Newspaper Page Text
.7’: 'j: 1 *•- 4 <-v--■> v
raitT EyQTOER-sry. comint-g; geohgia, fiuday mornisg, mv id,
Newt from the Three States Told In
Brief Paragraph*.
A Fight About Knerthfurti)—A Vlelox* Fox—
llrutb of « Prominent Voting l.ndy-Rnd Crnpo
—A Man Wnnto Klghtjr Holism fbr Croatia n
Hirer—A Mon Killed by Uithtulnp.
Mr. C. H. Mitchell has been elected clerk
of the c ity council of 8%ndersville.
Bishop Joseph 8. Key has returned to his
home after a visit to Mimissippi.
Mr. JameB Marks, of Jasper county, was
killed by lightning last Monday.
Mr. W. W. Richards, of Washington,
has secured the place of book-keeper in the
Gate City bank of Atlanta.
Robert Rowan, of Sheffield, who was
bitten by a highland moccasin, immedi
ately drank a gallon of whisky. To this he
ascribes his recovery.
Little Blakely Gibson, son of Mr. Gibson
of Dawson, while standing on the piazza of
his father’s residence, was instantly killed
by lightning.
Large numbers of people are passing
through Austell on their way to Salt
Springs to spend a part of the season at the
latter place,
The farmers of Baldwin speak in very
despondent terms of crop prospects. Sam
Evans says the county will not average
three bales of cotton to the mule.
An engine separator and a yoke of oxen
fell through the bridge on the Appalachee
river, near H, A. Corither’s store, near
Athens Monday. The machinery was
Amos Gates, husband of Jane Gates, of
Atlanta, whose mysterious disappearance
heard from. He is in jail at iesup. The
cause of his arrest has not been learned.
The Americus Republican says: Miss
Edna Guerry died at the residence of her
father, W. B. Guerry, Esq,, near this city,
Saturday night. She was a sister of Hon.
Dupont ana Justice E. L. Guerry, of this
A base ball player (professional) in At
lanta the other day quit his game and went
home because it was reported to him that
his father was dying. This act leads old
man Waterman, of the Griffin Sun, to re
mark that the national game must be
losing its grip when such a slight cause
will call a player away.
The Americus Republican says: At a
meeting of the directors of the Peoples
National Bank, Tuesday, they declared the
usual semi-annual dividend of five per
cent, after carrying a liberal amount to
undivided profits. This is a most excellent
showing for such times, and speaks in
glowing terms for the management of the
Monday morning, in Schley county, the
house occupied by Joe Cottle, colored, on
the place of F. M. Pilcher, caught fire
from the chimney while the cook was at
the well and the house and contents were
destroyed. Nothing was saved and Joe is
out everything that he possessed, about
■flOO worth. The house belonged to Mr.
Pilcher and wt s worth $.50 or .*75.
Prof. Leon, the tight rope walker, who
is billed to do the grand act at an early
dav in the way of walking a rope across
the chasm of Tallulah Falls, reached At
lanta Monday from a trip to the falls,
where he has been to take a took at the
surroundings and see if the feat can be per
formed. He reports that he can make the
walk if the Young Men’s Library associa
tion will subscribe *80 to pay for .the main
and guy ropes. He says that he is anxious
to perform the feat and is satisfied that he
can do it successfully if the required sum
is approprioted.
Some of the colored people gave a dam e
Saturday night about two miles from Shi -
ron. iri 'Taliaferro county. Among those
who attended were Lee Powell and OP e
Akery. The dance broke up about rail -
night, and as they were returning home a
quarrel arose between the two mentioned
as to the beauty of their respective fenu.'e
Partners. Words soon lead to blows, and
in a verv short while Akery’s knife sliced
Powell. Akerv eseaix-d almost untouched,
but Powell was stabbed in six places. Dr.
Moran was sent for and had to sew up four
of the wounds. The worst cut was down
the spinal column about, two or three
inches, t hence across the right kidney. The
doctor fears they may prove fatal. The
strangest part of the affair is that the
authorities have taken no steps and have
made no inquiries into the matter.
