Newspaper Page Text
Daily, Weekly ami Siimla\
Tlie ENQUIRER-SUN is issued every day, ex
o 5pt Monday. The Weekly is issued on Monday
'Die Daily iliicliullng Sun Is delivered lv
carriers in (he city or made 1, pvistage (Vec, tu suh
acribers for 7.V. per inontli, shod for three
months, $4.00 for six months, nr $7.00 a year.
The Sunday is delivered by carrier hoys in the
City or mailed to subscribers, postage fiee, a’
$1.00 a year.
The Weekly is issued on Monday, and is mailed
to subscribers, postage free, at $1,10 a year.
Transient advertisements will he taken for tin
Daily at $t per square of to lines or less for the
flrst insertion, and 50 cents for each subsequent
Insertion, and for the Weekly at #1 for each in
All communications intended to promote the
private ends or Interests of corporations, societies
or individuals will be charged as advertisements.
Special contracts made for advertising by$he
year. Obituaries will be charged for at customary
None but solid mctnl cats used.
All communications should he addressed to the
CoNtiitEssMAN Gwmks lias quite a pleas
ant sound in this part of the district.
An Illinois man recently fell into a
sixty-foot well and come out unhurt. In
such cases men usually kick the bucket.
And now a rude idol-breaker has come
to the front with ah.-olute proof tfiat
George 'Washington's last words on earth
were, “Never trust a nigger with a gun." I f n
.uestions, is furnished by the Franklin
,'ews of a recent date. That journal.
Inch we need not say, stands as high a
te highest of any newspnper published
a Heard county. It publishes this edi-
irial paragraph :
'‘.Senator Joseph E. Brown is helping (Senator
larris, of Tennessee, to get an appropriation ol
MO,000 lor the Tennessee river, while he issati-
ied with helping t.ieorgia to get $10,000 for hoi
ivers. Let the r'.N'or;iihr-Bcn continue its ful
some praises of the nbble senator.”
Here is a newspaper which is second
to nolle in standing and reputation in
Heard county, and a journal which spe-
■ially st ems to he devoted to articles on
the early history of that county, ami
visits to “the rural scenes and rugged
heights of the !« aiitiful Tallulah,” con
fessing openly that it does dot read tin
KaiP iiua; Si n, Our friend, I 1 . T. Mc-
<'utcheoii, esq,, is the able editor of tlii-
journal, and lie might he considered in a
state of mind utterly incredible as lm re
marks with the utmost p'acidi'y and n
iiucence: "bet the Kxcji ikek-iSi xcontinue
its fiiFnim* jiraises of the noble senator.”
The scope ofthis editorial paragraph i>
so dilfureiit front anything of the kind
that lias come into our possession recently
that we cheerfully direct attention to it.
In the first jilaee Senator Brown did not
“help Georgia to get $10,000 for her
rivers.” (In the contrary he was
instrumental in having the ap
propriation for Savannah increased
from SI if,,000 to $200,000, and
his influence prevented the appnipriation
for the Cliattahoochee being scaled
20.000 to $10,000 and a similar
tv, bread and cheese. Sin'e lsoo the bill has itt-
reased $101,000,000 T thin enormous expeinli-
ure were save.:. ..>w hale poverty there would
Thb monkeys escaped from a cage at Putnam.
Conn., mi Saturday, and when last seen were
making olf in the direction of New York. This
kinks us if there is to be a fresh addition to tlu
crowd of dudes who dolly amble along the pave
ments of Broadway and Fifth avenue.
Tory leaders split their throats in shouting
over “the crushing defeat of Gladstone.“ It is a
rather comical performance. They have thrown
Gladstone to the ground Imt the lory nose is be
tween his teeth.
Boet.Aonn. French in n of war, seems de
termined to keep himself bef. re the people.
Manifestly, he means’mischief to somebody.
Mr. Gladstone seetns determined to tight it
out on the home rule line, if it takes the remain
der of his natural life.
Old Sol woke up again yesterday attd gave us
another taste of summer.
