Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, July 21, 1886, Image 3
New9 from the Three States Told Brief Paragraphs 1 Montgomery papers show an enterprise worthy of Aur greatest metropolitan pa- ; pern. Thereto a marked difference in the pictures of the steamer, however, which , , can only be accounted for in the supposl-! m i lion that one or the other of the artists se- j lected the wrong hunt. ! That crowd headed by Mr. M. K. Hill, who attended the foot washing at Antioch church, about nine miles south of Clayton on Iasi Sunday, report that they spent .1 most delightful day among the good peo ple of that neighborhood, and that no wore royal repast in the shape of a dinner could he set lip by those* o • he me t iv- _ J tilled and elegant lords, (ii.iii'iiiii. I The Montgomery Uts . ■ _■ i of yesterday .... ... . , , [says: Maj. Albert El more received a tel e I he Method 1st ladies are debating the gram yesterday morning conveying the >ad question of holding a missionary district intelligi nee ot'the dcatii of ids son Mnrrto, conference in Ro’me at an early day. at Tampa, Fla. The young man had been The meeting at Foreatville still contin- '■ s ' l T ior some time, hut the family yecelved ues, and mueli interest is manifested. See-1 a wtfer froiii him a short tinil* since in eral have been converted and joined the I which he said he was improving. His church. I deal 1 viccurred at 8:40 yesterday morning. Friarson & Holt’s wharf at Brunswick is It'S.'''' 11 he b '''»>ght to this city for progressing finely, it will have a frontage of 270 feet inid a depth of 120 feet, making an aggregate wlmrt surface of 32,000 feet. DAILY ENQUIRER - SUN, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 21, lsv, \ (iCHiurla MlnJ*ti*r\ I'louioflmi \ Tuo*V<*«.”*Old \\ Lite M 1*1 shoots a Mttlo N-ui o llo.v—Alt,Blip to IIiivo « N«mv Dully Pupor- Mm I!litcrpri<«• in iHont|roitu>ry — lullrosflmr Ncms Hems From Florida. 5W 3GWU0Cra. .WITZS'.', sssssssssselss A negro woman in Newnan lues a pecu liar craze. She claims that Sam Jones sent for her. She ought to be made to believe that Sam is hunting bigger game. A new shooting gallery is in Americus, and is presided over by two pretty blondes. The young men are spending all their spare change in learning how to shoot. Americus Recorder: With another week like this one has been, and the planters will begin to wear brighter faces. The grass has been cleaned out, or a great por tion at least, and the warm sun hies helped up cotton wonderfully. Rev. W. A. Candler, a Methodist minis ter of the North Georgia conference, and well known throughout the state, who has been stationed at St. John’s church, Au gusta, has recently been appointed by the bishops assistant editor of the Nashville Christian Advocate. At Quitman, Randolph Avera has pur chased the corner lot adjoining Captain Brooks’ store and will erect a brick build ing thereon. The lower story will con sist of two stores and the upper story will be arranged for a town hall. Mr. Avera thinks he will commence work in a few weeks. At the last meeting of the city council of Brunswick the report of Alderman Put nam on the subject of a new cemetery was agreed to. Colonel Nesbit sells the city thirty acres of land admirably located for the purpose for $20 per acre. The mayor was instructed to complete the purchase. Solomon McIntyre, a worthy colored man of Brunswick, has a lot near Burr Wintou’s residence which he has planted as a garden. Last Saturday some one got over the fence and mashed up all his water melon crop on the vines. Only one was ripe. That was devoured; the rest were destroyed. A recent issue of the Eufaula T nu s says: Colonel Phil. McKay was in receipt yesterday of a latter from a gentleman at | Chipley, Fla., inviting him and other Eu- fauhnns to that point to meet the people , in a big railroad meeting they are to have : on the 19th of this mouth! The writer says $75,000 to $100,000 can he secured to build a road from that point to St. An- I drews bay, and he invites Eufaula toco- I operate with them to build the road from I Eufaula to St, Andrews. The letter was turned over to some of our railroad builders. Florida. H. R. Shine has been appointed post master at Cedar Key, Levy county. The orange groves at Pomona are look ing as