Newspaper Page Text
W«« J»nty Bull for Bale.
Check Lout—B. F. BilUtfa A Co.
Second-hand 8uh—P. H. Burro*.
Melon* on Ice—Salluburjr A Crow.
Called meeting ol Mt. Hermon Lodge.
Cigar* and Cigarette*- Adam* A Bower*.
At Springer Opera Houne—Bngllih Marionett*.
trard and Brawnerllle Halted.
Vt. W. T. Godfrey, of Girard, and Mix Bailie
Wall, of Brownevllle, were married at Broad
■beet church, in tht* city, yenterday evening at
S o’clock. Their many friend* wi*h them a happy
The Tote la Marlon.
There *a* practically no oppoaition in Marion
county to Hon. Thoma* W. Grime* for congreaa.
The total vote wa* MS and he received STl. In
thua honoring Mr. Grime* Marion oounty honor*
herself. Talbot county will act to-moraow.
Mniral Coaveatloa.
The South Union Muaical convention of Geor
gia will hold IU annual session in the Baptist
church at Hamilton commencing on Friday, 30th
ftnet., and continue three days. Rov. R. H.
Harris, of Columbus, will address the convention
on music on Saturday, 31st inst.
Mr. James H. Cain, of Browneville, and Miss
Lena Screws, of this city, were married at the
residence of the bride’s mother on Oglethorpe
street last night. The happy couple have many
friends who wish them a bright and prosperous
Death of a Little Boy.
-Little John Franklin, the seven year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Reams, died at his home in
northwest Girard, at 11:30 o’clock Wednesday
night, after an illness of seven weeks, of typhoid
fever. The ftineral took place at 5 p. m. yester
day, and the remains were buried in the Girard
cemetery. The bereaved parents have the sym
pathy of many friends in their sad affliction.
An Escaped Convict.
Bam. Morgan, colored, escaped from one of the
convict camps on the Georgia Midland railroad
Wednesday evening. He was sentenced to the
penitentiary at the last term of the Muscogee
superior court for five years for burglarizing the
safe of Messrs. J. H*Conner & Co. The police
have been notified of his escape. %
Arrested for Burglary.
Yesterday afternoon policeman Warren ar
rested Charles Darling, colored, who is wanted at
Chipley for burglarizing the house of Dr. Glass
and stealing $30 about three months ago. Dar
ling wherf first arrested said his name was
Charles Harvest, but he finally admitted that he
was the man who is wanted. He has already
serveeftwelve months for stealing ten dollars
from Dr. Glass on a previous occasion. An offi
cer will come for him this morning.
A Happy Union of Hearts.
Mr. J. D. Hendrix and Miss Laura Gordy were
united in marriage at 8t. Luke church yesterday
evening at 0 o’clock. The ceremony was wit
nessed by a large number of frieuds. The groom
is foreman of the Columbus barrel factory, and is
au energetic and most deserving gentleman. The
bride is the daughter of Mrs. H. Gordy, and is a
charming and most excellent young lady, who
has won many admirers by her amiable character
and numerous accomplishments. The happy
couple have the congratulations and best wishes
of a host of friends.
Khno Hall Brevities.
Following is the result of the games played
Atlanta- Atlanta 2, Nashville 3.
Washington—Washington 2, New York 5.
Cincinnati—Brooklyn 1, Cincinnati 7.
Pittsburg—Pittsburg 5, Metropolitans 3.
Louisville—Louisville 8, Baltimore 5.
Philadelphia—Philadelphia 3, Boston 1.
St. Louis—St. Louis 1, Athletics 11.
8t, Louis-Detroit 8, St. Louis 1.
Kansas City—Chicago 14, Kansas City 2.
Clmr]estoiv--Chariestou-Memphis, rain and no j
The Bioycle Tournament a Big Succea*.
Pally 1200 People la Attendance—The Elite of the
City wm There nad Enjoyed the Karen, If
Cheerlag tad Applauding (Joe* for Aaythlag.
Early yesterday morning the ntreeta were ftiU
of wheelmen from all sectionn of the aouth, and
the knickenbockered wheelmen could be neen al
most anywhere. The occasion waa the opening
day of the southern bicycle tournament. Tbs
parade started from the Rankin houne at 2:80
o'clock, where a large crowd had gathered to wit
ness the start.
At Star park a large crowd had assembled to
witness the races. It is estimated that no occa
sion has ever attracted a larger number of specta
tors to the park. The number of ladies present
was large and gratifying.
The first race—a one mile novice—was won by
C. H. Dillingham, of this city, in 3:26%, with E. L.
Pease, of this city, a good second. The two
seemed to be well matched, and under more
fhvorable circumstances, it would have been hard
to tell the wiuner.
The second race, a hal f mile safety, was won by
R. H. Polk, of Montgomery, Ala., in 2:21, Dilling
ham second.
The third was the race of the day, being the
five mile Georgia championship. There were
four entries for this race, but only two of them
came to the scratch, Messrs. T. L. Ingram, of this
city, and C. T. Guernsey, of Macon. The men
started off well, but on the back stretch Guern
sey’s pedal came loose. He changed wheels and
on the next lap remounted his own wheel, giving
Ingram a good start on him. Ingram finished
easily in 17:24%.
