Newspaper Page Text
In New Mexico, Where Fortune Lies
Hidden for Those Who Will Seek.
The Scarrli. However, flay H
Thmnrh the MatT Is There
Itranliaehs—The (little Kit nr In
drill—A Kellitlous I’roeeulnn.
favorable to n good crop. This is not a
natural cotton growing country. The crop
has to be forced by artificial means, yet
our people tiling their financial success on
the chances of n cotton crop, and contract
a debt that is simply colossal to enable
them to make cotton for a market (hit
is glutted and has to be forced every yeir
to insure the sale of all the cotton
produced. Reduced prices follow over-
o » l.iimi One. J production of this staple as inevitably a.s
tilviintnK''s sail night does the going down of the sun. It
does not stop there, either; it extends t >
the goods manufactured of cotton and to
the wages of operatives. It diminishes
the bread food crop and makes bread
higher and wages lower. Every person in
In flic futile-
Santa Fk, N. M., July 3.—Capital is
conservative the world over, but the ob-
server may frequently observe freakish in
vestments that stand like monuments to
the folly of fortunes misspent. In Centen
nial Colorado there has wen a ‘‘ j sprouted In the shock. Oats are rotting in
tendency to overdo that, of'course, has t j )(i w some harve8ted . Cotton is not
dangerous reactionary effect, that every , , .1
cautious man regards with doubt and fear. "
One nccpiainted with the stuff that Colorado
men are made of is confident thnt her vital
ity will be reinvigorated and her business bo
conducted upon a surer and firmer basis.
Undoubtedly kindly nature has buried a
large portion of the mineral wealth of the
world in the roek-girt bosome of Colorado,
but she, like Monte Christo, does not pro
pose to vield up her secret in obedience to
every tap of the prospector’s hammer.
Vast' fortunes have sprung to life atasingle
stroke, to be sure; but again how much
hollow mockery the delusion of its false
the south is injured by overproduction of
cotton and the farmer is not benefited.
A writer from Dove N'est says: The
wettest weather we ever hud. The farmers
have been at a standstill. The wheat has
sprouted in the shock. Oats are rotting in
Alihania Crop Itenm.
The Montgomery Capital says : The con
tinuous rains during the past month have
discouraged our farmers, and many of them
believe the entire crop of this section Is
lost. It is true that the corn crop on bot
tom lands is badly injured, but the upland
corn will make an average crop. To-day
an old and experienced farmer said to us:
“Say to the farmers not to he discouraged
about their cotton crop, for if the rain will
cease for a couple of weeks, the crop can
Still the Good Work Goes On!
Frcparod with pnoelr.l regard to health.
No Ammonia, Llrco or Alum,
PRICE Pfimno P?WD1R CO.,
Mi. A. T. LYON, the best known photographer
IN THE THREE STATES of South Carolina,
Georgia and Florida, says:
“I have suffered EXCRUCIATING PAINS from
SCIATIC RHEUMATISM. Stepping on uneven
surfaces of a sidewalk would give me Perfect
Agony. Various remedies have been tried, but
with no effect, until I commenced the use of
Guinn's Pioneer Blood Renewer,
-echo has awakened. After a decade of fc- ! be saved. July is the time to make a cot-
*T£r’ish speculation wild-catting has prile- ‘ ton crop. I know this from a like experi-
tically 1»en retired from the field, and the | once I have gone through in this
cool, calculating men are stepping to the \'county,"
front to rectify and take advantage of the The Troy Messenger Is responsible for
errors of the past. ] the following erop items: The newsgath-
JJp (n the mountain fastness nl'this won- , crer finds in liis rounds this week several
derful state are millions of dollars’ worth
of mining machinery that has been called
there by the syren voice of fickle fortune.