well as any one could wish, putting on a vigorous growth. The reports that the oysters are dying in Indian river waters are untrue, the beds being in excellent condition. The Gulf View is the name of a neatly E rinted and well edited new paper which as just appeared at Cedar Keys. The citizens of Ocala held a business | meeting Saturday for the purpose of ar | ranging to build bathing houses and a park, i Dr. George Smith, of Ridgewood, was stung on the chest by some small insect and the effect was to bring on a peculiar fever that kept him in bed several days. i Mrs. Dr. Waxwell, of Ocala, by mistake l I took a capsule of morphine ior a quninie ' pill. The prompt medical aid of her bus- ! | band alone saved her life. I Putnam county’s new jail at PalatkR is finished and has been accepted. The pris- [ ! oners were transferred to it last Friday. | it cost fllijOOO, being built of Georgia brick and stone. The moving of the house which formerly stood on the northeast corner of Washing- I ton and Franklin streets, Tampa, to the i reservation lias been successfully aecom- I plished. MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared vi'h special repnrd to houltli. ) Ammonia, l,lmo nr Alum. PRICE BAICIilO POWDER CO., CHICACO. ET. LOUIS. N EW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY 0F MUSIC Boston, Mass. THE LARCESTam! BEST EQUIPPED lath, WORLD—100In>truotor,,!l»l.iStU(luntlla«t year. Thor, ougn Instruction in Vocalan«l Instrumental Music, Pianoand Oman Tuning, Fine Arts, Oratory, Literature, French, Ger man nud Italian Languages, English Branches, Gymnastics, etc. Tuition, f r » to $‘ju; hoard and room with Stonin 11* al and Slerfrfe Lteht. |4.'5to$75per term. Fall Term begins feep. lembcrU, IttSfl. Knrlllustrn*wl Calendar, with Bill lyfarniatioa Wren,. E. TOURJEE, Pir., Franklin Sq., BOSTON, Mu. eo my25d2m weowft carefullj'’ read by everybody. Address g | THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. I g ~* J 9 mi—mu ■!!■ ■■■! ii bi mi fiiii-iTri-n~'Trr—rwi—nwrwwm——n— sssssssssssss COLUMBUS almost universal “'.usfco fiuBi MURPHY BROS., Pans, T«» 6 has won the lavor of the public and new ranks among the leading Medl* CLINCMAN’S T obacco REMEDIES COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, •MANTFACiTltEllS OF— The Glynn county gun club was regarded as a defunct institution, but a few inter ested gentlemen got together last Tuesday j Mr. Dougherty called at the department [ night and talked the situation over, and Thursday to see about the appointment of j after due deliberation it was decided to re- I G’apt. Broward of inspector of hulls. He organize. V. M. Berryman was elected came away satisfied as to favorable action president and II. W. Thi’ott secretary and being taken. Bartow is constantly adding to its grow ing population good, sound, solid substan tial business men who have come to stay Stralfoil's Improved Ahsorpff.-.n [<v !\lae]]iii<>\ Saw Mills. Pumps. Hollow Waro. C.aite Mills. Syrup Kettles. Steam Engines and Power Presses, AND Golden’s Improved treasurer. At Macon work on the government building has been stopped, and almost every one is inquiring: ‘ What is the mat- j and help build up a town that will be sec ts r that it does not go on?” It seems that ond to no town in the state, euerything stopped at once and no one j Sidney Sullivan, living about ten miles knows what stopped it. | from Marianna, was struck by lightning I last Tuesday morning and killed instantly. Tom Wigfnli, alias Brown, the negro who was committed at Warrenton several days since for cattle stealing, made a des perate and determined effort to break jail on Sunday night, and would have succeed ed had he not been interrupted by the ap- dearance of daylight. Americus Recorder: Dr. J. A. Thornton, of this city, has been complimented by the State Dentists’ Society, by being given a place on tile committee for essays and vol untary papers, a Very important commit tee. The doctor will doubtless do himself justice. The semi-annual statement of the condi tion of the Bank of Americus shows that it is a valuable and well managed institution. One item alone would prove this assertipr., namely, that of the surplus and undivided profits, which amount to the magnificent sum of £111,025.33. Very few, if any, banks in this