The fourth race was the half mile boys’ handi
cap; won by G. H. Mason, of this city, in 1:48%;
Will Bedell, of this city, 2d.
The fifth race, a one mile bicycle handicap, was
won by C. H. Dillingham, having 225 yards
start, and E. L. Pease came in second from the
| 250 yards mark; P. W. Stone, of St. Louis, from
scratch, never reached the handicap men, and
made the mile from scratch in 2:56%. The win
ner’s time fVom 225 yards was 2:44.
The sixth race would have been a close one
and any man the winner but for a fall taken by
Guernsey on the back stretch. J. A. Lewis, of
St. Louis, finished first in 1:26, and T. L. Ingram
% of a second behind. Guernsey entered a pro
test and claimed that Lewis ran into him, but
Lewis says Guernsey is mistaken about it.
The seventh race, a half-mile handicap, wa s
won by J. A. Lewis in 1:26, with Dillingham sec
ond from the 30-yard mark by % second.
The last race was a quarter-mile—open—and
was won by P. W. Stone, of St. Ixiuis, in 40 sec
onds, with O'. H. Dillingham second.
The races were all interesting and pleased the
crowd, who seemed to enjoy them very much, and
no doubt every one who was out yesterday will
be there this evening.
The fun will start oft* to-day by the road race at
9 o’clock. The start will be made at the Rankin
House. The distance 6 9-16 miles,finishing at the
starting point. The route is up Broad to Twelfth
street to and straight out Second avenue, over
Rose Hill to the two mile post by Mr. Garrard’s
and the brick school house and through Wynn-
ton down Wynn’s hill and Tenth street to the
finish at the Rankin House. The entries are
Stone, Lewis, Brantley and Ingram. Doubtless a
large crowd will be all along the route to see the
The races this afternoon are as follows:
1. Two-mile bicycle, handicap; 1st prize, stu- j
dent lamp; 2d, scarf pin; 3d, silver card receiver.
2. Half-mile hands ofT, open; 1st prize, sleeve j
buttons; 2d, bicycle shirt; 3d, fine razor.
3. One-uijlu Georgia championship; gold medal. ,
I. One hundred yard*slow race, open: 1st prize, i
L, A. W. pin; 2d,‘bicycle shoes; 3d, bell and tool ]
Three-mile lap race, open; 1st prize, bronze
N. Henline, Cincinnati; D. Heidelfceiger, Phila
delphia; J. H. Pol bin, Macon; L. W. Jordon, Dal
tlraore;Choa.Hendercon,Troy; W.W.Harria,Union
Springs; Emmett Dawson, Philadelphia; Jacob
Elias, Atlanta; J. K. Felter, Elizabeth, N. J.; R.
K. Chadwick, Seale; G. L. Balias, Fort Mitchell;
W. A. feyrd, Smith Station; P. R. Dickenson, New
York; Mrs. M. C. Hammons, Miss C. A. O’Neal,
8eale; A. B. Grant, Thomosville; H. B. Leber,
Virginia; Wm. Ormstein, Cincinnati; T. M.
Wood, North Carolina; G. H. Griffin, Brundelly;
H. C. Clayton, Opelika; M.‘ L. Delke, Marianna;
C. F. Jackson, Montgomery.
T. F. Borland, Cincinnati; B. S. Collier, Talbot
county; J. A. Ragland, St. Louis; R. B. Gannon,
Baltimore; J. E. Turnipseed, Ft. Galnea: Exton
Tucker, Alabama; A. J. Carlton, New York; T. J.
Brooks, Hamilton; A. M. Buchanan, Marvyn; W.
A. Bellamy and wife, Seale; James R. Morris*
Talbot ton; L. Upshaw, Upatoie; W. R. Wilker-
aon, Seale; J. L. Williams, Harris county; H. K.
Lyman, Nashville; J. C. Lawson, North Caro
lina; Ed. Rumaey, St. Louis; W. P. Kenyon, Sa
lem, 8. H. Winstock, Baltimore; B. S. Nissen,
Salem, N. C.; John D. Hoffman, Florida.
Arrival of the Steamer Milton II. Smith.
The steamer Milton H. Smith arrived early yes
terday iimrning. She brought 64 bales of cm.on,
15 of which were consigned to Simpson & Dean,
and 49 to J. Harrison. Following is a list of her
passengers: L. C. Armstead, Mrs. G. B. White-
sides, child and servant, Apalachicola; W. A.
Jackson, D. G. Howell, Bristol; E. H. Bperey,
J. H. Boland, Mrs. J. R. Boland and child, M. L.
Dekle, W\ B Barkley, Columbia, Alabama;
Mrs. W. B. Barkley, Neal’s Landing, Florida;
P. C. Waters, Gus Hertz, wife and servant, J. E.
Turnipseed, Fort Gaines; T. A Ragland, Miss M.
E. Dean, Mrs. M. Dorton, Henry Weil, Y\\ B.
Berry. C. D. Tulles, E. It. Wilson, John T. Bar
nett, John H. Dunn, Enmiett Dough tie, C. P.
