Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, July 31, 1886, Image 6
DAILY ENQUIRER - SUN; COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 31, 1886. THE NEW ENGLISH GOVERNMENT. A Caustic Estimate Placed Upon it by Labouchere, Salisbury Will (all I’arllmiirnt Tow-tiler .ml liu On llii- Irlsli Ijuwllnn—'The Outronu- of the tUectlon The Absolute Minters or Tories anti Liberal*. St. Louin Republican Special. London, July 27.— 1 To-morrow’* Truth will say: The marquises seem to have set tled our a flairs to their satisfaction, While n conservative marquis is to be prime min ister. a liberal marquis is to sit opposite him, but to support him. Thus the tri umph of the “classes” is secured for the moment. Let us be thankful that provi dence has vouchsafed to us marquises mid such like august beinffS to take care of us, and I return thanks humbly and uratefully for these kindri d services. How lout; isthe 1 regime of the marquises likely to last? The conservative marquis lav-; a minority of his own direct followers in the of com mons, and can only hope to remain in of fice if the liberals are ready to support the , conservative government. Thiisole bond of union is a determination to decline as-! sent to those concessions to Irish aspira- j lions that the vast majority of the liberals | of the I’nited Kingdom have declared to he wise and legitimate. The marquis of | Salisbury proposes that the alliance should last twenty years. 1 am Inclined to i think that twenty weeks is nearer its du ration. Wom*n’ii W»il or Wo*. Many lad les liRve a pet oath in the words “dear ms;” they think it means “dear I,” but it doesn’t. “Dear me” Is a corruption of "Dio mio," meaning “my God!” There is a mother in Richmond, Mich., who has a regular orchard of olive branches, consisting of seventeen healthy children, the oldest being but nineteen years of age. Kisses admit of a greater variety of char acter than perhaps many are aware of. Eight labial diversities are mentioned in the Bible—the kiss of salutation, valedic tion, reconciliation, subjection, approba tion. adoration, treachery and affection. There are several towns in Montana without a single unmarried woman, and tlie local papers tell piteous tales ol rich and eligible bachelors who are traveling about from town to town looking for a wife. In some parts of the territory, it. is said, a commission of from $10 to $20 is freely offered'for n good article in wives. At the henring or a breach of promise case in a London court lately, it was de veloped that tlie defendant had written about .500 letters to his affianced during their i onrtship of two years. The groom refused to marry the girl on the ground that his income of $600 per year was in sufficient to support a wife, lie was ordered to pay over $1600 for damages. Duffy’s Raw Beef Formula l or Tlulnrln. 1-43 Catherine St., Elizabeth, N. J. Gentlemen—My trouble has been chron ic malaria. 1 was completely run down; no appetite, skin yellow, constant languor and weakness. I took vour Duffy’s Pure Malt Whisky and Raw Beef Formula, and could not ask to feel better than I do. 1 gained 2J pounds the first week. I). R. HOWLAND. J.C. REEDY Real Estate Agent. Jfo. 10 Twelfth Street, Columbus, C.'n. wgin; Tho only perfect substitute for Mother’s 11]k. invaluable In Cholera Infantum nrt Teething, a pre-atgestert food for Dys- RKSVLT OE ELECTIONS. The outcome of the elections so far is this: A government is to be installed in office whose general principles do notcom- tnand the minority. In consideration of Ireland not being governed ns she wishes we are not to lie governed as we wish. Almost the entire Irish representation has declared for home rule. Therefore, Ire land is not to have home rule. The ma jority of the electors of Great Britain and Ireland have declared for a liberal g overnment, so they are to have a onservative government. Why do I think i this beneficent arrangement will not last IInre Trouble for Dmvn-,. Boston, July 29.—Parson William Downs is about to become immersed in still further trouble by reason of the alleged wounds lie Inis inflic ed upon Deacon Story, one of the pious and good men of the Bowdoin Square Baptist Church society, at the meeting of the Bumstead hall wing of the society on Sunday. The parson announced an edict of a committee of which he was chairman, bouncing some eighty brothers and sisters out. of the Bowdoin Square Baptist Church society. The Bumstead hall wing would appear, according to the Downs version of the controversy, to have become now tlie society. The publicity given to the parson's action caused irrita tion among the brethren* and sisters bounced; especially the charges to the effect that they had been guilty of un-Christian methods as well as a .. 