Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, August 21, 1886, Image 3
HHHH IpnpmpimMRpjippnHnR DAILY ENQUIRER - SUN, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST *21, 1SSG A Texas Cattle Denier AVmitoil at llanmmy Grove, A llrakemun Suelusr tin* Atlanta au l Wont Point Railroad for llntn.iiros—C'«>tit*«>riilti»r the Killing of Mierlff Armstrong at Tuskttcot*—News Items From Florida. Georgia, At Harmony Grove last week, while Tom Ray and his family were visiting in the neighborhood, some parties broke open his house and stole two suits of clothes, 100 pounds flour, 75 pounds meat, 4 gallons honey, some lard, a gun and pistol, and before W. \V. Jordan, and all acquitted ex cept Dan Mints, who was put under a $200 bond. This makes two houses broken into and robbed in the same settlement within the last few weeks. had a rliite man, week a stool of bearded wheat containing 39 stalks each of 4t> grains. The wheat was grown on his place near this city, and raised originally from three grains of wheat found by Col. T. K. Spencer in a bag of coffee.- -Tampa Tribune. During the past week the following shipments were made from Fernandina via the New York steamship line: Per steamship Carondelet of the Mallory line, for New York, August 12—80,000 feel of lumber, 2S2 eases cedar, 84 barrels rosin, IS barrels spirits, SO packages merchan dise. N CKI* AM "3 Hy IVli irli Some of Our ( olebiutwl Pulilli- Philadelphia News. John Sherman is known as • 'l’ed- Jake Alexander, a burly negro. quarrel with Ed Howard, awhit_ , , o ar Bremen, Wednesday, and the negro | forty-eighth congress, hit him on the head with a maul, which ever since as “Horlzc made a considerable gash on Howard's face. The negro then attempted to hit i Howard with an iron wedge, but was hin- ' dered by a gentleman near by. The negro was arrested and carried before 'Squire S. L. Cravan, who bound him over to the superior court under a bond of $200. Jack Reeves and another gentleman brought the negro to Buchanan Thursday, and lie 'edge ’ ’ ’ " rrat. Belford, of Colorado, was called headed Rooster of the Rockies.” “Calamity Walker” saw in every meas ure ruin and disaster, if he happened to disapprove it. Morrison, the colonel, the author of the horizontal i miff reduction bill in the has been known Izontnl Bill.'' Not far from him sits Holman, of Indiana, ordina rily known as “The tip at Objector.” Senator Van Wyck is known ns “Crazy Horse,” because lie shocks the dignity of the senate, trends on the toes of the peo ple, figuratively speaking, goes on the war path like the great Indian chief after whom he was named. Burleigh, who represents the Whitehall iNew York district in the house, is known as “Perpetual Motion Burleigh,” so active, restless and energetic r- he. was lodged in jail. Quite a number of persons in the vicin ity of Harmony Grove would like to see i r , - , - , the return of William R. Page, the cattle 1,1 Massachusetts they call their senators man. Before leaving there he purchased 1 Grandfather Hoar ’ and “Grandmother a number of cattle Irom different parties, , , and was to have returned and paid for j uf Our Own Evarts everybody, of them in ten or twelve days, but instead he ! course, lias heard. has been gone more than a mouth and Now that \ ice-Presulent \\ heeler is nothing heard from him, so those whom 1 £ o ne, the title ot “1 he Lone Fisherman he owes think Page has swindled them out seems about to be bestowed on Senator of the worth of their pioperty. 