Roberts, W. T. Flournoy, R. E. L. Murtin, Mrs. J.
H. Whitlock, Eufnula; Mrs. W. F. Clements,Miss
Mollie Smith, Col. XV, S. Shepherd, T. S. Fon
taine, Florence; L. F. Humber, his landing; ten
on deck, various.
—Indications for Georgia, Florida, Alabama
and Mississippi: Fair weather, stationary tem
perature and variable winds.
—The frequent ringing of the tire alarm bell re
cently has been caused by n weak battery. Chief
Burrus was at work on the battery last night and
hopes to have the system in order by to-night.
—The English Marionettes will be repeated at'
the opera house to-night. It is quite a novel en
tertainment and well worth the low price of ad
mission charged.
—The street force has been busy for several
weeks tilling up the ditches in the center of the
streets by putting in terra cotta sewer pipe.
—The board of trustees of the public schools
will meet this afternoon to elect one regular and
one floating teacher.
—Mr. John McCants. coroner of Harris county,
came down to Mr. Dick Young's plantation yes
terday and held an inquest over the body of
George Bhira, the negro who was killed by
Henry Craig.
not Mtictioned nor approved by the party
and amount to nothing. ...
The nominated ticket ia an excellent one
and deserves the support and confidence of
the democracy, and democrats are work
ing for the ticket, not attempting to get up
independent, disorganizing mass meetings.
Hons. John T. Harris, W. J. Samford
and O. P. Harrisoh will begin canvassing
the county to-morrow at Gold Hill. Other
speakers, including Hons. W. H. Barnes.
J. J. Abercrombie and 8. O. Houston will
also take the stump soon. Every beat will
have speaking. ...... ..
In reply to a statement published in the
Times that they were against the nomi
nees, the delegation from beat 13 to the
recent democratic convention came out in
a strong card stating their allegiance to the
democratic party, and are working for the
Mr. W. W. Wright, whom the inde
pendents have announced was a candidate
for the legislature and would stump the
county for the ticket, will publish a letter
in the next issue of the Times announcing
that he is no candidate and is doing every
thing in his power for the success of the
democratic ticket.
The commissioners’ court has decided to
have a cistern constructed in the city, near
the court house.
Messrs. Stevens & Floyd are erecting a
fine brick planing and saw mill in the city.
Work on the new brick buildings is
progressing rapidly. We understand Mr,
Ex Tucker will rebuild soon.
The public school movement is assuming
definite shape.
Mr. R. M. Vaughn, a rising young attor
ney of this city, was admitted to practice
in the supreme court last Monday.
The health of Opelika is remarkaby
The city government levied one-half of
one per cent, tax on all property within
the district.
Several petty larceny cases in county and
justice courts this week.
Will Nominate «
number of votes he declared the nominee
of the party. Also, at the same time and
by the same method, two delegates be
elected to the senatorial convention of the
2-lth senatorial district to nominate a can
didate for senator, and the two delegates
receiving the highest number of votes be
declared the delegates elected to cast the
vote of Chattahoochee county in said con
Resolved, That the polls be opened at 9
o’clock a. m. and closed at 4 p. m. at the
county precincts, and at 9 a. m. and 6 p.
m. in Cusseta; that said election be man
aged by three persons and that they keep
two lists of voters and two tally sheets, ana
that they make return of the same to-
—We nre informed that Dr. Edwards, of Marion j gether with the ballots to the executive
county, is not a candidate for the legislature, as j committee at Cusseta on the following
Cusseta, Ga., July 18.—The democratic
executive committee of Chattahoochee
county met this day in Cusseta and, on
Resolved, That a primary election he
held at the different precincts of the coun- !
ty on Saturday, the 7tli day of August next,
for the purpose of nominating one candi
date for representative to represent Chat
tahoochee county in the Georgia legisla- , .....
tore, and the person receiving tne highest ! three dollars charged for his services, with a
Mnavplr »•'*»•
Called communication of Mt. Harmon lodge
No. 804, F. and A. M., thi* (Friday) evening nt §
o’clock. Work in the Matter degree.
All Ma*ont in standing sre Invited to
njeet with u*.
By order of the W. M. ^ c CooK g^iy.
Open House To-Night.
To-night the English Marionett* will give an
other grand performance kith an entire change
of programme, Introducing the Marionett Min
strel*, the most Interesting feature ever produced
by any troupe of it* kind. Dou't forget the ladiee’
and children’s matinee Saturday at 8:80.
Melon* on Ice—Balitbuiy A Crow. ‘
Golden Date* and Dried Fig* »t Adam* A Bow-
era, 1144 Broad street. dtf
Pimple*, Blotch#*, Eruption* of the Skin indi
cate that yon need a dose of Fontainm’* Great
Discovery. For sole by Brannon & Curson and
City Drug Store. myi5 tf
A case of Kennedy’* Fancy Biscuit* just re
ceived. Adams A Bowers.
A Check I,oat.
All persons are cautioned against cashing or
purchasing a check for $44 67 on the Chatta
hoochee National Bank, given to us by H. 8.
Estes. It has been lost and the payment of it to
any one but ourselves has been stopped.