state can show as good a statement. At Wayeross Friday Mrs. W. J. Smith’s little girl, now under two years of age, got He was in the woods at the time cutting on a tree. His neck was broken. Mrs. John Falconer, of Gainesville, has fallen heir to £211,000. She is now at the north, and Captain John Falconer will leave shortly and join her for the purpose of bringing his wife and her money back to Gainesville. R. Morrison, of Stockton, Marion county, lied a terrific battle with a wild catamount I in his bed room one night this week. After an hour's fighting' hand and claw he suc ceeded in throwing the animal out of the i window. During a heavy thunder shower at For- 1 nandina on Wednesday afternoon a brick chimney oil the southern side of the roof of the Egmont hotel was demolished by a stroke of lightning. Strange to say,' no other damage was done to the building. At 311 Ward street. Lavilla, a suburb of Jacksonville, is a monstrous sunflower! which is fully twelve feet high and some j THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO OINTMENT TIIE .HOST EFFECTIVE PKEl*.\NA TION on the market for Piles. A SI’ltE Cl KE !<ir Itcliinit PH«*n. Hns never tailed to (jive prompt relief. Will cure Anal Ulcers. Abaceaa, I i tula, Totter. Salt Rlieum. Barber's Itch. Ring- \\oiiuh, Pimples, Sores nnd Boils. Price oO ct». THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO CAKE MTITllR’S OWN UKMICDY, Cured all Wounds. Cuts. Bruises, Sprains. Erysipelas. Boils, Curl uncles Bone Felons. Ulcers, hores. Sore Eyes, Sore Throat. Bunions,Corns. Neuralgia Rheumatism, Orchitis Gout. Rheum tic Gout. Colds. Coughs, Bronchitis. Milk Log. Snake nnd Dog Bites. Sting* . • Insects. Ac. In fact allays all locul Irritation on<f Lntlaium lion from whatever cause. Prior 25 c*tu, THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO PLASTER INC* IM'D! ENTS, compounded with the purest Tobacco Flour, nnd is specially recommended for (.•roup.Weed or Cake of tho Broast. and for that class ot Irritant or inflammatory maladies, Aches and Pnius where, from too delicate a state of the system. and Pains, it is invaluable. Price Id cl*. Ask your druggist for these remedies, or write to th© CLINGMAN TOBACCO CURE CO. DURHAM, N. C. bl. S. A. Landlords in possession of a little one-barrelled toy j of its leaves measure twenty inches across, pistol which chanced to he loaded, and a little negro boy tried to get it from her.but before he could the child fired the pistol off, the ball entering the hand of the young African. The little negio was not hurt much, but was scared nearly to death. Fort Gaines Tribune: An old man came into town last Saturday morning about the time the crowds were rushing in to see Hudson executed, and being told that the hanging had been postponed got real angry, and remarked: ‘1 think it’s a—— sbaine: here it is, I have rid thirty-six miles since midnight to get to see that ar* feller hung, and now they ain’t gwine ter hang him. It** just a sin and a shame! that’s what it is,” and ho stuck his spurs about half an inch deep into his poor old mule’s Hanks and struck a gallop for the nearest barroom, where he secured a quart bottle of “busthead,” and soon after wards he was seen in one of the wagon yards fast asleep, with his bottle about empty. Warrenton Clipper: A small, one- gallused country coon came to town on Inst Saturday and halted in front of Raker’s store to admire a string of “streaked and At the root the diameter was twelve inches. This is the largest sunflower in the state. Captain A. Miranda has growing on his place at Point Pinellas a pecan tree loaded with nuts, and also has an eight acre patch of rice fully four feet high and so thick that a hat thrown on top of it will not sink through. A portion of the New York steamship dock at Fernandina, some fifty feet in length, on which had been stored a large quantity of lumber and cross-ties, fell in on Tuesday evening with a loud crash, precipitating the lumber into the river. Most of it was recovered, however, so that the principal damage will be to the dock. Mr. Davidson’s bill providing for range lights at entrance to Pensacola harbor passed the senate Thursday. The bill makes no appriation for them, but merely authorizes their establishment. An dibit will he made to get an item