Newspaper Page Text
Women Who Work for the Love of Work
and Those Who Work for Bread.
JHcn Make tinvrrnnrs mid Cniwressnirii, l»ut Kn
mutt K<pi»ll> Industrious hi Her Own *,|hcs
A Worklntt dirt's Idea of cch* tVnni.n are 1 nil,
tlnsslps A Mother's Only In llrr Ihinithter-,
For the Km|iilivr-Suti.
Columbus. Ga., July P.- t judRe from
the time of the articles in the TjNqi'IHKl:-
Sl'N addressed to “Woman's Work and
World,” that there is about to .sprint; upoi.
the world a new era for the women of tin
country. It is with extreme reluctance
that 1 consent to submit a few remarks to
public criticism, but it occurs to roe that
at last the times are bursting open with
vital questions for both sexes at once, and
men are too engrossed withtheirown busi
ness to mind women much, while woman
is just now too occupied to give men more
titan it passing thought and sly glance out
of the oblique corner of her eye. At last
both sides have all they can do to attend
to their own knitting. Men realize that
they are
out of which governors and < ongressnn n
and legislators are made, and each wearer
of striped trousers feels it incumbent on
himself to sit on the sidewalk in front of
tlie hotels,at the (ieorgia Home corner and
other resorts until late at night talking
governor, drinking governor, and chewing
and smoking governor, while wives,
daughters, sisterH and sweethearts are just
as swallowed iup in their own matters,
which " discount electing a governor or
congressman two to nothing. If it seemed
likely some years ago that all
in the world meant to sit down on red
velvet hassocks, or lie on “flowery beds ,,f
ease” waiting for uncles to die in India, or
some healthy man to start them onward
to opulence and a dog-cart— it has been
demonstrated that clever women are not
waiting for either—for mortality at Calcut
ta or church members to aid them in mak
ing a living. “Smart” women, capable of
keeping themselves, are generally eleve r
enough to pick out a way to do it in —
avenue if you like it ta tter. One by one
shrewd, independent
are cutting their own roads through the
solid wall of public disapproval to the
higher ground on which men have been
allowed to meet and battle with the pro
saic demon of everyday life, called bread
and butter for short. As soon as a boy is
ready to leave college tie is given a pro
fession. When he is of a poor grade he
quits school and is forced to acquire a
trade. Fathers push Hum out and they
start in witii a determination to Is■ an as
tonishment to the human family. When
I) tys leave college it is with the proud as- !
sura nee that the world is ripe fortbc pluck- |
ing, that in fact the world has been get
ting on the best it could without them,and j
will be glad to get them at any price. The
world immediately sits down on them, I
luckily, and after a few hard knocks, the I
curly-haired collegian ceases to end tiis !
epistles in unintelligible Greek or to quote 1
Horace in the original. He packs up his I
fine notions in a top shelf of his closet
al nig with his Kuskin and TeJemecbus and j
hackles down to hard work. Now as to '
girls, Instead of pursuing the same wise
course with them, giving them a wea- 1
pon with which 'o ,lo ail the s’, e' nee 1
w hich may be necessary in advancing !
years of hardships, they are kept at the j
mother’s apron strings, made to look on j
labor with loathing, and not to l>e thought
of while there is a man in the world who j
m ly be l
whether of non.-, a means of support. Mar- i
rl-ige is all well enough; il is the proper
dispensation of woman in its proper time I
an 1 place.u >t a word sl-onld be said toplis-
courage giris from making g.iod mute lies. ;
Bui plenty o r them make bad ones In ;
their baste to get into another home. If
skilled in some occupation and ready to ;
bi'tle with life on llieir own account, girls
Would not blight their whole lives by tak
ing up crooked sticks, as bad husbands
were once called. Then would be less j
W ork m the divorce courts. Women are
now seeing tins important matter in its
true light and so the clever women are
preparing themselvis to do worthy work.
There are many women of to-day who are j
try ing to he something aside from decora 1
tive artists and embroiderers.
Now. Mr. F.ditor. if you find anything 1
in these rambling th sights worthy of a 1
place in the Enquirer-Sen, you are at lilr- i
ertv to us, tlum. will only be a
little backset to A Daisy, i
" h> IVunit n an- 4 ailed (,o**ipv.