B. F. Billings A Co.
Full Dress, Greek Slave and Duke CigaretteR at
Adams & Bowers'. dtf
For Rheumatism, Malaria, Obstinate Ulcers,
Boils. Syphilitic Diseases, Scrofula and all Kid
ney and Liver Disorders, use Fontaine’s Great
Discovery. Sold by Brannon & Carson and City
Drug Store. my26 tf
4'iirnrs ! Cigarettes!
We have full line of both.
dtf Adams & Bowers
.llisiiinrek I.etch field Offered for kale—
Will Stand I'ntil Sold.
The fine Jersey Bull. Bismarck Letchfield, is
offered for sale. He is registered, is three years
old, and has a regular tabulated pedigree, is kind
snd gentle, and sold for no fault. He can be
seen at J. M. Fletcher & Son’s Stable, who will
take pleasure in showing him and pedigree.
He will stand for the present, and a fee of
has been reported.
—The shooting bythe gun club will not take
place this afternoon, on acuount of the bicycle
—The citizens are beginning to respond to the
appeal of the Good Templars to entertain dele
gates to the grand lodge. This is as it should be.
—The street cars were taxed to their utmost
capacity to bring the crowd away hum Star park
yesterday evening.
I’llK (Dl.OltKI) F1KKJIKN.
The Parade mid Contest To-liny—Moiitgnmcr) snd
l iilmi Springs Coiiipnnips to Take Part.
The colored nremen will have a parade and
contest this afternoon. The programme will
card receiver; 2d, bicycle lamp; 3d, pearl handle j probftbly bc ,be !ame aa thnt “"'opted by the fire |
Tlio SimriiliHti.
The secret of the Spuridian will be divulged in
the First Baptist church yard this evening. The
festival will begin at 5 o’clock with a lawn party
for the children and continue until 11:30 to-night.
The sale of old maids will he one of the most in
teresting features of the programme. Refresh
ments will be served at reasonable prices. The
entertainment is given for the benefit of
the industrial school, and it is hoped
the people will turn out in ftill force and aid a
worthy cause. It is a work of love on the part
of the ladies, and they should receive hearty
encouragement. In the industrial school about
one hundred of the poorest children in the city
are taught to sew and to read, spell and write.
The ladies need money to buy books and mate
rial, and they should have it.
A Kniglit of L^t>or Receives an Anonymous Letter
of Warning.
Mr. M. V. Cook, who is u Knight of Labor, and
who is on the committee to consider the matter
in reference to tf e agreement of the mills to sell
meal in no less quantity than ten bushels, re
ceived a letter yesterday, of which the following
is a verbatim et literatim copy:
M. V. Cook—Sir: We under stand that you are
taking Steps to wards us and tlist you are very
in dignaut over the matter You can Just depend
on looseing your head and ears if you don’t hold
your tongue a bout the Merchants Protective As
sociation. We will string your years on a stick
the first thing you know A little goes a long
ways with you You are being watched and you
must keep quiet hold your tongue.
Wild Cat Club,
Per M. P. A. city.
The letter is written on a half-sheet of note
paper, at the top of which is what proposes to be
the design of a coffin and the words “Your
coffin.’’ The affair is not worthy of serious con
sideration, as it was ro doubt done by some mis
chievous person merely to frighten Mr. Cook.
6. Trick and fancy riding; 1st prize, bronze
clock; 2d, cyclometer; 3d, bicycle shirt.
7, Half-mile bicycle, handicap; 1st prize, silver
medal; 2d, silver cup; 3d, bicycle pin.
A larger number of entries will start in the
races to-day und they will no doubt be even
more interesting than yesterday.
The boys were made happy by seeing the large
The largest crowd that ever assembled in Star
park was there.
The attendance to-day should, and no doubt
will, be much larger.
Guernsey took quite u hard fall yesterday and
is pretty sore from it, but will put in some good
spurts in the one mile championship to-day.
Stone succeeded in lowering the southern one
mile record from 3:10 to 2:56%.
Brantley, of Macon, who won the handicap
there July 5th, will be here to-day and will no
doubt do some good work.
Messrs. Tuggle, Lequin and Odom acted as
time keepers, and will act in the same capacity
The trick and fancy riding will be interesting.
The contestants will do a number of difficult
acts, among them riding on one wheel.
Every time the ladies applauded the boys
spilled and got down to their work as if they ap
preciated it.
The ladies were out in full force, and seemed to
enjoy the racing as much as any one.
A Hosolution of Thunks to the Milton 11. Smith.
On the last trip of the steamer Milton H.Smitth,
Captain Moore gave the Chattahoochee school
an excursion to Apalachicola and return. In order
to show their appreciation, they passed the
following resolutions:
On Board Steamer Milton H. Smith, Near
Chattahoochee Fla., July 12.—At a meeting of
the Chattahoochee school excursion party, held
on hoard the steamer Milton H. Smith, Mr. Joel
Rice was called to the chair and Mr. H. H. Spear
was requested to act as secretary.
Miss Berta Manchope, the teacher of the
Chattahoochee school, introduced the following
department at the parade and contest in May.
The Union Springs company arrived yesterday
morning. Jt came thirty-three strong with the
following v (floors:
President—Phil Sprior.