Gray Hit Them Itti a Club Last fa,
I The Colic; c of Letters, Musicand Art. Sixteen , ■ i f ■ ■ m ■ —«-
I professors and touchers; the in music, with the | I | TT I T 1 A / I—I ! I—I !
Misers Cox, directors, Misses Rcichemin and I I I I k X V V * * I I IN.
i llmv.rtla 'mill o-indmitf.® of Lflnsic. and MiSH
Giay Still Continues to Sell Cheap!
WllY do the crowds always tlnuk to the TRADE PALACE/ Because when GRAY advertises a bar-
gain you can always obtain it, and nil you want of it. The purchasing public
eagerly scans Gray's advertisements elicit week to note his low prices.
It is possible Hint, some people may
eonsiderthe Enihtkkk Si n a prophet. Its
prognostications in thccongressional race
will give strength to thi,-‘'idea.
Tim Wtteo, Texas, Kxaminer,
reached tin 1 Ksiji'iliKii-Si’s oflio
night, had for its first editorial
these words : “Hurrah for Grime
Wk have heard it intimated that Hon. I
T. AV. Grimes lias already begun the I
study of the tariff question. Il mav not j
bo amiss to suggest that he hud also as
well post himself on oleomargarine. I
A man whom SnIliyan struck while
practicing for his contest which is soon |
to come oil', remained unconscious three
or four days. The man was literally I
“knocked into the middle of next week."
scaling down on the Flint river. If a
statement of these facts—and they are
facts—he giving fulsome praise to Sen
ator Brown, then we plead guilty to the
-oft impeachment.
Now the point is this: If such a news
paper its the Franklin News—and we
tv pi at it is the very best printed in
Heard county-—can he in such utter igno
rance of tin- gn at events and the actions
of our great men, what must we infer of
the state of information among the aver
age newspaper man, ami what must be
the ignorance of the a\ erage citizen
seeking: Health.
Strength and En
ergy, should avoid
icines, etc., and
send for “ The Re
view,” or “Health
and Strength Re
gained,’’a large il
lustrated Journal,
published entirely
for their benefit.
It treat** on health, ~L
jaml nc thrill miIiIf T , un
puljji-rt I lull Lr:n -1
ru»b> r»*v-<-i **•>■- i.trri
I)miiv (jUfUi’.iJiv. :i-l
ilA ini
r, physical culture
- ii t'Minj>h*te ene.y-
suiV'-ri 114 liunmi'i
•tut! human h.ipo
its pages ; and I!i
Mug p, -r.sens and li
. published. Ev
A story is going the rounds to the ef- t
feet that Mrs. Grant has been dangerous- '
ly ill in Cincinnati, having recently un
dergone a dangerous operation lot a :
tumor. As Mrs. Grant has not been!
away from Bong Branch, and is in good j
health, the story may he -aid to lack the j
esseneo of I ruth.
poet than that which
The newly chartered Knglish company, Muscogee’s favoriti
with its hank and capital of £2.0()0,(KH) at ; fought
the capital of Madagascar, will do more ! but
in one year to make the island Faiglish , ness,
than French admirals and French pow- | " ill sn
der and French treaties have done
make it French during the la-t ten yea
The Madngascnvencs know the valye
Ben Bitlei! is going to run for Cuii-
gvess in the eighth Mtis>aclm.-etts dis
trict. Ben is what Artcmus Ward would
call an “Amoosiu' cuit." lb-is a peren
nial candidate, a slippery politician, and
a man who. if iie had lived in tlm time
of AnnuniusnndSnppliii'a.notild have not
reached his present rip.' and rotten old
Tim Hon. Thomas Bixmi, into repre
sentative in the North ( amlina house of
delegates front Cleveland county, "with
feelings of peculiar sadm-ss, ami yet w it!i
an emphatically determined mind,” ha-
issued an addle.-.- to hi- constituents,
stilting that he will “never again he a
candidate for any political otlice." His
reasons are simple, and yet quite novel
in these days ot practical politics. Mr.