appropriating *17.000 for this purpose in one of the gen eral appropriation nibs. Ed Morse, one of the crew of the pilot boat Agnes He'll, of Fernandina, while Osh- striped” suspenders, which were exhibited ing lor snappers on the banks last 'I in the doorway. Thinking himself unob served he took down a pair, and folding them carefully, put them in his pocket and walked off to seek new conquests. The neat little transaction caught the eye of Mr. Charley Hundley, who was sitting in front of the drug store, and the embryo thief soon found himself in his clutches. He preferred a whipping to the uncertain pleasures of the chain gang, and was ac cordingly inarched off to the upper story of the store, where the job was performed by Mr. Hundley with neatness and dis patch. day, caught an immense shark, which had to be hauled on deck by the ship’s tackL . Upon being cut open the stomach was found to contain foui half snappers, lead sinkers and several rib bones of a human body. The work of lowering the overflow of water in Lake Weir by cutting a canal to the Oeldaw waha was begun Saturday. .J. A. Cooper has the contract for the work, and has secured a sufficient force of men to push the operation through without de lay. do Mr. J. Hausman, of Montgomery, died on Monday night. The Huntsville Mci'uuy says that when Bingham, in his Thursday night speech, alluded to the delicate health of Toni Seay 1 in a spirit of criticism on Seay’s capacity and ability, he shucked all decency, and disgusted even the colored people. In Montgomery there are eighteen dif ferent courts that have jurisdiction either in criminal or civil cases, or both, and where attorneys appear in behalf of clients. The Advertiser simply gives this as a matter of fact. Rumor, with some of her hundred ( tongues, has whispered it around that a number of new enterprises will be put on I foot in Montgomery before the opening of /bel t Mc< h i - L. Ellis, was The amount '»!' mom ‘ ark has been seem ed. Mrs. McClellan, wiff of ian. and daughter of (’apt brought home to Ci Gar Kw a corp^t- Fri day morning from Clear Water Harbor, win-re she had bet n visiting. No news of her death had reached the city until n lew minutes before 1 in* train arrived. She died .*( bilious colic after fortv-ciglu hours' iil- L.irl,inu ;n i riiGI'hui -i*. Rum and honey dissolve d in sage tea is a m w remedy for sore throat. Congressmen have long used ii, and c.GI it cold tea, but none of them admit that they are cured.— Boston Record. ARE reminded that the best class of renters are i now securing stores nnd dwellings for another year. . All property placed in my hands advertised free. My commission will be less than your ad- | vertising bill. DEVOIR, PwEUT. Mrs. Gray’s elegant residence. n< rth .if Presby terian church. Two-story brick dwelling, north Troup street. .Six rooms tiin! Path mom Two-‘dory dwelling half < pare a«rtn ofGrnrFs \ store. Stuie No. 113 Bread street, opposite Centra! hotel. ’/'he GaLoury .G.nm.uly (V»:»k pia<-e. Ruse II !! Dwell big.*, in various pans of city and submbs. POL BALE. Store M3 Broad street, opposite Central hotel. The Harrison place, Beahwnod, with !• :ut< -. The Win. <. Pease dwelling, opj.i-be !).- Hussey's. f, If. CHAPPELL.. BROEZEU, Rea! Estate and Insurance Agent. ' dtf ( hound daily, and fre-h ail tH«* time AI si.H: ! it Siick. CASH. s iNli OP .MORE SACKS, as W:uu-<|. Theo > / prices wD hoid good unit’s- -«*i• ic* tlu» t..•; lions hi f. .1 is .ir list .Moo-hunts :.m | Avtoe. ;:• e threes the nulls *.< rcd'i.-r- t«» seU me Wh 1 f • • s.. ; 1-c vi. g e h.-shei ex -.. Priiift of ilie Kitchen SOAP. I This Press is so simple in construction nnd so well illustrated by the cut. that I scarcely a word is needed by way of explanation. P.eing simply an Iron Screw and | Nut substituted for wood, tiie w’/o t work of its construction, and the manner of op erating it. are substantially the same ns in the old style of wooden plantation screw, but the timbers required are not so heavy or long. We sell many oi t hese Screws and they invariably give satisfaction. I Dealers in LIME, Dressed and Matched Ceiling and Flooring and other LUMBER. Specialty made of Dressing Lumber for other parties. TRUSTEE'S SALE, Pioperty of the Columbus Manu facturing Company. ill'll I'm * !