Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, July 28, 1886, Image 2

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i DAILY ENQUIRER - SUN : COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING JULY 28, A MOUNTAIN POSTMISTRESS. Nhr AlnujH Kfitrt* tile I'nMaR anil NoiMotlnii- llll< Letters. Arkansnw Traveler. A gentleman who spent u summer trav eling in the Rocky mountains drives the following aooount o( a little gray-haired old lady he found living alone in a log cabin of two rooms far up Hie slope of the most desolate mountain. The cabin was a mile from any other houso, and the town was ten miles distant. On the shelves back of the little pine counter ii the corner of ..he room were cops of tomatoes, peas and corn, a few bars of Boap, boxes of matches and cans of con densed milk. ‘ “I keep a little grocery store, and thread and needles, and pins, and such things boiu’s I’m postmistress,” said the old lady in the eiieeriest of voices. “ Postmistress ?” queried the traveler. “ O, yes,” was the reply. “ Where are the letters and the office ?” “ Here,” as she smilingly took a cigar box down from a shell and opening it showed the man a dozen or more letters bearing evidence of having been handled many times. “ The mail comes two times a week, Wednesdays and Saturdays, but most of the boys come ’round Saturdays.” “ The boys ?” asked the stranger. "Yes: the prospectors and miners scat tered all ’round over the hills. There’s a good many of ’em, but they don’t write much nor get many letters. Still, the post office is comp’ny for me. It brings all the boys to see me once in a while. Are you going up by the Lone Star mine?” "No, I tnink not,” said the traveler. “No? Well, if you was, there’s a postal hore for Jack Downing. It says on it that he is to come to Denver right off, and I’d liko to send it to him soon ns I can. I al ways read the postals. The boys don’t care, and I get real lonesome sometimes." just then a miner came along and ask ed : "Is Bill Hefller’s Weekly Republican come yet from Denver?” “Yes,” was the reply; “but you tell Bill I’ll send it up to-morrow by the stage driver; I ain’t done rcadin’ it myself yet. Bill won’t care; he npver reads it until Sunday, nohow. If you see Silas Sharpe you toll him that there’s a postal here from his wife, and the baby’s got the whoopin’ cougn, but it ain’t, a whoopin' yet, and his wife don’t think it’ll have it hard.” "Any letters for any of the boys up our way ?” "No; but there’s one here for somebody named J. B. Ryder. Know any such man ?” “No.” “Neither do I. “It's in a thin envelope, and 1 can see, by holding it, up to the light, that, it’s signed ‘Your own Surah,’ so I guess he’s married, or about to be. If he don’t come ’round soon, I dono but I’ll open it amt get the address and send it back to‘hisown Sarah,’ and teli her he ain’t here.” When t he man Imd gone, the old lady said to the traveler: “Yes, the post-office is a sight of com p’ny, ’gpeshly when there's lots o’Papers and postals coinin’ and goin’. Tin a some times I write and read letters for some that can’t, write. Now, here’s a letter for John Brico just come in. Ho ought to have it right off.” "But it has been opened,” said the trav eler. "O, la, yes! 1 opened it myself. I wrote the letter it’s in a swe.r to, and I’ll have to road this to John Brice, anyhow, lie can’t read writ in’. And 1 felt real anxious to know if Ills letter got to his wife; it had a ton-dollnr bill in it. Hero comes Bob Haight. Poor fellow! I declare, if I was alone I’d shut up the post office and hide some place; for it just makes my heart ache to toll that, poor creetur that there ain’t no letter yit for ’ini. He’s been a coinin’ for weeks lookin’ for a letter from home, and none comes. I’m afraid there’s trouble there. Well, well, I’ll just have to toll him there ain’t no letter and then chirk him up the best 1 can. Poor feller!” THEOSOPHY EXPLAINED. Tliv A ii r ii Whirli .Surrounds the lloily l'urm-il Into a Traveling