1 . . 2 .. IIw.Ih l,,.L.oi-./l nnu. conspiracy to injuring their beloved pas tor, Rev. W. W. Downs. Among the office." In a "parliamentary sense Gladstone. It) the c he is older than Gladstone. In the course of nature his translation to the house of lords cannot be very far distant, but I,doubt whether many of the unionists ever con templated falling between two stools. Still, whether now tills has been their fate they will not sit quietly on the ground for long. I estimate Hartlngton’s personal follow ing at about ten, that of Chamberlain about six, the rest of the unionists are iso lated atoms who have drifted into an ab surd position and will t)e glad to get out of it. At the next general election it is not likely that they will be supported by the conservatives, to whose votes they owe their present return, while, utlless they make peace wifh tlie liberal party, they will not obtain the support of the liberals. These reeds shaken by the wind will prob ably soon bow to the orthodox wind. If .... Rev. W. ... . brothers whose motives were thus im pugned was Deacon Story, who is now anxious to seek legal redress. Deacon Story to-day consulted eminent legal au thority and will at once proceed to get an indictment against the parson for criminal libel. The Suffolk gland jury will come in for the August term Monday and will re ft week the"country be tory, by all means let the ' ’ 2 tory; if not, let it be liber- governmejit be ul. I object to a SMALL BAND OP MEN ling thet servative votes, being absolute masters of ■“lerali both tories and liberal This is a government of the minority with a vengeance. Whenever an election proi in a parliamentary system of government • pa , , should do his best to bring about a fresh election as soon as possible. The country has not declared its confidence in Harting- ton. Why then should ho be tlie arbiter of our destinies? But on other grounds 1 hold that it is our duty to exhnust every means to make an anti home rule government impossible. We have solemnly declared that Ireland has a right to a domestic parlia ment. The tories refused to do this Justice to Ireland. A PARALLEL. When Pharaoh declined to let the Israel ites go, Moses did not stick at trifles,, but rained down plagues upon the Egyptians. We must follow bis example. Salisbury Tm-st not sleep oil a bod of roses. We must be a militant party. By resolution, by bills, by amendments we must break up tbit; uq holy alliance whose bond of union is the coercion of our follow countrymen. We must get hack constitutional practice. That party in office is the party which has the majority in the house of commons. The Irish must stand by us if they hope that we permanently will stand by them. From the conservatives they will never gel home rule. They will be foolish, indeed, if they will sell their inheritance for a mess or two of pottage. < iladstone lias created the home rule party in England. He lias accepted defeat for himself and Ids party on this issue. For the Irish to desert him now Would be a crime nay, worse than a Crime. We must organize. We must have a radical platform of which home rule will be but one plank. The democracies of tho two islands must give to each other the hand. We have our grievances; the Irish theirs. To rem edy both must be our crv. I am glad to learn that Gladstone in tends to remain at the head of the opposi tion. He will take active part in the de bate, be in the house us much as his strength allows. In his absence tho oppo sition will bo led by Sir William Harcnurt port a week later, when it is thought an other bill will be returned against tlie fes tive parson. Just now Mr. Downs is very- active about town and very cheerful, which is strange, considering that he is to be tried at the next term of court on the charge of adultery brought against him by Alice Watson. Ituii’t Han- tu lli'lii-i Some parties out hunting in Jasper last week had a close run after a fox, and final ly lost tlie trail in the yard of