> Kqnijipcii / < tli/m IncKii.v. Tor.*Hi' r ,Aills ffionrly o ..I* Hu- Fin.'!*: Will.-,' Power on I(,<• IH.i'i'. .lust AImiv* l!u> ,'ily ,i*S . ■ TA IT. 11K i i Kl i K< 11A, M l SCOCI HE COTKTY. - H By virtue ol' I he power vest oil in as under the irrms nail conditions of u certain deed ot trnat , m , . led to I lie undorsl|/ncd, J. Hliodes Brown* nnd A. Ill|?es, trustees, bv the Columbus Manu- r-icturine C'nntpitnv, nt Atuseogee county, state o/ (ioorjrin, date I Miiieii 1, 18»1, whereby the said coi-poriitini', o mveycit to us all of the property, i-eni and personal, bereinatter described, in trust, to secure the payment of its certain issue oi 'l.inrls anil the interest coupons thereof us in said 11 list deed specified and enumerated 'all of which appears duly ol record in Mortgage Deed Book ■ A." folios :'iri7 to 373, March S, IK*!, in the Clerk’* office of Superior Court, Muscogee county, Geor gia, and in llecord Deeds, volume O O, imges Kl to hS inclusive, March n, 1884, office ot the Pro bate Court In the county of tx-e, stute of AJ»- j bama, and in coiifbrinity with (he directions and terms prescribed In the resolutions passed by the holders of said bonds on April 24, 188(1, under the I authority conferred by said deed of trust.) We will sell in the city of Columbus, Muscogee countv, Georgia, on the 3d day of August, 1886, between the legal hours of sale, in (Yont of the auction house of I'\ M. Knowles & Co., ou the northwest corner of Broad Htreet and Tenth (formerly Crawford street i, (being tile usual place for sheriff's sales in said city of Columbus) a* public outcry, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property of tile Columbus Manufacturing Company, to-wit.: All those lote and parcels of land situated, lying and being as follows: Fractional section number twenty-sis (2i>i and the north half of fractional section num ber thirtv-tlve (351, both in fractional township number eighteen 118), range number thirty (30), in formerly Rus'.ell, now Lee county, state ot Alabama. Also the following lots of lands lying and being in the eighth 18th) district of Muscogee county, state of Georgia, known as lots number*/ eightv-six (80i and eighty-seven (87) and the west half of lot number seventy-four (74) and froctiono numbered ninety-one (91) and ninety-two (92), and Island number three (3) in Chattahoochee river and a small enclosure situated east of the residence formerly occupied by J. H. Clapp, usod as a residence and grazing lot, containing seven (7) acres more or less. All of said lauds lftHt de scribed lying and being in the county of Musco gee and state of Georgia, and, together with said lands in Lee county, Alabama, containing eight hundred and thirty i«30i acres more or less. Also, all of the said Columbus Manufacturing- Company's buildings on said land in Muscogee- county, fieorgin, operated ns a Cotton Factory, ami with all of the improvements in any manner appendant and appurtenant thereto, inclusive, of the cards, spindles, looms, machinery and (1*. tures of every kind whatsoever contained in said ‘ buildings; also, all and singular the other in*» provements oil all of the lands aforementioned and described; also, the entire water power owned and controlled b.v said Columbus Manufacturing 1 Company on mid in said Chattahoochee river, i together with all and singular the rights aud franchises by the said Columbus M aim fact uriug I Company held and possessed therein under the laws of Georgia. The plant of said cotton factory consists at present of 134-1 spindles, 149 looms and other suit* able machinery, all in good condition and pro ducing good work. Present capacity 7500 yards t, day of heavy sheetings and shirtings, three yard* toftlie pound. The operatives’ houses and improvements gen erally in excellent condition, labor abundant, lauds elevated and location of property unsur passed for health, convenience ami economical production -(Fee from the burden of municipal taxes paid by all the other Columbus mills, yet within three'miles of the city of Columbus and three-quarters of a mile of Columbus and Home railroad The water power is the finest iu the south, controlling anil embracing the whole bed of the Chattahoochee river for the distance of about one mile along the lands of said company, said lands extending