t liiirlot. rles sprung from Its scabbard to seek men's vituls. It lias one great drawback, how ever, which may retard its popularity. It is apt to prove fatal. Imagine a French due* fought with electric swords. Some one would be sure to meet with disaster, and French politeness would be greatly ouU t aged. On the whole it seems probable that the Shanghai weapon will not be re ceived with favor in Europe. The great armed nations of the continent would feel reluctant to place lightning-rods on their troops, and unless some such precaution were taken the electric sword would be in vincible. TERRORIZING A TOWN. x Desperado Deflnnflr Parades the Streets After Deliberately K'.IlitiK u Man. Bradford, Pa., July' 26.—“I’ll kill the llrst man that lays a linger on me!” was the oft repeated assertion of John Thomp son as lie paced the streets of Mount Jewell, a small place In the southern part of this county, to-day. Thompson had just killed John Yohe, a bartender in the Brewer House. With Ills smoking revolver ill his hand he forced his way through the terror-stricken men In the barroom after shooting Yohe in the side. There was no officer in the little town, and no man lmd pluck enough to molest the desperado. He put fresh cartridges in his pistol and defi antly paraded through the town for an hour. Citizens telegraphed to the sheriff and canvassed for a leader for a lynching party but no one volunteered. Finally Thomp son went to ids employer nnd agreed to surrender upon a promise that he would not bo lynched. lie was quietly taken to jail and then the citiz-ens became very bloodthirsty. Thompson is a man of violent temper. The killing wns cold-blooded and without provocation. Yohe lived only twenty min utes and never spoke after the fatal shot. Thompson wus creating a disturbance in the bar room and Yohe tried to eject him. ITS PURE Mil,' AND Duffy’s Raw Beef Formula •ION(‘|lIl .11 TfiE LAST JUMP. n|> lluiigtd for a .Murder Committed for Money. GALLATIN, Mo., July 24.—Joseph Jump was hanged here to-day in the presence of 20,000 people tor the murder of William C. Gladson, a bridge builder on the Rock Island railway. Jump and John Smith were wood-choppers, and killed Gladson for his money, ifftS, and threw his body Into a well. Both wt-re convicted and sentenced to be hanged to-day, and each made a full writ ten confession, from which it appears that Jump was the instigator of the foul deed, and struck the fatal blow with a sickle bar. Gov. Marmaduke thereupon respited Smith until August 6th. Jump ascended the scaffold smiling, and in a brief speech said Smith was as guilty as he. lie then sang “Washed in the Blood of the Lamb” and "Is My Name Written There.” The trap was sprung at 2:45, and lie was cut down in twenty-four minutes. His neok was not broken and death was very agonizing. i.uimI Unindma Duriihigmiodle. An old lady, being lateatehurch,entered as the congregation was rising from prayer. “La!” said she, curtsying, "don’t get up on my account.”—Boston Traveller. Bostou Record. Taking the broad fact of mind and mat ter having been adjudged separate intitles or stales or being, the thoosophistsproceed to build upon the stated fact. They claim that while the body lies sleeping, or inert through trance, the soul, by which they mean t.lio mind or will, is capable of trav eling to distant places, noting events, hold ing converse, ere she, tlte soul, returns to her waiting and unconscious body. A theosophist speaks of his “astral body,” of its power to visit those places which his soul or mind or will lias previously deter mined upon going. To mention the conditions llrst, t-heoso- phists state that an “aura” surrrotmds them, not only thcosophists in particular, but all people. “Aura' is a species of at mosphere impregnated with the electrical essences, animal magnetism or chetnicrl gases that our bodies are constantly dis charging; this, encountering the ordinary air, is not dispelled or disseminated, us might be naturally expected; hut