1' rye, of Maine, on account of his propen- A hailstorm visited the lower part of Sfvered’The fo^neheYdllp “ l ° E HCH" FF '/T'F 1 of* ISMiSTfflS- to he ton bolfs were scattered _ pell me™doing f ° r the Ham ' Prepared with strict regard to Purity, Strength and llealthfulncss. Dr. Price’s Hu kina Powder contains no Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Dr. Price’s Extracts, Vtinilla, Lemon. Orange, etc., llavor deliciously. fJi/CE BAKING POWDER CO., Chicago and St. Louis. WATER GROUND MEAL Giouml dally, and fYe-di all the time At §1.15 Per Suck, CASH. ( ) prices will hold good'unless some fluctan- tions in markets or the Merchants and Brokers Association forces tlie mills u* refuse to sell me Where 1 furnish the sacks c per bushel extra will be charged for the sack. KacvyAiBwa—iros--* sssssssssssss s s s s s s s For Fifty Years the great Remedy for Blood Poison ana Skin Diseases. For 50 Years. Interesting Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to all who apply. It should be carefully read by everybody. Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. S S S S S SSSSSSSSSSSSS ALL FIRST-CLASS Storetopers nowteep it for Sale j ! — TO much damage. The roofs of some of the houses in the vicinity were shattered, ar.d trees were blown down by the gate. In Fulton superior court John Russell sues the Atlanta and West Point railroad for $2500. The plaintiff claims that he was “Whispering Jimmy” is the name by which Gen. Ketchum, of New York, is known, and he got it because of the habit he has of always whispering into every body’s ear. But who ever heard the following men an employe ot the company, working in referred to in any different way than Dan the capacity of a brakeman. He put on Voorhees, Joe Brown, Joe Hawley, Jo« the brakes in response to a call by the en- Blackburn. Jim Fair, Biilv Mahone, Put gineer, and, while standing at it to take Collins, Nick Muller, Jack Adams, Tim the brake oil when the proper call was Campbell, Archie Bliss. Tom Reed, Abe made, the brake slipped from the ratchet Hewitt. Bill Scott. Dick Townsend. San and he was struck by the wheel. His jaw was broken and his face and head badly bruised. For these'injuries he now seeks damages. Pride of the Kitchen sti m U Iat e SOAP. ! Business TO PARENTS, Mnnv linking powders are very pernicious to lit'iiltli. ami while every one regards hia own, in* should also have a care for the tender um v-the little children. SEA FOAM contains none of the bail qualities of baking’ powders soda or sulerutiis. It contains no hurtful ingredient— no alum or ammonia. SCIENTIFIC. All Chcnifst who have analyzed Rea Fonm commend jt. Housekeepers who have used it will him* no oth< r. Cook's, whose best efforts! him* failed with other powders, are jubilant •ver Sea l’i mm. Saves time, saves labor, save* money. It is posit ivelvuneqnnled. Absolutely pure*. U>. d bv the leading hotels and rcstaurantm ii New* York eityand throughout the country. For sale by all first-class grocers. GANTZ, JONES <0 CO., J7<> Duane St., N. T. Randall, Dave Culbertson, Ben Butter- worth, Tom Eayne nr Tom Browne? LINCOLNS SUBSTITUTE. blent ‘Mutt ii >V ii Mi hurt on in n Into the War to be Killed. AhiMama. Tuskegee News: Mr. A. Tilly, a student of Emory college, is showing our people an atlas, which is an instructive ana valu- j able book of reference. He is endeavoring Washing n Critic Inablehhnfo compete wS “President Lincoln had a substitute in should receive^the^sunnort^aml'eneonr^ th , e , said Mr ' Noble D ' while agement of our neoole 1 P talking over old times in Washington. Col Ben Wnnlwv^itraSi.ot. j r _„_ “and he was credited to the third ward ot ColWe Ge^gU and a c a s n-ufo ^U this 11 wns "inter of 1864-’65. retarv L oTl im,r that G, ‘ n Fry, then provost marshal here. Thursday He was a’ ninnn n'nri ' sent for Ine and told me that the president maran^ai^reg^ttefby all *° t0 U ‘ e V & . ’ . , - , •’ : him. At that time I was connected with A Birmingham letter, dated Thursday, the Third Ward Draft Club, the principal sW’b: In compliance with a telegram i'rom object of which was to secure substitutes Constable John Morrill, of Montgomery, for members who might be drafted, to City Marshal Pickard, a negro woman “ There lived in our ward a son of a named Daisy Harris was arre this morning. La against her, but the of a story to the effect that a prominent sired to represent the president, and