Newspaper Page Text
I wick Herald says: Nowhere else in nil the
j world cun larger treeH he obtained than
around Brunswick. James Holmes, of this
city, has n coLurao* with the | Hilton *
roster Lumber Company at Doboy, to
lurnish Die largest tu-wn timber in the
j world. No trco is to be loss than 70, loot
I \W U * a v d inches square at the small end.
— •- I These he obtains in abundance on Woolly
v .,,. w , .. , , , Island, the property of John Ward, of this
' Dior line in flHu-idu—Swlniniiiitf Mnfrli in | city, and for each one lie pays $5. Ills
iutfiistii-A California ( iijiKnllsl in ,)l ^ of operations is Jamaica, in this
News from the Three' States Told
Brisf Paragraphs.
vlllr—CoiidfHKCtl Kellis from Aliilmnm
II or Ida Karls.
county, and it takes 21 yoke- <»t’ "xo.u to
haul each tree; and then only three trees
are hauled to Jamaica in t'vo weeks. Kach
tree, when hewn and b .. fo the point
. . oi shipping, brings J . . .„ MO.
sjjjgjo**. m to bo „ ; jWSKfi.'lfS'iSSai
. . . ;V U ^ 01 'k, notwithstanding the equaliza-
There is a probability that Atlanta will tion of the gauge; and it costs I2J cords
soon cave a piano factory. , each to ship them by ocean steamer, This
Mr. Jerry Powell and Miss Beulah Bor- 1 wol,1 . d s,;(!m to leave'very little margin, ex-
kell, of Atlanta, were married on Sunday j ce l , ®* n the beginning of the season, for t,lie
•Waohtel Bros the lnrirent cl hi ii .' producer, Lots of peo pie would he glad
of Mae on, wllTopen a store tfiriJI," | to * row watermclona for 12J cents apiece.
A good crowd went out to the river front
at Augusta Friday, to witness the swim
ming test between W, J. Pelletier and
Bruce Wilson. The race was from Jack-
ton street to the Charlotte, Columbia and
Augusta railroad bridge—purse $25. Pel
letier forged ahead at the start, and main
tained a comfortable lead to within fifty ,
yards of the finish, when Wilson redoubled
his efforts, passed his competitor and
scored a victory of a race wnich seemed
lost to him from the outset. The race was
a great one, and is the talk of the sporting
fraternity. The superhuman efforts of
young Wilson at the finish, and his sur
prising speed in the water, were matters of
comment. The affair has created quite an
interest, and kindred sports at early dates
are on the list.
Si * RUE 'Ipa '# h; i
IfiSiKA 1M
17 n
on September 1st.
Bryant Strickland was killed in Carters-
ville on Sunday by Marsiial Puckett and a
posse. An inquiry is in progress.
It is cluimed that business is stagnated
and that people are moving away from At
lanta by hundreds on account of “prohibi
At Monroe the little boy who was so bad
ly hurt by the mules running away on
Thursday died Thursday night front his
Gov. McDaniel left for Athens Friday,
where he will remain till next Thursday,in
attendance on the university commence
Sam Dale, of Harmony Grove, is making
a pair of shoes for a negro who works on
the Northeastern railroad which measures
14 inches from heel to toe.
The corn crop is made, and notwith
standing the damage resulting to it from
the storm of June 30th, it is the best grown
in southwest Georgia for many years.
The court house of Randolph county has
been formally received by the commission
ers, and the contractor fully settled with. , ....— >uiw „ m
He claims to have lost fully $2000 by the ; to the steamboat wharf, where he was
contract. I found leaning over the river as if ready to
Sunday night in Macon, Dan Nixon way- i ,lla j5? phinge.
laid Hal McWhorter, who was walking ■ 1 j, “ ( i up!” exclaimed the policeman,
with his (Nixon’s) wife, and cut his throat. “Keep back, sir, or you will get into
McWhorter will die. Nixon and another trouble,” was the answer, as he laid his
negro named Johnson, who aided him, es- , hand u P° n his hip pocket,
caped. | " he policeman, however, advanced and
catching hold of the arm of the young
Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flavor*.
Vanili.i, l.iinnn, orange, Almond, Hose, etc.,
flavor ai delicately and naturally us the fruit.