L. I. Whitten. Af fter the hunters left Mrs. Whitten, when sweeping around, found the fox under the bed. It ran out of the room and disap peared. Josiah Krom, of Mettacahonts, Ulster county, N. Y., lias a eat, which was languidly eating his dinner, when a mouse, apparently born and Jared in a church, so lean was it. timidly sneaked to the dish and also ate. The cheek of the mouse so disconcerted the cat that it did nothing but stare at tlie little iellow, who, having got his fill, went in peace. A citizen of Aiapaha county, Ga., was riding along the oilier day when his dog 11 ' ' run a small squirrel up a sapling. The dog was well developed as to mouth, and soon his furious harking so frightened the squirrel that it leaped from the sapling and shot head foremost into his mouth just as he opened it to bark. The dog seemed stupefied by tlie sudden shock and began turning round and round, as -if crazy. It: was evident that the free lunch did not set well on the dog's internal economy, in a short time the squirrel \ was henvey up, and without a moment’s | pause, darted foi tlie sapling and was soon | seated on its topmost branch. Since then , the dog cannot lie induced to bark at a! squirrel up a tree. t 119 Jackson S r., Patterson, N. J. Dear Sirs Asu result of unhid your Duffy’s pure Malt Whiskey and Rniv Bee! Formula I line] that all tin malarial feelings I had have been expelled; my appetite lues re- turned and u gradual im-reuo in weight and strength has taken plat , Tho Care and Feeding Of Infants, mailed free. DOUBI3B, GOODALB ii CO,, Boston, Mass, JyB tu til sat Om ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALE JOHN DUFFY. Of Valuable City Property. IQ Pink St., Elizabeth, N. J. Gentlemen I have found the greatest iv lief in the use of your Duffy’s, Pure Malt * GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY: Whiskey and Raw Beef Formula in breaking up tin chill*! and fever, with, which I hud Under and by virtue of an order from the court ordinary of Muscogee county, Georgia, 1 will sell at public outcry, on the first Tuesday .in August troubled for 12 years. 1 have been troubled also with my lungs and blood spit ting, which has also been relieved. A. J. GLEESON. 322 Yohk St., W. Pjiila., Pa. Gentlemen I bad malarial fever, which was followed b> -typhoid and pneumonia. Physicians prescribed cod-liver oil, bat did not improve. 1 got disgusted and procured vour Unity's Pure Malt Whiskey and Raw Beef Formula. They did me good at once. I was almost a skeleton, and would not have believed it possible to make the progress I did in a short time. I cannot say too much in their favor. WM. LINDEMEYER. next, between the legul hours of sale, in front ol the store of J . M. Kiiowlea.*& Co., corner of Broad and Tenth streets, in the city ol Columbus, Muscogee county, Georgia, the fol lowing described property, belonging to the ( state of Orpha Hogan, deceased, to-wit: All that part of city lot No. 881, in the city of Colum bus, said county and state, on the northwest '*'’*’*■ per’of Thirteenth street and Fourth avenue, fronting on Thirteenth street ninetylfeet, “* Hagerstown, Mn. Gentlemen- I had been for years suffering with chills, and received no permanent re lief in the hands of a physician. The mal ady brought on hemorrhages, but urn pleused to say that as a result of using your Duffy's Pure Mult Whiskey and Raw Beef Formula I am feeling better than I have in six years, . BOONE. THE DUFFY MALT WHISKY CO., Baltimore, Md. It i> The Duffy’s Raw Beef Formula mentioned above is a special household application of the medicinal virtues and purity of Duffy’s Pure Mull Whisky, and is intended to more specifically meet the requirements of those suffering from Consumption, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, G I Lil\i I 1- .,11 \\-»i»-li,wr MlL-nllL-liC It. its Debility and all Wasting Diseases. In addition to tin-1 mic effect of our whisky, it furnishes un- equukd blood-forming material, whereby tho weight and strength are increased. A printed copy of this formula, which ’consists principally of raw beef and our Duffy's Pure Malt Whisky, will he mailed to any address, under the Seal of the Company, upon receipt of a two-cent stamp. Or the preparation itself, in liquid form, as put up by us by a special process, making it the mo.