Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, July 06, 1886, Image 3
DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. TUESDAY MORNING. ILLY fi, \m. New9 from the Three States Told Brief Paragraphs. A Itesd Krw'-psper— 1 Venn* Man*. Kin. Vlsltrd I'pon Hi« Kntlicr—Sprlllne Ill-on IIctItoiI—"«k.<l Ruuuinoo of » Monitor's Duuirliti-r-Ad ti-Eilltor I’haimo* Ills Opinion. Georgia. Mrs. Henry T. Beckett, of Savannah, is dead. The hardware merchants and druggists of Atlanta are laying in extraordinarily large stocks of corkscrews. The Pavilion hotel of Savannah is about to be sold to the trustees of the Chatham academy. The holiness meeting at Reynoldsville last Sunday, conducted by Mrs. Dr. Wal ker, of Warrenton, was largely attended. Mr. Herman L. Haiman,of Atlanta, died in New York on July 2d after five hours illness. Rome is reviving the spelling bee, and old and young are surrendering to its se ductions. The fast schedules occasionally cause delays of the mails, but they have come to stay! They will be a little more regular when they get used to the business. Mr. John M. Bookout, a jeweler, and an old citizen of Atlanta, has gone crazy and attempted suicide on account of the dis graceful actions of n scape grace son. The Phoenix, a weekly paper published in Savannah by colored men, has been sold for debt and publication is suspended. That is backhanded way to “rise Pliceuix-like” from its ashes. has been presented by his nephew with a live handled dollar hat. Colonel J. H. Liviugs'on sold 1 fiO acres of land at Blue Springs .ast week to parties In West Virginia. An unknown Irishman, giving his name as Homer Kelly, died in jail at Orlando a i day or two ago. | Dr. John Lewis attempted to commit suicide at Pablo beach, near Jacksonville, on Friday last by taking morphine. He has recovered, uud is crazy. ! Crops of all kinds arc One in Jefferson I county, Corn is in unprecti’< ntedly fine condition and cotton is ; on fruit ! rapidly. i Rev. Mr. McIntosh, the successor of the ! late Rev. Mr. Atkins, in charge of the I Methodist church in Monticello, gives en- j tire satisfaction and is greatly esteemed by j hie congregation. | Ti , and retiring and Capt charge of the office. Judge Arnow has been post master since July 2, 1S82, at which time, being appoiuted by President Arthur, he succeeded W. K. Cessna. Florida has been visited, by a severe storm in the region about Tallahassee. The storm occurred 'Wednesday, and un roofed many houses, besides blowing down two or three. Mr. James Breen, a citizen, was fatally injured by falling debris. D. L. H. Andrews and E. P. Bacon who were under sentence of death and escaped from the jail in Pine Level, have had one thousand dollars reward offered for them by Uov. Perry. Orlando Record : Last week, when the little son of Mr. M. B. Green arrived in Orlando on the train, and was informed of his father’s death, he laid down the papers which he had been selling and hurried home. Several of cur business men who knew the circumstances surrounding the MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared with npeclnl regard to health. Ko Ammonia, Lima or Alum. PRICE BAKWG POWDER CO., CHICACO. 6T. LOUIS. BILIOUSNESS, .So common at this season of the year, is effectu ally cured by Hood's Eureka pnBiMPrs jiu ckleberrT +(S0RDIAL . . death of the hoy’s father, took the paper* A negro boy, living three or four miles around town and sold them at fancy prices in the country from Hawkinsvilie, was , to the merchants and professional men. started to town by his parents last Thors- realizing -70. The price paid for a paper 1 day with a basket of blackberries to sell, i i u olle case ,, vas *g.. and up until late Saturday evening nothing — LIVER MEDICINE had been htnrd from him since he lett. home. The mate of the schooner Ruth lftirling harpooned a six-foot shark in the river by Littlefield it Tison’s wharf at Brunswick Wednesday. His lordship was dispatched and thrown back into the water, where he [ probably furnished food for his more for- 1 lunate brethren. The Savannah News says: Andrew Mil ler, colored. 