a physician of Montgomery has been living check from the white house for eight hun- ln illicit relations with her and is at the dred dollars, payable at Riggs’ bank, was the consideration. Nothing was ever heard bottom of her arrest. The story goes that he is madly infatuated with lier and has spent a fortune on lier, and that the pres ent arrest is only a scheme to prevent her escaping him. Concerning the killing of Sheriff Arm strong by B. C. Thompson, the Tuskeegee News says: Last Sunday evening about seven o’clock, two pistol shots rang out upon the air from the southwestern part of the square, and upon investigation it was learned that Sheriff A. S. Armstrong had been shot by Mr. B. C'. Thompson. The shooting look place between Loekard’s and Smith’s stores. Mr. Armstrong was shot in the center of the breast, near the. heart, and in the left arm below the elbow, which was broken, and kc survived only abjut ten minutes after receiving the wounds. When first shot lie threw hit: hand to his breast, exclaiming, “1 am shot, I am killed!” There was considerable excitement soon thereafter, which was promptly allayed and quieted by the coolness and determi nation of Judge Cobb. The remans were interred in the family burying grounds at Notasulga on Monday last.' The evidence all tends to show that the shootine was justifiable, but pending official investiga tion, we will not attempt to give fai ■. a id refrain from comment. Klnrliln. A white man named W. H. LaseteT stole some tools from J. E. Hall, in Clay county, last week,was arrested, gave bail and skip ped. The connection of Capt. E. C. Evans with the Gate system of street, railroads at Key West, as its superintendent has been discontinued. It is now thought that the grading be tween Tomoka and Daytona v.'ji! be com pleted within ten days, when ail laying wilPproceed at once. The exportation of cigars, etc., from Key West to the north for the last month are'estimated to be worth $129,000. This is not a fair average, however. One of the Key West sponge boats, after a three week’s trip, one week of which was spent in loading, cleared an average of $72 a hand on her last trip. George H. Zehubar and associates, of Palatka, have purchased thirty lots on North beach, near St. Augustine, from Mr. Morgan. Several Palatka people will erect cottages at once. A three-story brick building will shortly be erected on Venancio Sanchez's prop erty, opposite the Plaza, at St. Augustine. The plans have been drawn and the con tract already awarded. The county commissioners are erecting a large shed and digging a huge cistern in Jackson square, at Key West, near the en gine house. When finished it will contain about 170,000 gallons. It will be of use in that neighborhood in ease of a tire. A movement is on foot in Pensacola to organize a new military company. The Pensacola Commercial says that the move ment. however, lias been temporarily sus pended owing to the unpleasant situation on the Mexican frontier. Cotton is beginning to open pretty in Suwanee county, and picking will comme ice. The crop is reported as prom isiug, and although some caterpillar dies have been seen, the caterpillars themselves have not yet put in their appearance. The Suwannee and Gulf railroad gives promise of being a reality in the near fu ture, so far as Levy county is concerned. The incorporators are steadily at work, and are receiving considerable enconrage- m -nt from the people that live along the proposed line. Mr. Jos. Robles laid upon our table this of the young man afterward, but it was generally believed that lie was killed during the Wilderness campaign.” An Lon'rii Ka ah Had a ruby which lighted his palace at night. More precious than gems are beau tiful teeth, which light up fha face when diplayed by a smile. Ue sfoZODONT. and your teeth will be brilliant as jewels. inert breath sweet as the n sat : ■s of Cash- tu thiw There Are lletter Why's The south appears to long for an oppor tunity to demonstrate its devotion to the old flag by volunteering for a war. But there are better ways than that.