to call it human esbeneo for the sake of illustration, this discharged human essence gathers to itself a certain portion of I lie ordinary air that surrounds us,which it permeates with our own desires and vitality; therefore it will be seen that this aura is always jvith us, and ready for all emergencies. The way that transference is effected is that u theosophist wishing to appear in a distant city or foreign land, seeks seclu sion, and then bends the whole force ol' i his mind upon the desire to reach that | place. Finally, he either falls asleep or succumbs to a self-induced trance. During the sleep or trance the body lends a por tion of its vitality, or more correctly, a certain portion having been ejected by’the will, the soul is enabled to clothe herself in the waiting aura, and thus become an astral body, an exact counterpart of the sleeping one, and then proceed upon her icriai journey. Tin' Kleetrle Knuril. New York World. One of the most interesting features of modern progress is the influence on modes of warfare exercised by scientiilc discov eries. The bicycle lias been utilized in Germany for mounting troops, and now wo hear of an electric sword. It will be seen at once that the hitter is an essentially shocking weapon. Strangely enough it was invented in Shanghai. The warrior using such a sword has a battery—that is, of course, an electric battery—concealed at his waist. Insulated wires run from the battery to the sword. When the point of the weapon touches an adversary the lat ter is paralyzed. The wielderof the sword can lie said to have made an electric charge. There is much that is luxurious nnd pleasing in the possibilities suggested by SKIN II Ullll lBtOOOHUMORS! 8 M lIMl MATING Eruptions, Itching and Burn- ilia Skin Tortures, Loathsome Soros, and ev ery species of Itching, Scaly, Pimply, Inherited, .Scrofulous and CJutagious Diseases of the Blood, Skin mid Scalp, with loss of hair, from infancy to old age, arc positively cured by cuticurii, the grout Skin cure, mid cutietira Soup, an exquisite Skin Hoiiutifler, externally, and cnticuru Resolvent, the new Blood Purifier, internally. « OVKIlt:it WITH NOKIA. I have been afflicted since hurt March witli a skin disease the doctors called Exzemu. My face wits covered witli scabs and sores, mid the itching mid burning were almost unbearable. Seeing your eutieura Remedies so highly recommended, concluded to give them u trial, using tile eutieura and eutieura Soup externally, and Resolvent in ternally, for lour mouths. I call myself cured, in gratitude tor winch 1 make this public statement. MltS. CLARA A. FREDERICK. Broad Brook, Conn. SC A 1,1*. FACE. EARS A X II NECK. rus afflicted with Eczema oil the sculp, face. which tlic druggist, where i got your remedies, prouoimeod one of the worst cases Mint hud come under tits notice. Iie advised me to try your Cutieura Remedies,and after five days’ use my sealn mid part of my face were entirely tied, and I hope in another week lo have my ill's, neck ami the other part of my face cured. HERMAN SLADE. 120 B. 1th Street, New York. rmil.YU IMSKANF.S 4 t HFI>. vmiiig m mi pu tim iiiT' ui tin uHKruvaieu iorm ot 'Jtcli through some localities in the country, in which the Cutieura Remedies pro veil satislactorly ,, . _ W. L. H AUDI OU, Drug gist, umoutown, Ky. • I It A It K H Ell IES Are sold by all druggists, Price: Cutieura. 50 cents; Resolvent, $1; Soap, 25 cents. Potter Drug and ('hemical Co., Boston. Send for “Hovv to Cure Skin Diseases.” A I yTIPY the complexion and skin by i»i j 11 using the Cutieura Soap. THE SEWING MACHINE is tile cause of ITtorine Pains and Weakness. For Aching Sides and Back, Kidney Pains, Sciatica, Chest Pains, Weakness and lutlammation, the Ciitieuia Anti-Pain Plaster is hi ke Shanghai sword, , the victims to the weapon are not "hewn down in bloody death. They perish neat- in the first place, n ly and quickly and do not soil the ground with gore. Of course, such scientific exe cution would tako away much that is poetical about a battlefield. No longer could the romancers revel in such phrases as “rivers Of blood” and “gory pools.” In fact, the electric sword would offer little more than an electric brush or an electric corset .is a subject for imaginative writers. But it appeals at once to the lovers of the practical. If warfare is really a necessary adjunct of human existence, let us keep ft as strictly abreast of the times as possible. The electric sword is a great advance on the weapon which has for so many centu- For Malaria. 