Bison says he has determined, “with the
help of Go l, to live a conscientious ami
consistent Christian life," and lie is satis-
tied lie "cannot he a successful politician
and successful Christian.’ 1 Mr, Bixott
very properly adopts the course w hich
promises the best returns in the long
run. AYe trust, however, that Tom
Grimes will not get frightened from the
track, at least until we have had a speci
men ot his work in the liftielh congress.
in i: ,v i xt toM.iiKssriAX.
Hon. Tlio-. AV. (Irilues, of Muscogee,
will la the next congressman from the
IIairtli (leiirgia distrid.
These words uttered bv the F.NurmKii-
Si n a few weeks ago. sound almost in
the nature of a prophecy this morning.
He was nominated by the democratic
convention in BaGrange vesteraay. and
his triumphant election in November
next goes without the saying. This
would he true even were not the circum
stances us auspicious ns they are, but no
candidate starts out with a brighter pros
now lies before
Those who
his nomination gallantly,
in a spirit of fair-
have declared that they
'port hint just as warmly, now
to j that he has become the standard-bearer
of the party. Gentlemen from Carroll,
i Coweta, Meriwether and other counties
! wlm fought him to the last made his
i nomination unanimous amid the wildest
.enthusiasm when they found him to Ik-
the strongest man in the nice, it was
Tfi nip. even with one of her own I iri Ilian t
-' aw in the Held. 1 hat proved the friend
in nix'd and gavt the nomination to one
of the most gifted and able young men
in the state.
The nomination of Mr. Grimes over
s neh strong competitors is a compliment
of no small arnn-cquoiirc. Co!. .1. 11.
Fannin and CoJ. A. B. '• ivemali. both of
whom wire put in nomination, are
worthy t" represent any district in
the state" and are popular a . o ;g
the people, lion. Henry !.’. Harris, the i
pre.-ent incumbent, was also a candidate, 1
though the delegati s elected i'll hi.- inter
est knew that it would prove IVuille— to
present his name to the convention. The
same may he said of Judge AA'. Har
ris, of Carroll comity. Hence it is no I
ig per.-OII -L ;jilt
«T> >> J ‘ * ir',t , AGED MEN
suk i "- 1 -;< i nervous anil phys-
sin'll '.i..'iii'iitt*il tiy oiiisiiit-
;e, ■ piisi ■ ttu* tv.enl - practiced
i I. iIi.mI iinpu-iiirs win. |iruti’.—
’lUcii'i'." iti-u t'''ini-mit tho only
: ■ iti ciivi' to bcanu, viy.
trial e.'j amt u
snintsut ili,U:n
am] ntlicra to
Co I op lu tu .-pci
I alt curative apptlancesar
I. .at tlicin—M'tili'li are ge.
.: ■ Bells i,i: tllil’lv (tie’-'
latlii.".' ■ reviewed. Tliote
■ ! u-rvii'is-JcollttyRufl'i.i’i-v.’
Hilvli-f liven. TTIE HE
IM ill vi av of putitfcation
1 . ox.ii.i mailed FftliH
naming Hits paper
Publishers REVIEW,
!(64 Broadway, MEW YORK
WB* Apply noM- or preserve onr address
idle compliment that Air. Grimes lias
I But the most interesting
I all is 11 tit t Mr. Grimes
; worthy of the nomination,
the vi-itig voting men of th
feature of it
s eminently
I le is one of
e state, and
Do you Avnut a pure, bloom
ing Complexion l If so, a
few applications of Kagan’s
MAGNOLIA BALM -.v ill grat
ify you to your heart’s con
tent. It does away \> itli Sal*
loivuess, Redness, Dimples,
Blotches, and all diseases and
imperfections of the skin, it
overcomes tho flushed appear-
atice of heat, fatigue aim ex-
eitemeat. ltmaives j lady of
THIRTY appear but TWEN
TY ; audsojiatiiruh gradual,
and perfect are Us effects,
that i( is impossible to detect
its application.