—Provi dence Journal. House Cleaning Purposes. A Solid J‘2*oz. Unite for 5<'. J. J. WOOD, 138 Broad Street. siFiRiusro o-ooms j Spring Fashion Plates, HP IEOUj GOODS! Suits Made to Order, CLOTHING! CLOTHING! ( 10ME and give us your order. Do not wait til j you are pressed by the season, and then warn a suit made in a hurry. We are prepared, how ever, to get up suits at very nhort notice. If yoi want a suit quick, give us your order. If voi want a suit in thirty days, give us your order. I you want a suit iu sixty days, give us your order G. J. PEACOCK, ('lotltliitf NI]iciiili«c*ttircr, HI A* tttt llroa* Stm*t. eodtf Hollins Institute, VHELG-IILTILA.. We are Offering Some Excellent Bargains, WH! HXdZElTTXOLT -A. lEDEW : Union Lawns tit 3 k ; ('.lit >ice Muslin.- i / c; ■'lived dinii Lawns al cost. Egyptian Lace, worth 12ic, now 8e. Egyptian Lace, worth 20c, now 12ic, Shirts at G5cr Worth Being - overstocked in Table Linen, Towels and Napkins, we will sell til prices that will pay you lo huy and lay aside until you shall need them. J. A. KIRVEN & CO. BALL’S CORSETS, I lie ON t.Y < OR-F.T Ihut c»n he mum*, ty purdMKr of'er three weelis 1 we«fl "uiRFEGTlY SATISFACTORY , t, every respect, and its pro e refunded hy teHa* Mode -a a v .riety - ( Mvte* and price*. Beware# a* >rt*.let* imitations. None genuine without Hurt CHICAGO CORSET COf : ■!. L:::.enar4 St., New York, v 1 - .. v.y siTr—oa St. Chicago- A U A Used for pliysiclaj CAr.SULL.i .IN Tl-J. CLIN i: CLL, Paris. ft evifh k reiit bu • Tens by :\v V* rK mi l Loudon, and! i Ml- *1 niro of al tin. n in* u*j only la • . »< . -:ihs- ell. PRICE liii.M til: cheapest AilKET. Sold Every where. fiAFSOLES ■ education ;!. Languv taught in oonvcipJLiiTYr, COU .MBUS, GA., Founders and Machinists, DRUNKENNESS OR THE LIQUOR HABIT. POSITIVELY CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can lie given in a cup nf coffee or tew without tile knowledge of Uie pci-Hon Ink- ing It: i» absolutely hnrmlc'hs. amt will ef- ii-ct a pennaiienl find speedy euro, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an al- i thou- . I!* 1 cii*V;l!« 'I * i'.iU'iK-ter. It ’■-ti v .M U '< her*, nil rtliL-r advimtiige of bultibrit Mir druggist, ot Winchester, 1 °SSS!! One of my ctistoniei'h, Mrs. : t ], e ,ty. I apply W. W. R Iiid., writes Louisa Pike, Bartonia. RatiVloJpI In,!., was a long suft'erer with eonsump- tion inti was given up to die bt her] hysi- : cians. She heard of Dr. King’s New fti.s- i covevy for consumption, and began buying , it of me. In six months' time she walked : to this city, a distance of six miles, and is j notv so much improved she has quit using it. Sin- feels she owes her life to it.” Free Trial a bottle at Brani son’s drug Store. Hollh.s I’. <>.. V, further info: Pri iV Car* rI&\v mt DEAI.EliH ;IN n,N of mill in e'. en Instuneeu per el cure bus follinveil, II hit, r /nils. Tli« •in,| till Liiiiibt! I and Maiehi 8i ice i:| 11 Geilill” til id 1'' ly niitde uf r oi her pariic ooriii Dresh tl (till liqilt SpeciflOj/ ihilitv for lint? r Sale by Ui !•:NTS FAR Royal Pumps, Jtidson Governors, Eborman Feeders, St? Injectors, Hancock Inspirators and darcl AdvIi' .‘tiding, my dr tiKked “What ;iri* von rt a motherly old lady of her daughter, was swinging in a hammock in the side yard one Sui.uay afternoon. •’ 'St. Elmo,’ mother.” ‘‘That’s right, my dear; read all you want to about the saints, but I never want you to open a novel on Sunday.”