Newspaper Page Text
House for Rent—M. E. C4ray.
Harness Horst* wanted for hi* board.
Notice-F. G. Wilkins, N P. Ex. Offl. J. P. #
Fire Clay Stove Flues—Philips’ Coal Yard.
Chattahoochee Building anil Loan Association,
Series 2—Cliff B. Grimes, Sec’y.
The Jury Commissioners.
The jury commissioners met nt the court house
yesterday and began the work of revising the
jury boxes. Their labors will hardly be finished
before to-morrow afternoon.
Two VuriH* kilb'l In l.iirliInimr.
We learn that a nt gro man was struck and
killed by lightning on Fitzgerald’s plantation
Tuesday evening. A negro woman was killed by
lightning the same evening near Boykin’s land
ing, forty miles down the river.
Beat It of Mrs. Abe Mitchell.
Mrs. Abe Mitchell died at her home near
Hatchechubbee, Ala., on Tuesday. She was a
noble Christian woman whose death is not only
a severe blow to herl*i»ih\ hut an irreparable
loss to the comm unitv in which she lived.
Death in Merlwolher.
Mr. Th read gill, an aged ami highly respected
citizen of Meriwether county, died at his home,
at Granger’s tank, on the Columbus and Home
railroad, four miles froth Greenville, on Tuesday.
He was a good man, and bad many friends to
regret his death.
Bishop Decker Comiinr to i oliimbus.
Bishop Decker, of Savannah, will make his
first official visit to the Church of the Holy Fam
ily in this city one day next week. The exact
time is not yet known. A meeting of the male
members of the church will be held at Rev.
Father Schlenke'g residence to-night to arrange
for the reception of the distinguished visitor.
Severed nil Artery.
Dr.. Seth Jordan was called yesterday to attend
u man by the name of Hancock nt the Muscogee
mills. It appears that he had an open knife in
his pocket, and run his hand down into the pock
et on to the blade of the knife, severing the main :
artery. He bled very freely, and if relief had not
been received as quickly as it was the result
would have been serious.
Not oil Hie Staff.
• We understand there is a young man in the
city who, when occasion requires it. claims to be
on the editoiiai staff of the ENqrnn:«-SrN. He is
represented as being a brunette, bangs his hair
and parts it in the middle. There is no such
person on the editorial force of this paper. The
young man certainly has an unusual quantity of
brass, and it may put up for him a “good string"
on Chief Palmer’s “hook” if lie does it anv
A Railroad Wdilimt.
Yesterlay morning at about 1 o’clock the
freight and accommodation train from Columbus
to Opelika ran into two cars which had been
blown from the side track at Yongesboro on to
the main line. Fortunately no one was hurt,
and the damage to the train was comparatively
slight. The tiack was soon cleared, and trains
were not delayed.
A Good I aiuilj Moves Away.
Mr. II. G. Beall will finish packing
niture at his house on Rose Hill to-ila,
Mrs. Beall will leave in a few days for
Ala., where Mr. Beall will go to mere
Mr. and Mrs. Beall leave a host of fri
Columbus, who can wish them nothing better
than that their r.ew friends may prize them there
as highly ns their old friends do here.
AssnnIt With Intent to Murder.
Jim McCormick, who struck Amler-ou Ross on
the head with a stick and fractured his ‘•kull
Saturday night, was arraigned before Mayor
Grimes yesterday morning and ti ns bound over
to the superior court tq answer the charge <*f as
sault with intent to murder. His bond was fixed
ut $500, and upon a failure to give it he was sent
to jail.
Rev. Peabody’s Brother.
Francis D. Peabody, of Columbus, Go., a
brother of Rev. D. C. Peabody, arrived in the
city this morning. Mr. Peabody is by profession
a lawyer, and intends to pass his vacation with
his brother, who also takes one at the same time.
In company with Captain U. H. Allen the broth
ers will go next week to Huron. Dakota, on a
hunting expedition. They will pursue the prairie
chicken for a period of three weeks. During
their absence Mr. Peabody's pulpit will !><• till. 1
A 1.1st of Interesting Volumes Received at the
Public Library.
The following new books were received at the
library yesterday, and are now ready for circula
"The Man Who Was Guilty,” by Flora Haines
“X Y Z,” by Catherine Greene.
“Zorrater,” by F. Marion Crawford.
“History of Tom Jones,” by Henry Fielding.
“The Kingdom of Ireland,” by Charles G. Wal- J
The Kiii toi) Trouble, In Auiru,111 hot Ail,limit'd
After All.
Augusta, Ga., August 18.—The strike is
on again. The'hitcli in the negotions re-
nelection. Of course, we presume the governor
has sometimes made a mistake in his appoint
ments, but we cannot recall a single appoint
ment that we would class unwise. Certainly the
nnpolntmcnt of Col. Carson deserves and will
meet the approbation of the people of this cir
“The now solicitor-general is a Christian gen- ! sultetTln the" breaking up“oF the“pea‘ce
I tlcman and one of our best and most useful citi* propositions and reinstating the strike.