Chicago. sr. louia,
B radfi ei d’s
rml*.tiBawamv&UK-xm. ' ttttttimtttirmm.impiiii—iiiniini m—11■■■■Tim
S J Fur Fifty Years the great Remedy for | S
. 8 5 Blood Poison ana Skin ^ j S
I Interesting Treatise on Blood and bkin Diseases
J0, jjj mailed free to all who apply. It should be
carefully read by everybody. Address
A recent issue of the Rome Courier says:
Last night about 10 o’clock a young man
of this city passed the new Rome hotel,
and some one who was sitting in front
heard a sob, and inquired: “Hello, where
are you going?” “I am going to the river,”
was the answer, as he hurried past. Officer
Tom Logan overheard the answer, but as
he got up the young man was some dis
tance away. The policeman followed him
An infallible specific for
all the diseases peculiar to
women, such as painful or
suppressed Menstruation,
PallinR of the Womb, Leu-
corrhcea or Whites, etc.
If taken during this crit
ical period, great suffering
and danger can tie entirely
The health officer’s report shows there
were twenty-six deaths in the- city of Sa
vannah last week. Eleven whites and fif
teen colored The annual ratio per Uhl for
the week was 22.3 for whites and 40.(1 for
The Chatham Artillery will attend the
centennial of the Liberty Independent
Troop on Thursday. They will go out on
a special train in the morning and return
after the banquet at night. The Chat-
hams will take a brass band along.
A young man in Webster county set a
man drew him away, and he was put
charge of his friends.
A lillMllilil.
Mrs. Elsie Tardy, Miss Ann McKinstry
and Mr. Daniel McGinnis, of Mobile, died
on Thursday of last week.
Before a bargain house in Eufaula is the
sign: “If you walk around these bargains
you would walk around a dollar in the
Win. Tucker, a white man hailing from
Send for book containing valuable information
lor women. It will be mailed free to applicants.
Bradfikld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
eod&w nxt rd mt
T obacco
V,*« liavo .'U.4 niH'iii d a full lino nf I ho justly famous P.
(.Tr-sc's, and will have them on sale Monday.
iveiy Lady Should See These Goods,
...•y u; i ■ known and acknowledged I he world over lo be
(In’ Ivst Corsets made. Ask to see the
e 1 trap to catch a rabbit the other day, r 9t )l l 1 't.V,Ga..was arrested in Greeris-
hut instead of a rabbit he caught a rattle- horn on F riday last on a telegram charging
- - - - - - him with being a horse thiei.
snake four feet four inches long and eight
inches in circumference. It lmd eleven
rattles and was dead when found.
Quitman Free Press: Something over
two hundred car loads of melons have been
shipped from the Quitman depot, and the
crop is about all in. This has been a short
Rev. A. L. Blizard, of theAbbeville
Times, is accused by somebody as having
been brought up by Mr. T. A. Trawick.
He denies it. We let him speak for him
Dr. Wharton, of Montgomery, says the
year, but good prices have been obtained, people of Birmingham “make iron and
and as a rule the melon growers have made steal for a living.” The Advertiser will
money. take this to be a sly lick at our “thieving
Mr. J. L. Underwood, editor of the Ca- I tariff.”
niilla Clarion, and wife will celebrate their
silver wedding on the (itli of August. Much
happiness to them, and if they wish it,mn,v
the.v live to celebrate the diamond anni
versary of their union.
There is a ne.r i bry on James Buttrell’s
It is said that Editor McCall, of the gov
ernor’s staff, is to be court martialed for
running in ;he sham battle at Selma. Capi
tal. There was evidently a battery of
beauties in the rear.
The Florence Wave is the name of a new
E lantation, in Troup county, whose head ; paper published at Florence, Ala., bv
as attained an enormous growth, meas- William R. Barks. The Wave will work
uring 33 inches around above the ears, and ( for the success of the democratic party and
35 inches around the chin and top of tin* “Fighting Joe Wheeler.”
bead. He is 16 years old and in good health; A live question between Calern and Ta
ins body is about the size of a six-year old ladeg.i is, where will the Columbus and !
child. Goodwater extension cross the E. T., V. & j
The Atlanta Journal says “a census of G. ? If it crosses at some town already in |
candidates for the legislature in Bibb conn- existence, that means a boom. If it crosses |
ty, Georgia, shows a small majority for the in an old field, that means a new town.
voters who are not candidates—as yet.”