Foreman —Jeff Thornton.
Assistant Foreman—Matt Green.
Foreman Hose—Tom Williams.
Assistant Foreman Hose—Mark Foster.
Secretary—Clarence Mitchell.
Treasurer- Mark Foster.
The Grey Eagles, of Montgomery, arrived last
night at 10:30 o’clock. They were accompanied
by six or seven car loads of excursionists. The
company comes 80 strong, with the following
President —William Glenn.
Vice President—Jacob Brown.
Fore nan—Thomas Jackson.
First Assistant—John Gindrat.
Second Assistant—Thonms Nelsen.
Secretary—R. Drayton.
Treasurer—Joseph Moore.
They brought a brass band with them which
Monday by 12 o’clock m., who will consol
idate and declare the results.
Resolved, That the democratic voters
who will be lcgtd voters at the time of said
primary electioiroe allowed to vote and no
And whereas, the committee desires a
full and free expression from the demo
cratic voters of the county as to their feel
ing upon the question of nomination of
county officers in this county,
Resolved, That each of ttie voters at snid
primary election be requested tu place upon
their ballots the words; u For nomination
of county officers,” or “Against nomina- cents a hundred
tion of county officers.”
Resolved, That the Columbus Enquirer-
Sun be requested to publish these pro
On motion the meeting adjourned.
John W. Hewell, Chairman.
David J. Fussell, Secretary.
guarantee. jyl6 d2t se2t
Second*HuikI SiihIi
For sale by P. H. Burrus.
jvl6 fri&selt
For Sale.
Five shares Columbus Ice Co. Stock.
Also fifty (50) shares desirable nianuf•during
stock. Apply at once to Soule Redd,
jyl5 2t Broker.
From Harrisonburg;, Vft., nt City Drug
It cures Malaria. As a diuretic, nerve tonic
and curative for Blood Poison it is unequaled,
with a record of fifty years. Besides its med
icinal qualities, as a table and wine-room water
it has taken first rank. It is for sale at City Drug
Store on draught and by the gallon. jyl4 dim
For Kent.
From October 1st the three upper floors and
part of basement of Rooney building,
jyll dtf Jas. A. Lewis.
Old Newspaper* for Sale.
Those who want old newspapers for putting
under carpets can get them at this office at 50
Worth Your Time
To investigate the close prices A. C. Chancellor is
making on .Suits to measure. He has about forty
Choice Suitings left and will close them at prices
to suit the purchaser. dwtf
A Deadlock in the Nominating Convention—Nor
wood Still in the Lend on the «>7tli Ruliot.
Hel'ore Leaving the City
Cull at A. C’. Chancellor’s and purchase a nice
.Silk Umbrella, Satchel, Trunk, Duste. and Suit
of Clothes. You may depend he will sell them
close fortlie cash. dwtf
New System of Dress Cutting.
Mrs. S. Caufield, general agent for the Ross
Turkish Rug Machine, also the Mrs. N. R. Nor
man Tailor System, just improved July, 1885, is the
only one known that will cut perfectly every' gar
ment that is worn by ladies, gentlemen and chil
dren, cuts Cloaks, Dolmans, gives Drapery, cuts
for irregular forms as well as regular. Positively
no trying on required. Will give lessons on Sat
urdays. In response to postal cards will call at
residence. I can be found on First avenue, next
door to Opera House. No. 1010. jy4eodlm
Xew Drink* ! New Waters !
After a lengthy correspondence we have se-
, cured the recipe and right to manufacture “Ba
rnacle music along the route from the depot into convention. A committee of work- nana Liquer,” sold for the first time in the United
Broad street. The parade and contest will no I ingmen waited on the candidates | states in Horticultural Hali at New Orleans Ex-
doubt attract a large number of negroes to Broad j '^^^"^lon Mershon °is said to ^have ' position ’ This drink we believe to be the most
street to-day. agreed to the protection tariff platform. Potable, delicious and refreshing ever offered
Tin M n ir i i , vi hr I There is much suppressed indignation j tbe P ublic l ’tis made from expressed banana
r , in ■ nsiru i.a t . urnr. among true democrats, including manv juice made by us. Try it. You will be delighted
Johnson, Coleman & MeGough s genuine lie- | Knighls of Labor, on account of the course Only 5c. per glass.
taken by a clicpie of working jnen who, it , We have made severel additions to our Soda
Special to Enquirer-Sun.
Savannah, Ga., July 15.—The conven
tion reassembled at 9:30 this morning.
Fifty-four ballots were taken and Nor
wood gained one vote from Bradwell and
one-third from Mershon. At the adjourn
ment this evening on the 57th ballot Nor
wood had 19}$ ; Mershon 16, Bradwell 4$.
There are no signs of yielding on either side.
The Norwood delegates are confident of
a break to-morrow and hope to secure his
nomination. The Bradwell and Mershon
delegates are determined and say if there
is no change in the ballot to-morrow they
will endeavor to adjourn the convention
to Brunswick or Jessup. The delegates
are disposed to take an outsider rather
than yield to the candidates before the
Mr. J. Z. Garrett, a handsome and talented
employe of the Columbus and Western railway,
was in Alexander City Friday afternoon lust on a
short visit to relatives and friends.—Dadeville
Mrs. E. A. Stewart.and family left yesterday for
St. Clair Springs, Ala.