N .d on ' shortens the time
c f labor and le^en.- the in-
tensity of puin, but it greut-
Iv dimini.siK*.' the dangor to
life "f 1) “th in ther and child
and leaves the Mother ill a
condition luj?h]y favorable
Records, both graduates of Lcipsic, and Mis
Deaderick. e. t.borouj{ldy trained vocalist; Ail!
r.ppanittia with mounted telecope. For cata-
«i^ues address I. K. COX. Pres’t.
j;. 11 dArVini
The blood of mail has much to do iu shaping
his actions duriiwr his pil,rrinnure through this
troublesome world, regardless of the amount of
present or expectant money in pocket or stored
aw.ty in hank. It is a conceded fact that we air-
pear us our blood makes us, aud the purer the
blood, the happier, healthier, prettier and wiser
we are: hence the oft-repeated interrogatory,
“how is your blood ?” With pure streams ofllfc-
Kiving fluid coursing through our veins, bounding
through our hearts, and ploughing through our
physical frames, our morals become better, our
constitution stronger, our intellectual faculties
more accutc and grander, and men, women and
children happier, healthier and more lovely.
The unprecedented demand, the unparalleled
curative powers, and the unmistakable proof from
those of unimpeachable character and integrity,
point with an unerring linger to B. B. B. Botanic
Blood Balm as far the best, the cheapest, the, and the grandest and most powerful
blood remedy ever before known to mortal man,
in the relict and positive cure o: .Scrofula, Rheu
matism, Skiii Diseases, ail taifn..- of blood poi.ioii,
Kidney complaints, old ulcers . ad sores, cancers,
catarrh, etc,
ii. li. B. if, only aooui three years old -u na.jy in
age, a giautan power -but no remedy in.Amc. ion
can make or ever has made such a wonderful
showing in its - cal powers in curing and en
tirely eradicating the above complainYs, anu
gigantic sales in the face of fremded o]>i*osition
loney monopolb-ts.
all points where introduced are
i us, speaking in the loudest praise,
oceive more benefit from one boi-
ileol 1». B. li. Limn they have from twenty, thirty
and iiAy, and even one hundred bottles of a
boasted decoction of inert and uon-modicinal
roots, and branches of common forest trees. We
hold the proof in black aud white, and we also
hold ihe fort.
Ihilimtian’s Vicnv
Mrs. M. M. Prince, living at SB West Fair street,
Atlanta, cia., has been troubled for several
months with an ugly form of catarrh, attended
witn a copious and offensive discharge from both
nost rils.
Her system became so affected and reduced that
•she was confined to bed at my house for some
time, and received the attention of three
physicians, and used a dozen bottles of an exten
sively advertised blood remedy, all without the
least benefit.
She finally commenced the use of B. B. B., with
a decided improvement at once, and when ten
bottles had been used, she was entirely cured of
all symptom-; of catarrh.
i» guvi ner an appetite, and incivit d her
>trongih ivoidiy, and 1 cheerfully recommend :t
i cheap toni» . u Blond Purifier.
ould-f)c .
g ill II|K
say ilu j
■pile 1
At lain,t.
■ 10, is
GUAY is the talk of tho city for bargains. The old played out words “just out” not heard at the
I Trade Pnluc . To the re...M*jiaf>lc public is it not remarkable, the feeble attempts of so-called com-
j petitors ? In the my.-tic v n.l loaded ways they try to get you in their stores. If you should happen
to Imy elsewhere, and whi • a doing mention the Trade Palace, you will observe how careless they
i wait on you. Of course von see through it. They cannot sell you as low as the Trade Palace can.
• How quickly old bait < and fly-traps played out with others when GRAY put the big kuife in the
prices of goods iml nmde the standard market value for Columbus. You hove heard about Gray’s
bargains, especially the put week. Many have seen them, a great many bought them, and legions
ask what will be oiir Great Bargains fer the present week. Ho we name some of them ;
5.000 Yards undressed White Striped Goods reduced from 10c to 3*c.
10,000 Yards Colored Muslins reduced from 6}c to 35c.
1,300 Yards Bicycle Pants Jeans reduced from 15c to 8c.
1.000 Yards Northern Ginghams reduced from Sc to 5c.
3,200 Yards Victoria Lawns reduced from 10c to 5c.