143 CATHERINE St., Elizabeth, N. J. Gentlemen—My trouble has been chron ic malaria. I was completely run down; | no appetite, skin yellow, constant languor and weakness. 1 took vour Duffy's Pure J Malt Whisky nnd Rnw Beef Formula, and | could not ask to feci better than I do. 1 gained 21 pounds the first week. h ' D. R. HOWLAND. I 119 Jackson St., Pattkkson, N. J. I Dear .Sirs An a result of using your Unity's i Pure Mult Whiskey anil Raw Beef Formula I liml that nil the multirial feelings I hud have been expelled: my appetite, has re turned unit u gradual increase in weight and strength has taken place. JQHN ■15 Pine St., Elizabeth, N. J. Gentlemen l have found the greatest lief in the me of your DuffyV Pure Walt Whiskey ami Ran Beef Formula in breaking up tlie chills .uni fever, with which I had been troubled for 12 years. I have been troubled also witli my lungs and blood spit ting, which has also been relieved. A. J. GLEESON. 322 York St., W. Phila., Pa. Gentlemen I bad malarial fever, which was followed by typhoid and pneumonia. Physicians prescribed cod-liver oil. but d*d not improve. I got disgusted ami procured your Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey and Raw Beef Formula. They did me rood at once. I was almost a skeleton, and would not have believed it possible to make the progress I did in a short time. I cannot say loo much in their favor. W.M. LiNDEMEYER. Hagerstown, Md. Gentlemen I had been for years suffering with chills, and received no permanent re lief in the hands of a physician. The mal ady brought on hemorrhages, but am pleased to say that as a result of using your Duffys Pure MaJt Whiskey and Raw Beef Formula I am feeling better than I have in mx years, am! I regard its power in curing malaria as something wonderful. J. H. BOONE. THE DUFFY MALT WHISKY CO., Baltimore. Md. fit) The Duffy’s Rnw Beef Formula mentioned above is a special bom -hold application of the medicinal virtues and purity of Duffy’s Pure Malt Whisky, and is inte. >.• d to more specifically meet the requirements of those suffering from Consumption. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Generai Debility ami all Wasting Diseases. In addition to the tonic (fleet of our whisky, it furnishes uu- equalod blood-forming material, whereby tin- weight and strength ure increased. A printed copy of this formula, which consists principally of raw beef and our Duffy’s Pure Malt Whisky, will be mulled to any address, under the Seal of the Company, upon receipt of a two-cent stamp. Or the preparation itsi If. in liquid form, as put up by us by a special process, making it the most palatable and efllca- ious otef preparation ever made, can be had of all Druggi as at ONE DOL- LAR PER BOTTLE. d.wvtf top col n rm Another County Acts, HOOD’S EUREKA LIVER MEDICINE Acts to-day, and always successfully and tri umphant over an}' remedy on the market, and will stand to the afflicted with inactive or torpid liver, constipation or bad feelings generally, by a large and overwhelming majority. It takes the lead and keeps it, and cannot he defeated as the people s remedy. Try it and be convinced. JUVANTIA! A new medicine and a Specific for Sick Head ache. Only one dose will prevent the worst Sick Headache. Jordan's joyous Julep The Infallible Remedy for Neuralgia. M. D. HOOD & C 0., Manufacturing Druggists, 93 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. dtf CLINGMAN’S T obacco REMEDIES V AURANTII