A Macon special to the Atlanta Consti
tution of yesterday says: An amusing Jit-
tle episode occurred in police circles yes
terday. An Atlanta man has been separa
ted from his wife for some time, and wl i e
here in Macon he has been honest and in
dustrious. Yesterday his wife came down
to effect a reconciliation. Officer Allen
Jones was detailed to be on hand, with in
structions not to letllhim talk to her too
roughly. The officer accompanied her to
the place where her husband was. and re
spectfully stood aside. The two looked at
each other a moment, then simultaneously
burst into tears and fell into each other’s
arms. In a few minutes the wife appear
ed and said: “Very much obliged to you.
Mr Jones; we will not need your services,”
and all was serene.
Watermelon thieves are getting in their
nocturnal work in Tallapoosa county.
The young men of Dadeville are orga
nizing a first-class brass band.
The Eutaw Mirrow says the crops in
Greene county have improved considera
ble within the past week.
Gen. Barclay, an industrious, hardwork
ing colored man, accidentally bad his arm
cut off a few days ago at a saw mill near
Along with the L-e Light Infantry of
Opelika was a little darkey of about 9 or 10
years, who has traveled over a considera
ble portion of Europe with Thatcher’s
minstrels. He is quite a good dancer, gives
the double shuttle, cuts the pigeon wing,
etc. As a singer he does not excel, put
seems to be a nappy little boy.—Greenville
The Dadeville Democrat says: “Prof.
J. S. Reynolds has opened a singing school
in the l^irst Baptist church in Alexander
City and as yet none of the Methodists of
anv consequence are attending. We tegret
very much to see this state of affairs and
hope that ere long they will be thoroughly
reconciled.” This is a bad joke the
Methodists who are attending.
The Birmingham Chronicle says that
some of the lenders of the democratic party
in Talladega are very indifferent about the
success of the state ticket, giving as a rea
son that Talladega has been snubbed by
the high chiefs of the party. We suppose
the grievance is because Judge Heflin was
counted out, and Col. Bishop defeated n r
president of the university.—Montgomery
The Birmingham Age of the 15th says:
Yesterday Marshal Pickard received a
letter from the Eureka Detective Agency,
of Charlestown, W. Va., offering a reward
of $100 for the arrest of Edward M. Can ,
who is wanted in Maryland for rape, Jlie
description was given to Officer Prater,
and in about two hours he had tho man
1 safely lodged in the city prison.
It is rumored that a new ticket is in the
field. It is called iu opposition to the
regular democratic party, the old demo
cratic party. It was born a few nights ago
in darkness, not far from this town. It is:
a party of dissenters, whose object is ap-
thy. pLa ‘Mafcarln or
and give It ini
cans. It is a t
dolph 6 co U u„ b tf K!“'
Young Goodwin, a married man, living
about six miles from WilsonviUe, Shelby
county, shot, his wife with a shotgun,
causing instant death •
seeing ms wire pass across the hallway,
shot her, mistaking her for a burglar. He
was carried to Columbiana, but owing to
the failure of officials to» rov» re a warrant,
was allowed to go. He mode good his
The Eufaula Mail aayu: Mr. Wm. C.
Hart brought the news* yesterday that
Henry Green, a colored bahd on the plan
tation of Mr. Johta McGough, in Russell
county, was killed by lightning Saturday
afternoon. He had been out in the field,
and a shower coming ap, took refuge In a
cotton house, and, presumably went to
sleep and was killed in that condition. He
woe not discovered until about 0 o’clock
that night, several hours after the houst
was stricken, when he was found dead and
The Dadeville Democrat says : Within
the past three weeks the following deaths
have occurred in Oaktuska beat Mr. Doc
Walker’s wife and baby, Mr. John Haw-
A Southernized Yankee
Wli* His Eight Pounds and a Half
Alien Flesh.
Potash Victim.
Cured by 8. A 8.
Oonrimert ehoulil not confute our Specific
with the numeroict imitation', riihetilutee,
potaeh and tnerenry mUti/ree which art got
ten wp to tell, not on thtlr own merit, hut on
the merit of our remedy. An imitation It
at way t a fraud anil a cheat, and they thrive
only an they can etealfrom the article imitated.
TreaUet on Blood and Skin IHeeaeee mailed
fret. Fur tale hy all druggiete.