-1 palatable and efficacious beef preparation cv ii .../I. ■ /..111 I... lt.k/1 /if* -ill ritt., ii-in iJt f \ ST "li^ T and extending north on Fourth avenue eighty-nine feet, more or less, and on which are situated two tenement houses. .Sale for distnbu- tion among the heirs of Orpha Hogan. Terms cash. MARY E. HOGAN, Adm’rx of the Estate of Orpha Hogan, dec’d. jyfi OfcW 4w MUSCOGEE SHERIFF SALE, IIy t\ XI. Knowles A Co., Aiiet'r*. front of the Auction House of F. M. Knowles & Co., Broad street, city of Columbus, Muscogee county, Georgia, the following property, to-wit: One Grand Stand, two stones high, one Judges Stand, one new Grand Stand, one story high, one 2-rooni Frame House, one line of Stables consist ing of twenty stalls, each 12 by 12, one fence •around driving track, one cross fence and the fence enclosing grounds, wherein said personal Base Ball Association from commons commis sioners of the city of Columbus, Muscogee county, Georgia. All levied on as the property of the Co lumbus Driving and Base Ball Association to sat isfy a fi. fa. in my hands in favor of Sample, Har vey & Co. vs. the Columbus Driving and Base Ball Association. J. G. BURRUS, jyfi oaw4w Sheriff. GUARDIAN’S SALE. Not only shortens the time of labor and lessens the in tensity of pain, but it great- life of both mother and child and leaves the mother in a condition highly favorable to speedy recovery, and far less liable to Flooding, Con vulsions, and other alarming symptoms incident to slow or painful labor. Its wonder ful efficacy in Ibis respect entitles it to be called The Mother’s Friend and to be ranked as one of the life saving remedies of the nine teenth century. From the nature of the case, it will of course be un derstood that we cannot pub lish certificates concerning this remedy with out wonild- ing the delicacy of the Yet we have hundre of such testimonials file. GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Under and by virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county, Georgia, 1 will sell at public outcry, on the first Tuesday ill August next, within the legal hours of sale, in front of the store of F. M. Knowles & Co., on the corner of Broad and Tenth streets, in the city of Columbus, in said county and state, the following described property belonging to James Hogan, a minor, to-wit: Tne one-sixth undivided interest in and to all that part of city lot number 381, in said city of Columbus, county of .Muscogee and state of Georgia, situated immediately east of and adjoining St. Paul church lot, fronting on Thir teenth street eighty feet and railing back south to the fences now enclosing said portion of said lot, and including the Dwelling House situated thereon. Also the one-sixth undivided interest of said minor in a nd to that part of said city lot No. 331 iti said city of Columbus, on the corner of Thirteenth street and Fourth avenue, fronting seventy feet, more or less, on Thirteenth street, and sixty feet, more or less, on’Fourth avenue, it being a vacant lot, irregular in shape, situated east of and adjoining the above described lot, and bounded by the fences now enclosing said second lot. At the same time and place the remaining undivided interests in said property will be sold by the children of Orpha Hogan, deceased, who are all of full age, so that that the purchaser will get the entire title {hereto. Terms cash. ISABEL HOGAN, jyQ oaw-lw Guardian of James Hogan. BALL’S betweenFourteenth and Fifteenth streets. fiOOO. Corner Sixth avenue and Eighth street, u acre lot, two Store Houses. Wagon yard, and*several out-houses. Terms easy, lCOO. Quarter acre lot on upper Second avenue, •l room House. 800. Quarter acre lot, 4 room House, upper Second avenue. 1500. Quarter acre lot, 5 room House, up town, Second avenue. Office General Manager. . %T , ^ Columbus, Ga., July 18th, 1886' O N and after Sunday, July 18. I860, the schedule of Mail Train will be as follows: 0 No. 1—Going North Daily, Leave Columbus Arrive at Chi pic- y Arrive at Greenville No. 2-Coming South Daily, Leave Greenville 3 00 p in 6 01 p m 6 07 ]) m 2000. Quarter acre lot, 8 room House, 2 room / kitchen, well of good water and water works, First avenue 3000. Quarter acre, 6 room House, kitchen and out-house, cow and horse house, high and dry, with water works attached, on Fourth avenue, between 13th and 14th streets. Six Houses and Lots in Girard, 150 yards from lowei oridge, cheap. One Store House and Lot in Chipley. 