66 years old, was convicted in the superior court yesterday of incestuous The Eureka causes the liver to act. thereby de pleting that gland of excessive bile, corrects in digestion. regulates the bowels, tones the sys tem generally and makes you fee' w You can’t estimate the good that one bottn Eureka will do you. It is the perfection of household medicines. Particularly at this season of the t ear, keep it in the house * Inventions anil IMsraverles. Richmond, Ind., is to have a patent bib and apron factory. A young man in a little town in central Illinois announces that he has invented a perpetual motion machine. Mr. Petrie, the Egyptian explorer, thinks lie has discovered the site of Tahpr.uhes. the city ol' Egypt mentioned in the book of Jeremiah. — — , —„ - Paper slippers are now made of pulp for, adultery with hiR fourteen-year-old grand- • |] u . upper, which is modeled to the desired daughter, Normy Trotty. Miller was sen- form and size, and a sole is provided made * s tenced to three years in the penitentiary, of paper or pasteboard, leather board, or M ' IVS . ..j never knew t | or ,i all „ The penalty is from one to three years. ; other suitable paper material, which is j f R1 '|'in a genuine case of Neuralgia. Dalton Citizen: If we are not mistaken united to the upper by means of cement, you suffer, the present disgraceful gubernatorial earn- 1 glue, or other adhesive material, paign bodes no good to the democratic o Iie D f the newly invented detective i-. The outcome of it may cameras exhibited at the American Pho- Jordan's joyous Julep nn instant and infallible cure for Neuralgia. ! however severe the case. A physician of note | says: “I never knew Jordan’s Joyous Julep to | t party of the slate. be the formation of two white parties in Georgia. For the bitterness that lias char acterized the contest thus iar who is re sponsible? Echo answers, who? In the Oglethorpe convict camp there is an old gray headed man named Waters who was sent up from Hart county for at tempted arson. He is old, dejected and trembles like a leaf, and is indeed an ob ject of compassion. Colonel Smith says he would be glad to see him pardoned oat, but tlie old felon seems to have no friends to lift a hand for him. The Eufaula Times of July ith says: Muscogee voted yesterday by a large ma jority lor Gordon. Capt. Joint A. Walker, who has telegraphic communication with all parts of the state, specially arranged to keep up with the campaign, in his mad delight at the news drank three glasses of soda water and invited everybody in sight to tako “suthin.’’ He said •■Bully!’’ to the Times, but it did not care. It is used to that sort of news and has become recon ciled to being on the losing side. The Times was right though. The Nashville American does not think the campaign in Georgia has been Con ducted exactly in r. dignified and enlight ened manner. It says: "The Georgia campaign has been a most disgraceful one, and for bitterness and blackguardism is without a precedent. It is to be hoped that there may be a cessation of this sort of thing, now t hat the contest is practically decided.’’ The American seems not to have noticed the denials of the organs that there has been any "vituperation and abuse.” It has evident!v been misled by the “cool and collected” arguments and statements that have gone hissing through the columns of some of our esteemed state j contemporaries during the past two months, Alitkaois. 1 Selma has electric lights at last, and is ' happy. Judge Bruce is holding the United States Court in Mobile. The session will last two weeks. The Montgomery Dispatch says it would be advisable for some Alabama congress men to make up their minds to exchange , the pleasures and palaces of Washington for “ Home, Sweet Home,” after the next j congressional election. The Montgomery Dispatch says the j “ leaders” of the grand old party in Ala bama are preparing for a vigorous can vass. They would accomplish the same thing ifthey would spend the time between now and the first Monday in August bay ing the moon. The Pineapple Gazette says Montgomery has sent for her “Jewel” of a boat, which will arrive soon under the command of that well-known captain, Alex Pratt. This enterprise will no