Oftimes valuable plants of this nature have
been placed in position after most arduous
effort, and never turned a wheel, simply
given over
These melancholy landmarks tend to
make men thoughtful.. and wbile the les
son has been one of trial and tribulation,
there are constantly developing evidences
to show that the mountains, in the natural
courses of events, although experience has (leneral Green, with all his force, has
been faithful, although experience has ! marched in and given Armstrong battle,
been dearly bought. At Gunnison one The latter will he obliged to surrender a
faces the sanguine effort of wealthy en- 1 part, or ull of his force, as his supplies are
thusiasm in the splendid Da Yeta hotel the I being cut off.
finest in the state. Here is a f225,0(K) hotel j ——
A MOST l.l lilllt A I, OITKK.
placed in what is apparently a $25,000 town;
it is splendid for the tourist, but the
projectors of the affair are probably
not over enthusiastic with the result of the
project. This is a region, however, over
which the Indians are reported to have
hunted with gold bullets, a story well cal
culated to dazzle the eyes of those who had
been accustomed to the use of dull lead.
Down at Pueblo it’s very different, the | nitc? them at once
oldest as well a.s one of the wealthiest and
most influential cities of the state you And
that the vast majority of the visitors pre
fer to pace the depot platform and view
ing the city, to experimenting with a stop
page at the alleged hotels. The city proba
bly, a.s well as any other, furnishes an
The largest smelter in the world, located i mons’ Iron Cordial,
there, is at present resting, the great nail , -
factory, however, is running full forces, ,
and the great steel works will shortly re- :
smile operations. Now that Pueblo has |
settled its foolish factional difficulties, and j
the two divisions have combined for a uni- i
ted effort that is large hope for its future
prosperity if railroad discrimination does
not crush its spirit a.s it has in time past.
At Pueblo, a.s In the rest of Colorado, all |
men live in hope.
of cattle-raising in New Mexico are liable
to be cropped closer as men of experinee
and capital come to understand it. The
example of one company who purchased
polled Angus for breeding purposes and
then turned them in with as sorry u lot of
cattle as was ever scraped together by a j
scheming buyer, who charged his unsus
pecting employers full rates and reaped a
handsome commission of profit. Another
large English cattle rattle ranch, run on
the gilt-edged principle, employs a man
ager at $12,000 a year, who spends ;
most of his time at Saute Fe, hut occasion
ally deigns to pack up his hath till) and
visit the property that he is presumably
looking after. Another trouble that these j
great corporations are experiencing is j
putting their affairs in the hands of a man- j
ager wno is to have a live-stock interest. :
As the cowboys wish to keep in the good
graces of the* manager, they are pretty !
sure to use his brand instead of the com- ;
panv’s on calves and mavericks at the
As there is no disputing the brand, it is •
only u question of time when the em- 1
ployes’ stock will outnumber those of the ’
employer. A new feed t fiat promises to I
form a* very important feature of the cat
tle trade in this country is alfalfa, a heavy, |
rich, nutritious food that has been intro-j
duced and takes most readily *to the soil. 1
The alfalfa has marked fattening qualities;
will yield five crons per acre, averaging at
least one and one-half tons to the acre, or
seven and one-half tons each year. Alfalfa
furnishes the solution to a very important
problem with the cattle men of New Mex
To-day I stood in the great cathedral at
Santa Fe. the site of one of the oldest
churches in America,whose hard clay floor
was worn smooth by the knees of prayerful
penitents ages ago, when the Spanish al-
cudes held sway and the land of Mexicans
was mightier than to-day. The candles
twinkled on the altar, the perfume of in
cense freighted tlu* air, the morning sun
light stole through the stained gloss win
dows of its great domed vault. The great
building appeared silent, deserted- a step
farther in snows such is not the case. A
young woman dressed in black
in the shadow of a great infant lies
on the foot in front of her, its happy,
laughing, childish face appearing to reflect
the sunshine of a benediction that tlu*
prayerful mother would call down from
the chiseled statue of the Virgin. Sud
denly all tin* bulls of tlu* cathedral tower
opened their metal mouths and sent forth
sounds that seemed to shake the very edi
fice with the echo of their tumult.* The
day marked the famous feast of Uorpus
C'liristi, and the great procession that had
marc lied from the cathedral was
now returning, and the hells sent forth
the note of warning and of welcome. As
far down the brown adobe-lined street as
the eye could reach it fell on a moving
procession of pilgrims proud of their re
ligion. These noble women whose lives
had been devoted to suffering humanity,
tin* sisters of charity who sooth the sick
and cheer the dying, led the van. their
dark vestments looking strangely somber
in the light and gay surroundings of the
spectators that lined the way on either
for their benefit.