U>0(l Yards left of Worsted Dress Goods reduced from 40c to 125c.
The great feature this week will be a Bargain Table, composed principally of our White Mulls
and Persian Lawns, worth 25, 30 and 35 cents. You can have your choice or these goods now for
10 C' - ills a yard, and all you ask for.
This week v’o will open up a new lot of desirable Luces, at much lower prices than they can be
bought cIhowIk re
We don't or »w much, but”tlap our wings mighty hard. Remember we never advertise only what
we can show. ])<• not ‘orget thin, no matter what they tell you elsewhere. No one knows our aim,
i or what we can do. a- >ur resident buyer in New York has our Th ee Stores to buy for. G'onse-
i juently we get the be of his inside prices our so-called competitors are not able to get. If you
doubt who is doing the bu-iness, just givens u call tliis week. In ortler to raise Five Thousand
Dollars this week we offer . !! more startling bargains. Below please take notice of our low prices
<-.u goods that are at low water mark :
1,250 Yards White Satin Plaid .5 dl, worth fully 2.V; we reduce the price for this week to 12'5c.
12 Inch All Linen iluek J >■ da, worth fully 17 ; ..e; for this week we will offer them for 13 ; ,c.
200 Yards 11 msley s best Bleached Damask, fii! \ wortii 55e; we reduce the price this week to 48c.
1,300 Yards M u auliy'.* Registered Linen Lawns, colored, worth 18c; reduced for this week to 10c.
300 Yards I'.inania Real Seersuckers, worth 25c : reduced to 10c for this week.
Portugal Moleskin lor Pants and Suits, worili doo; reduced to 15c.
1,8^5 Yams 0-1 imported Suitings, fully worth •i , .25: ve take the liberty of placing them on the
market at 82 .,c.
1.000 Gents* I’nlaiindried Shirts, sold elsewhere ns ?l.OO; Gray likes to create murmurs, so lets
them go at 05c.
77 left of those 05c Gauze Vests for Ladies, which Gray has decided to run this week for 25c.
The Talk Is, GRAY is Doing the Dry Goods Trade of the City,
j Well, we have al! tve can attend to, but reaching out daily for further laurels. It makes no dir-
k-i’ence how hot the weather is, we can always find time to let the people know our marked reduc
tions under our so-called competitors' prices It s ti pleasure to trade at our store, as we do not talk
! visitors out of patience, aud we do not rumple or pull to pieces n sample front elsewhere to deceive
you. Our Goods talk louder and better for them -elves, it is surprising itotv other stores will act to
sell their goods. We say if you have not yet beet us tire Trade Paluqe, and doubt the bargains, just
bring a few samples Irom elsewhere, and we will no doubt convince you.
G-IRzA-Y, ..with his pitchfork,
lias nulled out of his shelves some of these Leaders f c tile present week only: r>00 Pairs Children's
ami Misses' Stockings, all sizes, worth Kic; our price this week 'Joe. I'M Fairs Ladies’ Colored Hose
also Balhriggan Hose, worth 37' Jc ; we a.e selling this week for 20e. JiK'Hoc Corsets we will slaughter
this week at oOc, aii sizes in stock. 365 Fine F'isehuos and Hamburg Collars, former prices -1 00 and
$1.25; this week to be sold at 50c. 900 Yards Black Wool Cashmere, just worth fully 47’.,c; to Keep
tilings a booming this week will be sold at 25c. We are the only store that did not cut oitr I 1 ., card
Embroidered Flouncings in Columbus, and have not lost anything oy it. as they are all sold except
four of them. We will sell the entire Dress for $6 00. former prices $11.50 and $12.50 The same
marked reductions will be the order of the day this week in Fine Parasols, which you should not
fail to see.
This week will meet us with our greatest efforts to sell genuine bargains, brought to the front by
life pluck, energy and ample capital, besides public confidence, sprinkled with marked politeness
anil attention. Sale opens at 6:30 every morning this week. Come early and avoid the rush is
you will always see it at the
On Top Live House.