Forth* Enquirer Sun.
(.'olt’mhi’s, (Lx., July IL- Tin sturdy oaks
atv searching now everywhere for the
clinging tendrils of the old days, the plead
ing, helpless, reudy-to-he-taken-eare-of
kind of girl, who looks up with speechless
adoration on the great umbrageous mon
arch of thi forest, whose branches shelter
her from the sleet and storm. If this
sheltering could go on forever it would he
a fine thing: but the wo< damn arrives by
time with his ax, the sturdy oak is laid
low in it-s strength and the poor tendril
hits to look about for another tree. There
are the mild-eyed, dangerous tendrils in
little white caps ami fashionable block
gowns, which the elder Weller warned his
son Samuel to beware of in life. If wo
men teach themselves arts b\ which to
live, men would be safer and young girls
would not be so afraid of widows. Of
course, women may expect to be discour
aged and warned to
away from thin rocky path leading to that
open ratupart where the heat and burden
of the day is waiting for them. But there
are things women can do as well if not
better than men, and let them take brave
ly’ hold on these things and in steady occu
pation learn the sweets of independence,
and that the narrowness of woman’s
sphere is what makes her vicious, full of
fault-finding with their own sex, gossippv
and in fact, full of mischief. Men are nev-
r guilty of the mean little tricks some
so men constantly shame themselves by
oing, because men are h o busy. Oceu*
•ation is the one radical curt for indc -
cnee and viciousness in women. Men ar
ust as curious nmi fond of themselves ;..
.'omen, and like gossip, too, the most n
•.hem. Imt their daily life is full of broader
•tter things; they have no time in whirl
i study the weaknesses and frailties o
heir sex. Working Glut .
Whitt tt itti.'H'Nlutu'i>1 Teach Their Ituuahters,
One of the noticeable articles of Ih.
month is a contribution by Ella E.ip-
iii’.ii to the Forum mi the subject of “Wo
■nan's Duty to Woman.” It specially deal-
ith the duty of mothers to touch their
daughters to work,'"train them so thu'.
whatever exigency may befall them they
will be able to supiort themselves. Tin
writer notes how frequently wealthy wo
men arc thrown adrift by sudden calamity
and shows that no fate is more pitiabb
than being obliged to join the great army
of starving shop-girls and sewing women
fin view of these lamentable facts, Mrs.
; I-aphmn thinks tlist the charity which
J should mend and prevent them must b*
gin at home. The mottn r who fails to
givi h< r daughter a ipeeial training, fails
in her duty. Tin-git I may not la-forced
to earn her bread thin year or the
! next, it may la twenty years hence, when
; t wo or three little (lie s are looking to her
j for food. Does some mother exclaim, “My
daughter is not strong enough!” Misl'or-
tune does not discriminate. If your daugh
ter be unable to endure a course of techm-
i eal or professional training, she is tax> frail
for the demands .if iux’iety. “The tax upon
the strength of ladies in society in this
city is very gn at, 'remarked a physician in
Washington last January, “and only those
of the strongest constitution can stand the
strain. Balls at night, receptions in the
day, etc., all combine to debilitate.” Men
tal application, with the proper food, exer
cise. and hours, does not Injure the health;
on the contrary, it is often most favorable
to it. Recent investigations prove that
among college graduates there is
iijkiii the health of the average woman. If
the girl be not healthy, try to make her
so. Unless, perchance, site be expiating
the sins of her fathers, in all probability
there are irregular hours, careless exjxi-
sure, lack of outdoor air, heavy clothing
suspended from the waist, or even too
much sweetmeats at the root of the
trouble. Or it may lie that a lurking dis
satisfaction with an aimless life is wasting
the strength of mind und body. If the
mind cannot cure the liody it can fret it
sorely. There art. more of these girls than
may ini supposed-girls who seethe need
of honest work in the world, who feel the
impulse of this busy ape, but. who are held
tifleh by public opinion; still others who
would not hesitate to brave that in a mod
est, womanly wn.v, tail who. having no
special aptitude, are left, by parents and
teachers to meet ttio greatest problems of
life unaided, and to undermine tx-alth and
spirits in brooding for months and years
over the question; “What am I good for?