• f 111 f (i n 11 a t i i m i
<1 with lung-«t
i<tiiig and painful <1 is-
> ciimplcn* cii
• sntiering linn’j
iilmil le inft»rmnti<i
It) an* in need of net
■ lu
sheuid liuve it.
nti'l others win sutler from nervous and phys
ical debility. (exhausted * it.ilitv,premature d**-
Cline, etc., hre especially benefited hv consult-
111tr its cotitfiits. Every!hint; hiicIi sufferers
i s! i to k now Is fully id veil in it - Pacos. If in
t"*t*d «>f nipdien! aid or counsel, read It beforu
" doi *torl ” or in vest lug in in edieiues or appli
ances of any description, and you will save
time, money and disappointinent. If using
medicine or medical treatment of any kind,
read it and learn tlu* better w.,y.
Til F. HEVI EW exposes the frauds practiced
hy ipmeks and medical impostors who prol
edicliu* "
I points out tlie only
safe, simple and effective road to health, vigor
and bodily energy.
Electric Hells and nil curative appliances are
treated upon: all about them—which are gen
uine, which are bogus. Belts on tnlrty days'
trial ?iand other fallacies reviewed. ' I'Ium-
.1 nervous-debility sufferers
advice given. THE KK-
ninth yiar of publication,
covins mailed FR/tF
naming tm* paper.
Publishers REVIEW,
1164 Broadway, NEW YORK
Apt ly now or preserve our address
ids of dollars
ami other.'
VIEW is i
Storekeepers now teej if for Sale
Crn|, It,.
Waynesboro True Citizen: J. M. Jones
had two wagon loads of com in town to
day for sale. He says he still lias on hand
a hundred bushels or so that he would soil.
Mr Jones is one of our most successful
farmers and always raises corn and meat i
for family use. So long as our farmers
continue to raise cotton to the exclusion of i
everything else they need never expect
self-sustaining farms; hut if they will quit
the cotton and begin to raise provision
crops, then they will see a prosperous era
dawn upon them.
Milton Democrat; It will take 120(1
bales of cotton weighing 425 pounds per
bale to pay the guano debt of this county
this year, or about two-ninths of the entire
crop, if it makes a full crop. Should tip.
crop be cut off' by disasters it will be ,i
greater per cent. The prospect now is un-
Many baking powders are very pernicious
to health, and while every one * regards his
”wn. he should also have a Tare for t lie lender
ones—the little children.
contains none of tin* bad qualities of baking
powders soda or saleratns. It contains no
hurtful ingredient—no alum or ammonia.
All Chetnistsiwhn have analyzed Sen Foam
commend it. Ilousekix ners win have used it
u have no other. Cooks, whose best efforts*
have fuiled witJi other powders, are jubilant
•ver Sea Foam. Saves time, sa\ es labor, saves
It is positivolvunequaled. Absolutely pure.
I sod by the leading In a els and iv-taurams
ai New Y**rk city and throughout the country,
for sale by all first-class grocers.
17 , ‘> On am- St., X. Y.
T obacco
itizens who have recently visited the east
ern and southeastern sections of the coun
ty. They are enthusiastic in their praises of
t he good farming and fine crops about Mm -
ticello, Brundidge, Clay Hill and Milliards.
The rains whch threaten so disastrously
to the crops still continue. It begins to
look ominous even for the high clay an 1
sand lands. The crop in Montgomery and
Bullock counties above us are almost an
entire failure. A letter from Lawley say - •
Bain is k' epingthe farmers in a drt ad—we
have never seen so much of it. Our crons
1 attention, but we can do but lit11
TION on the market for Piles. A SURE Cl RE
for Itching Piles. Has never failed to give
prompt relief. Will cure Anal Ulcers. Abscess.
Fistula. Tetter, Salt Rlieum. barber’s Itch, Ring
worms. Pimples, Sores and Boils. Price oOcts.
Tiie Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich.,
offer In send their celebrated Voltaic
Belts and Electric Appliances on thirty
days’ trial to any man afflicted with Nerv
ous Debility, Loss of Vitality, Manhood,
Ac. Illustrated pamphlet in sealed en-
■" lope with full particulars, mailed free.