After this assurance who will lie hard
hearted enough to persist in the belief that
there is not yet a gleam of hope for the
Empire state?
On Saturday evening at a colored picnic
near Macon, as the crowd was dispersing,
a negro man named Joe Smith asked a
woman to lot him look at her baby-. She
made an indignant reply, when lie felled
her to the ground with a loaded stick. He
was arrested.
The tax digest for this year
county has been received at the office
the comptroller-general. It shows a de
crease in the value of taxable property
compared with last yiar of $30,000. The
returns last year footed up $6*14,000. 'Phis
year it is $634,000
Now is the time to get in on the ground
A well informed and observant traveler,
who has just returned from a trip through
southeast Alabama, speaking to a Dispatch
reporter on the subject of crops said: “The
crops throughout southeast Alabama are
in line condition, especially the corn crop,
; which, 1 think, will be one of the largest
ever raised in that section. In some spots
I of the low lands a little patch here and
' there will be thrown out on account of the
of tinker ' wet weather, but the harvest on the hills
0 p j will be as large as can lie gathered. 1 see
no reason why Alabama should buy a
bushel of corn next year from the outside.
The cotton crop in the country over which
i have gone will lie an average yield, I
think, but the people are crying worms,
which they seem to dread. ’ With th
An impromptu move was made Monday ; extension of the Montgomery Southern a
morning to raise by subscription funds to ! KOO(1 vk . lc i in this section of the state
build an academy in Eatonton. In a lew | nn nns largely increased cotton receipts in
moments $800 were subscribed. If the
matter were pushed the funds necessary
could be raised. It would, however, lie in j
the summer of next year before the work
would be begun.
Rev. Simon Peter Richardson, at an in- j
teresting revival meeting in Athens,asked
ail who were converted at revival meetings
to hold up their hands. About 100 hands j
were immediately raised; and when he ‘
asked those who were converted elsewhere
to raise tip their hands only four were
raised. Tim revivals have it.
Mr. Anderson, a capitalist from C'nliibr- ‘
I inrlilii.
Col. J. C. Hemming, an old and esteemed ;
citizen of Jacksonville, is dead.
Quincy is to have telegraphic communi
cation with the railway depot, one mile
In a shooting affray at a colored ball uy
Orlando last Friday, one Gasper was seri
ously wounded by Weldon Aliens. Both
are colored.
Mr. Broknw. of Anthony, received $325
... - — .. I l*K v i u*■
Iii'iiiii;’ PiIbh. Hrh lit*vt*r ltiil<*«t to Rive
;>r *mpfc relief. Will euro Anal Ulcer* AbRceHS,
i iutuwi. Tetter, Sait Rheum. Burber’b IteU, Ping-
wiirmH,'Pimples, Sorn* »ud Boilu. Price oO ct*u
\ VTI KII’S OWN RI MKHY, C ure* .11
Wounds. Cuts. Bruise*. Sri'"itie Erysipel'is B i!s,
C.-.rhuncles. Bone Kelons. ulcerH. Sores. 8« it- Eves,
S- ie Throat Bunions.Corns. Neuralgia.Rhetcnntism,
.‘litis. Uout Jxheuimitic Gout. Colds (J«u:ghs,
}’. :icliitiH, Milk Log Snake and Dog Bites St.ngs
• 1 Insectfc Ac. In fact r.iloyti nil iocnl Irrit.-tion amf
l i , .*.*iinm:itiun from whatever enuto. Pricr :!.) t ts,
1 t-i>:tr*‘<1 urrordiiiM !« the miisl
puinripl.-K, «|* rhi* I»t KI’ST M DATlVi:
; compounded with the purest
T.ih.-cc" FUnir. and is - i (H-ciffiy recommended tor
Group We<-d or C-ike ot tSic* Bn-sst, and lor that class
■ >i irritant or intlnmmntory maladies. Aches and
Pains txhere from too delicate a state of the system,
the patient w unable to hear the stronger application
or 'be T ibaecoCake. For Hundaclie ov other Aches
and Pains, it is invaluable. |*rit*r io ct».