C. P. GRAY & CO.
'•Vo art si ill .-ATulin^ out more bundles in halfday than all
Hi' 1 stores here in Hie trade pul together. Three extra men
engaged to keep up with us in delivery of same.
Trade Palace, Opposite Rankin House.
an ivmvot Biooci !’■
filled with llu’ most
Stand at the Head !
IJ.V IF. ’»!, li iis>^lo
I \VI LL he sold i he fi.’st Tiu mih.a in August in
front ol liu Auction li.iu-to; F. M. Knowles A
| Co.. Broad .-trevt. city of Columbus, Muscogee*
couai.s, iieorgm. the following property, to-wit:
«iMlul .^laud. two -l.ories high, one .Bulges’
! Stand, one new Grind >*
2-room I
‘ng of i\ i i
iroimd Jr tv
• M <
id, one story h : gh. one
•tlv roc
A BELIEF I'tvvaik'il In :t ltlljjl' ileglT'C ill
liin-'iliess and iinlii>trtal ciivlt‘~ that Mr.
Morrison’s joint resolution, I'tvssed hy
the house lust week, will litil to heeonie
a law—we mean his resolution that
vlienever the sui'iiius or balance in the
treasurry * * shall exceed shni,-
000,000, it shall he tiie duty of the secre
tary of tlie treasury to buy in certain
government interest-hearing homls so
long as such surplus or balance shall
exist. This belief we share; still we
would not advise any one to he over-
eontident in that direction. Although
there are signs that no action can be
had upon the resolution in the senate
at this session .of congress, a surprise
from that body may come just as
that surprise did which showed a three-
fourths majority lor the resolution in
the house. There is the hinging point;
for, unless there shall be a two-thirds
vote for the resolution in the senate, as
well as in tlie house, it cannot be made
a law while Grover Cleveland continues
to be president.
An impressive illustration of tlie state
of knowledge possessed by the editors of
some of the leading Georgia journals
concerning very important commercial
has never I'ccupicd a pnsitiuii in public
■ life that ha- imt tilled with credit tu him- i
sell, lie lias for sew nil years been mi- 1
I licitur-geiu ml id'the Cliiittahnuclu'c cir
cuit, aud lutf represented Mu-ogec j
I county iu the legislature and this dis- :
I trift in the senate. These "tlice- have
been tilled with ability and universal j
j satisfaction to the people. That he will!
prove a valuable congressman to this dis-
j trict and an acquisition to the Georgia
I delegation, there is no reason to doubt,
! In the selection of
infill hu>or. Its
fill* eflficacv In ihi- respect
entitles it t.. be culled Thk
Mother's Fuiknd ami to be
ranked a- one of the life-
saving ivmedies <>1' the niuc-
fr iat (.fe‘i
t .-enui
c standard-bearer
for the next congressional campaign the
convention lias relic, ted its ow n wisdom
in the choice made. We feel that the
entire district is a proper subject for the I
highest congratulation.
From tlie nature of the
case, it will of course he un
derstood that we cannot pub
lish certificate- concerning
this remedy without wound
ing lh*» delicacy of the wri
ters. Yet we have hundreds
of such testimonials on file.
Send for cur Treatise on ‘Health and Happi
ness of Women." mailed free.
The Bkadriih.d Kkuul.vtor Co., Atlanta. Ga.
jv2l eod&w urm
J Senator Evarts says it is the function of con-
, gress to talk. Laird's assault on Cobb was,
I therefore, what the doctors call a ‘•functional
I displacement.”
| We are shipping fewer provisions abroad this
year. During the six months just ended the
total value of beef, pork and dairy products ex
ported was $20,679,918. In the same period of
1885 it was $32,658,171.
A Harlem woman has devoted twenty years
to collecting 8000 buttons. We now understand
why so many husbands go without buttons on
their shirts.
SENATOR5e*split hairs over a question of hono
and decency as lawyers do over questions of fact
and law. It is a pretty spectacle.
IvI-A-OOI>T, GkA..
