Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, August 10, 1886, Image 2

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DAILY ENQUIRER - SUN : COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING AUGUST 10, 1886. One of His Oldest Friends Talks About Him. Th** Jinn! Kvrn Tmipfml of Mon From Yhii Huron to Ulovolaml—TlltlonS Opinion of kelly Him llo Untile to Write 111** Hotter Rirlillllig Hie Noni* i out ion. A New York paper says that oik* of the trictaftt friends, political or social, that Mr. Tilden had was Mr. Thomas Dunlap, for mer commissioner of jurors. Mr. Dunlap said the other day “Tilden was educated ns a politician under Martin Van Huron, who. besides being a .statesman of great ability, was a master in polities. Forty- five years ago Mr. Tilden was an active and conspicuous memh«r of the New York liar. He was tlie most promising of the many brilliant young tin n of Tammany hail, among whom I may mention Judge Charles |\ Daly, John If. Ilrady. Harry Byrnes, I^orenzo B. Shepard, iOdward Htrahan, Augustus Schell James 'I'. Brady. lOugene Casserh y, Edwin S. Derry ami llobert J. Dillon, who was corporation counsel when Peter P*. Sweeney was ynildie administrator. Two of his most devoted friends were Judge John II. Haskin ami General Dan Sickles, although the latte r was several years Tilden’s junior. Tilden was un out-and-out Van Huien man. In those •lays Tammany was split into two factions; one favored Van Huron, the other John C. Calhoun it was the north against the ; south. Tilden was made chairman of the young men’s committee. He was the 1 shrewdest, most adroit political manipu- j Jator of his years in the: country. “Mr. Tilden was always slender and fair. ! In his later years, however, he tilled out somewhat, and improved in appearance, i Ho was laborious, attentive and diligent in his profession, was reticent and a close | thinker, and gathered around him many, friends, some of whom continued such up to their end or to his. The most prominent i of these were the late George II. Purser, Andrew H. Green and Nelson J. Water- bury, the two latter having read law in his office. He was famous as a railway lawyer at thirty-live, and was retained in all the largest cases of that kind of litigation. JO very case I that lie undertook he was sure to make successful. I never saw him angry even in the most acrimonious political discussions; never heard him utter an impatient word: in fact, he was the most even-tempered man I ever saw. To Mr. Tilden and Augustus Schell was assigned I he annual duty of raising funds to cover election ex penses, and it is almost unnecessary to say that the work was always satisfactory. The friendliness which the Evening Post has always manifested towards him is ex plained by the fact that lu* was a eontrih ; confidence, erected a handsome structure, admirably adapted b»r a library and liter ary institute. Under his will the Gramercy Park house and large collection of books will he left, in trust to the city for a public library. The trustees arc Mr. Henry Watterson and Mr. Manton Marble, of Kentucky, and Mr. John Higclow, of this city. The value of the hooks and engravings is said to he at least *100,0(0. Th<- buildings when rebuilt caused an expenditure of nearly .*500,000. Altogether tlie pr perty with its contents is worth $1,000,000. The amount of the en dowment is a matter of conjecture. “Mr. Tilden purchased Graystone in 1879 for $150,000 of Job i I'. Waring, a hat man- ula»diirer. The property originally cost Mr. Waring about r'ViO.OOO. The following year Mr. Tilden bought the adjoining house of Mr. Baldwin for $55,000, and had the two places thrown into one. Thirty ■ men are employed in the greenhouse, 12 ' on the farm. 10 servants, 3 coachmen, 30 ! head of cattle, 12 horses and innumerable j dogs and poultrv. ‘‘The direct heirs of the estate are as fol- | lows: Mrs. Tilden, the widow of Henry Tilden, the governor's brother, living at New Lobunon, Columbia county. She has a family of seven children -George H. t lie eldest • Col. Hamm ! J. Tilden, jr., Mrs. Swan, of