."rawer 8, Atlanta, Oa.
S. S. S. vs. POTASH.
I hsvo had blood poison for ten rears. I know 1 bare taken oca hundred bottles of
' " -- ma *»d.. U* «£*£$ joty
Iodide of potash In that time, bat
and limb* were oorered with eoroa, and I eonld acweely nee in;
maUem In my shoulder*. I took 8. 8. 8., and it baa dona me more good than all other modi
——- **- ■ - *• - ‘ - neck are perfectly clear and clean, and my rhen-
clnee I have taken. My face, body and
. and I now weigh
like a strong man.
tie” Tom Young, colored, Mr. D. W. C.
Day’B baby, at Sturdivant Station, and
Aunt Vicey Ray. Five or six little negro
children have died just across the river,
and many more, both black and white, are
now lying in a critical condition. Flux is i
thought to be the cause.
The files in the executive office show
that Auditor Burke reported Judge Talley
to the governor for failure to make his
quarterly report as required by law. They
also show that the governor wrote to
Judge Talley on the fourth of the same
month notifying him to comply with the
law or else suit would be commenced
against him, and on the 8th Judge Talley
replied, making excuses for his failure to
make his report, and promising to do so
without further delay.—Montgomery Dis
A Tuscaloosa special to the Birmingham
Age of yesterday says: A telegram has
just been received in this city announcing
the death of Rev. J. H. Henuon, for some
years pastor of the First Baptist church in
your city, but more recently of San Marco,
Texas. The sad event occurred on a train
of the Missouri Pacific railroad, at 12
o’clock on the night of the 9th, while on
his way to St. Louis. He had long beeu in
feeble health, and hoped to be improved
by a visit to another climate. The remains
were carried back to his Texas home by
his heart-broken wife, who was journeying
with him. The many friends of this pure
Christian will mourn his untimely end.
The town of Tampa pays fl20 a month
for the work of the scavenger cart.
The Pensacola Commercial reports a beet
two feet long, and eight inches in circum
ference at its top, grown near that city.
A learned and respected physician at
Leesburg kept a gun loaded in his room for
j burglnrs. Last week they came—and stole
! the gun.
Mrs. Frank Richardson shot and wouud-
I ed a fox near her house in Hillsborough I
1 county last week. Herself, two young I
sons and a dog then had a hard fight with '
! the fox before he was subdued and killed. I
j The new band stand on Lake Eola is com
pleted, and it is one of the finest of the !
I kind between Orlando and Central park,
New York. It is thirty feet in height, oc
tagon shaped, and two stories high. It I
, cost about !*5000.
i A lady living a few milrs from Tampa
| administered a severe castigation to a |
| young man for circulating slanderous re- i
i ports about her. She wore out a lot of j
switches and told him that next time sire i
would use a ra.. i Ve on him in a mai. r
that he would noi relish.
About one hundred men are now cm- !
ployed on the wharf extension of the I
Florida Southern railway, and another one i
hundred on the new buildings of the com
pany at Palatka. The work is progressing ,
with great activity in every new depart- i
ment, as new supplies of brick and lumber !
have arrived.
Colonel Harney, of Pine Castle, has I
among other curiosities a Cremona violin, .
1 made d.v Guisioppe Guarmenus, bearing '
date A. D. 1G90. It was given to the colonel
when in "charge of the Louisville high
school, by Professor Holman, teacher of |
modern languages in the faculty, in the
year 1857, and bus been in his possession
1 twenty-one years. !
I The Florida Watchman, the organ of the
1 Colored people, published at Orlando, I
learns that fleas are killing the chickens at :
Tavares. What a colored preacher doesn’t j
know about chickens isn’t worth knowing, ,
| and their affinity for fowls is as strong as ,
their scent for a melon patch.—Tavares
1 Herald.
j Gainesville News: O. J. Farmer, for the
I past eighteen months an efficient typo on
; the News and Advocate, has gone to Calla
han to assume the proprietorship* of the
Record. Oliver is an ambitious young man
| and is worthy the confidence, respect and
; patronage of the public. May he and the
Record have unbounded prosperity is the
j wish ot every one in this office..
