Newspaper Page Text
“In Office But Not in Power" and Horw
Rule After All.
ad to Monlicollo, there to connect with
.Ac Macon and Alliens road, which wap
fitrinaily intended to connect Macon am
.'ovington. 'J'heroBd has been graded from
.[aeon to Montieeiio. There the road
i turn off to Covington; but such u destiny
■ id not await it. Athens invited it to conn
acre. So the road turned northward am.
vill join hands with the Richmond am
mnviUe ns an important link to reach tilt
. ulf and tiic sea.
The Macon and Covington looms up in
••only county. A lew days sinecure;',
•entiitive of the road was in t hat county
diciting rights of way for the Florida ex-
' tension oft he road. He asked lor nosub-
To the New York Herald. vrijdinns, ami the right of way will be
London, July 17.—'The campaign is over | ;V® eiv K*V e *! by tin peop e, a« ey uan
to all intents and purposes. '1 Ik- battle
Overthrown n>: I
Things Curious—(iliiristum-
ami lie is Not Likely to Tin
i» ('"million f.'
!i)siqii" Porfeet
i'|l till* SpOlllTf
Breakers Ahead Tor tin- SnSNluir.) to
has been fought and we are not victorious
at least the radicals under Uludstone are
hat road also.
A letter from
Vmerieus divi.4
at least the radicals under Wlmlslone arc : .,V ‘ ", ’ ..
not victorious, and the cause of home rule- l1 ., . ' t .
has had its victory put off. U,cut t <! >$* ' J ; t lt %}' r
There are n fe\v elections still to be de
cided—one taking place this very day, in j
v.v 'ch I feel a deep personal and political I
interest, thatof William O'Brien iu South
Tyrone. The result will not be known at
the time of sending this letter. If t VBrien
■wins the Irish party will come back in ,
number exactly the same Wt before. The , minims'V'.'oaTe'reck'and Poplar
success of Sexton in West Belfast makes Tlw . ,.,.,1;,...i,. m K atd to he
i for the seat lost in South Derry, where I reck " I1U,;S - 1 .*?? S -V'. utl< ! l . ,e . 'V a1<l tu be
na says the line of the
t he Savannah, iJubiin
1 IniH not been deli-
_ resumed it also
will conic by Vienna. So between them
all Dooly seems reasonably sure of one or
more railroads through her rich but unde
veloped territory.
A Knoxville special says that an eastern
syndicate lias purchased 5(XI,(l(X) acres of
the best coal lands in East Tennessee, em
up tor
Henly is for tiic moment displaced
We hare already lodged a petition in
the case of Derry city, where I claim a seat
on the ground that several votes were al
lowed by the returning officer in cases
where personation can be proved distinct
ly. I have strong hopes that the petition
may succeed. The majority against me
was so small—only three - that a few errors
of judgment on the part, of the returning
officer would be enough to convert that
small Orange majority into a small nation
alist majority.
In that event wo shall have added one
to our number, and that is about all that,
in any ense, we could well expect to do,
seeing that wc have captured every seat
where it was within human possibility that
nationalists could win under the present
conditions. We have done our part, and
therefore the reproach of failure is not
with us, but the conservatives and liberal
unionists have been too much for us.
Gladstone is completely overthrown.
The condition of things is very curious.
Tiic conservatives and liberal unionists, as
they arc called, combined, have a large
majority ovi r the Gladstoninim and nation
alists combined. The conservatives have-
some 31B, the unionists Tii; these combin
ing would make .192, or thereabout. Then
the Gladstonians have about IDO, nmi the
nationalists will bring Sf>; combined 276.
When t lie conservatives and unionists com
bine they will have about- HIM or 394, against
the 276 Gladstonians uiul nationalist. Hut
the conservatives not a majoritv of tilth-
own, and will have to trust altogether to
combination with the unionists, and, he it.
remembered, there i- only one point of
contact and combination, and that is tin
question of Gladstone’s home rule hill.
