Newspaper Page Text
km lidlui ■oBOMantar Who hat Walked Slorr
Tfcaa 60,000 Mllm.
Cincinnati Fnquirrr.
Several months ago we chronicled for
the Enquirer an account of one John Owen
Snider, who at that time had been walking
at least eighteen hours a day for eighteen
months, and traveling at the rate of five
miles an hour, or eighty miles in twenty-
four. Now it is over two years
since he commenced his tireless tramp,
and, instead of resting from his unparal
leled walk, on he goes, and in
place of slacking his speed he has Increas
ed it, until he is ns fleet of foot as a deer.
Over two years ago he was seised with the
hallucination that three layors had sudden
ly and as mysteriously formed on the soles
of his feet, and he reasoned in his diseased
mind or imagination that no remedy other
than walking would ever remove them.
He at onoe took up the line of march in
the rear of his dwelling (on his farm, seven
miles southeast of this city), walking in a
circle from right to loft. At first he walk
ed with measured tread and would
converse with neighbors and
(Mends rationally upon any topic except
the mania that hod taken possession of
him, and no advice, device or restraint
could be brought into requisition to induce
him to foregonis tramp. As time went on
his speed was accelerated, and the hours of
tramping increased, until eighteen hours
of every twenty-four found him walking
about his beaten track. His meals were
handed to him, and lie ate as he walked.
He never removed his clothing, but aliout
two o’clock a. m. he occupies a chair near
his circle provided for him, and at once
(tills asleep.
At 5 o’clock promptly he is again upon
his tireless round. A room tins been pro
vided for use in colder weather, and he
walks about his apartments, or rather runs.
It is asserted by his friends that, he walks
about while sleeping so soundly that his
snoring is audible in another apartment
of the dwelling. In summer and full, in
all kinds of weather, however inclement,
he may be found out of doors going about
the circle long since established, at a rntc
of speed that is marvelous. His mind is
clear upon all subjects but tlie strange.
hallucination that has warped and dwarfed
his better Judgment.
After having tramped about for a year or
more he conceived the idea that 50,000
miles of travel were necessary in order to
relieve him of the peculiar malady that af
flicted him. but now he has traveled nearly
00,000, and his speed is quickened, his pnee
accelerated and hours of walking in
creased. His disiKisition Is melancholy
in character, yet at times he enjoys the
Jokes and jests of friends who call upon
nim. He was sent, to the asylum a year
ago, walked all the time while on the cars,
continued his tramp during his stay at the
asylum, and when returned homo as
harmless made the same journey
as going. During his stay in this city wait
ing for the train he walked about the
court house yard. Hundreds of citizens
Were attracted to the scene to witness the
Strange procedure. When restrained from
walking his feet alternatively were lifted
from tlie ground. He avers that if he
would stop walking his limbs and body
Would fly into a thousand fragments. He
never seemingly grows hungry, never asks
for food or drink, and eats and drinks
whatever is given him uncomplainingly,
all the time continuing his endlcHs round.
His limbs arc ns firm ns iron and tlie
tendons like whipcord. He is a limn of
more than ordinary intelligence. His do
mestic relations are such as to preclude the
idea of his malady originating from do
mestic difficulties, and no assignable cause
Is known for the strange and unaccounta
ble freak that has come over him. He
seems to be gifted with powers of divina
tion, and can accurately foretell coming
events with a precision and correctness
that brings to him many who wish to be
more fully informed as to their future
“weal or woe,” and just now the score or
Entire of candidates are Becking his knowl
edge of their future success or defeat.
The rapidity of his movements is :
SDcli as to warrant the assertion that he
can make more miles in twenty-four hours 1
than the best trained equine of the world, j
His powers of endurance and rate of speed
are past comprehension, almost beyond
conception, and lead those who are not
conversant with the facts to suspect the i
statements about him to lie greatly exag
gerated, .
Just when his journey’s end will he |
reached none can divine. His physique is
good—digestion perfect. Every physical |
condition points to long life. Thu ease is
without a parallel and no record of any
one similar may be found.