There are now in process of erection in
the city of Gainesville thirty-three dwell
ing houses, besides the brick buildings now
| going up for business purposes. Rcgard-
; less of “hard times," Gainesville is pushing
! ahead with a degree of vigor never before,
known in her historv. All those new
houses will be occupied as soon as finished,
and the demand for houses to rent will not
| lie satisfied.
Active, i'lisliitur nml Itellult'o.
J Brannon & Carson can always lie’ relied
upon to carry in stock the purest and best
goods, and sustain the reputation of being
j active, pushing and reliable, by recora-
i mending articles with well established
| merit and such as are popular. Having the
agency for the celebrated i Or. King’s Now
I Discovery for consumption, colds and
coughs.will s.-lllit nu a positive gu run'.' c. t
will surely cure any and every affection of
i throat, lungs or chest, and in order to
j prove our claim, we ask you to call and get
a trial bottle free. eod&AV
rilATU.ns O. SltliRtPAV,
Tills g 'liiieaiaii, the senioi mcjiiltiff >'•
tlie firm of Slo rulnn Bros,, fre.-co urti.-t:
and ii curators. ’ • :q„ is a gen
nine i,., ...... cctiflJi'rneflo
clinic!* and 'adoption. T’-rn in the pun
tari city oi ITovidoinv, ... ..HI years ago,
a 1 an oar 1 ' - bn turned up.. n *•
a... u, muure an artist, and his
years of study and tuition in eastern cities
have developed him into one of the fore
most young decorators of his time. Some
years ago V Y.:nc .nth to decorate the
Interior o! tho Church of die Trnaoulate
Conception, at Atlanta, and, liking the
people and climate, determined to locate
south ol Mu-on and Dixon’s line.
“My system,” .-aid Mr. .Sheridan during
it recent'conver-i'tiqn, “hud been for some
time gradually running down. I
wus not sick,' in a g rural sense oi
the word, but my physical strength was
feeling the severe strain I had been' foi
years putting upon it in the active men
ial labor nece--ary in the pursuit of my
avocation. While J have not what i=
termed a delicate constitution, I am by
no means a lubu-t fellow, and have what
might he called the ‘New England mold,’
physically. For some time pa>t I had
been losing vigor, when my uttentim
was called o Hunuicutt’s Rheumatic Cure
as a tonic and strengthciicr of the sys
tem. J began u-ing it about four weeks
ago and since that time have gained eight
and a half pounds in weight. My blood
is as pure as spring water and my entire-
system revitalized. 1 have no hesitancy
in saying that it is the best general tonic
upon the market to-dav.”
This wonder.til remedy lor the abso
lute cure of rheumatism and all blood
and kidnev diseases, of however long
standing, is sold at $1 a bottle hy all
druggists. J. M. llunnk'Utt «fc Co., Pro
prietors, Atlanta, Ga.
eod&w fol rd mt
mm sale,
Property of the Columbus Manu
facturing Company.
Complete nn*l Fully Eqnlppm (*Um
Fnrtury, Tugctlier with Nearly •
Mile <>r the Finest Water Power M
the t’hnttahooeliee Itlver, Ini Ahor»
the City of Columbus.
After Them Again
Listen to the murmurs of so-called competitors, ye credit
price houses. No book-keeper at Gray’s Spot Cash
Store. So no complaints of high prices.
^ HOW IS TH I S ? 2gg
5 Cases Best Prints only 3?^c, as much as you want.
10 Cases Colored and White Lawns 3‘^c. No 10-yard pieces: name amount wanted.
1 Case Poplins reduced to 8c. Not required to buy other ^oods to get this.
10 Boxes best Bleaching in the city at 7c. When you see it, you buy it.
Who stiid Gray was not doing the Lace trade of this city ?
Will Gray never slop cutting the prices ?
IOc All Wool Dress Goods going now at this season's goods.
35c Cuban Linen Moleskins for pants and suits, this week 15c, very desirable.
45c Black Wool Cashmere now 25c; none can show you this but us.
One case Dress Ginghams (to closel 5' ,,c. Tills will cause a surprise.
All our $10 and $12 Flouncings, 4 1 ; yards, this week reduced to $0.