Most of tho diaeasofl which alUict tnnnkiml are origin ally canned by a disordered condit ion of tho LIVER* For all complaints of this kind, such as Torpidity of the Liver, Biliousness, Nervous Dyspepsia, Indigos* tion, Irregularity of the Bowels, Constipation. Flatu lency. Eructations and Burning of the Stomach (sometimes called Heartburn), Miasma. Malaria, Bloody Flux, Chills and Fever, Breakbone Fever, Exhaustion Indore or after Fevers, Chronic Diar rhoea, I.oss of Appetite. Headache. Foul Breath, Irregularities incidental to Females, Bearing-down STAOIGER’S AURANTII is Invaluable. It is not A panacea for ail diseases, but PIIDC all diseases of the LIVER, will Wn G STOMACH and BOWELS. It ohangee tlie complexion from a waxy, yellow lingo, to a ruddy, healthy color, it entirely removes tow. gloomy spirits. It is one of the BEST AL TERATIVES and ‘•URIFIERS OF THE BLOOD, and I* A VALUABLE TONIC. STADICER’S AURANTII For sale by all Druggists. Price SI aOO per bottla C. F. STADICER, Proprietor, •40 80. FRONT ST., Philadelphia, Poi Potash Victim. Cured by S. S. S. CAUTION. Consumers should not confuse our Specific with the numerous imitations, substitutes, potash ami mercury mixtures which are got ten up lo sell, not on their oum merit, but on the merit of our remedy. An imitation, is always a fraud and a cheat, and they thrice only as they can steal from the article imitated. Treutise on Blood and Shin Diseases mailed free. For sale by all druggists. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Oa. S. S. S. vs. POTASH. have hml blood poison for ten years. I know I have taken one hundred bottles of : of potaih in that time, but it did me no good. Last summer my face, neck, body ■ and limbs 1 were covered with sores, and I could scarcely use my arms on account of rheu matism In my shoulders. I took S. 8. S., and it has done me more good than all other medi- elnes I have taken. My face, body and neck are perfectly clear and clean, anil my rheu- ntAiism is entirely gone. I weighed 116 pounds when I began the medicine, and I now weigh 150 pounds My first bottle helped me greatly, and gave mu an appetite like a strong man. I would not be without 8. 8. 8. /or several tlnreeits■ Fcrry , Nuw y ork . pnBiggeus € 0RDIAL DYSENTERY CHILDREN TEETHING •STALL UI 50IPERBOTTLE Overstocked —IN- 1C EDGINGS AND LINEN TOWELS, THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO OINTMENT T»K .HOST KFFFUTIVE PRKl*A RA TION on the market for Piles. A SURF. CURE for Itching Piles. Hus never failed to give prompt relief. Will cure Anal Ulcers. Abscess, riatiua, letter. Salt ltheum Barber’s Itch, Ring worms, Pimples, Sores and Boiis. Price THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO CAKE Nvri'lijp’s OWN KEJIKDY, t ints all Mounds. Cuts. Bruises, Sprains, Erysipelas. Beils, Carbuncles. Bone Felons, Ulcers. Sores, Sore Eves. Sore Throat.Buniims.Corns, Neuralgia.Rheumatism, Orchitis. Gout, Rheumatic Gout. Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Milk Leg. Snake and Dog Bites, Sting* of Insects, Ac. In fact allays all jocul Irritation win? Inflammation from whatever cause. Price 2«> cl*», THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO PLASTER Prepared according lo the uiOMt neiemiile ur t li« PUR F.>T Mi DVT IV F I >t«iv 1.111l'.N 1 compounded with the purest Tobacco Flour, and is specially recommended lor Croup. >> eed or Cake of the Breast, and for that class of irritant or inflammatory maladies. Aches and Pwna whore, from too delicate a state of the system, the patient is unable to bear the stronger appheatit of the Tobacco Cake. For Headache or other Aches aud Pains, it is invaluable. Price lo cl*. Ask your druggist for these remedies, or write to the CUKSMAN TOBACCO CURE CQ. I DURHAM, N. C„ U. S. A. Wo Must Unload AND WILL OFFER Notice to Debtors and Creditors. Is against Hugh Dover, late of said coun ty, deceased, to present them to me properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, so a* to show