350 Cash. Three 2 room Houses and Lots in city. Terms easy. 1250. Twenty acres land, 6 room House, in Beall- wood. 1250. Eight acres land, 5 room House, in Linn- wood. 3000. Thirty-five acres land in Wynnton, two miles from city, 5 room House, 2 room kitchen, 2 servant houses. 300 or 400 acres fine farm land near the city for sale or exchange. Several other farms for sale. For Unit from October. 1st. $25 00. Six room House on lower Broad street. 15 00. Four room House and kitchen on corner of First avenue and Seventh street. 15 00. Four room House on Second avenue, be tween Sixth and Seventh streets. 12 50. Four room House, 2 room kitchen, corner 10 00. Four room House and kitchen, Fourth avenue, between Seventh and Eighth Sts. 12 00. Four room House on upper Second Ave. 10 00. Four room House on upper Second Ave. To l.umllorriK. Any property placed in my hands for sale rent will have prompt attention. 1 do not trou; ble a man to death, or try to get other agents , roperty out of their hands, but do a square and legitimate business. J\ O. REEDY, Real Estate Agent, 122th St T Real Estate Agent, 1 1245 BROAD STREET. IFOIR, SALE. A Place of twenty acres, large and commodious House, with every convenience, in perfect or der, l 1 s miles from Broac street, in one of the most desirable lo calities adjacent to the city. If .desirable would exchange for city property. Send for our Treatise on ’‘Health and Happi less of Women,” mailed free. Tiik Bra run eli> Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. jy21 cod Aw linn i.«-4'AI»ITAX. FICFf.BUKDI.O'im. AA Ticket** W.l. Slltivo* iltpi'OIHIil'tiOl . i., ■ m -p Louisiana State Lottery Comp’y Gladstone is goiuff for a month’s cruise on ■ 1 \v board Lord Wolverton’s yacht, tho i’nliin- tine, as soon as he can get away to the coast of Ireland and the west coast of Scot land. THE GATE CITY SAVED. Towed to lloNton unit i.tthl l ji for ltopiiirN. Boston, July 20.—The steamer Gate City, which ran ashore on Naushon island July 18th, cauie slowly up the harbor this morning under her own steam and con veyed by the tugs Steam King and Confi dence. The huge canvas boat under her bow worked to perfection, and but little effort was required to keep her free of water. No one would think, to look at her, that she came bo near laying her bones on the shore of Vineyard Sound, ius only a slight canvas pateli on the star board bow is visible above the water's edge. She was docked about ti o'clock, and the work of discharging her cargo at one iglit that she can j)e on- begun. It is thoug] tirely repaired in about two weeks, al though when her bottom is exposed it may be found that her injuries tiro more serious than supposed. The principal damage ap is to De directly under the fire-room, pears l mt . : b where n great boulder forced its way through the plates. The rush of water through this leak was stopped by sewing a dozen blankets together, and wedging them down. The starboard streak is bad ly torn, and her forefoot is twisted, about twenty-six feet of her keel forward being gone. There has been considerable misunder standing concerning the removal of tlie Gate City from the rocks at Naushon, and the whole affair has several singular fea tures. As telegraphed several days ago, the Gate City was abandoned by the owners to the underwriters, but the latter were unwilling to act in the absence of instruc tions from tlie European companies, the largest insurers. An arrangement was ac cordingly entered into between the own s, underwriters and Boston Towboat • om r ny to save tho Gtenrmr under wlvit 1 ; known ■ th« “ re, I ll ■: ’ trav< 1 in the policy, tho towboat company to re- ' ceil- I , tho \oh’.i wreck. Ace maH-.v of:': -t the l.w.bc-.l “ We do hereby certify that we super cist the at ranyenwnt for all the Monthly and <puirtcrlj Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery Com pany, and in person manayc and control tin Drawings themsdves, and that iht same are con ducted with honesty, fairness nod ni yood fait) toward all parties, a ad rre authorize the <'timpani to use this certificate, with fae-*imllvs of our siy natures attached, to its advertisements." CoiiimiMKioiicrtt. ire the undersigned Hanks and Hankers wib pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana State Lot teries which may be presented at our counters. .1. II. OKFFSIIY. Preti. Mm. Xal