New Lebanon; Mrs. Whittlesey, of Florence, Wisconsin, and Miss Susie and j Miss Kuby Tilden, who have lived with tlu governor at Graystone for several years past, and kept house for him, but were temporarily absent at New Lebanon j at the time of their uncle’s death; Mrs. ! Patterson, sister of the governor, who re sides at 38 west Thirty-eighth street. Com missioner Charles F. MacLean is very dis tantly related to Mr. Tilden, but is very remote and he cannot be classed as a lineal descendant. Dr. Simmons, Mr. Tilden’s physician, may be classed in the same cate gory. One of Air. Tilden’s brothers married a sister of Dr. Simmons’ wife. Mr. Tilden’s property consisted chiefly of bonds and I real estate. It is understood that he had a very large interest in some valuable mines in northern Michigan.” The New York Sun says: “Mr. Tilden’s I fortune is estimated at from .*(>,000,(XX) to $8,(XX),(XX). It has been announced in the ; public prints that Mr. Tilden intended, when lie joined two houses into one four! years ago, and created the beautiful and j unique house now No. 15 on the south side 1 of Gramercy Park, that at his death the building and tin* fine library it contains would be given to the city of New York for a public library. The library is in some respects unique. It numbers 30,000 vol umes, which include one of the finest col- ! lections in the world of illustrated books.” , Duffy’s Raw Beef Formula For Mil In rlii. 143 Catherine St., Elizabeth, N. J. Gentlemen—My trouble has been chron ic malaria. I was completely run down ; no appetite, skin yellow, constant languor and weakness. I took your Duffy’s Pure .Malt Whisky and Raw Beef Formula, and could not ask to feel better than I do. 1 gained 2\ pounds tiie first week. D. H. HOWLAND. 11!) Jackson St.. Patterson, N. J. Dun-Sirs Asa result of using your DLilly's Pim Mait Whi*key and Raw Reef Formula I find that all the malarial feelings I had have been expelled ;, my appetite has re turned and a gr ’dual increase ill weight and strength lias taken place. JOHN DUFFY. t« Pink St., Ulizareth, N. J. Gentlemen I have found the greatest re lie*' in the use of your Duffy's Pure Malt '\ ii ski yarnl Ran Reel''Formula in breaking up the chills ami fever, with which I had hern troubled for 12 years. I have beta Doubled also with my lungs and blood spit ting, which has also been relieve d. A. J. GLEESON. 322 York St., W. Phila., Pa. Gentlemen I had malarial fever, which 1 was followed by typhoid and pneumonia. Physicians prescribed cod-liver oil, but did not improve. I got disgusted and procured your Dulfy's I hue Malt Whiskey and Raw Reef Formula. They did me good tit once. J was almost a skeleton, and would not have believed it possible to make the progress 1 , did in a short time. I cannot say too much in their favor. WM. LINDEMEYER. LA GRANGE, GA. - - erature, Art, Vocal and Instrumental Music and normal methods. Ample, well ventilated buildings, situated on College Hill. Not one dollar expended for sickness last year. Full corps of experienced teachers in every de partment. All expenses for board and literature, per annum $205 Above with music and use of instrument 265 Art, literature and board 253 Term begins September 15th. For catalogue aodrtss RUFUS W. SMITH, Pres't. Refers to G. Gunby Jordan, Dr. Seth N. Jordan, Philip Bo-, south. FROFrftftlONAL CARDS. I \R. C. T. OSBURN, I I Dentist, (Successor to Dr. J. M. Mason.) Office next door to Rankin House. Same er trance as Riddle’s gallery. oc4-ly \\ r F. TIGNER, t? , Dentist, 35 1 .j Twelfth street (formerly Randolph street e7-l,v sinuiifc iVfs. Thomas Golden, a railway flagman at Galena, 111., has taught a tame robin to hop out of the flag house and wave a little Hag whenever a train approaches. H. C. Phillips, of Douglassville, Ga., has the nest of a humming bird with two t# wi|iiw iiv „ Wlllli r young birds in it. it attracts much atten- iitTrtTit'in t he (layH YviTn.' ii'iVik r William i |mn, ns it is t lie llrst nest of a humming liCggett, it was a leading democratic jour- ' ),rt ‘ vver seen there. Hagerstown, Md. i