All our $10 and $12 Parasols this week reduced to *5 65.
All our $6 aud $K Marseilles Spreads this week reduced to $3 25.
By virtue of the power vented in u» under th«
terms and condition* of a certain deed or Irtul
executed to the under»lgn«*d,' J. Rhode* Brown*
and A. Itlges, trustees, by: the Columbus Mano-
facttiring Company, of Muscogee county, state ot
Georgia, dated March 1. ABM, whereby the said
corporation ounveyed to tit all'of the property,
real and personal, hereinafter described, in trust,
to secure the payment of ity certain issne ol
bond* and the interest coupon* thereof a* in soM
trust deed specified and enumerated (all oftrhieh
appears duly of record in Mortgage Deed Book
“A,” folios 307 to 373, March 5.1884, in the Clerk's
office of Superior Court, Muscogee county, Geor.
gla, and in Record Deeds, volume O O, page* It
to 88 inclusive, March 22,1884, office of the Proa
bate Court in the county or Lee, state of Ain.
baton, and in conformity with the directions and
terms prescribed in the resolutions passed by th#
holders of Haid bonds on April 24, 1886, under th*
authority conferred by said deed of traat.)
We will sell in the city of Columbus, Muscogs*
county, Georgia, on the 3d day of August, 188*.
between the legal hours of Bale,-in ftont of th*
auction house of F. M. Knowles & Co., on th*
northwest corner of Broad street and Tenth*
(formerly Crawford street), (being the usual p|ao*
for sheriffs sales in said city of Columbus) a*
public outcry, to the highest bidder, for cash, th*
following described property of the Columbna
Manufacturing Company, to-wlt.: All those lot*
aud parcels of land situated, lying and being a*
follows: Fractional section number twenty-six
126) and the north half of fractional section num
ber thirty-five 136), both in fractional township
number eighteen (18), range number thirty (30),
in formerly Russell, now Lee county, state of
Alabama. Also the following lots of lauds lying
and being in the eighth (8th) district of Muscoge*
county, state of Georgia, known as lots number*
eighty-Bix (86i and eighty-seven (871 and the west
half of lot number seventy-four (74) and fraction*
numbered ninety-one (91) and ninety-two (921-
und Island number three (8) in Chattahooch
residence formerly occupied by J. R. Clapp, tu
as a residence and grazing lot, containing seV
(7i acres more or less. All of said lands last de
scribed lying and being in the county of Musoo-
f ;ee and state of Georgia, and, together with said
ends in Lee county. Alabama, containing eight
hundred and thirty (830) acres more or less.
Also, all of the said Columbus Manufacturing
Company’s buildings on said land in Muscoge*
county, Georgia, operated as a Cotton Factory,
and with all of the improvements in any manner
appendant and appurtenant thereto, iucluslve.oF
the cards, spindles, looms, machinery and na
tures of every kind whatsoever contained ip said
buildings; also, all and singular the other to
Se? our Gents’s Unlaundeied Shirt at 6 r ic, ftillv worth £1 00.
See our G5c French Woven Corsets, fully worth $1 f"
All our 50c and 75c Nock
Ruchiiitrs reduced to 25c.
TION on the market for Piles. A SlJRE (THE
for Itrliintr 1'ili‘N. Has never failed to kivo
prompt relief. Will cure Anal Ulcers, ALhcoph,
Fistula. Tetter, Salt Rheum. Barber’s Itch, Ring
worms, Pimples, Sores and Boils. Prlre oO ets.
NATURE’** OWN RK.1IKIIY, Lures nil
Wounds. Cuts, Bruises. Sprains, Erysipelas, Boils,
Carbuncles, Bono Felons, Ulcers, Sores. Sore Eyes,
Sore Throat,Bunions,Corns. Neuralgia.Rheuinatisra,
Orchitis. Gout ” ,J
Bronchitis, Mi!
of Insects, Ac.
Inflammation f
INGKKIMENTSi compounded with the purest
Tobacco Flour, and is specially recommended for
Croup.Weod or Coke of the Breast, and foi that class
of irritant or inflammatory maladies, Aches and
Pains where, from too delicate a state of the system,
the patient is unable to bear t he stronger application
of the Tobacco Cake. For Headache or cither Acues
and Pains, it is invaluable. Price 15 ctn.