It is not the question of home rule; for
fcbe unionists all say they arc for some
measure of home rule. onl.v'not Gladstone’s
measure. The unionists will not as a partv ;
declare against h8me rule. Moreover,
many unionists will be very anxious to i
come into office as soon ns possible, and
they cannot come into ollie-e with lord
No doubt Salisbury will try to induce
Hnrtington to join him in making an ad
ministration, lint until I see Harrington's
name officially announced us one of such
administration I shall never l»- brought to I
believe he will take an; part in it.
IN Oi l'll A: m’T NOT IN
For Chamberlain to tnkt office under j
Salisbury would he absolutely out
of the question, even if Salisbury were in 1
the least degree inclined to make an oiler
ol such a kind to the Birmingham radical.
We shall then have the conservatives once
again in office, but not in power. Such
the same controlling the East Tennessee,
Virginia and Georgia railroad, and ac
cordingly it is said that Brunswick, Gu.,
will be made the leading coaling station
of the southern coast steamers. The new
coal syndicate is headed by E. It. Chap
man, of New York, and has a capital of
over $2,000,noo.
The use of natural gas in Pittsburg, ac
cording to tiic Commercial Gazette, takes
the place in a year of 47,460,000 bushels of
coal, thus throwing out of work in the coal
regions about 5000 men and dispensing
with the use of 033 railway cars. These
figures, which are of course approxima
tions. are suggestive of the revolution
which lias been wrought by the appear
ance of this great natural agent, although
allowance is not made for tlie fact that
increasing uses for coal have developed, so
that it is hardly fair to assume that the
decrease of the use of coal in one city has
thrown out of employment the number of
men stated.
The steel rail trade is reported to be in a
very healthy and profitable condition. l"p
i to June 1 the sales for delivery in IsSfi ag
gregated Kofi,80fi gro s tons, an increase of
, 29,801 tons since May 1. This, however,
i does not include a number of important
sales practically closed during May, and it
is estimated that on June 1 tin orders for.
J lKKli placed aggregated fully 1,000,IXX) gr is.,
tons. The Iroi Ago doubts whether there
is a mill in the country which'cun fill new
I orders for delivery in July, and says that
I many art fi - died completely for August
and some fin the greater part of Septem
ber. This is .mol lit r evidence of the great
amount of railway building which is now
going on. I
[ “Here is the latest to beat us poor con
ductors out of our fare,” said one of tiic
i fraternity the other day. “While taking
i up the tickets 1 reached a nicely dressed |
! lady, who was looking, apparently pro-
occupied, out of the opi n car window and
tapping Iter pocket book on the window
, ledge, I touched her shoulder to attract
her attention, when she jumped as though
shot, and dropped iter pockctbook out of i
; tin window, sin b.,gan to cry, and what
could Ido? Pass her, of course, which i
did. I noted the place of the accident, '
| stopped for the pocKetbook the next trip, |
and found its contents to lie a postage
stamp and a card of hooks and eyes, i felt
pretty cheap.”
true manhood.
Kparta, Ha.. Sept. 22. 1885.—To the Constitu
' ilon. Atlanta- Were 11»> practice deception in a
case like this. I would think that my heart had
beenmee ‘eared beyond recognition.
To be iftii.ty < I bcurixg false testimony, thereby
I imperiling the lives of n.y fellow-men. would
I pluce me beneath ’ he dignity of a gentleman.
I The facts which I di*clo-e are endorsed and
j vouched for by the community iu which 1 live*
I and I trust they may exert the influence in
For twenty Ion# years I have suffered in told
I tortures from a terrible pain and weakness in the
small of my back, which resisted all modes and
manner of treatment.
