
To Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Balti
more via Savannah and steamer, also to all Sum
mer Resorts are now on sale at Union Passenger
Depot at greatly reduced rates. For prices and
farther information apply to C. W T . Meyer, ticket
seller. W. L. Clark, Agent.
G. A. Whitehead, Gen’l Pass. Agent. jy6dtf
Messina Lemons,
) in box, at $5 50. at
Adams & Bowers’.
In Miss Deignan’s room Alberta Collins, of^he , ticket be nominated.
first class, and Annie Laurie McLester, of th
second class, each received a medal for general
In Miss Waddell’s room Willie Bagley was
presented by his teacher with a silver badge for
general excellence.
In Miss Patten’s room there were presented by
the teacher to Claude E. Strupper a gold medal
for general excellence, and to A. E. Wynne a sil
ver medal as second best. Henry Henes, in the
second class, received a silver dollar as the best
reader. Mr. John Peabody presented Lamar C.
Toomer, of the first class, one dollar as the best
The graduating exercises will take place to-day
at the opera house, beginning at 10 o’clock. The
programme is published elsewhere.
Arthur Bingham, of Talladega county,
was elected chairman of the state execu
tive committee. The executive committee
consists of members from each congress
ional district.
The convention deciinad to nominate a
ticket. They leave it with the executive
committee to put out one or not, as they
may think best.
She Wasn't Built That Way.
From Tid-Bits.
She was stern as Roman Cato, she had studied
Kant and Plato, anil for Wisdom’s cold pota
to dug in every soil and slime;
rises Tliis Morning In Hit
II 011
Yes, she dug the glittering tuber from Kara*
schata down to Cuba, from the Ganges to the
Yuba, and in every land and clime.
She could lecture on Plontinus, Athanasius and
Aquinas, and Semiramis and Ninus were fa
miliar on her lips;
Gold 'Watches,
Gold Watches,
Gold Watches,
At C. Schomberg's
Street, Columbus, Ga.
Gold Watches,
Gold Watches,
Gold Watches
Jewelry Store, 105 Broad
Mineral Water! No,In
Our Fount Is now in full blast, ami „
drawing the best Soda Water in the citv ti
all the popular Mineral Waters of last * a .
with now ones destined to become so soon
So popular the post three seasons and endorse
by all who have tried It. 1
A favorite water and universally recommended
by physicians. A specific for certain diseases
and par excellence as a table water; superior to
Apolinaris for the same purposes and a cheanor
water. On draught and in pints and quarts.
A new and most palatable drink, on ice. Try it
This water is too well known to need words
from us.
A most pleasant water and already a favorite
with those desiring a mild water. orl w»
We keep our stock of Drugs, Perfhmerv, Fancv
Artrclcsand Toilet Requisites up to our sS
serve you 0nly ' wi " be P‘*««Uo
Geo* A. Bradford, Manager.
Tbethina (Teething Powders) allays Irritation
aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowels,Cures Erupl
tions and sores and makes Teething Easv
ap29-d&w5m ‘
Defective Eyesight.
Parties having defective Eyes are invited to
call and have them examined by the Opthalma-
sopic test free of charge, and if Spectacles can be
of benefit they they will be fitted at moderate
P rice * J. H. Bramhall,
Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician.
New number, 1117 Broad street (west side).
Old number. 103 Broad street (west side) Co
lumbus. Ga. ieb2Jri
Before you leave the city get a bottle of Per
fection Shield Whisky. It is old and mellow.
dtf R. s. Crane.
She’d no time for beads and bangles, and for
silks snd worsted tangles, while by loga
rithmic angles she foretold the next eclipse.