Gentlemen 1 had been for years .uttering | with chills, ami received no permanent re-, lief in the hands of a physician. The mal ady brought on hemorrhages, but am pleased to say that as a result of using your Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey and Raw Beef Formula I am feeling better than 1 have in six years, and I regard its power in curing malaria as , something wonderful. J. II. BOONE. THE DUFFY MALT WHISKY CO., I Baltimore, Md. id The Duffy’s Raw Beef Formula mentioned ! above is a special household application of the 1 medicinal virtues and puritj of Duffy's Pure Malt Whisky, and is intended to more specifically 1 meet the requirements of those suffering from Consumption, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, General i Debility and :i 11 Wasting Diseases. In addition to the tonic effect of our whisky, it furnishes un- ecjualed blood-forming material, whereby the weight and strength are increased. A printed copy of this f ormula, which consists principally of raw beef a ml our Duffy’s Pure Malt Whisky, will he mailed to any address, under the Seal of I the Company, upon receipt of a two-cent stamp. • Or the preparation its-. If. in liquid form, as put up by us by a special process, making it the most palatable and efficacious beef preparation ever IN THEVIRGINIA MOUNTAINS < 'LASSK 'A L and Scientific C’oursi :• for degrees. A 1m>. Busiiios 'ii ! Preparatory courses. Special atteiiti,»:i to English. Fn neh and < ic-rimin >pokeii. Instm; tion thorough and practical. Library l«.- (tco volumes. Good literary societies. Best moral nnd religious influences. Expenses for nine months SI I;), $176 or >201 in cluding tuition, board, etc. Increasing patronage from fifteen states, Indian Territory and Mexico. Thirty-fourth sc.->i.m begins Sep:. 15th. Forcatlogue with view of grounds, buildings and mountains , address JULIUS I). DREHER, President. jy7eodlm&w2t Salem, Virginia. Hollins Institute, 'VliRQ-IIN'X.A.. r PHIS Institute, for the higher education of I young ladies, is finely equipped. Languages, Literature, Science. Music. Art. are taught under high standards by gentlemen am*, ladies of broad culture and elevated character. It employs over twenty-five officers and teachers, and commands the further advantage of salubrious mountain climate, mineral waters, charming scenery, j From year to year its accommodations are fully | occupied. The Forty-fourth annual session will open on the 15th of September. For further information ; apply at Hollins P. O.. Virginia. CHArt. H. COCKE, jy8 2tawtsepl5 Business Agent. The College of Letters, Music-uml Art. .Sixteen professors and teachers; five in music, with the Misses Cox, directors, Misses Reiolienan and Records, both graduates of Leinsic. and Miss Deaderick, a thoroughly trained vocalist; full apparatus with mounted telescope. For cata- ogues address I. F. COX, Pres’t. j.vli d&w2m ‘CHICK ESTtR'S ENGLISH I'ln* h’ iuDmiI Only Uniuine *n1 a j.. Hi-Mi 1 '' ' uart •<> *vi»rt hl«*m* lmitatl . y. • l>!Am. 1 DriigffUt *. • ,u». ", t*tt*r by rcrurn mu AM5 P f >■ • c.h#** 1 • Ilieiiilonl ' •. Kure, Iffidudu-, I uiLLS ull Another County Acts, HOODS EUREKA LIVER MEDICINE Ac's to-day, and always successfully and tri. umphant over any remedy on the market, and will stand to the afflicted with inactive or torpid liver, constipation or had feelings generally, by a large nnd overwhelming majority. It takes the lead and keeps it, and cannot be defeated as the people s remedy. Try it and he convinced. JUVANTIA! A new medicine and a Specific for Sick Head ache. Only one dose will prevent the worst sick Headache. tin). In IKK! ho and .Michael Hoffman were the leading spirits at tlio constitutional convention. ANTAGONISM OF IlAHNIlUltNKItK AND HUNKERS, Mr. Tilden took an active part in the eampaign of 184-1. He secured the New York delegation for Van Huron, but was Heaton in tne convention. Polk received the nomination and defeated Henry Clay. When the fight between the barnburners and the hunkers arose Tilden. Waterbury, Purser, John A. I)ix, Gen. Joint