I For a long time the horrifying pangs of an eat-
I injr cancer of my lower lip has added to my mis
ery and suffering. This encroaching, burning
I and painful sore on my lip was pronounced Epi-
I thelial Can&r by the prominent physicians in
| his section, which stubbornly resisted the best
medical talent. About eighteen months ago fl
cutting, piercing pain located in my breast, which
could not be allayed by the ordinary modes of
These sufferings of misery and prostration be
came so great that, on the 18th of last July, a
leading physician said that I could not live long
er than four days, and I had about given up in
despair. The burning and excruciating ravages
of the cancer, the painful condition of my hack
and breast, and the rapid prostration of my
a mere
spended on a thread :
nnmenced the use ot
1 medicine to me and
whole system combined
wreck of former manhood
While thus seemingly si
between life and death. 1 c
B. B. B.. the grandest bloc
my household, ever used.
The effect was wonderful it was magical. The
excruciating pains which ba«l tormented me by
day and by night for twenty years were soon
ante, and peace and comfort were
a suffering man. the cancer com
ing, stwngvh was imparted to my when eight bottles had been
leoftno happiest
of men, and felt
about it-
All pa
:b. it b.
L-ap blow
incer on my lip
tired. To those
>lood remedy, I
erfuffv od. .dive,
tr-LKN Grant.
Ga.. .Septemne:
t. when he was
n tlie under lip
if not |
feet!y cured.
J. T. An ore
ith epithe-
• using the
1 find him
tvs, M. D.
Sparta, Ga.. September 22, 1885.—We take
pleasure in certifv iug to the truth of the above
statement, having supplied the patient with
the Iff >d Balm.
Signed, Rozikk & Varpkman, Druggists.
Sparta, Ga., s
Mr. Allen • Jrant
nm, a ud from tl:
IH-1 lints.
“See here, didn’t you warrant that dog
> a good watch dog?”
”1 did.”
‘Well, a thief broke in last night and
ptember 22. 1885.—1 often saw I
when suffering from epithelio-
extent of the cancer thought j
die. He now appears perfectly i
ider it a most wonderful cure.
B. 11. f.uwis. Ordinary.
viio desire full information about the cause
has been their fate often before; such will stole twenty pounds of meat,
be their fate now. I “Yon don’t say ko! Where’:
What, then, will happen? People say
that Gladstone will retire from purl hi- j
lnentary life altogether, or, at a)J events,!
from the leadership of the parly. I do not
believe he will do anything lor the present.
J believe tlmt is certain.
Gladstone's r\ tube.
Sir Andrew Clarke, i Ha<lstone’s physi- j
cian, is of the opinion that Gladstone's
physique is perfectly s.und, arid that he
nas years of good work ; n him yet. Glad
stone is not a man likely to throw up the
sponge in such a cans, as that he lias .
lately adopted. On flit contrary, ev*ry
word he has spoken, \ very U tter In* has i
written, during the closing days of this I
•contest- and tin y have lm n riinny words
and many letters---only t st: y to the gmw-
ir.g intensity of his coil*. U i:<m un<l ld> f. cl
ings. He niil, then. 1 trust and feel confi
dent, continue to lead s».ci
as still ruil-'es ui.der his da
The Salisbury go . eni.ue
the misery, tlie ignoimn;
•conduct affairs in the
without an aundute majority
member the keen humor with
raeli onto, described tiu com!
leaders put in such a plight. They w
soon find out that tin re i:. little use i:i iv
ing upon tlu-ir liberal unionist allies. Mu
liberal m iimists are alremly anxious t• > f
into line again with the buik of Gie libi i
party. If the lory leaders have a grain
common sense,.they will si t to v. uric
once to educate tlie party up to the 1« \
of home rule—a real, genuine measun i»f
home rule.
Lend Carnarvon said last winter they
could have done this if they only had lliree
months more for the work of* edueation.
Now they have plenty of Ume, if they only
02be it wisely.