Ask your druggist for these remedies, or write to the
DURHAIVl, N. C. 0. S. A.
id divings for fiNoiiuT
All jiropert.v placed :i* my luiiids adve:ti-ed
free. My conimisoion will Le ie.-s ti. in your
verti.sic^ bill.
ron ^E3STT.
Mrs. (Irr'.y’s elegant resideip’o, nort’. »f Pr*«l»y-
terifin church.
Two-story brick dwellm rt!. Tr, up -tre< t.
S''x rooms and bath room
Two-story dwelling hnif u »rth of < .rier's
Store No. 113 Broad street, opposite Central
The Gaboury formerly Cook * place. Ro-e U;il.
Dwellings in various part of city and suburb-.
\\Y liavo Ilium niiulu up in it number of styles, too many
to (b’si villi’. oUO Loiip^Waist French Woven Corsets .just rc-
crivcG. Toe. Com pari* with any in town at ftUM). This is
the cheapest r.oi'set ever sold here. About 150 Corsets, odd
sizes, to be closed Monday at 25c.
Our Corset Stock
Is grand : ii ds variety. Almost anything made in the way of
a Corset ■ an he had of us. When you want a good Corset for
a small .outlay look us up. We are headquarters for good
Property of the Columbus Manu
facturing Company.
Cuniph’D' himI I'villy 1' •»’ rollon*
l'.H’ory, T«ivotlM»r wltli Nearly
If<* 4>i‘ Git* t uH’Ht Wilier Power *>a*>
tin* 4'lutf IhIkmm liee Itivoi'.Jibti Ahofp*
flic i'ily of CnlnuihiiH.
p liy virtue of the power vented in us under thif.
Icrius P’i.1 eumiilion^ of u certain deed oS trust'
executed t>> the* undersigned, J. Rhodes Srronmw-
smd A 111 pcs, trustee**, by the Columbus Manu
facturing Company, of ISIuscogee county, state o."
Georgia, dated March 1, 188-1, whereby the uaicW
corporation conveyed to u« all of the property ,
real and prisoned, hereinafter described, in trust,,
to secure tlu* payment of its certain issue of*
bonds Aid the interest coupons thereof as fin satt^
trust clet'd specblcMl and enumerated tall of which
appears duly of record in Mortgage Deed Boo'Arc
“A,” folios 367 to 373, March 5, 1884, in the Clerk
office of Superior Court. Muscogee county, Geor"
gia, and in Record Deeds, volume O O, pages 8&
to 88 inclusive, March 22, 1884, office of tne Pros
ha te Court in the county of Lee, state of Ala
bama, and in conformity with the directions ai&Y!
terms prescribed in the resolutions passed by th.**
holders of said bonds on April 24, 1886, under the-'’
authority conferred by said deed of trust.)
We will sell in the city of Columbus, Muscogee*
county, Georgia, on the 3d day of August, 1886b.
between the legal hours of sale, in fVont of thu
auction house of F. M. Knowles & Co., on tbw
northwest corner of Broad street and TentifJ
(formerly Crawford street), (being the usual plac*/
for sheriffs sales in said city of Columbus) atf
public outcry, to the highest bidder, for cash, th«. f i
following described property of the Columbus*
Manufacturing Company, to-wit.: All those lots'
and parcels of land situated, lying and being axf
follows: Fractional section number twenty-slrv
(26) and the north half of fractional section num
ber thirty-live (35), both in fVactlonal township
number eighteen (18), range number thirty (30;,,
in formerly Russell, now Lee county, state o-2f
Alabama. Also the following lots of lands lying;
and being in the eighth (8th) district of Muscogee
county, state of Georgia, known as lots numbero*
eighty-six (86) and eighty-seven (87) and the wee#:
half of lot number seventy-four (74) and fractional
numbered ninety-one (91) and ninety-two (92)..
and Island number three (3) in Chattahoochee--
river and a small enclosure situated east of the?
residence formerly occupied by J. R. Clapp, usetfi
as a residence and grazing lot, containing aevext
(7) acres more or less. All of said lands last de
scribed lying and being iu the county of Musco
gee and state of Georgia, and, together with saicto
lands in Lee couuty, Alabama, containing eight-
hundred and thirty (830) acres more or less.