Cochrane and Eugene Casserley became leading barnburners and free Hollers. Van Huron bad tlie delegates and the most able men in the state at the Baltimore convention in 1848. They indignantly left tho con vention when Gen. Cass was nominated and went to Buffalo, where Van Bureu was again nominated. Cass was defeated and Gen. Taylor, the whig candidate, was elected. Tho movement to solidly the democratic party followed. Secretary Marcy and Dan Dickinson represented the hunkers and Tilden nnd others the barn burners. The state convention was held •at lltica. Marcy was elected president and John II. Haskin, the youngest mem ber, secretary. Tho work' for peace was successful and the party was again united. Tilden displayed all the powers of a brilliant political leader. In 1850 a bitter tight broke out between the ‘Hards’ and the ‘Softs.’ He early gained the confi dence of General Pierce and '-mild have had any office within the president’s gift. He was all powerful during the Pierce ad ministration, luit the Sehi 11 wing wooed President Buchanan and deprived Tilden of the influence with that administration which his friends believed he was entitled to.” “How did he come to write his lust let ter of declination for the nomination for the presidency?” “Tlie letter that gave the nomination to Cleveland? Oh, that is a long story, and besides is hardly apropos just now. At all events there were only three present at that memorable Sunday afternoon inter view at Graystone Mr. Tilden, mvself and a well known newspaper man. W'hut hap pened I cannot state in detail, but I well remember Mr. Tiiden's words, gesture and manner when he inserted the letter in the -euvelmie and uddi-essod it to Daniel Man ning, Esq., chairman of the democratic state committee. If that letter Imd not been written Mr. Cleveland never would him been president.” tilden’s opinion ok kelly. "When did the trouble between Kelly and Tilden originate?” "That question was asked me twenty times by Mr. Tilden. He did not know, nor could I tell him or you. I once asked Kelly about it, but he could not explain himself. No doubt Kelly at some time felt himself slighted, and coolness sprang up. Mr. Tilden once told me that Kelly was a wonderful man, a natural leader. He said that Kelly would too often allow his feelings and sympathies to get the bet ter of his judgment; that if Kelly had used tact and discretion he would have been a leader unequalled, lie said further that I Mr. Kelly was a hold, fearless and honest man. Mr. Tilden expressed himself in these terms within three months. Within rre. ytars lu was very friendly disposed l, \,. :us Mr. Kelly, and often spoke of him in turns of honest admiration. He sug gested tlie necessity of sending Mr. Kelly on a foreign mission when the latter's health tirst began to fail. Mr. Kelly’s whole mind w as based upon the restoration ot his health and lie ileelined the honor.” 1 Mr. Tilth-if* Fortune. IT !S ESTIMATED As 1UIHI AS TEN MIL-i DIRECT limits 111- A collection comprising nearly two hun dred wild rattlesnakes is owned by a man in Susquehanna county, Pa., who keeps them all in an immense cage. He cap tured them early in the spring, when they were coming out of their deus for the sea son. Vmitiu; MetUusiU-lis. Mrs. Bonner, of Taylor county, Ga., is agile j-et, though 105. David Coweii, of Litchfield, Mich., died July 20, aged 100 years. Joseph Hoot, of Fairfax Village, Vt., is 90 years old, but he still drives stages over eighteen miles ot mail route every day. A life insurance agent of Rochester, N. Y., states that he has just concluded an insurance upon the life of a man aged 102 years. The eentenarian states that his father lived to the age of 110, and met his death by an injury due to the breaking of a millstone. His grandfather was, he as serts, accidentally killed in his mill at the age of 120. His great-grandfather lived to the age of 133. Simmons’ Iron Cordial invigorates and recuperates the muscles and limbs. eod&w SPRING GOODS! Spring Fashion Plates, IP I IE OIE3 GOODS! Suits Made to Order* CLOTHING! OLOTHI1T C3-1 /~10ME and give us your order. Do not wai \y you are pressed by the season, and then i wait til. warn a suit made In a hurry. We are prepared, how ever, to get up suits at very short notice. If you just Her size I want a suit quick, give us your order. If yoi. . , ' ’ . , . j want a suit in thirty days, give us your order. If I think I wear twos, she simpered to you want a suit in sixty days, give us your ordei the shoemaker; “do 1 not?” “Yes, ma’am,” said the. honest dealer, “you wear twos.” Then under his breath: “One on each foot.”