Misses Birdie Schuessler and Lula Bize are vis
iting friends at Cusseta and I*afoyette, Ala.
Mrs. M. L. Bivins, of Pineville, is in the city'.
Mr. B. J. Daniel, of the Russell Register, was
in the city yesterday.
Mr. C. H. Cook, of Hamilton, is in the city.
Mrs. Helen Spencer is
cer, at Deer Park. I Henrietta Booth, for the uniform kindess to th
Dr. T. W: Tuggle and wife and Mrs. Dr. T. S. children and untiring efforts to make our party
Tuggle returned from the Warm Shrings yester- pleasant.
day. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be
gro minstrels attracted a large audience, com- !
posed mostly of negroes, to the opera house last
night. The audience seemed well pleased with I
the entertainment, if hearty applause is to be \
taken as evidence. There were some very creeli- j
table features on the programme.
The Date Cliunged.
Col. F. G. Wilkins received a letter yesterday,
informing him that the date for the reunion of :
the First Georgia regiment, at Forsyth, had beeu |
changed from July 22d to August 5th. The 1
change is made because it is believed that it will :
suit the farmers better.
is said, are in conjunction with republicans ,
endeavoring to rule or ruin.
i Circular Issi
Frazer Circula
aii*l News Note
imI (ullimr u
• Said to hi*
etiiur— I
tious to Captain Randlette, Perser 1
exactly, the
resolutions, which w< re unanimously adopted :
Resolved, That the thanks of this party be j Special to Enquirer-Sun
extended to Captain T. H. Moore, agent of the 1 Opelika, Ala., July 15.— Politics is being j ^ iththe name of the payee and an amount
People's Line of Steamers, for his liberality in ' extensively discussed at present. Anony t-o suit himself, say >o0fi0, takes it with the
rates and instructions fortlie care and comfort mous circulars arc being distributed all ; R V:, 1 ' t ?,r e*) n ^th c ’ V a « k 6 an d° <’■ v n! n i ni S t hi t
of the nartv over the county calling a mass meeting in signature to the bank, and explains that
oi tnc panj. OnaHlri Tniv i7tb irsk Th..v i,, n,, ' the cheek was accidentally torn. Theteller
Resolved, Tlmt we reel under special obliga- j - Jued by friends ofSl' the candidates, but i ca .'' the P. iepe . s tattler, and as they
ser Howard and , Jins is u mistake. The organized demo- ; ".}}} j 1 ?
eratic party of Lee county has nothing to ! " UJ 1 n {* 1 1 j i * —. -z
e ! do with this anonymous mass meeting it ! same check and become a victim of i
Mis simply a scheme’of independents No i , I! u ' ,
! democrat, encourages or expects to partici- °" n T, '\Vj er le ftise to
j pate in it. They expect to stand squarely P a -' an Y check thu^is mutilated.
Dr. T. J. Brooks, of Hamilton, was in the city | aeut to Captain T. II. Slo^ire, agent ol the People's j c ? r i^mrs° Honf J^ T? Harris* ^hairmaifof Absent Minded.
.■estordnv Line of Steamers. | t | ie executive committee’, has issued The most absent minded man in the
The young ladies of the party offered the fol-| au address advising democrats to i world has been i'aund. and he lives in Buf-
keep away from said mass meeting falo. He tells the story himself, as folldws:
Apparatus, and improvements in the material
ami mode of manufacturing our syrups, and feel
. , , , , I confident our Soda Water cannot be surpassed.
An Imteiiion. Irirk. . , . . „ . *
... , ... , , T> - lee will be shaved for those who desire it. We
Lndeiwood s Weekly Bank Reporter. j have added several waters to our list and can
We are indebted to a friend who lias now furnish the following Waters by the glass or
been nipped for an explanation of a trick : 6fl Uoi 2, ... , ,
which has been successfully employed for ! rye™ Roe'- Waukesha,
swindling several banks in various eastern | High Rock’ Vish’v
cities. A check, say for ten dollars, is ob- ! Excelsior, ’ Massa’netta
tained from a depositor of a bank, and a j Nouse having home; you have the Springs
blank check exactly like the filled-m check I here # 1 B
is secured. The two checks are laid one I ’ . , _ ... _
upon the other, so that the checks are ex- i Jur stock of Fancy Angles, Perfumery and
actly even. Both checks are then torn ir- 1 Toilet Requisites is kept full. We carry the finest
regularly across, and in such a way that j and most complete assortment of Soaps in the
the signature on the filled check appears j city. An ele 'ant Soap at 50c. per dozen,
on OIie piece, and the amount and j Tooth Brushes in endless variety—the best 25c.
name of the payee on the other. | Tooth Brush ever sold. A beautiful line of Bath
The checks having been held together , m,..,. , . .
while hfrimr torn of ooim-ko nne niene f I Towels, Sponge and Chamois *Skins.
winle being tom, or couist one piece of , .special and careful attention paid to all Pre-
the blank qheck will exactly fit the other ; script ions by careful and competent prescription-
piece of the tilled check. The swindler j 8t8<
then fills in one piece of the blank check
bailees are that h<
e parts of th
victim of the
Mrs. J. G. Burrus and Mrs. R. K. Munn re
turned from a visit to friends near Upatoie yes
Mr. Ex Tucker, of Hurtsboro, wo* m the city
Hon. Thomas W. Grimes left for the northern
part of the district yesterday.