l Haul*. .1. >V. Ul Flint Fill. ProN. State* Nnt’l IE k A. BALDWIN, Pro*. N. O. Nat l Hank Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Legisla ture for Educational and Charitable purposes— with a capital of $1,000,000—to which a reserve fund of over |550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitu tion, adopted December 2d, A. D, 1879. The only Lotterfftever voted on and endorsed bp the people of any State. IT NEVER SCALES OR POSTPONES. Its Rriintl Single Number ItriiwingM tube ,.Itier Monthly, atirl the Extraordinary Drawings regularly every three months, instead of semi-annually as heretofore, beginning March, 1S8B. A SI’l.i.Mlllk OIM’OltllA ITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. EIGHTH GRAM) DRAW ING, CLASS II.IN T1IE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY. Aligtlsl llltli. ISMi --ID.Vtli Monthly Drawing. CAPITA*. 1*111/.*’. 875,000. 100.000 Tickets 111 five Dollars Knell, t ractions in I’iftliN in proportion. LIST OF PRIZES, 1 CAPITAL PRIZE $75,000 1 do do 25,000 1 do do 10,000 2 PRIZES OF $6000 12,000 5 do 2000 10,000 10 do 1000 1 10.000 20 do 500 10,000 100 do 200 20.000 300 do 100 30.000 500 do 50 25,000 1000 do 25 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750 6,750 9 Approximation Prizes of 500 4,500 9 Approximation Prizes of 250 2,250 1967 Prizes, amoimtinir to $265,500 Application for rate- ... c’-. L. should be mailc- only to the Office o.’C. ’om ...». in New Orleans. For further i ,! , . .. ion \.-ri■Hr i Hving full address. FtrtyU. NOT*>.‘ t.xp Money Orders, or New Yoife ExHt tm c in ordi nary letter. Currcncv b ' ran • .our cv pense) addressed " 32. A pj! v ‘ -;tn. I t. Or vr. A. *) WDM IN. "Ladies A desirable four-room Dwell ing on south Fifth avenue; good neighborhood and not far from business center of Broad street j*L Terms easy and on long time. J'Y A desirable six-room Dwelling, ■ s two stories, with water woiks, on north Broad. Place in thor ough order. gia Midland Railroad. Two Residences on north Sec- and 7 rooms, each desirably lo cated. This property is consid- __ ered cheap by those who know tlie value of good real estate. - 7 00 a to Arrive at Columbus 1011 a to No. 3—Freight and Accommodation -North. Leave Columbus 7 00 a tu Arrive at Chipley 9 32 a tu Arrive at Greenville n loam No. 4—Freight and Accommodation—South. Leave Greenville 3 56 pm Arrive at Chipley 4 59 p m Arrive at Columbus 7 07 p m W. L. CLARK^en’l Manager. T. C.:s. HOWARD, Gen’l Ticffet Agent. feb24 dly •hr , u. s, Columbus Ga., July 4th, 1886. / \N and alter this date trains will run as f'ol- V7 lows: Mail Train No 1—Going West Daily. Leave Union Depot, Columbus.. Arrive at Union Springs Leave Union Springs Arrive at Troy Arrive at Montgomery Arrive at Eufnula Mail Train No. 2—Daily. Leave Troy Arrive at Union Springs Leave Union Springs Arrive at Enfaula Arrive at Columbus .... 2 30 p m .... 2 46 p in .... 5 37 pm .... 6 46 p to ... 8 30 p ni ....7 23 p m ....10 33 p in .... 4 20 a ra .... 5 48 a 111 .... 6 33 a m . . .10 50 a m .... 6 41 a to Night Freight and Accommodation—Daily Ex cept Sunday. Leave Columbus Union Depot 5 45 p m Leave Columbus Broad Street Depot 5 55 p m Arrive at Union Springs 8 59 p m Arrive at Eufaula 10 33 p m Arrive at Montgomery 12 20 a m Night Freight and Accommodation—Daily Ex cept Sunday Leave Montgomery 3 30 p m Arrive at Union Springs 6 40 p m Leave Union Springs 7 10 p m Arrive at Columbus 10 48 p m Way Freight and Accommodation No. 6—Daily. Leave Columbus Union Depot 4 55 a m Leave Columbus Broad Street Depot 5 05 p 111 Arrive at Union Springs 8 57 a m Arrive at Eufaula 10 50 a m Way Freight and Accommodation No. fi—Daily. Leave Montgomery 7 40 a m Leave Union Springs jo 00 a m Arrive at Broad Street Depot, Columbus.. 