Hundreds of curious and incredulous pco- j
pie visited Mr. Snider, and for hours watch
ed his peregrinations, coming away my.sti- i
fled, yet satisfied of the truthfulness of tlie |
wonderful stories concerning him. It is .
said by those Who have witnessed his best 1
efforts and made calculations, that lie trav- '
els at the rate of ten miles an hour and |
without tho least sign of fatigue. Some of |
the best, pedestrians of this country have |
tried to keep pace with him, but invariably I
came out second best.
pepple refresh themselves with it in their
glided saloons. The theological and legis
lative assemblies find inspiration and In-
vigoration from it, and even the aged em
peror seeks new energy in his favorite beer
ofToeplite. And yet Berlin has no beer
The Cflin men rent rut Kxrrrlsr* Outlined—Other
■ alters of Interest.
Athens, Ua., July H.—The commence
ment exercises ot the university do not
properly begin until Saturday afternoon, at
1:80 o’clock, when the class tree exercises
of '86 occur, but the festivities are ushered
in Thursday night, by the Junior hop.
Friday morning the board of trustees will
meet. Many questions of importance are
to corns before the board. The question of
earlier commenoemonts and compulsory
attendance upon literary societies will
probably oome up. The literary societies
of the university have gone down to noth
ing almost, for nearly three months it has
been almost impossible to obtain a quorum
In either the Pnl Kappa or Demostnenian
To restore the societies to their once
flourishing condition it is admitted that it
will he necessary to make a student attend
his society as he does a recitation.
The board of trustees will be called upon
to select a president of the N. (J. A. col
lege at Dahlonega. Colonel W. S. Bas
inger, is mentioned.
A large number of Atlantians are ‘ex
pected hero during commencement.
The champion debate Saturday night
will be highly interesting. Judge Bleckley
will preside over the debate.
Friday night Professor and Mrs. H. C.
White will give a reception to the class of
’8ti at their residence on Milledge avenue.
Hon. W. B. Hill, ’70, delivers the com-
mencent oration next Thursday morning.
His address will, no doubt, be highly enter
taining to all who may have the good for
tune to hear it.
Prepared with apoeUl regard t<3 health. ’
No Ammonia, Lime or Alum.
It Fill* the Bill.
Physicians, consumers, dealers and all
proclaim Westmoreland s Calisaya Tonic
the best of all:
Jonesville, S. C., Sept. 3.—Westmore
land Bros.—Oentlemeu : I have used your
Calisaya Tonic in several forms of indiges
tion, and can recommend it to the preten
sion as a fine tonic for digestive disorders.
Wm. O. Southard, M. D.
Messrs. Westmoreland Bros.—Gentle
men : I can heartily recommend ypur Ton
ic for chills and fever. It cured me when
all other remedies failed. Yours truly,
T. O. Taggart,
Baggage Master C. A G. It. R.
Elberton, Gh.. August 7—Messrs. West
moreland Bros.—Gentlemen: Please ship
by first freight another case of your incom
parable Calisaya Tonic. It is the only pre
paration of the kind 1 have seen that fully
Deal's out the promises made by the sellers.
We guarantee it. Very truly yours,
E. C. Edmunds,
Druggist and Physician.
Brannon & Carson, Wholesale Agents,
Columbus, Ga. jyl6 ulw
The Uni-tors’ lime 111**,I KllglltPil.
New York World.
Tho kissing question continues to agitate
the minds of the medical fraternity. Dr.
Snmutl 8. Adams devotes seven columns of
tlie journal of the American medical asso
ciation to exposing the “dangers” of kiss
ing. ^
Mrs. A. W. Brockaw, of Groton, Brown
county, Dakota, used Adcock's (’lusters for
fifteen years—completely cured of irregu- I
larity by using two Piasters across the (1;IS 11 Capital, -
small of the back for seven days eacli 1
month—also found them very efficacious j
in Kidney Trouble—cured of a dull, heavy
pain and pressure at the base of the brain
by wearing an Allcock's Porous Plaster at
the back of the neck. eod&w
Central, Southwestern, Montgomery & Eufaula
All Trains on this system are run by Central or 90 Meridian time.