The closing exercises of the Public schools will
begin this morning promptly at 10 o’clock in the
Opera House. The public are invited, and the
mayor and aldermen of the city are requested to
be present and take seats on the stage. The trus
tee* will meet at the Merchants and Mechanics
Bank at 9:30 o’clock. The following has been ar
ranged as the
programme :
Music By the Class.
aid lecture by the hour, and with much
ensic power, upon Locke and Schopen
hauer and the mediaeval monks;
And she thought it was her mission and the
height of her ambition just to scatter erudi
tion, and to leave it round in chunks
e wo* like a knowledge bottle from which
poured, as from a throttle, views of Bacon,
Arc •<file, Reid. Ricardo and Renan.
Lula Hurt -Our Com pan- |
They Also !
But no cri
mut to
swain tried to get her, for she
a fritter, dress or cook a leg of
»il a fish, or sew a button: for she
constructed on that good e.d-
i Profitable IIIvosCniont.
Hon. J. H. Stead, State Senator in Colorado, j
writes: “Thirty years ago I took a policy in the ;
Mutual Life for $1,000, annual payments $22.08. j
which I paid : or 20 years, making $165. For the !
last ten years the premium has been paid by the I
dividends. In other words, I have not paid any- !
thing for ten years I am now informed from the :
general office of the Company that my policy is
worth $1,800. Had I continued to pay the pre
miums in cash, as I should have done, the policy ,
would be worth $2,300 to $2.100. But I have se- j
cured $1,800 for my family by an investment of
$465, which is an excellent showing. I recom
mend Life Insurance because I believe in it. and i
believe in the Mutual Life Policies.
Yours truly, J. H. Stead, j
Next! Apply to
For Kent.
Store House *No. 60, on west side of Broad street
formerly occupied by James E. Cargill as a dry
goods store. Possession given immediately.
jyl8 tf Apply to Louis F. Garrard.'
MarshnlN Male.
Will be sold at the public pound on Thursday
unless called for and expenses paid by owne
one large, brown sow. with no mark.
je22 3t John H. Palmer, Marshal.
( old ! Foul !
Now is the time to place your order for sun
mer delivery. I am prepared to sell Monteval!
Dixie and Henryellen Grate Coals at as low-
figure as can be had. See me before buying.
je20 Iw D. E. Williams, Agent.
jeo tf
, F. Willcox,
1145 Broad St.
A situation, after closing of the schools, by ?
youth, age 14, with best of reference. Address
B. A. L., Box 71. city. jel2 tf
Public School .Voficc,
I will meet teachers at the court housi
ract the fourtli Saturday in June and ii
in July. N. G. Oaths.
June 22. 1886.
Messina Lemons, 300 in box, at $5 50. at
dtf Adams & Bowers’.
St tv
Will leave Thursday
and Apalachicola.
je22 3t
ng for Wewahitehkn
J. F. Flournoy, Pres’t.
. W. Foss.
Comp is
ly Graduat
Miss Alice
•Miss Mag;
d Wait,
mg Class from Boys
Watt -A Six Minutes
gie Shackleford -Pe >
• Wright
Wi Ilian.
To (lie Voters of MiiNCogce Coiiitty.
j I announce myself a candidate for treasurer of
Muscogee county to fill the vacancy caused by’
; the death of Mr. Tim Markham, and respectfully
| ask the support of all voters. Election 13th of
i July. ^ John C. Cook.
I je2M&wtd
Hh ifiend Notice.
A semi-annual dividend of three per cent, on
the stock of the Eagle and Phenix Manufacturing
Company is due and payable at the office of the
Company June 30th, 1886. Transfer books will
close June 20th. a. I. Young,
dtd i reasurer.
Fresh Pickles, Crackers, all kinds Deviled ai
otted Meats, Sardines, Chipped Dried Bei
Candy. Fresh Lemons, Olives, etc.
Robt. S. Crane.
<1 by Joint Bliichrniir. Folium
Sleeping- Car Accosiiiiiotlalion.
(oilit ffiiichrii))
llIK till.
Americas, Pre
.Malcolm Jones
H C Bize
J M Coggins
C 1) Hunt
.1 Julius
C It Llovd
O Phipps
norally Mentioned.
c Willie Half
limner Cooper
Lionel Moses
Henry Sheridan
Blanchard Wilkerson
•». robinsox’s room.