Miss Mamie O’Dwyer and Miss Katie Greer left
yesterday ffir Montgomery, Ala.
Miss Gena Brown is visiting relatives in Eu-
faula. *
Mr. M. Dekle, of Marianna, Fla., is in the city.
Mr. Boland Barkley, of Greenwood, Fla, pa
lowing amendment:
Resolved, That our special thanks be ex
tended to the young, handsome and courteous j
pilots for their kind attention.
John Rice, Chairman, j
W. H. .Spear, Secretary.
HOTEL akkiyai.s.
W. T. Flournoy, C. D. Tullis, C. P. Roberts, J. i
T. Barnett, J. B. Whitlock, W. B. Berry, R. E. L. !
Martin, C. L. Rhodes, I). R. Wilson, Eufaula; J.
Geo. A. Bradford, Manager.
166 Straw llat*
Will go this week at a big sacrifice. They are
1 choice styles and fin goods. A. C. Chancellor’s
1 policy is not to carry goods from one season to
i the next, bht sell them for cash and put the
! money tn new goods. d wtf
Molmir* an<l S<‘<i I ia ns
, Will go this week at prices that will make an im-
j pression. It is your fault if you do not keepcool.
| A. C. Chancellor is making preparations for large
i winter purchases and must close all summer
j goods at once. dwtf
9>r. .Seth X. .Iordan,
1 exposing its independentism. borne : “\ou know I am not awfully religious, but ODeratinir Simreo . and Phvsicinn
y imprudent friend or friends of Judge when a child I was taught to say my pray- U Physician.^ Residence,
izer in the last issue of the Times also . ers at night. 1 am glad to say f have stuck ‘ 1 lfuu House ’ ephone Ao.2, Office, Carter s
s his iFrazor’s) friends to meet, here on 1 to it ever since, and erenerallv mamure to drugstore. tf
very ^ _
Frazer in the last issue of the Times also , ers at night. I am glad to say . _
calls his (Frazer’s) friends to meet here on 1 to it ever since, and generally manage to
the 17th inst. This call is also anonymous | put in a few anyhow nearly every time I
and amounts to nothing. Judge Frazer go to bed. A snort time ago I went to my
will not be a candidate. Tie is a true pa- room as usual smoking a ctear, and coii-
triot and democrat, and will support the tinued right along puffing while I was un
nominated tick ‘ J A J T *■ * A4 "“ i “ J '“ *■
D/F. Wxllcox, Agent Traveler*’ Insurance Oo :
Dear Sir—A few yenn ago yon induced me to
take out an Accident Policy Its the Travelers, and
upon your persuasion I have kept It up year by
year, not at nil anticipating the possible benefit
to accrue. But I have now to thank you for it
as well as for the Company’s Check of $353.57 in
payment of my claim for many weeks of disabil
ity, the result of a very pafufol accident, threat
ening the lost of my right hand. After this ex
perience of how it is “the unexpected which al
ways happens,” I shall certainly keep up my
Accident Policy, and I shall not forget the
promptness of the Company in paying my claim
as soon as the amount could bemeoertained.
Yours truly, C. E. Hochstbasser,
dtf HOO Broad St.
Schlits and Anhuiser Bottle Beer on ice, Lon*
don Stout and McEwan’s Sparkling Ale by the
dozen. Robt. 8. Cranr.
Fine Cigsin.
Any of the following are worthy of especial
mention, and can recommend them as possessing
all the elements of fine quality and such as will,
give satisfaction to the smoker : Garrett’s No. 1%
Pickwick, One Hundfed Per Cent., Our Firm and
Conqueror. For sale at Crane’s Corner. dtf
General Auctioneer, Real Estate,
tttoek anil Hon it Alien t.
Special attention given administrators’, execu
tors’ and assignees’ sales, selling and renting
Real Estate at public or private sale. Office over
Abbott & Newsom’s corner.
For Sale—My Residence on Broad street.
jell tf F. G. Wilkins.
(tod B1«nm (lie Children.
Nothing has been so productive of health and
diminished so much the suffering and mortality
amonp children as Tkethina (Teething Powders),
Tf.ethina allays Irritation, aids Digestion,
Regulates the Bowels, Strengthens the child,
Cures Eruptions and,Sores and rnakess Teething
All Druggists and country stores keep Teeth-
ina. Brannon & Carson, Columbus, Ga.,
Wholesale Agents, supply the trade at manu
facturer’s prices. |y4 d&wly
Best Apple Vinegar for Pickling—four years
old,40 grains strength, at 40c per gallon. Imported
White Wine Vinegar, 60 grains strength, 50c. per
gallon. Robert S. Crane.
Gold Watches,
Gold Watches,
Gold Watches,
At C. Schomberg’s
Street, Columbus. Ga.