QN and after Sunday, June 27th, 1886, Passenger Trains on these Hoads will run s J
' ~~~ - - a.-read up.
No. 15* ; No. 53* | No. 51*
Acc. I Pass'g'r. Pass’g'r.
6 40 p m
7 (6 p ill
8 45 p m
No. 1*
9 45 a m
1125 am
11 25 n m
12 00 m
1 S5 p m
; 8 20 p m
9 56 p m
11 03 p m
11 15 p m
1 17 a m
2 83 a in
3 20 a n,
885 a m
5 18 a m
5 18 a m
5 58 a m
7 32 a m
8 10 a m
10 26 a m
11 40 a in
12 00 m
2 10pm
3 27 p m
4 20 p m
5 40 p m
7 19 p m
7 19 p in Lv
7 56pm Ar..
9 S6 p m Ar..
H. K. Main llnMlMsn.
ntth A Atlanta Division.
7 No.19*
f No. 17*
1 80 p m
845 p m
. Bartlesville Lv
..Bamesville Ar
Griffin Ar
Bail road -
No. 62* I No. 54*
4 07 pm
2 85 p m
1 SO p m
1 IS p m
1128 am
10 19 a m
9 40 a m
9 80 a m
8 02 a m
8 02am
7 81 a m
6 00a m
“No. 18*
Lv Mlllen
"So. 26f | Mllledgevlfle and
Ace. Brnuch.
Augusta Lv
Eaton ton
6 00 a m
4 14 a m
8 10am
8 00 a m
,2 64 a m
1185 pm
10 50 p in
10 40 a m
9 03 p m
9 03 pm
8 29 p m
6 50 p
No. 20*
No. 2*
7 00 a m
6 20 p m
5 20 p m
4 46pm
8 10 p in
2 55 p m | Lv..
4 85 p m|Lv
.... Macon
. _ ... Gordon
101 p ra Ar Miliedgeville Ar
7 40 p m I Ar Eatonton T ”
No. 85t | No. 33t
PasH’g’r. 1 Pass’g'r.
I'psnn County Ballroad.
5 30 p m 11 30 a m
6 35 pm 1 12 35 p m Ar Thomaston Lv
r No. 2t I
Pass'g'r. jSavaniinli, t.. A- X. A. Ballroad.
0 30 a m
8 10 a m
6 30a m
5 15 a m
No. S4t
No. 36t |
Pass'g’r. I
4 34 p 111
3 30 p m |
Most of llip dissssi 1 * shirk afflict ni unkind are origin
idly caused liy adi* .rdcrod condition of tim LI V E P ■
For all complaints of thin kind such as Torpillit) of
thnLivnr. Biliouane-a. Ncrvoiia Dyspepsia, fndir-*-
tion. Irregularity of the Bowels. Constipation Flatu
lency. Eructations and Burning of the Btunia* h
(somstimaa called Heartburn) Miasma. Malaria,
Bl'raiy Flu*. Chills lane Fever Breskhone Fever,
tizunuetion before or alter Fever*. Chronic Diar
rhoea. Isais of Appetite. Hoadaohe. Foul Breath,
Irregularities incidental to Females Boaring-doen
la Invaluable. It fa nota pflnacoa for all dfaeit#**,
but /MIDI? nil diaeaae* of th« LIVER.
Will Vllqp STOMACH and BOWELS.
It change* the complexion from a wax*, yellow
tinge, to a ruddy, healthy color, it entirely remove*
low, gloomy spirit*. It fa one of the BEST AL
BLOOD, and >8 A VaLUAb.£ TONIC.
For sale by all Drugp 1*1* Price 81.00 per bottle
C. F. STADICER, Proprietor,
MO SO. FRONT ST., Philadelphia. Pa.