Roll of Honor.
J S Collins
J L Flovri
B N Tarver ‘
mnrnbly Mentioned
P S Brooks
Delivery of Kiusel, Slade
Pre,eri':it'T.n of Diploma;
Song-—By Class.
Grimes’ Medals
H I) Jacks
1) M Seals
M Me Each err
• Wolfeon
(•Iris’ School.
At the girls’ school the exercises were most
creditable alike to the teachers aud pupils, and
were greatly enjoyed by the visitors. Following
is the roll of honor and honorably munitioned:
Roll of Honor.
Marv Lalfkowitz
Stella Meyer
.Maggie Shackelford
Speeches by Visiting Members L
•.‘lulling for the Meeting of the («rsi
AlttMonfc Xotlee. \
Called communication of Mt. Hermon Lodge
No. 304, F. and A. M., this (Thursday! evening at
8 o'clock. Work in the E. A. degree.
All Masons in good standing are invited to
meet and spend St. John’s evening with us.
I By order of the W. M.
Jno. C. Cook, Sec y.
Eula Averelt
Laura Bnunhall
Mollie Coffield
Willie Coffield
Lou la Hurt
sie Ingram
ii it h
Kilty Threlkeld
Alice Watt
Bessie Mi Ilia t
miss holmes’ room.
Roll of Honor.
g Lula Rush
Rosa I», Ui i
Carrie Kei
Matilda L
A lie
Mabel Daniel
Jessie Duncan
Lucie Brown
Maggie Kimbrough
ibly Mentioned.
Katie Keene
Lucie Park
Nettie Seals
Etta Simons
Mary Moore
Frances Wolfs*
,ra Wolfson
Roll of Honor-First Class.
Alberta Collins Eva Mover
Ethel Philips Nellie Williams
Grace Gregory.
Second Class.
a Annie Laurie Me Lest e
ibly Mentioned -First ('lass.
Maggie Rees
• Itigri
Du lie
The temperance meeting at Odd Fellows hall
last night was not near as large as it would have
been had it not been for a tremendous rain that
fell from about half-past seven o’clock until
nearly nine.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. H. F.
Everett, who in a few appropriate remarks in
troduc'd the grand worthy chief templar,
Hon. J. 11. Polhill, to the audience. Mr. Polhil.
made a most pleasing and encouraging address.
He spoke of the necessity of thorough organiza
tion ns the most potent power against evil of ev
ery description. The success of the prohibition
movement in the state is largely due to the Good
Templar organizations. The speech was very in
teresting throughout.
Mr. J. G. Thrower, of Atlanta, fol
lowed in a speech full of enthusiasm
and encouragement. Since the (i rst
lodge of Good Templars was instituted in Colum
bus, over one hundred and sixty thousand men
and women have been initiated into the Order,
in six hundred and fifty lodges. In no place
where a good lodge has been in successful oper
ation has local option tailed. In Ilall county,
Belton district went largely for prohibition; so
with Flowery Branch, the only two places where
lodges existed. Bo in Spaulding county, in the
districts where lodges existed prohibition carried
the day. lie urged the Good Templars here to
organize thoroughly and to be ever on the alert.
He referred to the meeting of the grand lodge
which is to be held here on the 20th of July, and
said our people might expect a rare treat in the
way of fine speeches. Rev. Dr. Hawthorne is to
Ik* here, and it is probable that Grand Worthy
Chief Templar of the World Finch will also
attend. At flu* conclusion of Mr. Thrower’s re
marks the following resolutions were adopted:
Inasmuch as tlu* grand lodge ofGood Templars
will assemble in this city on the 20th of July.
Resolved, That the citizens of Columbus and
vicinity, and especially the ministers of the dif
ferent churches, he urgently requested to assist
the lodge in entertaining the delegates to said
session of the grind lodge.