doubt help Montgom ery, help the people along the river, and in a degree he beneficial to Mobile. May enterprises continue to Increase the pros perity of our state. Several years ago Editor A. it. Keller, ot the Nortli Alabamian, gave Hon. John Bruce a fearful raking over in his col umns. Mr. Keller is now United States marshal tinder Mr. Rrtice who is judge ol the United States district court._ This week lit published a card recanting the unfortunate editorial and pronouncing the bulge an upright Christian gentleman. ’ A little child of Prof. P. P. Anderson, five miles northeast of Clayton, near WiVte Oak, was badly poisoned tut last Sundav morning with fly poison. Dr. Wim. was sent for it: frantic haste and landed there in time to save the little fellow lot found him in a had fix. Parents cannot he too cautious in the manner in which they man age such dangerous things around the household. Two vears ago Albert Elliott married Miss Nellie Pugh, a daughter of Senator Pugh, of Alabama. He carried her with him to Omaha, Nebraska. Elliott proved to be a brute, and treated his young wilt with shameful cruelty. Being notified ot his sister's condition, a son of Senator Pugh proceded to Omaha, and rescued his No. -- sister at the point of a pistol, and brought her home. Atlanta Journal: It lots turned out just as the Journal predicted, and “Private Seay has been transformed into it “first sergeant,” which is next door to a com missioned officer. Thus it is that the ‘private” soldier is constantly being lost tagrapbers’ convention in St. Louis last week was the “satchel camera.” It looks like an alligator skin handbag, is carried ] by a shoulder strap at the side of the ope rator, and pictures are taken without at tracting and without focussing the object. The nrst conception of watchmaking by 1 machinery is clue to Mr. A. L. Dennison, formerly of Boston and now of Manches ter, England, and the practical success of ! applying the system logically and thor oughly to all the details of watchmaking is due to Mr. Royal E. Robbins, of Boston, and principal owner of the Waltham company. Gossyped ia,j Woman’s True Friend. It surpasses any prepara- ! lion of the kind made, and those who will try it once will use no other Female Regulate*. Jordan's Bowel Mixture One dose will relieve the worst case of Diar rhoea or Cholera Morbus. M. D. IIOOD & CO., Manufacturing Druggists, 93 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. dtf pj TdysENTERy CHILDREN TEETHING ^all'dpSs 50tPERB0TTL£ FOB SALE. At KIRVEN’S A Place of twenty acres, large and commodious House, with every convenience, in perfect or der. I 1 „• miles from Broac street, -r? in one of the most desirable lo calities adjacent to the city exchange for city property. i most aesiraoie 10- , If desirable would I i he value oi good real estate. A desirable full' ..acre lot with good Dwelling, on Fifth avenue. Will be sold on long time with easy payments. A desirable four-room Dwell ing on south Firth avenue: {good neighborhood and not far from business center of Broad street. Terms easy and on long time. A desirable six-room Dwelling, j two stories, with water works. ; on north Broad. Place in thor ough order. Five two-room Dwellings on Ninth street, one block of Geor gia Midland Railroad. Two Residences on north Sec ond avenue < Jackson street > of 5 and 7 rooms, each desirably lo cated. This property is consid ered cheap by those who know TRUSTEE'S SALE. Property of the Columbus Manu facturing Company. ('<>in|il<-te mill I'nlly liqiiliipi'ti ( nttiii inilorj. TiikoIIii'I' with Nearly * Mile of llio i’liii-Ml Wilier Power *a the ('hitllitliooeliee Hirer. Just A bore the Pity or ('oliimliiiM. CTATE OK GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE OOTNTY.