—New York Sun. G. J. PEACOCK, i, whiiWQUS —AIVD DEBILITATES MEN COPIES FREE. and WOMEN seeking Health. Strength and En ergy, should avoid Drugs,Secret Med icines, etc., and send for “The Re view,” or “Health and Strength Re gained,” a large il lustrated Journal, published entirely for their benefit. It treat** on health, h\ ghme, physical culture, find medical subjects, aud is a complete ency- rlopiedla of Information for HuttVring humani ty atllifted with long-standing. chronic, m*rv- nils, exhausting mid painful diseases. Every subject that hears on health and human happi ness receives attention in Its pages; and the tunny questions asked by ailing persons and in valids who have despaired of a cure are an swered, and valuable information is volun teered to all who are In need of medical advk *?. No similar work lias ever been published. Ev ery sick or ailing person should have it. YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN, pud others who suffer from nervous and phys ical debility, exhausted \ italitv.premature de- (Cline, etc., are especially benefited by consult ing its contents. Everything such sufferers wish to know is fully given in it.- pages. If in nerd of medical aid or counsel, read it before " doctoring ” or investing in medicines or appli ances of any description, and you will save time, money and disappointment. If using medicine or medical treatment of any kind, read it and learn the better way. TH E HKVI FAV exposes the frauds practiced by quacks and medical impostors who profess t” " practice medicine "and p*finis nut the only safe, simple and etVectiv and bodily energy. Fleetrlo Belts i Treated upon ; all about them wine nine, which are bogus. Melts on thirty ' Mottling Manufacturer, til *Y titt lironi Street. eodtf W, S. GREEN, Rea! Estate Agt. 1 I have 1 sal j he following list of city proper ty, which i >e pleased to show to parties who desire to purchase: $2250. One new five room house, kitchen and ser vant house, comer of Broad and Fifth streets. The lot is U of an acre. 1000. 1 _• acre vacant lot corner of First avenue and Fifth street. ; 1150. 1 1 acre vacant lot corner of Broad and Sixth streets. _ : :J000. A very desirable home on Fourth avenue, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets.The lot is ‘j of an acre. The house has six rooms. 1500. One seven room house on Eighth street, be tween Third and Fourth avenues. The size of the lot is 60 feet by 1-17 feet. | 600. One new three room house on Fourth ave nue, between Sixth and Seventh streets. The size of the lot is 42 feet by 147 feet. I can give three years time or more on this place. 700. One three room house on lower Second ave nue. Size of lot ‘ i of an acre. 3100. One four room house, one store* house and four two room houses corner of Fifth avenue and Seventh street. The rent of this property pays 13 per cent, net on the price. FOR RENT A number of houses in the city nnd one valuable place in Wynnton known as the Howard place. eod • road to health, vigjr ul all curative appliances are DOLLARS THE ESTATE. Ihe New V'ik World, speculating on Tlie wealth ot the lute lion. Samuel .). Til den uml probable disposition made of it. says: “Mr. Tiiden’s fortune has been esti mated to be from £7,OtX),(XX) to £10,000,000. I source it is learned that the trial ?. and other fulliich sands of dollars saved nerv and others by iln> advice V I FAV is now in its ninth Uomeicic spcc.hmm covie. >i»-debility given. THE UK- Vi ui- puhiieatjuli. i mailed 1TD .I' .