Watermelons are now abundant in the
market, of extra size and good flavor, in
tiie region of Troy.
The beautiful crimson blush of nature,
without paint, can be imparted to the pale
cheeks of a sickly and feeble woman l\v
tic use of that great female tonic, Sini-
a n cl WOMEN
seeking Health.
Strength and En
ergy, should avoid
Drugs,Secret Med
icines, etc., and
scud for “The Re-
virw,’ - or “Health
and Strength Re
gained,” a large il
lustrated Journal,
published entirely
VoundH. Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Erysipelas, Boils,
Carbuncles, Bono Felons, Ulcers, Sores. Sore Eyes,
*8 *re Throat,Bunions,Corns, Neuralgia,Rheumatism,
Bronchitis, Milk Leg. Snake and Dog Bites, Stings
of Insects, Ac. In fact allays all local Irritation and
Inflammation from whatever cause. Price 2o ft*.
INGREDIENTS, compounded with the purest
Tobacco Flour, and is specially recommended for
Croup, Weed or Cuke of the Breast, and fot that class
of irritant or inflammatory maladies, Aches and
Pains where, from too delicate a state of the system,
the patient is unable to bear the stronger application
of the Tobacco Cake. For Headache or other Aches
and Pains, it is invaluable. Price 15 ctw.
Ask your druggist for these remedies, or write to the
DURHAM, N. C„ U. S. A.
Is the oniv an.
FOOD known which leave*
is without stimulant <*r aV 4:
beverage and wilt po-.i
Norvon-' Exhaustion, desu-.n
drinks, restore tin* appetite,
efr eshing -deep ati.l inn,a
trouble arising from n -r\ ( ti
tle wii! prove it* virtue
a!' e
vts. and
It i- a del.cion-
• ■. er Bruin and
m »or hJcoliolic
I >.--pl-i.'L, give
e rebel to cm\
A single* h it*-
y v ,/rv
/'> % >-2r
1 ' .. .’s;'
C EtO RATF.D^ ’ f
V V*;. \if f! iI jU'jr
’>% v ’ wf
/ ■. MjN ,'A
/ ^ \ V '. \
Five Cold and Two Silver Medal:,
iwr.nied in 11 4 at the Exi>osUii.Lif, C'
New tPi-'an-, ::■ <t Li'iiisville, ai.J tha Jr
.'entious i'.xp, >-iii..1, of Lot,clou.
The suprn.Ttiy « f Coralint over h'>n
or whai, h.,:i,' ha- now been tit.!,., tistra’e::
aynrur lint yen *' t-xperienci*. It is mn;*
duralil'-. it)' tv pliable, mere coun'nrublt.
and ner.r lr>.iks.
Avoid cileap imitatiors iurc).-nf var'ow
kinds uf cord. Nioit;* arc genuine "c c?
' Dk. W.insKii’a CotULiNi: " is prints
on inside of steel cover.
353 Bro' dway, Mew Citt
Local Agent.
•Jt >
goods which \\ ill help all, of either sex. to make
more money right away than anything else in
this world. Fortunes await the workers atiso
utely save. Terms mailed f -e; Taira ,V Co.
Augusta. Maine. i,w'
which has relieved me of the least semblance of
rain, and given me the entire cse ok hv limbs.
I conscientiously commend it to the public.
No. 128 Cherry St., Macon, Ga.
A Certain Cure for Cntnrrh !
A Sii[mtIi Flesh Producer and Tonic
Guinn’s Pioneer Blood Renewer"cures all
Blood and Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Scrofula,
Old Sores. A perfect Spring Medicine.
If not in your market it will be forwarded on
receipt of price. Small bottles $1.00, large size
Blood and Skin Disases mailed free.
a iFinsriE
Florida Tonic
One of the landmarks of the Georgia Drug
trade, now of Orlando, Florida, writes:
“I can hardly select s single case
of the many to whom I have sold
(•uIiiii'n Pioneer IHooil Renewer
but what have been satisfied: and I
find it the best remedy for all Skin
Diseases I have ever sold, and a.
Fine Florida Tonic.