1 49 p m Arrive at Union Depot, Columbus 2 02 p m W. L. CLARK, Sup’t. D. E. WILLIAMS, G. T. A. dtf O Opelika, Ala., May 8th, 1836. N and after Sunday, May 9th. 1886, the trains on this road will be run as follows: Ko. 1. Lea ve Columbus 8 54 a in Arrive Opelika 10 20 a m No. 2. Leave'Opelika 10 40 a m Arrive Columbus 11 55 a m No. 55. Leave Columbus 2 28 p m Arrive Opelika 3 58 j; m No. 4. Leave Opelika 5 05 p m Arrive Columbus 6 31 p m No. 5. Leave Columbus 7 30 a m Arrive Opelika 9 43 a m Arrive Goodwater 6 02 p m • No. «. Leave Goodwater 6 00 a 111 Arrive Opelika 10 26 a m Arrive Columbus 109pm No. 7. Leave Columbus l 45 p m Arrive Opelika 3 38 p m No. 8. Leave Opelika 4 13 p m Arrive Columbus R 54 p m The niglil trains are discontinued for the pies- enl. A. FLEWELLEN, dtf General Manager . ^ A new and elegant House close ’ii._$L -' U to court house. Dwelling in thorough order and has all the DRUNKENNESS late improvements. Is consider- ed one cf the nicest- homes. .. A delightful home on Rose . - Hill, half acre lot and a new ^tHouse 'J his property is consid- g.I'.yp ered to be one of the nicest homes on the hill. Terms easy . will he sold cheap. A nice little farm seven miles U from the city in Lee county Gbotl four-room House on tin P- uc e* plough timber on plac< to pay for same. Do you want a pure, bloom ing Complexion l If so, a few applications of Hagan’s MAGNOLIA HALM w ill grat ify you to your heart’s con tent. It does away with 8al- lowness, Redness, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases and imperfections of tho skin, li overcomes the flushed appear ance of heat, fatigue and ex citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWEN TY ; and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application. V CORSETS A desirable 7 room Dwelling ..T‘ v gL - ' with good vacant lot on north ■erd:'/.5&.7.W Fifth avenue, one of the most UK4 URm^Si£SL desirable locations in the c ity. ’'Mt>-Vr■ f• for sale cheap, as owner wishes to leave the city. OR THE LIQUOR HABIT, POSITIVELY CURED BY ADMINISTERING PR. HAINES’ GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given in 11 cup of coffee or ten without tlie knowledge of the person tak ing it; is absolutely .harmless, and will ef fect ;i permanent and speedy cure, whether tire patient is a moderate drinker or an al coholic wreck, it lias been given in thou sands of eases, and in every instance a per fect cure 1ms followed. It never falls. The system once impregnated with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. For Sale by FOB SJ^TjTS BY M, B, HOOD & GO., DRUGGISTS. BROAD ST., COLHim S, GA. Call or write for circular & full particulars* 0 he ON LY ( OR SET made that can be return by its purchaser after three weeks' wea' not found PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY Mad. espect, r.nd its price refunded hy s variety of styles and prices. Beware « notations. None genuine without Hal* 1 CHICAGO CORSET CO *3 L isper.ard St., New York. M0 & 242 St.. Chioauo. lilt.. CHEW TOBACCO!!: T3UDOLPH FINZKK’S Pat. “ Havana Cure " process for treating Tobacco removes nico tine, dirt and grit, enabling the leaf to absorb pure, ripe fruit, and making the most delicious, the most lasting, and tlie only wholesome clrcw In the world—one that will not cause heartburn, nervousness, nor indigestion. TURF. Fine Cavendish,Brandy- peuch Havor, an everlast ing chew. SUNLIGHT NUGGET. STARLICHT. Guaranteed not to contain a traceof c or noxious drug. Chew it a week and you will chew it always. The pilot-wheel on every plug. HUDOJLPII FINZER TOBACCO CO., Louisville, Ky. AURANTII Most of tho diseases which atlfict mankind are origin ally caused by a disordered condition of t ho LIV E R ■ For all complaints of this kind, such as Torpidity of tho Liver, Biliousness, Nervous Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Irregularity of the Bowels, Constipation, Flatu lency, Eructations and Burning of the Stomach (sometimes called Heartburn). Miasma, Malaria, Bloody Flux, Chills anc Fover, Brcakhone Fever, Exhaustion before or after Fevers, Chronic Diar rhoea. Loss of Appetite, Headache, Foul Breath, Irregularities incidental to Females. Bearing-down S3K&STADIGER’S AURANTII is invaluable. It is not a panacea for nil diseases, LOUIS BUHLER&CO., Agents Coin minis. <iia. THE PATENT MICE & DUST PROOF Landlords W. S. GREEN, Real Estate Agt. Valimhio fity I'roprrty lor S»h». Place the management of your property in my hands and secure good, prompt paying tenants, us my long experience in renting enables all who place property in my hands to secure good and desirable tenants. For Rent from October ist, 1886. TYLER DESK No. 1524 Sixth avenue, 3 room Dwelling, new’. No. 1522 Sixth avenue, 3 “ “ “ No. 1520 Sixth avenue, 3 “ “ “ No. 1518 Sixth avenue, 3 “ “ “ No. 1516 Sixth avenue, 3 “ “ “ No. 220 Thirteenth St., 5 “ “ oorner. No. 1542 Second avenue, 5 “ “ “ No. 1532 Second avenue, 5 “ “ “ No. 1317 Second avenue, 5 