What ran I do?”
“Get work; got work;
Be sure ’tis better than "Tint you work to get,"
cried tin poet from the depths of her wo
man’s heart. Let mothers beware how
they roll their daughters of their birth
right. Other sins than thone against health
are visited upon the children and the chil
dren's children. If the daughters are left
helpless they must Is-the sufferers in the
hour of trouble. Is there b it one daugh
ter, anil is she i es <led in the home” Then,
if no other channel open, make her a pat
tern hoiisekeiqH r. Make her so proficient
in this art., which all women ne»-d to a
greater or less extent, that it, will tie to her
a profession. Give tier experience not
merely in details, tint in supervision and
management. But whether it. he mental
or physical, whether it lx- as an artist or
an artisan, give tier a work, a resource.
Women in I iiropr.
Theodore Ft an ton, in u recent fitter to |
the Index, given the following fact* con- j
earning the progress of women in Europe:
The two first ladies in Stockholm to serve !
on state committees arc nowon the state'
girls'school hoard. One of these is baroness ,
Adlerparre, editor of Home Review. The
progress in all Scandinavia is qui‘e
puirked. M rs. Kowalcswka is pre lessor of
mathematics at the non-state university of
Stockholm. The society for the protection j
of married women's property interests has
now added to its demands a c laim lor wo- j
man suffrage. Women’s rights societies
are being formed among the peasants of t
Denmark. j
M. Haul Bert, who has been •« nt by '
France*" as a mission t*» Toquin, took aj
French lady doctor as a paid member of
the embassy. i
Signora an Italian author, hns ,
just written he r first work on tin* woman ,
question, advocating the broadening of j
the field of woman’s work. The signora :
is e ndeavoring to establish a sediool of arts
for girls in Rome. Miss Maria Fame, oft
Rome, has [been appointe»ei by the queen j
of Italy t*» Ik- her own physician.This good '
queen takes an inte lligent interest in the j
advancement of woman.
( hill a ii d Kiocr t’oinjin-rt'il.
Allot her guardian of health proclaims:
1'LKAsANT Mount I'. <>.. Miurens t’o., S. |
C., Messrs. Westmoreland Bros, Gentle-:
men: You gave me a bottle of vour Cali- j
saya Tonic, winch 1 administered to inv
son, who was .sudering at that time with)
chills and fever, and I must sa.v for the
benefit of the public, that it gave him t;n* I
tire satisfaction and relieved the case, and j
that, the chills have not returned. 1 have
examined your formula for making the 1
Tonic, and believ.* it to he a superior pre- {
paration, and if used as directed think it an
mvaluabie remedy in our southern malari
al districts. Very resi>eetfully,
M. C. Cox, M. D.
Westmoreland’s C’alisaya Tonic is per
fectly harmless and faultless. Can K* used
by the infant, aged or infirm. The best
tonic and appetizer in the world. Try it
Sold by all druggists at ?1 per bottle.
^Brannon A- Carson, Wholesale Age-nt*s,
Columbus, (hi. jyfi dlw
ykin Diseases hstantly Relieved
by Cutieura.
TREATMENT. A warm bath with Untkuv.
oar, and a single application of Cutieura, tii
real Skin Cur«. I'hi.* r* :ite<f daily, with t"*
rtlirt • dose- of Uiit;ri;r;i dvent. the Ntw
Uood FuritL r. t-• kc*'I- t he blood cool, the* per
lirntion part am* tinirrhating, the bowels open
‘d li\• r h .d •: .!.• ■- - 1 ■'< . jv : li >p, • dii; •*.
ijj-iti.s. s. .qi-lie t i : P iidrufl* and every >pi • i<
f Helnmi. S«* V. m d Pimply Rumors nfihe s< a!;
nd skin wbe*. the b» >■’ '>by«ici*.ius and reim dii
IK /I v| A ON \ Ml I Lit.
\*iillr nio-l % d.i ible Ci»t,n.-1 Hvaieiiii- Lav.