— By virtue of the power vested in us under th# i terms and conditions of a certain deed of Iruel executed to the undersigned, J. Rhodes Brown* and A. Illges, trustees, by the Columbus Mano- 1 fact u ring Company, of Muscogee county, state of ! Georgia, d*te 1 March 1, 1884, whereby the said , corporation cjnveyed to us all of the property, real and personal, hereinafter described, in trust, to secure the payment of its certain issue w bonds and the interest coupons thereof as in said trust deed specified and enumerated (all of which appears duly of record in Mortgage Deed Book j “A,” folios 367 to 373, March 5, 1884, in the Clerk’g i office of Superior Court. Muscogee county, Geor. gia, and in Record Deeds, volume O O. page* I to 88 inclusive, March 22, 1884, office of the Pro bate Court in the county of Lee, state of Ala- ! bama, and in conformity with the directions and ! terms prescribed in the resolutions passed by the . holders of said bonds on April 24, 1886, under the authority conferred by said deed of trust.) We will sell in the city of Columbus, Mu.scogee county, Georgia, on the 3d day of August, 1888, • between the legal hours of sale, in front of the auction house of F. M. Knowles & Co., on the nortli west corner of Broad street and Tenth formerly Crawford street j, 'being the usual place for shonir> sales in said city of Columbus) at public outcry, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property of the Columbus Manufacturing ( ompuny, ti>-\vit.: All those lota and parcels of lui.d situated, lying and being a* follow*: Fractional section number twenty-six 26 and the north half of fractional section num ber thirty-rive 3.0 . both in fractional township number eighteen • 18 . range number thirty (30), in formerly Russell, now Lee county, state o.f Alabama. Also the following lots of lands lying and being in the eighth iKthi district of Muscogee county, state of Georgia, known as lots number* eighty-six ■ Sti• and eighty-seven iK7t and the west half of lot number seventy-four (74) and fractions numbered ninety-one (91) and ninety-two (92), and Island number three i3) in Chattahoochee river and a small enclosure situated east of tha , residence formerly occupied by J. K. Clapp, used as a residence and grazing lot, containing seven 7) acres more or less. All of said lands last de scribed lying and beinjf in the county of Musco gee anil state of Georgia, and, together with said 1 lands in Lee county, Alabama, containing eight hundred and thirty i830i acres more or less. , Also, all of the said Columbus Manufacturing ; Company’s buildings on said land in Muscogee : county, Georgia, operated as a Cotton Factory, and with all of the improvements in uuy manner appendant and appurtenant thereto, inclusive, of the cards, spindles, looms, machinery and fix tures of every kind whatsoever contained in said buildings; also, all and singular the other im provements on all of the lands aforementioned and described; also, the entire water power owned and controlled by said Columbus Manufacturing ‘ Company on and in said Chattahoochee river, together with all and singular the rights and franchises by the said Columbus Manufacturing Company held and possessed therein under the laws of Georgia. The plant of said cotton fnctory consists at 1 present of 4314 spindles, 149 looms and other suit able machinery, all in good condition and pro ducing good work. Present capacity 7500 yards * day of heavy sheetings and shirtings, three yard# tojfthe pound. The operatives’ houses and improvements gen erally in excellent condition, labor abundant, lauds elevated and location of property unsur passed for health, convenience and economical production - free from the burden of municipal taxes paid bv all the other Columbus mills, yet within three miles of the city of Columbus and three-quarters of u mile of Columbus and Rome railroad The water power is the finest iu the south, controlling aim embracing the whole bed. of the Chattahoochee river for the distance of about one mile along the lands of said company, said lands extending along its banks upon the Georgia and Alabama sides of the river. Only » small portion of the waterpower is required and utilized m running the present mill, and the nat ural fall* in the river lender but a simple inex pensive dam of logs and plank necessary. Tide magnificent water power i;- easily controlled, and has a fall of 12*» • fnrtv-two and a half) feel within • ! , three-quarters' ot'a mile. With a compara tively small expenditure upon a new dam 125,000 one'huiuired and