Also, all of the said Columbus Manufacturing:
Company’s buildings on said land in Muscogeo*
county, Georgia, operated as a Cotton Factory,
and with all of the improvements in any manner
appendant and appurtenant thereto, inclusive, of
tlie cards, spindles, looms, machinery and fix
tures of every kind whatsoever contained in saicli
buildings; aiso, all and singular the other im
provements on all of the lands aforementioned?
and described; also, the entire water power owned'
and controlled by said Columbus Manufacturing?
Company on and in said Chattahoochee river,
together with all and singular the rights and'!
franchises by the said Columbus Manufacturing;
Company held and possessed therein under the*
laws of Georgia.
The plant of said cotton factory consists &&
present of 4344 spindles, 149 looms and other suit
able machinery, all in good condition and pro
ducing good work. Present capacity 7500 yarns Os
day of heavy sheetings and shirtings, three yardx-*
tojthe pound.
The operatives’ houses and improvements gen
erally in excellent condition, labor abundant v
lands elevated and location of property unsur
passed for health, convenience and economic*!*
production—free from the burden of municipal:
taxes paid by all the other Columbus mills, yet'
within three miles of the city of Columbus an&i
three-quarters of a mile of Columbus and Rome
railroad The water power is the finest in the*
south, controlling and embracing the whole bed'
of the Chattahoochee river for the distance o
about one mile along the lands of said company.,
said lands extending along its banks upon the>
Georgia and Alabama sides of the river. Only a«
small portion of the water power is required andf
utilized in running the present mill, and the nat
ural falls in the river render but a simple inex
pensive dam of logs and plank necessary. Thiev
magnificent water power is easily controlled, anti
has a fall of 42' ._. (forty-two and a half; feet within'
% (three-quarters) of a mile. With a coni para-*
tively small expenditure noon a new clam 126,OOP
(one hundred and twenty-five thousand) spindles ..
with looms iu proportion, can be driven by thirn
water power. Capital for the erection of addi-*
tional mills and utilization of the innnenaco
power no,v wasted is u 11 that is needed to make.'*
this property the site of a prosperous and popu
lous manufacturing village. The personal inspeo-
I tion of capitalists is invited. Full and .satisfa^-
] torv details will be furnished upon application.
; ap27-d3m Trustees.
nia, arrived in Barnesville Thursday for i for the first ear
the purpose of seeing the country, with a York; a neighbor
view of buying a large tract of land and es- New Orleans,
tahlishing a colony of his people in our sec- I »pj u , trustees of the scl
tion. Mr. Anderson likes the country and
thinks if lie can buy land reasonably cheap
he will locate here at once.
Athens Banner-Watchman : “Hardly n
train arrives in Athens that does not bring
a case of beer that is immediately trans
ported to some club house, or private
room, and put on ice. Prohibition has
stopped so much whisky drinking, but the
boys will have their beer. It docs not
reach the spot as soon as whisky, but i(
has the desired effect after several I Kittles
are swallowed.”
Rome Courier: The postal clerks til the
East Tennessee. Virginia and Georgia rail
road complain oftli • poor accommodations
iti; the way of postal cars on this road.
They arc cooped tip in practically the same
ears that were in use when only about half
of the business was done. The mail curs
on this road are no doubt the cause of
many of the postal irregularities, as proper
facilities arc not given the postal clerks.
On the flth inst., two negroes by the
name of Nacc Pollard and Eli Colt!*, living
on Mr. R.W. Lankin's plantation. Colum
bia county, had a dispute relative to driv
ing a wagon, which led to a quarrel ami
finally to blows, in which Pollard took a
Ions sent to Nc
f iris $225 for a car to
re 1 IS Broad street, op
■ ilo* rison ti,.,. Beal
clwcfliiiK, o| posit
tool at Litra will
select their teachers o:i July .30. Applica
tions for the position must be lmicle toil.
B. Stevens.
All the churches of Bartow closed last
Sunday niirht. and the different, denomina
tion: held a joint temperance meeting at
the court house.