THE FALL TERM of tin - institution will open
on the ’.i-t \\Vdm -day 2.*th of >vpuunb« r next.
Tut* chair-«>! L.itin an:! (neck Lave been con
solidated into the chair of Ancient LanguaKes.
to which Prof. Win. (i. Manly, a distinguished
graduate ot the ITm ei\sity of Virginia, has been
Tile TheoUar’oa! department, presided over by
Rev. James G. Ryals, i> D., and the Law depart
ment. with Jlor iiff 'id Anderson as the chair
man of its faculty, oiler special inducements to
student - in the-e d partments.
Of the Preparatory department, designed to
prepare boy- for the University classes, Mr.
Emerson H. C
sitv. In.s bee
Prof. T. K. Ryals.
P< -t graduate courses of study for the degrees of
A. M. and Ph. D., open to the graduates of all
male college-, have been established by the
authority ol tlu hoard of trustees. For catalogues
an other information, addre-s
jyl3 2tawtd Secretary of Faculty.
Tue British driuk bill for 188-5 was $616,343,800. !
an average of $102.50 for every family in the king- j
dom. It is more than the uation speuds for but- j
nna Whiskey flab-
Bn cured at homo with
out pain Buuti of par
ticulars sent FREE.
Atlanta. Gu. Orace
6i,s* Whitehall Street.
one line oi* Stable
stalls, each t*2 by 12, one fence
track, one cross fence and the
ggrounds, win rein said p-.’»»n:il
; said property being situated on
i ni'ii-of the env of Foiimilnis, (>n
d by the C'nlumbus Driving ami
from commons eommis-
t lm city nib ’niumhus, Muscogee county,
All L vied on as the property of the I’o-
lumbu- Driving and Base Ball Association to sat
isfy a li. fa. in my hand- in favor of .Sample, Har
vey A t'o. vs. the Columbus Driving and Base Ball
Association. ,J. (i. BlTtRCS,
jyf> onwiw Sheriff.
I Ihuleraml bv virtue of an order from the Court
! <ii'Gi-.!in,..'v ..»• '.'Minty, (teorgja, 1 will
the first Tuesday in
i tMi b"gal hours ef sale, in
!•'. M Knowles &Co., on the
j cor!i r< Broad and rent!: streets, in the city of
| i oliiiiilii!-, in -aid county and state, the following
described proper'y In. longing to James Hogan, a
; minor, to-wit; Tm* one-sixth undivided interest
i in a and to all that part of city lot number ;;si. in
! said city of Columbus, county of Muscogee and
I state of Georgia, situated immediate!} east of and
I adjoining St Lam church lot. fronting on Thir-
, ti cut ii stn • • ht> fet t and ruiiing bac k aouth to
j tlie fear • now enclosing said portion of ..aid lot.
and im-hiding the Dwelling House situated
! thereon. A'sn the one-.-ixth undivided interest
I of said niinorin and to that part of said city lot
Xo. .581 in said city ol Columbus, on-, the corner of
I Thirteenth street and Fourth avenue, fronting
I seventy feel, moil’or less, on Thirteenth street,
j ami sixty feet, mmv or less, on Fourth avenue,
it being a vacant lot, irregular in shape, situated
east ofund adjoining the above described lot, and
bounded by the fern vs now enclosing said second
! lot. At the same time and place the remaining
I uiidividc-d interests in said property will Ik* sold
: by the children of Qrpha Hogan, deceased, who
j are all offu . . a so that that the purchaser will
I get the entire title thereto. Terms cash.
I jyooawlw Guardian cf James Hogan.
Whereas. George Y. Poml. administrator of the
1 estate of Lucius Anderson, late of said county,
decea-ed, makes application for leave tu sell all
the real estate belonging to said deceased.
! This is. therefore, to cite all persons interested
to show cause, if any they have, within the time
1 prescribed by law, why leave to sell said property
should not be granted to said applicant.