twenty-hv. thousand) gpindles, with looms in proportion, can he driven by this waterpower. Capita' lor the erection of addi n' na’. i tills and utilization of the immense power no.v wasted is all that is needed to make this property trn- site of a prosperous and popu» lout mamifaciuring village. The* personal inspec tion of capitalists is invited. Full and .satisfac tory details will he furnished upon application. J. RHODES BROWNE. A. ILLGES, ap27-dJm Trustees. A new ami elegant House close j to court house. Dwelling in thorough order and has all the ! late improvements. Is consider ed one of the nicest homes. A delightful home on Rose llill, half acre lot and a new House This property is consid ered io be one ot the nicest homes on the hill. Terms easy I cheap. A nice little farm seven miles from the city in Lee county. Ala. Good four-room House on the place. Enough timber on place to pav for same. For Rent from October ist. 1886. Five Cold and Two Silver Aftednls awarded in 1SS5 at the Expositions o. New Orleans and Loiiifvillc, and the In volitions Exposition of London. The superiority of Cot aline over lion or whalebone inis now been demonstratec by over five veins'experience. T; more durable, more pliable, more comfortable and nei'rr breaks. Avoid cheap imitations made of variou kinds of cord. None .re genuine nr’es “Du. Wakskr'b Cokaline” is prime on inside of steel cover. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS WARNER BROTHERS, 37.3 Bro' dvv&y, New York CitJ Snmuiui’ Silks 25 cents; Pongee Silks 2-5 cents; Fnulai’d Silks 4'» cents; Printed Nun's Veilings 15 cents; AH Wuo] Buntings 15 cents; Liiii-n Liiwiis ]') coiits ; Liimn Drill.- for Pants 121 cents; Liib'ii Crash cents; Co i I on ;h los lor 1 >o\ s \\ ear S cents : Manilla Cheek.-, new and desirable. 12i cenh While Li11 ell lie India 5 cents; While Plaid Lawns D) cents ; While Plaid Linen de India 121 cents; White Linen Lawns 12b 15 and 2') cents. ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE. Valuable City Property. ! GEORGIA. MUSCOGEE COUNT’/, Under and b> virtue ol an from tb<5 Court of Ordinary of Muscop.^ county, Georgia,. I will sell at public ouU V .on the first Tuesday in July next, between tut k*iim hours of sale, in front of the store <>f L, M. Knowles & Co., corner of Broad and I' ). t h streets, in the city of Colum bus. Musccgt,-,* County, Georgia, the following de I rclined piopcrty belonging to the estate ofOrpha Hogan, dc-eeuacd, to-wit: A part of city lot num ber :lfel. on the corner of Thirteenth street aud Fourth avenue, in the eitv of Columbus, in said state und (v unty. This property will be sold in two lots or parcels; tlu* first lying immediately east of and adjoining St. Paid church lot, frotinsf on Thirteenth street eiglPy feet and running back south to the lenci s now unclosing suid por tion of -aid lot. and including the Dwelling House situated on -aid pari * f said lot; the second lot or parcel living a v.u ' 1 ‘ : shape, fronting seventy teG or less, on Thirteenth slice ■ •!' le ss < >n Fourth avenue. Bargains o in O' Si k UmMla$! . irregular iu nd ten inches, more nd sixty feet more id hounded by the feme- now enclosing said second lot. Also all tlmt part of city lot number rtf*, in the- city of Co lumbus. in said county mid state, on the corner or l , oiirtceiilh street and Fifth avenue, fronting on Fourteenth street scve*nty-t\\ • feet, more or less and running Lack south seventy-two feet, more <t less. Also the east part of said city lot num ber 5.{ii, in said <ri y of Columbus, in said county ami state, fronting on Fourteenth street seventy- six feet, 11 oic or 1 c’s-, and running hack south the depth of said lot one hundred and forty-seven feet ahd ten inches, more* or less. Also the one- sixth undivide d interest in and to the* north hull of lot number one in the oid Academy square, in said city of'Goiuml us. in said county and state, on tlu* i orncr of Ninth street and Fourth avenue, an 1 com.rilling one-fourth of an acre*, more or less; also (he niu-.-ixth undivided interest in and to the*. oulh half of said lot number one* in the old A cade my square, in the city of Columbus, in -aid county and .