*ddress, naming mis paper, Publishers REVIEW, 1164 Broadway, NEW YORK is un- ’ drew ars aj»o, Fi estate is worth about $0,000,000* derstood that Mr. James C. Carte up a will for Mr. Tilden two yea which lie executed. It is said that auu making this will the governor was not on- tirelv satisfied with it, but whether he Blade any alterations in his will since is not known. “It has Ion# been known that Mr. Til- ■ den has intended to bequeath his beautiful city residence in (Jratnerey park, with his large and valuable collections of books, to j tlie city for use as a public library. In i)e- I comber, 1883, Mr. I llden stated in an iu- | terview with a close and valued friend 1 that lie had always intended to leave his hooks to the city fora public library, amt tie considered il lifting to erect a 'hand some and substantial treasure house for the literary gems. He concluded that the best place for this building would be on the site ot his Gramercy park residence. He bought the adjoining building, aud, letting Mr, Vaux, the architect, into his Aunty uhlrcss atarrH ely ’ s #xCohl in Hoad. CATAHIUI, r^URE Biliousness: Sick Headache In Fourhours. VU) One dose relieves Neuralgia. They cure and prevent Chills . Fever. Sour Stomach u Bi" Breath. Clear the Skin. Tone the Nerves, and giv Lite »•> Vigor to the system. I>oso : ON C : !v\ *: Try them'once and you will never be without the.- Price. 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Pru.n •'vs -•»; Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on jeceip: > price In stamps, postpaid, to any address, o. F. SMITH & CO., Manufacturers and Sofa Props.. ST. LOUIS. V0 Taxes! Taxes! Taxes! V NSWER. Will you give in? July 1st will be a dark day if you don’t, eod&w J. C. REEDY, R. T. R. M. C. / v) HAY FEVER. Not a Liquid, Snuff or U.5A Powder. Free fYom HAY-FEVEL A particle is applied into each nostril and is agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggists ; by mail, registered, 60 cts. Circulars free. ELY BROS., Pruggist8 l# 0wego, N, Y. aug3 eodawtf unu GEORGIA. MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Whfivas. E. L. Hurdwell. exi-cutor of the estate of Sarah S. Bardwoll, late of said county, de ceased. n presents to the court in his petition. , duly tiled, that lie has fully administered said Sarah S. Banlwell’sestate; ! This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they 1 can. why said executor should not be discharged from his executorship ami receive letters of ois- I mission on the first Monday in October. 1866. I GEORGIA. MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Whereas, William McGovern, Executor of Jonn McCarty, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed, that he has fully administered John McCarty’s Estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can. why said administrator should not be dis charged from his executorship and receive let ters of dismission on the first Monday in Sep- iMiJcaoisr, gka.. THE FALL TERM of this institution will open on the last Wednesday 29th of September next. The chairs of Latin and Greek have been con solidated into the chair of Ancient Languages, to which Prof. Win. G. Manly, a distinguished graduate of the University of Virginia, has been elected. The Theological department, presided over by Rev. James «». Ryals. D. D., and the Law depart ment. with Hon. Clifford Anderson as the chair man of its faculty, offer special inducements to students in these departments. Of the Preparatory department, designed to prepare boys for the University classes, Mr. Emerson H. George, an alumnus of the Univer sity, has been elected as principal, to succeed Prof. T. E. Ryals. Post graduate courses of study for the degrees of A. M. and Ph. D. f open to the graduates of all male colleges, have been established by the authority of the board of trustees. For catalogues an other information, address JNO. J. BRANTLY, jy!3 2tawtd Secretary of Faculty. D R. WARD’S SEMINARY. Nashville. Tenn. Real Southern«Horn< for Girls. 