Orlando, Fla.
A Certain Cure for Ciitnrrli !
A Superb Flesh Producer and Tonic!
Giiimt** Pioneer Blood Renewer
Cures all Blood and Skin Diseases, Rheumatism,
Scrofula, Old Sores. A perfect Spring Medicine.
If not in your market, it will be forwarded on
receipt of price. Small bottles $1.00. Larpe 81.75.
Essay on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free.
Cure.' all Blood and Skin Diseases. Rheumatism. Scrofula, Old Sores.
Essay on Blood and Skin Disease Mailed Free.
Macon .Medicine Company, Macon, Ga.
Wholesale hv Brannon 6j Carson and City Drug Store.
Wm.L.TILLMAN i Georgia. Muscogee County-
vs. -Mortgage, Arc. In Muscogee
R. H. GORDON. 1 Superior Court. May term, 1866
IT appearing to the Court by the petition of
Wm. L. Tillman, accompanied by the notes and i
mortgage deed, that on the fourth day of May, :
Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-three, the defend
ant made and delivered to the plaintiff* her two
promissory notes, bearing date the day and year
aforesaid, whereby the defendant promised by
one of said promissory notes to pay to the plaintiff
or bearer, twenty-four months after the date
thereof, Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-eight
Dollars and Twenty-two Cents, with interest
from date at eight per cent per annum, and if
mid note was not paid at maturity, ten per cent !
attorney’s fees for the collection thereof, foi
value received; and by the other of said prrmi* 1
sory notes the defendant promised to pay to the
plaintiff', or bearer, thirty-six months after the
dat*. thereof, Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-
cy ht Dollars and Twenty-two Cents, with interest
from date at eight per cent per annum, and if !
-aid note was not paid at maturity, ten per cent '
attorney's fees for the collection thereof, for value
received: and that afterwards, on tin day and
year afort said, the defendant, the better to secure
the payment of said notes, executed and deliver- ,
» d to the plaintiff*her deed of mortgage, whereby
the said defendant mortgaged to the plaintiff'* all
that tract or parcel ol’land situated on the west
side of Broad street in the city of Columbus, and
in said county and state, being about twenty-five
feet in front on Broad street and running back the
full depth of said lot, and known :us part of lot
number sixty-five, with all the improvements
thereon, upon which is situated Store House
number one hundred and forty-three ; and it fur- ,
ther appearing that said notes remain unpaid;
It is. therefore, ordered that the said defendant
pay into Court on or before the fii*t day of the
next term thereof, the principal, interest, attor
ney’s fees and costs due on said notes, or show
cause to the contrary, if any she can; and that on
tiie failure of the defendant so to do, the equity
of redemption in and to said mortgage premise**
be forever thereafter barred and foreclosed.
And it is further ordered that this rule be pub
lished in the Columbus Enouirek-Sun. a public
gazette printed and published in said city and
county, once a month for four months previous te !
the next term of this Court, or served on the de
fendant or her special agent or attorney, at leasf
three months previous to the next term of this
Court. J.T. WILLIS,
C. J. THORNTON. Judge C. C. C.
Plaintiffs Attorney.
A true extract from the minutes of Muscogee
.Superior Court, .'lay term, ls.-tfi.
my*J0 cam-ini Clerk S. C. M. C. Ga. 1
Whereas, Pen v Spencer makt^ application for
letters of administration on the- e-tutc of Mrs. E
T On Bose, late of said u utity. deceased.
These are. therefore. to*blte all ami singular tin
kindred and creditor? of said deceased, to show
ci'i’-e*. it any they have, within the time pre
scribed by law, why said letters should not he
grunted to said applicant.
Witness my official signature this July .id. 1386
Another County Acts.
Acts to-day, and always successful v and tri
umphant over any remedy on the market, and
will stand to the afflicted with inacti ve or torpid
liver, constipation or bad feelings generally, by a
large and overwhelming majority. It takes the
lead and keeps it, and cannot be defeated as the
people s remedy. Try it and b" convinced.
F. M.
. Join
E. Glenn, administrator of William
.•used, represents to the court in hh-
duly filed, tha: he has fully administer
d William N. Jones’ estate.