I re ns. He Is a lawyer of experience and ability j The hitch is ns to who are included in the
and without a blemish in his character, whether liny roll. Secretary Turner understood
^ as a citizen, Christian, or lawyer. We are eonfi- ; superintendents, presidents, etc., to be on
dent he will discharge the duties of the Impor- ! l !' e P a . v .™ 1! > but thebooks of the company
taut office to which he has been appointed with
“A Vita! Question, or What Is to Be Done,” j marked ability and in a manner that will amply j g 0 to work. The mill men are”willing to
translated front tha Russian by Nathan Haskell sustain his excellency in the choice he has made, stick to the proposition accepted yester-
D ( |e, | “Thu governor has the wann thanks of our I day. They nre willing ‘ ’
Miifiiul l.ifp l'ayiueiitN.
Policy No. 14,598, issued May 18.1855, to Robert
Mickle, Esq., late Cashier National Union Bank,
Face of Policy *10,000 00
Dividends declared to date of death 17,417 00
*27,417 00
Dividend additions used by Mr. Mickle
to pay premiums 5.230 00
Proprietors »f tlici'entrnl Drug More
mill 1302 Bron.l Hfroet,
Have received in the last few days large addi
tions to their already heavy stock and now oiler
to their friends and the public generally without
doubt the finest stock of goods in this section,
consisting of the finest goods wc can obtain for
our prescription department, never allowing price
to be an object, as this is a branch of our business
show differently. Turner withdraws his
proposition and orders his knights not to
"The Wind of Destiny ” by A S Hardy | people for the appointment of Col. Carson. At I thing to arbitration, provided
“Where the Battle Was Fought,-by Charles i u, e ’appolntmeTtt Is' decline to havethe effif'‘the’ proposi-
Bgbert Craddock. , , ! „ r r T! 'Ion relative to payrolls stricken out.
“ The Destruction of Gotham,” by Joaquin Mil- reft*! red to in the Atlanta Constitution, the Ma- Turner is satisfied that any arbitration
ler. I con Telegraph and the Enquirer-Sun, and to j committee would decide that the officers
“The Magic of a Voice,” by Margaret Russell assure our contemporaries that Col. Carson fully named do not come within the meaning of
“EnM Angles” by Constance Fenimore Wool-
“Mustard Leaves,” by T. W. h.
“Balzac,” by Eugenie Grandet.
“.Some and Ballads of the Southern People,”
Policy and additions payable to his heirs
When solicited to insure in other companies > e '““e extra pains with, never allowing any hut
remember that the Mutual Life Insurance Com- , thoroughly competent plmrmaclsU to compound
panyofNew York is entitled to your first cot.- | Inscriptions. Fancy Goods and Toilet Novelties
sideration, since it holds the foremost place in an abundance, such as Combs, Brushes of ev-
leave “even- i among life insurance institutions in the world, i variety and description, numerous Crouds of
merits what they have so kindly said about him. the pay roll clause of the proposition: there-
“Col. Car^m will enter upon the discharge of' fore, having failed in their purpose through
Apply at the Old Reliable Agency of
D. F. Willcox, Agent,
dtf 1145 Broad St., Columbus, Ga,
Rim a mi Liquor! Mimral Wafer*!
After a lengthy correspondent
Toilet Powders, Cosmetics, Rouges, Lotions, etc.,
Colgate's, Oakley’s, Brown’s, Pear’s and all
i Standard Soaps. In perfumes we can please the
most fastidious* Try our new Floral Bouquet, the
! gem of the tropics. Every lady should have a
i bottle on her toilet table. Every article of merit
j obtained ns soon as brought to notice. Cigars,
have se- 1 we know no house in Columbus has as select line
e carry. Our Soda Fount still in full blast.
by Fra
uk Moore.
Sword of Damocles,” by Catherine
"Evan Harrington,” by George Meredith.
“The Secret of Her Life.” by Edward Jenkins.
“A Victorious Defeat,” by Walcott Balestier.
“The Vanderbilts,” by W. A. Croffut.
King Arthur." by Miss Mulock.
"Who Was Guilty.” by Philip Woolf.
"What Can She Do,” “A Face Illumined,”
“Without a Home,” “Near to Nature’s Heart,”
“Driven Back to Eden," "From Just to Earnest,”
“A Day of Fate” and “Barriers Burned Away,”
, by E. P. Roe.
■ “Gaiitran," or a “House of White Shadows,” by
1 B. L. Fnijeon.
“Story of Herodotus,” “Roman Life in the
Days of Cicero” and “Stories from the Greek
Tragedians,” by A. J. Church.
“The Marquis of Lome,” by George MacDonald.
“Tin* Manliness of Christ," by Thomas Hughes.
“The Harmony of the Gospel," by Robert \
The above books are well bound and in good
Arrhul of the Steuiner Amos Hoys With a Large '■
Ills dudes at the next term of our superior court a misunderstaildinff, he withdraws the , cured the recipe and right to mannfbctnre "Bn
the fourth Mnnrinv of this month tmw. proposition made by him on such minim- : nana Liquer,” sold for the first time in the United Shaved ice used, syrups prepared from pure
nr, doubt th.t will bn snob',,* t„ | derstandiiiff, and orders the Knights not ! .states in Horticultural Hall nt New Orleans Ex- buit Juices. Take Vichy, Saratoga and Bluelick
to report for duty, and declares the strike position. This drink we believe to be the most ' ^ at era on draught. Our prices as low as the
still on. — j palatable, delicious and refreshing ever offered , lowest. Good goods, fair prices and courteous
r -r’T>r "nvio a m t v the public; ‘tis made from expressed banana attention to customers our motto. A cordial in-
IN A FIT OF INSANITY i juice made by us. Try it. You will be delighted, vitation extended all to call and see us at either
Only 5c. per glass. store. Mr. T. M. Oliver, a thorough pharmacist,
We have made severel additions to our Soda hi charge at 1302 Broad, our upper store.
aug8 8m
his election by the next legislature of our state.