room Dwelling. No. 1314 First avenue, 3 “ “ new. No. 1316 First avenue, 3 “ “ “ No. 1316 Warren street, 8 “ “ No. 823 First avenue, 4 “ “ “ No. 932 Filth avenue, 4 “ “ No. 930 Fifth avenue, 5 “ “ No. 502 Eleventh street, 4 “ “ corner. No. 1138 Front street, 7 “ “ . “ No. Front street, 4 “ “ cor. 6th No. 710 Fifth avenue. No. 702 Ninth street. No. 708 Ninth street. No. 402 Second avenue. No. 402 Third avenue. No. 404 Third avenue. No. 430 Firth avenue. No 428 Firth avenue. No. 1233 Fifth avenue, 5 rooms. No. 1304 Broad Street Store. No. 1248 Broad Street Store, No. 422 Fifth avenue, 4 rooms, new. j No. 836 Fifth avenue, 4 rooms, new. Bookcases,Tables, Offict Chairs, Letter Presses, Fine Cabinets, &c. TYLER DESK CO. 500 N. Fourth st., St. Louis. Send 4t>- for 40 pp, Catalogufc [ EW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY 0F MUSIC Boston, Mass. bit all diseases of tlie LIVER. will b&*»;.«>Jr* STOMACH tuu! BOWELS. , BOWELS. ! ft camges tens coTrp’eslon from h v. my, yellow ti" i;o, to a ruddy, heu'.i hy color, it or.riroly r moves 1 gloonv t vriU. J*. is on. of f • ftRST AL- ri:r!atiCis a-i: u- !f;y.Rs or the f..*J i_ * - x’V . - ‘•■‘ONf THE LARGEST and BEST EQUIPPED in the WORLD —190 Instructors, Students last year. Thor ough Instruction in Vocal and Instrumental Music, Fiano and Organ Tuninjr, rino Arts, Oratory, Literature, French, Ger- 1 mnu ami Itul.nn Languages, English Branches, Gymnastics, T etc. Tuition, .$•>».* $ '0; hoard and room with Steam II* ut and ; Electric Light, > t" to .$7.5 per term. Fctll T ert^i bP’itiS Sen- temhcrO, F wlllu«tri>'i*d Calendar, with ''tli inf.-rmatioa ddresa, L. TOtUJEE, Dir., Franklin So., DuSTON, M&M No 693 Ninth street, 4 rooms, No. 709 Fourth avenue, 4 rooms, new. Patton Dwelling in Linn wood, 5 rooms, with two acres, fronting Geo. W. Woodruff’s. TENANTS Wanting homes now or from October 1st will find it to their interest to see me before renting from any other agency. TOOMBS CRAWFORD N. WATER ft S0H One-fourth acre vacant let cor. Broad & fith St^ One-fourth acre lot corner Broad aud 6th Sts., with 5 room House, Store room and 2 room ser vant house ; buildings afl new. A very desirable home. One-fourth acre vacant lot corner of First avenue and Fifth street. Will sell at a very low price for cash. One four room Dwelling and Store House, and four two room Houses, corner of Fifth avenue and Seventh streets. This property is paying 16 per cent on the price asked. Buildings all i One six room House and two room House, built on a S acre lot, on Fourth avenue, # near street car line. Improvements in good repair. A beautiful Building Lot fronting the nark. Two 3 room Houses in Browneville for naif cost. A very desirable Home on Fourth avenue, h lot. eodtf A Standard Medical Work Jl ' (E 111 LUDLOW OXLY 81.00 BY MAIL, POSTPAID. ILLUSTRATED SAMPLE FREE TO ALL Groat Medical Work on Manhood, or excesses. A book For every man, young, mid- It contains 125 presenp dle-aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of which is invaluable. So found by the Author whose experience for 25 years is such as probably never before befcl the lot of any physician, pages, bound in beautiful French muslin, em bossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work in every sense—mechanical, literary and professional—than any other work sold in this country for $2.60, or the money will be refunded in every instance. Price only $1.00 by mail, post paid. Illustrated sample fi cents. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by the Nationa 1 Medical Association, to the President of which, the Hon. P. A. Bissell, and associate officers of The Science of Life should be read by the young for instruction, and by the afflicted for relief. It will benefit all.—London Lancet. There is no member of societ3 r to whom The Science of life will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman.—Ar gonaut. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bulfinch street, Boston, Mass., who may be consulted on all diseases ' liate diseases that have baffled the skill of ah other physicians a specialty. Such treated suc cessfully without an instance of failure. Men tion this paper. ap28 \vlv ADVERTISING AGENTS PHILADELPHIA 3V:J .JAililG wi.l lv the TJor. Cbcf runt anil Eighth Sfr. ! Tier•*?vo Advivtlscmentrt for this Paper I t ■ ««IT’TC For KEIlKPAflG IPVSilTISISG FPPC