Resolved. That Dr. N. P. Banks. H. F. Everett,
M. W. Howard James I*. Flodyd and J. H.
be appointed a committee to wait upon
- • 3 delegates
Fine Table Butler.
Best in town, fresh every day at 20c per pound,
at TreudawaJ’ & Co’s, Marke* House.«l or Stolen,
From my lot on Front street, Tuesday night, one
bay mare Mule, four years old, large size, with
cut on left shoulder and neck. Any information
relating to her will be thankfully received by
je24 tf M T. Berdan.
Water Melons and Tomatoes.
First of the season just r ceived by Treadaway
& Co., Vegetable Market.
Boys* and Men’s Nocks.
Thirty dozen White Socks, sizes 7 to 11, as a
special drive—15 cents a pair. These goods are
worth double the money, and the price will sell
them at once. A. C. Chancellor.
It uiglitH
Friendship l.od&so No.
oml l,:tdi<**ol donor.
Regular meeting this (Thursday) evening at
7:30 o’clock.
Bv order of Protector
2d&4th th M. M. Moore, Scc’y.
Columbus, Ga., Jan. 20, 1880.
A Sleeper Is attached to train No. IS between
Columbus and Macon, leaving Columbus evejy
night at 11:35 o'clock.
Berths can be secured upon application to C.
W. Meyer, ticket seller, Union Depot, or to Con
ductor of train. W. L. Clark, Agent.
G. A. Whitehead, General Passenger Agent,
jan 28tf
jn and Lumpkin
iilf Ts
Messina Lemons, 360 in box, at $5 50. at
dtf Adams & Bowers’.
Scries 2, Fhafttihooclice Building mid
IaOiiii Association.
Books of subscription for above series now open
at office of Yonge & Grimes.
CJltff B. Grimes. 8ec ? v and Treas.
Messina Lemons, 360 in box, at $5 50, at
dtf Adams & Bowers’.
Gonornl Allot Idiseor, Heal Estate.
Stock and Bond Agent.
Special attention given administrators’, execu
tors’ and assignees’ sales, selling and renting
Real Estate at public or private sale. Office over
Abbott & Newsom’s corner.
For Bale—My Residence on Broad street,
jelltf F. G. Wilkins.
Boiu ! Raiu!
Wet or hot weather suggests the need of an
Umbrella. A. C. Chancellor is offering 300 Silk,
Ginghams, Derby and Gloria Umbrellas very
close. Now is tlu? time to invest your cash with
him. d&wtf
tllil ><• tvs papers for Sale.
Those who want old newspapers for putting
under carpets can get them at this office at 50
cents a hundred. sep29tf
Messina Lemons, 360 in box, ai $5 50, at
dtf Adams & Bowers’.
The use of Delectalave imparts such an agreea
ble sensation to the mouth and teeth, as to make
it a pleasure to children as well as adults. Use
Delectalave when you perform your daily ablu
tions. The habitual use will preserve the teeth
in a healthy condition during life. For sale by
all druggists.
Fresh Ohio Creamery Butter, 25c. per pound,
30 pounds best Pearl Grits for $1.00, !3 pounds
choice Head Rice $1.00. Cash will secure bar
gains at
dtf Crane’s.
NiiHpnidri'M! .Sn*p:‘iid<»r*.
If you wish to see a fine assortment in all
grades, at the lowest possible prices, call on
Chancellor. d&wtf
When you visit or leave New York City via
Grand Central Depot save baggage expressage
and $3 carriage hire, and stop at Grand Union
Hotel, opposite said depot.
Six hundred elegant rooms, fitted up at a cost
of one million dollars, $1 and upwards per day.
European plan. Elevators. Restaurant supplied
with the best. Horse cars, stages and elevated
railroad to all depots. Families can live better
for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at
any other first-class hotel in the city, JylOdly
Ktoile Job'
Ida (
Piano wanted till October.
Chas. Philips.