"Wo bid Col. Carson God speed and wish for
him the highest succoss.”
\ Voting Liuly Com mils Suicide Near Fairbnr
Mr. M. McClendon, of Jernigam Ala., was
the city yesterday en route to Pike county on a j * I Apparatus, and improvements in the material
visit. He made t he Enquirer-Sun office a pleas- | Special to Enquirer-Sun. I and mode of manufacturing our syrups, and feel
ant call. He is an old subscriber and says that i FAIRBURN, C»a., August 18.—Miss Emma j confident our Soda Water cannot be surpassed,
he takes the paper because it gives him more Cleckler, a young lady 24 or 25 years of Ice will be shaved for those who desire it. We
fresh news titan anv other muter he can find age, committed suicide at her home,' three ! have added several waters to our list and can
news titan any paper be can find. mUef of her6| yesterdny afternoon I "<>" the following Waters by the glass or
about fi o’clock by hanging herself with a -anon.
rope. It is said that she was subject Blue Lick, Waukesha
to fits of' inanity, and it is
supposed that she committed the
rash act while in that condition,
as no other cause is known. Miss decider
is the daughter of Mr. E. A. Cleckler, a
highly respectable farmer of this county,
and was a very estimable young lady. Her
death is deeply deplored by a large num
ber of friends and acquaintances. She had
Mr. McClendon is one of Alabama’s staunch
citizens, itnd is always welcomed in Columbus
where lie has a host of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hamilton left this morning
for Hamilton,
Mrs. A. F. Johnston left for Hamilton yester
H. C. Cameron, Esq., of Hamilton, was in the
city yesterday.
It. ,J. Hackney and family left yesterday for
Deep Rock,
High Rock,
For Sale.
A Horse and Buggy, Household and Kitchen
Furniture; also, School Furniture, Book Case,
Books, etc.
A Dwelling For Rent—possession given now.
Apply at 1233 Fourth avenue, to
Augl8-5t Geo. M. Dews.
Superior Spectacles and Eye Glasses a specialty
The Jeweler and Watchmaker.
their home in Rome, affer an extended visit to i made two or three ineffectual attempts to
The steamer Amos Hays arrived yesterday*
bringing a very large miscellaneous freight am!
the following passengers: Mrs. Laura Perry, Mrs.
N. Flewellen, Apalachicola: W. H. Sedberry,IoJa;
Ww M. Amos, Bristol; John M. Stephens, Smith’s
Bend; Miss Mary Thweatt, Eufaula; Louis Beli-
niori. Miss Minnie Bennett. Miss Julia Crow,
W. T. Barr. Florence; Miss Genie Banks, Bluff-
town. Twelve on deck, various.
The freight was consigned as follows: Wm.
Redd. 1 box caps, 1 box B. powder, 1 box hard
ware, 1 box matches; Abbott & Newsome, 5 kits
fish, 39 pails fish: M. T. Bergan, 8 1 . boxes snuff.
relatives in the city.
J. H. Martin, Esq., of Talbotton, is in the city.
Mr. W. H. Luttrell, of Waverly Hall, was in the
city yesterday.
Misses Lelia and Alabama Lewis have returned
from a visit to Talbot county.
Mrs. .John C. Cook, Mrs. W. O. Johnson and
Miss Maggie Cook left yesterday for the White
Sulphur Springs; where they will spend several
kill herself before.
(lovernor Ncaj’s Handsome Majority— Rumors
About tin* Standard Oil Company ami tin* (*eor«
gin Central.
Special to Enquirer-Sun.
Montgomery. Ala., August 18.—Gov-
No use leaving home; you have the Springs
Our stock of Fancy Articles, Perfumery and
Toilet Requisites is kept frill. We carry the finest i
and most complete assortment of Soaps in the
city. An ele f ant Soap at 50c. per dozen.
Tooth Brushes in endless variety—the best 2.5c. p or |j vl ,|
Tooth Brush ever sold. A beautiful line of Bath 1 L. P. Warner’s Residence, on lower Oglethorpe
Towels, Sponge and Chamois Skins. street, one square from street cars, five rooms
Special and careful attention paid to all Pre- J kitchen attached, dressing room, pantry, ser-
scriptions by carehtl and competent prescription- i vant’s room and stable No better well of water
He-Xo Tea, the kind the Chinese drink, is put
•P.’i, 1 j and 1 pound pactages at 75c. per pouud.
otf * R. S. Crank.