their character and amount. And all persons iudebted to said deceased are hereby re quired to make immediate payment to me. This May 6th, lss6. DAVM) A. ANGLIN myToawfiw Administrator, etc. DD T Send six cents for postage and X XvI/jXjb recceive free a costly dox ot goods which will help all, of either sex, to make more money right away than anything else in this world. Fortune3#vwait the workers abso lutely sure. Terms mailed free. True & Co. Augusta. Maine. dawtt GOOD BARGAINS TO ENABLE US TO DO SO. REMNANTS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT AT PRICES TO SUIT YOU, J. A. KIRVEN & CO. JCopv.) Chicago, April 21st, 18S6. This is to certify, that the Illinois Trust ana Savings Bank has this day received from the Union Cigar Company otChicago, to be held as a Special Deposit, U. 8. 4 °lo Coupon Bonds, as follows: So. asosa D. ,ooo. , Market Value of which fa “• fliSo iS8: l $1012. •• 62610 100. I $800. / (S.) Jas. S. Gibbs, Cash. We offer the above as a FORFEIT, If our “FANCY GH0CEB” does not prove to be a genuine Havana-fillerCigar.-Unton Cigar Co, CIGAR Our LA LORA 10c. Cigar is strictly Hand made. Elegant quality. Superior workmanhip. Sold by all Grocers. UNION CIGAR COMPANY, 76 N. Clinton SL, - CHICAGO. Retail by ■ > C. D. HUNT, Columbus, Ga. je»4dly L Ground daily, aud fresh all the time AI SI Jo Pei' Sack, CASH. O NE OR MORE SACKS, as wanted. These prices will hold good unless some fluctua tions in markets.or the Merchants and Brokers* Association forces the mills to refuse to sell me' Where i furnish the sacks 2 x X,c per bushel extra will be charged for the sack. ~ Pride of The Kitchen SOAP. FOR ALL House Cleaning Purposes. A Solid 12-ox. (’like for 3c. J. J. WOOD, 138 Broad Street. DR. RICE, For is years at 37 Court Place, now at A rcHularly educated and 1 tn>'Ml successful, as hi Eli 1 ® Spermatorrhea and Impotency, tlie result ofsclf-abuso iu youth, aoxual excesses In ma nner years, or other causes, aud producing some of the fol lowing effects: Nervousness, Seminal Emissions, (night emls- l.v dreams), DIiuucm of Sight, Defective Memory, i’hy- hic&lDecay, Pimples ou Pace. Aversion toSoolety of Foniulei, Confusion of Ideas, Loss of Sexual Power. &c„ rendering marriage improper or unhappy, aro thoroughly nml perma nently cured. SYPHIL IS P 0 » itiv ‘ J b uurc,i 8nd e> tjE’ir ®I 8di ®* U5 d from the system; Gonorrhea, GLEET, Stricture, Orchitis, Herni... (or Rupture), Piles andiitncr private diseased quickly cured. It is sfllf evldcut that u phy nician who pays special attention 10 a ceruiiu class of diseases, uud treating thousuuds auuu- ally, acquires great skill. Physicians knowing this fact often rc.'ou.meud persons to my care. When it is inconveulont to visit the city for treatment, mcdiciues can be sent privately and safely by mail or express anywhere. Cures Guaranteed in all Cases person ally or by letter free and invited. Charges reasonable and correspondence strictly coulidsuuaL PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of M0 pages, sent to any address, securely sealed, for thirty C<0) rents. Should' be rend by all. Address as abova Office hours from fc A. M. to 9 P. M. Sunday*, 2 to 4 r. M> Desirable Property FOR S^LXjIE. I ’HE SEVEN ROOM DWELLING AND . vacant lot on north Fifth avenue, known as This desirable place will be sold cheap for cash, and parties wanting a home will find it to their interest in seeing me in reference to this place. Call early and secure a desirable investment. TOOMBS CRAWFORD, Reaf Estate Agent. 12 45 It road Street, jy23 dtt a-ooms i Spring Fashion Plates. IFIIECIE GOODS! Suits Made to Order. CLOTHING! OLOTHIHGI C OME and give us your order. Do not wait till you are pressed by the season, and then want a suit made In a hurry. We are prepared, how ever, to get up suits at very short notice. If you want a suit quick, give us your order. If you want a suit in thirty dayB, give us your order. If you want a suit in sixty days, give us your order. G. J. PEACOCK,