350 Girls this year. A non-sectariui school. Patronized by men of liberal minds in a! Churches. Unsurpassed in Music,Art.and Language* Fur Catalogue address DR. W. JS, WARD* 2e9e od2m SOUTHERN HOME SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, lf)7 A 199 X. CliarlPN St., Baltimore. Mrs. W. M. Cary. MIssCary. (dUJiui: of I’HYSH’IAXN AND 81 KGKOXN, llAI/l’IMOIlF. MD. This School offers to Medical Students unsur passed clinical and other advantages. Send for a catalogue to Dr. THOMAS OPIE, Dean, jyl4 wed sat&wlm 179 N. Howard St. Dwlfl'oril Co., Yu. r |MIE21st Annual Session opens September 15tli, 1 1886. For catalogue or special information >gu apply to \V Believe P. O.. Va. VBBi >OTT, Principal. jy30 eon2 SHENANDOAH VALLEY ACADEMY, WIXniKSTKK. VA. Prepares for University; College, Army, Navy or Bnsiness. Send for catalogue. < . L. MINOR, M. A. (Unv. of Va.) LL. 0. jyl8 d2taw2m ANDERBILT UNIVERSITY Seven Distinct Departments: Academic. Engineering, Biblical, Law, Pharmacy. Med ical, Dental. Free tuition to students in Theology and Manual Technology. Cata logue sent free on application to WILS WIL* V DR. RICE, For *5 years at 37 Court Place, now at Bet. Third anil Fourth, LoiimlWi A regularly educated and legally quailUed physician aol tM must successful, as his practice will prove. g|||ana m3 SEXUAi V 1) T li: Spermatorrhea aud Impotency, -st’ie result of self-abuse in youth, sexual excesses In ma nner rears, or other causes, u'nd producing some of ihc fol lowing effects: Net rousnuss, Seminal Kmisslons, (night entis- sims by dremnsV Dimness of Sight, Defective Memory, l’liy- -I -at Decay, Pimples on Kaeo. Aversion to Society of i'emalcs, C.iufusiou of Ideas, Loss of Sexual Power. 4c.. rendering marriage improper orunlmppy, J»ro thoroughly a phy -icinu who pay s sprctnl attention 1 treating thousands aunu- inns ki.< aingthis fact often When i« i'- inconvenieut to a i-it the city' for treatment, medicines can be sent privately fc.. 1 s. frly by mail or express anywhere. Cures Guaranteed in nil Cases undertaken. Consult.,tLf< p'-rsonally or by letter free and invited. Charges reasonable and correspondence strictly canliaouuaL 'PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of 200 pages, sent to any addri ss, securely sealed, for thirty ('!;!> eeut-. Should be r. :»d by all. Address as above Othce Lours frtrn c i. M. to 9 P. M. Sundays, i to 11*. H EXECUTOR'S SALE. Ik ? vfivf v at the ai ('"lumlii all the a of Ham; atig5 o: Mu onler from tlie Court of he first Tne-Ma vill ept ember i<'n house of F. M. Knowles \- Co.. Ga., within the It gal Ilnurs of sale, ional property belonging to the estate 1 Andrews, <U ceased. JACKSON ANDREWS rliv Vlltoi f, M. BROOKS, Qrdiuar, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In Front of Aiii-tion llonscoi' F. M. Knowles A; Ue. 4 GREEABLY to an orde.- issued out of the - V Court of Ordinary of said vounty. will be sold within the legal hours of salt, on the first Tues day in September next, at tlu- cornel- of Broad 1 and Tenth streets, in the city of Columbus, said : state and county, all of the personal property be longing to the estate of Mollie Jones, late of said ! county, deceased, consisting of Parlor and Bed 1 Room Furniture, two,Carpets, five Rugs and one Diamond Ring. To***** cash. GEO. Y. POND, augl oaw td Administrator. N EW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY of MUSIC Boston, Mass. THE LARCEST and BEST EQUIPPED in the WORLD-100 Instructors, 2UM Students last year. Thor ough Instruction iu Vocal ami Instrumental Music, Piano and Organ Tuning. Fine Arts, Oratory, Literature, French, Ger man and Italian Languages. English Branches, Gymnastics, etc. Tuition, £5 to $2ti • board and room with Steam Heat and Electric Light, #45to $75 per term. Fall Term begins Sep tember 9, ISSsL For Illustrated Calendar, with full information ddrets, E. TOUKJEE. Dir., Frtnhlin 8q., BOSTON, Mtfi CO mj 25d2jU WCQWtt 1 September 22d, 1886. l3est educational ad vantages offered to young ladies. For circular of information apply to the above jv8 dtsep22 am now prepared to do all kinds of House Painting IN And in the very best manner, with the best Paints, as cheap as