Geo. A. Bradford, Manager.
in the city. Price *20. Apply to L. P. Warner,
or H. H. Warner, at Union Depot nug!3 tf
m i. ,, ,, . I Montgomery. Ala., August 18.—Gov-
.lis. .!. Ii. Cranberry left foi Talbotton yester- ; ernoi'-eleet Seay s majority foots up over
i ,lav to visit her daughter, Mrs. S. B. Baldwin. j (l hundred thousand. '
| Captain J. A. Shepherd, of Butler, is tn the city. ' Rosin has recently advanced consideia-
Mr. It. E. Cat ter, of Ellerslic, was in the city hie. It is said the Standard Oil Company
yesterday. j bought most of the stock, hence the cor-
Misses Ida and Carrie Rountree, of Sherman J ? er \ The same company is reported as
Texas, who has been visiting Mrs. George M. 1 having quietly bought large UoekaofCen-
..., | tral Georgia railroad stock, which sold as
Cinpp. left for I on e yesterday. ! low as sixty, now quoted above par.
Mis» Maiy Murphy went up to Hamilton yes- ( Rumor has it that important changes'
tenlay. j will occur in the Georgia Central manage- |
ITof. A. H. Hough, who has been quite sick, has ; mont, and Colonel E. P. Alexander is fre- j
recovered. The exercises of his school were not quently mentioned as the successor of Col-
Linnwoori Dwelling for Kent. i Residence for Rent.
A dwelling house in Linuwood, containing six I fhe Residence, containing eight rooms, on the
large rooms, two small store rooms and other eftst side of Broad street and directly opposite the
necessary outbuildings,%ood well of water, five Conf'ederate Monument, is for rent. Possession
i i 'Ft r\ n , _ gn en first of October,
acres land. Known as the DuBose place. Pos- augl3 tf Mrs. S. J. Salisbury.
session given October 1st, ’86. j
CITY DWELLING FOR RENT. 4»0<I KlOSS tll<‘ (TliHl'<>||.
On corner of Second avenue and Fifteenth Nothing has been so productive of health and
street, containing five rooms, store room and diminished so much the suffering and mortality
necessary servants’ rooms, 1 . acre in garden children as Teethina {Teething Powders).
and good well water. Street cars running in
front. Known as the Alston place. Apply to
aug8 dim
Teethina allays Irritation, aids Digestion,
Regulates the Bowels, Strengthens the child,
Cures Eruptions and Sores and makess Teething
nr. Setli X. .Iordan,
by Rev. N. W. Hierman*.
(111.) Gazette.
Ilentli of a Forii
Died in Philadelphia.
August, in the 75th vearoi
beth B. McKee, wife <*i tlu
Kee, formerly of this city.
John G. and Hockley C. M
Mrs. \V. A. Ha mil I, of Go- i
Lizzie. James and J. A. M
Pa. She will be interred ii
Philadelphia, to-day. Mr
sided in this city, and ali *
gret to learn of her death.
of Otun
- Rockford
on the 16th of
ige, Mis. Eliza-
Hockley C. Me
ns the mother of
of this city, and
n, Colorado, and
Of Philadelphia,
el Hill cemetery.
!ee formerly re
new her will re-
Halt itr
. Hart, in
ir.. of this
ie happy
Following is the lesult of the games \tlnyed
Chicago—Chicago 7. Kansas City 1.
Philadelphia— Philadelphia 8, Boston 7.
Washington Nationals i. New York 1 game
called on account of darkness.
Detroit—Detroit s, St. Louis?, game called on
account of darkness.
Pittsburg—Pittsburg 0. Metropolitans 2.
Cincinnati—Cincinnati 9, Louisville ?.
Baltimore—Baltimoie 9. Athletics a.
Macon—Maeon 7. Charleston
Marriaev of Hon. i:. Thomas.
Married yesterday. i\t 9 a. m.. the residence
of the bride’s brother, Hon. Joli
Union Point, C»a., Hon. U. F.. Tiion
city, and Mrs. Emma Han Mille
Ga., by Rev. William Adams. D. P
couple left Union Point nt 10 a. n
ton, Va., where they will spend a few weeks,
reaching the city about the 3d c»i September.
The bride was a charming young widow and
has one child, a lovely little girl, she is a most
excellent lady of rare attainments and many
personal charms, and will receive a cordial wel
come to this city. The groom is one of the most
prominent members of the Columbus bar, is a
warm-hearted and honorable man ami has a host
of friends, not only iu this city but throughout
the state, who will congratulate him upon this
happy event and wish for him and his ftiir bride
a long life of peace and prosperity.
J. W. Griffith, W. 1>. .Savage, Philadelphia;
T. H. Harney. Boston: C. A. Edwards, St. Louis;
R. J. Henderson, Atlanta; F. E. Hayes, Louis
ville; J. B. Campbell, Baltimore; W. T. McKee.
Upatoie: H. Hirsch, Seale; E. I). Crane, Cincin
nati; w. B. Lowe, Atlanta; (i. W. Douglass, ti. F.
Field, Philadelphia.
M. Reeves, B. F. MeLouglen, Greenville. Ga.;
F. O. Reynolds, Philadelphia; Curry Marks, Yir-
giuia; Frank Corbett. Nashville, Tenn.; J. A.
Curbon, E. P. Willis. Montgomery, Ala.; R. K.