Fire Insurance Company
2 30 p m Ar Newnan # Ar
4 30 p niiAr Carrollton Lv
4 50 a in
No. 51*
No. 1*
H. W. hiiiI ML A E. Railway—
Miilu Elm*.
No. 2*
No. 52* I
Pass’g'r. |
2 0-fa in
3 25 a m
4 24 a m
4 24 a in
5 54 ft m
5 5-1 a m
7 29 a m
9 50 a m
10 59 a m
1 02 p m
5 15 p m
4 01 p ill
1 24 p in
11 59 a m
Ar Smithville" Ar
1 00 a ill
11 34 p m
3 58 p m
4 01 p m
5 41 p in
5 41 p ill
7 23 p in
10 55 ft in
10 50 a m
10 33 p ill
10 33 p m
Ar Union Springs Lv
Lv Union Springs Ar
9 18 a m
9 18 a m
7 40 a m
9 04 p ni
9 04 p m
7 30 p m
No. 25*"
No. 63*
No. 3* '
S. W. K. R.—Albnily Llnr.
No. 4*
No. 64*
No. 26*
1 45 p in i
2 45 p m!
. 7 10 p m
i 8 17 p in Ar Fort Valley Lv,
I 8 17 p in Lv Fort Valley Ari
j 10 11 p m|Ar Smithville Lvl
1 00 a m; 10 11 p m Lv Smithville Ar
1 56 am, 1110 p m Ar ALBANY Lv|
No. 21f
H. W. K. R.-IVrry Itrnncli.
8 14am.
8 14 a ml
6 26 a in*,
6 26 a ill
5 40 a m!
No. 22+ 7
8 25 p ml 11 15 a m Lv Fort Valley*.
9 10 pm 1 12 00 m Ar Perry*
• No. 25f IN. W. R. R.
I Pass’g’r.
3 45 p m|
3 00 p m_
No. 26f I
145pmlLv Smithville Arj lOOpml.
3 15 p m 1 Lv Albany Art 11 30 a rnj
Real Estate Agent,
No. 265 Chipley, Ga. Bummer
Hotel, 11 rooms, kitchen mid
other out building.; large lot.
This place is located on the top
, of mountain, and Is a popular
summer resort. Owner wlihes to dispose of it at
once and will give a bargain.*
Three Rose Hill Residences-
|1260, (1800, (2000.
Two Wynnton Residences—
_ (1800, (3000.
lEiff-PoHseMlsu Ulveii Now or
October l»t.
No 22 Seventh street, 4 rooms.
No 737 Fourth avenue, 3 rconie.
No 739 Fourth avenue, 3 rooms.
No 307 Sixteenth street, 3 rooms, newly painted
and whitewashed.
No 1022 Find avenue, 6 rooms, opposite market.
No 1036 Sixth avenue, 4 room, 2 story, (10.
No 1208 Broad Street Store.
No 1319 First avenue, 9 rooms.
No 1317 First avenue, 3 rooms.
No 1319 First avenue, 3 rooms.
No 618 Tentli street, 3 rooinB.
No 23 and 24 St. John's avenue, newly ceiled,
Webster Building, Stoics, Hall (with chairs).
Offices and Sleeping Rooms.
Wynnton Residence oi Dr. Mason.
Juquds' comer—will be fitted up for any kind
of manufacturing or other business.
Brick Building opposite west of market—will
be fitted up to suit tenant.
Hodges Munor, Linuwood, next to Mr. Geo.
No 732 Third avenue, 4 rooms.
No 1225 First avenue, Temperance Hall.
No 806 Third avenue, 5 rooms.
Duelling* For Kent from October 1st.
No 732 Fourth avenue, 4 rooms.
No 932 Third avenue, 4 rooms.
No 1319 Fourth avenue, 6 rooms.
No 22 Seventh street, 4 rooms.
No 620 Broad street, 6 rooms.
No 1022 First avenue, 5 rooms.
No 806 Third avenue, 5 rooms.
No 802 Third avenue, 6 rooms.
No 1332 Third avenue, 5 rooms.