:.»m* my i h !d HO vro*. I Ua-.O l fe-l like -as
,;v.* tLi- for tL.u <>< m*|it >,* tin -.• '••. ho are troubled
ith skin di-ease. My litUi -rirl ua.* trouble
with Ke/**in.i, mid I :ri.. ! - v. ral ia!»ir> and
.:iediejm*H. but »»i«I not !i* r mu iroml nmil !
.-• ■! tL-* cmic.iv.L Keuu i d s. wliieli |» ”diA
ured her. for \!ii< h I ou * ,< u iikuin tlumk:- :md
many nitfbts oi’r.'M. A N ld )N BossSl ? |*.K,
?h, In I.
Tt:TTi:it or i n i; .sc t
I was .il'iio.M pt-rf'eeliy L tid. c:;u- *d by tetter •
■ in* toi* id" tii.* sun|p. i ust d yotir < 'mi* ur<* In m*
ties ilbnul six Wf -ks. U 1 I t.• ■ v .*m-;d
.J I*. ( l‘U)l( I*:. Wliileslinro', Tex;i*
im i iu !) tvrni itLninn s
I want i<* tell ou til'll y*iiir u.uiturn 10 *■■!*,*.
” iiMirnili- , **n!. Aieaif th. t*t* mont b.s in; *:
>.-.s ei v* ■ • d. u i* ii I‘'<mi.l :«fier •:i ■.; ::.
nit: l«*s of Hi sol\ent I \v:is pi rn i tli
LlilU 1 lJ
After Them Again!
kisleli In the hid nil ill's ot st a 1 let 1 competitors, ye eieitit
price Inm.-es. ,\o itook-keepei' .'it (iniv s Spot l.nsli
Store. So ic complaints of hipli pl'ires.
10 l XSCI Ci'liiri-1 Winu O
I ( ,i-i- ivplm- rv.Hi, cl n .
10 lioxt-- Hli.i.'hiiiv in An
Sold everywhere. Pr
riecuA Soap, 'n-; Cn
Ptepun* 1 by the Porri
t ‘o., Boston. Mass.
Send for “How to Cure Skin Diseases.'
Wliu snitl (Hay warn not tie’.iiir the Lace trade ot thi.- cdy !
<!ray nevei <top cn 'I im: !!i«* price- .'
Vets to-day, and always successfully and tri-
• mpliant over *my rcincilv on the market, ami
. ill stand to ihe milicted with inactive or torpid
iver. c>nst ipation or leclin^s generally, by a
urue ami overwhelming majority. Ii takes the
ead and keeps it, and cannot be defeated as the
medv. Try it and he convinced.
. Blackheads, Skin Blemishes, ,\nd j
K 1 1) X K P A I X S
And that weary. Iiftle?s, .ill-gone st*n-
f #■ sat ion ever present with those of in-
\ flarijed kidney.-., weak b.n*k and loins,
’ aching hi|'*« aud sides, overworked «*r
worn out by dismast, debility «>r dissipation, arc
relieveit in mil minute and speedily cured by tin
Uutktha Anti-Pain Pi.astck. ;i new. original
elegant nut infallih’u antidott to naiti ami in
rtammatiou. At ah dnmeusts. i.">c: tive for jJ.Oii. or
OfpOlTBB I)RUU IMP ClIBMlCAl, Co., Boston.
PK WfHil Drtsj. (toods ■I 'l.ic ;."W at ' « :h * S'cison'*
85c Cuban Linen Moieskma f»r pants and t<. this week 1
tac B'.iu*; Wool Uashmer** u *w TV none car ?'c.ow you *hu
One case Dress i finjihaniH to close A' This w.’.'. cause a
All ..u; Jlu and fl > Ficuming 4 '. •» , yvuc th:» wevk rtd’.uxs
All our *10 and *1- Parasols this w^-k :o V v*.
Al! our js» aid fs M arse files sprv.^1- :v.< u«.vk r-C'i;:o*V. :c f
Se* our Rents s I’ • u ! Sh • • a: -Vh-. f*.: . u ur V
W, •
) All onr
i )i>j«isiti-m
..f us. <-r u;.'iki? in
!>e dangerous •
< inns art- made ar.
i,n attempt on : r. -
We present ,
at once 5 e, thev •.