Carter, EUendie, Ga.: M. McClendon Jernigam
Ala.: M. McGuire, Hatchechubbee, Ala.; T. s.
flee; C. D. Hunt, 26
boxes sardines, 17 boxes soap: M. D. Hood & Co.
1 boxes drugs, 1 boxes glass; L. F. Dixon, 1 box
tin: M Simons., 2 bundles (20, buckets; Mer
chants’ and Mechanics’ bank. 2 cases C. goods;
; Peabody & Faber, 3 socks nuts; Loeb
A- Kaufman, 15 boxes snuff, 1 bar el snuff’;
Loeb A; Kaufman, 17 boxes empty bottles; R.
Peignnn, 80 boxes snuff', 2 tierces snuff': 1 barrel
snuff'; J. Hooper, 1 case matches; .51 boxes soda,
1 box snuff: S. Redd, li boxes soda; Hudmon
Bros. A-Co. 16 sacks shot; R. Jefferson, 1 box
matches: Garrett A* Sons, l box glass, 2 cases
cigars, 7 boxes tobacco; Kern A Loeb, 2 barrels
, sugar. 101 boxes soda, 22 boxes sardines, 20 sacks
i shut: Brannon & Carson. 2 cases upper; Swiff
; Manufacturing Company, 10 sacks dye stuff’s;
Huff' A: Starke, 7 1 , boxes snuff’, 23 boxes snuff';
Pearce A Tarver. 25 boxes sardines; J. E. Deaton,
j r > boxes sardine-. 3 boxes matches; C. & M. Knuf
man, 11 barrels sugar, 3 bundles p bags, 41-
boxi - soda, 28 boxes snuff, 1 box milk, 24 boxes
sardines, 5 bundles p bags, 23 boxes soda, 31
boxes snuff, 3 boxes milk, 3 barrels sugar; J. H.
Gabriel A: (Co., 3 packages" paper, 1G package i p
bags, 02 boxes soda. 9 boxes matches, [
89 boxes matches, l barrel snuff’; '
Erazit i & D< zier, 23 kegs horse shoes; J. Kyle &
Co., 12 cases dry goods. 1 case boots and shoes, 3 |
cases hats: L. Buhler & C'o.. 7 cases snuff; J. T. j
Kavanagh, 20 barrels sugar, 22 boxes soap, 25 i
sacks nuts: Penn A C'o., Opelika, 24 boxes Per
rin’s sauce, H boxes pickles, 3 sacks shot, 18
bundles pails, 17 boxes soda, 14 drums soda, 6
kcg< soda. 3 boxes soda. 1 box pickles, 5 sacks |
«• •flee, 2 boxes pickles, i drum soda; 1 bundle ,
pails, 24 sacks coffee, 9 boxes soda. 10 drums aoda, '
15 boxes soda, i t bundles pails, l box trickles, 4 ,
kegs soda: Hahn A: Bro., 1 case dry goods; Hud- |
man Brothers A: Co., 25 boxes soda, 8 kegs soda,
3boxes soda, 13 boxes soda, 2 kegs soda, 1 box j
cards: Schuessler Bros., La Fayette, 50 rolls bag- '
giug: Adams Bros., 100 rolls bagging; Andrews St I
< • sacks c offee; Henderson Brothers & C'o., :
Troy. :i cases b >crts and shoes; Wyley M., 2 bar
rels sugar. .) Loeb A t o, is sacks ol'ee.
I jisliions lor Boa f.ays. I Saratoga, August 18.—First race, for
Orange ami gray are a frequent combination. ' two-year-olds, H mile; Nellie B. won, A1
White camel’s hair is much used for 5 o’clock j Retd 2d, Brad burn 3d; time 1:1>U.
a gowns. i Second race, li miles; Harefoot won,
Linen cluck is used for tailor-made dresses and I 2d, Ultimatum 3cl; time 2:005.
Ul) 111 the same mnnnnr na wnnlen 1 "hirrl nice, mile; Fletch Taylor won,
imuk. up ,m the same mannei .is woolen ma, | Luca8 2 d, Little Minnie 3d; time 1:16.
Fourth race, mile and 70 yards; Falconer
won, Chickahominy 2d, Clay Pate 3d; time
1:52.C |
Fifth race, over hurdles; 13-16 miles: i
Burr Oak won, Bassanco 2d, Harry Mann !
3d; time 2:16.
Light summer toilets of bayadere striped ma
terial have overskirt and sleeves of figured ma
Tussore silk is most serviceable for constant
wear. It dyes and cleans well. It is made from
Indian wild silk.
Jet continues in high favor and is seen in great
variety. Jet galloon is used for trimming skirts
and bodices.
Dresses of woolen material are now made so
light that they are not a burden even in the
warmest weather.
Ribbon is used in profusion on all summer
toilets in the form of bows of every description—
ladders, bridles, sashes and ends.
Afternoon dresses of faille lined with lace have
overdresses of figured silk, having the same col
ored ground as the plain faille.
Beads arc much used for trimming. Some of
'*'»»«• F.|»piiig House for Hunt.
This is beyond question the most desirable
place in the city. Apply to
oug8 eodtf Kern & Loeb.