No 1344 Third avenue, 9 rooms.
Stores For Kent from Ocfoher 1st.
Broad Street Stores Nos. 1208 and 1240.
Webster Stores, formerly occupied by Kennon
& Hill and John W. Sanders. Will rent below
their value to first-class tenants.
No. 19 Eleventh street, Store or Dwelling.
Durkin's corner, on line of street cars, is a very
profitable stand.
Brown House Hotel, 27 guest chambers, op
posite Rankin House. If run properly will prove
a gold mine. •
All advertising at my expense. For a small
commission I rent property, collect, pay taxes,
&c., attend to repairs and give careful supervision
to all property in my charge. With an experience
of 13 years, I can serve you to advantage.
Call and see my list. If I have not tlie place-
you wish, I will file your order fYee of charge and
ill as soon as possible.
so wed fri tf Real Estate Agent.
No. 27+ j
1 No. 28+
| Pass’g'r.
3 05 p mi Lv C'uthbert Ar| 11 28 a m
1 28 p nvAr Fort Gaines Lv, 10 05 a m
| No. 29+ |
! Pass'g'r. Enfttnln anil 4'lnyton Railroad.
No. 30+
4 45 p mlLv Eufaula...
6 00 p m|Ar Clayton.
No. 5*
- $10(1,000!
7 15 p ill 10 00 a ill L\\.
9 45 pm 1109amAr..
2 43 pm 2 25 p m Ar..
..Fort Valley.
No. 6* I
4 38pm 7 35 a in
3 20 p m; 5 12 a ml
.Lv 12 00 m 11 45 p nr
iMNHMOrjuu Their liuekbones.
The argumfcntouaed in tlie huuse by Mr.
Cannon, of Illinois, $tl support of the pen*
Hi<m bills vetoed by the president, were
such ns have hitherto reduced the average
congressman to u condition of abject ter
ror, but under the inspiring influence of
the moral courage exhibited by Mr. Cleve
land, the democrats found that they ac
tually possessed backbones,—Baltimore
Is now ready to write insurance against loss or
damage by fire. Hates guaranteed as low as
ottered by any reliable stock company.
S. T. COLEMAN. President.
S. 11. JAQUES, Vice President.
EDGAR S. WILSON, Secretary.
Local Agent.
Oflicc 1215 lli-nml Street. codtf
Trains marked thus * run daily. Trains marked thus + run daily except Sunday. Trains
marked ; run daily except Saturday.
Elegant Local Sleeping Cars on night Trains as follows: Between Savannah and Augusta trains
Nos. 50 and 01; between Savannah and Macon, trains Nos, 53 and 51: between Savannah and Atlan
ta, trains Nos 53 and 54. '
Pullman Buffett Cars between Cincinnati and Jacksonville, and through Sitting Car between
Chattanooga and Jacksonville via Atlanta, Albany and Wavcross. Through Palace Sleeping Cur
between Montgomery and Wavcross.
Tickets for all points and Sleeping Car Berths on sale at Union Depot Ticket Office 30 minutes
prior to leaving time of all trains.
WILLIAM ROGERS, Getl’l 8n|lt„ Savannah. T. 1). KLINE, Supt. S. W. R. R., Macon,
w. F. SHELLMAN, Traffic Manager. Savannah. G. A. WHITEHEAD, Gen.l Puss. Agent.
W. L. CLARK. Agent, Columbus, Ga.
No Beer Kiiloumt, lint Krrrjlioitj Swallows Itlzi-rs |
Of Brer.
- -
There arc uo bar-rooms or anything
equivalent to the American beer saloons in
Berlin, says a recent writer from the Ger
man capital, but beer is drank at all places
of public entertainment, and especially at
the numerous so-called cafes, where it is
almost the only beverage consumed. There
are a number of shady beer gardens in the
heart of the city, screened by the fronts of
the houses. Moreover, the basement of
every tenth house is a “bier lokal,” or
drinking place of some kind. In the
quieter streets are found the "weiss bier"
and “wein stuben,” both frequented by
regular rather than by chance customers.