Witness my official signature tliis July 3d,
jy3 ouw4w Ordinary.
prices nro low Is
outfit for tho
fall shooting.
oof Watch "S imh'aSpnrtlnir'm.HiH in.'l Ct U N ^
<;.%v cinfiiiiA rn. iiuhho nt \«»%v v«n-
Electric Belt Free
To introduce it and obtain agents we will for the next
sixty days give away, free of charge, in each county
in tuo U. 8. a limited number ot our German
Electro Galvanic Suspensory Hells, Price $5;
a positive and unfailing cure for Nervous Debility,
varicocele, Emissions, Impotency &e $500.00 Reward
paid if every Belt we manufacture does not generate
a genuine electriccurrent. Address at once ELECTRIC
BELT AGENCY, P- O. Box 178, Brooklyn. N. Y.
p w v l? ry
lA Ij a
Tho ho t. L '. lies’ < )i J
E \i A S L 1 I? P 13 . .
bronplit t.o < 'oiuoibu- ace
maile by them The*
caii <iui< bo had ill mi
■ tcio 11 tu: til tmv foot
l am Solo \gou- for t!ioHe (foocs in Columbus.
aatim:. meter.
Tlie BrownCotton Gin Co.,
api) wed sat&w5m
Manufudurcrs of tlie “Old. Reliable”
llroivn Cotton Gins, Feeders and Con
AH the very latest improvements: im
proved roll box, patent whipper, two
brush belts, extra strong brush, cast
steel bearings, u>, improved Feeder,
enlars™--: dust prooi ’ondeuser.
- ong, simpielr.instruction, durable
Ijgln ist. liglit, cleans tlie weed per-
Jafect.j and produces first class samples.
at any iicccN.siblc point. Scud for full
description and price lint*
Agon Is, Columbus, Ga.
(E COLLEGE,;Hollins Institute,
RO whon biiBlnops 1b dnll and prl(
tbe time to BUY YOUR
CLASSICAL and Scientific Courses for degrees.
Also, Business and Preparatory courses. Special
attention to English, French and German spoken.
Instruction thorough and practical. Library lt»,-
onn volumes. Good literary societies. Best moral
and religious influences.
K\ lenses for nine months 5.149. $170 or 8201 'in
cluding tuition, hoard, etc Increasing natronago
from fifteen .‘.tales, Indian Territory and Mexico.
Thirty-fourth session begins Sept. 15th.
For eatloiiue « with view of grounds, buildings,
and mountains , address
JULIUS I ). DR EH ER, President.
jy7 eotiliu&w2t Salem, Virginia.
1117 HM) X. diaries St., Baltimore.
Mrs. W. M. Cary. Miss Cary.
Established in 1842. French the lamruage of the
School. ____ jyl4 wed sat&w2m
HAi/mioiti:. mil
This School offers to Medical Students unsur-
jyU wed sat&wlm
1 , 'V.T^GrllNTI^.
1 HIS lijNlihijc, for the higher education
•.Ming liuli*'-. 1, finely (Mjmppe.l. Luiiguag
-.‘i 1 V r!, J , "'V hr | M ‘. nr, ‘' Mijsie, Art, are tuugiu urn
1 ’'V. 1 ■ by gi/iitlemen ami ladies of brr
culture and elevated elmraeter. It employs o
twenty-five officers and teachers, ami commai
, further advantage of salubrious mount
elimat.r, mineral waters, charming scene
1 rom year to year its accommodations are ft:
(1 1 ? , ' u ’, rn annual session will open
, ’V. ( i*I ’‘‘.fiffnifier. For further informati
OPPD at Hollins |*. (j t> Virginia
^Business Agen
jyfi 2tawtsepl5
}? c *i urt ments: Academic,
Engineering, Bibheal, Law, Pharmacy, Med-
1c.1I, Dental, tree tuitition to students in
F an(1 Manual Technology. Cata-
m^iiah Lil 1 '? on HUPbc’.ation to WILS W1L-
M LI IA b, Secretary, Nashville, Tenn.
— jyi5 eodAwlm
Prepares for University; College, Army, Navy
or Business. Send for catalogue
Iyie < ^m > ' 0K ’ M - '• ( Unv - of Va.) LI,. I).