-late, Iving immediately south of tlx !a-1 described lot, ami containing one* fourth of an acre . more* or li s*. At the same time amt place, the rt maining undivided interests in the tw - last runtamed lots will be sold by Mrs. Isabel Hogan, a- the guardian of James Uogau, and bv the children of Mr-. Orplui llogan, de ceased. who are of full age*, so that the* pur- i ha.-» r will get 11 >• * entire* title ’<> said lots. All of t'i.. .11..ivi• 11• *—,■ ri...•<l moperty -old as the* property a.-ed. for the purpose of dhp oft Irpha tributinn -h. MARY K. 15?! Sixth 1 522 Sixt h . ! 520 Sixth ; 1518 Sixth : 15: o Sixth : HOGAN. Orpha Hogan, je*s oa w4w \ emu*. 3 ventte*. 3 \enur. ; ?2() ” 1512 .*■ 317 I W ihy, Ihiw kui'piiijj i uid : N|]| pit*! I* MUSCOGEE SHERIFF SALF. lie Y. >1. K N OW I.I.S A l 0„ V in t’rs. WILL V - .Id on the fir-t Tuesday-n July next of F. M. K l room Dwelling No. 3*21 F* No. 1317--'e cv4iu a veil tie*, 5 No. 1314 avenue. 3 - No. 13Pi F.r-t avenue, 3 No. 1316 Warren stteet, 8 No. 823 First a venue. 4 " No. 9i'2 Fifth avenue, 4 No. 930 Fifth avenue. 5 No. 502 Eleventh street, 4 1138 Frot t street. 7 rout street. 1 ifllt avenue. No 702 Ninth street. No. 708 Ninth street. No. 402 Second avenue*. No. 102 Third avenue. No. 101 Third avenue. No. 430 Fifth avenue. No 428 Firth avenue. No. 1233 Firth avenue, 5 rooms. No. 1247 Broad Street Store. Plivsirums aixl Siii’L M1F. Senior of the firm will devote E J. A. KIRVEN & CO. The Brown Cotton. Gin Co. county. < *c orgia, Iu*; all that tract or par* the city "l 1 '.him! u AN innilii iiy of Columbus. Muscogee ween (be- u.-ual hours ot sale, cl of land lying uiui being in -. Mu-cogce* county. Georgia, idl'd ■ on -half iiit* rest in anu rite lot N". 57!» in said city, parcel of land in said city of uintv and state*, commencing •incriy Corbully A: Chalmers .f Oglethorpe street, running now prepared to do all kinds of House Painting sight of in the high places of the* land. , S’o. 130-1 Broad Street Store. Two did succeed in getting- into congress. No. 1248 Broad street Store one from Tennessee, and the other from .'O. 422 Fifth avenue. 4 rooms, new. TENANTS South Carolina, hilt the newspapers per sisted in making them colonels. And now Alabama loses the honor of electing a pri vate soldier as governor, for Thomas Stay was first sergeant of company K ot the sixtv-second-Alabama regiment. I lorhltt. The primaries indicate that Dougherty will have a walk-over in the approaching Or D (•(* o e. G„n. j\ .,t*v.:i..>oiiviue alderman, named Ktu.ii TOOMBS CRAWFORD \TE AGENT, 1215 North Bn NEW LONDON, CONN. Manufacturer!) uf ttie "OM RGliilile” Brn« u Cuttuu Gin*, lY’viU'rs und C“U- di*u>ers. Ail ilie very latent imprivemeuts: im prove*! rml i/ax. [/.<)< :! whipper, two brush belts, extra stioii'4 brush, eu^t 6!- el l/eui'mir-, improved Feeder, enlarg* ’ «iU5t ni’O', uiidenser. 1 mv,oitnph* oi-tructinti. durable trill • r • deans the seed per- produe.'.s lirst ei.isS s;iui[iles. ih-:i.ivi-:ui-:i» k;ii:kof i’KEIGHT af any ucct'b.siblo point. Scud for lull description und price list* at t lie < orncr lot. on the tu... .... - . _ west 117 fcti id inches, thence south 26 feet, * hence cast l IT feet 1" inches to Oglethorpe street, theme north *.ti Ogh thorpe street 26 feet to the point of Ik ginning, and known as part of city lot in said it\ of Columbus, the property of Samuel 1C Lawtion, surviving partner of Rosette A L.nvhon, in obedience to a decree rendered iu tin* sup* lit r court of said county at its May term. I'gi;, on the '.1st day of May. 1886, in favor of the < ;eo*-gia Home Insurance Company vs. Samuel L. Law hon. surviving partner ol Rosette A Law non. and M. L. Patterson. All the above described property levied on as the property of Samuel L. t ... tn.i’i -urviving partner ol Rosette A Lawhon, i fi fa in my hands in favor of the Gear , ,,.,,, 1V Iii*.111ati'T <'-inpany vs. .samuel h. a'vho) -cw i* dig partner of Rosette \ Lawhon. nd M. I’at .ersou. 13(>ih rty^ pomted out iu H( ILF COUNTY. - Philips, executor ot T.^!. N- it •iv.sunls to tin* court in li.s It. bos fully (i to -misfy ; Oil ill'itr ill hi 5 C(TH'\!l;('8 1PP)X UOIL ; i * i La. i . M. BKOOh'S.