To the stranger tlie cafe in Berlin sup
plies what the Deer saloon offers in Ameri
ca. The Berliner of the old type is usually
a weiss bier drinker, who regards the bev
erage as peculiar to the city, and is fond of
expatiating upon its merits. The smaller
beer cellars of the capital are legion. The
whole city seems to now with the foaming
beverage, amber, pale-yellow, brown or
the creamy “weisse.” Among the thou
sands of underground establishments of
which the German capitall can boast, by
far the most important is its Rathskeller
or guide hall cellar, running ‘
beneath the vast brick building |
dominated by a monumental tower,
in which the Berlin municipality has in
stalled itself. Imagine the low-vaulted
cellars of an edifice about the size of the
New York post office, tilled from morning
until midnight with a crowd of more than
a thousand persons of various ranks of
society, the majority of them eating, smok
ing and shouting, and all of them steadily j
drinking. A thousand and one thoughts |
in praise of good beer and wine emanating |
from Bacchanalians of all nations and |
of all epochs are blazoned above tlie
arches and upon the walls. The emperor
himself deigned to visit the Rathskeller
soon after it had been publicly opened and I
drank to the well being of bis beloved Ber- j
liners from a silver mounted flagon of
foaming beer. Tlie place is chiefly fre-!
quented by t he middle classes, from the
professional man and well-to-do shop
keeper, who bring their wives and daugh
ters with them, down to the young me
chanic, who islnires his beer with the
factory girl by) whom he is accompanied, i
Beer is ati j institution peculiarly and
thoroughly Germanic. The lover of mod
est social rank/drinks-it in public beside
his betrothed* The student celebrates
every possible: triumph, enjoyment and
event in beer -. The statesman and great
Thu beautiful crimson blush, the bright
sparkling eye,a clear intellect, are so often :
wanting among our most lovely femates,* !
and why? Because they are suffering from ,
some peculiar, lingering female complaint.
A sure, safe, effectual remedy is Simmons’ ,
Iron Cordial. eod&w i
John R. McLean’s father, Washington
McLean, has gone to Saratoga to fight de- !
dining years and lienlth. Atlanta Capitol. .
lie but wastes time fighting declining I
years, and he is foolish to fight health, for ;
some day lie will want it to help him live. I
Advice to Mothers.—Mrs. Winslow’s i
Soothing Syrup should always lie used !
when children are cutting teeth. It re
lieves tlie little sufferer at once; it produces !
natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child
from pain, and the little cherub awakes as
“bright as a button." It is very pleasant
to taste. It soothes the child, softens the I
gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regu
lates t he bowels and is tlie best known
remedy for diarrluea, whether arising
from teething or other causes. Twenty-
five cents a bottle. jel" d&wly
_ r Court Place
$22 Market Street,'
Bel. Third .ir’.d Ft
\ rpR’ilarlc educated and legally qualified phrsiclaa and Us*
in .*t V’i J.?«jf*sful, n( hio practice vlli prt»\c.
fJuros all forms of PRIVATE,
EASES. . . T
Spermatorrhea ana Iiupotoncy,
_i. t .ei-hult < f fielf*abuse in youth, flexunl exces-es in ms*
Hirer ver.r*. or other cuu*w, uud producing iouiecl the lol*
l-Class Direct Rcmie to all Eastern Cities-—-308 Miles
Shorter to New York Ilian via Louisville.
Close connection made with Piedmont Air Line, Atlnntic Coast Line, and Cincinnati Southern.
Only 37 hours and 20 minutes from Montgomery to New York, and only 36 hours and 10 minutes
from New York to Montgomery.
J uly" 11,1886. 7~Nm53~ |
0 ■
c»r bight
_ '0, A vers
i of Sexual Pa
proper or unhappy, are thorm
tirel\ eradicated f r . , .
GLEET, Stricture, Orchitis, Hernia, tor
fn“io,re'r private d'sen^a qulekly cured.