Gold Watches,
Gold Watches,
Gold Watches
Jewelry Store, 105 Broad
Place your insurance with the Macon Fire In
surance Company. Home company, home capi
tal. Terms as low as any first-class company.
Toombs Crawford, Local Agent,
je26 tf 1245 Broad Street.
The E. Ross & Co. Novelty Rug (and Embroid*
ering) Machines are now soid at Bramhall’s Sew
ing Machine Depot, 1117 l formerly 103) Broad
street, and customers instructed how to use them
free. Pattern Rugs and Yarn furnished.
Call and see sample work; ’twill interest you.
Crane will sell three cakes best Toilet Soap for
25c, one dozen Honey und Glycerine Bouquet for
60c.; also, Laundry and Washing Crystals, Pear-
line, etc. dtf
Finest young Hysen, Gunpowder and Imperial-
new crop Formosa, Oolong and He-No Tea, pure
Vid free from all adulteration—kind the Chinese
drink. Robert 8. Crane.
For Heut.
Store House No. 60, on west side of Broad street
formerly occupied by James E. Cargill as a dry
goods store. Possession given immediately.
jyl8 tf Apply to Louis F. Garrard.
Defective Kyemighl.
Parties having defective Eyes are invited to
call and have them examined by the Opthalma*
sopic test free of charge, und if Spectacles can be
of benefit they they will be fitted at moderate
Prk^* J. H. Bramhall,
Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician.
New number. 1117 Broad street (west side).
Old number, 103 Broad street (west side) Co
lurnbus. Ga. ieb21tl
A Hare Opportunity.
I have just had placed in my hands for sale, a
splendid piece of property in the best part of
Wynnton, commodious and very convenient
house, twenty acres of land, with ample shade,
fruit, etc., in perfect order. Can be purchased on
very reasonable terms, or if preferred, will ex
change for other property. Apply to
. Toombs Crawford,
jy4 dtf Real Estate Agent, 1245 Broad St.
For Kent.
A very desirable four room Dwelling east of
court house, on Second avenue. Apply to
M. A. Bradford,
jy4 eodtf 1122 Broad St.
Sleeping ('ar Accommodation.
Columbus, Ga., Jan. 26, 1886.
A Sleeper is attached to train No. 18 between
Columbus and Macon, leaving Columbus every
night at 11:35 o’clock.
Berths can be secured upon application to C.
W. Meyer, ticket seller, Union Depot, or to Con
ductor of train. w. L. Clark, Agent.
G. A. Whitehead, General Passenger Ageut
jan 28tf
through the city yesterday with his wife, who is 1 H. Dunn, Cuthbert; E. H. Spivey, Talbotton; W.
quite ill, eu route to Tennessee. j S. Wallace, Butler: Claude A. Williams, Atlanta;
For Rent.
The commodious Residence corner St. Clair
and Jackson streets, and immediately south of ;
He went into the con- dressing/ Just before getting into bed I 1 St - Luke church, is for rent from October 1st. j
ention, agreed to abide by its decision and knelt down as usual, and when through This place, known as the Goetchius Residence, j
will support the nominees of the demo- i suddenly discovered that 1 had been tak- and now occupied by Col. Henry McGehee, is
eratic party as all true democrats should ing my smoke as comfortable as you please one of the most elegant and desirable places in
These ,UIICC I.iocfimrc bffd otmnlv wnilp nrffHMmr nr> iv»v npvntimiB Tt chmob . ’ ^
the city.
do. These mass Meetings are simply ! while offering up my'devotions. It struck
schemes of disorganizes only calculated to ; me as being a little oft’color.”—[Buffalo
injure tile democratic party. They are ; Courier. | jyetf
Apply to
; Goetchius & Chappell, j
Attorneys, j
A fresh lot of choice Bananas and Fren
Candy just received at
dtf Robert Justice’s, Agent
Series a, Uhnttahooclice Riiiltllng m
I,.miii Association.
Books of subscription for above series uoiv op
at office of Yonge & Grimes.
Cliff B. Grimes, Sec’v and Treas
Columbus Agency of Columbus and Westei
Railway and Southwestern Railroad Co
panv of Georgia, Columbus, Ga., June 6, 18!
Kouml Trip sloil Tickets
To Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Bnl
more via Savannah and steamer, also to all Su
mer Resorts are now on sale at Uuiou Passenf
Depot at greatly reduced rates. For prices a
further information apply to C. W. Meyer, tick
seber ' W. L. Clark, Agent
G. A. Whitehead, Gen’l Pass. Agent. jyfii
He-No Tea, the kind the Chinese drink, is ;;
U P Hi % “ad 1 pound packages at 75c. per poui
dtf . R. S. Crane
A fresh lot of choice Barrel Pickles and Yank
Beans just received at
d^f Robert Justice’s, Agent
The \\ nsting Diseases of infants and ch
tlren are by no means confined to an inst
iicient supply of food. The trouble is th
the food is in judiciously selected, and tl
limited digestive power of the child is u
able to assimilate it. Mellin’s food, win
prepared according to the directions,fori
the best substitute for mother’s milk th
lias ever been produced.
jvG tu,th&sat lm