Ask your druggist for these remedies, or write to tlie
" DURHAM, N. C., U. S. A.
B £
H 1 Jr.
This week all our 12}.^c Check Muslins will be sold for 6}<Jc u yard.
One ca*e White Striped Jackonet reduced to 5c.
Opposition may follow us part safely, but when they undertake to come alongside
of us, or make an attempt under their high pressure system to come np to us, it would
be dangerous for them, us we use none but the keenest of weapons, and our Needle
! Guns are made and aimed to cut just below the water’s edge. You see, therefore, such
| an attempt on the part of opposition would endanger their cargo.
We present a few specimens of the shells we use, and by careful inspection you will
at once'see they are not charged with paper powder, or paper and Linen Silks worth
S1 00 at 10c, but with Grand Bargains at prices to suit the times, and new designs suita
ble for this season of the year.
Reniembc’i’ Hit’ one Hint pul. the pri. es down—-GRAY.
Mass meetings held everywhere to push the Georgia Midland, to finish the road
quickly so as all can get a chance to come to the Trade Palace before all the bargains
are gone. No such low prices named south of New York.
On Top L ive House.
C. P. GRAY & CO.,
Columbus, Gu., Opposite Rankin House.
We guarantee to send out more bundles in n half day than all houses here put to
gether, and they are all too heavy for boys to take out, so we have a man engaged
solely for that purpose.
Watermelons are plentiful in middle
Florida, Jefferson county.
Simmons’ Iron Cordial renovates and en
riches the blood, and accelerates its action.
“Press!” exclaimed a Chicago girl. “It i
all depends on the way you swing it. That
is the great secret after all. The English
woman cannot swing it at all; the Ameri- :
can woman swings it pretty well, but the •
swinging of a French woman is a poem.” j
—Boston Journal.
Manufacturers r
I lie ,Thrive pl'otilt
they leave our slnr
Company held and possessed therein under th*
laws of Georgia.
The plant of said cotton factory consist* afc
present of 194-1 spindles, 149 looms and other suit
able machinery, all in good condition and pro*
ducing good work. Present capacity 7500 yards ft
day of heavy sheetings and shillings, three yards
tojtbe pound.
The operatives’houses and improvements gen
erally iu excellent condition, labor abundant,
lands elevated and location of property unauiv
passed for health, convenience anu economical
production—free from the burden of municipal
taxes paid by all the other Columbus mills, yet
within three miles of the city of Columbus and!
three-quarters of a mile of Columbus and Rom*
railroad The water power is the finest ill the
south, controlling ana embracing the whole bed
of the Chattahoochee river for the distance of
about one mile along the lauds of said company,
said lands extending along its banks upon tho
Georgia and Alabama sides of the river. Only ft
small portion of the water power is required aud
utilized in running the present mill, and the nat
ural falls in the river render but a simple inex
pensive darn of logs and plunk necessary. Thio
magnificent water power is easily controlled, aud
has u lull of 42' u (forty-two and a halt} feet within
‘/ A three-quarters) of a mile. With a compara
tively small expenditure upon a new dam 125,000
(one hundred and twenty-five thousand) spindles,
with looms in proportion, can. be duvon by this
waterpower. Capital for the erection of addi
tional mills and utilization of the immense
power no.v wasted is all that is needed to •make
this property the site of a prosperous and popu
lous ina nu fact aring village. The personal innpeo*
tion of capitalist*! is invited. Full and satisfacti
torv details will be furnished upon appUeation.
ap?7-d3xn Ti usteeA
Havana Cure ”
f _ i removes nico
tine, flirt and grit, enabling the leaf to absorb
pure, ripe fruit, and making the most delicious,
the most lasting, and the only wholesome
chow iii the world—one that will not causa
heartburn, nervousness, nor indigestion.
fine Cavendish, Brandyv
ed pocket piece for the people,
ot tocontnin a traeeof chemical
, r . Chew it a week and you will
The pilot-wheel on every pluft.
Louisville, Kf.
Columbus, €*a.
customers a?