It is self-evident tint apliy Mclnn who prw t specif.]
Cures Guaranteed in all Cason
undertaken. „ , ,
Leave Akron.
“ Greensboro...
“ Marion
“ Selina
Arrive Montgomery.
Leave Montgomery.
Arrive Cowles
“ Chehaiv
“ Notasulgfi
“ Lonchnpoka..
“ Auburn
“ Opelika
“ West Point...
“ LaG range
“ Newnan
“ Atlanta
8 45 j) nil 8 20 a in
10 21 p mi 9 18 am
. 10 50 p nil 9 39 a
• ill 17 pm' 953 a
11 34 ]) m 10 01a
. I 11 56 p m 10 17 a
.! 12 15 a m 10 30 a m
• | 1 50 a m! 11 17 a m
2 10 a m 11 50 a in
4 08 a m 12 57 p m
2 30 p m
I No. 1
No. 11
No. 55
1 30 p in
i 7 30 p ill
5 00 u m
C 15 a m
7 45 a m
10 35 a m
1 50 p m
2 15 p in
3 01 p ni
4 00 p m
5 35 p ni
8 05 p ill
5 50 i
The veto of the special pension bills has
made the best people of the country in
dignant. They are indignant after discov
ering how easeless or dishonest congress
men allow such fraudulent bills to pass
both houses.
A MOST Mltl.KVl, or IT UK.
The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich.,
offer to send their celebrated Voltaic
Belts and Electric Appliances on thirty
days’ trial to any man afflicted with Nerv
ous Debility, Loss of Vitality, Manhood,
Sic. Illustrated pamphlet in sealed en
velope with full particulars, mailed free.
Write them at once. l«fcwtf
At Asbury Bark tlui idiotic city fathers
of an idiotic city have restricted newsboys
from crying tneir papers. The gamins
now wear a card on which is printed: “I
am dumb by order of the commissioners;
please buy my papers.”
Of 200 rages, sent to any address, securely sen’ed, for Unrtj
iff'') cents. Should he read by all. Address ns a ho v ft
OiliOf bourn from b A, M. to 4 P. U. Sundays. 2 to 4 P. 14
Printing, Book-Binding
Paper Boxes
4 LARGE STOCK of all kinds of PAPER, in
Y\ eluding Letter. Packet and Note Heads, Bil
Heads, Statements, always on hand. Also Eir
velopes. Cards. &c. % printed at short notice
Paper Bo.\e* of any size or description not kep>
in stock made at short notice.
tib os. (aiiitnt r,
tf 42 Randolph Street, opposite Post Office. '
Ita.niii.ry au.l 4 <>I*iiii1his 'Miroiigii I'rriglM uii.l A<*<*»iiiiiio<la(,oii.
} Ooelika *
• Columbus
a the Piedmont Air Line to
York and East
“ Washington
“ Baltimore
“ New York
’iiKnian Palace ( ar*
Five Gold and Two silver Medal*.
awarded in 18^5 at the Expositions 0J1
New Orleans and Louisville, and the In
ventions Exposition of London.
The superiority of Caroline over horn*
or whalebone lias now been demonstrated’
by over five years’ experience. It is more
durable, more pliable, more comfortable,
and never breaks.
Avoid cheap imitations made of various
kinds of cord. None arc genuine nn'es
“Dr. Warnbr’8 Coualine” is prime
on inside of steel cover.
353 Bro' dway, New York Citt
(in 53. lloutydiiK
South Round Train*
i 8 45 a m 8 20 a m
i 12 50 p m, 10 50 a m
105pm 1055 pm
*i 3 11 p m 12 20 p in
• j. 4 44 p m 1 10 p m
* j 6 00 j) in 2 05 p m
jsSaSSSHiSrSS T3X6S! T3X6S! TaX8S!
Columbus anil Montgomery Through f reight and V« eonmiodation.