—New York Times. Paper BoxesjBROWN CO i iON GIN, If you are suffering with General Debil- i ity, feel sick, languid and good-for-noth- I nig, don’t fail to get of your druggist a bottle of Westmoreland’s C’alisaya Tonic. It will do you good. Faikview Post Office, June 12,1883. Messrs. Westmoreland Bros. — Gentle men : I bought a bottle of your Calisava Tonic some time ago for my daughter who was suffering with a headache almost eon stantlv, had no appetite, and was suffering with general debility. It gives me great pleasure to state to you that she is now entirely well, and did nut take any other medicine except-your Tonic, and I don’t hesitate to recommend it as a good med icine. Very respectfully. D. M. FEDEX. Brannon & Carson, Wholesale Agents, Columbus, Ga. aug2(J ulw SIIE.YWIKIAH VALLFV AC.UOV. OF EVERY DEHCUIUTION A'i’ LOWEST PRICES. A LARGE STOCK of all kinds of PAPER, in* TV eluding Letter, Packet and Note Heads, Bil Heads, Statements, always on hand. Also F.n velopps. Cards, Kcc., printed at short notice Pajicj Boxes of any size or description not kep in stock made at snort notice. TIB OS. GIMIKItT, tf 4‘.? Randolph bt reel, opposite Post Office. MANUFACTURERS OF SI ml Ion’s I inpmvct Pumps, tsoj'pl um Witrc let’ Aliicliino: Syrup Kolllt Saw Mil •tite to exist. M. D, HOOD & GO,, fi:| HROAI) >T.. i'Ol.VMBUS, GA, Call or write fur eireiilar A full partlculnrs. ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising 1 in American. Papers hy addressing Geo. P. Rowell A Co.„ Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New York. Send lOctfc for 100-oac|e Pamphlet* Sugar Cane IM ills ! DR. RICE, tkiTLSik.. SzJr: .LA.GRAMGF.GA, WINt'lIhSTEII, V.i. Prepares for University; College, Army, Nav> or Business. Send for catalogue. ( . I.. (’. MINOR. M. A. Unv. of Vu. I.L. 0. jyl8 d2taw2m ~Come One! Come A NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR Ross Turkish Rug Machine. i SI am closing out, will for this week sell the . \ Nickel PI ted Machine ior if 1.00; Wooden Machine 75 coats. Designs nil sizes and style*, i ' . Lesson free by Mrs. CAUFIELD, 1010 Fir t avenue, uext door to opera house. aug!5 se tu The College ot Letters, Music and Art. Sixteen ; professors and teachers; five in music, with the Slisscs Ci'j, director, Misses Reichenan and Records, both graduates of Leinsic, and Miss Deaderick, a thoroughly trained vocalist; full apparatus with mounted telescope. For cata- ddress I. F. COX, Pres’t. i jy 13 d&w2 ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. In Fr nt of A nef ion House t F. M. K Monies A (’< 4 ORIlKABLY to .1 Court of Ordini.. v within the legall tours of sale, on the firs, day in Si ntcniber next, at the corner of Hr- d and Tenth streets, in tlu city of < oiumhns, * (id state and county, all of the personal property m - longing to the estate of Mollie Jones, late of -aid county, deceased, consisting of Parlor and Pa d Room Furniture, twoj arjic'.s, five Rugs and one Diiimoud Ring. T*.cash. GEO. Y. POND. aug4 oaw td Administrator. « > Market Street, CtiroB all forms oi’ PRIVATE, CHRONIC and SEXUAL DIS EASES. . . _ . Sjii'.rmatorrbea ana Inipolonoy., .s t ... . • ' r- *ii-e in youth, sex'ial excesses in int. r ,v • • : tri-.r a’t. l pr»«luuu,* v u»e of the fof~ • \< ri . Kmis*i n«. 'night emlf- i . ir- v ■ •! . - -f Si.-ht, Defectirc Memory, Fhy- i.I -i l».. . - iii , A \ i>i<*u ii»So«.ietj of Fcmafeu, u of Idea*, I .us* of Sexual Fown M.,reud*rio| '• sYPHiiisiUG' 1 , r n d‘ iui'oS: j fr "in tLo *»•;«: Oo».Ori'hoa r GLEET, •- r<*. Orchl'in Heruiri. ,or ttunurej; i-.i- - -mi '.'.I* Ii«n , qul kly euradi It i-i aulf-evi l,*ut thrit ii liv -in ,i, «1.■■ - .-j ,'inlnt*enti»a to a ceru-iu- lat- of di,ea.-eL ai,*» trtatiux tliou*aud> anuu- aily, acquire* treat «kiil. Pin-.i* kt.- tugthU faetoftcu re r,*r,ineiiJ | ersom v» mr cif' When ii i* luoon\cnicut to vi-.t ■i.'.- 'i'v for tre-’iii'-rif, iii.di,*ine< mu heaeul ornately 4.. 1 -f.fely I ■ :. : 1 * r • .. >• - . ei -. Cures Guaranteed iu all Cases undertaken* free »ud invited, PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of WO pages, sent to any ml !■ ••>•). »>■ surely s.-ai-J, for thirty H »l '.h • • . .: f; u - A. .o , •.* Si fj t. 'x.'UWiH.H SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PR C E LIST. je20 \ved,se&w Cm 'tTF THE 7iH. EX V4 1. VM -1 M {'• \ . \ Oil.. Atlnu my21 wilt