Resolved, That the* ladies
sted to co-operate*
II11 tv
ii a Peabody
oil of honor
Mildred Patterson
Beckie Watt.
lacked only 25-100 of being
Roll ,
Nellie Brown
A dele Buhler
Teresa Cohen
Idellc Dent
Berta lvii
Helen Loeb
Nellie Hudson
Hattie Howard
Susie Ligon
Addie Mason
Louise Miles
Lou lie Redd
Amelia Strauss
ace Shepperson
i or able Mention.
Alice Robinson
Sarah Harris
Berta Bells
Inez. Grantham
miss bailey’s room.
Roll of Honor.
Julia Roper
Ethel Russell
Co lit r
raunie Ilov
1 a-sle vide
It is useless to say that our citizens will sustain
their well-deserved reputation for open-handed
hospitality. About two hundred delegates are
expected to attend the meeting, and we antici
pate that the committee will find no trouble in
securing homes for them.
C. P. Langlois, Newark; T. P. Sherborne, Bal
timore; L. E. Luminus, New York; J. H. Polhill,
W. F. Norton, Louisville; J. E. Dean, New York;
Wm. King, J. G. Thrower,Atlanta; Jno. T. Clark,
Cairo; C. J. Campbell, Montgomery.
George Lyon, New Orleans; J. W. Long, Ala
bama ; M. McGuire, Hatchechubbee; Hamilton
Wilkins, Augusta, Ga.; George W. Stevens, Phil
adelphia; F. L. Coffin, Cincinnati; C. J. Moffett,
St. Louis; Miss Lizzie Neal, Everett Neal, Talbot- I .
ton, Ga.; George C. Beyurgel, Rome, Ga. ; J. K. I 8,8 6 * —
Ruse. Decatur, Ga.; C. D. He well. Cusseta, Ga.
floso Prim
Will draw the trade. Chancellor has a large
stock aud is turning it into cash rapidly. He is
not afraid to slaughter goods. d&wtf
Don’t trifle with Sore Throat or Bad Cold or
Cough when a remedy as sure, prompt and
thorough as Fontaine’s Cure is sold by
Brannon & Carson and City Drug Store.
my25 tf
It iNliitemliiig
To hear the “many voices’’ quoting Chancellor’s
close cash prices. d&wtf
For Rheumatism, Malaria, Obstinate Ulcers,
Boils, Syphilitic Diseases, Scrofula and all Kid
ney and Liver Disorders, use Fontaine’s Great
Discovery. Sold by Brannon & Carson and Cit
Drug Store. my25 tf
Fiiergry anil Perwiveranee
Will win. Also will close prices move Clothing,
Hats, Umbrellas, Trunks, &c. A. C. Chancellor
Columbus. Ga., June 1st. 1886.
The Annual Convention of the Stockholders of
(he Mobile and Girard Railroad will be held at
the depot in Girard, Ala., Wednesday, July 7th.
at 10:30 o’clock a m, when an election for Presi
dent and six Directors will take place.
Proxies in voting must show power of attorney
and certificate of stock.
By order J. M. Frazer, Secretary.
je2 dtjy7
Fresh Country Eggs at R. Justice’s, Agent, tf
ue, has perfect
Bulmutioii luMoet Powder.
The great destroyer of all kinds of insect
v’holesale and retail by
j o23 1 w B r a N n o n & Car
Barrel Pickles and Yankee Beans at
( ltf Robert Justice’s, Agent.
American Fruit 1‘reservtiiff Flultl.
One gross received by’
je23 lw
Su.hIi. Boors. Blinds. Htc., a! Cost.
As I shall soon have to move my store stock
and wish to reduce it as much as possible, I will
sell for the next sixty days at cost; but to secure
this bargain the cash must be left with the order.
Sash. Doors, Blinds, Wood, Slate and Iron
Mantels, Paints, Brushes, Hardwt re, etc., etc.
je20 tf T. L. Gruzard.
Notice to Shipper**.
The steamer Hays leaves Thursday at 8 a. m.
for Apalachicola. T. D. Huff,
je-23 2t Agent.