This w
1852, im,
the prod
atioii, fn
formly ii
justly cc
and uviif
by the a;
Cor loth Struct and 1st A
isky wns Introiliiei'il oriu : u,illy in the u%
s ciin-lainly nmkini; m-.v frlcmls, ii 1
■ti'f the must ii|*|iruve*l |iroi. ss of ilislilf
i t-mt-riilly seioou-rt erai:i. I cinq ht-itl uui-
iriirelionsi* until fully n. iu.reil l*y nge. i,
liiut oil for its purity, (lelirney of flavor,
til qimlit>-. For s:ilo, and orders eolioitof
Dl. Ftll.lCY, lInfill noitss,
Coluuibus, t
for Spinal Complaints, Incipient Consump
tion, I liarrlni-a, Pleurisy, Tumors, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Epilepsy, Lumbago, Debility,
Itheuniutisin, Gout, Sciatica. Lossot' Vigor,
Dropsy, Paralysis, Loss of Voice, Hysteria,
Nervousness, Indigestion, Palpitation.
>| eodJtw
l uiie-Sulfm i :il- (iisiririiui*,.
The people of Georgia now want to hear
something aliout the crops. They are get
ting pretty well disgusted with politics.—
Savannah Morning News.
NSW Fit. Will von civ
A N ;
dark day ifyi
July lrt will b'
ill t.
REEDY, R. T. R. M. C.
l No. 12 |
10 50 pm j...
1 05 a ru I..
5 15 a m 1
IViinilrrhjl Cures.
\V. I). Hoyt A Co., wholesale and retail
druggists of Rome, Gn ., say: We have been
selling Dr. King's New Discovery, Electric
Bitters and Bucklen's Ahiiea Salve for two
years. Have never handled remedies that
sell as well, or give such universal satisfac
tion. There have been some wonderful
cures effected by these medicines in this
city. Several eases of pronounced con
sumption have been entirely cured by u-e
of a few bottles of Dr. King’s N’ew Discov
ery. taken in connection with Electric Bit
ters. We guarantee them always. i'S' + d by-
Brannon a: Carson. eod&w
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons having
demands against Hugh Devcr, late of said coun
ty, deceased. to present them to me proptrly
made cut, within the time prescribed by law. so
as to show their character and amount. And nil
persons indebted to said deceased are hereby re-
-d to make immediate payment to me.
Leave Columbus
Leave Opelika
Arrive Montgomery
Trains 50. 51, 52 and 53 daily. Trains 1. 2. 11 and 12 daily excent Sunday Train* m *.,m o
Trains!v0 and^Sl 1 coil,icct^nt^Cliehavifwith 1 *Ti^kege^Raih-oml^'* 11 ' 011 ’’^ K,ei « il1 AccommodatioS:
7T Buffet ca,s bet "' een ' New
Lh^l.t.ABBKI I. General Manager. General 1’asHmger Accnt.
Patent Metaiic Caskets, Weed Cases & Caskets,
Id by Pr '.i-*.
Ufl.c Lpl OO.
Children’s Gloss White Cases and Caskets
Wliite Metaiic Caskets. Burial Robes, all
up. Personal attention given all orders,
four doors west of Tlios. Gilbert's Printing
Can learn the exact cost
of any proposed line of
advertising in American
Papers hy addressing
Geo. P. Rowell A Co.,
Newspaper Advertising Bureau,
lO Spruce St., New'York.
Send lOets for 1 OO-oacie Pamohla*
rdm hrD.v E i5'^ I i7' t ‘l es a P, (1 ynu,l sr men to decorate
Birthday and Easter Novelties. Easily learned ;
1 fair
, ...ailed
formation address Dcco-
Exchange Vlace. Boston
aplO tu th sat t 12
, Children’s Gloss
prices from .$1.50
Tu-nltll, <l,.r,/i+ I S° 0< ( Prospects of''steady ~
1 W Cl till btieet, [ ”A S t e ^ki,i ltat T e - 1 l al .? l H' r l is !. lctl an ?l all work
post-paid. For lull i
mtive Art Works. 7
Mass. P. O. Box VH8.
oc!8 ly