I have always been of the opinion up to
this time, and continue of the same opin
ion still, that we shall get home rub from
the tories. \\ e shall get it from them,and
we shall not thank them for it any more
than we thanked them for Cathode eman
cipation or the reform bill of 1S»J7. In both
cases they went round and adopted the
very principles they h.ui .always contended
Against hetorc they became reformers who
had hated reform. No doubt they will
adopt the same policy in the present ease
after a decent interval.
Having come into office as the deter
mined opponents of home rule, the b-rv
leaders will speedily set their wits to work
to find how they can manage to reconcile
real home rule with professed torysm.
a little story.
After all it is very much a matter of
phrases and catchwords. I came over in a
steamer from Dublin the other night with
a tory member ot the house of eommmis,
who is also a member of one of the great
governing families, who claim half of the
tory cabinet to themselves.
“Oi course your party will come in,” I
“I suppose so,” was his answer.
“And then,” 1 went on, “you will soon !
bring in a real^andcomprehensive measure • —~ ■■■ — —- ■ ■ -
. He answered—“We sliall prolmfilv bring IV? A 1F0I
~ mil j fit i tAiiilid
and cure of Blood Poisons, Scrofula and Scrofu- !
lous Swellings, t T ]cvrs, Sores, Rheumatism, Kid
ney (’omplamts, Catarrh, etc., can secure by
nuiil, free, n copy of our 82 page Illustrated Book
of Wonders, tilled with the most wonderful and
startling proof ever before known.
Address, BLOOD BALM CO.,
Atlanta, Ga. |
d2taw se.vw top col u r m
Xfiar ATLANTA, GA. Twenty-six acres of land, beautifully laid off with shadvd
Lawns, Terraaos, Ter-pin Alley, Lake, ptr. English, Classical and Businostt Courses, under
a full corps of fxcell nt t«*nehers. Complete Military Organization. A thorough school for
Boys. The next yea Logins Sept. IS. For Circulars address CHAS. M. NEEL, Supt.
Taxes! Taxes! Taxes!
n dark d;»
Will you give in? July 1st will be
v if you don't.
J. C. REEDY R. T. R. M. C.
1 do do 25,01)0
1 do do 10,000
2 PRIZES OF §8000 12,oo0
5 do 2000 10,000
10 do 1000 10,000
20 do 500 10,000
100 do 200 20.000
300 do 100 30,000
500 do 50 25,000
lUUO do 25 25,000
9 Approximation Prizes of §750 6,750
9 Approximation Prizes of 500 <1,500
9 Approximation Prizes of 250 2,250
We both smiled. Justin McCarthy.
44oi*i|> Picked I |> Hero anil There Uioiit south
ern Hoads—'Thu Macon and t'ovliiKton Hants
the Lartli.
If the long talked-of Macon and Coving-
to.u railroad is built according to the seve
ral statements furnished different news
papers by the parties having the charter, it
will run all over Georgia and Florida. The
Griffin bun says that a railroad is to be
built and that it will run on the road-bed
of the old Griffin, Montieeiio and Madison
Feed f >r ov(-r 25 years wi’h gruat sueveeabv the
ph.VMciaija of Paris N w York an \ Loud- u, a: d
tup. ri r to all others f rtlo* prompt cure of all
cases, rcocut or < f long piaading. I'ul up only in
Gla»ft Bottles con Mining «■ i c.u^uli soach. PHIEE
pensv iu\Uves»eu
Prepared by
D !
Nasliville, Teun. Real Southern Hume
f<<rtiirb. 350Girls this year. A non-aectariac
school. Patronized by men of liberal minds in al
Churches. I*nsurpassed in Music Art, and Language.- -
For Catalogue address Dli. W. K. WA1U).
2 e9eod2m
[ 1967 Prizes, amounting to
I Application for rates to clubs should be made
only to the Office of theCompany in New Orleans.
For fun her information write clearlv, giving
Bill address. PUSiAl, NOTIS. Express
; Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ordi
nary letter. Gurrency hv Express at our ex
211. V. 9U 5‘U!\.
.Now Orleans. I,a.
i Or 51. A. O V1PIIIN.