along Us hanks upon the Georgia and Alabama sides of the river. Only a small portion oftlie water power is required and utilized in running the present mill, ami the nat ural fulls m the river render but a simple inex pensive dam of logs and plank necessary. Tlita magnificent water power is easily controlled, aud I has a fall of 42'., (fortv-two and a half/ feet, within ! I three-, I Harters/ oi’a mile. With a company- : lively small expenditure upon u new dam li'i.OOti /one'hundred and nventy-live tliousnn-li spindJea, with looms ill proportion, can he driven by thi.v | waterpower. Capital for the erection of addi tional mills and utilization of the immense i power no.y wasted is all that is needed to makt. this property the site of u prosperous mid popu- ■ luu-’ liiamiliictuniig village. The personal inspec tion of capitalists is invited. Full ami satisfac* t,,rv details will be furnished upon application. J. RHODES IIROWNE, A. 1LLGES, ap27-d3m Trustees. —AGENT-' Ei'ii THE- BROWN COTTON GIN ..Royal Pumps, Jur'son Governors, Eberman Feeders, &c. GBP* 11’BEIf T.tVHBV tnHC.TWlMK.WVIMWklM.trmt . ««- (ITT»» Overstocked LINEN TOWELS, % I .<*'• B s €•’ 4 V ! i S18 o 1 And wu.i, urn;n House Cleaning Purposes < :iUc lor In I nrhtili'd Hcrnrd. Allcock’s Porous Flusters have, in the IV-TvToTg. thin/.u last twenty-five years, proved themselves the fall season. I it- old lady gets things the . saf - ef , t mos ,‘ ..(fivtual remedy. down right occasionally. I for Spinai Complaints, Incipient Consutnp- Cotton worms are reported in dmerert pjon, Diarrhcea, Pleurisy. Tumors, Asthma, localities iiMie black belt. However, the Bronchi!is. Epilepsy, Lumbago, Debility, early eropof caterpillars have never bean Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Lossot’ Vit known to damage the cotton crop in this country. It is the grand army of the second aud third generations that coni" later ou in the summer and do the dirty work for King Cotton. It is announced that Mobile is to have a new daily. The* publication is to lie called the Telegram, and makes its appearance about August 1. The Telegram will be conducted by a joint stock company, ot which Mr. W. A. Battaiie is president. IE. tury. and J. Brennan treas- e issued every morning in B. Sorsby sec urer. It will t the week. Mobile Item The trai dition of the New Dropsy, Paralv-Js. Loss of Voice. Hysteria, Nervousness, indigestion, Palpitation. ___ eotlcVw The ( hi-s 'find slu/iihl He liiMireil, The question of iinsuring the lives of persons not in sound health has been agitated from time to time, but as yet with no practical result. It would set in that of nil classes of people this should be one that requires insurance. Xor docs there appear to be any valid iv pany PI should not be organ!/, i nun.use. — Eva; • vie J. J. WOOD 1 .‘j'S i: it tilt I Sf I'm. I. eofl tf WANTED —Rudies and younj? nn;n to flecora! Birtliflay and Raster Novelties. Easily leuna < (jood prospects of steady employment an i O waj^es. Alateritii furnished and all work maU* post-paid. For full information address Dc • ralive Art Works, 7 Exohump Place. Bost Mass. P. O. Box r .ll8. apio tu tli satt I'J V- Cv : j r "CHiCKll.:>r i A G Ei’iGv.l>V.’i l hv to; . at.*/* *. i •, mutt# n a m t*; p a r- .• GOOD BARGAINS Tu KXAIILF. I s TO Fk) <0. Plvo Goici ezid Two Silver Medals, awarded in 1S-5 at tlie Expositions ol New Orleans and L.iuisviile, aud the Iiv 7ei:tion9 Exposition of London. The sup/ riority of Coruline over horn or tvbahdionii has new been demonstrated by over five years’experience. Ii is more durable, mure pliable, more comfortably anti nfver brtaka. Avoid clieap imittfiiorsmnde of vnriou) kinds of cord. None arc genuine nn’es •*Dis. Warns it’s Cokalixb" is priute on inside of steel cover. FCR SaLF ey Alt leaoihc mirchants. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Bro* dv/<iy, New York CitS the famous brand o AT MUCKS TU - i IT VOl OLD MILL. PURE OLD RYI Trilnii J. A. KiRVEN & CO \ 111 I 111* \ m lr11.1-. It V i">h of «!ii*tiH i’iiu hold unfr join, v in A I- !i . i ,.| . ;• ! . J: . u i*.I.y ftjjo, if il.-tiv O'.«-*| . o.t u-:* H - | i, *:irv (»f Ihivof, •i*. «:’i *.uitiit >*. i m* mi!**, l.d ordii.- M'li. ito* by ili.' u_--i t. ‘ T. M. FOI.FY, Upmv llonso. Cur i'.'ih St I've t ami 1st Avenue, Columbus, 0>.