any one in the city. I am always ready for small jobs as well as large ones. I have the best of workmen employed. JAMES M. OSBORNE Old Bradford Paint Shop. jy!2 se&w3m INCREASING FAST. Since we advertised a short time ago the num ber of those who handle “FANNY EDEL” AND “L ROAD” TOBACCOS is rapidly increasing, and we take pleasure in bringing the following revised list of such dealers to your kind notice: J. K. Giddens, J. R. & H. F. Garrett, C. E. Hochstrasser, L. H. Kauftnan & Co., G. W. Lewis, C. H. Markham, P. McArdle, T. E. Middlebrooks. Martin & Chalmers, Tobe Newman D. A. Andrews, D. A. Anglin Averctt & Porter, R. J. Auglin, J. Adams, C. Batastein, R. Broda, Bennett & C'o., T. A. Cantrell. V. R. Cantrell & Co. R. S. Crane, F. Conti, M. E. Edwards, A. Simons, W. R. Newsome, J. TI. Rumsey, Rothschilds Bros., T. J. Stone. ol' Iticlimoml. V irginia. Manufacturers of Fanny Edel and L. Road To baccos. licitX A- IjOEII him* our Solo Agoait* for lliiw forritory. my2 se6m ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell A Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, IO Spruce St., New York. Send lOots for 10O-naae Pamphlet G has taken the lead in tilt* sales of ‘hat class of remedies, and has given almost universal Wusfac- tion, A1URFIIY DP.OS,, Pans, Te* G has won the lavor ot the public and now rank* among the leading Medi cines of the oildom. A. L. SMITH. Bradford, Pfc Sold by Druggists, Price $1.00. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED l CTl’VK AGENTS WANTED to sett mining v. specialties. Big money in commission or salary to good workers. Addi-e*^ Hartsfcld Port- abb* Smelting Furnace and -Mining Company. P. O. Box No. 115, Newport, Ky. jy25 d&tWlm N.W.AYER&SOM ADVERTISING AGENTS Bt™ING PHILADELPHIA t or. Chestnut aud Eighth Sts. Itccclvc Advrrtisenients for thi3 Paper F^TIMATF^ ForSFfflSPAIEKADVERTISISG rprr Cul KnalLO at Lowest Cash Rates intt The Infallible Remedy lor Neuralgia. M. D. II OOD & C 0., Manufacturing Druggists, 93 Broad Street. Columbus, Ga. dtf L For Cash Cheaper Than Ever! AS I have to move my stock of goods soon, I will »ell any amount of same at prices below any thing ever vet offered in the city; but the CASH must be left with the order. SASH, DOORS AND BUNDS. Immense stock. Large stock of common Wood Mantels. Large stock of Slate and Iron Mantels. HIE LARGEST STOCK OF GLASS in the city of all sizes, kinds and colors. PAINTS & BRUSHES OF ALL KINDS. BUILDERS' HARDAVARE. Fifty pairs second-hand Sash in perfect order. Large lot of odd sizes Sash and Blinds. &c„ &c. T, L, GRUZARD, jylO dtf Columbus, Ga. (Copy.) Chicago, April21st, 1886. This is to certify, that the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank has this day received from the Union Cigar Company of Chicago, to be held as a Special Deposit, U. S. 4°lo Coupon Bonds, as follows: No. 2202s d. |500. t Market Value of which Is “ 41204 100. I “ 41205 100. J. $ 0 2. •• 62810 100. f $800. ; (S.) 7as. S. Gibbs, Cash. We offer the above as a FORFEIT, if our “FANCY GROCER” does not prove to be a genuine Havana-fillcrCigar.-Union Cigar Co. CIGAR Our LA I.OMA 10c. Cigar Is strictly Hand made. Elegant quality. Superior workmanhip* Sold by ail Grocers. UX/O.V CIGAR COMPAXV, Jo X. CUlitou St., - UIICAtiO, Retail by C. D. HUXT, Columbus, Ga. je2J dly • turnj»4 for SEASON ISSB. THE OCONEE WHITE SlLl’lllR SPRINGS VTTILL be open for the reception of guests It June 15th urder competent management. Resident physician and Western L T nion telegraph otfice in tnenotel. For terms address, OCONEE WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS CO, FOR RENT. T he Delaunay residence, in Linn- wood, with 8 rooms and 18 to 20 acres culti vable land attached. Apply to *ug4tf B. H. CRAWFORD* L 'HE SEVEN ROOM DWELLING AND vacant lot on north Fifth avenue, known as This desirable place will be sold cheap foreash, and parties wanting a home will find it to their interest in seeing me in reference to this place. Call early aud secure a desirable investment. TOOMBS CRAWFORD, Real Estate Agent. 1343 Broad Street, /J-23 dtf