For Rout,
Five-room House immediately south of court
house. Apply to Mrs. Lyman Wells, or L G.
Schuessler. augll eod2w
Superior Spectacles- and Foe G \ —a - r . visdiy
dtf The Jeweler and Watchmaker.
All Druggists and country stores keep Teeth
ina. Brannon A: Carson, Columbus, Ga.,
Wholesale Agents, supply the trade at manu
facturer's prices. jv4 d&wly
Americas. Preston and Lumpkin 1st
mortgage 7s
Atlantic and Gulf 7s...
( entral con mortgage
Columbus and Rome 1st 6s. endorsed
Central R. R 104 @1C6
Columbus and Western 1st mortgage
6s. endorsed by Central R. R ...103 @105
Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta 1st
mortgage 112' @113
Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta 4s
2d mortgage 107 0.109
Georgia Railroad 7.- 105 @106
Genre;.. Railroad ti* ICG @109
Mobile and Girard 2d mortgage en-
100 @101
.117 @119
113 @114
A Florida Fire.
Jacksonville, Fla., August 18. —The
Times Union’s Sanford, Fla., special says
fire this afternoon destroyed Trafford '&
Co’s, tin shop, the South Florida railway
depot. Paramore’s livery stable, the Lake
View hotel. Hand’s warehouse and several
small buildings. The loss is 865,000; in
surance 611,000. A favorable wind pre
vented the destruction of the entire town.
(IiiiHhIkmh'Iiop iSnifflinsr and Loan
Association. Series •».
The payment of first installment in above
A Desirable 12 Uoom House.
j For rent, a desirable 12 room House, first door
| above Second Baptist church, on Oglethorpe
j street. Roomy and convenient for two families:
four room houee in yard. Apply to
1 augll eodtf Rollin Jefferson.
Cotton Basket*.—J can furnish on short
i notice any number of cotton baskets. My shop
is just in front of Enquirer-Sun office.
augl7 tu th sat se D. C. Crawford.
iiroad 106J^@107>£
then, are quite lar«e. For evening dresses they ! series has been postponed until first Thursday in
are used, rope fashion, upon sleeves from shout ' Octobl "' next r ' vo l hu,,drod move shares are
Riiiy Lost.
Seal Ring, letter L, lost on river road between r^ntraH^Ujoaii !'. Y.
Bass’s plantation and the city. $5.00 reward for Georgia 11 percent
its delivery at this office. iylg se&th4w Southwestern 7 per
il :r to el bo
The swallow has made its appearance on para*
sols in counterfeit presentment. As one swallow
does not make a summer, they are seen in dupli
Irish batiste In soft shades of clove gray, creme,
nprie >t, turquoise blue, cameo and sea green are
among the 1 ist of popular cotton fabrics for mid
summer wear.
necessary to complete tlie series.
Books of subscription arc* now open at office of ■
the uudersigned, and subscribers to the stock j
can be accommodated.
Cliff B. Grimes, ! j
augl9 Lh&se Sec'y and Treas’r. j
Dental Notice.
McElhany has returned, and will be
3 office from this date. Augl8-3t
A large consignment of choice Messina Lemo
t *7 a box.
dtf A dams & Bowers
Montgome .
gage 6s and Cent
Sonin Georgia and Florida 1st, en
dorsed by state of Georgia, 7 per
119 @120
da 2d. 7 per
cent in @113
Western R. R. Alabama 1st mortgage,
endorsed by Central Railroad 110 @11,1
Western Alabama 2d iportgage, en
dorsed * 113 @114
RA l LROa d stocics.
Atlanta and West Point 101 @102
Atlanta and West Point 6 per cent.
scrip. 103 @104
Augusta and .Savannah 7 per cent 126 @127
Oentrahrcommon 101 @102
ent. scrip 101 @102
193 @195
t. guaranteed..123 @124
105 @107
112 (@150
109 @112
107 @109
112 @113
10J @103
: 100 @101
oi \ I. 1. \ro> i< •
Frida \
•ther camp meeting begins on
—•'The people still complain about its being
hot—yet one of the oldest inhabitants remembers |
when his father ran a steam engine foi a week
without a fire.
—A number of Columbus veterans will attend ;
the reunion of the Fourth regiment at Talbotton. 1
—Scale will have a big barbecue on the 26th cf
this month.
— The county registrars have opened their j
book s, and voters should go forward and register |
as rapidly as convenient.
—There was a delightful social gathering nt the
residence of Mr. J. H. Bass last night.
—The fanners are still clamoring for rain.
A party of young people* spent several hours
most pleasantly last night at the residence of!
Misses Waddell.
—Colonel William A. Daniel is freely men
tioned as a candidate for clerk of the superior!
court of Talbot county.
Mr. J. T. Pearce is having another story '
added to his residence next t<» St. Paul church. j
Killed by Lightning.
Figured French linen lawns arc worn with un
derskirts of French sateen of the tint of some one .
of the designs. In dresses of this sort the bodice
is lined with the sateen.
Fine linen chemisettes, with tucks, hemstitch- '
ing or embroidery, have three buttonholes for
dainty studs. Cravats to correspond are .vorn j
with these chemisettes.