*1 <10 at +V-. hut
!.le <*or thi- sei-s-.p.
• < K'U'iiir,^.- l'riluct'tl t<i 2-ic.
-e - - c a
■ ;c v
when they undertake to come alongside
•fit system to cute up to us, it would
is ' the keenest of weapons, and our Needle
" ;he w ater's edge. You see, therefore, such
• juld endanger their cargo.
: - - w tse. and by careful inspection you will
paper •• wder. or pafxr and Linen bilks worth
.. .... the tiruis, and new designs suita-
SrAKT*. . rvpt. •2:2. Ikka. To the Constitu
tion, Atlanta Were I u» practice deception in a i
cas»- like thi.*. I would ♦hrak that my heart had j
becomes seared liey^utd recognition.
To Ik* guilty of bearing false testimony, thereby |
imiKjriling the lives of tny fellow-men, would
l»la«'e me lK.»ncath the diirnity of a gentleman.
The facts which 1 disclose are i ndorsed and j
vouched for b> ;!ie community in which I live, !
and I trust they may exert the influence in- i
Fortwcutv long years \ have sufle-ed untold
tortures from a lenibh pain and weakness in the i
small of my back, which resisted all modes and
manner of treatment.
For a long time the horrifying pangs of an eat
ing cancer of my lower lip has added to my mis
ery and suffering. This encroaching, burning
and pa in fill sore on my lip was pronounced Epi
thelial Cancer by the prominent physicians in
his ?»*ction. which stubbornly resisted the best
medical talent. About eighteen months ago a
cutting, piercing pain located in my breast, which
could not be allayed by tlu* ordinary modes of
These sufferings of mDtn and prostration be
crime so great that, on the lHih uf last July, a
leading physician said that I could not live long
er than four dn\s. and I had about given up in
despair. Th<* burning and excruciating ravages
tt'*ni«’ini“•ii- did- put tlu- prict*s down—GRAY.
Mass meetings held everywhere to push :he tfeorgia Midland, to finish the road
tjuickly as all can get a chance to come to the Trade Palace before all the bargains
are gone. No such low prices named south of New York.
On Top Live House.
C. P. GRAY & CO.,
Colmnbii.-. (in.. Opj><isiI<■ Rmikin House.
We guarantee to send out more bundle^ in a half day than all hou^-s here ;.*m to
gether, and they are all too heavy for boys to take out. *<• we have a man • r-uraged
solely for that purpose.
of the cancer, the painful conditi^m of
and breast, and the l.ipid prontratin
whole H\-tem < i.nbim*tl to make m<
wreek of f muer mar.lioi.d
Wliilt* limn nungly suspended on
between lib* and death. I commenced u
B B. B.. tin gnuidi—t elo«*«| im*di< im* i
my hous< tu-!d. eves u*-od.
Tin* effect was wonderful it was mag
excruciating pains which bad toimeim*
• back ;
of m.\
A new medicine ami a Specific for Sick Head
ache. Only one dose will prevent the worst Sick
Jordan's Joyous Julep
The Infallible Remedy for Neuralgia.
M. 1). HOOD y CO.,
Manufacturing Druggists,
93 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga.
Stores Foi Rent,
(his und water works. This is the most desirably
located Store in Columbus for either Grocery or
Dry Goods business. Building will In.* put in
* borough order by October 1st. Parties wanting
a gfKxJ store will find it to their interest to See
me in reft re nee to this place, as it will be made
to their interest.
The Brick Store* anrl Bakery next to Evans &
Howard. The building has recently been put in
good order and is considered to lx.* the best loca
tion in the city for the Bakery business.
HHMIIW ( uvwroitiL
Kelt I Kxlute igfill.
] JVj Broad Street. j'l'.’T ti
(Corv.) CmcAco, April 21st, !s*s,.
Th: u to certify, that the Illinois Trust and
Sivtngt Bank has this day received from the
L'r. fjt. r igar Company of CfucagOi to be held
in Specad Deposit,
U. S. 4 0 o Coupon Bond9,
u tvrstj rj. (too. x Market Value of which Is
* 11 VtA 100. 1
“ 41S06 10O. I $1012.