Brannon & Carson.
Wan ted-A Medium Size Sale.
Address the Cash Clothing and Merchant
Tailoring Establishment.
A. C. Chancellor.
d&wtf 1135 Bioad Street.
fienirr i on mortgage .s l jo ■< l.;
Columbus and Rome 1st 6s, endorsed
Central h. R 103 , <&in.>
Columbus and Western 1st mortgage
Hi, endorsed by Central R. R 103 (<j 105
Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta 1st
mortgage 116 (3)117
Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta 4s
2d mortgage 110 (k 112
Georgia Railroad 7s 105 (folOfi
i Georgia Railroad 6s 109 (&112
Mobile and Girard 2d mortgage en
dorsed by Central Railroad 109 (5H12
i Montgomery and Eufaula 1st mort
gage 6s and Centra Railroad 108 (ft 109b,,
.South Georgia and Florida 1st, en
dorsed by state of Georgia, 7 per
cent 119 (a 120
South Georgia and Florida 2d, 7 per
cent 112 (5)113
Western R. R. Alabama 1st mortgage,
endorsed by Central Railroad 109 (5>110
Western Alabama 2d mortgage, en
dorsed ii2 (a 113
Atlanta and West Point 102 @103
Atlanta and West Point 6 per cent.
scrip 102 <®103
Augusta and Savannah^ per cent 124 @126
Central common 70 (5) 71
Central railroad 6 per cent, scrip 97 (g* 98
Georgia II percent 184 @186
Southwestern 7 per cent, guaranteed..119 @120
Atlanta 6s 105 @107
Atlanta 7s 112 @113
Augusta 7s 109 @110
Augusta 6s 107 @109
Columbus 7s 112 @113
Columbus 5s 100 @101
LaGrange 7s 100 @101
Macon 6s HO @112
Savannah 5s 100 @101
Eagle and Plienix 90 @ 92
Columbus 20 @ 24
Muscogee 96 @ 99
Georgia Home Insurance Comoany 135 @140
Georgia 4U,s 107 (5 108
Georgia 6s." 105 @106
Georgia 7s. 1896 124 @125
Georgia 7s, 1890 112K»@113
Confederate Coupon Bonds 1 @ 2
52 shares Eagle and Phenix.
10 shares Muscogee Factory Stock.
$25,000 Georgia new 4 5 > per cent. 30 year Bonds
10 shares Merchants’ - and Mechanics’ bank
stock, paying 10 per cent, for past ten years.
Chattahoochee National 10 per cent...175 @200
Merchants’ & Mechanics’ 10 per cent..123 @126
Georgia 7 per cent gold bonds, due 1890. I can
net seller 112L,.
Western railroad second mortgage per cent
bonds, due 1890. Will net seller 112.
C ity of Columbus os bonds.
See me before you buy or sell. 1 :an always do
as well, and often several points bet'er. than any
oue else JOHN* BLACK IW All.
Arrival and I*i‘|mrmre «r All Trains
al Columbus Carrying Passman-s
in Firm 'lay 1. lssti
Mail train from Greenville 10:11 a. m.
Accommodation from Greenville 6:21 p. m.
Mail train from Macon 2:25 p. m.
Accommodation from Macon 2:43 a. rn.
Mail train from Montgomery 11:55 a. m.
Mail train from Atlanta 6:31 P- in -
Mail train from Troy and Eufaula 9:55 a. in.
Accommodation from Troy. Eufaula
and Montgomery 2:02 p. m.
Accommodation from Union Springs... 11:15 p. in.
Mail train for Greenville j*;-® J'
Accommodation for Greenville
Mail train for Macon „ JJJ’
Accommodation for Macon 11 1,1111 '
Mail train for Atlanta
Mail train for Montgomery - : - a P- m
Mail train for Trov i..iu p. in.
Accommodation for Troy and Eufeula- 4:35 a. m.
Accommodation for l nion Springs anc }
Montgomery 0,0
me a pass to bln.