Wasliiitglon. I>. i\
Make 1*. O. )loiu\v Orders pay ah
and address Ite^islcred Lellers to
Ni;\voai.i:v\s\AUONAi, »a\k.
I jy 11 wed seAwlw New Orleans, ha.
II,TILL be open for the reception of guests
f I June 15th ui der competent management.
Resident physician and Western Union telegraph
office in the hotel. For terms address,
Bowdre P. O.. Hall County, Georgia,
el,hi,sun 2in
Wm.L.TILLMAN ) Georgia, Muscogee County
's. . Mortgage, «Vc. Jn Aluscogee
It. 11. (iOItpON. ) SujXTior (Onrt. May term,
Ff appearing t<> the GoiuM by the petition ol
Wm. L. Tillman, aeconipanied/by tin- notes and
mortgage deed. Gi:.' oil the fourth day of May
Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-thio -. the defend
pluimilf her twt
| or bearer, twenty-four
1 thereof. Eighteen llundr
Dollars and Twen\v two
I from date al eight per cc
j said note was not paid at maturity, ten per cent
I attorney's fees for the collection thereof, for
i . aim recci\cd: and by the oilier of said promi- !
i -ory notes the defendant promised to pay to the '
; plaintiff', or bearer. t!iirty-six months after tlie
! date thereof. Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-
, < ight Dollars and Pwenty-t wo < 'cuts, with interest
from date at e ight per cent per annum, and if
i said note was not paid at maturity, ten per cent ■
•attorney's fees for the collection thereof, for value .
received: and that afterwards, on the day and I
year afoicsaid. the defendant, the better to secure i
the payment of said notes, executed and deliver
ed to the plaintiff*her deed m mortgage, whereby ,
the said defi ndant mortgaged to the plaintiff’ all 1
that tract o- parcel of land situated on tire west i
side of Broad street in the city of Columbus, and ;
in said county and state, being about twenty-flvt
feet i*’. front'.rn Broad street and running buck the
t\il 1 depth of said lot, and known as part of lot
number oWly-five, with all the improvements
thereon, upon which is situated Store House
number one bundled and forty-three : and it fur
ther appearing that said notes remain unpaid;
It is, ther efore, ordered that the said defendant
pay into Court on or before tire first day of the
next term thereof, the principal, interest, attor
ney's fees and costs due on said notes, or show
cause to the contrary, if any she can ; and that on
the failure of the defendant so to do, the equitj
of redemption in and to said mortgage premises
be forever thereafter barred and foreclosed.
And it is further ordered that this rule be pub
lished in the Columbus Enquirer-Sun, a public
gazette printed and published in said city and
county, once a month for four months previous to
the next term of this Court, or served on the de
fendant or her special agent or attorney, at least
three months previous to the next term of this
Court. J. T. WILLIS,
C. J. THORNTON, Judge C. C. C.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
A true extract from the minutes of Muscogee
Superior Court, May term, 1886.
m y20cf.m tm Clerk S. C. M. C. Ga.
All ChomfsfsA'vlio have analyzed F>ou Foam
inmend it. Housek. epers who have used p
will have no other. Cooks, whose best i ffort*-
have failed with other powders, are jubilant
•ver Sea Foam. Saves thn<\ saves labor, saves
U is positively nnoipmled. Absolutely pure.
Used by the lending hotels and restaurants
in New York city and throughout the country.
For sale by all first-class grocers.
J7C Duane St., X. V.
Acts to-day, and always successfully and tri
umphant over any remedy on the market, and
will stand to the afflicted withe hiact* ,e <r torpid
liver, constipation or bad feelings geiurally, by a
large and overwhelming majority. It takes the
lead and keeps it, and cannot be defeated as the
people s remedy. Try it and be convinced.
A new medicine and a Specific for Sick Head
ache. Only one dose will prevent the worst Sick
Jordan's Joyous Julep
The Infallible Remedy for Neuralgia.