I'his, is therefore, to cite all persons con
cerned. heir? and creditors, to show cause, if any
they can w hy >aid u(lmiiji8trat( v should not be
u.schurged from his administration and receive
B trors of dismission on the first -Monday in Sep
tember, lS6*j.
Witness my official signature this 4th day of
June. 18S6.
jo5 oaw3m r. M. BROOKS. Ordinary.
Where a?., Charl.-s Phiii]
f'h.i-j 1 ?. d
s. executor Of T. M. V
k re-pie.vents to the court in his
• he hat fully administered
T. M. N. Philips’ KS
Thi-* iv therefore,
heir*' and creditors
e.«n, why *.;iid e\i rutor <h-»ul'l not be discharged
tiom hi* r\ev i:t«»i>hip .no receive letters of dis-
iv.Kd'.ii on the l-r-* >* lay in August, l.^s.
Witness m»\ «■ till .a!-•■.-1 Mure thi? May -Ah. 1SS6.
i"-„« ,.\v.:m U \|. MKUGKS. Ordinary.
cite* all persons concernec
A new medicine and a Specific for Sick Head
ache. Only one dose will prevent the worst Sick
Jordan's Joyous Julep
The Infallible Reme.iy for Neuralgia.
M. D. II 0 0 D A C 0.,
Manufacturing Druggists,
93 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga.
Whereas, R. A. McFarlun applies for letters of boni> non. on the estate ot
John D. Stripling, late* of said county, deceased.
These are. therefore, to cite all persons con
cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, il
any they have, within the time prescribed bylaw,
why said letters .should not be granted to said ap
Witness iny liand and official signature this
Julvid. 16-6. F. M. BROOKS,
jy3 oaw4w Ordinary.
Whereas, James M. Davis, administrator of
Robert B. Dtivis. deceased, represents t<. thecoarl
iu his petition duly filed that he hat. fully admin-
isteryd Ro .ert B. Davis' e.-tate.
This is theivfo.v, to cic• all person? concerned,
heirs and creditors, to slmw cause, il'anythey !
can, why said administrator -hould not Bed is- 1
charged from his mini.nisi ration and rt ceive let- 1
ters of dismission on the li
Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned
that on the -- day of June, 1886, Mollie Jones, late
of the county of Muscogee, departed this life in
testate, and no person lias applied for adminis
tration on the estate of the said Mollie Jones- :
that administration will be vested in the Clerk > f
the superior Court, or some other tit and proper
person, after the publication of this citation, un
less valid objection is made to his appointment.
Given under my hand and official signature this.
3d day of July, 1886. F. M. BROOKS.
jy3 oaw4\v Ordinaly.
of Sarah Bardwell, late
eeased, represents to the court in his petition,
duly filed, that he has fully administered said
Sarah S. Bardw ell’s estate:
Thi? i?, therefore, to cit** all persons concerned,
heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they
can. why said executor should not be discharged
from his executorship and receive letters of dis-
misnion on the first Monday in October, 1866.
Witness my official signature this July 3d. 1836.
jvj oaw.lm F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary.
Whereas, John Duncan, administrator of Sylvia
Standford, represents to the Court in his petition
duty filed, that he has fully administered said
S;» lvia Stanford's estate.
This i.-, therefore, to cite all persons concerned,
heir* and creditors, to show cause, if any they
r an. why said administrator should not he dis
charged from his administration and receive let
ter? of dismission on the first Monday in October.
Witness my official signature this 3d day or
July. 1686. F. M. BROOKS.
jys oaw4w Ordinary.
Whereas, William McGovern, Executor of Joint
McCarty, represents to the Court in his petition,
duly hied, that he has fully administered John
McCarty’s Estate.
This is. therefore, to cite all persons concerned,
heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any thev
can. why said administrator should not he dis
charged from his executorship and receive let
ters of dismission on the first Monday in Sep
tember, 1886.
jeo oaw.lm
F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary.