•• ifiVJ loo f *
•sou. ' (S.) Ja*. S. Gibbs, Cash.
**Ue offer the above as a FORFEIT* if our
" teMT GBOCKB” does not prove to be a
genuine Havana-filler Cigar.-Union Cigar Co.
Tin* allow protili' n■).>
tlicv li'iivu giif stiiic.
i> ’Ilf t'l'HingS of Cllstoilli-l-S it-
• lay n
In Id
id b<
t at
resit red t«> a ^uttering man. the cuneer com-
im ;n «*d bua'mg. -irength .va- imparted t«* my
tceblv* flame, and when eight In^ttles bad beer,
used I wa*‘»ne nf the h q p'est of men, uinl leit
Wesleyan Female Institute,
• lid
AH p
in ab d
id I .v
11 hut she >Vinitial Him to Mrinh.
“Charley, " said youn^; Mrs. ' r ucker to her
husband, ‘1 don’t mind your drinking onct*
in a while, as long as you eat plenty *>f
cloves, but l do Iiojk* you’ll always drink
nice, sweet, pure whisky. I saw a sign in
the street the other day which says:
‘Whisky sours,’ and 1 know the stilt!’ must
be unhealthy after it sours.”—Merchant
pruiiouiM'cd cured. To those I
wlio an.* .itllieied. and need a blood remedy, I I
HIT" the use of ». B. b a wonderfully effective,
spe**dy and ulw ap blood purifier.
Al.t.KV ( i KANT. j
Si* a hi a. Ga.. September 22. 1885. I *«aw Mr.
Allen (irant, wnen he was flittering with epithe
lial cancer of tht* under lip, and after using the i
B. R. B. medicine, as stated above. I find him
now almost if not perfectly cured.
.signed, J T. ANDKKWs. M. D. |
SPAiurA. Ga.. September 22. 1885. We take
pleasure in certifying to the truth of the above 1
statement, having supplied the patient with
the Blood Balm.
Signed. Rozjkr ,V Vaiiukman, Druggists.
Sparta, Ga.. September 22, 1SS5. -I often saw !
Mr. Allen (Grant when sutfering from epithelio-j
nm. and from the extent of the cancer thought
he would soon die. He now upnears perfectly |
well, and 1 consider it a most wonderful cure. j
Signed, K. H. Ukavis, Ordinary. |
All who desire full information about the cause !
and cure of Bh>od 1*oimuis. s«»rofulH and Sevofu-*
lous Swellings. Uh*ei*s», Sous. RheuniatiMn, Kid
ney f'omplamts, Catarrh, etc., can secure by
mail. free, a copy of our 82 page Illustrated Book •
of Wonders, filled with the most wondei fui and
startling proof ever before known.
Address BLOOD BALM CO.. .
Atlanta, Ga.
d‘2ta\v seiw top col n r til
Opens September 2‘2d. 188fi. One of the First Schools por Yorso
)iUin« ix thi; Union. All Departments thorough. Buildings elegant.
Steam heat. Gas light, situation beautiful. Climate splendid. Pupils
from nineteen States. All impoitant advantages in one greatly reduced
charge. Board. Washing, Lights. English. Latin. French, German.
Music, for Scholastic year, from September to June. No Extras.
For Catalogue w rite to
Ki.v. WM. A. H \RRIS, |). I).. Pre ident,
jvT e‘ul2in Staunton, Vijgiiiia.
The beautiful crimson Mush of naturt , i
without paint, can M* imparted to tne pale
cheeks of a sickly and feeble woman by
the use of that great female tonic. Situ* j
moils’ Jron Cordial. eod&w j
Trumps Mukt* Um> of tlu* U;il*y.
Two tramps, a man and his wife, have
recently been making a good livin ■ inS in
land by means of their baby. -We just
gets *im christened,” says the father,’“at
all the towns we pass, and then you set?,
parson, he makes us all comfortable wU
sum mat D> eat and money for beds. Or
days orful bad we have to »L> ’im twice.”