Used f< :
, NV
*l>y tho
Without a Rival,
llio very bust Siiw Mill in Hii> market
ii of Hie Mrs I class ,ii the New Orleans
' fill’ f i 10 ill)OVC. ill K I Mil' ill! olilbT 111.IC J Dili
It look the only !'
REST EQUIPFED Lithe ]||f«(|
Is the only harmless and effective NERVE
FOOD known which leaves no aftereffects, ami
j is without stimulant or alcohol. It is a delicious
: beverage and will positivi ly recover Brain and
I Nervous Exhaustion, destroy thirst for alcoh(die
i drinks, restore tlie appetite, cure Dyspepsia, give
I efr esiting sleep ana immediate relief to
'Bookcases.Tables, Office
Chairs,Letter Presses,
Fine Cabinets, &c.
-u. V Fourth st„ST. Lori*
ariwle for M mu l-'ivtuio.a
Montgomery, Ala.
I'M o’li' i. 1 it) | r .tiij ’ i urn of ill
can .. r.-i. i r < r 1. mi: t u . n ■ } ' un only in
01.t-slit.r. •<('.,n.ninit'.r • |,t,nl, .... .-it. muck
7"> < MAKISir - in.U T..1, (.UE.U'ESl
CAT* 17.04 IN TUB MAUI l C.
John II. Henderson vs Green McArthur. Rule
Nbi to forcvlusc .Mortgage. .\la> Term, 18KB,
.-uApcmr ( mm of Mi wok ee County, Georgia.
by the Petition of
n that on the first day of Sep-
r of Our Lord eighte en lum-
n McArthur, of .-.aid
to said John H. Hen-
tain instrument in v riting commonly
»issor> n< le. whereby lie promised to
limin'the ->uai of one hundred and
ii-t y-nine •.!< liars iw’dve months afti r date with
i; rest from date at eight per cent, per annum
*r value received, and that ufterwaids on the 1st
ay (•.•’September the better to secure the
ymout of said instrument executed and deliv-
■<-<1 :to said plaintiff' his deed and mortgage
hereby he conveyed to said plaintiff all that
act or nurecl of lam'
i the
Joint II. II. i,<S
liter, in the
d mid eittll
,1 n |„
tingle hot- | ^
For sale bv John P. Turner eV: Pro., and G.
Jradford, (lit.v Drug Store. Columbus, Ga
cuts quart bottle aplGdly nr
c G t •< *
m my9 deod«&weo\v6m.. 1
‘ogee, known and bounded
G-oii-ws; cm me north by the of James
Hull, on the west by the .St. Mary’s road, on the
east by the lands or James Huff’ and on the so
by the lands of Philip Owens, containing
four and ono-hu.lf acres, nic e or less, wliic
mortgage was conditioned that if the said defend
ant should pay off and diseli irta said oromissory
note according to its tenor and effect, that then
>■■ ■! <! • d u -t’ ■ Gi.fl >ui 1 note should be
vdd. Ami it further appearing that said promis-
-< rv 11«»te n nu:in- unpaid, it is therefore ordered!
that said deLndi'iit do pay into this court by the*
first dny of the next tenn thereof, the principal,
interest and <•<-• flue on said moilgug( and prom-
i-snry note. < r lion cause io tin contrary.ifthere
be any. at fl tlmt on failure < \ said defendant so
t the t(|uity of ruL ap *i< n in and isaid
nou't.jjri’e,i*pi , ( mi-. . be f,,r, vt r thereafter barred
and •' elo.«< d. ,M.d fl i- fntiu r .-ifl .. tlui-:
.' !: 1 '111>!isl• i ' ii- tin < •«»' i ii 1 ”i*- I-:.\
cp i,»i h Sr_\- i:i. .i month for four months, or a
' - • > dd fl. I' 0.1 : .11 or hb
-periul a'j< ,,i , r it toi'in y. a; least three months
Pol.. Y. CK
A' J
•I. I’. Y('' !,L. 'S. Judge S. C C. C.
;ct fi'y'ii tl-.e luiiiutes of Muscogee
•' ... .1 - M i .. . : ' • t! the li th
:ss«3. ;GEU. Y. POND.