H.V I*. Jl. Knowles «V Co.. Auctionedx.
by VIRTUE of an order issued by the Court of
Ordinary ot Muscogee county, Ga., I will sell iu
front ot the auction house of F. M. Knowles &
( o.. Broad street, city of Columbus, Muscogee
• county, on iuosday, the 13th day of July, Ism,, all
the personal property of the estate of Patrick
.vicAi’dle, (le(*t*ased, consisting of Groceries anil
other perishable goods belonging to the estate of
said deceased. Terms cash. The sale wifi Be
continued from day to day until the stock is dis-
ppsed of j. c; . BURRUS.
jyieodtd Temp. Adm’r Est. P. McArdle.
I'sed for «ame purpose as Sapolio. lor sc
cleaning; and polishing. It will do th
work as .Sapolio and much cheaper.
a pruoawVJ
Mi-nci-iy in July
iiu niuuiuiieu ui
or m vco\. (diom.i i.
Ca.'li Cai-itiil. - - - Sltid.iico
Is now ready to write insurance agam-t loss or
damage by fire. Rates guaranteed as low as
ottered by any reliable stock company.
S. T. COLEMAN. President.
jv R. J AGUES. Vice Piesidem.
EDGAR S. WILSON. Secretary.
vr-aXS i j.w. HrticsrAOiBf,;
/^"URE Biliousness: S^ck Headache InFojthours
\C) One dGse relieves Rouialgia. They cure a*v
prevent Chilis Fever. Sour Stomcxh . • R /
Treath. Clear the Sktn, ions the Nerves, and > M *'
.its ^ Vigor io the system. I><» ;c : ONF I: V ’ '
iy them once ano you .sill revet boviitu” i v
. 25 cenis per baffle Sold hy l> *
•Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on re. ..
prico in stamps, postpaid, to any ndrtrecs,
j. f, s■>ir r11 a co.,
Manufacturers end Solo Fit p.u. f»T. ’.OUT, ’
• trttd WuiMfO
Wherea-'. M is- (kiroline .-uean art ai»i»lieN tbrlet-
ters of administration "ii‘!u estate nl Mi>- L. AI.
.■stewart. late of said county, deceased.
These are. t lie re fort*, to cite all persona con
cerned, kindred mid oediiois. to .show cause, if
any they haw, within the time prescribed by
law, why said letters should not be granted t(/«aiil
Witness my official signature this third dav of
July, J88o. F. M. BROOKS,*
jy3 oaw iw Orninary.
Whereas, Jacob G. Burrus applies for perma
nent lei ters of administrat inn on the estate of
Patrick McArdle, late of said county, deceased.
These are. therefore, to cite all* persons con
cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if
any they have, within the time prescribed l»y law,
why said letters should not be granted to said ap
Witness my hand and official signature this 3d
day of July, Isho. F. M. BROOKS.
»y3oaw lw Ordinary.
V liereas, E. L. Wells.administrator of K. Wells,
deceased, represents to the comt in his petition
duly tiled, that he has fully administered E.
Wells’ estate.
Phis is. therefore, to cite all persons concerned,
M“ir- and r« (litors, to .slu»w cause, if any they
c. u. why -aid administrator should ii"t be dis-
eh.og.-e l’n.iii his said admini-tralinti and receive
lt*ur-of -mis.iioii on the first Monday in July,
1880. F. M. BROOKS.
'J *< V Ordinary.
I H o u s e Cleaning Purposes.
IT Ull.I. in i’, I'aini. Marhlo, Ornekcn
( lire*, Kitclii’11 IHciiKils, Ji.i.n and Wimlou
' nsing ami aitiM-.
IT IVI l.l. I’UUMI Silw und Tin Ware
liinwsnnd .MctnlK.
IT IS SOI.II in luindNnnie solid enkes for
MHiumn?, .to,
will cli’itn paint, luki-HgifiiHu oil'tlu> dishes, pots,
* nit k es oil eh,lh lirighl. It will make
knives, lorkH and spoons an bright as new- do
any work that Hapollo will do.
A Soli,I I2.,„. Ink,, lor .To.
I .‘)S Hu >a < I SI root.
Si: A SO A' lssti.
\\ r ILL be opt
if June I/it li
Resident pln siei
for the reception of guests
'ler competent manageinc’.t
ami Western Union telec rapt
offici in thehotel. Fortcrms address
' llaliCounty, Georgia
el,fri.sun 2m