J. L. Norton Carroll, residing at Far
Rockawav, Queens Co., N. Y.. was so crip
pled with inflammatory rheumatism, of
ten years’ standing, that he had to use
crutches. He was completely cured by
taking two Brandreth’s Fills every night
for thirty nights, and will answer any writ
ten or personal inquiries. eod&w
ForiS years «t 37 C*mrt Place, new at
A nwiUr'.y lo^all.* qualtl!, 1 |-h> ?uuau
ftu<s( StXVVta.^'l!. •*** 103 Will |T> .
It'. AS KS.
S^ionatorrUoa and I»ipofonoy 9
i;ii:'ii,,l'uti-l-)»ol|Fii f. A . . ISIGL t. S,y«. .
, • . r :*.•»«. i ....
-T'''''’" SYPHi'.t XS ■ '' ;
T •* 1 -c.c tTonorrhoa,
GIXET, -• •• •• , n *.T:.
Reduction in Gas Piping and Fixtures,
lib* HAVE decided to pu-Ti • lie Gas i»u.-im*s> in t’.Jiimbus, and in order to do so hav< reduced
?? tin* price «>i G;\s Pipe ; I* ixtinus Now is tin* time t<i put pipes in your dwelling or store
j cheaper than ever h« foiv. 1 'a 1 ! :i 11 • l see our st\ h-s of Fixtures.
T' *1 t'pl' nii(> 5 Ml. 1H Tuclnii SI rt't'f.
Cures Guaranteed in all Canon
C 'ti*',’.r.u.i 1 *tr <ir»ll,' .•'r l>r l?tter fr-’e nnl '.r.'i*.-1,
CLu. t fa ; u-'. I ,iul ourr*n|« t.J<uce atnoily
Of 200 pa*e«. f *nt tc any addretsa, securely «e*l.«d, for thirty
Patent Metalic Caskets, Wood Cases & Caskets,
CLildi't'uV CUiss Wliilu Cases ami Caskt-ls. Cliildron’s Gloss
Wliite Mclalic Caskets, burial Robes, all prices from $J.50
up. Personal attention piven all orders. Twelfth Street,
four doors west of TJios. Gilbert’s Printing Office. oclflly
- ^SOU > VTi0EjTS
° U i r W lf,c * Cigar is strictly Hand
made. Elegant quality. Superior workmanhip.
Sold by all Crocers.
<u N. (iliitau St., • CHICAGO,
Retail by
G. l>. HUNT, Columbus, Ga.
je.M illy
$ 1,850
Will Buy Nearly New 4-Room
House, in1 Pcrfa t Rennir. Waterworks, Kitch-
eii in Yard. ( ornur Lot First Avenue and Sixth
Street. Nc»w rented to Good Tenant at ^17 per
mouth. v 1
.lon.xsro.v A VOIDIAX.
ie16 wed,fri,sun,2w
a 1 II l:.VS. UKOIttil.t.
Makamk S Scsnuwski, , . . . ...
Mj-s C. So.-nov, m(i, j Associate Principals.
'I'HE Scholastic year rc-uiwns on Wednesday,
I ■•(■pu-mner yjii, Iswi. hist ulnvatiumvl dii-
\aiitn^cs oftcrec, (oyouiiK ladies.
to circular ofinmrniation apply to the above.
I. . iyKdtsepM
It ran |„. aiven in cup „| cofTpc or tea
\viltiout the knowledge ..t tt,,. person tnk-
mg if; ik absolutely liarmlchs, and will ef-
teel a perana and speedy em e. whether
the pa lie Id is a moderate drinker or an nl-
| < olmlH* vvrerlt. it h a * given in Ihou-
saiuln of vjiKoK, anil in every inut-unee a per-
i«*ri cure Iuik followed, ft fails. The
system (Hire imprc*mi teal witl> the hperifle,
II Pec oines an utter impossibility for the
liquor appetite to exist. Foe sale l>y
fob sale by -
j 1KI into A It ST.. COLI’-Tinrs. GA,
, Call or write for eirciilar & full particulars.
Taxes! Taxes! Taxes!
\ NSWKR Will you (five in? July 1st will be
a darn, uay if you don't.
eod*w J. C. KEEDY, R. T. R. M. C.