Toe tines in the mayor’s court of Fort
Mear.e during the last six mouths, have
been sufficient to pay the current expenses
of the town.
The primaries of Polk county will oe
held on July 17, and the. county conven
tion to select congressional convent ion
deii gates on July 24.
The last rail has been laid on Florida
Southern extension to Charlotte Harbor.
At Piinta, (jrorclii, the southern terminus, a
town on tile south, side of Charlotte Harbor
bay, there will be two wharfs, one for pas
sengers and one for freight traffic. The hit
ter will extern! for .3500 feet out into the
river, and a large force ot men are now at
work building the wharf. The company is
huildL.g fine depots for both passenger and
freight purposes, which are being push* d
to a rapid c« enpietion. .The steamer Lizzie
Henderson is iuay making regular trip'
Real Estate and Insurance Agei
f, * ?
\ h *
Must Unload,
■1.1*1 iVr
•k. CASIf.
AX1) Wild. OFFER
l in;: or
I 1 p-.-ic • **•
tio»j- in nii.rJ
Association 1
Where I ftu ii
will )jt chart;
finally to hhiwsm wn en m. from New Orlvans to Punta Goi-da. Ai-
smgletree and dealt Cobb a bl () \\ \\ bn h ; ,, ln e ,, ts an . to !lt . mu ,| e to run steamers
produced deu li. 0,1 “" d l' “, d to Key West to secure freight from Hie
last an inquest was held owi the b >jh*. ° . wust via the Mallory-Galvestoji line. A
flnlii*. and the lurv returned a \eidl< t 01 | u...... i ... I... *.,,;h
and is
Cot)li, and the jury returned
murder. Pollard made his esoap<
still at large. .
■ Captain John H. Martin, nt Ilawxms-
ville, has entered the field us a eamlidale
for solicitor-general of tile Oconee cuvint,
and Judge L. C. Ryan and '1'. C. laylor.
Esq., have withdrawn from tHe raw in
favor of Captain Martin. The contestants
for the office now are Captain < Mart in, "1
Pulaski, Thomas Eason, of Teliair, and
Colonel Hightower, of Laurens. Soheitor-
Genernl C. C. Smilli having amioma *■*! os
Intention to retire from the olliv* at the
expiration of iris term, on January .. wss.
the next legislature will elect iris successor
in November next. i
The idea that yellow pine is played out
in South Georgia is absurd. The ‘o'uus-
2i)0 room hotel is to be built there.
Orlando Record: “The report
orange and other crops from :
if the
■rat local
ities is that the fruit is growing finely and
to be fullv one-half of that of pitviotis
years. The vegetable crops, except sweet
potatoes, have been nearly gathered, the
latter just being planted having been
frozen Inst winter so that propagation by
slips was necessary. The yield is expected
to be fine, a.sthe frequent rains cause them
to grow quickly after planting. Tht sec
ond crop of Irish potatoes i-> growing.^ -u:il
within a month will be in market. There
will bi litileor no guavas, lemons, limes,
graiie fruit mid other tend: r varieties. Tin
outlook for an immense eiej another r
is of the most endouragiug.”
iiit; ml
House CI e a p. i n 0 Purposes
t? I
A S*»litl ♦ aJii> lor ■"><*.
Flvo Cold anti Two Silver MednlSj
awarded in 18sb at the Expositions o”'
New Orleans ami Louisville, and the In.
ventions Exposition of London.
The superiority i f Coraline over horr,
or whalelione 1ms no v l*een demonstrated
by over five years’experience, it is inore
durable, more pliable, more comfortable,
and nen-.r Iruiks.
Avoid cheap imitations made of various
kinds of cord. None are genuine ttn'etf
“Du. Wakneh’s ConxLixit” is printe
on inside of steel cover.
353 Broadway, Now York CitSi
.1 SI v«
WANTED I.nciie- ,.i
Birtlulay an«l KavtiT >
Koo j»r isp *s ol
iKv-t-;»aifL For lab in
• ■ .
-Mass. P. (). Hi)2* ilir.
by the aj.’iit, T. Jl. , D| • ;a iicHi#**.
cor Wth Street und Avcatic, Columbia,