A hat of gold colored straw is trimmed with a '
band of pansy colored velvet, edged with a fall of :
Chantilly lace. On the left sido is a cluster of 1
daisies and anemones.
A finI'lKvss Horse
harness horse wanted for
summer. Apply to No. IL
Don’t trifle with Sore Tlirou
hen a remedy as f
his board during
2 Broad street,
t or Bad Cold <. r
ure, prompt and
For Snip.
! Eleven share's of Stock in the Eagle and Pheuix
I Manufacturing Co. Address
auglS lvv
8. Roberts,
Eufaula, Ala.
ion *& Ci
»s Fo
’taine’s Cure is
uul City Drug Store,
sold by
my25 tf
My Pure Apple Vinegar will
For Hi
Blotting Out Some Fast Records.
Here is a very queer thing. A committee ap
pointed to revise the standard rules of the N a- j
tional Association of Trotting Breeders
lias added to the caption the following sentence:
“All performances must be public contest, in
hsrness, to rule and against another horse or
horses.” I11 regard to this, Mr. Wallace simply
remarked: “This is already the law of the asso
ciation by previous action, ami proposed to be
incorporated here merely as a matter of conve
nience.” If this means anything it means that,
for standard purposes, nearly all the fastest re
cords, every one better than the 2:13',
of Maud K, when she beat Trinket, at Chicago,
are wiped out, including the 2:08of Maud S.,
the2;10of Jay-Eye-See, the 2:11!.,'of St. Julien,
with all the other very fast heats of these
horses, and tlie 2:13'., of Muxey Cobb and
Rarus. The 2:14 of Goldsmith Maid and
Trinket, the 2:14 ;l ., of Hopeful and the 2:15
of Lulu share the same fate. But queerest of all
is the fact that the compiler who so completely
Jennie Parker, a colored girl, 26 years old, ti e j announced that “this is already the law of the
Lomax, New York; J. H. Martin, Talbotton,
Miss Susie Stimon. Maeon. Ga.; D. \], Tillman,
Spring Hill, Ala.; J. S. Frank, Baltimore; P. 1.
Du,n>. Uunksnm.s C.;L. I*. 1* armor, Macon, Daniel has not departed from his usual castor.,
' , ‘ It <an k ,J Hn, Greenville, Ga. , that is, he has made a wise, and therefore a good
mother of two children, and living on the faun
of Mr. R. A. Holmes, in Talbot valley, while
walking to her house on yesterday at 12 o’clock,
with a bucket of milk on her head, was struck by
lightning and instantly killed. She was near a
walnut tree when struck, and within twenty feet
01 her was a wagon load of fodder drawn by two
mulov and in charge of two colored boys, and the
b >ys and mules were unaffected. After the thun
derbolt and in a few moments the sun was shin
ing upon the corpse of the girl. Ho\v frail is
human litel—Talbotton New Era.
Tlu* New Solicitor-General.
The Butler Herald has the following to say of
•lie appointment of Hon. A. A. Carson as solici
tor-general :
"Iu appointing our townsman, Col. A. A. Car-
son. to succeed Mon. T. \V. Grimes as solicito>
neral of the Chattahoochee circuit, Gov. Me
ns ociation” is tlie only “authority” that
maintains a performance against time to be
a record when the time is not beaten. He
gives the record of Jay Gould, for iustance, as
2:20 1 because he went in that time in an adver
tised effort to beat 2:14, at Boston, iu 1872, while
the National Trotting Association and all com
petent authorities have the record of that horse
2:21 1 .j. His own association will not allow it as a
record when a horse wins agaiust time. Wallace
assumes to make it a record even when the horse
loses against time. Is it not about time the
Breeders' Association appointed a committee to
revise its compiler? And iu doing so, would it
not be in order to investigate those false registra
tions, those “traps,” which deface and disgrace
his publications, and which no other compiler
that ever lived would have had the effrontery to
publish ?— Turf, Field and Farm.
30 Boxes choice Lemons, 360 in box, cheap.
dtf Adams & Bowers.
From October 1st, Store on Broad street, under
Rankin House, next door to corner, at present
occupied by Mr. J. A. Walker as a buggy and
wagon store. Apply to E. J. Rankin.
jy29 th se tu tf
Bios* Hii^' Machines Still <’hcit|M*r.
For the present I will sell the Wood Machine
at 60 cents each, and the Nickel-plated Machine
at 80 cents each, and teacli you free.
J. H. Br am hall,
augl7 tf 1117 Broad St.
Just received another shipment of flue lemons.
Thirty-five dozen to the box in'perfect order,
dtf R. Jubtice, Agent.
l ot* Kent.
The DeLaunay Residence, in Linmvood, with
18 to 20 acres cultivable land attached. Apply to
auglS tf B. H. Crawford.
A large consignment of choice Messina Lemons
at $7 a box.
dtf Adams & Bowers.
Cheap cash corner for best home-made cakes,
pickels, can goods, Mott’s delicious pressed
cider, honey in comb, etc. All goods guaranteed
fresh. Give me a trial,
dtf Robert Justice, Agent.
Columbus Agency of Columbus and Western
Railway and Southwestern Railroad Com
pany of Georgia, Columbus, Ga., June 6, 1886.