M. D. H 0 0 D y G 0.,
M anu fa ct u r i n g 15 ruggi st s,
93 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga.
Biliousness: Sick Headache In Fourhou^j.
V2) One dose relieves Neuralgia. Tney cure anj
prevent Chills . Fever. Sour Stomach . - Bad
flroalh. Clear the Skin. Tone Ihe Nerves, and fjb »
-ife Vigor to the system. l>o«e: ON li -*• EA -'.
Try them once and you will never be without ♦n*;-•.
:> rice, 26 cents per bottle. Sold by Dragg'UG an.
rrtedicine dealers generally. Seal on : f
price in stamps, postpaid, to any address,
t». F. SMITH Jc CO..
Manufacturers and Solo Props., ST. LOUIS, MO.
(Copy.) Chicago, April 21st, 1**SG.
This is to certify, that the Illinois Trust and
Savings Bank has this day received from the
U nion Ci^ar Company of Chicago, to be held
as a Special Deposit,
U. S. 4°lo Coupon Bonds,
as follows:
No. -22028 D. *500. Market Value of which Is
41204 1(H). I
ioo. V
tbOO. J (S.) yas. S. Gibbs, Cash.
We offer the above as a FORFEIT, if our
FANCY GROCER” does not prove to be a
genuine Havana-fillerCigar.-Union Cigar Co.
Postponed Administrator’s Sale.
BY virtue of an order from the Court pf Ordina
ry of Mu^cogve county Georgia, will Ik- sold on
the first Tuesday in August next, on the corner of 1
Broad and Tenth streets, in the city of < 'oluuibu.s,
between the legal hours of sale, to the highe-L
bidder, the following described projic rty, to-wlt :
One hundred and si\ty-fivc* aert-s of land, more or
less, lying east of the cii vof (’oliunbus and known
and described as part of lots !).}, !•') and (Hi, in the
Coweta Reserve of said comity. Sold as the prop
erty of E. H. Thornton. Tc
jy« oa\v4w
Can learn the exact cost
of any proposed line of
advertising in American
Papers by addressing
Geo. P. Rowell A Co.,
Newspaper Advertising Bureau,
lO Spruce St., New York.
Send 10 cts for JOO-oaae Pamphlet
ARFNT^ f oin ,none y collecting Family Pictures to en-
^ large ; all styles. Pictures guaranteed. Special
Inducements. Umpire Copying Co., 381 Canal Street, N.Y.
Our L\ IO?IA 10c. Cigar is strictly Hand
made. Elegant quality. Superior workmanhip.
Sold by all Grocers.
75 Clinton St., • CHICAGO.
Retail by
CT. 1>. Ill XT. Columbus. Ga.
Ju'H dly
Will Buy Nearly New 4-Room
I HouKt. in IVrl'cct lU pHir. Wnter Works. Kitch-
I mi in \ard. (.’timer Lot First Avenue and Sixth
| Nik'I. Now rented to Good Tenant at 5-17 per
I |ul(i wed, 111, sun, 2w
A I ( IDIUdl.
Associate Principals.
I St.-ptemln-r 22»f, ls,r;»;. Best
vuntagos oll'eretl to t voung indie-
l or circular of information apply to the above.
jys dtsep22
It ran be given in a cup of coffee or tea
witI1011I the knowledge of tiu* person tak
ing it: is absolutely harmless, and will ef-
teet n pei inanent and speedy cure, whether
the patient is a moderate drinker or an al
coholic wrork. It has been given in thou
sands ot cases, and in every instance a per
fect cure has followed. It never jails. The
system once impregnated with the Specific,
it heroines an utter impossibility for the
lhiuor appetite to exist. For Sale by
for sale by
Call or write for circular & full particulars*
will send a sample free to any one sending ad-
Address E. G. RICHARDS, sole proprie
tor, Toledo, Ohio, iuhl5 weowly