KoiiihI Trip Excursion Tickets
To Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Balti
more via Savannah and steamer, also to all Sum
mer Resorts are now on sale at Uuion Passenger
Depot at greatly reduced rates. For prices and
further information apply tc C. W. Meyer, ticket
seller. f W. L. Clark, Agent.
G. A. Whitehead, Gen’l Pass. Agent. jy6dtf
Superior.Spectacles and Eye Glasses a spscialty
dtf The Jeweler and Watchmaker.
Superior Spectacles and Eye Glasses a specialty
dtf The Jeweler aud Watchmaker.
Desirable Duellings to Let.
New two-story Dwelling just completed on
Second avenue, fronting court house square;
has all modern improvements.
Also, one-story Dwelling No. 932 Second
avenue, fronting court house square.
Apply at once to Thdo. M. Foley.
auglS tf
30 Boxes choice Lemons, 360 in box, cheap,
dtf Adams & Bowers.
A large consignment of choice Messina Lemons
at $7 a box.
dtf Adams & Bowers.
For Kent.
From October 1st tlie three upper floors and
part of basement of Rooney building,
jyll dtf Jab. a. Lewis.
For Knit.
From October 1st. Dwelling southeast corner
Broad and Fifth streets.
aug5 tf Robert 6. Crane.
Best Apple Vinegar for Pickling—four years
old, 10 grains strength, at 40c per gallon. Imported
White Wine Vinegar, 60 grains strength, 50c. p».r
gallon. Robert 8. Crane.
Atlanta 6s...
Atlanta 7s .
Augusta 7s..
Augusta 6s
Columbus 7*
Columbus 5s
La Grange 7**
Macon 6s
.Savannah 5s 161 (®io3
Georgia 40s 106V*»107' ,
Georgia 6s 103Vj@l04^
Georgia 7». 1806 j20 “@122
Georgia 7s, 3890 no @111
Eagle and Phenix 95 @ 96
Muscogee 96 @99
Georgia Home Insurance Comnany 135 @140
Chattahoochee National TO per cent...175 @200
‘ 10 per cent.. 125 @130
Merchants’ 1
Confederate Coupon Bonds.. 1 @ 2
$3000 City of Columbus Bonds, due 1909
25 shares Southwestern Railroad guaranteed T
per cent Stock.
25 Shares Central Railroad Stock.
$25,000 Georgia new F . per cent. 30 year Bonds.
310,000 Mississippi State new 6s.
10 Shares Merchants and Mechanics’ Bank
25 Shares Eagle and Phenix Factory Stock.
Georgia Railroad Stock.
Merchants awl Mechanics’ Bank Stock.
Georgia Home Insurance Co. Stock.
See me before you buy or sell. 1 can always do
as well, and often several p nuts better, than any
one else. JOHN' KLAlTi.1IAII.
Duelling for Kent.
The Brick Dwelling now occupied by Mrs.
Bedell, on upper Jackson street. It contains
five rooms, pantry, kitchen, servants’ rooms,
out-houses etc. Full half acre lot, good garden,
good water. Possession given on the 1st of Octo
ber next. Apply to Jno. H. Bass.
aiigG tf
Finest young Hysen, Gunpowder and Imperial-
^ new crop Formosa, Oolong and He-No Tea, pure
' and free from all adulteration—kind the Chinese
; drink. Robert S. Crane.
General Auctioneer. Ileal Estate,
Stock and Itoml Agent.
Special attention given administrators’, execu- (
tors* and assignees’ sales, selling and renting Schlitz and Anhuiser Bottle Beer on ice, Lon-
Real Estate at public or private sale. Office over don Stout and McEwan’s Sparkling Ale by'the
Abbott & Newsom’s corner. j dozen. Robt. S. Cr>ne.
For Sale—Mj Residence on Broad street. dtf *
jell tf F. G. Wilkins. J
Fine Fi^nr*.
• Any of the following are worthy of especial
. mention, and can recommend them as possessing
Books of subscription for above senes now open aluhe elements of fine quality and such as will
#ive satisfaction to the smoker : Garrett’s No. 11,
Pickwick, One Hundfed Per Cent., Our Firm and
Series 2, Chattahoochee Itutiding; and
Loan Association.
at office of Yonge & Grimes.
Cliff B. Grimes. Sec’v and Treas.
ym9t t
Notice !
For the next thirty days, during the time of
Registration of Voters, parties having business iu
Justice Court, in 668th District, G. M., will find
me from 10 a m to 3 p m at the Court House,
in the Grand Jury Room, where I will be pre
pared to do all duties connected with the office.
F. G. Wilkins,
augl9 oaw2w N P., Ex Offl. J. P. ,
Fire Clay Stove Flues.
Philips’ Coal Yard.
Conqueror. For sale at Crane’s Corner. dtf
Superior Spectacles and Eye Glasses a specialty
dtf The Jeweler and Watchmaker.
For Kent.
Five-room House in good neighborhood. Price
$20 per month. Apply to
uugH! ti’ M. E. Gray.
Glad tidings. Relief and cure of throat and
lung diseases. Fontaine’s Cure is guaranteed
to cure a cold in 12 hours. Sold by Brannon &
Carson and City Drug Store. my25 tf